"Mickey's Various Plays" is probably a mistranslation, since かず as in かずかず can mean various or numerous but it's also just "numbers" or even "math", so かず遊び is "games with numbers" or "Mickey's Fun with Numbers"/"Mickey's Math Games", more like
At around 1:27 when you mentions the DDS 10th have the jack Frost evolution, what's this about? I've reading Eirikjr posts about the book, but could not find it.
Kingdom Hearts but Donald and Goofy are torn between the forces of law and chaos.
"Realm of Souls", a game where Warner Bros characters appear alongside MegaTen characters
thought you were bouta say walt disney had an SMT phase
Walt Disney woulda loved persona
@@Larrue they got the idea for frozen from persona 1's snow queen quest.
@@bubbletea_ FoR rEaL ?
@@Larrue i think his favorite character would've been a certain villain in persona 2 judging by some of his beliefs
Thanks to Smash Ultimate there's technically another connection there since Joker can fight Sora
Let's not forget Twinklebell, the greatest character in Digital Devil Saga.
Funny enough in the Japanese version she's just Tinkerbell
Ngl I'd max out a social link with Pooh
thanks for the video, happy holidays larrue
Happy holidays 🎉
mickey mouse in SMT VI when
"Mickey's Various Plays" is probably a mistranslation, since かず as in かずかず can mean various or numerous but it's also just "numbers" or even "math", so かず遊び is "games with numbers" or "Mickey's Fun with Numbers"/"Mickey's Math Games", more like
That makes more sense, I'm unfortunately not fluent in Japanese just yet so I appreciate the correction
Sure, you're welcome
Alternate timeline we got a Megaten/Atlus JP x Disney JRPG like KH lol.
That would be interesting, actually. Instead of recruiting demons, you're recruiting characters and creatures from Disney's entire history.
The sweet retro 16 bit SMT 1 footage is making me sooo miss playing it. But I gots an SMT2 play through to go thru.
Oh man Megaten Kingdom hearts would be so weird, Donald Duck would roll up in his imperial Japanese uniform and shit.
Donald duck served in navy i suppose
And he won’t cast attack spells when needed.
At around 1:27 when you mentions the DDS 10th have the jack Frost evolution, what's this about? I've reading Eirikjr posts about the book, but could not find it.
Ngl smt mickey mouse with his sword on his shoulder looks badass.
pretty sure one of the disney atlus games was released on the exact day i was born
Walt Disney would have hated Lisa Silverman
What are ur thoughts on the 2 ports coming in January?
It's cool they are happening but they have some flaws that I think make them yet another example of rereleases having new issues
Kinda shock some old fairy tales aren't demons in smt
So you made a video about...nothing?
Not sure what you mean?
Turns out you made a comment about...nothing. At least this video took work. Your ignorant comment took all of 10 seconds.