OLD ROADHOG IS BACK!! | Overwatch 6v6 Playtest

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @richardx1157
    @richardx1157 5 годин тому +21

    @20:47 I fucking lost it at that Juno screaming and then taking an extra 10 seconds to fall off the map lmao

  • @Noobish_Camper55
    @Noobish_Camper55 7 годин тому +32

    With Marvel Rivals being out, if they just take away 6v6 and say the test was no good I'm just going to quit playing. So many years of trying to make 5v5 work when it just feels like a demo version of what we had. The game flow is way better in 6v6 open or role queue.

    • @BalkanGames
      @BalkanGames 6 годин тому +4

      Nah, they're not stupid enough to do that. It's definitely going to be a mainstay mode. They just need more time for the balance.

  • @TheDeathbringer2000
    @TheDeathbringer2000 7 годин тому +19

    Right clicking heads is back baby!! You can click a Zarya at half health and man does it make me giggle.

  • @gargano9104
    @gargano9104 7 годин тому +77

    They should have given hog his 30 damage hook back his one shot is so inconsistent and he needs a consistent one shot for 6v6. And his right click is 13 meters instead of 10.

    • @Trathien-
      @Trathien- 7 годин тому +10

      the entire community is literally crying about one shots and you want them to add more

    • @loafofbread3418
      @loafofbread3418 7 годин тому +8

      @@Trathien-wth. weren’t you that friend of adam morgan

    • @Trathien-
      @Trathien- 7 годин тому +1

      @@loafofbread3418 yeah

    • @BeastMode-bw2ry
      @BeastMode-bw2ry 6 годин тому +18

      @Trathien One shots only became hated in 5v5. In 6v6 getting one shot is not as bad as 5v5.

    • @Trathien-
      @Trathien- 6 годин тому +3

      @BeastMode-bw2ry they became hated in 5v5 because shields that counter one shots were mostly removed

  • @drabking9070
    @drabking9070 6 годин тому +19

    insane tracer hook 8:34

    • @gankzgaming4919
      @gankzgaming4919 5 годин тому

      I know right, nastiest fucking read ever

    • @Tatercon
      @Tatercon 2 години тому

      You cant link the tracer kill and not mention the even crazier doom hook right after

    • @PussyKrusher69
      @PussyKrusher69 2 години тому


    • @GochaProductions
      @GochaProductions Годину тому

      I am perplexed. How the hell did he even know she would show up there. Complete guess?

    • @gankzgaming4919
      @gankzgaming4919 40 хвилин тому

      @GochaProductions good game sense, he heard the blinks guessed where she started and when he heard the recall he just sent it

  • @zlatanobraddy7915
    @zlatanobraddy7915 5 годин тому +4

    The first game is just a masterclass

  • @Fearless_Kat
    @Fearless_Kat 7 годин тому +20

    I'm not the only one that thinks that they changed the distance of the right click, right?

    • @Dolceandgabana
      @Dolceandgabana 7 годин тому +4

      It does feel just a little off. I wasn't sure if it was just me being forgetful, or what. But I'm convinced they did change it slightly.

    • @Lapps_
      @Lapps_ 3 години тому

      Its 13m instead of 10m

    • @ashonline77
      @ashonline77 2 години тому

      its basically a range buff to right click but people arent used to it yet so it feels weird.

    • @TempestS0
      @TempestS0 35 хвилин тому

      ​@@ashonline77 it's unironically worse, a lot of maps have 10m sightlines or angles that you used to play as Hog for spacing, except now you aren't threatening there anymore bc of the range. The range increase also wasn't stated so it was probably not intentional. Having 3m on the secondary fire doesn't benefit him at all

  • @alexanderwagner2580
    @alexanderwagner2580 5 годин тому +11

    The battlepass is good. The new hero is good. The avatar collab is good. The winter wonderland event is good. The 6v6 playtest is finally out. Unfortunately, it's all about 2 years too late, and I would rather spend my time and money on rivals

    • @jerbsherb4391
      @jerbsherb4391 2 години тому +2

      I played rivals. It's overrated as hell. Anyone who thinks it's the same as overwatch are just bitter players.

    • @Undertaker93
      @Undertaker93 2 години тому +2

      ​@@jerbsherb4391 Hating on a game because it's "Overrated" is low effort rage bait. Both games MR and OW are good games in their own right

    • @GO-sz1nv
      @GO-sz1nv 2 години тому +1

      ​@@jerbsherb4391 Idk anyone who thinks they are the same game other than Blizzard execs. MR is an alternative in the genre.

  • @fallenjedi4779
    @fallenjedi4779 3 години тому +1

    This looks like fun! 6v6 is back baby!

  • @XhristianGaminX
    @XhristianGaminX 3 години тому +1

    8:36 how did u even predict that without ever seeing where she last was 🤯

  • @angel-l9w8b
    @angel-l9w8b 3 години тому

    after not playing ow for months im now happier and feeling better

  • @venatise
    @venatise 6 годин тому +5

    Season 9 health pools for the test is so sad

  • @Noobish_Camper55
    @Noobish_Camper55 7 годин тому +10

    I want my original orisa hog pulled pork combo back.

  • @Breezy-Boo-Balloon
    @Breezy-Boo-Balloon 6 годин тому +1

    What did they say to get you pissed in the beginning lol

  • @sivel7493
    @sivel7493 6 годин тому +4

    wait, ive been gone for a looong time, did they just remove Roadhog's rework entirely?? Woooow, I mean i dont really mind or care that much but wooooow, after all that xD. I suppose it was too problematic?? What exactly happened lol

    • @cherrycola4476
      @cherrycola4476 6 годин тому +3

      You gotta think he didn't need the rework in 6v6 just 5v5

    • @Hietakissa
      @Hietakissa 6 годин тому

      the limited time 6v6 test has different balance, the hog rework was reverted specifically for that mode

    • @MeanAndPristine
      @MeanAndPristine 3 години тому

      Old Hog was much more lethal, but his Breather was super counterable. Anyone with a hard CC or the ability to burst 300+ DPS could completely negate it and put it on an 8s cooldown. This was okay in 6v6 because there were two tanks. Typically the other tank would be a “main tank” while Hog would be an “off tank.” If Hog was in trouble, the main tank could cover for him in a pinch.
      But when they changed to 5v5, they essentially removed the off tank role and shifted the meta, making it more valuable to secure high value eliminations. Heroes with oneshot abilities became super strong (remember when they recently nerfed Sombra and Widow instantly started dominating lobbies?).
      Old Hog coming to 5v5 was hyper lethal against certain comps due to his oneshot, but because of his Breather cooldown, he was way too squishy to act as a lone tank, he was more like a third DPS. So the new Hog rework had to nuke his oneshot potential, but juice his Breather up, allowing him to perform as an okay main tank since he could no longer be an off tank.
      With the return of 6v6, it seems they realized that new Hog was vastly outstripped by every other main tank. So they reintroduced his old kit to turn him back into a off tank

    • @sivel7493
      @sivel7493 48 хвилин тому

      @@MeanAndPristine i see, that's cool. Personally I do like old Hog kit, it flowed somewhat better and just overall more familiar to me. And I suppose 6v6 just simply has different balancing philosophies.

    • @sivel7493
      @sivel7493 47 хвилин тому

      @@Hietakissa so wait, we're gonna have like what, both 5v5 and 6v6? We gonna have 2 different workings for some heroes for each mode or sth? That's gonna be pretty problematic xD, hopefully not.

  • @UltimatumDastric
    @UltimatumDastric 7 годин тому +12

    I miss pig pen and resource healing

  • @Sariabulfaraj
    @Sariabulfaraj 6 годин тому +1

    Old is gold .

  • @tylerdwyer7620
    @tylerdwyer7620 39 хвилин тому

    15:28 good old hog nine, although not sure why he going for a hook, that would have made them touch point and could possibly have been a throw

  • @NoNo-ro9gx
    @NoNo-ro9gx 6 годин тому +1

    Incoming Hog Sigma everywhere

    • @cherrycola4476
      @cherrycola4476 6 годин тому +1

      Nah, hog zarya is back baby

    • @NoNo-ro9gx
      @NoNo-ro9gx 6 годин тому

      @@cherrycola4476 That too

    • @TempestS0
      @TempestS0 34 хвилини тому

      Hog is terrible so no

  • @caillouzittow
    @caillouzittow 5 годин тому +2

    Zbra collab when

  • @torrakayo789
    @torrakayo789 5 годин тому

    The patch notes count for the normal 5v5 mode?

  • @Whitedeath_m
    @Whitedeath_m 7 годин тому +6

    I dont know maybe its just me and my play style ore im to used to new hog but i like it more then old hog i used to play him in his old work too but idk i find it hard to play him now especially whit mauga he feels even harder to play against him then whit new hog but i can understand why old hog is so hype and nice i missed the right click to but still would appreciate it if new hog would stay

  • @SpyEvan
    @SpyEvan 7 годин тому +1

    your christmas came early 🎁

  • @megadumbo6
    @megadumbo6 7 годин тому +2

    Bring back true 1.0 orange juice

  • @TEX474
    @TEX474 5 годин тому

    OMG is back ❤

  • @albertovaldes5181
    @albertovaldes5181 2 години тому

    LW tree got buffed too and it still gets destroyed so fast

  • @GaaraFPS
    @GaaraFPS 4 години тому

    Been running hog Zarya since the 6v6 patch came out were so back

  • @talalzubari1964
    @talalzubari1964 4 години тому +1

    8:36 how?!?!

    • @MeanAndPristine
      @MeanAndPristine 4 години тому +1

      The Tracer was pinged close to there about 3-4 seconds earlier, so he was able to make an educated guess on her past location. I’d say this was about 40% guesswork on his part

  • @redflaman1588
    @redflaman1588 Годину тому

    Overwatch devs finally deciding lock tf in only after Marvel Rivals dropped

  • @gabrielbraitenbach4278
    @gabrielbraitenbach4278 3 години тому +1

    I am really not a fan of the hog changes for 6v6, the new hog just feels so much better

    • @TempestS0
      @TempestS0 31 хвилина тому

      New Hog in 6v6 would be too much. He doesn't need that much survivability or the trap

  • @antiscp1087
    @antiscp1087 6 годин тому

    I do this everytime ima waiting for a match on the training field
    But ima the Rein, and ima a idiot
    But its so funny.

  • @johnbreadon4370
    @johnbreadon4370 6 годин тому +1

    played hog into mauga and i wasnt farmed by him, 6v6 is the way

    • @Hietakissa
      @Hietakissa 6 годин тому

      maybe the mauga was just ass

  • @unlucky-61
    @unlucky-61 3 години тому

    Instead of trying to balance every tank , blizzard should break every tank character

  • @dennismeurs9736
    @dennismeurs9736 2 години тому +1

    They should go 2 tank 1 dps and 3 support..

  • @Raykov145
    @Raykov145 7 годин тому +2

    the right click sounds SO BAD, the old sound was so satisfying. Why did they ruin it?

  • @lepepe5673
    @lepepe5673 7 годин тому


  • @yt_emp
    @yt_emp 3 години тому


  • @prototype0409
    @prototype0409 5 годин тому

    I get that it’s just for 6v6 but tbh Hog before rework is really bad especially without the 1 shot. Can easily get stunned out of Breather which isn’t a problem for new Hog

    • @TempestS0
      @TempestS0 28 хвилин тому

      That's exactly why he doesn't have the rework in 6v6.... Because there's no counterplay to the resource breather. He doesn't need all that with a second tank on the map. The real reason he feels so bad right now is because they still have the season 9 projectile changes and health pool increases, and the DPS passive in 6v6 is higher for tanks than in 5v5.
      DPS passive is not needed in 6v6, nor is the season 9 changes. Passive health regen is fine though.

  • @jasonfoster1996
    @jasonfoster1996 Годину тому

    These mfs never gave you a hog buff until you started playing marvel rivals 😂 then you get the buff. We’ll played

  • @XhristianGaminX
    @XhristianGaminX 3 години тому


  • @for3v3xyy0ung
    @for3v3xyy0ung 7 годин тому +2

    Only problems I have is with jq doom and hog… hogs take a breather should stay on the resource doom just needs help and needs his block to be on a resource as well with lower cooldowns have him play like hazard even bring back uppercut like doom seems to lack identity and jq needs her self heal passive buffed to either 1.5 or 2.0x having 1.0x heals on bleeds feels horrible especially with the dps passive

    • @Dolceandgabana
      @Dolceandgabana 7 годин тому +1

      Hog needs to keep the heal the way it is now in 6v6, or he'd be too unkillable. I'm already running through most games I play tbh. Most people already seem to have zero clue on how to play into hog, without hard countering him.

    • @for3v3xyy0ung
      @for3v3xyy0ung 7 годин тому +1

      @ I don’t think hog would be that unkillable it was hard to kill hog due to how many passives he had due to the tank role being overloaded with them but if a team literally focuses fires him as soon as he peaks a majority of the time he will fall over but I do respect others opinions

    • @Dolceandgabana
      @Dolceandgabana 7 годин тому +1

      @for3v3xyy0ung I think that is perfectly good reasoning tbh. I just know that the cool down has made it so I'm thinking a lot more about how/when I push, and who I will take space against even. It's nice to just have a discussion for once though lol (even though I'm usually the d@($head 😂)

    • @Dolceandgabana
      @Dolceandgabana 7 годин тому +1

      @@for3v3xyy0ung I do think they'd have to reduce the damage reduction a little though if they went back to a resource pool) but yeah, I think I can confidently agree with you that it could work still.

    • @for3v3xyy0ung
      @for3v3xyy0ung 7 годин тому +1

      @@Dolceandgabana lmao it’s all good man and I agree I wouldn’t mind the Damage reduction being between 25-40% which ever number seems fitting for breather being on a resource tbh it’s fair I don’t want hog to become this near unkillable tank that can’t be pushed that’s why I’m also glad they increased the hook cooldown as well so far the only two changes I think were the only two good changes they did with hog coming in ow2s lifecycle was the whole hog rework and breather rework other than that everything else was kinda just either just numbers or cosmetic and annoying cough cough pig pen and this is all coming from a hog main lmaooo

  • @Earthspluto
    @Earthspluto Годину тому +1

    this doesn’t look more fun then marvel rivals lol

  • @zoroark522
    @zoroark522 7 годин тому +3

    I like the 6v6 format but I just don't enjoy playing it on the new maps/gamemode. I wish they would make it only OG 6v6-designed maps because the new mode is meant for 5v5 format with less long angles and space.

  • @homero9899
    @homero9899 6 годин тому

    Damn the resource base is so bad. Orisa, Sigma, Doom or anh character with stun capabilities will counter hog

  • @GaaraFPS
    @GaaraFPS 4 години тому +1

    Hog can literally run a pig pen they just need to tone back the damage and make it more of just a slow ability

    • @TempestS0
      @TempestS0 27 хвилин тому

      It doesn't matter how slow the cooldown is he doesn't need it in 6v6.

  • @chipsafan1
    @chipsafan1 7 годин тому


  • @7seconds760
    @7seconds760 14 хвилин тому

    I don't like this update for Roadhog, the trap and infinite healing are better idk

  • @lazoqq8752
    @lazoqq8752 7 годин тому


  • @ryyys370z
    @ryyys370z 6 годин тому

    Bring back dps doom!

  • @skarloeythomas5172
    @skarloeythomas5172 7 годин тому +6

    The secondary fire range is so borked. Feels terrible to use, so inconsistent. It’s Sigma range, how is that helpful to Hog?

    • @megadumbo6
      @megadumbo6 7 годин тому +4

      Gives him a better neutral game

    • @xironheadx-4590
      @xironheadx-4590 7 годин тому +6

      Old hog was always short to medium range. You have to get used to it, he can hit one shots if you get a headshot

    • @vamphntr51
      @vamphntr51 7 годин тому +4

      Skill issue

    • @JonsleytheGreat
      @JonsleytheGreat 7 годин тому +3

      Skill issue

    • @JonsleytheGreat
      @JonsleytheGreat 7 годин тому +3

      Skill issue

  • @jakiii368
    @jakiii368 7 годин тому

    did they really not buff back hog ult knockback its so crazy you cant kill anymore and send them to the moon on the first like 0.5 seconds when shooting this peace of garbage

    • @Trathien-
      @Trathien- 7 годин тому +1

      thats the point of the ult yes

  • @puchimausu
    @puchimausu 4 години тому

    lol lifeweaver is so bad, nerfing an already struggling character while buffing Ana/bap/Kiri is so sad.

  • @JoeyTheRealist
    @JoeyTheRealist 5 годин тому

    Hog sucks in 6v6

  • @jokerstrike4359
    @jokerstrike4359 7 годин тому +2

    What they did to Roadhog is horrible, taking away his current abilities and leaving him with the old ones

    • @Trathien-
      @Trathien- 7 годин тому +4

      that is factually false

    • @BeastMode-bw2ry
      @BeastMode-bw2ry 6 годин тому +1

      @Trathien- So true.

    • @gargano9104
      @gargano9104 5 годин тому

      It would be better if he had his one shot, but he doesn’t.

  • @joshhale9818
    @joshhale9818 6 годин тому

    6 v 6 is garbage OW will be ruined if this come back the tanks feel miserable especially Doom and Ball

  • @Dolceandgabana
    @Dolceandgabana 7 годин тому

    Hog still has the one shot. It's just not perfect. I genuinely think it's for the best though, cause your team should realistically be capitaizing on your hooks. I have been hitting a ton of my one shots though.

    • @Dolceandgabana
      @Dolceandgabana 3 години тому

      Funny enough, I've been playing the past couple hours; and the one shot is nowhere near consistent without the left click first. Idk what I was on last night.

  • @Chueyee11
    @Chueyee11 5 годин тому

    This games dead….

  • @Nonofthi
    @Nonofthi 6 годин тому