Bishop Barron on Morality, Character, and Relationships

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024
  • Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit www.wordonfire....


  • @espennorway
    @espennorway 10 років тому +41

    as a youth pastor in an evangelical church (in the small country of Norway) I have to say - this is some very wise and simple-to-understand teaching about these topics! Thank you so much father, for dealing with these issues in such a direct, yet inviting way!

  • @razorsharp2526
    @razorsharp2526 9 років тому +67

    Father Barron, I love you man! You have no idea how much..and I don't say this often, only to my mother and wife.. God bless you

  • @patalex7314
    @patalex7314 9 років тому +7


  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +6

    God bless you! And may he give you peace on this new path.

  • @whit2642
    @whit2642 4 роки тому +2

    Bishop Barron, I just want you to know that you have been one of the major influences that have helped this cradle Catholic here come back to the church after leaving at 19 when I got pregnant as a teen. I then spent years being immoral in every sense. Then I went philosophical and looked everywhere for “the meaning.” I listed to eastern philosophical views, I read and read and read. Then, I found St Augustines confessions. Then I found you. And now, I haven’t missed mass since New Years when you suggested it as a resolution. I’m still working on forgiving an enemy and helping someone in dire need but your evangelical presence for the Catholic Church is so necessary and important for those of us who have strayed and for those who do not know the grace God bestows on our spirits through the One True Church and receiving the Blessed Sacraments. I love you. Thank you, for helping save my soul.

    • @BishopBarron
      @BishopBarron  4 роки тому +1

      That means the world to me. God bless you.

  • @MGraham0908
    @MGraham0908 8 років тому +13

    Not sure if you've made the connection, but St Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 10:31 come to mind, "Therefore whatever you eat and drink, and in everything you do, do all to the glory of God." it makes tremendous sense in light of what you point out here, taking it being a simple "ought." In fact, Paul probably realized the same thing: the importance of attending to all the little things, and doing them to God's glory, because each of them further shapes the character itself toward His glory and into His light. Thanks!
    --May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  • @SeanaldMcDonald
    @SeanaldMcDonald 12 років тому +2

    as a young person i really appreciate your intellectually provoking way of discussing common topics.

  • @retsea1
    @retsea1 13 років тому +1

    The thing I like about this video is that it spans much wider than just the body of Man. For example, we as people are the souls of our nation and our nation is our body. Whenever we mess up or slip up or give an exception to sin, we, the soul, become corrupt and so our nation, the body, as a whole becomes corrupt. Now picture that in God's view of the World and Man as a whole.

  • @osiarap
    @osiarap 11 років тому

    Fr. Barron, your words are a comfort, a challenging comfort to our hungry souls.

  • @jombay17
    @jombay17 8 років тому +2

    Can't help but be awed by the richness, Your Excellency! Many thanks for the sweet and sound delivery! Please pray for me, a Filipino seminarian, as I enter theological studies!

  • @zaharya
    @zaharya 13 років тому +1

    I read the Theology of Body arranged by Christopher West and I listen to some sermons and lectuars from our croatia/canadian priest don Damir Stojić also on TOB, and it was liberating. That is the true sexual freedom. Fr. Barron, thank you for everything! Greetins from a Croat from Bosnia and Herzegovina! I'll spread your apostolic work around.... :)

  • @francesbernard2445
    @francesbernard2445 Рік тому

    Encouraging sermon that emphasizes positive living one day at a time. While daily remembering the source of our righteousness. When remembering who that source of our righteousness is which is grace from god there is less tendency to see only the negative in another person.

  • @servantofthelord8085
    @servantofthelord8085 2 роки тому +1

    thank you so much for your work bishop Barron! You have truly touched my heart, I really love re-visiting your videos over and over again. God bless you

  • @merlinsvdd
    @merlinsvdd 7 років тому +3

    many young people don't know that it damages them. Good to know, Bishop!

  • @Niconez
    @Niconez 11 років тому

    Thank you Fr.Barron! Your lessons have really impacted my life in such a positive/ lovely way. I listen to you video's while at work and I know the holy spirit has come thru each lesson. I hope that all people can hear God's voice thru your heart, mind and spirit. I know I have. I've gone thru many hardships in my life and God keeps filling my heart with love each time I suffer thru deep sadness.Pope John Paul's book, theology of the body is great book! God Bless you, your in my prayers always.

  • @bielsabas4407
    @bielsabas4407 8 років тому +4

    Just what I needed to hear this week. Awesome. Thank you!

  • @lynalbino4246
    @lynalbino4246 9 років тому +1

    Thank you , Fr. Barron!

  • @Dagmarka0218
    @Dagmarka0218 6 років тому

    Bishop Barron, I LOVE you! God has blessed me through you in ways I cannot even begin to describe.

  • @matttrue5302
    @matttrue5302 7 років тому

    Bishop you're such an inspiration and great role model. Ill be praying for you!

  • @lightsoutlightson1
    @lightsoutlightson1 10 років тому +1

    I have seen something different from what Fr. Barron has observed. Overall, the young people I see are better than the youth of my day in trying to live a moral life. Many if not most take great strides in altruism, faith, and avoid casual physical relationships. However, many of the youth do make the same mistake we made when we were younger, and that is to set your own standards for morality. Over the years I have come to accept not how much I know, but how little I know. I have also seen some of the smartest, richest, coolest, and toughest people get cut down by the hazards of life. Since I accept that I know very little, especially compared to scholars like Fr. Barron, then I must keep learning or live in great peril of falling as well. Thus, staying anchored in the local church, daily seeking God, and listening to scholars for me is a necessity. Young people naturally need to be different and rebel. My advice is to stay connected to the source of truth and then you will know whose "butt to kick", and what direction to direct your energy. There are examples in history where some young person stands in front of a king or a pope and gives an order of great political consequence, and one of the most powerful people on Earth basically says "yes ma'am". That is because power recognizes power. Don't cut yourself off from the source of all power that is good, by doing it your own way. Keep learning (and teaching), and you will have the power to make a difference. Older people like to learn from both scholars, and energetic young people who want to make a difference and push us to do better / try harder.

    • @rougeshot7395
      @rougeshot7395 6 років тому

      got that one on the mark dont be a high born be a hubel drunk and stoner like the rest of us heathens jk i like my life style but hate hookups

  • @lionheart5078
    @lionheart5078 9 років тому +4

    Really well put, I love how logically you tie everything together, i hope i can be a man of good character :) i will try my best God help me!

  • @Alana8480
    @Alana8480 8 років тому +1

    This has given me much food for thought. Thank you.

  • @rochespoint
    @rochespoint 10 років тому +2

    Backbone and character - we need shedloads of it living in todays 'anything goes' culture. Fr. Barron speaks words of wisdom here. How do we instil it in our young I suppose is the next question.

  • @gggrrr00
    @gggrrr00 11 років тому

    Great points Fr Barron. As working class Irish Catholic, who admired JFK's leadership but had difficulty squaring his reported infidelities with his presidency - this behavior had to impact his character and does matter. Society today says this is private business and doesn't matter in relation to public office (The Bill Clinton scandal and the same argument from the secular society). Thanks for clarifying this and anchoring this discussion in logic and the truth. Very helpful.

  • @Povcollector
    @Povcollector 12 років тому

    My life, on a dark path. At 33 I am back in the church and thirst for truth and God. In retrospect, it was drinking and hook up culture that led me for so many years down a Godless path of self ritchous and self justifying behavior. I have been with ALOT of women. Cause it was easy to pass on doing what was right. It was easier to sucum to desire. It has changes with the grace of God. Jesus has shown me the real path. I am happier now than EVER and IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!! :)

  • @elicitwildly
    @elicitwildly 13 років тому

    This is incredibly profound and true. Thank you, Father.

  • @ufo1656
    @ufo1656 3 роки тому

    Allow me to contribute this thought :
    - obedience is more important than worship because obedience itself is a form of worship
    - and hence righteous behaviour that conforms to the will of God IS a form of worship
    - conversely iniquity is also a form of worship, worshipping the other side (actually it's self idolatry, but it all ultimately conforms to the same thing)
    - and hence every single day, in our individual daily actions, every single moral choice we make within it, is an indication of who it is we actually truly worship
    - they say judge a man by his actions, not by his words
    - well if we can make that even more extreme, we might say "by his actions and the cumulative effect it has on his character, we know who his father is"

  • @martinaguilar1061
    @martinaguilar1061 2 роки тому

    Powerful significance, golden emeralds and diamond's.

  • @bennybonacci4009
    @bennybonacci4009 10 років тому +1

    I remember being taught that in Genesis God rested on that 7th day and it was then that he turned over to His creation the task of bringing all of Creation to fulfillment. When a person sins he brings de-creation into the picture. The effect of this is like a stone being thrown into a pool of water; the ripples it makes are consequences of that sin on the Christian community. The effect on him is the de-creation of his person or a disintegration of his personality. The teacher used to say that there is no such thing as a "nervous breakdown"; it's the disintegration of the personality caused by sin. I learned so much from that Friar. God Bless Him!!!! I just remembered his named was Father Aquinas, we called him AQ!!!!

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +4

    Nonsense! Talk to Justice Ann Burke, supreme court justice of Illinois, who was a member of the national review board looking into matters of sexual misconduct by priests. She has consistently said that Cardinal Ratzinger was the Vatican official who most understood this issue and acted to set it right.

  • @merlinsvdd
    @merlinsvdd 6 років тому

    Good, and inspiring words from you.

  • @FaithfulCatholicEE
    @FaithfulCatholicEE 12 років тому

    My advice to you is to procure a brown scapular and wear it always, after praying to Mary that, if it be God's will for you that you return to the Church, she may obtain for you 1) the grace of having a strong desire for the Church and 2) a smoothing of the obstacles.
    Much has changed in recent years. Priests used to have both FERVOR and top-notch education in philosophy, theology, Greek and Latin (at least). For why we have "unpriestly" priests, check out the book AA-1025. It explains lots.

  • @mdleavitt
    @mdleavitt 13 років тому

    It seems to me that the God meant the body to be one with the spirit. Considering that we will be resurrected with a physical body, the body and the spirit are meant to be one one soul (or sole, as in one). So that means that you can't effect one without the other. Sex embodies that symbiotic relationship between spirit and body better than anything. We become co-creators with God in this very physical act. Thank you Father Barron for reminding us of that!

  • @organic1965
    @organic1965 10 років тому

    Hurray! Well said, Father--thank you and God keep you!

  • @MrTheRealist
    @MrTheRealist 13 років тому

    brilliant distillation

  • @Niconez
    @Niconez 11 років тому

    God Bless you! And thank you for sharing your story. Keep sharing! : ]

  • @DonusAmbrose
    @DonusAmbrose 13 років тому

    This reminds me of the Protestant doctrine of faith alone, in which a person can love God and yet perform deliberate evil deeds on a daily basis. This is why you should never distinguish justification from sanctification.

  • @quangjd
    @quangjd 13 років тому

    Ballado of the Wind: Yes. That teachings of the Church is all logical conclusions based on rightly ordered experience and revelation. It's simple and yet it is complex. It's simple because it's logical and common sense if you believe God on His Word. It's complex in that living it out is difficult and requires prudence in this unjust world of human beings having concupiscence.

  • @janinem5196
    @janinem5196 8 років тому +2

    I have an incredibly beautiful adult daughter who is in love with a woman, in a way that is anything but casual or "hooking up." She is exactly who God made her to authentically be, and I love her deeply. This is the thing, more than any other, that keeps me from the church: I look at her mutual love for this woman, and I see the exact same kind of love that my husband and I have for each other. They show the same mutual respect and loving-kindness, but they are same-sex instead of opposite-sex partners. My attitude towards their relationship is not born of "modern culture;" rather it comes from seeing love as love.

    • @janinem5196
      @janinem5196 8 років тому

      +P.A. Pagan, Ph.D. I appreciate your response. I'm addressing the idea of the "hook up" culture and how my daughter has never been a part of it. Nevertheless, the church sees her sexuality as "disordered" and I do not. I don't adjust what my heart tells me based upon how many people in modern society agree, just as I wouldn't disparage something I feel to be honorable just because it's "traditional." I support marriage equality (and as it happens, so does everyone I know, Catholic and not) not because we're following some kind of "fashion," but because we're insisting that the times finally align themselves to the reality that moral character has never been shaped by the gender of who you happen to love, but by how compassionately you relate to the world.

    • @F84Thunderjet
      @F84Thunderjet 7 років тому

      Almost everyone in the world believed for thousands of years that the sun orbited the earth.

    • @musicsavantaccountant5856
      @musicsavantaccountant5856 7 років тому +2

      Janine Moore
      Here.. is.. my.. take.. on.. it. Please don't feel angry or offended. Please mind that despite my opinion. Your beautiful adult daughter still has the freedom do make her own choices.
      Whether we like it or not, biologically, we are male and female. XX chromosome, and XY chromosome. Whether we like it or not. Differences exist between males and females, psychologically, and physiologically. These differences exist to complement the two sexes to each other for purposes of family and children. But of course, more than that, a man and a woman who are really good person, who love each other and who live out their love in a truly loving and selfless way, will consummate their love and be wholly happy and complete. Sternberg call this consummate love. Where a couple have strong passion, intimacy, and commitment to each other and to their love. A point where they, as a couple, really complement and complete each other and make each other feel whole. It's the highest form of love, according to Sternberg. Now, if in according to St Thomas Aquinas, love is to will the good of another, my interpretation of it is one must do whatever is right and necessary to make the person I love safe, secure, and happy. Even at the expense of my own comfort and life. And knowing what I just told you, will a same sex marriage or relationship bring out the good or best in both of them? Will it make them both really safe, secure, and happy, knowing what I just said? If both of them live out their relationship as they intend, will they really consummate their love and be one, whole, and complete, as Sternberg points out? Honestly, I don't know. Maybe, only your daughter can answer that. All I know is, God knows us better than we know ourselves. And always knows what's best for us better than we do ourselves. Though, one thing I like to point out, in my opinion, children really does make a difference.
      Hope this helps.

    • @F84Thunderjet
      @F84Thunderjet 7 років тому

      You state: "Whether we like it or not, biologically, we are male and female. XX chromosome, and XY chromosome." What about intersex couples that have both male and female genitalia with both XX and XY chromosome pairs (46XX/46XY, 46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY). I wouldn't put much stock in anything Aquinas said about gender. He declared (Summa Theologica) that women are defective and misbegotten.

    • @musicsavantaccountant5856
      @musicsavantaccountant5856 7 років тому

      Hawker Seafury
      Yeah, well. How about you read again what I just said and read between the lines about what I'm really trying to say to this wonderful mother's beautiful daughter. It's hard trying to explain things over and over and over again.

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    1) Your reply indicates that, if you read my initial reply, you either didn't comprehend it, or the truth of it failed to resonate. Giving oneself entirely to another is an emotional commitment; the physical expression of that is only a part of it. Using contraception (ie, being responsible) has nothing to do with giving oneself to another. You said, "True love is unconditional and uncompromising". Nothing can be both unconditional and uncompromising. (Continued).

  • @279cute
    @279cute 12 років тому

    In general, priests are deeply intellectuals. They do have different personalities but packed with wisdom. Normally people who think they have the smartest brains tries to challenge a clergy with nonsense irrelevant issues. In reality, the opponents cannot come to terms because they have a difficulty combining the nature of body & soul. No matter how a priest explains it, they cannot comprehend.

  • @praxidescentenoortiz9664
    @praxidescentenoortiz9664 4 роки тому

    😇😇😇 in hands of God!

  • @andyflattery
    @andyflattery 10 років тому

    Thank you, Fr. Barron. I just realized that the Walter White character in Breaking Bad demonstrates this truth pretty well.

  • @bika4942
    @bika4942 2 роки тому

    Bible is the true story of God .

  • @Krisag1
    @Krisag1 13 років тому

    I agree with Sax's view on the 'hook-up' culture, and his book is indeed an important part of the current scholarship taking place among sex/gender differences & similarities. However, I would also suggest Rebecca Jordan-Young's book 'Brain Storm' for parents, which alerts us to lasting 'scientific' claims about the sexes.

  • @FaithandReason101
    @FaithandReason101 11 років тому

    living abstinence is 1. a discipline that men and women choose themselves. no one is forced into the priesthood or religious life. 2. the living of abstinence has not produced a single abuser/predator; indeed, it is clear that NOT living abstinence is at the heart of abuse.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  13 років тому +1

    @skjelver4 Well why should that be "interesting?" I'm talking about arguments in his books, not the prudential judgements he made as Pope. I'll leave that to the biographers and historians.

  • @CoryTheRaven
    @CoryTheRaven 12 років тому

    Having listened attentively to the stories of my elders, I think you overestimate the idea of commitment 10, 15, 25, 35, 65, etc. years ago.
    That said, I have noticed in my experience that the most saintly people tend to be the morally hardest on themselves while the most abhorent people tend to be most satisfied with their inner goodness.

  • @Jugglable
    @Jugglable 13 років тому

    The problem people have isn't "don't tell me what to do." The problem is the extent to which the Catholic church tells people what to do. If you are a gay man who only falls in love with other men, don't act on it. If you have 7 kids and can't afford another, don't use contraception.

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 12 років тому

    - "To the contrary, the responsible use of contraception prevents anxiety and despair" - The use of contraceptives makes it possible for one to have sex whenever they want, with little or no repercussions. Does that sound responsible to you? Is getting what you want, when you want usually considered repsonsible behavior?

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 11 років тому

    Apparently reason, if you ever possessed a trace of it, in the first place, has abandoned you. Of course someone who is living abstinence can be abusive; if either person within marriage is living abstinence, they are being abusive to their spouse by denying them their right to marital relations as granted by the state of marriage. (We are not talking a probability of behavior here, we are talking a possibility of being abusive by living abstinence, which was the sole point).

  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 13 років тому

    @psiroki Actually, it has been made a basic part of mainstream Christianity, and Catholicism in particular. However, it is a very small part of the teachings of Christ and a small part of many Christian denominations. For many, love, compassion and surrender as well as how one views themselves in relation to fellow humans and to God is much more central to Christian teachings than the ritual of the Eucharist.

  • @RockyBalboa211
    @RockyBalboa211 12 років тому

    "religious education has absolutes that can never be changed moved or adapted, as a result this fundamentally undermines the purpose of a education."
    I have to disagree with this since there are two different educations involved with Priests and MDs. What I was trying to say is that both Doctors and Priests have to undergo an education that involves study/hardships. One is a medical education, while the other is religious education. Education on these absolutes can lead to debate btw religious.

  • @FaithandReason101
    @FaithandReason101 11 років тому

    my source is reason. if someone is living abstinence, they cannot by definition be abusing.

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    That's a speculative statement and I hardly want to participate in a speculative debate, so I'll just explain my train of thought.
    She said she's Christian, which means she's a follower of Jesus. If she doesn't go to church, she doesn't receive communion, which is very crucial in Christianity (the quote refers to this fact very directly). She may well be very religious except that religion is not Christianity.

  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 13 років тому

    @psiroki I have said nothing about my relationship with the Eucharist, but it is OK because there are those who feel they find the fullness of the teachings without it. This whole exchange started as a response to your statement that there was a depth to Christianity that one could not experience without attending mass. While this may be your experience I do not feel that is a judgement that you are in any way qualified to make as regards the experience of someone else.

  • @johnmartin4650
    @johnmartin4650 2 роки тому

    I know….I hope I’m not too late…….a lifetime of bad behavior…..not much time left…….thank you for your words…

  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 13 років тому

    @BalladoftheWindfish ... and the path you choose in nurturing it? Is their position going to make it easier or more difficult for the two of you to have a relationship where you see Christ in one another? My point? Even though we may feel that ours is the most rewarding and true path to God, can we truly see beyond our own path? Can we know how God may work through the life of another? Doesn't claiming to result in the opposite of that for which we claim to be striving, namely, Divine Love?

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @itslifeisall The conclusion is general and conjectural. Also the Eucharist is not a rite, it's a sacrament: _huge_ difference. My question is: while you're obviously ignoring that part, I wonder why is it OK to do that? Why not pursue the fullness of the teachings?

  • @iqgustavo
    @iqgustavo Рік тому

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:09 📚 Pope John Paul II's background in moral philosophy, focusing on sexual ethics and marriage.
    01:10 🌍 Pope John Paul II's concern for young people and their moral behavior, aiming to promote the Church's teaching for a fulfilling life.
    02:18 🤔 Moral acts have immediate consequences and contribute to building one's character over time.
    03:26 🏌️‍♂️ Analogies to golf illustrate how actions shape character, either positively or negatively.
    04:49 🧘‍♂️ Rejecting dualistic views of the self, acknowledging the interplay between body and spirit in character formation.
    06:01 💑 The modern hookup culture's detachment of sexual behavior from love and commitment affects character and well-being.
    07:23 💬 Recognizing the intimate relationship between actions and character, as observed by both John Paul II and Dr. Leonard Sachs.
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @RockyBalboa211
    @RockyBalboa211 12 років тому

    @279cute: Priests are a lot like Doctors.They have knowledge and wisdom formed over years of self study and work.

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    2) Then you stated, "What I'm saying is that the use of contraceptives comes along with a certain philosophy of life that promotes anxiety and despair." Which is utter nonsense, of course. So much so that I can't imagine why anyone would even state it. To the contrary, the responsible use of contraception prevents anxiety and despair; the anxiety and despair which someone would experience if they don't responsibly use contraception, and are faced with the horrific consideration of abortion.

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @quezcatol John 6,53 "I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you."
    Meaning: you can be a "good person" (as mentioned), believe in our God, but if you want to be a born-again Christian you should attend mass. There's a depth to it which your sister hasn't explored.

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 12 років тому

    - "Using contraception (ie, being responsible) has nothing to do with giving oneself to another." -
    1. No. It's only a perception that using contraceptives is being responsible. And, part of the self is being withheld in contraception. 2. I'm not familiar of your personal definitions of "unconditional" and "uncompromising."

  • @Rayofficial13565
    @Rayofficial13565 13 років тому

    @12aug96 Your preferred adjectives are accurate but not very descriptive. Using only them is like a parent saying "because I said so" to a child. There's more to explore and understand about the nature and effects of sin.

  • @Komnenos1234
    @Komnenos1234 12 років тому

    As far as I know, the Catholic Church is the only church that requires its priesthood to have a degree in philosophy. It may be that many think the duty of paying deference to authority means questioning nothing, however I doubt that this is the disposition of the Catholic clergy in general. I've met some seriously smart priests who are also for the record also very moral in their private lives.

  • @BloggerMusicMan
    @BloggerMusicMan 11 років тому

    The other thing that brings up questions is a May 2001 letter he apparently sent to bishops:
    "(Sexual abuse allegations should be dealt with) the most secretive way... restrained by a perpetual silence... and everyone... is to observe the strictest secret which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office... under the penalty of excommunication". (The Guardian)
    Justice Ann Burke's opinion is interesting, but I take primary source quotes over even someone as distinguished as her.

  • @AdorationChapel
    @AdorationChapel 13 років тому

    @wordonfirevideo Well said.

  • @Svengalish0000
    @Svengalish0000 12 років тому

    Father B.. are you planning to review Shame and Young Adult? I think these movies are a good starting point for discussing the sins of vanity and lust.. what do u think?

  • @julkakrol521
    @julkakrol521 3 роки тому


  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    3) Those attributes are the reasons WHY someone loves them. If true love was actually unconditional, then any decent man could express true love to any gutter slut he encounters. Any person could express true love to any total stranger. Because there would be no considerations which would determine the basis for that love. If Freud believed that using contraception caused mental illness and nervous breakdowns, then Freud was an ignorant fool. (Continued).

  • @FaithandReason101
    @FaithandReason101 11 років тому

    no. the point was about predation in relation to children, not deprivation in marriage. i know staying in context is something you dont do often, making your comments irrelevant often, but give it a try sometime.

  • @FaithandReason101
    @FaithandReason101 11 років тому

    i provided an answer to your question. i stated my source.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  11 років тому +3

    Friend, your syntax is so garbled here that I'm not sure what you're asking.

  • @jasmineb7106
    @jasmineb7106 3 роки тому


  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 13 років тому

    @BalladoftheWindfish I understand your point, however, I am speaking not to our individual beliefs, but how, given them, we interface with others. Let's turn the table; say one who has left the church insists that only through freeing yourself from the Church's dogma can you find the true richness of a personal relationship with God and that you don't know the limitations of your faith. Is that likely to sway you? Does this person have any right to judge your personal relationship with God...

  • @florenciasilva219
    @florenciasilva219 8 років тому

    Hi Father,
    You probably have already read it, but if you haven't, Miriam Grossman's Unprotected book is an excellent "scientific proof" of the truth of the deposit of faith and, in particular of sexual morality

  • @rogeralsop3479
    @rogeralsop3479 4 роки тому


  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @itslifeisall It is a very basic part of the Christian teaching, I honestly don't know one how can ignore that or interpret it otherwise.

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 12 років тому

    Did I say using contraceptives causes mental illness? Or are you just putting words in my mouth? What I'm saying is that the use of contraceptives comes along with a certain philosophy of life that promotes anxiety and despair.

  • @FromAcrossTheDesert
    @FromAcrossTheDesert 12 років тому

    No, 30 years ago, people were doing the same things. Many of them have left the Church and/or have perished in some way. Sin has consumed an entire generation almost 30 years ago.

  • @splotsplot
    @splotsplot 10 років тому +1

    In Estonia as in many parts of Scandinavia, they have a very healthy relationship with the mind and body. It is not uncommon to see a fully topless women having a shower while advertising shampoo or else naked bodies shown in the sauna. So why this way - well - it is not the showing of the human body that constitutes any "sin" it is the thought processes that individuals go through in response to what they see. In Scandinavia, the human body is seen as a very normal thing, an every day thing - not necessarily an object of sexual lust. This state of mind is therefore the key ingredient in this debate. Sin is a concept that is "all in the mind".

  • @praxidescenteno3233
    @praxidescenteno3233 4 роки тому


  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 13 років тому

    @psiroki You have explained your experience of Christianity quite well, and I certainly respect that. However, this is not everyone's experience of the Christian message and its teaching, nor do all who follow Christ's teaching accept the dogma you have put forth.

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @TibbieT I can agree with you: that site looks a little bit strange to say the least.
    Anyway I'm leaving the thread, I don't feel I have anything more to add.

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 12 років тому

    More affirmations and no refutations...

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @itslifeisall That's no fullness of teachings if you dismiss parts of the teachings. If she would say she doesn't believe Jesus ever said that, I understand. Otherwise I'd love to know the grounds of dismissal.
    On the other hand in some sense you're right, since our knowledge is imperfect (1 Cor 13,12) and God acts where he pleases (John 3,8), so who am I to judge. Nobody has the fullness of the truth in this world.

  • @skjelver4
    @skjelver4 13 років тому

    During his 25 years as Pope, John Paul never did anything to alter the massive sexual abuse problem that was happening while he was Pope. No priests or bishops were punished. When Mexican priest Maciel Degollado was accused of sexual abuse against seminarians, john Paul continued to support him. It wasn't until 2005, under Pope Benedict, that Maciel was defrocked. So its interesting that you begin a video about sexual ethics and morality by citing books by Pope john Paul.

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    4) If the Catholic church is in agreement with Freud in this perspective, then the Catholic church is as ignorant and foolish as Freud was. You mentioned statistics; the only statistic regarding using contraception which is legitimate is that it approaches 100% in preventing pregnancy, which, consequently, eliminates the possible consideration of any abortions. And an abortion-free world sounds great to me. How does it sound to you? Secondarily, adoption is preferable, allowing a child a life.

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    2) Being uncompromising means that you have certain standards which you will not alter; that is being specifically conditional, the exact opposite of being unconditional. True love is also specifically conditional, not unconditional in any way. Anyone who believes the empty cliche' that true love is unconditional is an utter fool. What makes someone love someone? Recognizing the attributes which they possess which gives them value to the person who loves them. (Continued).

  • @reddy2c
    @reddy2c 10 років тому

    Still say everyone will be saved?

    • @BishopBarron
      @BishopBarron  10 років тому +7

      I don't say everyone will be saved. I say we can hope for it.

  • @BloggerMusicMan
    @BloggerMusicMan 11 років тому

    I have enormous respect for you Father Barron, but I must say that's not an answer to kiwichristian.
    If I can ask in all graciousness, did Pope Benedict XVI write a policy somewhat along that vein in "De delictus gravioribus", the document I believe kiwi is referring to?
    Here's a copy of the document: ww w . vatican . va/archive/aas/documents/AAS%2093%20%5B2001%5D%20-%20ocr . pdf. (pgs 785-788). I can't read Latin, I've read that you do.
    Any clarification of the matter is appreciated.

  • @elilluesmaangel9142
    @elilluesmaangel9142 3 роки тому

    Why is it worse for women? This is not a critic of any sort, I just want to understand the reasonment behind it.

  • @CajunsUnited
    @CajunsUnited 12 років тому

    Great video! Too bad we always have modern day Pharisees trying to undermine God's work because they buy into the lies of the enemy. They're going to be SO surprised when they go before Jesus to be judged!

  • @RockyBalboa211
    @RockyBalboa211 12 років тому

    I disagree, priests are very similar to Doctors. They both have a calling to become what they are, to undergo the hardships that come with their education. "An MD forms his intellect from empirical scientific research. A knowledge base that is constantly open to free criticism based on evidence and peer review, that develops as theories and evidence progress." While a religious education does have absolutes, many tenets of faith are constantly being debated due to biblical evidence and research.

  • @AdmGrumby
    @AdmGrumby 4 роки тому

    If I may be permitted a moment of prophesy, I give you the 11th commandment: thou shalt use golf analogies only sparingly ;-)

  • @psiroki
    @psiroki 13 років тому

    @TibbieT By "she" I meant quezcatol's sister.
    The other things you said: ouch. That hurt, although it's not true: I believe you're misinterpreting things.

  • @splotsplot
    @splotsplot 10 років тому

    The assumption made here off course is that it is immoral to engage in a sexual act - presumably meaning outside of marriage. Such "black and white" rules are too constrained for the real world and do not reflect the human intellect for discussion. I'm sure their are many such interactions outside marriage that are completely appropriate and others that may not be so. As to which brings a smile and which brings a frown is entirely based on the "facts of the case" as the Lawyers would say. It would be a deeply personal thing based on the state of mind of the two people concerned. Morality is always in flux and is never truly fixed both in time and with time. That is why religion will always lag behind in such debates. What was immoral yesterday might be moral tomorrow and vice versa. We can all pick examples of this principle that we are comfortable with.

  • @JeffersonDinedAlone
    @JeffersonDinedAlone 12 років тому

    A little clue for you; many people were engaging in sex whenever they wanted to long before contraception was even developed; so, there is no correlation between the two. Nor does that have any correlation to responsibility. Nor does "getting what you want, when you want it", as you said, have anything to do with the concept of responsibility, either. So, considering that your entire comment was wrong, and completely pointless, why did you even make it?

  • @x377
    @x377 8 років тому

    Bishop Barron, is there any way of reaching you through e-mail? Kind regards¨!