The Roman Imperium, famous for mass-slavery-System is dead and forgotten, so it is with the Republik of Venice. The little fat Massmurder Mussolini, and his dirty Politics by installing, schooling and financing another Quizling in Jugoslavia especially in Croatia (Ustascha Terror) to Destabilize the Kingdom of Jugoslavia and to catch the dalmatinia Cost as well the montenegrinian Coast, with War on Greece, Albania and Kingdom Jugoslavia, the burning of croat Houses and killing Zivilist and Enemy soldiers with heavy injuries, and using the Chetniks as Italian Soldiers later to do the dirty Job of Killing Jugoslavia People to rebuild an Imperium Romanum 2.0 in the eastern Mediterranen See. The Exodus of Italians 2/3 of Zadar Population after the Bombing by the Allies is the Fear for their Faschist Politics and Terror against the Croat and Serb People living in and around Zadar, is the best Solution for this Part of the Coast. It was no ethnic Cleasing but their Bad Conscience
Grandissimo professore
Grande lezione di storia, senza secondi fini
Quindi...... Istria e Dalmazia regioni italiane? Sarebbe giusto direi!!!!
Nei tuoi sogni
The Roman Imperium, famous for mass-slavery-System is dead and forgotten, so it is with the Republik of Venice. The little fat Massmurder Mussolini, and his dirty Politics by installing, schooling and financing another Quizling in Jugoslavia especially in Croatia (Ustascha Terror) to Destabilize the Kingdom of Jugoslavia and to catch the dalmatinia Cost as well the montenegrinian Coast, with War on Greece, Albania and Kingdom Jugoslavia, the burning of croat Houses and killing Zivilist and Enemy soldiers with heavy injuries, and using the Chetniks as Italian Soldiers later to do the dirty Job of Killing Jugoslavia People to rebuild an Imperium Romanum 2.0 in the eastern Mediterranen See. The Exodus of Italians 2/3 of Zadar Population after the Bombing by the Allies is the Fear for their Faschist Politics and Terror against the Croat and Serb People living in and around Zadar, is the best Solution for this Part of the Coast. It was no ethnic Cleasing but their Bad Conscience
GRande democristiano e grande revisionista