Oh absolutely, and if there was 1 mod that I would really download it would be that one. However, for my first set of ships, I was planning to do it all in a way that is completely unmodded as far as building the ships themselves, though there are a few that I am planning to revisit with the place doors yourself mod because it changes how I would put the ship together noticeably (the biggest examples being my Nova Settler and the Providence)
Nice build. I will say that the mod, Place Doors Yourself, allows you to set the path you want and not be a victim of Bethesda’s hubris.
Oh absolutely, and if there was 1 mod that I would really download it would be that one. However, for my first set of ships, I was planning to do it all in a way that is completely unmodded as far as building the ships themselves, though there are a few that I am planning to revisit with the place doors yourself mod because it changes how I would put the ship together noticeably (the biggest examples being my Nova Settler and the Providence)