It is - is it the Middle East or parts of SE Asia, but you don’t actually have any principles just an agenda and I wish you all the luck in the world with that for all the good it’s going to do you…
@@neuronaljunctiondecay5673 we aren’t, posting historical values upon which your civilization is predicated and celebrating your traditions and forefathers does not make you a theocracy. The ten commandments don’t become admissible in a court of law because they are displayed for their value as American historiography or foundation of western philosophy
It's so fitting, isn't it? Most Xtians only read a tiny fragment of the Bible, the parts they latch on to that help them feel superior. It's no wonder they ignore most of the Constitution as well.
Establishment is the word - not the religious practice but an establishment thereof, hence the phrase “separation of church and state”. The Southern Baptists are a church, Christianity is not and its precedents, philosophy and practice is a fundamental pillar of the USA. The founding fathers had no intention that religious grounding would at some point cease to underpin the American endeavor, only that human institutions would not be able to obtain undue leverage over it as had been the case in Europe…
A school district putting in the ten commandments is not Congress establishing a law of religion no matter how much you want it to be. Compelling people in speech to acknowledge gender faith is a violation of our constitutional right to free speech and practice religion no matter how much you don't want it be
The Hammurabi code is the oldest known written law code. Maybe the governor and his fellow zealots would know that if they had funded their social studies teachers.
But Judaism, Islam and Christianity are way more relevant in the United States. These 3 religions believe in the 10 commandments. That other guy's code is irrelevant.
Yes, they know that the law is unconstitutional but they don't care because, they are now almost sure that they can count on the majority conservative corrupt supreme Court Judges, especially Alito and Thomas to IGNORE the Constitution and rule in their favor.
Morality comes from God, not religion. If there isn't a God who will sit in judgement, what is stopping you from trying to get away with everything you can? The goodness of your heart? Can't count on that from very many people.
@@drewjorgensen768 Can't rely on the fear of a god either. If you need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person then you aren't a good person. I personally don't need the fear of hellfire to not do bad things. Do you?
@@brianhewitt8369 the Christian belief isn’t forced on others it’s a choice one makes who attempts to do good in life and not harm others we as Christian’s are taught to love all sinners but not like the sins of the world there’s no harm in this value in any way to others unlike Muslims who believe if your not in their cult your a worthless infadel .
This is disgusting. He is BLATANTLY wasting taxpayer money. He even admitted that he knew it was unconstitutional when he said "I can't wait to be sued". Why would we tolerate a politician who readily and knowingly uses resources to do something that will be challenged and overturned. WE MUST GET THESE IDIOTS OUT OF OFFICE.
The Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil law & governance. The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_ This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion. *Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office* _"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_* This means nobody is ever required to swear to a god or on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a god or religious book, but none is required. Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge did not use a Bible in their oath-taking ceremonies. Theodore Roosevelt did not use the Bible when taking the oath in 1901, nor did John Quincy Adams, who swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution. _"In this enlightened age and in this land of equal liberty, _*_it is our boast,_*_ that a man's religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest offices that are known in the United States."_ *-George Washington* (To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church of Baltimore, 27 January 1793) _“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_ *- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president) _“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_ *-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797* ....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything. A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli. The Supreme Court released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote: _"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that _*_our government is not based on the Christian religion and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_* _"Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?"_ *- James Madison 4th president* (A Memorial And Remonstrance, On The Religious Rights Of Man: Written In 1784-85)
Sadly America poses as a Christian nation but all of it's symbolism points to a Masonic nation resembling a form of Babylon whose true god their true god is Lucifer.
Can't wait to move back to Colorado next week from Missouri even with legal weed here it's like being in the 1800s. All red states are going far right and back into civil war times.
“We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.” Louis Brandeis, Justice with SCOTUS 1916 - 1939 Alito and Thomas are a disgrace to that great fallen institution
So when POLITICIANS and JUDGES are sworn into their positions, what do they swear on???... and when people go to testify in court, what do they swear on?...🤔... try not to hurt your self kid 🙄
@@leeg1069 so it's okay to swear on "anything"... that's not crazy or outrageous🤔 (a Bible, a scroll, a copy of the constitution, a box of pancake mix, anything)... but having a poster of 10 Anceient Laws of Morality (recognized by 3 major religions world wide) being posted in classrooms, that's outrageous😨😱😡!!! That must be stoppped!!!😨😱😡... but it's totally OK to teach Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and LGBTQ+Whateverism Sexuality in classrooms... that's totally fine🤨???
My guess of the poor child fainting as the bill was signed was probably overcome by sulfur fumes as she seemed closest to the burning fire of the gravel pit below?
It has been upheld that if you can post one religion's documentation/text in a public place, ALL religions have to have equal rights to do the same. Unless you want to throw out all rights and reject the constitution in it's entirety.
That document is shared by three religions. It makes one wonder why democrats are so opposed to _"Thou Shalt Not Murder"_ being taught to children while simultaneously supporting transgender ideology being taught to them.
@@Rathkryn Being slow is not cute. Noone opposed the rule, it's the NEED to have them in schools. Why do Christians preach morality yet never follow it?
the governor decided to waste government resources to show what a good Christian he is to his constituents. Supreme Court is like, yeah , seen that before, go away and stop bothering us.
No way why put up false religions. Only commands that matter are God's commands not no other fake made up religions. Don't need to pretend to be fair to made up deities they aren't real anyways only Jesus christ is real.
@@DouglasMarks-tv5pt What does Jesus Christ have to do with the 10 Commandments? The 10 commandments are from the Old Testament. And they deal primarily with how to worship God. There is separation of church and state and nobody has been able to prove one God, let alone the Christian one over all the other possible manifestations. The only thing more made up than the commandments is your username. Seems autogenerated or fake. Why don’t we post Newtonian laws, or the mathematics that describe our physical world? These are the laws the matter. Not some ancient message to a people who have little to no actual evidence of enslavement in Egypt. God commands genocide just a few pages after these commandments were given. Seems like a case of, “rules for thee, but not for me.” And politicians can’t even abide by them.
If the Supreme Court makes ANY ruling that blatantly violates our Constitution, the offending Justices MUST be removed by ANY AND ALL means necessary! Period!
Violates the 1st Amendment separation of Church And State. Like there’s legit hundreds of religious private schools in this Country including Louisiana send your kids there if you so choose.
They want to post this but don't want to live by them. Hypocrisy is is not a commandment but even then they still would not see it due to selective sight.
These religious people give me the creeps. If they think a majority of Americans will submit to their Christo-fascist rule, they've got another think coming!
@@marklasky3555 the Ten Commandments is a value system that God ordained what’s wrong with the values he would like for us to try to live by , I bet they are a long ways better than the values of a satanic book .
Atheists are usually just consequentialists. So if we could all agree to abide by the Ten Commandments no matter what and it had positive outcomes for society would that be a good thing?
Would be nice if the news didn't completely forget about the rest of the judicial system. The US Supreme Court doesn't typically hear state law cases until after the relevant state's courts have already tried them. In this case it shouldn't reach that far because the law is unconstitutional in Louisiana.
Correct democrats definitely do not live by them which is why they want them taken down. The democrat ten commandments come from whatever their rulers in government tell them to do or believe. (At this point it could literally be anything) Lastly if you think anyone perfectly lives by the ten commandments you’re wrong and have completely missed the point.
@@cpr75 this whole argument is a non sequitur. A person’s individual actions have no bearing on whether or not the action is objectively good or bad. People aren’t the arbiters of morality.
Lol😂 America like all of modern western civilization was killed by Christians at the time of the founding fathers America was 97 percent christian. Why do you choose to live under what Christians created why don't you leave Western Civilization if you don't like it. You act like this is Israel with a spit on people who don't follow their religion. Including children. What's evil is compelling children in speech to acknowledge your gender Faith as a physical and moral reality which is a violation of our constitutional right to free speech and practice religion
The Ten Commandments: #1: Thou shall not pay hush money to an adult film star you had an affair with while your wife is at home with your newborn baby.
Unfortunately for us, this SCOTUS has shown that neither the Constitution nor precedent matter if they can score the big points with their right wing dark money sponsors. Clarence Thomas's day trips across the globe and family tuition bills aren't going to pay for themselves!
Schumer there's no other pressing issues in your State other than violating people's constitutional rights to free speech and practice religion by compelling them in speech to acknowledge your gender Faith. Have you ever thought about having the courage of your convictions and leaving Western Civilization AKA Christian civilization. Maybe you preferred Sharia law or the Jewish talmud you can live in the Middle East somewhere. Maybe you prefer atheistic humanism you can live in North Korea. Christians like everybody else are entitled to their own culture customs traditions and laws and if you don't like it you shouldn't have chose to live under what Christians created which is modern Western Civilization.
@@ds7675 not really…have you looked around? It seems in the past crime was low when folks attended services dedicated to God on a regular bases. When our politicians sought God and now everyone is their own God and the world is in a literal outhouse that NEVER gets emptied.
@@LilMama68315 I don’t think that’s true at all. There are way more people in the world now and not everyone, as I hope you know, isn’t a Christian. Not to mention there is a separation of church and state in this country for a reason. Keep the church out of public schools and government buildings. There are plenty of “Christians” that do bad things all of the time, don’t blame everyone else. Not to mention there are more red states that have higher crime than large blue cities and I don’t want WASP folks shoving their beliefs down my throat at every turn.
@Domebuddy and practice yoga, educate kids with the massive library of information that is available that really helps humans understand true nature of reality
I dont care to change your mind; you’re clearly an unwell and unstable person. But can you define “talibangelical” for us please? I could use a good laugh.
I don’t think it’s necessary. Parents should teach religion, not the schools. That being said, there’s a new religion called Wokeism and one of their favorite symbols is the lgbt flag. I’ve seen those in many of my kids classrooms. Take that crap down as well.
@@dentonandsasquatchshow6824 Silly! Are Pride and BLM flags mandated by law to be displayed in classrooms? First, do I really have to explain to you the meaning of a Pride flag? It's the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of LGBT people as a social group. But I get it, you're one of those thick-headed talibangelicals who think that non-heterosexual orientations are immoral and learned. Same with BLM, which means Black Lives Matter. Are you saying that black lives don't matter?
@@ibme93 check out North Carolina Lt Governor who recently spoke at the Freedom Faith Conference. He is not melanin challenged and a Republican to boot.
The mental gymnastics it will take Thomas to justify interpreting “right to bear arms shall not be infringed” literally, but somehow twist “separation of church and state” into some kind of vague approval will be both entertaining and scary.
A person went on about how "hopefully" the LA supreme court would step in and deal with that mandate to post the 10 on school walls! My response? That's Sweet, really. They, the actual legislature of LA, and their Supreme Court, are fast imposing redistricting to reduce the political power of any not in their self-selected-groups. This is just the beginning of what they are up to. The next question I will pose, will sound hyperbolic, over the top on My part. I get it. I assure you it isn't and the answers involves enthusiastic participation by current, college educated, US citizens, worldwide doing what I about to ask next: The question: Why aren't there witch burnings on our streets, right now? The answer: They don't think they can get away with it, yet.
@JorgeLausell Why will no scientist or researcher say 'creation is a possibility'? Because their Proper Name would be black-listed for ever receiving tax dollars ever again. They know that so who is getting away with what?
@@u2mister17 Aww, thank you! I'm not sure where you get that there are restrictions on people, scientist or researchers included, on their saying that "creation is a possibility". Here's a real question, No Snark! How do You know? Not who, like yourself has no evidence of this being said, said it to you, but How do You Know that people are restricted from saying there's a possibility of a creator? And who is that "verifies" that such a creator is what They define it (He, I guess, for you) is? Given the second question there, then I ask you your follow up: Who is getting away with what? To be clear, that there's a creator doesn't mean that the creator is ANYTHING like the one as is currently popularized as some particular christian's understanding-depiction of what one is. Who speaks for All Christians? And since we are talking about creators, theists, people that believe in a supreme creator, Are all those versions of this creator the same? Who gets to determine which is correct? Again: who is getting away with what?
@@JorgeLausell I was out running an errand. It has been obvious the government bans scientists from just saying Creation is possible. Ben Stein did a documentary on it. Don't care what you believe but the founding of this Country was very much about Individual Liberty and our Creator.
I think you are right. Not hyperbolic to ask or even an answer the question you asked. I'd like to ask how these people would like it if the local Druid expected thier kids out at the old oak tree to learn to chant and cut sacred mistletoe!
When I took the rabbits foot off the mantle, the whole farm went array! (Don't look at the bills I didn't pay, the workers I didn't pay, the crops I didn't plant, market changes or my own negligence. It was the rabbits foot!)
@@jaredleicht1656so appropriate that it'd directly violate the first line of the first amendment. half of your type cannot even define "wokeness" because its definition changes to whatever you disagree with at the present moment
The old testament has so much we can learn from. Essentially, it's a historical account about the lineage of Christ, and the old testament tells us about how God dealt with Kings and prophets, how God punishes the wicked, etc. It is very important to a Christian!😊
@thomastaylor6699 well why isn't it in every church or on the out side of every church.....I'll tell you why because there are a ton of churches that only use the new testament or new testament churches now our children will be forced to learn Christianity from the protestants
Christians all persecuted all over the world. It just wouldn't make MSNBC any money to cover the tens of thousands of Christians in Africa being killed every year
@@bewell6019 No other former president called himself orange Jesus. No other former president indicted 91 times. No other former president surrounds himself with convicted felons
@@clothedinsalvation So you don't go to Church ever? Interesting. And if your belief is represented in schools, how will you feel when other beliefs are too, like Hinduism and Yoruba?
@@clothedinsalvation Ummmmm. No. To the majority of people around the world? No. To YOUR CULT? Yes. That's EXACTLY why it violates the Establishment Clause of the constitution your cult USED to support.... until now, when you want to burn it to the ground, except the part where you want to keep the right to murder as many people as you want.
Louisiana is among the top five states when it comes to poverty, gun homicide rate, child obesity, and teen pregnancy. It's near the bottom regarding SAT/ACT scores and economy. Posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms seems to be the most reasonable answer to addressing these problems.
In human history over the last 100,000 years - whoever has used force to tell my way is the only way - has not done too well 😅 and definitely not a sustainable mindset - free analytical thinking is the only way humans can make progress on understanding deep concepts of conciousness, the nature of material reality
Christian nationalism=Christian fascism. Frank Zappa was right when he said in 1986: “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy". He explains further what a fascist theocracy looks like: "When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view, and if that code happens to be very very right wing". Leave the Ten Commandments where they belong: in churches, not in schools! The only principle that is common in all cultures and all religions is the so called Golden Rule: the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them. So if one respects freedom of religion, that would be the only rule that would be acceptable to be displayed in schools.
Before any kind of civil unrest or war pops off in this country I feel like a lot of you need to realize that just because someone may be more right-leaning it does not mean they want to live in a theocracy and it does not mean they will help you champion that cause.
No, they don’t know that, because they interpret the Bible to mean whatever they want it to mean. That’s why there are so many Christian denominations. If the meaning of the Bible was clear, you’d have only one.
That's just it, though, isn't it? It's the very ESSENCE of why this is unconstitutional. It's a sectarian middle finger to all the "unworthy" Xtian sects, and to every other religion. This is the single most egregious violation of the Establishment Clause in American history, bar none.
No, its actually one of the MOST accurate versions....all the others are taken from compromised texts held and controlled for centuries by the Roman Catholic church who greatly tampered with the bible. But the KJV is largely based on the Waldensian Christians who hand-copied the scriptures in defiance of the draconian rule of the Roman Church, and who preserved the original teachings and biblical foundation of the apostalic church.
They don't want to scare the children with the actual text I guess. They will have panic attacks wondering if they are already damned because their great-grandfather decided to worship a graven image.
I am a student of the bible, and the King James Version is actually the most accurate publication available. Do some research and you will see for yourself.
Well, he cut taxes, tried to protect USA from 1ll3gal 1mm1grat10n and maintained a relative peace, his only mistake being how he handled the plandemic. But I'm sure the rainbow church would love this commendment of yours.
Guess what ... Moses wasn't a Christian. He may not even have been Jewish. I find more belief in that the figure of Moses may have been Pharaoh Akhenaten, which was the first case of monotheism in history.
Hmm... What does the Bible say about these things? “5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." -- Matthew 6:5-6
Although liberal I listened to a right wing conservative radio host today when I was driving. He was very critical of this governor, saying he was doing it to take attention off other issues he should deal with. He also pointed out that Louisiana has a very low literacy score, thus suggesting perhaps the governor should improve that, so perhaps students could actually read the 10 commandments. Same host had no problem with the 10 commandment, but saying this is unconstitutional.
Christ is definitely our savior! He died on the cross so that we might be forgiven of our sins if we believe that Christ can wash away our sins. As Christians, Christ is definitely king!
If we allow Christianity and Judaism theology we have to allow Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism. Wouldn't you rather that you get to teach your child the religion that you want and not leave it up to their school?
Why should anyone allow fake made up deities though? There's only one God and the only real holy scripture is the Bible not the others you listed those are made up fake deities people just don't want the true God and His ways they'd rather have thier own versions of god
@@rodbrezinski8033 people just want thier own version of god instead of the Most High God of isreal and His Son Jesus christ they want a fat dead buddha or a fake allah any other made up deity then the real one it's sad really.
1. Thou shalt not have any other gods before God. (Refers to the pagan gods {aka Idols} that the crazy people back then sacrificed human beings too) 2. Thou shalt not make yourself an idol. (Don't follow idols, and don't become an idol) 3. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. (A day of rest and no working, a guaranteed day-off of work doesn't sound bad) 5. Honor your Father and Mother. (There are EXTRA instructions in the good book about what to do in the circumstances of an abusive family household) 6. Thou shalt not murder. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not testify or bear false witness against your neighbor. (Do not lie and decieve, or have malicious intent against people) 10. Thou shalt not covet. --- Annnd the rest are pretty self-explanatory. I guess people just don't like morals or ethics.
Never trust a pastor who tells you how to vote or a politician who tells you how to pray
Yes, Ma'am! Never!
@@JessicaSmith-yd2nm why?
i have a picture of the KKK holding up a sign "we go to church, do you?"
they were your politicans, pastors, doctors.
That's right!
Crazy how they would scream if the tenets of another religion was posted in schools
They would want death sentences for any infidel trying such a thing and would find a verse to manipulate to justify the killing.
Because they're demonic.
It is - is it the Middle East or parts of SE Asia, but you don’t actually have any principles just an agenda and I wish you all the luck in the world with that for all the good it’s going to do you…
@@MJHdesprojthats called freedom, they’re theocracies, we are not.
@@neuronaljunctiondecay5673 we aren’t, posting historical values upon which your civilization is predicated and celebrating your traditions and forefathers does not make you a theocracy. The ten commandments don’t become admissible in a court of law because they are displayed for their value as American historiography or foundation of western philosophy
11th commandment - Thou shalt not have inappropriate relations with a 12 year girl and then call her a "young lady"
12th commandment thou shalt not let men dressed as women read to children.
The nuns used to say the 11th one was "mind thine own business" when I was in school.
Tell that to Joe Biden since he showered with his daughter
Not sure how well that works considering...
Numbers 31 : 17-18
that is trump's spiritual adviser
FFS did someone tear out the part of the first amendment that says congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion?
It's so fitting, isn't it? Most Xtians only read a tiny fragment of the Bible, the parts they latch on to that help them feel superior. It's no wonder they ignore most of the Constitution as well.
Establishment is the word - not the religious practice but an establishment thereof, hence the phrase “separation of church and state”. The Southern Baptists are a church, Christianity is not and its precedents, philosophy and practice is a fundamental pillar of the USA. The founding fathers had no intention that religious grounding would at some point cease to underpin the American endeavor, only that human institutions would not be able to obtain undue leverage over it as had been the case in Europe…
A school district putting in the ten commandments is not Congress establishing a law of religion no matter how much you want it to be.
Compelling people in speech to acknowledge gender faith is a violation of our constitutional right to free speech and practice religion no matter how much you don't want it be
This is not establishing a religion.😂😂😂
I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I am by the lack of firing neurons in your brain.
The Hammurabi code is the oldest known written law code. Maybe the governor and his fellow zealots would know that if they had funded their social studies teachers.
MIC DROP!! 👏🏻👏🏻🥇
I learned that in Christian school 😅
But Judaism, Islam and Christianity are way more relevant in the United States. These 3 religions believe in the 10 commandments. That other guy's code is irrelevant.
Isn’t “Thou shalt not lie” going to be a problem for the GOP?
it' Certainly a problem for Democrats!, ..especially Biden!
Not as much as it will be for the left.
Why? Self awareness doesn’t seem to be affecting the left!
You're expecting them to follow their own rules? Bless your heart.
Why are these politicians wasting taxpayer time and money writing a law they SHOULD KNOW IS ILLEGAL?!!!!!
Enough of this. Do your job!!!
Yes, they know that the law is unconstitutional but they don't care because, they are now almost sure that they can count on the majority conservative corrupt supreme Court Judges, especially Alito and Thomas to IGNORE the Constitution and rule in their favor.
⬆️ this do your freakin’ job. Stop wastin’ time and money
Stop this madness! We are a secular nation. Lunacy!
Are we though?
"they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"
Unfortunately, the Christian Nationalist believe that we are a theocracy. That worries me very much as a person who strongly believes in God.
It says a lot about these holy rollers that they think ethics come only from religion.
They've been convinced that they were born innately evil, then sold an exclusive cure.
Morality comes from God, not religion. If there isn't a God who will sit in judgement, what is stopping you from trying to get away with everything you can? The goodness of your heart? Can't count on that from very many people.
@@drewjorgensen768 Can't rely on the fear of a god either. If you need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person then you aren't a good person. I personally don't need the fear of hellfire to not do bad things. Do you?
@drewjorgensen768 i dont do bad things because they are bad. Why do you need a higher power to tell you how to act nice?
@@ArkhamOrderly everyone does bad things. Perfection is the only way without Jesus sacrifice. No one can be perfect.
Students of all faiths, or No faith should feel welcome in School. Separation of Church and State.
Means what exactly?
@@brianhewitt8369means no single religion has a say over all others.
@@brianhewitt8369 the Christian belief isn’t forced on others it’s a choice one makes who attempts to do good in life and not harm others we as Christian’s are taught to love all sinners but not like the sins of the world there’s no harm in this value in any way to others unlike Muslims who believe if your not in their cult your a worthless infadel .
LGTBQ then needs to be removed, by your logic
@@brianhewitt8369means you don't promote any religions.
This is disgusting. He is BLATANTLY wasting taxpayer money. He even admitted that he knew it was unconstitutional when he said "I can't wait to be sued". Why would we tolerate a politician who readily and knowingly uses resources to do something that will be challenged and overturned. WE MUST GET THESE IDIOTS OUT OF OFFICE.
I agree but I want that all the way around no more street pride murals and stupid crap like this
Its just liberalism creating more christian hate. Just like hitler did the jewish
It is not wasting taxpayer money. These displays are entirely funded by donations.
@@johnburkes3390pride isn’t a religion.
@@LuketheGreat-bg5zjdefending this unconstitutional garbage in the courts is a waste of taxpayer money.
The Founding Fathers deemed *ALL* religions unfit for modern, civil law & governance.
The *1st Amendment's Establishment Clause* prohibits the government from making any law, _“respecting an establishment of religion.”_
This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion.
*Constitution Article VI Supreme Law - Clause 3 Oaths of Office*
_"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; _*_but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."_*
This means nobody is ever required to swear to a god or on the Bible, or any other religious book for an oath of office. They may choose a god or religious book, but none is required.
Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge did not use a Bible in their oath-taking ceremonies. Theodore Roosevelt did not use the Bible when taking the oath in 1901, nor did John Quincy Adams, who swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution.
_"In this enlightened age and in this land of equal liberty, _*_it is our boast,_*_ that a man's religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest offices that are known in the United States."_
*-George Washington* (To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church of Baltimore, 27 January 1793)
_“The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan Nation.”_
*- John Adams* (American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father & 2nd president)
_“...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion."_
*-Treaty of Tripoli - June 7, 1797. Signed by President John Adams & Ratified UNANIMOUSLY, by the Senate June 10, 1797*
....only a few times in history the Senate unanimously agreed on anything.
A 2018 Supreme Court Ruling re-affirmed this statement, from The Treaty of Tripoli.
The Supreme Court released an opinion on May 14, 2018 in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Assn., 584 U. S. (2018), Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion wrote:
_"The Treaty of Tripoli was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President John Adams. As such, it is a "legislated text" which must be read "textually". The lower courts in this case read a hypothetical legislative intention into the text by dismissing Article 11 as "a mere formality". The language itself makes a clear direct statement that _*_our government is not based on the Christian religion and any attempt by a government official to represent our government as Christian contradicts the text and the historical understanding of our founders."_*
_"Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?"_
*- James Madison 4th president* (A Memorial And Remonstrance, On The Religious Rights Of Man: Written In 1784-85)
Sadly America poses as a Christian nation but all of it's symbolism points to a Masonic nation resembling a form of Babylon whose true god their true god is Lucifer.
Louisiana is ranked almost dead last in education. They wouldn't be able to read the commandments anyway.
"If those kids could read, they'd be real mad."
Can't wait to move back to Colorado next week from Missouri even with legal weed here it's like being in the 1800s. All red states are going far right and back into civil war times.
“We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.” Louis Brandeis, Justice with SCOTUS 1916 - 1939
Alito and Thomas are a disgrace to that great fallen institution
But I'd wager you believe the justice that testified under oath she can't define what a woman is is a beacon of stunning and brave.
We have never had a democracy funny person. It's called a constitutional republic for a reason funny person
@@brianhewitt8369 We have always had a democracy silly person. It's called a democratic constitutional republic for a reason silly person.
@@brianhewitt8369 Double think going hard rn.
@@Rathkrynyour not making any sense, have another sip and pass out!
Any judge who says we need to follow his religion needs to be removed from that seat.
Great! So you agree the leftist infiltrator pdf file cover-up and lgbt religious zealots need to go!!! Thanks!!!
Not only religion, but any belief. Wether it is conservative or progressive.
So when POLITICIANS and JUDGES are sworn into their positions, what do they swear on???... and when people go to testify in court, what do they swear on?...🤔... try not to hurt your self kid 🙄
@@fanboyhex1555They can swear on anything they want. You might want to do some research before you comment (but don't hurt yourself).
@@leeg1069 so it's okay to swear on "anything"... that's not crazy or outrageous🤔 (a Bible, a scroll, a copy of the constitution, a box of pancake mix, anything)... but having a poster of 10 Anceient Laws of Morality (recognized by 3 major religions world wide) being posted in classrooms, that's outrageous😨😱😡!!! That must be stoppped!!!😨😱😡... but it's totally OK to teach Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and LGBTQ+Whateverism Sexuality in classrooms... that's totally fine🤨???
My guess of the poor child fainting as the bill was signed was probably overcome by sulfur fumes as she seemed closest to the burning fire of the gravel pit below?
It has been upheld that if you can post one religion's documentation/text in a public place, ALL religions have to have equal rights to do the same.
Unless you want to throw out all rights and reject the constitution in it's entirety.
If tax money paid for this then it's unconstitutional on that alone
America is a Christian country, if you don’t like it then leave
That document is shared by three religions.
It makes one wonder why democrats are so opposed to _"Thou Shalt Not Murder"_ being taught to children while simultaneously supporting transgender ideology being taught to them.
Sure the kids can. Not the school. It's not difficult to understand
@@Rathkryn Being slow is not cute. Noone opposed the rule, it's the NEED to have them in schools. Why do Christians preach morality yet never follow it?
Majority of the students in the state can’t freaking read! Smh he is concerned with the wrong things!
Exactly time to get back to basics. Ethics and morality needs to come back to academia not snowflake cult values destroying it.
Who's ethics and morality? You happy to see The Five Pillars of Islam mandated on every classroom wall?
@@Marvellous132 per the constitution of the US, it’s not suppose to be there. It really isn’t that difficult.
@@WaterspoutsOfTheDeeplearning to read, write and do math need to come back to academia.
Displaying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights would be a much better choice.
I guess this performance of his is more important than the serious problems in Louisiana. Usual conservative inability to really help people
the governor decided to waste government resources to show what a good Christian he is to his constituents. Supreme Court is like, yeah , seen that before, go away and stop bothering us.
We should put Muslim, Buddhist, and Confucian rules up too just to be fair. I’m sure they would like those posted along with Satanist views.
Christian Nationalism is better. W Christians.
No way why put up false religions. Only commands that matter are God's commands not no other fake made up religions. Don't need to pretend to be fair to made up deities they aren't real anyways only Jesus christ is real.
@@DouglasMarks-tv5pt What does Jesus Christ have to do with the 10 Commandments? The 10 commandments are from the Old Testament. And they deal primarily with how to worship God. There is separation of church and state and nobody has been able to prove one God, let alone the Christian one over all the other possible manifestations. The only thing more made up than the commandments is your username. Seems autogenerated or fake. Why don’t we post Newtonian laws, or the mathematics that describe our physical world? These are the laws the matter. Not some ancient message to a people who have little to no actual evidence of enslavement in Egypt. God commands genocide just a few pages after these commandments were given. Seems like a case of, “rules for thee, but not for me.” And politicians can’t even abide by them.
@@DouglasMarks-tv5ptlol yours is false also buddy!!!! Imaginary friends are not real!
This country wasn't founded on Muslim or Buddhist
If the Supreme Court makes ANY ruling that blatantly violates our Constitution, the offending Justices MUST be removed by ANY AND ALL means necessary! Period!
Take it easy little fella.
I thought progressives believed in a non-textual approach to constitutional law?
Are you threatening the Justices lives? "Any and all means necessary" is pretty bold. So would you like to explain exactly what you meant?
Right,,that blatantly violates the Constitution! Having the ten commandments in schools does not violate the constitution!!
@@dentonandsasquatchshow6824 I think he meant what he said and said what he meant. Personally I have no problem with it.
The GOP should comply with the 8th commandment.
But lying is their new gospel.
Violates the 1st Amendment separation of Church And State. Like there’s legit hundreds of religious private schools in this Country including Louisiana send your kids there if you so choose.
It's time to bring George Carlin back from the dead
He was an ACTUAL LEFTist unlike Right Wing DemoCRAPs & Far Right Wing RepubLIEcans
oh yeah Le reddit funny man who you based your entire worldview around
@@farklestaxbaum4945 holds about as much merit as basing your entire worldview around what some dead guys wrote down a few thousand years ago.
@@Domebuddy and yet here you are talking about them 2000 years later. Nobody will be talking about George Carlin in 2000 years.
Thou shalt not practice necromancy
They want to post this but don't want to live by them. Hypocrisy is is not a commandment but even then they still would not see it due to selective sight.
Instead of signing stupid laws they should be seeking to help the people of Louisiana...they have nothing better to do!!!
No raising education standards?
That would require money , this is a distraction from actually focusing on that.
These religious people give me the creeps. If they think a majority of Americans will submit to their Christo-fascist rule, they've got another think coming!
"Thou shalt not steal" is a problem for secular thieves right?
@@marklasky3555 the Ten Commandments is a value system that God ordained what’s wrong with the values he would like for us to try to live by , I bet they are a long ways better than the values of a satanic book .
Then please leave this Christian country
The ten commandments are the only reason humanity has progressed so far just for lost souls like yourself to try and tear it back apart
Atheists are usually just consequentialists. So if we could all agree to abide by the Ten Commandments no matter what and it had positive outcomes for society would that be a good thing?
This is looking more like the Handmaids Tale every day! Separate the church from government! Don't push your religion on others! So wrong! So sick!
Would be nice if the news didn't completely forget about the rest of the judicial system. The US Supreme Court doesn't typically hear state law cases until after the relevant state's courts have already tried them. In this case it shouldn't reach that far because the law is unconstitutional in Louisiana.
Bring it.....
Proof maga doesn’t give a rip about the constitution, just 1 and 2a, but not when used by others, only for themselves.
They don't live by them .
Correct democrats definitely do not live by them which is why they want them taken down. The democrat ten commandments come from whatever their rulers in government tell them to do or believe. (At this point it could literally be anything) Lastly if you think anyone perfectly lives by the ten commandments you’re wrong and have completely missed the point.
I don't think MAGA believe in even ONE of them!
Nobody does. That’s why we have confession. Should we throw out all of our laws as well because people don’t follow them?
@@CarapaceClaviclethe people pushing theocracy the loudest follow Christianity the least.
@@cpr75 this whole argument is a non sequitur. A person’s individual actions have no bearing on whether or not the action is objectively good or bad. People aren’t the arbiters of morality.
They continue to show how evil they are.
You talking about the left (Democrats & Liberals)???.... absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Glad I left the left. They are 🦇💩🤪
The left is totally evil.
Lol😂 America like all of modern western civilization was killed by Christians at the time of the founding fathers America was 97 percent christian. Why do you choose to live under what Christians created why don't you leave Western Civilization if you don't like it.
You act like this is Israel with a spit on people who don't follow their religion. Including children.
What's evil is compelling children in speech to acknowledge your gender Faith as a physical and moral reality which is a violation of our constitutional right to free speech and practice religion
Run😊 to the top of American Christian Denomination and find where greed, perversion and immorality exists..
@@gregbolton1480 The rainbow church?
The Ten Commandments:
#1: Thou shall not pay hush money to an adult film star you had an affair with while your wife is at home with your newborn baby.
Lol if you think trump is the only one, idk what to tell you. Why do all the other politicians get to do it? Hmmmm...
I counted that he' broken at least 8 of them 😂
Name one that did exactly what Trump did? 😅
#2: Thou shall not say that if you're daughter wasn't your daughter, you'd probably be dating her.
#3 Thou shalt not become a one-man crime spree and try to topple democracy.
There's also a 4th set of commandments, by my Native American brethren.. it tells you what to do, not what not to do 🐾
Honor your Mother
Hilarious, Native Americans with their own 10 Commandments. Who told you that? No human can make up their own Commandments.
@@demsareunamerican6800 Maybe it’s from their deity(s). Who are you to judge?
Unfortunately for them, the supreme court already ruled it was unconstitutional to establish any religion in public school back in 1980.
Unfortunately for us, this SCOTUS has shown that neither the Constitution nor precedent matter if they can score the big points with their right wing dark money sponsors. Clarence Thomas's day trips across the globe and family tuition bills aren't going to pay for themselves!
What’s the point, Landry, no other more pressing issues in your state to pass laws on?? What a waste of time.
i guess as a democrat anything that says murder and theft is a no no doesn't sit well with your immoral thought process.
@@marknewman8368 Wrong, I’m not a democrat. 😂
Schumer there's no other pressing issues in your State other than violating people's constitutional rights to free speech and practice religion by compelling them in speech to acknowledge your gender Faith.
Have you ever thought about having the courage of your convictions and leaving Western Civilization AKA Christian civilization. Maybe you preferred Sharia law or the Jewish talmud you can live in the Middle East somewhere. Maybe you prefer atheistic humanism you can live in North Korea.
Christians like everybody else are entitled to their own culture customs traditions and laws and if you don't like it you shouldn't have chose to live under what Christians created which is modern Western Civilization.
@@ds7675 not really…have you looked around? It seems in the past crime was low when folks attended services dedicated to God on a regular bases. When our politicians sought God and now everyone is their own God and the world is in a literal outhouse that NEVER gets emptied.
@@LilMama68315 I don’t think that’s true at all. There are way more people in the world now and not everyone, as I hope you know, isn’t a Christian. Not to mention there is a separation of church and state in this country for a reason. Keep the church out of public schools and government buildings. There are plenty of “Christians” that do bad things all of the time, don’t blame everyone else. Not to mention there are more red states that have higher crime than large blue cities and I don’t want WASP folks shoving their beliefs down my throat at every turn.
,,, what about Hindu &I Islamic etc pp ...
Islam supports the 10 commandments that were given by Allah. Also known as yahweh, jahova or God. Funny person
Who cares about them
@@brianhewitt8369 Why not put into law that every classroom must display The Five Pillars of Islam?
@Domebuddy and practice yoga, educate kids with the massive library of information that is available that really helps humans understand true nature of reality
@@bonesbrigade2o2o who cares about Christianity?
Requiring the posting of the ten commandments in public school classrooms is talibangelical christian grooming. Change my mind.
It absolutely is
I dont care to change your mind; you’re clearly an unwell and unstable person.
But can you define “talibangelical” for us please? I could use a good laugh.
How is it any different than a teacher putting up a Pride flag or BLM flag?
I don’t think it’s necessary. Parents should teach religion, not the schools. That being said, there’s a new religion called Wokeism and one of their favorite symbols is the lgbt flag. I’ve seen those in many of my kids classrooms. Take that crap down as well.
@@dentonandsasquatchshow6824 Silly! Are Pride and BLM flags mandated by law to be displayed in classrooms? First, do I really have to explain to you the meaning of a Pride flag? It's the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of LGBT people as a social group. But I get it, you're one of those thick-headed talibangelicals who think that non-heterosexual orientations are immoral and learned. Same with BLM, which means Black Lives Matter. Are you saying that black lives don't matter?
We need the ten comments ever where . Smiple rules to live by.
No, because other people exist. You aren't special. Get over yourself.
Stop cramming made up fairy tales into schools, keep your messed up religion at home.
Louisiana dead last in education.
accepting lgbtq+ people as humans is “grooming” but putting religious laws in schools isn’t?
The lack of melanin around Republican governors is astounding.
@@ibme93 check out North Carolina Lt Governor who recently spoke at the Freedom Faith Conference. He is not melanin challenged and a Republican to boot.
The mental gymnastics it will take Thomas to justify interpreting “right to bear arms shall not be infringed” literally, but somehow twist “separation of church and state” into some kind of vague approval will be both entertaining and scary.
On the plus side, this might mean larger classrooms. They’ll need the wall space for the tenets of Hinduism, Wicca, Shinto, Sangria, Satanism…
Those aren't Godly, they're demonic.
@@Sheri77you don't get to force your religion onto everyone else!
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite you don't get to expose children to demonic practices.
@@Sheri77 Who are you to declare something demonic?
If you want a real-life example of something “demonic”, look up “auto de fé”.
@@Sheri77 Auto de fé.
*That* was “demonic”.
You could just send your children to a Christian school if you feel so strongly about this.
Next they will add the Trump Bible to the curriculum in Mississippi. 🤦♂️
And his picture under the ten commandments.
You do know that the Ten Commandments are engraved in stone on the wall of the Supreme Court.
Trump bible? Give me sources for his own translation please
Hope so😊
@@brianhewitt8369Hope so😊 Trump is right on everything 😅
If I were a Christian nationalist, wouldn't I display the Beatitudes? Moses was not even Christian.
A person went on about how "hopefully" the LA supreme court would step in and deal with that mandate to post the 10 on school walls!
My response?
That's Sweet, really.
They, the actual legislature of LA, and their Supreme Court, are fast imposing redistricting to reduce the political power of any not in their self-selected-groups.
This is just the beginning of what they are up to.
The next question I will pose, will sound hyperbolic, over the top on My part. I get it.
I assure you it isn't and the answers involves enthusiastic participation by current, college educated, US citizens, worldwide doing what I about to ask next:
The question:
Why aren't there witch burnings on our streets, right now?
The answer:
They don't think they can get away with it, yet.
@JorgeLausell Why will no scientist or researcher say 'creation is a possibility'?
Because their Proper Name would be black-listed for ever receiving tax dollars ever again.
They know that so who is getting away with what?
@@u2mister17 Aww, thank you!
I'm not sure where you get that there are restrictions on people, scientist or researchers included, on their saying that "creation is a possibility".
Here's a real question, No Snark!
How do You know?
Not who, like yourself has no evidence of this being said, said it to you, but How do You Know that people are restricted from saying there's a possibility of a creator?
And who is that "verifies" that such a creator is what They define it (He, I guess, for you) is?
Given the second question there, then I ask you your follow up: Who is getting away with what?
To be clear, that there's a creator doesn't mean that the creator is ANYTHING like the one as is currently popularized as some particular christian's understanding-depiction of what one is. Who speaks for All Christians? And since we are talking about creators, theists, people that believe in a supreme creator, Are all those versions of this creator the same? Who gets to determine which is correct?
Again: who is getting away with what?
@@JorgeLausell I was out running an errand. It has been obvious the government bans scientists from just saying Creation is possible. Ben Stein did a documentary on it.
Don't care what you believe but the founding of this Country was very much about Individual Liberty and our Creator.
I think you are right. Not hyperbolic to ask or even an answer the question you asked. I'd like to ask how these people would like it if the local Druid expected thier kids out at the old oak tree to learn to chant and cut sacred mistletoe!
@@u2mister17 Plenty do, without any fear, because that is honest science, *it is a tiny remote possibility!*
49th out of 50 for worse schools in the country, go figure.
Voters should remember, economies will go up and down but a Supreme Court Justice can last a lifetime... Please, vote SMART, vote BLUE!!!
When they took the ten commandments out of schools, the whole country went array. And now it's out of control and crazier than a bed bug.
When I took the rabbits foot off the mantle, the whole farm went array!
(Don't look at the bills I didn't pay, the workers I didn't pay, the crops I didn't plant, market changes or my own negligence. It was the rabbits foot!)
Ever heard of separation of church and state?
Apparently, you haven't. That isn't a law. 😂😂😂
Well, they already brought in the church of wokeness into school, so this is totally appropriate.
@@jaredleicht1656so appropriate that it'd directly violate the first line of the first amendment. half of your type cannot even define "wokeness" because its definition changes to whatever you disagree with at the present moment
The law is a good one. The Supreme Court is not compromised.
Secular north against the Christo fascist south. States rights or human rights? Good luck.
Yeah exactly.
Good luck.
State's rights protect you too, trog. You can't be this dumb.
How are Christians fascist?
You’re quite literally against Christian speech and the GOP are the facists 😂
The Declaration of Independence
Some Christians don't use the old testament. This is so wrong
The old testament has so much we can learn from. Essentially, it's a historical account about the lineage of Christ, and the old testament tells us about how God dealt with Kings and prophets, how God punishes the wicked, etc. It is very important to a Christian!😊
@thomastaylor6699 well why isn't it in every church or on the out side of every church.....I'll tell you why because there are a ton of churches that only use the new testament or new testament churches now our children will be forced to learn Christianity from the protestants
Those Christians are sure being persecuted here in the US 😂
Christians all persecuted all over the world. It just wouldn't make MSNBC any money to cover the tens of thousands of Christians in Africa being killed every year
Yes, they are.
They are, as predicted by the Bible. It starts in the West with state run media riling up the population with filth like this
They are.
Put the Bible down when in Congress or in Public School, preach on your own time.
Their orange cult leader broke at least more than half of those commandments
It's okay , most can count to ten, 10.
@@GordonPortice-py5zt You're right, most MAGAts can't count to 10.
Wow, you are so much better and have a _lovely_ glass house!! Stunning!
@@bewell6019 No other former president called himself orange Jesus. No other former president indicted 91 times. No other former president surrounds himself with convicted felons
seek mental help boomer
Do they really think the world had zero laws before moses? What about hammurabis code? Civilizations just didnt exist before the torah?
Religious people are absolutely incompetent and don't know anything about history whatsoever
You don't need "God" to introduce a basic code of conduct. The Ten Commandments prove that...
The 10 Commandments was given to Moses by God so there’s that
@@clothedinsalvationAccording to your religion. Not everyone else's, assuming they even have one.
@@thoughtfuldevil6069 I don’t have a religion. I have a belief.
@@clothedinsalvation So you don't go to Church ever? Interesting.
And if your belief is represented in schools, how will you feel when other beliefs are too, like Hinduism and Yoruba?
@@clothedinsalvation Ummmmm. No.
To the majority of people around the world? No. To YOUR CULT? Yes.
That's EXACTLY why it violates the Establishment Clause of the constitution your cult USED to support.... until now, when you want to burn it to the ground, except the part where you want to keep the right to murder as many people as you want.
The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.
Louisiana is among the top five states when it comes to poverty, gun homicide rate, child obesity, and teen pregnancy. It's near the bottom regarding SAT/ACT scores and economy. Posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms seems to be the most reasonable answer to addressing these problems.
Try not voting republican. And fund schools.
@@bjarkiengelssonYou should know that voting republican will be a far better alternative than voting democrat.
The 20 commandments just might be a moral compass for some of these young teens with no direction in life.
Fat fingers, 10 commandments- sorry
if you think common sense moral principles like "thou shall not murder" would magically make all of your problems disappear, you need to think again.
In human history over the last 100,000 years - whoever has used force to tell my way is the only way - has not done too well 😅 and definitely not a sustainable mindset - free analytical thinking is the only way humans can make progress on understanding deep concepts of conciousness, the nature of material reality
Maga Republicans don't follow the 10 commandments themselves 😂
Christian nationalism=Christian fascism.
Frank Zappa was right when he said in 1986: “The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it’s moving America toward a fascist theocracy". He explains further what a fascist theocracy looks like: "When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view, and if that code happens to be very very right wing".
Leave the Ten Commandments where they belong: in churches, not in schools!
The only principle that is common in all cultures and all religions is the so called Golden Rule: the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them. So if one respects freedom of religion, that would be the only rule that would be acceptable to be displayed in schools.
But it would be OK if it was the Koran nowadays, right?
No, that is still creating an establishment of a state religion.
@@andrewalderman9489 Yeah, I got that.
none of it is okay, ever.
You’re a fool, sip your vodka.
Under His Eye...
I've been trying to figure out fundamentalists for a while now - and then I saw the words 'Fund a Mental." Now I get it!
Love it!! 😂😂😂
Before any kind of civil unrest or war pops off in this country I feel like a lot of you need to realize that just because someone may be more right-leaning it does not mean they want to live in a theocracy and it does not mean they will help you champion that cause.
Do they know God's law says thou shall not eat pork shrimp and Sea food !
Not if your Christian
@@deadlytaJesus didn't change the Old testament!
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite mark 7 19
In this particular case he declared all food Clean
@@deadlyta Jewish god sez poppycock
No, they don’t know that, because they interpret the Bible to mean whatever they want it to mean. That’s why there are so many Christian denominations. If the meaning of the Bible was clear, you’d have only one.
Separation of Church and State
So we should be able to still?
keep repeating things your gradeschool teacher said boomer
@@williamgary7891like when Trump defrauded his own supporters with his Trump University scam?
These people flock and fall over themselves to pass useless laws.
👏👏👏 Good Job Louisiana. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 for your success.
Great, then Adultery should be disqualifying for holding any public office.
I win.
That's just it, though, isn't it? It's the very ESSENCE of why this is unconstitutional. It's a sectarian middle finger to all the "unworthy" Xtian sects, and to every other religion. This is the single most egregious violation of the Establishment Clause in American history, bar none.
No, its actually one of the MOST accurate versions....all the others are taken from compromised texts held and controlled for centuries by the Roman Catholic church who greatly tampered with the bible.
But the KJV is largely based on the Waldensian Christians who hand-copied the scriptures in defiance of the draconian rule of the Roman Church, and who preserved the original teachings and biblical foundation of the apostalic church.
They don't want to scare the children with the actual text I guess. They will have panic attacks wondering if they are already damned because their great-grandfather decided to worship a graven image.
I am a student of the bible, and the King James Version is actually the most accurate publication available. Do some research and you will see for yourself.
This is disgusting forcing his beliefs on others, this man needs fired
There's no such thing as a Protestant version and a Catholic version of The ten commandments
True, it's funny though Catholics have the seven deadly sins, so yeah we'll never see lawmakers vote to up hold those
I didn't think that either so I fact checked, there are 3 versions. Go look for yourself dude....
Who cares it’s all made up stories anyway.
There is no such thing as just ONE interpretation of the 10 commandments either.
The first commandment violates our constitutional First Amendment right
They could make it one commandment.
Imagine anyone thinking Trump is a Christian.
Sad really.
Could you be any more uninformed of reality and truth?
Well, he cut taxes, tried to protect USA from 1ll3gal 1mm1grat10n and maintained a relative peace, his only mistake being how he handled the plandemic.
But I'm sure the rainbow church would love this commendment of yours.
@@TheAgentAssassinwhere did they claim trump is christian? the majority of his supporters are christian, and that's how this is relevant.
Guess what ... Moses wasn't a Christian. He may not even have been Jewish. I find more belief in that the figure of Moses may have been Pharaoh Akhenaten, which was the first case of monotheism in history.
Moses was likely a convert to the Egyptian pantheon. Comsidering he lived in Egypt.
So the Satanic Creed, the Wiccan Creed and the Muslim Shahada are also going up?
I’ll go for the Wiccan.
Na, the goal is to repel evil, not inviting it.
Nothing more evil than Christofascist Evangelism
@@jaredleicht1656 Then get the cross out of schools!
The irony is, the ten commandments come from the Old Testament which has its roots, primarily, in Judaism.
The New Testament is pretty hostile to "the old law" of they would actually read it...
@@kahlilbt exactly.
So much for separation of church and state
Honestly. The way America is going, we don’t need the seperation. We need Jesus.
@dailydoseofreality9459 and breaking from the founders' ideals and they call themselves patriots.
@@dailydoseofreality9459we don't need imaginary friends that don't exist
@@dailydoseofreality9459No, we need the separation bevause Jeebus people are causing trouble again.
Hmm... What does the Bible say about these things?
“5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." -- Matthew 6:5-6
Although liberal I listened to a right wing conservative radio host today when I was driving. He was very critical of this governor, saying he was doing it to take attention off other issues he should deal with. He also pointed out that Louisiana has a very low literacy score, thus suggesting perhaps the governor should improve that, so perhaps students could actually read the 10 commandments. Same host had no problem with the 10 commandment, but saying this is unconstitutional.
I guess they'll have to give their orange leader a pass on a few commandments.
the governor supports trump who has broken every commandments
Isn’t the Code of Hammurabi older? I think it should be posted instead.
Any divergent sideshow that will be addressed in due time, must be ignored till the 6th of November. Moving day for 45 and fellow stains on merica
Awesome Job Governor! Thank you Lord, God!
The country was founded on Christian beliefs. There is nothing wrong with displaying the Ten Commandments… even if you don’t agree with them.
Christian beliefs are stupid
No it wasn't. There is everything wrong with displaying the ten commandments. You don't get to force your God onto anyone else.
@@jessehildebrant3220they really are
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite You don’t get to force your lack of God on anyone else. Don’t like it? Move.
No it wasn't.
This Court will uphold this law. So we replace the "Pro Homosexual Gender Bending" In public schools with the 10 Commandments. How can that be wrong.
Christ is king. All glory and honor to you oh Lord! Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ. God is goid.
It's a sad thing when adults have imaginary friends
Christ is definitely our savior! He died on the cross so that we might be forgiven of our sins if we believe that Christ can wash away our sins. As Christians, Christ is definitely king!
@@thomastaylor6699 imaginary friends are not real
@@UlexiteTVStoneLexite Christ is as real as you or me.
@@thomastaylor6699 no he's not. You have zero evidence of him ever existing. Let me guess Zeus and Athena are real also?
11th Commandment: Don't post in public
If we allow Christianity and Judaism theology we have to allow Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism.
Wouldn't you rather that you get to teach your child the religion that you want and not leave it up to their school?
Why should anyone allow fake made up deities though? There's only one God and the only real holy scripture is the Bible not the others you listed those are made up fake deities people just don't want the true God and His ways they'd rather have thier own versions of god
No 10 commandments been in USA schools for 200 years
@@rodbrezinski8033 people just want thier own version of god instead of the Most High God of isreal and His Son Jesus christ they want a fat dead buddha or a fake allah any other made up deity then the real one it's sad really.
@@rodbrezinski8033 separation of church and state been the law since constitution ratified 1781?
@@KendraEMoyer True also
1. Thou shalt not have any other gods before God.
(Refers to the pagan gods {aka Idols} that the crazy people back then sacrificed human beings too)
2. Thou shalt not make yourself an idol.
(Don't follow idols, and don't become an idol)
3. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy.
(A day of rest and no working, a guaranteed day-off of work doesn't sound bad)
5. Honor your Father and Mother.
(There are EXTRA instructions in the good book about what to do in the circumstances of an abusive family household)
6. Thou shalt not murder.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not testify or bear false witness against your neighbor.
(Do not lie and decieve, or have malicious intent against people)
10. Thou shalt not covet.
Annnd the rest are pretty self-explanatory.
I guess people just don't like morals or ethics.