we are not part of this program , this program has to viewed from your respective computer or laptops , this email cannot support your program or your institutions which has left many jobless , though the commission is able to employ ....... program supervisors have curtailed our survival to livelihood , this this my personal email which cannot be shared by institutions or universities who cannot employ ....and prefer the center of excellence for environment to be governed other than Anna university , .....it is a shame to study and be qualified if people are not as beautiful as reds ......or bottle greens .......
we are not part of this program , this program has to viewed from your respective computer or laptops , this email cannot support your program or your institutions which has left many jobless , though the commission is able to employ ....... program supervisors have curtailed our survival to livelihood , this this my personal email which cannot be shared by institutions or universities who cannot employ ....and prefer the center of excellence for environment to be governed other than Anna university , .....it is a shame to study and be qualified if people are not as beautiful as reds ......or bottle greens .......