My Jewish husband who accepted Jesus or Yeshua, was shocked first time he opened my Bible. He knew the Bible contained the Torah and halftorah but wanted to know where the part of Jesus started. I showed him and he held the book up and said omg! This book is three inches thick and only 1/4 an inch is the New Testament? He was amazed and his journey has been amazing
Claudia star He had a pain in his back that was healed from laying on hands in Jesus’s name and I knew it just watching his face - his expression completely changed. He also has the Holy Spirit in Him now!
2:00 in, I’ve so enjoyed watching the Masses on this channel! Husband and I quarantined with my Protestant parents and we all watched together. My parents said they got a ton out of Bishop Barron’s beautiful message 😊 and of course my husband and I did too. Can’t wait until we can all come together in the Churches again. I just KNOW there will be a revival when we can!
Well Melissa....that was and STILL the BIGEST SCANDAL with Chtistianity in history ..we BROKE the Unity Jesus deeply pray for and wanted !!!... Ave Maria ! Deus Vult !
I love the earlier podcasts because they're sprinkled with, what I affectionately call, "Barronisms". a great example: Bishop Barron quotes Scripture, "Do you want me to cure you"? "Well, Duh"!🙏💖I miss those.
I recently rejoined the Holy Catholic Church. Thus I recently discovered Word on Fire with Bishop Barron. Thank you so much for all of the insightful and encouraging lessons. It has added a lot to RCIA I had been taking to reacquaint myself with the truth and the light of the Holy Church..
Thank you Bishop Barron for your daily mass and I love your homilies and have helped me extremely with my friendship with the Lord..May God Bless You All
In all my long years( I was born into Orthodox Church) witnessed married priests who were hindered by their wives or blessed. We were/are blessed with great ones but both ways have it’s disadvantages. Thank God for those who have overcome those problems each day!
Regarding celibacy, I as a Roman Catholic, have enjoyed the priests of the Roman Church which all have been celibate. It wasn't until I attended a Ukrainian Catholic Church that I realized that there were priests in there who were married. And all in union with the Holy Father. And I agree totally with you, Bishop Barron, and am paying close attention to our Holy Father and will respect and follow whatever he decides because he really does have the authority to allow different things. I will submit to the Holy Father in every way. God Bless you!! And THANK YOU for all your wonderful teachings
Bishop Barron you are such an answer to prayer for many of us that want intelligent Theology to guide our lives by. Being raised a Lutheran and loving my church and all that it was to me, it could not prove able to meet a young adult's theological questions about our relationship with God. I took my Christian history seriously, Baptism, Confirmation and membership and wanted to join the ministry as a career but because there was no future in it from a intellectual stand point I became a searcher and finally became a Metaphysical Christian which healed, guided and set me free from the questions I had and gave me a real life experience of relationship with the Heavenly Father because I was able to learn and practice in method the Truth of my Christian Faith. So many of those that leave the churches of their youth is because they don't tolerate their questioning, I was told that "Lutherans don't question" so that lost me then because I was at such a vulnerable age, plus the joylessness of the ministry leaders made me think twice. At 18 I was gone to searching anything out of orthodoxy. You are changing that void and I can see your joy which is a sign of your relationship with the Father. Believe me many are hurting from this non Theological communication from the orthodox churches. We need the churches to, as you say stop dumbing down their members theologically. Thanks for coming out to the people who need to theologically and intellectually know. You will indeed draw many of those who left their churches wanting. I still have a couple of items I could take up with you Theologically, but I am thinking that now with such demand on your time, I would not have a chance to discuss these points of differences. Your celebrity is a real blessing to our world which has been given to such confusion on the Truth of who we are and where we are going as believers.
No words can further muster and explain the Words on Fire in its simplicity and fullness and clarity. One who hears them is complete as it leads to the power of the Holy Spirit. THANK YOU GOD, thank you.
@@JamesRichardWiley Because forgetting about something isn't the same as that something not existing. You might not remember the names of all the kids in your second grade classroom, but they still exit.
This is something I have grappled with. Hell is the absence of God and I realise it is the human soul that rejects him and chooses the darkness without God in their lives.
Thank you so much! It helps so much to hear the Mass every day. I’m not confirmed in the church but I feel so much strength and comfort from what I’m learning. Thank you
Bishop Barron you are perhaps one of the greatest theologians of my time. I love to listen to you. I learn and can better understand Catholicism by just listening to you. I tell my 83 year old devout Mother about you. I used to listen to only the Venerable Fulton J Sheen- but now I listen to mostly you. I admire and greatly appreciate you both, please never stop what you are doing. Wouldn’t it be grand if you could become the first American ever to be elected Pope?? ❤️✝️
I bleive that sorrow and joy, trial and tribulation and joy in the experience seem to be a frame of mind. I saw how a girl in Dreams of the Red Chamber laments over blossoms in spring time, she coplains about her mother's death, but did not appreciate her grandmother's love for her. Sometimes, I take joy that I have little pains and can offer it as my desire to share in Jesus' suffering on the cross.
Don’t want to alienate our separated brethrens, but one thing that they didn’t get is the sacrificial element of the Sunday (or even daily) worship. Their worship is only sing, pray, preach, listen, and social communion. Catholics’ worship has the biggest element, namely the sacrifice and the divine communion.
Always get so much out of all your videos Bishop Baron and truly when this pandemic is over one thing that will sadden me is not being able to be in your chapel for morning Mass. Looking forward to going back to Mass in my own Parish and receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist sacramentally but your Masses each morning are wonderful. Thank you from a Canadian fan
Good video. I usually don’t watch these, but this was really really good. The comments about the sacredness of sex really hit home for me. The more I grow up, the more I realize that if a girl I was dating told me that she was actually not a virgin I would feel so betrayed! Sex is such a sacred and amazing thing so of course we should not misuse it. Thank you so much for the blessing. I will pray for you two and all the souls of the world who are dealing with this outbreak.
That is basically the same thing. I am not claiming against it, the Chruch has the right to set whatever rules it wants for people who seek to join her ranks, but posing celibacy a mandatory prerequisite as quite the same as forcing. It would be like a university saying, "We do not force people to graduate from high school in order to be accepted, we only accept high school graduates". While technically the correct, that is exactly what it is -- a technicality, a study in semantics. If you want to be accepted, you MUST graduate high school. if you want to be a Catholic priest...
@@YardenJZ I see your point about semantics. It certainly sounds like mere wordplay, rather than a substantive distinction. However, I think the idea still has merit. There is a distinction between the call to celibacy and the call to the priesthood. In my own discernment, I was actually convinced that I was called to a celibate in service of the kingdom before I was convinced that I has a calling to the priesthood. There are certainly people called to celibacy without a formal ministry/office in the Church. Therefore, the words apply to a true distinction in reality, rather than merely a wordplay. As for the high school diploma, I think a vocation from God (a grace, a participation in God's inner life) is on a different plane of reality than a certificate created by humanity.
@@fatherbigmac I didn't see it that way. I understand what you mean now. Thank you for the explanation. I did not try to equate a lifetime of service as a Priest to a couple of years studying for a bachelor's, I apologise if it came out that way. I was only trying to make a semantic point (which I now see is actually invalid). I may not agree with the Roman Church's stance on this, but I do understand it better now, Thank you!
I have been a Catholic priest for 33 years and I have great respect for this ministry of Word on Fire. However, my grandmother a Methodist convert to Catholicism habitually referred to people, for all of her life as Catholic or non-Catholic, my Irish cradle-born Catholic grandfather used to remonstrate with her, reminding her that people should never be defined as "non" they actual should be referred to by who they are. I have in all of my years of priesthood tried to rid my congregations of this term. I am not a non-American, I am English, I am not a non-Conservative I am a Labour supporter. I am not a non-believer I am a believer, even more so a Christian and a CathoIic. Non-believers are atheists or when questioning known as agnostics. It is such sloppy language to preface someone as "non" I admire Bishop Barron for his engagement with all people, there will still be on a certain level the "others" but they are not "non" people we believe they are God's children. I have friends from diverse faiths and none, from different nationality, races, genders, sexualities and political viewpoints, let us have a little humility and address people for who they are not by reference by what we define they are not! Keep up your wonderful work.
Once again Bishop Barron you have illuminated and made clear so much that has seemed so difficult to understand. If anyone brings me back to the church it will be you. I always listen to your sermons but the Church here in South Africa does not help me. I have no desire to go to church here. I would love to see you in person !! I have aa couple of questions.
Matthew 10:27-29 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Many congratulation on putting the program segments in the description. I wish other Catholic videos and podcasts would do likewise, as it is really so helpful, especially for later looking up answers to questions.
I like the response on Hell. He's essentially saying, "God isn't punishing you; you are punishing yourself by not doing what God wants you to do." Funny thing is I once had a girlfriend who used the same strategy! Ba-dum-tshh! But seriously, good answer that has more sophistication than the old view one gets from Jonathan Edwards or Bosch. I personally think of Hell not as a place but a condition of the soul, being disconnected or out of communion with the goodness and righteousness of the mystery of God.
Most Reverend Barron, you did not take the argument of 'precious' far enough...gluttony and pride also effects our body, but none of them produce a NEW LIFE as sexuality and its aim does. So, not only is my life effected by my sin, but so is the life I may have (pro) created....Respectfully my 2 cents
It seems to me part of the reason gluttony is more serious than lust is that one needs to eat in order to survive, so the temptation presents itself within the very need for survival, and is therefore harder to resist. With lust, nobody needs sex in order to survive; you can live just fine without it, and lust doesn’t always result in procreation. There is kind of a false premise: Catholics are not puritans. We love sex, but, of course, it must be in the proper context of marriage (as God ordained). As for pride, it may affect the body, but it’s principal vice is towards God. Fundamentally, pride is saying “I know better how to live my life than God,” and I think it’s therefore easy to see why it is the deadliest sin.
@@killianmiller6107 interesting response. You take an angle or perspective I had not. I would say that pride IS indeed the most deadliest of sins because it is the underlying sin to each other deadly sin. Much like the 1st commandment is underlying all other commandments. For anyone to violate any other commandment would also then be in violation of the 1st. Thank you for your perspective.
Many thanks to the good Bishop Barron for tirelessly fielding time and again -- with characteristic patience and aplomb -- the same repeated atheistic canards and confusion with all the graceful dexterity of his boyhood baseball heroes. Bishop Barron may have not grown up to be a Detroit Tiger, but he certainly matured into a masterful fielder of another stripe nonetheless. +IHS+
Tolkien felt that being made in the image and likeness of The Creator, it is part of our nature to create and that we create stories and legends to help us to understand and convey truth. In his biography of Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter documented a conversation between Tolkien and his friend and fellow author C.S. Lewis: “But,” said Lewis, “myths are lies, even though lies breathed through silver.” “No,” said Tolkien, “they are not. ...just as speech is invention about objects and ideas, so myth is invention about truth.” “We have come from God (continued Tolkien), and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God.”
Hi Bishop. As a protestant, I really enjoyed your video. With respect to hell, I think the idea would be that hell is a state where people are separated from God. When People do not want to be with God and thus, they get what they want.
"under pontius pilate" this part of the creed is important because the citizens or occupants of the roman empire, used politicans to mark times of importance. citizens would say similar to i was born on the second month of the first term of scipio africanus. never thought about this! so cool!
In the description block there's this 5th question: Why do Catholics need to confess their sins to a priest, and not directly to God? How come this was not answered in the video? Just the same, thank you for this episode. God bless us all.
Look at three places in the Bible: John 20:22-23, 2 Corinthians 5:17-19, and James 5:16. When I go to Confession, Jun, I go with confidence in Jesus. The priest is there to help me understand the gravity of my sins and how to avoid them in the future. Basically I AM confessing directly to God in the presence of His priest.
@@johnflorio3052 Thanks for your reply. Actually, I have nothing against confession. I saw it in the description block listed as one of the questions to be tackled by Bishop Barron in this episode. I was wondering it was not answered in the video.
Regarding the last caller's question regarding the Cuurch and sexual sin--- I'd like to add to Bishop Barron's answer. We, as united with our spouses, are participating with God in creation. We get to co-create! Also, sex is tied to one of the 7 sacraments ---marriage. A Godly marriage should protect the children who come from that marriage. It's been said that strong families makes for strong countries. Look how divided our country is. There's been a complete breakdown in the family. Im with St. Paul, when he lamented, "who will rescue [us] from these wretched [bodies] of sin? Jesus Christ!"
Do NOT live in fear! You are making Corona virus and fear your god! "For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods." - 1Chronicles16:25
Very happy to subscribe. In regard to the literary genres and myths: Nobel prize winner, the Mexican writer Octavio Paz wrote an outstanding essay that addresses the question. His work: "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: las trampas de la fe". Paz develops the Jesuit's quest for the universality of the Christian teachings when they encountered similar stories during their travels. He said that Jungian theories are indebted to the Jesuits' writings.
I want the sacraments and the Mass back and I want our priests and bishops who are still Catholic to stand up to the bullies who are trying to send us all to Hell.
Regarding 'What's the difference between the Jewish Bible, Catholic Bible, and the Koran?' Below is what trinity is in Koran (I wish Bishop Barren knew such strong falsehood from that book) : 5:116 Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart . . ." Anyone knows trinity is God the Father, Jesus the son of God, and the Holy Spirit.. This one is just the beginning of the falsehoods they don't question.
As a non-Catholic the question I would have for the Bishop is this: The Catholic Catechism say that "All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven." (CCC 1030) Yet the bible says that, "For by one offering He [Jesus] has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." In Hebrews 7:25, he says "He [Jesus] is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." How do you reconcile the contradiction between the clear scriptural teaching and the teaching of the Catechism?
There is no contradiction at all here, SOCM! Tell me, do you understand the difference between Sheol and Gehenna? When Our Lord was buried, what did He do? Did Jesus just lay there dead in the grave until His resurrection? Of course not! He went and visited (cf. 1 Peter 3:19-20) the "spirits in prison." Why did they need His visit? St. Peter writes these spirits "formerly disobeyed" which means they were in obedience at some point after. What is misunderstood about Purgatory is this: It is not a "second chance" nor does its existence contravene the cross. In fact, Jesus' death upon the cross is SO powerful even unconfessed venial sins (cf. 1 John 5:16-17) can be forgiven after your heart stops beating! It is the Protestant sects who limit Jesus' salvific power to this earthly life! Your view of what Hebrews 7:25 says is far too limiting. Do not forget what St. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome in Romans 8:38-39: Not even death can separate us from the love of Christ.
@@johnflorio3052 I was not referring to purgatory. I made no mention of purgatory. I was talking about the sufficiency of the atonement of Christ to purify sinners. The Catholic Catechsim says He did not fully purify you. The bible says you are perfectly pure. Contradiction.
Forgive me for misunderstanding part of your question.Jesus' finished work on the cross is done. I believe we agree on that. The Church teaches Christ's sacrificial death is sufficient. The problem is us, not Christ. If you die with unconfessed sin you are not perfectly pure. You are not in the state of grace. Matthew 24:13.
@@johnflorio3052 "If you die with unconfessed sin you are not perfectly pure." Bingo! Precisely my point. Now, read Hebrews 10:14. You can believe the teachings of the Catholic church; or the teachings of Scripture; you cannot believe both because they are contradictory.
@@johnflorio3052 "Jesus' finished work on the cross is done. I believe we agree on that." I agree with that. What I don't understand is how a person who participates in the sacrifice of the mass can embrace that? "As often as the sacrifice of the cross in which Christ our Passover was sacrificed7, is celebrated on the altar, the work of our redemption is carried on, and, in the sacrament of the eucharistic bread, the unity of all believers who form one body in Christ8 is both expressed and brought about." Lumen Gentium (Vatican II) "In the mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, in which priests fulfill their greatest task, the work of our redemption is being constantly carried on;" - Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests: Presbyterorum Ordinis (Vatican II)
You gave an awesome answer for comparing our faith in uniqueness and superority to myths. I usually say in a way God used these "myths," or realities of interacting with divine beings and the divine council, or the watchers. Sound answer showing Jesus is documented and confirmed as real and historic. But regarding other "gods" of the "myths," its not so documented. God made His history traceable and verifiable in great detail and clarity with memory and with overwhelming layers of witnesses. From direct testimonies to archeology. With God caring for every detail for over 2000 years. Plus all OT history leading to.
Depending on where you live, there are some parishes that are offering drive-through confessions. The priest sits outside and people pull up in their cars, roll their window down, and say their confession while maintaining a safe distance. It's not optimal but it works!
I'm in little Delavan, Wisc. and appreciate the Bishops Masses. We will get over this, but I do believe this virus is a strong sign from God to shape up world.
With all due respect, in the bible it says: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Genesis 2.23-24
@Matt Blaise With additional respect, it seems from that verse that 1. It is not easy to accept. and 2. only those who "can" accept it should. Therefore, it seems wrong to "institutionalize" it or make it mandatory, to force all those men to accept it. Obviously, many of them cannot do so or find it unnatural and it bubbles up in evil or subversive inclinations that they act on. Why not make it up to the individual which is what the verse seems to indicate?
When someone asks , “Why would anyone choose Hell, over Heaven”, I respond, “Why would anyone choose lung cancer, or emphysema? Yet nevertheless, people take up smoking, knowing that these are the awful consequences.” They aren’t choosing Hell anymore that the smoker chooses disease, what they choose is to turn a blind eye toward the consequences in favor of short term pleasure.
This is what happens when we only talk about God’s love. God is vengeful! And thank Goodness for that. That way I can concentrate on forgiveness. He will step on anyone who damages us. Even though we want salvation for all living human beings, we should not be in favor of the devil being exonerated. Or eternal forgiveness for anyone who sides with the devil 👿 That would be unjust. If you like making people suffer, I need a wrathful God to protect me from you.
I know I'm WAY late to this, but I actually had a question. Why does the Catholic Church believe Mary was immaculately conceived (born without sin)? If Mary had to be immaculately conceived in order for Jesus to be born so as well, it implies that both parents of a sin-free child must be immaculately conceived or otherwise free of sin themselves. Were Mary's parents, all four of her grandparents, and all eight of her great-grandparents immaculately conceived? How large is this sin-free (some may even say "pure") race of people? Furthermore, if this isn't the case, and God made it so that Mary was spontaneously born without sin, why couldn't he have done so for the birth of Christ?
The comparisons and analogies to explain the concepts are spot on. I'd even venture that many of us know what the answers are - like on the view of sex for example - its just that we get so buried in maybe this kind of postmodern cynicism that those intuitions eventually are blotted out, especially if we're continuously exposed to what's on TV and the internet these days.
Following the paradigm of Acts 17:16-31, the Church encountered paganism and converted it by exploiting the fact that man is a religious animal and replacing his worship of the unknown god with the true God. Acts 17:28 pertains to the pagan god, but Paul shifts it to the living God whom men wished to encounter all along. Christianity conquered paganism and directed its religious practices to Christ.
I wish there was somewhere a truly loving community of christians. My sad experience with Christians is that once they get cornered they easily forget about love, tolerance and respect.
Luis Morales this is sadly the state of mankind. The miracle of the gospel is that God loved us and loves us us even though we’re this way. All my best.
God is love and He is the action of love in all His manifestations. Love also is justice so if we do not choose God as your eminence says, we choose to live a life rejecting Him. Hell is the absence of love. It’s our death and God is fair and just. Sinners who die in sin meant for hell go to hell. Sinners who are destined for heaven go to purgatory to be purified
Damien Paroski yes my term, destined, is only a judgment of God based on our action or inaction. Our free will, always is the path to our ends. It is implied that by the acts of sin there is a result. In purgatory are many good souls who failed to forgive. In fact, this is the greatest tragedy, the people who are not counseled to forgive, or self righteous in passing judgment on others. For He holds their sins bound all those who do not forgive as He does our sins. The parable about the man forgiven his large debt by a landlord, who then turns around and beats a man who owes him a paltry sum, and when the landlord finds out what he did he had him thrown in jail until his full debt was paid. God bless you
Peter the hermit from the Lord. If you have Him in you, the He writes His laws upon your heart. I know it because He tells me and reinforces the laws of the mother church. For He sends me people in purgatory. If you actually speak to Jesus and pray deeply in the spirit then you can hear Him and if deep in the holy spirit, you even can see Him. This can only be achieved with daily repentance to Him. The deeper you pray the more you see in the supernatural realm. He has shown me that purgatory which is canon law for 1.3Billon practicing Catholics, is in fact real. It’s not under the old law, because heaven was only opened by Him. After heavens gates were opened He created this place. It is a purification place of those not perfected. Does God not make perfect judgment? Does God not work to purify us here? Should those not finished with purification enter His heavenly realm? Should they go to hell? That is your choice under the old laws and you seem to think they should go to hell then since no one could gain access to heaven before, God can’t create purgatory for those not ready? Your thoughts are nonsense and clearly you haven’t thought about this at all. Use the brain that God gave you and think of what is just and righteous under God with the gates of heaven open and THEN talk to Jesus to validate these things if you can not believe in canon law. If you reference only the word of God, then you only get a piece of truth for God is bigger than the word, and can not be contained fully in it. There is much truth that exists that is not actually discussed in the Word and is not contrary to it. You say something is heresy but it only shows your ignorance of God and His perfect ways. I don’t believe you actually have the Holy Spirit in you if you do not know these truths or if you ever do hear from God, you do not ask God for validation before you spew. May God conflict your heart and bless you with Truth.
James Richard Wiley why Don’t you ask a God these questions? He was there. I know He is infinitely merciful. You may be surprised to find your maker....But you must seek Him with your whole heart and soul that He gave you. You must approach in humility, that is, your willingness to say “I do not know! Tell me the truth! I seek to know, what is Truth!? I have these questions on events you allowed or did in judgment which make no sense to me, I am just a mortal man living for a season, tell me!” In speaking with the Lord before witnessing to my jewish in-laws, and trust me, it is not easy to talk about Jesus to jews, they are very stubborn on this. On the Holocaust and death of 6 million innocent Jews He said, Im paraphrasing, they didn’t die for their own actions but were killed because of Me and I took them unto me. They were the ransom paid for Israel. For Israel was reborn a nation in one day, two years after WWII ended. This is Fulfillment of prophesy. For the people called out to God and many became atheist because they said He didn’t answer. Sometimes there is a higher purpose but we must see beyond one short life here. My in-laws never thought that God gathered all those to Him for dying in His name,. They never thought that the fire they went through only placed them higher in heaven, having perfected many souls. Heavenly ways are not ways of men. Heavenly ways are much higher levels of thinking. Our lives here are, to use my sons terminology, a simulation to proof us and make us worthy of the next level. Like gold is made perfect in fire. So God in His mercy is focused on our eternity and not these things of the flesh which only last but a blink of the eye. Our soul is more important than this flesh which enrobes it, which turns to dust. Think of a harvest of wheat that is only for a season, that is the bodies we walk in. If God is love and yet doesn’t take action to demonstrate love or even to show judgment, then there is no love in that. Love of a father is also tough love, ruling in judgment when we do wrong. We learn from that act by our fathers. I find those who were atheist usually do not have good father relationships so this might make it tough to comprehend. But know you have a Heavenly Father that loves you more than you can comprehend and sees your divine purpose here, and your purpose is greater than anything you can imagine. He loves you no matter how you sin. He never stops trying to turn people to choose Him even till the end of their lives. His realm is higher and His thinking much higher than that of men. We think, why did He let that baby die? It is truly because of the free will of man. Back in the time of Noah...Each mother that partied and drank, ignoring the prophets asking them all to repent and turn from their evil, the prophets that said, turn to good, lead good lives; those mothers sealed the death of their unborn on earth in their sin. Just as a mass killer hears and rejects God when He whispers in His head no, do not shoot up a school, this is wrong, God still allows that man free will. But this I know, He gathers those innocents to Him as well. For we were gifted with free will and God must then allows men to choose evil though He tries to get men to do good. He always wants us and whispers in our minds to choose Him, or what is good. So, If He as God is focused on a higher realm that is our eternity, then He will allow pain and suffering if it refines us in its fire, he will gather the innocent to Him for eternity. He is focused on our souls and not the flesh we take for a a season. May God bless you
On the issue of celibacy. I think it would be beneficial for some priests to go off and have a family and kids but then come back to the priesthood once the kids have grown up. Then they bring that life experience to the table. I think this would be appealing to a lot of catholics.
St. Raphael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
On the question of Hell, the character of Father Zossima from BROTHERS KARAMAZOV (Fyodor Dostoyevsky) says: "Fathers and teachers, I ponder, "What is hell?" I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love... ...They talk of hell fire in the material sense. I don't go into that mystery and I shun it. But I think if there were fire in material sense, they would be glad of it, for I imagine that in material agony, their still greater spiritual agony would be forgotten for a moment. Moreover, that spiritual agony cannot be taken from them, for that suffering is not external but within them... ...Oh, there are some who remain proud and fierce even in hell, in spite of their certain knowledge and contemplation of the absolute truth; there are some fearful ones who have given themselves over to Satan and his proud spirit entirely. For such, hell is voluntary and ever consuming; they are tortured by their own choice. For they have cursed themselves, cursing God and life. They live upon their vindictive pride like a starving man in the desert sucking blood out of his own body. But they are never satisfied, and they refuse forgiveness, they curse God Who calls them. They cannot behold the living God without hatred, and they cry out that the God of life should be annihilated, that God should destroy Himself and His own creation. And they will burn in the fire of their own wrath for ever and yearn for death and annihilation. But they will not attain to death...."
Isaiah 28:21"The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task." The Lord is indeed love, but he will be the one that decrees the final home of each man. There will be some in their presumption that will be thrown into hell, and others who will run into hell when made able to see their soul the way grace sees it in the light of truth. Turn from sin and reject it. Love is what you do, not what you say.
In the last question, you did not really answer the question of gluttony. Is that not a sin as well? You side-tracked it with the Sin of Pride. Thank you.
It's not a subject for younger children. First confession, communion and how God and Jesus loves everyone is proper for the younger ages. The age of reason (14) is the time to develop the sacrifice Christ made for us. Just saying.
I would also say you can teach them about it or describe it to them in a language that they would understand. Use limited, symbolic language, that is just enough for the childish mind to comprehend, and slowly over time, introduce more challenging details and explanations.
Just a sharing to answer 1st question, God does not allowed us to hell but we spiritual blinded and choose to Hell. Similarly Adam and Eve, God told Adam are freedom except do not ate the fruit. Because of our disobey and want wiser or be knowledgeable than God we break the God's law.
It's interesting that people often speak much about celebacy as a Catholic thing. Celebacy is practised in the Eastern tradition and is perhaps older than that in the western church. More interesting is the fact that celebacy and monasticism are not Christian inventions. The oldest practices of celebacy are found in Hinduism. At a later age Buddhism brought in organised monastic practices continued even today. It's worthwhile to remember. In fact our faith took many good spiritual traditions from the classic religions and assimilated them so beautifully in to the Christian tradition. This includes the rosary too! Glory be to God.
@@rickygcfo its true I know that our Lady did reveal it to Dominic. But the original Rosary has been restructured later on into its present form. However the history of prayer using beads was there in India before the advent of Christian faith. Both Hindu and Buddhist traditions are there. Islam possibly adopted it from India via the Persian conduit for there was active contact between these cultures. In the Church this practice appeared only after the 11th century. This does not mean that the Rosary is in any way inferior to other practices outside. Contrary to it.its possible that the use of prayer beads was known by the European pilgrims and crusaders who came to the holy land . This is history.
What I find irreconcileable is the very idea of hell. If a father would punish his children with fire he would be sent to jail, even if he has somehow trained his kids to burn their own hands at his command. The Bible describes the burning alive of one's children alive (in the original "hell") as unthinkable to God in Jeremiah 19:5.
Yarden Zelivansky but dont forget brother, there is a spiritual war with the devil and multitudes of demons who hate God and hate us, God’s creatures... if a person rejects Jesus as the saviour, rejects his teachings and chooses to sin throughout their life, they are determining their fate by their own actions and evil, already filled with Endless hate for us, will relish in the endless torture of those who reject God. This is why Jesus came, to try to prevent this from happening through teaching us firsthand. If God didnt care for us, would he let His only Son be mocked, tortured and killed to defeat evil in Jesus’ name??? God has done everything he can for us and our faith is our responsibility; the Eucharist is the proper worship of Jesus. Jesus already defeated all evil at His weakest at the end of 40 days of fasting, surrounded by evil, alone. If one decides to reject Jesus, never repent and never change their ways, then they are choosing to be in the clutches of evil.
@@CaryChilton Still, if hell is supposedly God's creation, his decision for that to be the punishment, he has responsibility for that. Just like the punishing father.
Yarden Zelivansky Ah, I see... you feel you are a superior intellect thirsty for theological debate. If so, please convince why your undisclosed religious belief is superior to Christianity.... surely you are able to convince all of us. I am waiting, surely you are not just a troll?
My Jewish husband who accepted Jesus or Yeshua, was shocked first time he opened my Bible. He knew the Bible contained the Torah and halftorah but wanted to know where the part of Jesus started. I showed him and he held the book up and said omg! This book is three inches thick and only 1/4 an inch is the New Testament?
He was amazed and his journey has been amazing
Ann R-A ohh! How amazing! How did he accept Jesus? I would love to know if it is not too much to ask.
Ann R-A .. That’s wonderful news.
The part with Jesus starts at Genesis 1:1
@@gnats50 I was going to say the Part prophesizing Jesus starts at Genesis 3 but yours is better.
Claudia star He had a pain in his back that was healed from laying on hands in Jesus’s name and I knew it just watching his face - his expression completely changed. He also has the Holy Spirit in Him now!
2:00 in, I’ve so enjoyed watching the Masses on this channel! Husband and I quarantined with my Protestant parents and we all watched together. My parents said they got a ton out of Bishop Barron’s beautiful message 😊 and of course my husband and I did too. Can’t wait until we can all come together in the Churches again. I just KNOW there will be a revival when we can!
Way to go!
Well Melissa....that was and STILL the BIGEST SCANDAL with Chtistianity in history ..we BROKE the Unity Jesus deeply pray for and wanted !!!... Ave Maria !
Deus Vult !
A true revival will include the popes consecration of Russia and the abandonment of the new order mass for the Traditional Mass of the Saints
I love the earlier podcasts because they're sprinkled with, what I affectionately call, "Barronisms". a great example: Bishop Barron quotes Scripture, "Do you want me to cure you"? "Well, Duh"!🙏💖I miss those.
I recently rejoined the Holy Catholic Church. Thus I recently discovered Word on Fire with Bishop Barron. Thank you so much for all of the insightful and encouraging lessons. It has added a lot to RCIA I had been taking to reacquaint myself with the truth and the light of the Holy Church..
Welcome cindy. Enjoy the fullness of the catholic church. Pray for you.
Hey welcome! You'll find a lot of nice content for you on UA-cam, not just Bishop Barron's channel!
Thank you Bishop Barron for your daily mass and I love your homilies and have helped me extremely with my friendship with the Lord..May God Bless You All
In all my long years( I was born into Orthodox Church) witnessed married priests who were hindered by their wives or blessed. We were/are blessed with great ones but both ways have it’s disadvantages. Thank God for those who have overcome those problems each day!
Wonderful to see Bishop Barron as always.
Regarding celibacy, I as a Roman Catholic, have enjoyed the priests of the Roman Church which all have been celibate. It wasn't until I attended a Ukrainian Catholic Church that I realized that there were priests in there who were married. And all in union with the Holy Father. And I agree totally with you, Bishop Barron, and am paying close attention to our Holy Father and will respect and follow whatever he decides because he really does have the authority to allow different things. I will submit to the Holy Father in every way. God Bless you!! And THANK YOU for all your wonderful teachings
Bishop Barron you are such an answer to prayer for many of us that want intelligent Theology to guide our lives by. Being raised a Lutheran and loving my church and all that it was to me, it could not prove able to meet a young adult's theological questions about our relationship with God. I took my Christian history seriously, Baptism, Confirmation and membership and wanted to join the ministry as a career but because there was no future in it from a intellectual stand point I became a searcher and finally became a Metaphysical Christian which healed, guided and set me free from the questions I had and gave me a real life experience of relationship with the Heavenly Father because I was able to learn and practice in method the Truth of my Christian Faith. So many of those that leave the churches of their youth is because they don't tolerate their questioning, I was told that "Lutherans don't question" so that lost me then because I was at such a vulnerable age, plus the joylessness of the ministry leaders made me think twice. At 18 I was gone to searching anything out of orthodoxy. You are changing that void and I can see your joy which is a sign of your relationship with the Father. Believe me many are hurting from this non Theological communication from the orthodox churches. We need the churches to, as you say stop dumbing down their members theologically. Thanks for coming out to the people who need to theologically and intellectually know. You will indeed draw many of those who left their churches wanting. I still have a couple of items I could take up with you Theologically, but I am thinking that now with such demand on your time, I would not have a chance to discuss these points of differences. Your celebrity is a real blessing to our world which has been given to such confusion on the Truth of who we are and where we are going as believers.
No words can further muster and explain the Words on Fire in its simplicity and fullness and clarity. One who hears them is complete as it leads to the power of the Holy Spirit. THANK YOU GOD, thank you.
Thank you for the blessing, Bishop Barron.
I was having a very stressful, trying day, but thank you for reminding me about God's Love. I needed that.
@@JamesRichardWiley Because forgetting about something isn't the same as that something not existing. You might not remember the names of all the kids in your second grade classroom, but they still exit.
From Portugal, I'm watching every day the Mess! God bless you for!
Thank you Bishop Barron, we the catholic are the ones who need the most your teachings! They have been a blessing for me!
This is something I have grappled with. Hell is the absence of God and I realise it is the human soul that rejects him and chooses the darkness without God in their lives.
It's so refreshing and heart warming to listen to Bishop Barron. Thank you very much for your help in enlightening our faith. ❤🙏
Praying for the Pope, Bishop Robert Barron and Father Daniel Kelley
Thank you so much! It helps so much to hear the Mass every day. I’m not confirmed in the church but I feel so much strength and comfort from what I’m learning. Thank you
Bishop Barron thank you so much as I have learned a lot in the short time I have been listening to you.
Thank you Bishop Barron and the team. God bless you and your families. 🙏🙏🙏⛪❤
Thank you Bishop Barron. Greetings from Australia.
Bishop Barron you are perhaps one of the greatest theologians of my time. I love to listen to you. I learn and can better understand Catholicism by just listening to you. I tell my 83 year old devout Mother about you. I used to listen to only the Venerable Fulton J Sheen- but now I listen to mostly you.
I admire and greatly appreciate you both, please never stop what you are doing.
Wouldn’t it be grand if you could become the first American ever to be elected Pope?? ❤️✝️
Let us pray that he becomes a Cardinal.
May God hear you.
I bleive that sorrow and joy, trial and tribulation and joy in the experience seem to be a frame of mind. I saw how a girl in Dreams of the Red Chamber laments over blossoms in spring time, she coplains about her mother's death, but did not appreciate her grandmother's love for her. Sometimes, I take joy that I have little pains and can offer it as my desire to share in Jesus' suffering on the cross.
Don’t want to alienate our separated brethrens, but one thing that they didn’t get is the sacrificial element of the Sunday (or even daily) worship. Their worship is only sing, pray, preach, listen, and social communion. Catholics’ worship has the biggest element, namely the sacrifice and the divine communion.
Always get so much out of all your videos Bishop Baron and truly when this pandemic is over one thing that will sadden me is not being able to be in your chapel for morning Mass. Looking forward to going back to Mass in my own Parish and receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist sacramentally but your Masses each morning are wonderful. Thank you from a Canadian fan
I love listening to your explanations to everyone's questions. I have learned so much! Thank very much Bishop 🙏
Bishop, I loved that you gave a blessing at the end. Please do more of this!
Good video. I usually don’t watch these, but this was really really good. The comments about the sacredness of sex really hit home for me. The more I grow up, the more I realize that if a girl I was dating told me that she was actually not a virgin I would feel so betrayed! Sex is such a sacred and amazing thing so of course we should not misuse it. Thank you so much for the blessing. I will pray for you two and all the souls of the world who are dealing with this outbreak.
God bless, thank you for your efforts to provide calmness and consolation.
24:15 - 31:50 I found the foundations of Bishop Barron's Pascha (Easter) homily!
The Roman Church does not force men into celibacy in order to become priests. The Roman Church chooses Her priests from among the celibate.
That is basically the same thing. I am not claiming against it, the Chruch has the right to set whatever rules it wants for people who seek to join her ranks, but posing celibacy a mandatory prerequisite as quite the same as forcing.
It would be like a university saying, "We do not force people to graduate from high school in order to be accepted, we only accept high school graduates". While technically the correct, that is exactly what it is -- a technicality, a study in semantics.
If you want to be accepted, you MUST graduate high school. if you want to be a Catholic priest...
@@YardenJZ I see your point about semantics. It certainly sounds like mere wordplay, rather than a substantive distinction.
However, I think the idea still has merit. There is a distinction between the call to celibacy and the call to the priesthood. In my own discernment, I was actually convinced that I was called to a celibate in service of the kingdom before I was convinced that I has a calling to the priesthood. There are certainly people called to celibacy without a formal ministry/office in the Church.
Therefore, the words apply to a true distinction in reality, rather than merely a wordplay.
As for the high school diploma, I think a vocation from God (a grace, a participation in God's inner life) is on a different plane of reality than a certificate created by humanity.
@@fatherbigmac I didn't see it that way. I understand what you mean now. Thank you for the explanation.
I did not try to equate a lifetime of service as a Priest to a couple of years studying for a bachelor's, I apologise if it came out that way. I was only trying to make a semantic point (which I now see is actually invalid).
I may not agree with the Roman Church's stance on this, but I do understand it better now, Thank you!
Yarden Zelivansky Celibacy or marriage. Best practices
@@donhaddix3770 It doesn't. Corinthians Ch 7. If you have strong sexual urges, better to be married than to be celibate.
Clarity. Liberating. Thank you and bless you.
I have been watching them for over a week everyday!!!
I love Catholic Church! 😍
Thank you - wonderful time - we are well blessed. from England
I have been a Catholic priest for 33 years and I have great respect for this ministry of Word on Fire. However, my grandmother a Methodist convert to Catholicism habitually referred to people, for all of her life as Catholic or non-Catholic, my Irish cradle-born Catholic grandfather used to remonstrate with her, reminding her that people should never be defined as "non" they actual should be referred to by who they are. I have in all of my years of priesthood tried to rid my congregations of this term. I am not a non-American, I am English, I am not a non-Conservative I am a Labour supporter. I am not a non-believer I am a believer, even more so a Christian and a CathoIic. Non-believers are atheists or when questioning known as agnostics. It is such sloppy language to preface someone as "non" I admire Bishop Barron for his engagement with all people, there will still be on a certain level the "others" but they are not "non" people we believe they are God's children. I have friends from diverse faiths and none, from different nationality, races, genders, sexualities and political viewpoints, let us have a little humility and address people for who they are not by reference by what we define they are not! Keep up your wonderful work.
Once again Bishop Barron you have illuminated and made clear so much that has seemed so difficult to understand. If anyone brings me back to the church it will be you. I always listen to your sermons but the Church here in South Africa does not help me. I have no desire to go to church here. I would love to see you in person !! I have aa couple of questions.
Matthew 10:27-29
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Many congratulation on putting the program segments in the description. I wish other Catholic videos and podcasts would do likewise, as it is really so helpful, especially for later looking up answers to questions.
I hope Jesus Christ forgives us and protect us from evil and corona virus Amen 🙏
Thank you for the blessing. God bless you.
I like the response on Hell. He's essentially saying, "God isn't punishing you; you are punishing yourself by not doing what God wants you to do." Funny thing is I once had a girlfriend who used the same strategy! Ba-dum-tshh!
But seriously, good answer that has more sophistication than the old view one gets from Jonathan Edwards or Bosch. I personally think of Hell not as a place but a condition of the soul, being disconnected or out of communion with the goodness and righteousness of the mystery of God.
I hope it's over in a few weeks too, Bishop, but it isn't looking like that. Pray for us!
Thanks Bishop Barron.
God bless you bishop
Most Reverend Barron, you did not take the argument of 'precious' far enough...gluttony and pride also effects our body, but none of them produce a NEW LIFE as sexuality and its aim does. So, not only is my life effected by my sin, but so is the life I may have (pro) created....Respectfully my 2 cents
It seems to me part of the reason gluttony is more serious than lust is that one needs to eat in order to survive, so the temptation presents itself within the very need for survival, and is therefore harder to resist. With lust, nobody needs sex in order to survive; you can live just fine without it, and lust doesn’t always result in procreation. There is kind of a false premise: Catholics are not puritans. We love sex, but, of course, it must be in the proper context of marriage (as God ordained). As for pride, it may affect the body, but it’s principal vice is towards God. Fundamentally, pride is saying “I know better how to live my life than God,” and I think it’s therefore easy to see why it is the deadliest sin.
@@killianmiller6107 interesting response. You take an angle or perspective I had not. I would say that pride IS indeed the most deadliest of sins because it is the underlying sin to each other deadly sin.
Much like the 1st commandment is underlying all other commandments. For anyone to violate any other commandment would also then be in violation of the 1st.
Thank you for your perspective.
Many thanks to the good Bishop Barron for tirelessly fielding time and again -- with characteristic patience and aplomb -- the same repeated atheistic canards and confusion with all the graceful dexterity of his boyhood baseball heroes. Bishop Barron may have not grown up to be a Detroit Tiger, but he certainly matured into a masterful fielder of another stripe nonetheless. +IHS+
Thank you Bishop Barron.
Tolkien felt that being made in the image and likeness of The Creator, it is part of our nature to create and that we create stories and legends to help us to understand and convey truth.
In his biography of Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter documented a conversation between Tolkien and his friend and fellow author C.S. Lewis:
“But,” said Lewis, “myths are lies, even though lies breathed through silver.”
“No,” said Tolkien, “they are not. ...just as speech is invention about objects and ideas, so myth is invention about truth.”
“We have come from God (continued Tolkien), and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God.”
I like this 😉
This was wonderful, thank you.
Hi Bishop. As a protestant, I really enjoyed your video. With respect to hell, I think the idea would be that hell is a state where people are separated from God. When People do not want to be with God and thus, they get what they want.
"under pontius pilate" this part of the creed is important because the citizens or occupants of the roman empire, used politicans to mark times of importance. citizens would say similar to i was born on the second month of the first term of scipio africanus. never thought about this! so cool!
Thank you Bishop.God Bless🙏
In the description block there's this 5th question: Why do Catholics need to confess their sins to a priest, and not directly to God?
How come this was not answered in the video?
Just the same, thank you for this episode. God bless us all.
Look at three places in the Bible: John 20:22-23, 2 Corinthians 5:17-19, and James 5:16.
When I go to Confession, Jun, I go with confidence in Jesus. The priest is there to help me understand the gravity of my sins and how to avoid them in the future. Basically I AM confessing directly to God in the presence of His priest.
@@johnflorio3052 Thanks for your reply. Actually, I have nothing against confession. I saw it in the description block listed as one of the questions to be tackled by Bishop Barron in this episode. I was wondering it was not answered in the video.
Regarding the last caller's question regarding the Cuurch and sexual sin--- I'd like to add to Bishop Barron's answer. We, as united with our spouses, are participating with God in creation. We get to co-create! Also, sex is tied to one of the 7 sacraments ---marriage. A Godly marriage should protect the children who come from that marriage. It's been said that strong families makes for strong countries. Look how divided our country is. There's been a complete breakdown in the family. Im with St. Paul, when he lamented, "who will rescue [us] from these wretched [bodies] of sin? Jesus Christ!"
Do NOT live in fear! You are making Corona virus and fear your god!
"For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods." - 1Chronicles16:25
Also it shows on Fhilipenses 4 : 13
Very happy to subscribe. In regard to the literary genres and myths: Nobel prize winner, the Mexican writer Octavio Paz wrote an outstanding essay that addresses the question. His work: "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: las trampas de la fe". Paz develops the Jesuit's quest for the universality of the Christian teachings when they encountered similar stories during their travels. He said that Jungian theories are indebted to the Jesuits' writings.
I want the sacraments and the Mass back and I want our priests and bishops who are still Catholic to stand up to the bullies who are trying to send us all to Hell.
Thank you Bishop Barron. 🙏🙏🙏
Regarding 'What's the difference between the Jewish Bible, Catholic Bible, and the Koran?'
Below is what trinity is in Koran (I wish Bishop Barren knew such strong falsehood from that book) :
5:116 Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart . . ."
Anyone knows trinity is God the Father, Jesus the son of God, and the Holy Spirit.. This one is just the beginning of the falsehoods they don't question.
As a non-Catholic the question I would have for the Bishop is this: The Catholic Catechism say that "All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven." (CCC 1030) Yet the bible says that, "For by one offering He [Jesus] has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." In Hebrews 7:25, he says "He [Jesus] is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them."
How do you reconcile the contradiction between the clear scriptural teaching and the teaching of the Catechism?
There is no contradiction at all here, SOCM! Tell me, do you understand the difference between Sheol and Gehenna?
When Our Lord was buried, what did He do? Did Jesus just lay there dead in the grave until His resurrection? Of course not! He went and visited (cf. 1 Peter 3:19-20) the "spirits in prison." Why did they need His visit? St. Peter writes these spirits "formerly disobeyed" which means they were in obedience at some point after.
What is misunderstood about Purgatory is this: It is not a "second chance" nor does its existence contravene the cross. In fact, Jesus' death upon the cross is SO powerful even unconfessed venial sins (cf. 1 John 5:16-17) can be forgiven after your heart stops beating! It is the Protestant sects who limit Jesus' salvific power to this earthly life! Your view of what Hebrews 7:25 says is far too limiting.
Do not forget what St. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome in Romans 8:38-39: Not even death can separate us from the love of Christ.
@@johnflorio3052 I was not referring to purgatory. I made no mention of purgatory. I was talking about the sufficiency of the atonement of Christ to purify sinners. The Catholic Catechsim says He did not fully purify you. The bible says you are perfectly pure. Contradiction.
Forgive me for misunderstanding part of your question.Jesus' finished work on the cross is done. I believe we agree on that. The Church teaches Christ's sacrificial death is sufficient. The problem is us, not Christ. If you die with unconfessed sin you are not perfectly pure. You are not in the state of grace. Matthew 24:13.
@@johnflorio3052 "If you die with unconfessed sin you are not perfectly pure." Bingo! Precisely my point.
Now, read Hebrews 10:14. You can believe the teachings of the Catholic church; or the teachings of Scripture; you cannot believe both because they are contradictory.
@@johnflorio3052 "Jesus' finished work on the cross is done. I believe we agree on that." I agree with that. What I don't understand is how a person who participates in the sacrifice of the mass can embrace that?
"As often as the sacrifice of the cross in which Christ our Passover was sacrificed7, is celebrated on the altar, the work of our redemption is carried on, and, in the sacrament of the eucharistic bread, the unity of all believers who form one body in Christ8 is both expressed and brought about." Lumen Gentium (Vatican II)
"In the mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, in which priests fulfill their greatest task, the work of our redemption is being constantly carried on;" - Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests: Presbyterorum Ordinis (Vatican II)
You gave an awesome answer for comparing our faith in uniqueness and superority to myths.
I usually say in a way God used these "myths," or realities of interacting with divine beings and the divine council, or the watchers.
Sound answer showing Jesus is documented and confirmed as real and historic. But regarding other "gods" of the "myths," its not so documented.
God made His history traceable and verifiable in great detail and clarity with memory and with overwhelming layers of witnesses.
From direct testimonies to archeology. With God caring for every detail for over 2000 years. Plus all OT history leading to.
Here's my non-Catholic question: What are you guys doing about confession? Can folks confess by phone?
Depending on where you live, there are some parishes that are offering drive-through confessions. The priest sits outside and people pull up in their cars, roll their window down, and say their confession while maintaining a safe distance. It's not optimal but it works!
@Matt Blaise it can't be... and a priest cannot refuse our confession.
Collins Anosike canon law is not God breathed
I'm in little Delavan, Wisc. and appreciate the Bishops Masses. We will get over this, but I do believe this virus is a strong sign from God to shape up world.
I really learned a lot bishop👍thank you🙏
With all due respect, in the bible it says: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Genesis 2.23-24
@Matt Blaise With additional respect, it seems from that verse that 1. It is not easy to accept. and 2. only those who "can" accept it should. Therefore, it seems wrong to "institutionalize" it or make it mandatory, to force all those men to accept it. Obviously, many of them cannot do so or find it unnatural and it bubbles up in evil or subversive inclinations that they act on. Why not make it up to the individual which is what the verse seems to indicate?
When someone asks , “Why would anyone choose Hell, over Heaven”, I respond, “Why would anyone choose lung cancer, or emphysema? Yet nevertheless, people take up smoking, knowing that these are the awful consequences.” They aren’t choosing Hell anymore that the smoker chooses disease, what they choose is to turn a blind eye toward the consequences in favor of short term pleasure.
I've come to like the idea that we are choosing a lesser good.
This is what happens when we only talk about God’s love. God is vengeful! And thank Goodness for that. That way I can concentrate on forgiveness. He will step on anyone who damages us. Even though we want salvation for all living human beings, we should not be in favor of the devil being exonerated. Or eternal forgiveness for anyone who sides with the devil 👿 That would be unjust. If you like making people suffer, I need a wrathful God to protect me from you.
I know I'm WAY late to this, but I actually had a question. Why does the Catholic Church believe Mary was immaculately conceived (born without sin)? If Mary had to be immaculately conceived in order for Jesus to be born so as well, it implies that both parents of a sin-free child must be immaculately conceived or otherwise free of sin themselves. Were Mary's parents, all four of her grandparents, and all eight of her great-grandparents immaculately conceived? How large is this sin-free (some may even say "pure") race of people? Furthermore, if this isn't the case, and God made it so that Mary was spontaneously born without sin, why couldn't he have done so for the birth of Christ?
The comparisons and analogies to explain the concepts are spot on. I'd even venture that many of us know what the answers are - like on the view of sex for example - its just that we get so buried in maybe this kind of postmodern cynicism that those intuitions eventually are blotted out, especially if we're continuously exposed to what's on TV and the internet these days.
Following the paradigm of Acts 17:16-31, the Church encountered paganism and converted it by exploiting the fact that man is a religious animal and replacing his worship of the unknown god with the true God. Acts 17:28 pertains to the pagan god, but Paul shifts it to the living God whom men wished to encounter all along. Christianity conquered paganism and directed its religious practices to Christ.
Thank you
I wish there was somewhere a truly loving community of christians. My sad experience with Christians is that once they get cornered they easily forget about love, tolerance and respect.
Luis Morales this is sadly the state of mankind. The miracle of the gospel is that God loved us and loves us us even though we’re this way. All my best.
God is love and He is the action of love in all His manifestations. Love also is justice so if we do not choose God as your eminence says, we choose to live a life rejecting Him. Hell is the absence of love. It’s our death and God is fair and just. Sinners who die in sin meant for hell go to hell. Sinners who are destined for heaven go to purgatory to be purified
Damien Paroski yes my term, destined, is only a judgment of God based on our action or inaction. Our free will, always is the path to our ends. It is implied that by the acts of sin there is a result.
In purgatory are many good souls who failed to forgive. In fact, this is the greatest tragedy, the people who are not counseled to forgive, or self righteous in passing judgment on others. For He holds their sins bound all those who do not forgive as He does our sins. The parable about the man forgiven his large debt by a landlord, who then turns around and beats a man who owes him a paltry sum, and when the landlord finds out what he did he had him thrown in jail until his full debt was paid.
God bless you
Peter the hermit from the Lord. If you have Him in you, the He writes His laws upon your heart. I know it because He tells me and reinforces the laws of the mother church. For He sends me people in purgatory. If you actually speak to Jesus and pray deeply in the spirit then you can hear Him and if deep in the holy spirit, you even can see Him. This can only be achieved with daily repentance to Him. The deeper you pray the more you see in the supernatural realm.
He has shown me that purgatory which is canon law for 1.3Billon practicing Catholics, is in fact real. It’s not under the old law, because heaven was only opened by Him. After heavens gates were opened He created this place. It is a purification place of those not perfected.
Does God not make perfect judgment? Does God not work to purify us here? Should those not finished with purification enter His heavenly realm? Should they go to hell? That is your choice under the old laws and you seem to think they should go to hell then since no one could gain access to heaven before, God can’t create purgatory for those not ready? Your thoughts are nonsense and clearly you haven’t thought about this at all. Use the brain that God gave you and think of what is just and righteous under God with the gates of heaven open and THEN talk to Jesus to validate these things if you can not believe in canon law. If you reference only the word of God, then you only get a piece of truth for God is bigger than the word, and can not be contained fully in it. There is much truth that exists that is not actually discussed in the Word and is not contrary to it. You say something is heresy but it only shows your ignorance of God and His perfect ways. I don’t believe you actually have the Holy Spirit in you if you do not know these truths or if you ever do hear from God, you do not ask God for validation before you spew.
May God conflict your heart and bless you with Truth.
James Richard Wiley why Don’t you ask a God these questions? He was there. I know He is infinitely merciful. You may be surprised to find your maker....But you must seek Him with your whole heart and soul that He gave you. You must approach in humility, that is, your willingness to say “I do not know! Tell me the truth! I seek to know, what is Truth!? I have these questions on events you allowed or did in judgment which make no sense to me, I am just a mortal man living for a season, tell me!”
In speaking with the Lord before witnessing to my jewish in-laws, and trust me, it is not easy to talk about Jesus to jews, they are very stubborn on this. On the Holocaust and death of 6 million innocent Jews He said, Im paraphrasing, they didn’t die for their own actions but were killed because of Me and I took them unto me. They were the ransom paid for Israel. For Israel was reborn a nation in one day, two years after WWII ended. This is Fulfillment of prophesy. For the people called out to God and many became atheist because they said He didn’t answer. Sometimes there is a higher purpose but we must see beyond one short life here. My in-laws never thought that God gathered all those to Him for dying in His name,. They never thought that the fire they went through only placed them higher in heaven, having perfected many souls.
Heavenly ways are not ways of men. Heavenly ways are much higher levels of thinking. Our lives here are, to use my sons terminology, a simulation to proof us and make us worthy of the next level. Like gold is made perfect in fire. So God in His mercy is focused on our eternity and not these things of the flesh which only last but a blink of the eye. Our soul is more important than this flesh which enrobes it, which turns to dust. Think of a harvest of wheat that is only for a season, that is the bodies we walk in.
If God is love and yet doesn’t take action to demonstrate love or even to show judgment, then there is no love in that. Love of a father is also tough love, ruling in judgment when we do wrong. We learn from that act by our fathers. I find those who were atheist usually do not have good father relationships so this might make it tough to comprehend. But know you have a Heavenly Father that loves you more than you can comprehend and sees your divine purpose here, and your purpose is greater than anything you can imagine. He loves you no matter how you sin. He never stops trying to turn people to choose Him even till the end of their lives.
His realm is higher and His thinking much higher than that of men. We think, why did He let that baby die? It is truly because of the free will of man. Back in the time of Noah...Each mother that partied and drank, ignoring the prophets asking them all to repent and turn from their evil, the prophets that said, turn to good, lead good lives; those mothers sealed the death of their unborn on earth in their sin. Just as a mass killer hears and rejects God when He whispers in His head no, do not shoot up a school, this is wrong, God still allows that man free will. But this I know, He gathers those innocents to Him as well. For we were gifted with free will and God must then allows men to choose evil though He tries to get men to do good. He always wants us and whispers in our minds to choose Him, or what is good. So, If He as God is focused on a higher realm that is our eternity, then He will allow pain and suffering if it refines us in its fire, he will gather the innocent to Him for eternity. He is focused on our souls and not the flesh we take for a a season.
May God bless you
Thank you blessings!
On the issue of celibacy. I think it would be beneficial for some priests to go off and have a family and kids but then come back to the priesthood once the kids have grown up. Then they bring that life experience to the table. I think this would be appealing to a lot of catholics.
Great video....loved it...god bless
St. Raphael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Don’t you mean St Michael????
That's the St. Michael prayer. Not Raphael.
On the question of Hell, the character of Father Zossima from BROTHERS KARAMAZOV (Fyodor Dostoyevsky) says: "Fathers and teachers, I ponder, "What is hell?" I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love...
...They talk of hell fire in the material sense. I don't go into that mystery and I shun it. But I think if there were fire in material sense, they would be glad of it, for I imagine that in material agony, their still greater spiritual agony would be forgotten for a moment. Moreover, that spiritual agony cannot be taken from them, for that suffering is not external but within them...
...Oh, there are some who remain proud and fierce even in hell, in spite of their certain knowledge and contemplation of the absolute truth; there are some fearful ones who have given themselves over to Satan and his proud spirit entirely. For such, hell is voluntary and ever consuming; they are tortured by their own choice. For they have cursed themselves, cursing God and life. They live upon their vindictive pride like a starving man in the desert sucking blood out of his own body. But they are never satisfied, and they refuse forgiveness, they curse God Who calls them. They cannot behold the living God without hatred, and they cry out that the God of life should be annihilated, that God should destroy Himself and His own creation. And they will burn in the fire of their own wrath for ever and yearn for death and annihilation. But they will not attain to death...."
You really should put time stamps, its the thing to do in long Q and A videos
Isaiah 28:21"The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim, he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task."
The Lord is indeed love, but he will be the one that decrees the final home of each man. There will be some in their presumption that will be thrown into hell, and others who will run into hell when made able to see their soul the way grace sees it in the light of truth.
Turn from sin and reject it. Love is what you do, not what you say.
You can tell that the Bishop is from Illinois by the way he says Chicago
In the last question, you did not really answer the question of gluttony. Is that not a sin as well? You side-tracked it with the Sin of Pride. Thank you.
He didn’t answer the one about why priests need to hear confessions
How can we explain to children that Christ died for our sins?
It's not a subject for younger children. First confession, communion and how God and Jesus loves everyone is proper for the younger ages. The age of reason (14) is the time to develop the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Just saying.
Pat Aherne Thank you for your answer. God bless you!
I would also say you can teach them about it or describe it to them in a language that they would understand. Use limited, symbolic language, that is just enough for the childish mind to comprehend, and slowly over time, introduce more challenging details and explanations.
Off topic question. Will you be reviewing Bob Dylan's Murder Most Foul?
..When are you going to discuss the Church and Trump, Bishop?
Just a sharing to answer 1st question, God does not allowed us to hell but we spiritual blinded and choose to Hell. Similarly Adam and Eve, God told Adam are freedom except do not ate the fruit. Because of our disobey and want wiser or be knowledgeable than God we break the God's law.
Thank you.what is the goal? The apostles were not celibate.
It's interesting that people often speak much about celebacy as a Catholic thing. Celebacy is practised in the Eastern tradition and is perhaps older than that in the western church.
More interesting is the fact that celebacy and monasticism are not Christian inventions. The oldest practices of celebacy are found in Hinduism. At a later age Buddhism brought in organised monastic practices continued even today. It's worthwhile to remember. In fact our faith took many good spiritual traditions from the classic religions and assimilated them so beautifully in to the Christian tradition. This includes the rosary too! Glory be to God.
@@rickygcfo its true I know that our Lady did reveal it to Dominic. But the original Rosary has been restructured later on into its present form. However the history of prayer using beads was there in India before the advent of Christian faith. Both Hindu and Buddhist traditions are there. Islam possibly adopted it from India via the Persian conduit for there was active contact between these cultures. In the Church this practice appeared only after the 11th century. This does not mean that the Rosary is in any way inferior to other practices outside. Contrary to it.its possible that the use of prayer beads was known by the European pilgrims and crusaders who came to the holy land . This is history.
What I find irreconcileable is the very idea of hell. If a father would punish his children with fire he would be sent to jail, even if he has somehow trained his kids to burn their own hands at his command.
The Bible describes the burning alive of one's children alive (in the original "hell") as unthinkable to God in Jeremiah 19:5.
Yarden Zelivansky but dont forget brother, there is a spiritual war with the devil and multitudes of demons who hate God and hate us, God’s creatures... if a person rejects Jesus as the saviour, rejects his teachings and chooses to sin throughout their life, they are determining their fate by their own actions and evil, already filled with Endless hate for us, will relish in the endless torture of those who reject God. This is why Jesus came, to try to prevent this from happening through teaching us firsthand. If God didnt care for us, would he let His only Son be mocked, tortured and killed to defeat evil in Jesus’ name??? God has done everything he can for us and our faith is our responsibility; the Eucharist is the proper worship of Jesus.
Jesus already defeated all evil at His weakest at the end of 40 days of fasting, surrounded by evil, alone. If one decides to reject Jesus, never repent and never change their ways, then they are choosing to be in the clutches of evil.
@@CaryChilton Still, if hell is supposedly God's creation, his decision for that to be the punishment, he has responsibility for that. Just like the punishing father.
Yarden Zelivansky Huh??? Hell is not God’s creation... where do you learn your facts?????
Wait. So Catholics believe there are things that were created, but not by God?
Yarden Zelivansky Ah, I see... you feel you are a superior intellect thirsty for theological debate. If so, please convince why your undisclosed religious belief is superior to Christianity.... surely you are able to convince all of us. I am waiting, surely you are not just a troll?
It's an active living hell. It's called God's wrath.. Love it or hate it! So much glory!! Shekhinah glowwwwwray!
Padre ya no me mandan en Español en mi email
So would it be appropriate to have different orders of priests, some of whom are celibate, some of whom are not?
Where is the advantage to service in church in that?
The website recording is problematic
Can someone please clarify if the mass is streamed live...??? It never shows live streaming in UA-cam in India.
Michael A Ratnam I can tell you it’s at 12.11 p.m in Ireland , I don’t know how many hours ahead India 🇮🇳 is.
Is the Holy Family Perfect?
Saint Moses and Joseph.
That's the truth. Your Chapel is cosy
PLEASE change the background, it is so cold and impersonal and not reflective of Bishops erudition and warmth and sincerity.