Read it please Qur'an 18:106 That is their reward: Hell, for their disbelief and mockery of My signs and messengers. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir (That shall be their recompense, Hell; because they disbelieved) means, `We will punish them with that because of their disbelief and because they took the signs and Messengers of Allah ﷺ as a joke, mocking them and disbelieving them in the worst way.' surah an-nisa 2:172 O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth.1 The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him.2 So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!-for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs. Surah al-isra For your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And honour your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your care, never say to them ˹even˺ ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. Rather, address them respectfully. Sunan Abi Dawud 4311 Hudhaifah b. Asid al-Ansari said : We were sitting in the shade of the chamber of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) discussing (something) and when we mentioned the last hour, our voices rose high. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The last hour will not come or happen until there appear ten signs before it : the rising of the sun in its place of setting, the coming forth of the beast, the coming forth of Gog and Magog, the Dajjal (Antichrist), (the descent of) Jesus son of Mary, the smoke, and three collapses of the earth: one in the west, one in the east, and one in the Arabian Peninsula. The last of that will be the emergence of a fire from Yemen, from the lowest part of Aden, and drive mankind to their place of assembly.
OT is Christ concealed and the NT is Christ revealed. Chuck Missler used to say that all the time. I still love his verse by verse expository on the Bible. RIP Chuck, see ya soon.
@@MuhammadFazamarendra My dear Muslim friend: The Quran literally says Allah is the greatest of all deceivers (Quran 8:30, Quran 7:99). There is absolutely no deception in the one true God (Yahweh) and being a deceiver gives you the green light to say anything about yourself and it doesn't have to be true. Nothing in the Quran has to be true (like Jesus never died or that He wasn't the Son of God or Mary the mother of Jesus [who is mistakended for Miriam], is the sister of Aaron and Moses which is a HUGE not only biblical but historical error which would make Moses Jesus' uncle when they lived thousands of years apart [Quran 19:27-28]) because they are all Allah's words. Do you know who the Bible says is the greatest deceiver? Satan. The devil himself. And he has deceived the Muslims into thinking that he is God. The Bible says that he transforms himself into an angel of light (That's how deception works; makes you believe something that isn't true. Hence a liar) and from the beginning, he desired to be like God and receive worship which is why he was cast out of heaven in the first place (pride and rebellion). He literally managed to convince 1/3 of the host of heaven to follow him and rebel against Almighty God and has in fact obtained worship from us humans through other religions. Jesus said He is the only way to the Father. Therefore all other religions that say otherwise are false because Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. Repent of your s*ns, believe on the true Lord Jesus Chist (not Isa, but the Jesus of the Bible), be baptized for the remission/forgiveness/removal of your sins (the water is symbolic of Jesus' blood and also the grave where your old self is buried and you're raised to the newness of life like Jesus when you emerge) and receive the Holy Spirit. Just like that from that point you are saved. Not because you deserve it or did anything to earn it. Rather, it's all due to Jesus' si*less life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension; the spilling of His blood is what washes away all our s*ns and He did that for us out of pure unconditional love and mercy. It is due to being cleansed of our sins that we're able to inherit eternal life in Heaven where there will be no s*n and only Jesus' blood does this for our si*s, of the past, present and future. Accept Him while you still have the chance. God bless.
Hello pastor Vlad...I was under a demonic attack i prayed to Jesus, the name of Jesus was weak...the demons were getting closer and they said they were going to kill me (3 demons,two were indians and the other black)..I prayed to Allah and suddenly I was in a huge bubble, I could see them, they couldn't see me I was safe in the bubble and protected after I call Allah....when I was awake I was confused....i fasted half day,this happened again two days a go,I was under the attack I call the name of Jesus my mouth couldn't open I mumbled...and the thought crossed my mind call Allah...I woke up and google who is allah...and than go to my Alta (my place of prayer i call it an alta)and pray to Allah with my forehead on the floor...I saw that on Google (praying with the forehead on the floor), few minutes later something in me said...pray to Jesus just pray to Jesus...I'm a very young person and very confused...I'm depressed and suicidal...praying to Jesus always help me cope with my depression now the name of Jesus is weak..please pray for the teenagers we go through a lot......I got my licence 4 months ago the car was supposed to be a suprise on the day I got my licence ...I'm still waiting for my car..I prayed and ask God I need a car ,I deserve a car...why can't I get a car, all the young people have cars....
Lord I come to you asking for your blessings as a single mom because I’m losing faith. I’m raising my children with courage, despite the challenges I face. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord give me strength as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children I’m ashamed Lord help me. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own. Help me stay encouraged. ❤️
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you meet the needs of my sister who is hurting for financial and moral support. I thank you Lord for answering our prayers, in Jesus Mighty Name.
Thank you Pastor Vlad. Wow this was a great explanation. I too was a rebel, one of the worst kind, yet Jesus Christ never gave up on me.. He was waiting.. Bless you and your family, in Christ Jesus Name and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
This is not islam this Christian idea of islam in Quran 2:222 (Allah loves those who are constantly repentants and loves those who purify themselves.) The repentant is a sinner how come he says in islam God not love sinners
@@Mu3az523 Notice how it says Allah loves the REPENTANT, this verse DOESNT say Allah LOVES THE SINNER, a repentant person is someone who TURNS AWAY from his sin meaning that person is no longer qualified as a sinner Furthermore your own Quran tells us that Your Allah HATES SINNERS: Quran 2 : 190 God loves not transgressors Compare that with the God of the bible: Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were STILL SINNERS, Christ died for us. While your Allah loves ALL who repent, my JESUS LOVES EVEN THE SINNERS., GOD BLESS❤
JESUS, Islams MESSIAH. Quran 3:45 "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the MESSIAH, JESUS, the son of MARY". Islam/ MUSLIM.
Let us pray for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel for a speedy recovery. And for the attacker, may he find peace, love and forgiveness for he does not know what he do 🙏🙏🙏
I live in indonesia,there is a church is burned down by moslem,he say he do that so we turned to islam..but what happened is : the people come to the church that have been burned and they pray together...and now,the moslem that burned that church is in Jesus and he is a preacher now..and that from his testimony..he said that "i am the result of your prayer" there is a power in unity in prayer in Jesus name..amazing how our God change things from the bad to good for His long as we obey to HIM and do our parts..isn't our Jesus say to forgive and pray for those who persecuated you...
In Islam - God says in the Qur’anic text - O My servants who have transgressed against themselves with sins and transgressions, do not despair of the mercy of God. Indeed, God forgives all sins for whoever repents to Him and obeys Him. Is there a greater love and mercy than this? State the truth as it is.
Why should God forgive you, just because you ask? Then where is his justice? If he forgives you isnt it by his grace? But if it is by grace then he doesnt really have to do it, so how you would know and by which judgement he decides to forgive? Or does he forgive everyone just because they ask? Then hell will be empty but as it is hell is full of people. If it was that easy to make God righteous judgement pass you by then why did the children of Israel had to offer sacrifices for their sins? Even if they made sacrifices for their sins everyday they wouldnt be enough to escape from God s punishment. Only through Jesus God has provided salvation for us, asides from him, there is no way to heaven.
In Islam there is punishment for the people who. Leave Islam. There is punishment for the women .they have to be 4 witness.where is justice in taliban, Pakistan, Egypt
We were flying high with God then we jumped out of the plane and started swimming. In his love he sent a plane after trying to show us we can't swim there on our own but we kept trying. He even changed our prayers from pleas to praise. The restored our communication with him back like it was in the garden Throught Jesus.
@@-Onetruth- In his explanation he said that in Islam, they do good deeds and hope for the best and no one is guaranteed a place in heaven. in Christianity, Jesus died for our sins, paying the price for our sins, and if we believe this, we have eternal life. which means a promised eternity with the God. Christianity does not believe work-based salvation. I said it was discouraging, because if you spend your life doing good deeds to earn your salvation and still possibly end in hell, that's basically just a waste of time
@@jasminejones8722 it's kind of messed up that you think you can do anything and just because Jesus died for your sins, you'll go to heaven, we believe we should be held accountable for our deeds also Allah is a just God, if you do good deeds he will reward you, also the explainer is wrong, there are many things that guarantee jannah (as long as you live a Islamic life) such as Sahih bukhari 4497 "Whoever dies without calling for a partner other than Allah will surely go to heaven"
@@-Onetruth- I never said I could do anything. I understand we should be held accountable for our actions, but works alone don't get you to heaven. Faith goes together with works
@@-Onetruth- She's not saying we can do whatever we want, I think you're trying to hear what you want to hear. She said when we believe, we KNOW we're going to heaven. Our faith produces works, this is scripture. The Bible says we are transformed and renewed in Christ and Jesus said "Sin no more." She said in Islam, you do all these good deeds and you're still unsure on whether you end up in Jannah which is true because Muslims believe Mohammad has to intercede. Trying to make yourself worthy of God will never work because He is perfect and we are not. Believing that on your own you'll meet His standards is a lot of wishful thinking. They also believe that Allah will save them from hell by trading them in with a Jew or Christian. On top of that, jannah isn't even about God. It's said in the Qur'an that jannah is full of 72 virgins and eternal erections with loads of wine. In the Bible heaven is a beautiful place where we are in the presence of God. Praising and worshipping. It's not about us.
Another good illustration is water... water can be water. It can be gas/air when it evaporates. It can be come ice when frozen... water is all 3 but also water.
3 bowls of water, poured into a glass picture... It's all still the same water, but pour it out into three bowls, they are all individual. 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.
Trinity and Christian belief on God and Jesus are matters of dispute between Christians, Muslims and Judaism.... Only When Jesus come again everything will be clear.thats the poor Condition of Christianity 😢
@@prophetspath.319 What are You? In Christianity, you are equals to God, part of God, Loved by God, in the family of God. Fully Restored humans are Elohim. That's the deal : Follow Jesus & you are restored to Godhood. All Christians are part of the Living Body of Christ. Jesus is Jehovah. Christians Are YHWH. Salvation in Christ's Resurrection. Free indeed.
Pray for Mari Mari Emmanuel. He's an assyrian orthodox bishop who was recently attacked and stabbed by a man for speaking against islam. Whether you agree with his theology or not (I don't agree with a lot of what orthodoxy teaches), still pray for him that he recovers fully and pray for the assailant that he gets saved and forgiven. Thank you all, God bless.
I've heard the news!!! Mari Mari is the only catholic bishop I know who doesn't accept lgbt abd claims Jesus as lord!! Keep Mari Mari in your prayers and that he makes a speedily recovery abd that the Muslim assistant is punished severely for his actions against this beautiful man of god.
I pray for divine healing from Lord Jesus Christ upon Mari Mari Emmanuel and the peace that surpass all understanding and any situation be upon Mari Mari Emmanuel. Amen
In Islam, murder is a sin and true Muslim never kills unless they have to do it to protect and save lives. So I assume the killer you mentioned is not a true Muslim.
Awesome presentation. This is my 1st time learning about Muslims and it's interesting. I am a Christian and wish of my brothers and sisters would come to Jesus
Hello, I’m a muslim, i just want to inform you that what he presented in the video is not actually islam, most of the points he made on islam are either completely false or misrepresented, that’s why in each section when he talks about islam he doesn’t provide any sources from the quran or hadith, and he keeps it very brief, and i assume that’s because he doesn’t really know much about islam. i will give an example of what he said that was wrong, he said that “in islam god is unknowable intimately” and yet the prophet Mohammed PBUH said (Our Lord who is blessed and exalted descends every night to the lowest heaven when two-thirds of the night have passed and says, “Who supplicates me so that I may answer him? Who asks of me so that I may give to him? Who asks my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?” ). My advice for you is to read the quran yourself, don’t rely on christians or the media to teach you about islam.
Vlad thank you for this video it explains a lot, makes sense and informative! Could you also do one on Buddhism vs Christianity too? Thank you again and have a blessed day! 🙏
One way the Holy Spirit has helped me to explain the trinity to people is with the example of water, ice and steam. They’re all unique and different but still are the same. Water is ice, ice is steam, steam is water but they show themselves in different forms though made up of the same substance and ultimately are one. Thank you for your videos, many blessings to you and everyone in the comments.
@@crowdoesfly480 the same molecules are not all 3 at the same time, it's just that the entire thing some molecules are liquid, some are gas, some are ice exist together, it is physically impossible to be both as ice needs atoms to stick together creating bonds yet gas is the polar opposite
You made 3 separate heretical errors in your effort to give an analogy for the Trinity. First off, steam is water and ice is water, not ice is steam or steam is ice. Secondly you're missing a 3rd example which makes that analogy "binitarian" and not "trinitarian". Thirdly you called these "forms of water". They don't come in forms, they have always existed, otherwise if you say they are forms that's "modalism".
Trinity is simply: Father - as the head or brain Son - embodiment of the word(word of God itself) Holy Spirit - as the heart of God also means holy heart, holy desires, As humans we have mind, word, and spirit. We cannot separate one of them.
This is a very delicate topic. It is necessary to be pure hearted and sensible. I respect Muslims very much, I notice a man who rescued a child from the rubbles and he was crying out Allah. He has righteousness in His heart to care for humanity. He is pure hearted. That is how kindhearted many Muslims are, they are seeking the Truth and they believe in God.❤ I respect their beliefs, however being a Christian, it is my heart's desire that they will come to know Jesus Christ, because Jesus died on the Cross to save our souls and He resurrected to share the glory of His resurrection.❤ I pray for peace for everyone, from all religions. I just hope that many people will learn the Love of God, as He is the Prince of Peace.❤
We Muslims believe in Jesus . You know nothing about Islam apparently. But it’s ok . Jesus was a prophet from the true God and even the Bible confirms that . “Jesus Christ whom God has sent “ . Jesus did not send himself . We believe in Jesus teaching , which is to worship the one God he worshipped because guess what ? Jesus prayed !!! God doesn’t pray !!!!!
I think that a better analogy for the trinity is that the Godhead is a general partnership that has three owners namely the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. But by him being willing to let us inherit his kingdom, he’s changing it to a limited partnership, the father, son & Holy Spirit remain general partners while we will be limited partners. If you’ve studied corporate or business law, you’ll get this analogy.
2:190 literally debunks your criticism. It’s funny how you cherry picked one verse and didn’t even bother to look at the done before. And btw read 1 Samuel 15:3 I’m sure it’s such a peaceful one.
136. So [you believers], say, 'We believe in God and in what was sent down to us and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and all the prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we devote ourselves to him
139. Say [Prophet] [to the Jews and Christians], 'How can you argue with us about God when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and yours to you. We devote ourselves entirely to Him.
Muhammad never died for his people, but Jesus did to save his people. This is the greatest sacrifice, which became a moral foundation for the greatest leadership trait.
*Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12,000 and got my payout of m $270,500 every months,God bless Chloe Linda Henderson🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..*
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
Wow that's nice She makes you that much!! please is there a way to reach her services, I work 3 jobs and trying to pay off my debts for a while now!! Please help me.
This analogy doesn't work because the body is not the soul, the soul is not the spirit, the body is not human either without the soul, but Jesus is God without the Spirit?
@@-Onetruth-hey I don't think they're trying to say God is like us. I think he's try to say WE are like God. He's trying to show that we have our own mini trinity hence us being in His LIKENESS. Not necessarily trying to use us to explain the trinity
This is not explaining the trinity because the body is not the mind. The mind is not the spirit. And soul is not body and vise versa. But that’s okay we can’t explain it. Like. Vlad said. It shows it’s not made up by a human. And why would we want to worship a God we could fully understand and explain anyway!
I'm not against the analogy of the trinity to explain aspects we understand to people but I don't adapt that to what God must be because we can't understand... For instance, there's also an analogy of Jesus Christ being the bride groom and the church being the bride... It's not literal... It's an analogy. A human being male can be a father, son, husband, nephew, etc... and God can be whatever He wants... He chooses for us to have a relationship with Him and give us freewill. It's on us whether we'll pursue the relationship or not.
@@dinonazamodeen5694I’m a Muslim but there are huge differences as Judaism does not accept Jesus as a divine being, an intermediary between humans and God, a messiah, or holy. Belief in the Trinity is also held to be incompatible with Judaism, as are a number of other tenets of Christianity
My Christian brothers, I am a Muslim and an Egyptian Arab. Here in Egypt, Christians, especially the Coptic Orthodox, hold strong religious beliefs and have their own Pope of Alexandria, similar to the Catholics' Pope in the Vatican. Some Christians have criticized our Muslim beliefs, often citing what they perceive as inconsistencies in our understanding of certain religious texts. One area of disagreement is the interpretation of events surrounding the crucifixion and redemption of Jesus. In Egypt, there have been instances of individuals converting from Christianity to Islam. In response, some Christian groups have made claims about Muslims converting back to Christianity, which we believe are unfounded. Muslims have a distinct way of life, including our practice of prostration during prayer. This practice is a central part of our worship and distinguishes us from other religious groups. It is our belief that once a person truly understands the teachings of Islam, they will find it impossible to return to a different faith.
@@ThTru-zp2gl "My dear brother, the Quran is not just the story of the jinn. And if you criticize the Quran for mentioning the jinn, can you guarantee me that we are the only beings in the universe and that there are no other creatures besides humans? As Muslims, we believe in the jinn and interact with them when they possess humans, and we expel them using the Quran. The teachings of Islam differ from Christianity and other religions. The space shuttle Discovery is mentioned in the Quran, as is the creation of Adam and the theory of evolution. The act of prostration (sujood) is unique to Islam. Can you find these things in other religions and the Old Testament? The Old Testament foretold of the Arabs and Islam, and of our Prophet Muhammad. You will find this in the Song of Songs, which mentions us, the sons of Kedar, descendants of the Prophet Ismail. The name Muhammad, spelled "Muhammad" in the original Hebrew version, was deliberately altered and removed due to hatred towards Islam, the religion of values. The impression I get is that the teachings of Islam are essentially a continuation and development of the teachings of previous religions. This is because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all originate from God. There are different models of Mercedes cars, but they all carry the same Mercedes logo and share the same technology and philosophy. You should know that the one who called us Muslims was the father of the prophets, Abraham, peace be upon him. We follow his religion and mention this in our daily prayers. He was the one who first called us Muslims. Our Islamic religion predates Judaism and Christianity. All the prophets were Muslims. The word "Muslim" in Arabic means to surrender your face, soul, and spirit to God, to follow His commands, to avoid what He has forbidden, to do good deeds, to worship God alone, and to glorify and sanctify Him, and not to worship the devil or anything else."
@@HMM.11- Are you telling me that you never bothered to ask God in a heartfelt prayer (not memorized prayers) if Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of your sins as the Bible says or if He sent Muhammad as the Quran says? That is what you should have done. Memorized prayers don't help anyone and nobody needs it since God didn't build robots.
@@lifethroughromans8295 Debunking the Myth of Robotic Prayer in Islam The Misconception: Many mistakenly believe that Islamic prayer is merely a mechanical repetition of phrases without understanding or feeling, comparing it to the programmed actions of a robot. The Truth: This notion is entirely inaccurate and does not reflect the true nature of Islamic prayer. Prayer in Islam is a heartfelt and spiritual act that transcends mere physical movements. Here are some facts to clarify this: Devotion and Repentance: True prayer requires complete devotion to God and sincere repentance. Devotion means leaving behind all worldly concerns and focusing solely on God Almighty. Understanding and Meaning: A Muslim must understand the meanings of the words and supplications they utter in prayer and feel their depth and impact on their heart. Reflection and Contemplation: Islam encourages reflection upon the verses of the Quran and supplications during prayer, which deepens a believer's faith and connection to God. The Bond Between Servant and Lord: Prayer is a direct means of communication between the servant and their Lord. It is an opportunity for the servant to ask God for whatever they desire and to thank Him for His blessings. Purification and Moral Development: Prayer purifies the soul from sins and strengthens faith, fostering good character. Examples: Prostration: When a Muslim prostrates, they are at their closest to God, and they should use this moment to supplicate and humble themselves before Him. Remembrance and Supplication: Prayer includes many remembrances and supplications that express the servant's longing for God and convey their needs and aspirations. Devotion in Movements: Even the physical movements in prayer carry deep meanings. For instance, bowing and prostration symbolize humility and submission to God. Conclusion: Islamic prayer is not a mere mechanical ritual; it is a heartfelt and spiritual act aimed at strengthening faith and refining the soul. The comparison between prayer and a robot is a false analogy with no basis in reality. Why does this misconception exist? Misunderstanding: This belief may arise from a lack of understanding of the true nature of prayer or from observing some Muslims performing prayers without devotion or contemplation. Media Campaigns: Anti-Islamic media campaigns may contribute to spreading such rumors to tarnish the image of Islam. A Call for Dialogue: To clarify the reality of Islamic prayer, we must engage in dialogue with non-Muslims, explaining the meanings and purposes of prayer and inviting them to visit our mosques and observe our prayers firsthand. In conclusion, Islamic prayer is the light of hearts and the solace of souls. It is the pillar of religion, and whoever abandons it has destroyed their religion.
It's like saying I am a father to my children whome I created, I am a son to my father, and I am a spiritual leader in my Church.... one man, three titles.
God almighty says *Jesus, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.* Qur’an 5:75 God doesn't required to eat to drink to sleep. God is Independent of All. Allah is our God. And Jesus Christ instructed to believe in Allah and worship him alone. Also he told us to believe in Last and Final Messanger Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Jesus declared, *“I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.* (Quran)
I have been hearing demons in my head telling me to kill myself because I have been dealing with pornography and adultery. I’ve been feeling terrible and been crying a lot I’ve been dealing with my consequences from my past being introduced at 8 to porn and ever since it’s been like a knife that’s stuck in me for my whole life. I’ve prayed fasted I workout and take cold showers I pray for protection and strength but I never receive. When I get tempted it’s like everything goes out the window and after a few days I fall. Discipline is invisible with this sin and I do what I feel like is everything . Today I prayed after falling and I realized that I cannot be saved from myself so I again I’m going to battle myself I don’t know if it’s a spirit or just me . I’ve been reaching out to these pastors and I’m just in need of prayer seriously saints I beg for strength to fight my flesh and for discipline and victory above all PLEASE I’m closer and closer to feeling stuck and giving up but at the same time I never will lol..
Every moment you live is a chance God gave you to wash away your sins by resistance and doing good deeds. Killing yourself is only taking away these chances and is against will of God.
to be frank..they use flesh temptations most frequently when not tempting for pride. if you want to truly get strong.. find good books, and put the tech away for weeks.. even avoid friends, just focus on prayer and fasting while you do your duties. fasting is bread and water with 1 meal in the evening. dont tolerate demons..repeat -Jesus, I trust in you'. get some pictures of Jesus and candles. spend time with Jesus.
I heard something over the weekend that blow my mind my friend from Oklahoma said hes a Free Mason Muslim I was dumbfounded I tried to tell him about bible he didn't want to hear it pray for him please.
The way I was told to help understand the Trinity is to think of water. Liquid "water", a solid, "ice" and a gas "steam". All the same, just three different words for the same thing.
Psalms 18:1 I will love thee O LORD my strength Psalms 118:28 Thou art my GOD I will praise thee Thou art my GOD I will exalt thee Psalms 36:7 How excellent is thy lovingkindness 1 Chronicles 29:13 O our GOD we thank and praise your glorious name Psalms 103:1 Bless The LORD O my soul and all that is within me bless his Holy name Psalms 72:15 Prayer also shall be made for him continually and daily he shall be praised Psalms 34:3 O magnify The LORD with me and let us exalt his name together Psalms 34:1 I will bless The LORD at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth Psalms 145 1-3 I will extol thee my GOD O KING I will bless thy name for ever and ever Every day I will bless thy name and praise thy name for ever and ever Great is The LORD and greatly to be praised Psalms 86:12 I will praise thee O LORD my GOD with all my heart I will glorify thy name forever Psalms 89:52 Blessed be The LORD forever more Psalms 72:19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory Amen and Amen John 15:5 I am the vine ye are the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit without me ye can do nothing Psalms 16:2 I say to The LORD You are my LORD apart from you I have no good thin
thank you for this !! very well done video, my friend 🙏 as a christian i was very curious about the muslim beliefs and this helped me get a clear idea of it
@@sntmdsa3628 a human man can also be a nephew, a cousin, a husband, a friend... So if a human man can be all these things to other people... I can't even imagine all that God actually is for us... And we most definitely all fall short. Thank God for grace.
@@Bunyourdesires Many of the times Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive others. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 English Standard Version 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
To understand the concept of God read the concept of God in Judaism and Islam... dont say sinful things which u have no knowledge about....our Creator God is 1....our Creator has no son, He has prophets and angels to bring His message to this world.... God does not need to reincarnate as a man to this the Bible properly Jesus himself prayed to God (Allah, the God of Abraham) and said in bible "My father is greater than I, my father is greater than all"....its clear Jesus Christ is a mighty important prophet of God....but not son of God or not God....only prophet of God and also our Messiah as he will come to earth again before the end of this world to finish Antichrist...
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Read it please
Qur'an 18:106
That is their reward: Hell, for their disbelief and mockery of My signs and messengers.
Tafsir Ibnu Katsir
(That shall be their recompense, Hell; because they disbelieved) means, `We will punish them with that because of their disbelief and because they took the signs and Messengers of Allah ﷺ as a joke, mocking them and disbelieving them in the worst way.'
surah an-nisa 2:172
O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth.1 The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him.2 So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!-for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs.
Surah al-isra
For your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And honour your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your care, never say to them ˹even˺ ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. Rather, address them respectfully.
Sunan Abi Dawud 4311
Hudhaifah b. Asid al-Ansari said :
We were sitting in the shade of the chamber of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) discussing (something) and when we mentioned the last hour, our voices rose high. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The last hour will not come or happen until there appear ten signs before it : the rising of the sun in its place of setting, the coming forth of the beast, the coming forth of Gog and Magog, the Dajjal (Antichrist), (the descent of) Jesus son of Mary, the smoke, and three collapses of the earth: one in the west, one in the east, and one in the Arabian Peninsula. The last of that will be the emergence of a fire from Yemen, from the lowest part of Aden, and drive mankind to their place of assembly.
OT is Christ concealed and the NT is Christ revealed. Chuck Missler used to say that all the time. I still love his verse by verse expository on the Bible. RIP Chuck, see ya soon.
@@MuhammadFazamarendra My dear Muslim friend:
The Quran literally says Allah is the greatest of all deceivers (Quran 8:30, Quran 7:99). There is absolutely no deception in the one true God (Yahweh) and being a deceiver gives you the green light to say anything about yourself and it doesn't have to be true. Nothing in the Quran has to be true (like Jesus never died or that He wasn't the Son of God or Mary the mother of Jesus [who is mistakended for Miriam], is the sister of Aaron and Moses which is a HUGE not only biblical but historical error which would make Moses Jesus' uncle when they lived thousands of years apart [Quran 19:27-28]) because they are all Allah's words. Do you know who the Bible says is the greatest deceiver? Satan. The devil himself. And he has deceived the Muslims into thinking that he is God. The Bible says that he transforms himself into an angel of light (That's how deception works; makes you believe something that isn't true. Hence a liar) and from the beginning, he desired to be like God and receive worship which is why he was cast out of heaven in the first place (pride and rebellion). He literally managed to convince 1/3 of the host of heaven to follow him and rebel against Almighty God and has in fact obtained worship from us humans through other religions. Jesus said He is the only way to the Father. Therefore all other religions that say otherwise are false because Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life.
Repent of your s*ns, believe on the true Lord Jesus Chist (not Isa, but the Jesus of the Bible), be baptized for the remission/forgiveness/removal of your sins (the water is symbolic of Jesus' blood and also the grave where your old self is buried and you're raised to the newness of life like Jesus when you emerge) and receive the Holy Spirit. Just like that from that point you are saved. Not because you deserve it or did anything to earn it. Rather, it's all due to Jesus' si*less life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension; the spilling of His blood is what washes away all our s*ns and He did that for us out of pure unconditional love and mercy. It is due to being cleansed of our sins that we're able to inherit eternal life in Heaven where there will be no s*n and only Jesus' blood does this for our si*s, of the past, present and future. Accept Him while you still have the chance. God bless.
Hello pastor Vlad...I was under a demonic attack i prayed to Jesus, the name of Jesus was weak...the demons were getting closer and they said they were going to kill me (3 demons,two were indians and the other black)..I prayed to Allah and suddenly I was in a huge bubble, I could see them, they couldn't see me I was safe in the bubble and protected after I call Allah....when I was awake I was confused....i fasted half day,this happened again two days a go,I was under the attack I call the name of Jesus my mouth couldn't open I mumbled...and the thought crossed my mind call Allah...I woke up and google who is allah...and than go to my Alta (my place of prayer i call it an alta)and pray to Allah with my forehead on the floor...I saw that on Google (praying with the forehead on the floor), few minutes later something in me said...pray to Jesus just pray to Jesus...I'm a very young person and very confused...I'm depressed and suicidal...praying to Jesus always help me cope with my depression now the name of Jesus is weak..please pray for the teenagers we go through a lot......I got my licence 4 months ago the car was supposed to be a suprise on the day I got my licence ...I'm still waiting for my car..I prayed and ask God I need a car ,I deserve a car...why can't I get a car, all the young people have cars....
Is hell forever?
Please pray for Bishop Mar Mari who was stabbed in Australia Sydney church
Who was the criminal? mooslim? atheist? jew?
@@MrCarlosVillasenor truth he was others where stabbed also
What he was stabbed? I watch his videos daily his messages are powerful.😢. May the Lord heal him fast.
@@abeytoby1900 he was stabbed in church his in hospital recovering it's hard to find updates but he is OK thank God 💞🙏 His a beautiful man
Pastor Vlad I thank you for clarifying this issue. I am doing research on this very subject because of a reply I received thank you. God is great 😊😊
Lord I come to you asking for your blessings as a single mom because I’m losing faith. I’m raising my children with courage, despite the challenges I face. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord give me strength as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children I’m ashamed Lord help me. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own. Help me stay encouraged. ❤️
I will pray for you...I'm from Trinidad and Tobago... blessings to you and your family
May Christ Jesus Provide you in overload with all you need and more. YHWH JIHRE, this I ask in Jesus Christ Name and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you meet the needs of my sister who is hurting for financial and moral support. I thank you Lord for answering our prayers, in Jesus Mighty Name.
Keep searching for his Kingdom. The rest will be taken care of.
Thank you Pastor Vlad. Wow this was a great explanation. I too was a rebel, one of the worst kind, yet Jesus Christ never gave up on me.. He was waiting.. Bless you and your family, in Christ Jesus Name and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Bless your heart brother in Christ ❤ let us do our best in this world
This is not islam this Christian idea of islam in Quran 2:222
(Allah loves those who are constantly repentants and loves those who purify themselves.) The repentant is a sinner how come he says in islam God not love sinners
@@Mu3az523 Notice how it says Allah loves the REPENTANT, this verse DOESNT say Allah LOVES THE SINNER, a repentant person is someone who TURNS AWAY from his sin meaning that person is no longer qualified as a sinner
Furthermore your own Quran tells us that Your Allah HATES SINNERS:
Quran 2 : 190
God loves not transgressors
Compare that with the God of the bible:
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were STILL SINNERS, Christ died for us.
While your Allah loves ALL who repent, my JESUS LOVES EVEN THE SINNERS., GOD BLESS❤
JESUS, Islams MESSIAH. Quran 3:45 "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the MESSIAH, JESUS, the son of MARY". Islam/ MUSLIM.
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭of myself because of low finance but I still believe God
It's Wendy Lisa Kidd doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
Let us pray for Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel for a speedy recovery. And for the attacker, may he find peace, love and forgiveness for he does not know what he do 🙏🙏🙏
It was Gods will.
I live in indonesia,there is a church is burned down by moslem,he say he do that so we turned to islam..but what happened is : the people come to the church that have been burned and they pray together...and now,the moslem that burned that church is in Jesus and he is a preacher now..and that from his testimony..he said that "i am the result of your prayer" there is a power in unity in prayer in Jesus name..amazing how our God change things from the bad to good for His long as we obey to HIM and do our parts..isn't our Jesus say to forgive and pray for those who persecuated you...
Amen 🙏
I am Indian. Here also church burn by Hindus , they say preach bible on home
Amen 🙏🏽
Amen! Praise God
In Islam - God says in the Qur’anic text - O My servants who have transgressed against themselves with sins and transgressions, do not despair of the mercy of God. Indeed, God forgives all sins for whoever repents to Him and obeys Him. Is there a greater love and mercy than this? State the truth as it is.
Quit appropriating the Torah and stop stealing Hebrew culture.
He sounds immature
Why should God forgive you, just because you ask? Then where is his justice? If he forgives you isnt it by his grace? But if it is by grace then he doesnt really have to do it, so how you would know and by which judgement he decides to forgive? Or does he forgive everyone just because they ask? Then hell will be empty but as it is hell is full of people. If it was that easy to make God righteous judgement pass you by then why did the children of Israel had to offer sacrifices for their sins? Even if they made sacrifices for their sins everyday they wouldnt be enough to escape from God s punishment. Only through Jesus God has provided salvation for us, asides from him, there is no way to heaven.
@@belenmazzeo8799because Allah says that it needs to be sincere if not then he will only forgive sins in the past 6 hours but not major sins
In Islam there is punishment for the people who. Leave Islam. There is punishment for the women .they have to be 4 witness.where is justice in taliban, Pakistan, Egypt
Watching from kenya nairobi in Africa.
Watching from Canada, Hello my brother!
Hakuna matata.
Amen Jesus Christ I'm so glad your holy spirit talks to me❤
What it's voice sound like.
Don't lie
Alhamdulillah for Islam ❤
الحمد لله 🤍
Thank you for your giving, God bless you!
Powerfully and clearly explained!
Truly anointed! Praise Jesus!
We were flying high with God then we jumped out of the plane and started swimming. In his love he sent a plane after trying to show us we can't swim there on our own but we kept trying. He even changed our prayers from pleas to praise. The restored our communication with him back like it was in the garden Throught Jesus.
I've been looking for a video like this, so thank you. Islam sounds like a religion that is very discouraging.
Care to elaborate
@@-Onetruth- In his explanation he said that in Islam, they do good deeds and hope for the best and no one is guaranteed a place in heaven. in Christianity, Jesus died for our sins, paying the price for our sins, and if we believe this, we have eternal life. which means a promised eternity with the God. Christianity does not believe work-based salvation. I said it was discouraging, because if you spend your life doing good deeds to earn your salvation and still possibly end in hell, that's basically just a waste of time
@@jasminejones8722 it's kind of messed up that you think you can do anything and just because Jesus died for your sins, you'll go to heaven, we believe we should be held accountable for our deeds also Allah is a just God, if you do good deeds he will reward you, also the explainer is wrong, there are many things that guarantee jannah (as long as you live a Islamic life) such as
Sahih bukhari 4497
"Whoever dies without calling for a partner other than Allah will surely go to heaven"
@@-Onetruth- I never said I could do anything. I understand we should be held accountable for our actions, but works alone don't get you to heaven. Faith goes together with works
@@-Onetruth- She's not saying we can do whatever we want, I think you're trying to hear what you want to hear. She said when we believe, we KNOW we're going to heaven. Our faith produces works, this is scripture. The Bible says we are transformed and renewed in Christ and Jesus said "Sin no more." She said in Islam, you do all these good deeds and you're still unsure on whether you end up in Jannah which is true because Muslims believe Mohammad has to intercede. Trying to make yourself worthy of God will never work because He is perfect and we are not. Believing that on your own you'll meet His standards is a lot of wishful thinking. They also believe that Allah will save them from hell by trading them in with a Jew or Christian. On top of that, jannah isn't even about God. It's said in the Qur'an that jannah is full of 72 virgins and eternal erections with loads of wine. In the Bible heaven is a beautiful place where we are in the presence of God. Praising and worshipping. It's not about us.
Another good illustration is water... water can be water. It can be gas/air when it evaporates. It can be come ice when frozen... water is all 3 but also water.
Good point
3 bowls of water, poured into a glass picture... It's all still the same water, but pour it out into three bowls, they are all individual. 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.
Trinity and Christian belief on God and Jesus are matters of dispute between Christians, Muslims and Judaism....
Only When Jesus come again everything will be clear.thats the poor Condition of Christianity 😢
@@prophetspath.319 What are You?
In Christianity, you are equals to God, part of God, Loved by God, in the family of God. Fully Restored humans are Elohim.
That's the deal : Follow Jesus & you are restored to Godhood. All Christians are part of the Living Body of Christ. Jesus is Jehovah.
Christians Are YHWH. Salvation in Christ's Resurrection. Free indeed.
@@SeaJay_Oceans Man!? equal to GOD??? it's impossible.Trinity ??? impossible...
Everything is Senseless.😀
Pray for Mari Mari Emmanuel. He's an assyrian orthodox bishop who was recently attacked and stabbed by a man for speaking against islam. Whether you agree with his theology or not (I don't agree with a lot of what orthodoxy teaches), still pray for him that he recovers fully and pray for the assailant that he gets saved and forgiven. Thank you all, God bless.
I've heard the news!!! Mari Mari is the only catholic bishop I know who doesn't accept lgbt abd claims Jesus as lord!! Keep Mari Mari in your prayers and that he makes a speedily recovery abd that the Muslim assistant is punished severely for his actions against this beautiful man of god.
I pray for divine healing from Lord Jesus Christ upon Mari Mari Emmanuel and the peace that surpass all understanding and any situation be upon Mari Mari Emmanuel. Amen
The guy was blasphemous using a Jewish religion and scriptures. It was the Jewish God will.
@@mooshei8165how is he blasphemous? You must be a muslim...
In Islam, murder is a sin and true Muslim never kills unless they have to do it to protect and save lives. So I assume the killer you mentioned is not a true Muslim.
Local Pasco Resident here. Never knew you were so close to me 💯🙏🏽 God Bless you Vlad
Freakin' straight up beautiful man! I prayed with you and May God Bless your mission!
Thank you for your powerful message and the prayers 🙏 thank you Father God of the Kingdom Amen 🙏 🙌
Queensland Australia 🇦🇺 blessed you all ..
Awesome presentation. This is my 1st time learning about Muslims and it's interesting. I am a Christian and wish of my brothers and sisters would come to Jesus
Hello, I’m a muslim, i just want to inform you that what he presented in the video is not actually islam, most of the points he made on islam are either completely false or misrepresented, that’s why in each section when he talks about islam he doesn’t provide any sources from the quran or hadith, and he keeps it very brief, and i assume that’s because he doesn’t really know much about islam. i will give an example of what he said that was wrong, he said that “in islam god is unknowable intimately” and yet the prophet Mohammed PBUH said (Our Lord who is blessed and exalted descends every night to the lowest heaven when two-thirds of the night have passed and says, “Who supplicates me so that I may answer him? Who asks of me so that I may give to him? Who asks my forgiveness so that I may forgive him?” ). My advice for you is to read the quran yourself, don’t rely on christians or the media to teach you about islam.
@@mohasm7550shut up stop deceiving people, what this man said is exactly 💯 Muslims believe, is either you don't know Islam or you are a liar
Vlad thank you for this video it explains a lot, makes sense and informative! Could you also do one on Buddhism vs Christianity too? Thank you again and have a blessed day! 🙏
Thank you so much for this pastor.
Can you please make a video between Jewish and Christians too?
He was so dishonest
From Malaysia 🇲🇾.
Allah is lord 🙏☪️☪️
Very Good teaching Lord please save our brothers and sisters in Jesus’s name 🙏
One way the Holy Spirit has helped me to explain the trinity to people is with the example of water, ice and steam. They’re all unique and different but still are the same. Water is ice, ice is steam, steam is water but they show themselves in different forms though made up of the same substance and ultimately are one.
Thank you for your videos, many blessings to you and everyone in the comments.
That is modalism
Water can't be solid and gas at the same time, it's either solid or gas so this analogy is wrong
@@-Onetruth- actually water can exist 3 state at the same time.. Ever heard of triple point of water?
@@crowdoesfly480 the same molecules are not all 3 at the same time, it's just that the entire thing some molecules are liquid, some are gas, some are ice exist together, it is physically impossible to be both as ice needs atoms to stick together creating bonds yet gas is the polar opposite
You made 3 separate heretical errors in your effort to give an analogy for the Trinity. First off, steam is water and ice is water, not ice is steam or steam is ice. Secondly you're missing a 3rd example which makes that analogy "binitarian" and not "trinitarian". Thirdly you called these "forms of water". They don't come in forms, they have always existed, otherwise if you say they are forms that's "modalism".
Trinity is simply:
Father - as the head or brain
Son - embodiment of the word(word of God itself)
Holy Spirit - as the heart of God also means holy heart, holy desires,
As humans we have mind, word, and spirit. We cannot separate one of them.
Only the truth shall set you free , our Heavenly Father, Sovereign of the Universe
We have same creator
We have same God
Just accept Jesus as a prophet of God
They will not just like we will not accept Jesus as Son Of God.
Thank you Pastor for the wonderful Peaching 🙏
Praise the Lord ✝️
Praise this Allah lord almighty i receivejoyinthe name of Allah Lord almighty king🙏☪️☪️☪️☪️
This is a very delicate topic. It is necessary to be pure hearted and sensible. I respect Muslims very much, I notice a man who rescued a child from the rubbles and he was crying out Allah. He has righteousness in His heart to care for humanity. He is pure hearted. That is how kindhearted many Muslims are, they are seeking the Truth and they believe in God.❤ I respect their beliefs, however being a Christian, it is my heart's desire that they will come to know Jesus Christ, because Jesus died on the Cross to save our souls and He resurrected to share the glory of His resurrection.❤ I pray for peace for everyone, from all religions. I just hope that many people will learn the Love of God, as He is the Prince of Peace.❤
We Muslims believe in Jesus . You know nothing about Islam apparently. But it’s ok . Jesus was a prophet from the true God and even the Bible confirms that . “Jesus Christ whom God has sent “ . Jesus did not send himself .
We believe in Jesus teaching , which is to worship the one God he worshipped because guess what ? Jesus prayed !!!
God doesn’t pray !!!!!
@@elevenfitJesus isn’t a prophet but our king ❤️🤗 hahaha
I think that a better analogy for the trinity is that the Godhead is a general partnership that has three owners namely the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
But by him being willing to let us inherit his kingdom, he’s changing it to a limited partnership, the father, son & Holy Spirit remain general partners while we will be limited partners.
If you’ve studied corporate or business law, you’ll get this analogy.
We need more of these teachings.❤❤❤
Hello guys🥺🥺 please🙏 pray for mar mari Emmanuel🥺🥺❤❤
Yes Soo mari Emanuel attack by ISis and not Islam ,Obama is the one make isls
Yes i know his a good Christian orthodox
What he was stabbed? I watch his videos daily his messages are powerful.😢. May the Lord heal him fast.
Do you have any Info about his health condition bro😞😞
@@absolutepixels3812his wounds r not life threatening according to hospital sources
Thanks for the ministry Brother❤❤..may God bless the works of thy hands❤
1 religion believes in peace and love your neighbors
The other religion believes in violence for selfish gain (Surah 2:191)
That's why Middle East is always at war
2:190 literally debunks your criticism. It’s funny how you cherry picked one verse and didn’t even bother to look at the done before. And btw read 1 Samuel 15:3 I’m sure it’s such a peaceful one.
136. So [you believers], say, 'We believe in God and in what was sent down to us and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and all the prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we devote ourselves to him
139. Say [Prophet] [to the Jews and Christians], 'How can you argue with us about God when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and yours to you. We devote ourselves entirely to Him.
I prayed that prayer, and i am a CHRISTIANS GOD BLESS YOU
Best video ever for Islam vs Christianity
Muhammad never died for his people, but Jesus did to save his people. This is the greatest sacrifice, which became a moral foundation for the greatest leadership trait.
Mohamed Kill people
Jesus gave His life for us very big difference
So is Jesus Yahweh or not?
No one can atone for one's sin.. Jesus came to preach about God to repent sins and to do good.. He never say worship me...
What you even saying you illetrate human
Loved listening to this video. Thank you Pastor Vlad: Lord bless you and your ministry
Watching from Philippines. Glory to God. Thanks for this video. God bless! 🙏❤️
*Hallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12,000 and got my payout of m $270,500 every months,God bless Chloe Linda Henderson🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸..*
Hello how do you make such monthly ?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 🤦 of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God.
Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested Ms Chloe Linda Henderson.
She's a licensed broker in the states 🇺🇸
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
Wow that's nice She makes you that much!! please is there a way to reach her services, I work 3 jobs and trying to pay off my debts for a while now!! Please help me.
1 human = body+soul+spirit
Knowing that we are made in the image and likeness of God, this explains The Holy Trinity
1God= Father+Son+Holy Spirit
You just committed the hearsay of partialism because
Saying that father, son and holy spirit are parts of God is partialism
This analogy doesn't work because the body is not the soul, the soul is not the spirit, the body is not human either without the soul, but Jesus is God without the Spirit?
@@-Onetruth-hey I don't think they're trying to say God is like us. I think he's try to say WE are like God. He's trying to show that we have our own mini trinity hence us being in His LIKENESS. Not necessarily trying to use us to explain the trinity
This is not explaining the trinity because the body is not the mind. The mind is not the spirit. And soul is not body and vise versa.
But that’s okay we can’t explain it. Like. Vlad said. It shows it’s not made up by a human. And why would we want to worship a God we could fully understand and explain anyway!
I'm not against the analogy of the trinity to explain aspects we understand to people but I don't adapt that to what God must be because we can't understand... For instance, there's also an analogy of Jesus Christ being the bride groom and the church being the bride... It's not literal... It's an analogy. A human being male can be a father, son, husband, nephew, etc... and God can be whatever He wants... He chooses for us to have a relationship with Him and give us freewill. It's on us whether we'll pursue the relationship or not.
Praying for Mar Mari Emmanuel, Vlad and his family too. Keep spreading the truth.
This was a great explanation and teaching about the differences between Islam and Christianity.
Is there any difference between Christianity and Judaism?
@@dinonazamodeen5694I’m a Muslim but there are huge differences as Judaism does not accept Jesus as a divine being, an intermediary between humans and God, a messiah, or holy. Belief in the Trinity is also held to be incompatible with Judaism, as are a number of other tenets of Christianity
@@basichumanrights. Only Christians believe in the "Trinity"!
Hi Vlad
I like your explanation
May God bless you abundantly
My Christian brothers, I am a Muslim and an Egyptian Arab. Here in Egypt, Christians, especially the Coptic Orthodox, hold strong religious beliefs and have their own Pope of Alexandria, similar to the Catholics' Pope in the Vatican. Some Christians have criticized our Muslim beliefs, often citing what they perceive as inconsistencies in our understanding of certain religious texts. One area of disagreement is the interpretation of events surrounding the crucifixion and redemption of Jesus. In Egypt, there have been instances of individuals converting from Christianity to Islam. In response, some Christian groups have made claims about Muslims converting back to Christianity, which we believe are unfounded. Muslims have a distinct way of life, including our practice of prostration during prayer. This practice is a central part of our worship and distinguishes us from other religious groups. It is our belief that once a person truly understands the teachings of Islam, they will find it impossible to return to a different faith.
When you truly understand the teachings of islam , you understand that only Sura of Jinn is from Islam ! The rest is a copy paste from all religions !
"My dear brother, the Quran is not just the story of the jinn. And if you criticize the Quran for mentioning the jinn, can you guarantee me that we are the only beings in the universe and that there are no other creatures besides humans? As Muslims, we believe in the jinn and interact with them when they possess humans, and we expel them using the Quran.
The teachings of Islam differ from Christianity and other religions. The space shuttle Discovery is mentioned in the Quran, as is the creation of Adam and the theory of evolution. The act of prostration (sujood) is unique to Islam. Can you find these things in other religions and the Old Testament? The Old Testament foretold of the Arabs and Islam, and of our Prophet Muhammad. You will find this in the Song of Songs, which mentions us, the sons of Kedar, descendants of the Prophet Ismail. The name Muhammad, spelled "Muhammad" in the original Hebrew version, was deliberately altered and removed due to hatred towards Islam, the religion of values.
The impression I get is that the teachings of Islam are essentially a continuation and development of the teachings of previous religions. This is because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all originate from God. There are different models of Mercedes cars, but they all carry the same Mercedes logo and share the same technology and philosophy.
You should know that the one who called us Muslims was the father of the prophets, Abraham, peace be upon him. We follow his religion and mention this in our daily prayers. He was the one who first called us Muslims. Our Islamic religion predates Judaism and Christianity. All the prophets were Muslims. The word "Muslim" in Arabic means to surrender your face, soul, and spirit to God, to follow His commands, to avoid what He has forbidden, to do good deeds, to worship God alone, and to glorify and sanctify Him, and not to worship the devil or anything else."
I'm pretty sure the Eastern Orthodox Church has been prostrating since the Great Schism in 3 Century AD
@@HMM.11- Are you telling me that you never bothered to ask God in a heartfelt prayer (not memorized prayers) if Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of your sins as the Bible says or if He sent Muhammad as the Quran says? That is what you should have done. Memorized prayers don't help anyone and nobody needs it since God didn't build robots.
Debunking the Myth of Robotic Prayer in Islam
The Misconception: Many mistakenly believe that Islamic prayer is merely a mechanical repetition of phrases without understanding or feeling, comparing it to the programmed actions of a robot.
The Truth: This notion is entirely inaccurate and does not reflect the true nature of Islamic prayer. Prayer in Islam is a heartfelt and spiritual act that transcends mere physical movements. Here are some facts to clarify this:
Devotion and Repentance: True prayer requires complete devotion to God and sincere repentance. Devotion means leaving behind all worldly concerns and focusing solely on God Almighty.
Understanding and Meaning: A Muslim must understand the meanings of the words and supplications they utter in prayer and feel their depth and impact on their heart.
Reflection and Contemplation: Islam encourages reflection upon the verses of the Quran and supplications during prayer, which deepens a believer's faith and connection to God.
The Bond Between Servant and Lord: Prayer is a direct means of communication between the servant and their Lord. It is an opportunity for the servant to ask God for whatever they desire and to thank Him for His blessings.
Purification and Moral Development: Prayer purifies the soul from sins and strengthens faith, fostering good character.
Prostration: When a Muslim prostrates, they are at their closest to God, and they should use this moment to supplicate and humble themselves before Him.
Remembrance and Supplication: Prayer includes many remembrances and supplications that express the servant's longing for God and convey their needs and aspirations.
Devotion in Movements: Even the physical movements in prayer carry deep meanings. For instance, bowing and prostration symbolize humility and submission to God.
Conclusion: Islamic prayer is not a mere mechanical ritual; it is a heartfelt and spiritual act aimed at strengthening faith and refining the soul. The comparison between prayer and a robot is a false analogy with no basis in reality.
Why does this misconception exist?
Misunderstanding: This belief may arise from a lack of understanding of the true nature of prayer or from observing some Muslims performing prayers without devotion or contemplation.
Media Campaigns: Anti-Islamic media campaigns may contribute to spreading such rumors to tarnish the image of Islam.
A Call for Dialogue: To clarify the reality of Islamic prayer, we must engage in dialogue with non-Muslims, explaining the meanings and purposes of prayer and inviting them to visit our mosques and observe our prayers firsthand.
In conclusion, Islamic prayer is the light of hearts and the solace of souls. It is the pillar of religion, and whoever abandons it has destroyed their religion.
God bless and Amen Brother🙏✝️🛐❤️😇
Thank you for doing this video, co's I have been wondering.
It's like saying I am a father to my children whome I created, I am a son to my father, and I am a spiritual leader in my Church.... one man, three titles.
You are kinda lost. Lets translate properly. We have a dimensional awareness of 3 and God is all of it do not be confused xD.
That is still three different bodies
Not really trying to explain the differences but rather taking an opportunity to preach your faith
THANK You. GOD Bless you 🙏🙏🙏
God almighty says
*Jesus, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.*
Qur’an 5:75
God doesn't required to eat to drink to sleep. God is Independent of All.
Allah is our God. And Jesus Christ instructed to believe in Allah and worship him alone. Also he told us to believe in Last and Final Messanger Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Jesus declared,
*“I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.*
Thank you for this summary and I will document this and share! Amen.
Thank you Pastor Vlad for sharing your wisdom and knowledge without condemnation. God bless you and your family.
Watching from EHIOPIA nairobi in Africa
Thank you Jesus 🙏🏾🙇🏾
You are my God
I have been hearing demons in my head telling me to kill myself because I have been dealing with pornography and adultery. I’ve been feeling terrible and been crying a lot I’ve been dealing with my consequences from my past being introduced at 8 to porn and ever since it’s been like a knife that’s stuck in me for my whole life. I’ve prayed fasted I workout and take cold showers I pray for protection and strength but I never receive. When I get tempted it’s like everything goes out the window and after a few days I fall. Discipline is invisible with this sin and I do what I feel like is everything . Today I prayed after falling and I realized that I cannot be saved from myself so I again I’m going to battle myself I don’t know if it’s a spirit or just me . I’ve been reaching out to these pastors and I’m just in need of prayer seriously saints I beg for strength to fight my flesh and for discipline and victory above all PLEASE I’m closer and closer to feeling stuck and giving up but at the same time I never will lol..
Every moment you live is a chance God gave you to wash away your sins by resistance and doing good deeds. Killing yourself is only taking away these chances and is against will of God.
Find a deliverance pastor, Jesus has not left you. Jesus wants to live inside of your heart, resist the devil and he WILL FLEE. bless you brother
to be frank..they use flesh temptations most frequently when not tempting for pride. if you want to truly get strong.. find good books, and put the tech away for weeks.. even avoid friends, just focus on prayer and fasting while you do your duties. fasting is bread and water with 1 meal in the evening. dont tolerate demons..repeat -Jesus, I trust in you'. get some pictures of Jesus and candles. spend time with Jesus.
Thank you sir very much for giving a truthful reality. Hallelujah.
I heard something over the weekend that blow my mind my friend from Oklahoma said hes a Free Mason Muslim I was dumbfounded I tried to tell him about bible he didn't want to hear it pray for him please.
Was his name Muhammad ali lol
You are blessed 🙏Fantastic explanation.
It's wonderful to finally have a true man of God explaining the difference between the two 👍🙏✅
Best video I’ve watched to understand the differences between Islam and Christianity so far. Thanks a lot.
Amen am mouslim back round and all what you said is true,thank you Jesus for taken us from darkness to light Halilouya
What? I don’t know if your trying to mock or something because your words not make sense
Thank you for this awsome teeching it will help allot of people.
The way I was told to help understand the Trinity is to think of water. Liquid "water", a solid, "ice" and a gas "steam". All the same, just three different words for the same thing.
Thank you for sharing & God you the blessing Vlad & a blessing to others
This is so good! Thank you for sharing this truth pastor Vald. May God continue to bless you always.
Psalms 18:1
I will love thee
O LORD my strength
Psalms 118:28
Thou art my GOD
I will praise thee
Thou art my GOD
I will exalt thee
Psalms 36:7
How excellent is thy lovingkindness
1 Chronicles 29:13
O our GOD we thank and praise your glorious name
Psalms 103:1
Bless The LORD O my soul and all that is within me
bless his Holy name
Psalms 72:15
Prayer also shall be made for him continually and daily he shall be praised
Psalms 34:3
O magnify The LORD
with me and let us exalt his name together
Psalms 34:1
I will bless The LORD
at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth
Psalms 145 1-3
I will extol thee my
I will bless thy name for ever and ever Every day I will bless thy name and praise thy name for ever and ever Great is The LORD and greatly to be praised
Psalms 86:12
I will praise thee
with all my heart
I will glorify thy
name forever
Psalms 89:52
Blessed be The LORD
forever more
Psalms 72:19
And blessed be his glorious name for ever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory
Amen and Amen
John 15:5
I am the vine ye are
the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit without me ye can
do nothing
Psalms 16:2
I say to The LORD
You are my LORD
apart from you
I have no good thin
I just love Jesus Christ ❤
thank you for this !! very well done video, my friend 🙏 as a christian i was very curious about the muslim beliefs and this helped me get a clear idea of it
Amen Jesus Is the only way to Heaven
Allah is
I'm live in Papua New Guinea,I believe my God he is great me
Matter is trinitarian. For example, water can be in a solid, liquid, or gas form but it’s all water. 💦
"That's modalism Patrick!"
One human man can be 1. A Father. 2. A Son and 3. A Grandfather
@@sntmdsa3628 a human man can also be a nephew, a cousin, a husband, a friend... So if a human man can be all these things to other people... I can't even imagine all that God actually is for us... And we most definitely all fall short. Thank God for grace.
@@sntmdsa3628 He can also be a husband and Uncle
so 3=1 that's impossible
@@axiomaticidioms3857 😮 facts
Thanks bro in Jesus Christ's Name to give more light to Muslim about God and Jesus Christ
Salvation is only through Jesus.
Great job my brother!
Islam is darkness Christianity is lightness
In your opinion
Nonsense. Look at your society, it's dying and churches are closed and converted to mosques and it get full all the time.
Thanks pastor ❤God bless
Assimilation on it highest peak,GB.
Amen Jesus Christ is Lord and he is God💪❤️❤️🔥🔥✝️✝️💪💪
Bless Pastor Vlad for sharing from Bible perspective
Nice teachings I am learning a lot Thanks and be blessed
Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, anything else is darkness! 🙏🏻
Weird youtube wont let me like this video.
Powerful bro, God bless you!!
Calling Esa "Jesus" in English doesn't make him Jesus of Nazareth aka the Holy Trinity. Esa had a different life story, according to quran obviously.
Koran is false doctrine
Jesus translation of Yeshua. Isa is a false version of the Lord Jesus
All are equal in the eyes of LORD, whatever you are fighting for
Let everyone know that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior indeed.
God almighty is the only lord
May true creater guide all of you in correct path
Also weird youtube showing morman ads during this video.
Thank You for that confirmation 🙏🏽
Wuauuuu, That impressed me. 👏👏👏👏👏
Amen, this is very true! Let's give glory to our Lord Jesus christ of Nazareth for all the amazing work done on the cross for all of us. Hallelujah.
3.ISLAM -Quran (final revelation)
Muhammed was talking to a fallen angel
Would a fallen Angel say Jesus is blessed and not a curse?
@@Bunyourdesires Many of the times Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive others.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
English Standard Version
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
@@beadoll8025 thats what happened to Paul! Satan wouldn’t make idol worshippers worship the god of Abraham lmao
Says you.
many fallen angels mislead people into false beliefs. Mohammed waant that special. he just pushed forcefully and lived a nonGracefull life.
I really appreciate this video. It is very simple and explains it very well using the analogies. Thank you for this.
❤Thank you Jesus ❤
As a Muslim, you miss delivered some points about Islam
It’s obvious who Allah is if you look into it. He was in the garden of Eden and talked with Adam and Eve… but he was not the LORD…
@@christianamalto8047Satan would say God had a son and he killed him for our sins and that he became a curse 😂😂😂
To understand the concept of God read the concept of God in Judaism and Islam... dont say sinful things which u have no knowledge about....our Creator God is 1....our Creator has no son, He has prophets and angels to bring His message to this world.... God does not need to reincarnate as a man to this the Bible properly Jesus himself prayed to God (Allah, the God of Abraham) and said in bible "My father is greater than I, my father is greater than all"....its clear Jesus Christ is a mighty important prophet of God....but not son of God or not God....only prophet of God and also our Messiah as he will come to earth again before the end of this world to finish Antichrist...