Louisiana's Mandatory Ten Commandments Law: Full Guide, Breakdown, and Comparison. Don't Miss This!
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
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Today's episode is a deep dive into Louisiana's controversial new law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools. House Bill 71 was signed in by Governor Jeff Landry who claims this law honors the "original law giver," Moses, but I critically examine why this historical perspective is flawed. I also look at the implications of this law for religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Additionally, we compare Louisiana's educational, crime, and poverty statistics to highlight the state's pressing issues. Lastly, I walk through each of the 10 commandments and compare with other ancient legal and law codes.
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0:00 Intro
0:36 Agenda
2:14 What This Law Is
4:23 Tangent On Louisiana
6:40 How/Why
8:32 Tangent On The 10 Commandments
9:39 How/Why
10:36 The Objections & Legalities
14:46 The Implications
18:19 Tangent On Solutions
19:31 Church And State
25:29 Biblical Breakdown
37:14 Other Laws
43:45 Final Thoughts
44:39 Patron Thanks
#atheist #mindshift #atheism #exchristian #housebill71 #hb71 #louisiana10commandments #louisianatencommandments #10commandmentslaw #lousianabill71
I know it's long, but I wanted to be thorough! There is so much to say on this, plus I do a full breakdown of the 10 Commandments and compare them to even more ancient laws. Hope you all enjoy it.
The 10 Words of YHWH date back to the Anceint Egyptian Book of the D...
But as a law in America?... ... ... No. The Constitution comes first above all, and no religions must be in power. Even Christians know what happens when their sect has governmental power. As seen by Anceint Rome.
The politicians will claim to uphold YHWH's Word, but to put it in vain in their own seat of power.
Sorry... Forgive them, YHWH. They do not know what they speak of nor do. Forgive them for the transgressions that shall arrive by putting your name in vain.
(I'm not a Christian, but there's a reason why we don't do this again. YHWH? This is not his ways nor the ways of Yeshua. And the Christians who want this. Have no idea what they are asking for. Love is not law. Love is not an obligation. This goes against YHWH Word!!!)
Fine... I forgive the finality of what shall be. But I can not say the same for YHWH. Yeshua did not do what he did on the cross for people to be chained by law for the twisting of their ways.
... Forgive them, YHWH. Forgive what humans shall do....
Brandon I know in advance that this will be one of my favorite episodes, I’m on a hike now and don’t want to look at my phone and walk off a cliff or something. I started to watch it and walked in a tree 🤪I will watch later 🫡
Brandon I know in advance that this will be one of my favorite episodes, I’m on a hike now and don’t want to look at my phone and walk off a cliff or something. I started to watch it and walked in a tree 🤪I will watch later 🫡
You work alot
@@YNWA-1 Enjoy!
This has already generated a lawsuit. The governor, who declined $71 million in federal aid for school lunches and Medicaid funds, says he's looking forward to the law suits.
Money to lawyers, not to constituents.
Don't actually fix real problems, go ahead and waste taxpayer $$$ on religious bigotry/ hypocrisy.
❤ Ya Brandon
Thanks for being here. Yes, it's all so insane!
Can you imagine refusing to actually help people but instead want to shove religion down people's throat.
@@Equinox2149 we don't have to imagine it, it's happening all around us, in every state.
Scary indeed.
Aww, those kids ain't hungry for lunch; they're just hungry for the LAWWWRD!!
My immediate question is how many friends what's his face has who are lawyers who give him lots of kickbacks.
My next question is how _transparent_ the corruption is; if he bothers to pretend to try to hide it or is just gleefully open about it.
"Is he corrupt?" is not a question I have.
This is not about love. It is about control.
It’s the Christian cult way…..
YHWH will not stand for this... This blasphemy of his ways. Because of what Yeshua did.
This is not how it must be.
@@absolstoryoffiction6615 and yet the make believe god has allowed it……..
Right about that to the point it's scary AF
This law is as embarrassing as it is outrageous.
Dont be demoralized, you can do something!
Nah, the law is based af
The Ten Commandments came from Jupiter/Zeus, the jealous god.
See Exodus 19.4., which is taken from the myth of Zeus falling in love with Ganymede. Zeus transformed himself into an Eagle (Aquila constellation) and carried young Ganymede (young Aquarius) To Mount Olympus (became Mt. Sinai).
Moses is a personification of Aquarius.
@@thepalegalilean you don't follow actual Christian morality....don't lie
The first commandment is, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
How is that not establishing a religion?
right, it should be this simple.
It's not establishing a state church like England had
It literally violates the first amendment of the constitution.
What is the first word of the first amendment
Gov. Landry figures this route is cheaper than fixing problems.
My favourite command is "don't use people as your property"...ah shit, thats not in the Bible.
In my bible the tenth commandment is "You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."
And the annotations say, that we should fear and love god and we shouldn't entice or chase away the wife, "worker" or animals, but urge them to stay and do their duty.
@@philw6056 How can you love somone and fear him at the same time?
@@DavidSimic-ig9yd I have the same question. Additionally, why are they always talking about being "god-fearing?" And they say it like it's a good thing.
@@wolfpowers2867 Because it's nonsense. Bible says in love there is no fear and than "fear God and love Him" wtff?!?!?!?
@@DavidSimic-ig9yd I think it's a Stockholm syndrome situation.
Professor Plink gave a quick breakdown of the legal loophole you mentioned with it being “historical.” It’s frustrating because this is a win for evangelicals no matter how it goes. If the courts agree, they get to say they brought God’s law back into the classroom. If they disagree, they get to say how persecuted they are, galvanizing their base with fear and anger.
thats a good point on the win/win
Then it needs to be written in the ORIGINAL HEBREW, to protect, you know, that historicity.
They are completely delusional and they should be very afraid…..
of themselves.
Frankly, I think that's why they're doing it: there's a cynical political calculation about what will fire up the Evangelical base. This is one more step in the march towards a civil war, on the other side of which they hope to create a fully theocratic state.
I was a lukewarm Christian for decades. Then I became a public school teacher. Then my school got an influx of Muslim refugee students. Then I had my first Hindu students. Then I had my first secular and openly atheist and anti-Christian families. I had to admit I was no more chosen or saved than any of the now-thousand children I’ve taught. And I had to read the parts of the Bible that made me uncomfortable to free myself from the religion my parents forced upon me.
Kids are naturally curious and inquisitive, public school education and teaching forced me to reflect my beliefs, and I have faith from personal experience that many more will reflect and come to reason for the duration that this law is in effect.
Thank you for the intellectual honesty.
Thank you.
There aren’t any Jews in your school?
@@susanstein6604There have been a few, though I’ve encountered fewer than secular/atheists.
Ugh. As someone born and raised in Louisiana and a former Christian, I'm glad i no longer live there and never raised my children in that state. 😞
It is truly wild!
@@MindShift-Brandon On a tangential note, I got my undergrad degree from a public university in Louisiana too. I had to write a senior thesis for my major through a sociology class. I was very much a Christian at the time and, as my major was in education I wrote on prayer in the classroom and violence. That is, whether prayer had a positive effect in decreasing violence and negative behavior in schools and whether it's removal/absence had a negative effect, etc. It was basically a review of academic literature, studies, reports and articles.
Suffice to say, I was embarrassed by my findings but not necessarily surprised. In a nutshell there was zero evidence that prayer in schools reduced violence or improved behavior and its removal/disallowance had no effect either.
In short, prayer in school was maybe a placebo. Nothing more.
@@_S0me__0ne As an undergrad, did you have to do some statistical calculations yourself, or were you looking at the analyses of others, perhaps meta-analyses? (I'm not criticizing. Just wondering about your experience.)
@@Limited_Light I was looking only at the analyses of others. This was twenty years ago. To be honest it was an embarrassing paper all around. I was satisfied with my sources - I had collected, read, reviewed, and selected quite a few ( I had a stack of printed copies of articles several inches high) - but my writing left a lot to be desired... I think I made a C on the paper as what I turned in amounted to a first draft. I'd written the ten page paper the night before it was due. 🥴
@@_S0me__0ne No worries. I now teach a freshman level stats class, many times in the past 15 years. As an undergrad and grad, I had several psychology classes to relate to education plus one sociology class I took to learn more about qualitative research. All that said, I would not have expected someone that had just some stats to be able to carry out such a study, let alone meta-analysis.
I grew up in a household that would support this. I think most of the people who think this is a good idea simply don't think about people outside of their bubble. They also genuinely believe it has some historical standing. I cant tell you how many times I was taught that the Ten Commandments are the basis of our legal system. They dont think about it critically, so it's just accepted. I hope this get shot down in court. What a waste of taxpayer money.
couldn't agree more!
My mom literally came in and told me and cheered and said "Jesus is winning!!" and I was just like "...😐 What about the Muslim students...?"
That was the first thing that came to mind 😭😭😭
Even when I was a Christian I’d have been against posting religious items in public spaces
If I were a teacher, I'd put up other texts from other religions right next to the 10 commandments so that it's at least fair.
Do not forget to put up a poster that says, "Gods do not exist" and "Religion is an Opiate for the Masses"
As item one is an admission that other 'gods' exist but the Jewish god covets their popularity, maybe we do need texts about those other gods, so as to put this one in its proper context.
I'd put up the more egregious Bible versus, like Lev 25:44-46 and the best one for a classroom, Deut 21:18-21.
@VulcanLogic The one about donkey vs horse d!ck size and s€men emission should up there as well
Ezekiel 23 20
Remember when separation of church and state existed?
It never really existed in the way you imagine.
You've been miseducated.
@@RKling-o2bwhat about stone vs Graham?
Here in Belgium we have a very clear separation between church and state. It works fine.@@RKling-o2b
That's the precedent that will be used in the lawsuit alright. But courts don't make law.
Do understand the context of President Jefferson's phrase 'wall of separation between church and state?
He wasn't using it the way you seem to be, and the way it was used in the Soviet constitution.
He wasn't advocating scrubbing all religion from government. To this day there are religious symbols and the ten commandments all over inside and outside government buildings and monuments, and official prayers are happening daily.
Jefferson was explaining to the Danbury Baptist churches why he couldn't intervene in their fight against the government of CT that was favoring a different denomination.
remember when people actually READ the constitution, no one seems to know what it really says. especially cops and christians.
I appreciated one meme in which the large legible letters we should post are in the original language . . . Hebrew. It couldn't hurt for Christians to learn Hebrew!
That would result in Christians becoming Atheists.
I mean it says “easy to read letters”, it doesn’t specify which language 🤔
Fuck it, just put all 10 commandments in Arabic Script
Could be Greek or Latin too.
It's like these people have no idea what it means to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Imagine if a group of Muslims gathered and proposed a law that verses of the Quran had to be clearly displayed in the classroom for their "religious freedom". Oh the uproar that would cause. But when it's the Ten Commandments we're just supposed to be fine with it.
It's absolutely unbelievable how entitled Christians think they are.
Or the 7 tenants of Satanism, everybody would cause a uproar
Brandon mentioned a bunch of other ancient law codes. If I were a classroom teacher I’d print my own copies of all of them and post them on the wall right alongside the Ten Commandments. Might be a great lesson for the kids!
What I find ironic is that these hyper nationalist Christians very often deify the founding fathers yet go against their initial desires. If I’m not mistaken, Thomas Jefferson was the first to coin this phrase or concept of “separation of church and state” when addressing concerns written to him by the Danbury Baptist Association. If you asked these people what they thought of Thomas Jefferson, they would likely hail him as a hero, yet here they are, going against his initial desires or sentiments.
Yes, history is only useful to them, when it aligns with what they want.
The Danbury baptists were facing what they feltbwas persecution from the state of Connecticut. Jefferson was explaining to them that the federal government had no power to intervene...
@@RKling-o2b yes exactly. I’m just saying that, as far as I’m aware, it was the first notion conceived that tied the first amendment to freedom of religion and the separation of church and state as Thomas Jefferson says there exists a “wall of separation” between the two.
The 1st amendment is a restraint on the federal government from establishing a national religion, as well as from interfering if a state wanted to establish a religion or church, as CT had done.
Not unlike their understanding of their bible.
Putting the 10 commanments is much more about power and identity politics of many evangelicals. It is a violation of religios freedom.
Nice to agree.
The Ten Commandments came from Jupiter/Zeus, the jealous god.
See Exodus 19.4., which is taken from the myth of Zeus falling in love with Ganymede. Zeus transformed himself into an Eagle (Aquila constellation) and carried young Ganymede (young Aquarius) To Mount Olympus (became Mt. Sinai).
@@harveywabbit9541 proof?
Half of the list isn't represented in modern law and I don't think they actually want to explain what adultery is to anyone under 14 to 18.
It's just a stunt to indoctrinate everyone into believing that the state of louisiana or even the us as a whole are based on the bible.
Thank you so much for this breakdown! Christian nationalism has gotten real scary in the US lately. I'm so glad we have people fighting to preserve religious freedom.
Appreciate this!
There definitely should be separation of religion and state .
These Southerners really make it hard to not attach the "Bible-thumping Hick" stereotypes to them. Thank you for handling those issues more gracefully than I would've Brandon.
That stereotype would be a kindness compared to the straight-up political hypocrisy. Ugg, its just nuts!
@nitawynn9538 So am I. These people and the stereotype they not only perpetuate but embrace are the reason I intentionally laid waste to any traces of a southern accent. I don't want to be linked to those cretins in any way.
As one of the southerners trying to drag the south kicking and screaming into modernity, please do not group us all together.
Classic Mindshift Sound Bite:
“Number 6, you shall not murder.
Congratulations Old Testament Law.
You now hit the exact same mark that every single set of laws has ever had.”
Always eager to hear your thoughts, don’t worry about branching out a bit from the channels normal content.
Thank you!
I would be doing the dance of joy with the 5th Commandment, "Honor your father and mother." This would give me the right to praise my Father, "Beverly." My dad was transgender. He served in the Army honorably during Nam. He didn't need to be drafted for he volunteered. When she passed away, those of us who knew of dad's other identity had the pastor discreetly place her favorite purse in the coffin with her. So, there is a least one soldier in the veteran's cemetery accompanied by a purse. Somehow, I do not think honoring my transgender father was what the Louisiana Government had in mind when they made this law.
That is a fascinating
You can honor your parents without men from over 2000 years ago telling you to do so. How about little children that are being molested and physically or mentally abused by the parents? Does this God want these little children to honor their parents?
@@KAT-dg6el depends what you mean by honor
wont give lunches but will do this.
I would also like to add this quote:
"I'm not concerned with an atheist. I'm not concerned with a Muslim." She said when asked about teachers who might not subscribe to the Ten Commandments. "I'm concerned with our children looking and seeing what God's law is."
-Dodie Horton. Republican District 9. Louisiana. The primary sponsor of HB 71
quotes like this from both her and Landry need to be all over the lawsuits that are coming to show this is not just about history to them.
Not that I’d prefer them to be more effective in their bs, but how do they not realize that’s supposed to be the quiet part and not the out loud part?
Why not add the 600+ commandments from the OT? 😂
Never been this early to a video, but dang! This is honestly a bonkers time to be alive!
it really is, and welcome to the early show!
The federal government needs to pull federal funding from LA.
The words "Ten Commandments" appears exactly once in the book of Exodus (34:28), and it is immediately after what is referred to as the "Ritual Decalogue", which is completely different from what almost everyone calls the Ten Commandments.
Its about keeping the holidays and not seething a kid in its mother's milk, among other things.
I’d love if some teachers put up those commandments instead as some sort of protest. Would love for a lot of people to learn how little they actually know about the text of the Bible.
(To be clear - not as a “haha you’re so stupid!” But as a genuine moment of learning. I’m not above some snark but I do really hope for education)
I just looked this up and your statement is not correct. "Ten commandments" is not a phrase in Exodus. Also, there are additional "commandments" that were excluded in this arbitrary list, such as Thou shalt not drown a baby goat in its mother's milk.
@@wolfpowers2867 וַיְהִי-שָׁם עִם-יְהוָה, אַרְבָּעִים יוֹם וְאַרְבָּעִים לַיְלָה--לֶחֶם לֹא אָכַל, וּמַיִם לֹא שָׁתָה; וַיִּכְתֹּב עַל-הַלֻּחֹת, אֵת דִּבְרֵי הַבְּרִית--עֲשֶׂרֶת, הַדְּבָרִים
The last two words literally mean "the Ten Words" or "the Ten Statements", but this is how "Ten Commandments" is expressed in Hebrew
I love how you went deep on this subject, bringing out the horrific reality of what they want, a detailed, extended definition of what the "law" is and the punishment for that law, and followed by a much better, Humanistic, secular, universal way to govern. 👊🏼😺
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours ox or his wife" This is disgusting. Women are not property. Men do not own them.
Yes, not the place to get our morals from.
At the time when the 10 Commandments were "written" women were considered property...
You're single, right?
@@RKling-o2b you realize plenty of wives agree with this take. Your question is as goofy as this law.
Plenty of wives think it's okay for their husbands to wish they had a different wife?
You're single too, aren't you?
I appreciate you addressing this. You did a great job of exploring the 10 commandments. I've had many of the same concerns.👍🏻
thank you so much for this kindness and this level of support!
As a native southerner, this bill actually getting passed is dismaying. The future precedent it sets alone is more than concerning. On the one hand, they praise -- practically deify -- the founding fathers, yet simultaneously spit on their ideals. Separation of church and state is there for a very good reason, and being the history lover I am, it's terrifying these senators either don't understand that, or don't care. This isn't about good morals for the state at all, but about control.
Edit: I'll give the small allowance that some of them may genuinely not understand given the state of education there.
Top of our own commandment list should be "Thou shall treat others with dignity and respect." That is a lesson that our children and their parents should take to heart.
today: 10 commandments mandatory in schools
tomorrow: a handmaid's tale
Handmaids tale is feminist propaganda
@@flyingpuma9729 And there it is, lol. Why are you even here?
@@flyingpuma9729 Translation: "waaaahhhhh"
You're embarrassing. Crying about the big bad meanie feminists. Grow up.
11 actually. So they can't count, either.
Good to see you expand beyond Biblical studies as such.
Thanks so much!
Wow... being raised protestant, it's eye-opening to hear that there should be a commandment protecting children. I wonder if it could have saved me some beatings and emotional callouses.
So sorry to hear that. Yes its insane when you take a good hard look.
Yeah, god wasted 4 commands all on himself. What a narcissistic egomaniac.
Excellent commentary as always, I feel the stress this takes to make this video. Thank you
Thank you!
They say there are strangers, who threaten us
In our immigrants and infidels
They say there is strangeness, too dangerous
In our theatres and bookstore shelves
Those who know what's best for us -
Must rise and save us from ourselves
Quick to judge
Quick to anger
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear
Walk hand in hand
Wise words from Mr. Peart.
🤘🏼 nice
2112, wasn’t it?
@@dewardroy6531 Witch Hunt
Jesus says in Mark 12:17 "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" which is the basis of the separation of church and state. Even then, when asked about why there was a forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, they answer with "God gave us free will". So where is the free will when it's being shoved in schoolkids' faces by the state gov? Exhausting levels of hypocrisy.
If they didn't have hypocrisy, they wouldn't have much of anything.
I'm curious how they'll deal with young kids asking about adultery seems very inappropriate.
Yup, issues everywhere.
And, "Miss, what is coveting my neighbour's wife?
Homosexuality is what Republicans are really concerned about.
Take whatever time you need. You are doing so much for so many through your transparency. ❤❤❤
Thank you!
Dogs don't piss on things because they honestly believe those things will be improved by the addition of dog piss. Dogs piss on things to send the message "This is MINE, not yours, and if you don't like it, tough kibbles."
It's much easier to gain reelection by passing this type of legislation. Fixing social problems and wealth inequality takes work.
yes, this is a huge part, just pandering to their demo.
We are sleep walking right into a dictatorship. White Christian nationalism is no joke. Project 2025 is not joke. We don't have time to be politically correct and just ignore the issues. We don't have that luxury. We need to call out the nefariousness every single time.
I imagine they'll be teachers who will refuse because they don't have that particular religion or are non religious.....I can't wait to see the fallout on this and tbh I hope it's so that it strongly discourages future attempts as such
If it's a historical document, then it should go along with a lesson about how a command to have no other gods before this supreme god has encouraged wars, murder, imprisonment, and division all the way down from history, and that's why we don't make laws concerning who or what people are allowed to worship or what they are allowed to think.
Here we go!
Thanks for always being here!
@@MindShift-Brandon Welcome....we appreciate you!
Yes, I agree with SCP-SAM.
There are, I am sure, lots of people, who are always here, too. I don't comment often, but I await all of your videos.
My life is very difficult at the moment, and I don't have many people around me, who seem to care about religion, ethics, morals so much.
It's usually more about, which new cell phone model is best, and which flowers to plant on the balcony etc.
So, your videos are very important me. And the comments below your videos as well. It seems there ARE people who deeply care about truth and human well-being. Your viewer community seems like lovely caring people.
So please know, you and your videos are always appreciated (sometimes I can't even wait for the next one!😅), even if we don't comment a lot. We are there 🤗☀️🍀
@@SeekingTruth2023 well said...and thank you for sharing.
As a Christian, putting the ten commandments should not be forced to be put on public schools, like you said it won't really change anything.
Brandon you are so awesome. I love your viewpoint. You are in the hierarchy of verbalization.
To include articulation.
Thats very kind, thank you!
I prefer George Carlin's revised 2-commandments.
Imagine if ALL those Christian believers volunteered in elementary schools across the state to teach and prepare students to succeed.
If posters worked then the “Just Say No” campaign should have eradicated drug use. It didn’t! It did nothing.
Important video. Thanks, Brandon. 👍👏
Thank you!
When oppression becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
Great video. Hopefully the courts will rule against this ridiculous law. Your discussion of the implications of this are spot on. We are living is a really scary time.
Thank you!
The origin story of Moses is IDENTICAL to Sargon the Great who predates Moses by a thousand years. 😂
he just went over that last video but yeah this book is just filled with ripoffs
Moses, the river god, was aka Osiris, Noah, Thoth, Hermes.........
for all those who claim that we need prayer in schools- i attended a parochial school from 5th-12th. I experienced more trauma, more cruelty, more indifferent willful ignorance of my lived experience than i ever did in public. Then on top of that, i came out of it completely unprepared for higher learning, all my classes were useless for college, didn't address how college was going to be or the information that everyone else knew day one. I'm not talking about the non-science stuff, either. they did teach what evolution was etc etc. I just mean the material covered barely met state minimums, *even though I was in what qualified as AP (advanced placement)*.
With all of that, and with the c ten commandments not only on the wall, but hammered in every day, and mandatory prayer, and everything Christians want in public school... it was AWFUL. I'm over 40 now, and those memories still bring tears.
I have been afraid of this for many years,, after watching the Handmaidens tale... Appalling things have always been done while hiding behind religion...
Hey Brandon your lower bookshelves/case looks like Zwieback bread. Probably not light reading. Another great presentation, thanks.
Maybe we need to post the Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the classroom wall.
Well done!
Thanks so much!
Honor your mother and father so that your days are long in the land. In that ancient barbaric times, if you didn't honor your parents you'd be taken to the elders at the gate and if you're found guilty, the people are to stone the child. So.... they are one step backwards. Two steps and they'll be stoning the children that rebel in any way. 🤔 Religion has really dumbed people down. They don't even understand what those words actually meant as they were written.
100%, I cover this towards the end.
But but but but Hunter’s laptop!
Amazing video, Brandon. Been following your vidoes from afar. Well done on the success of your channel. We have spoken about the lack of non-religious school choices in Ireland before. We have seen what happens to women and children in this country with a powerful church in state. I dont understand what is happening in America in politics and religion. Crazy.
Thank you!
Ten Commandments is a hot issue this week. Running concurrently is "the theft of the innocence of a child". Which I believe should be the unpardonable sin.
This was great! Definitely needed to be covered.
Thank you!
The symbolism of what happened as the governor gave that signing speech is powerful.
As he is spouting religious dogma claiming to protect youth, the token child placed behind him for the photo op, faints and is on the floor passed out. All while the governor goes on, oblivious to her safety or well being.
This is all about pushing Christian nationalism.
I don't think the posters in classrooms are greatly consequential, by themselves anyway. The impending legal fight, that I am sure they expect to go to the supreme court, is almost certainly their primary goal.
Thoughts and prayers
This has to be one of the best videos I’ve watched. Your videos are amazing, when I watch you I can feel my IQ go up 😂. Seriously though, you bring up some amazing points as usual, your thought process is clear and you are super organized. I love the way you covered this and provided examples of laws that came long before the 10 commandments, which the authors of the commandments clearly borrowed from. I love and wholeheartedly agree with the message you are sharing through this video. I can honestly say that I have learned so much more about life, history, religion and even the Bible itself now than when I was blindly following what I had been taught as a child.
Amazing comment. It really motivates me to hear how certain videos affect people. Thanks for taking the time to let me know.
10:02 “This is a fight against religious freedom”
Ya know, you can get pretty creative with how these posters appear. The requirements are pretty minimalistic.
You could surround the text with pictures of people laughing at and mocking the text, as long as the commandments are central and the focus of the poster. You could do some kind of pride display with rainbows. You could put a big arrow next to the poster saying "This is unconstitutional" or something. You could hang a bunch of moral teachings from other faith traditions around it.
I mean, its still a problem that its been signed into Louisiana law at all, and id be disappointed in my country if nobody smacks it down, but as it stands... you can certainly upset the lawmakers with some malicious compliance in the meantime.
I’m a 6th grade teacher in CA where this won’t be a problem. But I’d love to have this on my wall just so we could study other ANE law codes and critically examine the conflicting versions of the 10 and the severity of their consequences compared to how our society functions now. It helps that grade 6 curriculum encompasses relevant ancient history. Contrary to being a waste of time, the critical thinking opportunity it would provide when examining the secular law system and rights of others in our nation would be great.
Another great and relevant video. As a retired teacher, I find Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Bill and the raise of Christian Nationalism i.e. Fascism extremely dangerous to democracy.
Thank you!
Comical how people call Zeus fictional but those same people claim Jesus is real lmao 😂
You will find Zeus in action. see Exodus 19.4. where Zeus carried Ganymede to Mt. Sinai/Olympus.
Or other gods in general
I wonder, if these Christazis want to go the way of "Oh these Commandements are linked to Louisiana history!" would be totally cool with Voodoo/Voodun tenets and spells being plastered in classrooms as well? I mean, voodoo is a HUGE part of Louisiana history. I would *love* to see dissenting religions challenge this law.
30:26 I've actually known prominent Christians in my church who were watching the Superbowl during service. Right next to their wives and children, with no shame 😂😂
Heathens and hypocrites. I have some next-door that their “spare the rod” kid is so spoiled he’s a 22 yo narcissist.
This lovely Christian woman is constantly protecting him from the abuse he gives out to her and the other females in the house. Absolutely sickening.
Outstanding work, Brandon!
Thank you!
Here in Texas, our officials are watching closely, as they want to do the same thing.
i could see that
Even as a believer i disagreed with the addition to the pledge and in god we rust on the money. People don't realize that the same measure will be used against them also. Someone said something about that. Hmm can't recall....
They're trying to do a (rather lame) end run around the First Amendment by characterizing the placement of the Commandments as "historical". But it's clearly mere pretext
Very informative. Thank you.
I live in Oklahoma. Our state superintendent just ordered the Bible to be taught in our schools effective the start of this school year.
This is truly unbelievable!
@@SunflowerLife1 My wife is a teacher too. I am astounded that they haven’t thought through the repercussions of this. The confusion it will create will not just be in non Christian households, but in Christian homes as well.
My first question would be to the multitude of southern Baptist parents. Do you want an Assemblies of God teacher teaching your child about the Holy Spirit in acts.
Yeah I agree completely! It is astounding!
As someone who was born and raised and a current resident of louisiana , this disgusts and outrages me . 😢
Since when did posters on ethics and morality work in PUBLIC places.
"You can't just erase the rest of history as we know it..."
They'd like to, Brandon, they'd like to.
Good one! Thanks for all the background info. 🙏
My pleasure!
God: You shall not kill
Me: bruh didn’t you drop a nuke on a city?
Me: didn’t you literally kill 99.999% of every living thing on earth once cuz you were mad that the humans you created human were humaning?
@@sarahchristine2345people say that those people were nephilim. So technically not "human" anymore. Trust me they find a way around it every time.
@@darleneee92sure, but god is still omniscient, he knew that would happen, he accepted as fine and then k1lled almost everyone.
@@bluester7177 I don't think I understand what you're trying to say
Excellent work as always.
Thank you!
In my class when we're doing the pledge of allegiance in the morning, on the specific part where it says "one nation under god" I always kneel and get back up to do the rest of the pledge.
Even the pledge has been something I have been thinking about more. Teaching children to blindly pledge allegiance to a country before they can vote, before they can understand what kind of law or rule their country has, etc. And I am not against my country, but man its pretty bizarre to me. I need to keep thinkin on it though.
can't praise this one enough! Brandon, thanks for putting so much emphasis on the protection of children including the emotional/psychological impact posting the commandments would have on them.
Thanks, Maggie!
To quote Pink Floyd...
"We don't need no education...
We don't need no thought control..."
"We don't need indoctrination" would have been a better lyric. I appreciate that most people interpret this as the meaning of the lyric, but the literal interpretation is that we don't need to learn, and that's absurd to me.
@@TonyLambregts yeah. It's always been two-sided.
Usually the side who wants indoctrination, insists that it is education and that education is instead indoctrination.
Teacher, leave those kids alone. 👍
@@MrCanis4 the irony here is that teacher's don't want to indoctrinate.
This is not on teachers, it’s on religious thugs in government.
What a wonderful video, and a birthday present at that!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Hope it’s a good one!😊
@@coruscanta Thanks man :)
I’m not discrediting the facts here, nor the seriousness of this, as a multi-issue interested person (as I’d assume many are here, as most people as a collective), but I do appreciate (maybe this is me infusing my own personality here) but the “rolling of the eyes” undertone of all the actual issues Louisiana could be tackling, but instead hone in on faith, made me chuckle.
I’ve said this before, but I do want to reiterate my appreciation for your concern, articulation, and thoroughness, even though this particular video is more religion-adjacent to the “regular” content you’ve published so far on this channel Brandon. This sort of thing is something I like hearing about, and although I’d love to hear many of the topics you’ve mentioned, moving forward, this is the stuff where religion meets the culture, that I’m looking forward to hearing commentary and discussions from you and those that come on, from time to time.
There’s a difference, and it should be the standard, between learning about religions in a historic sense, but to limit to only one, especially in public funded schools, is not the proper way to go. It’s going to send us back a step, to say the least.
Thank you for this lovely feedback!
V Good video!
Just one clarification though. The Troubles in Northern Ireland were not about religion per se. They were about whether NI should be in the UK or party of the rest of Ireland. The two sides just happened to separate along religious lines as well.
People acting like the 10 commandments is the greatest law ever given always baffled me.
They’re just too simplistic to be anything that special.
Could you imagine if this god (instead of writing obvious stuff that toddlers can figure out) described what morality actually is and how to get the best outcome in any situation? Could you imagine how much smarter it could have been?
43:40 - "We can see the exact same thing for this special document you want in every single classroom ..." I'd rephrase this to: "We can see the exact same document for this special document 'that is wanted' in every single classroom..." The word "you" in this statement takes away from the problem being the problem and lays, at least part of the weight, on the followers or believers. For the sake of human solidarity let's expose the dirt and differentiate between people and the problem. This is not a negative criticism of Brandon's work! It's brilliant. It's a reminder of how often habits of thought need to be transformed if we are to progress; in my view, of course. Thank you, Brandon for your research and rationality; quite refreshing
"We're going to force our irrelevant and specific religious texts in the classrooms of all students.. because religious freedom" so rich. 🙄
Okay wow! I did not know that students have the right to not participate in the pledge of allegiance. In all my years of schooling we were always forced to or else face consequences.
Great video. Two points I'd like to add. What happens when a 5 year old comes home and ask their parents what "adultery" is? And also, my favorite, Louisiana is a death penalty state. Thou shall not murder. Ha.
The death penalty doesn't qualify as murder though
I was a little rebellious in high school. This would just give me another way to upset authority. Almost sounds fun..almost