I'm pretty sure that this footage is from the summer of 1960, just one year before the wall was put up. If you look at 6:22, you can see an advertisement for the movie "Brennender Sands". This movie's West German release date was in July 1960.
Мира и здравия всем жителям многострадального Берлина . Война это плохой итог для братьев и сестер , отцов и матерей и их детей. Пусть воцарится мир и согласие...
I'ts amazing how they rebuilt their city in just 9 years, its been 30 years since the war and Beirut Lebanon still hasn't advanced as far as a single German year
Look at much of Haiti, after the quake most of the world went to rebuild the place, yet the people just fought and stood around demanding handouts. It likely looks hardly better then it did there just after the quake, yet billions have been wasted.
i was there in the mid 80's and East Berlin was largely still full of the shells of buildings. The U-bahn was still the was time rolling stock with the driver sitting in the open cab and the doors you slid closed [or not in our case as we were used to automatic closing doors]!
Oldbmwr100rs Germans got money from America to rebuild. The igbos in Nigeria rebuilt their cities after the civil war when the British slaughtered them.
the Clintons and many foreign politicians are still stealing from the Hatians . they are the most industrious hard working people . here in the US they rank above many other immigrants.
They organized, less talk, and more actual movement. These days it can take 10 years just to do an engineering study for a project due to all the bureaucracy involved.
Last Tutmus >USA destroys Germany >USA untouched >USA gives money so Europe can rebuild after destroying the continent to become an economic superpower >stolen money
I'm glad they put that up in huge text like that. I have that condition where my ability to make new long term memories does not exist, so I forget everything every twenty seconds.
A população de Berlim que reergueu sua cidade das cinza em dez anos demostra a coragem e amor à sua cidade , infelizmente no nosso pais não ocorre o mesmo , a começar pelas autoridades que para iniciar uma obra antes calculam quanto é possível desviar da obra ,e por parte da população tem muitos que rezam por QUANTO PIOR MELHOR demostrando pouco ou nenhum interesse por uma causa coletiva muito menos por sua cidade ou pais
SCHADE ... da ist dieses liebevoll gestaltete Logo, in zwei Größen, orange und weiß, harmonisch, nicht einfach nur 1234 oder 0000, die Ziffern "1954" bilden ein Spannungsfeld, sind sowohl losgelöst und gleichwohl direkt Bezug nehmend und gebend auf die Zahlen im Titel "1957-1960". Statisch, ruhend, erhaben, das gibt soviel zum Nachdenken. Die Schrift ist zudem durchscheinend... eigentlich wunderschön ... doch im Hintergrund läuft irgendein Video durch, ständig in Bewegung, zeigt irgendetwas, jedoch so gut wie gar keine Buchstaben oder Zahlen, lenkt also nur ab von diesem wunderschönen Logo - Berlin1954. Davon wünschte ich mir mehr, größer und ohne störende Videos im Hintergrund.
1974 I visited both West and East Berlin while I was stationed at Kirchgoens, W. Germany. West Berlin was a vibrant thriving city while East Berlin was still relatively rubble strewn from 30 years past. In West Berlin we/I were allowed to go and visit any place we wanted to see. In East Berlin we were escorted by East German officials at all time and not allowed to talk to civilians on the street. The East Germans had nothing to show us other then their Russian generated stores and Russian war memorials. East Berlin was still a wreck compared to West Berlin. No wonder the Russians had to build a wall to keep the people inside. In 1980 I was reassigned to Wiesbaden and then Kaiserslautern, W. Germany. I again visited West Berlin and to be honest not much had changed between the two cities or communism versus capitalism.
Ein sehr sehr wertvolles Filmdokument, keine Frage. Nicht nur für echte Oldtimer Freunde empfehlenswert anzusehen. Der kleine LLOYD im Abspann ist min. ein Jahr jünger und wahrscheinlich auch schon ein Lloyd-Alexander mit „weißen“ Kennzeichen - welche aber erst ab Juli 1956 an‘s Blech geschraubt werden durften… lloyd400 Punkt de Grüße
At 0:52 it begins to show the Russian War memorial. There are 5000 Russian soldiers buried there with one of the commanding Russian generals buried standing up, saluting and facing east toward Mother Russia. I was there in 1988 during my three-year tour flying C-9 Nightingales while stationed at Rhein-Main AB Germany. I traveled to East Germany twice before the wall came down in '89. Great Memories!
jean george pierre woher wisst ihr das, habt ihr das gegoogelt um kritik auszuüben? naja ich weis auch welche waffen und fahrzeuge es im ersten weltkrieg gab, aber es gibt über 1954-... kein battlefield..
This is very educational. Notice that there was only the most cursory check when crossing the sector lines. This is also the way it was in Vienna until that matter was properly settled in 1955; and the German situation should have been properly settled by then as well, the way Roosevelt and Stalin had agreed; but maybe Allen Dulles had other ideas.
Let me elaborate on this. During the postwar years, Germany was supposed to be reunified, the way Austria was; and the Russians were not slow on this, because the Communist Party was significant in Germany even before Hitler. Thus, it had to be George Marshall who created something of a shock when he abruptly created what amounted to a rump state of West Germany. He even scrapped the Weimar Constitution while he was at it. If this hadn't happened, there never would have been a DDR.
Are you sure the Soviets would have given up their German territory after losing 20 million men to conquer it? I'm not so sure. Austria was not important to them. Germany was.
What a beautiful country, so much tragedy took place and whats up with the Berlin 1954? People looked at ease, casually going about business, little did then know what was to come. Still love ya's.
now if the film were from 1959 or 1960, I may well have shown up in it :) I was in the air force and in Berlin for 2-3 days on tdy (temporary duty) and I think we were in the Farben building but my memory does not function so well...we had to fly in and out, no train which I did not like...thanks for a nice film of those early times.
This is just the year I was born in. Life goes on as it should be and I often thought and wondered why the previous government so hated us here in Siberia and Russia. Only due to our resources? But these resources are even now only to the benefit of money bags, even in Germany. Das ist wirklich ein Raetsel fuer mich
Трудяги что Врсточные,что Западные,молодцы, так все красиво,а у нас в бывшем СССР в некоторых местах особенно маленьких фильмы про войну можно снимать без декораций да и старики живут впроголодь.
why is everyone complaining the watermark did not bother me at all i hardly noticed it as i was too busy trying to figure out where everything was filmed
Die Jahreszahl ist zumindest bei manchen der Aufnahmen nicht korrekt. Bei 04:14 min sind zwei VW Käfer mit rechteckigem Heckfenster zu sehen. So erst ab 1957 verbaut. Der zum abbiegen auf der Kreuzung stehende AWZ P70 wurde auch erst ab 1955 gebaut.
Ich habe zwei de Frage. 1 warum FILMSCHÄTZE AUS KÖLN - VOM RHEIN - WELTFILMERBE 106 тыс. подписчиков habe fom Inglische geschreibt. 2 warum die aufschrift berlin 1954 das video blockiert
Fantastic footage except for one problem, the letters blocking my view weren't quite big enough, I could almost make out the actual movie from time to time..
I was in Berlin in 1959 and it was possible then simply to walk through the Brandenburg Gate into the Eastern Sector and wander among the ruins of the Reichskanzlei gardens,, where I picked up a copy of probably the last issue of the "Volkischer Beobachter " among the rubble !
+robto There was still a lot of damage. Much was in the East, which then was still the Soviet Sector, although if I remember correctly the wide street called the Stalinallee was lined with blocks of monolithic Soviet-style flats. The Brandenburgertor still bore the scars of bomb splinters and shelling and the Cathedral was also damaged and blackened The Reichstag lacked its central dome and also the facade was badly scarred. It was possible to walk unhindered past a sign reading, "Achtung! Hier beginnt der Soviet Zone (or " Sektor,").to the ruins of the Reichskanzlerei behind which was a shattered garden and entrance to the Bunker and tunnels, possibly air-raid shelters, but since they were full of rubble and the ceilings were looking distinctly unsafe I didn't venture further! West Berlin was in much better condition I remember, the general atmosphere much lighter......probably as a result of Allied aid-.but it was a long time ago and memory fades, leaving behind a series of images rather like blurred old black and white photographs.......like a half-broken wall, bearing a faded image of a cog-wheel containing a swastika and the letters in Gothic script, "DAF", (Deutsche Arbeiter Front) -.but I hope that I have answered your question!
Michael Mouse Thanks for the answer! I was just curious as how a city that was completely destroyed could recover so quickly! I've been in Berlin a year ago and it seems that they're still reconstructing some old historical buildings that were destroyed during the war. Were you in the military, by the way?
couldn't you write Berlin 1954 a little bit bigger, you know, like covering the whole screen? or stamp it 20 times all over the screen so nothing can be seen. here you find a good thing. instead of posting it, you just ruin it in order to show off.
Pretty strange situation before the Berlin Wall. East Berlin was living in a real poverty but still people voluntarily lived there although they were still free to leave it.
Massive amounts were leaving though, that's why Soviets chose to build the wall. In the 50s people did not leave as the difference in life quality was not so big still, when the neon lights came up in the West and several times more cars started to appear on streets with all the shopping opportunities etc. Soviets knew that their part would become uninhabited if they did not do something.
1949 there was a remarkable uprising in East Berlin, many were arrested, many lived on in fear but they still did not leave the East. For me it looks strange.
The wealth differences was mostly due to the fact that the United States spent American taxpayer money on heavily subsidising West-Berlin as a propaganda effort towards communism, and the fact that the Soviet Union, on the other hand, forced East-Berlin and East-Germany in general to pay them heavy war reparations. Still, the reason so few actually fled over to the west was because they had no real economic incentive to do so, on the contrary. The few who did however, and which forced the communists to build the wall, was people who already had a position that would make them upper-middle class in the capitalist west. In other words it was the brains who fled, which simply cost the communists too much. The west has always made a huge propaganda point of the people who fled from the east to the west, but if you look at the people who actually did that, you find that every single one of them was people who knew they would get upper middle class status in the capitalist west. There was not a single hairdresser, cleaning lady, janitor or shop clerk et cetera who tried to flee. The only people who fled was people who knew their class status in a capitalistic society would give them a far richer material life. Since the Berlin Wall and the fleeing from the east was such a huge propaganda point for the west, it comes as no surprise that few people in the west know that, prior to the Berlin Wall, the migration across the capitalist-communist border actually went both ways. About two thirds of the number of people, who went from the communist east to the capitalist west, went from the capitalist west to the communist east. The problem for the communist authorities, however, was not that they were slightly lacking behind in migrant numbers, but the fact that the people they lost were mostly high value people, such as engineers, professors, doctors and scientists et cetera.
A great video ruined by "Berlin 1954."
Audinos 😭
True, but the watermark doesn't need to be as tall as some of the buildings in Berlin.
Make the font larger I could not read it.
There is something I don't get...What city is this? And what year?
I'm pretty sure that this footage is from the summer of 1960, just one year before the wall was put up. If you look at 6:22, you can see an advertisement for the movie "Brennender Sands". This movie's West German release date was in July 1960.
I agree, one shot clearly shows the East German flag, which was the same as West Germany's until October 1959.
all the respect and appreciation
For the Germans and the great German people
Greetings from Egypt
Amazing ! I was born in 1954. I visited Berlin for the very first time in December 2016. Such a young and lively town !
i think its really sad that such a beautiful city got destroyed by a war ...
Amazing how the city seems to have recovered in just nine years, although a few streets do seem very empty and those ruined buildings are eerie.
Вот тебе война !! Все восстановили и живут лучше нас!
Мира и здравия всем жителям многострадального Берлина . Война это плохой итог для братьев и сестер , отцов и матерей и их детей. Пусть воцарится мир и согласие...
Not from 1954!! There is an Opel 1958, Opel 1956, Ford Taunus 1960 and a VW Beetle from after 1958 amongst other cars from late 50's and early 60's
I was trying to see the title but was distracted by the annoying background the entire video
I'ts amazing how they rebuilt their city in just 9 years, its been 30 years since the war and Beirut Lebanon still hasn't advanced as far as a single German year
Look at much of Haiti, after the quake most of the world went to rebuild the place, yet the people just fought and stood around demanding handouts. It likely looks hardly better then it did there just after the quake, yet billions have been wasted.
It's a german hobby, destroy and rebuild. Now they're destroying again.
i was there in the mid 80's and East Berlin was largely still full of the shells of buildings. The U-bahn was still the was time rolling stock with the driver sitting in the open cab and the doors you slid closed [or not in our case as we were used to automatic closing doors]!
Oldbmwr100rs Germans got money from America to rebuild. The igbos in Nigeria rebuilt their cities after the civil war when the British slaughtered them.
the Clintons and many foreign politicians are still stealing from the Hatians . they are the most industrious hard working people . here in the US they rank above many other immigrants.
I was in Berlin 59 to 61, remember most those scene's.i have lot good memories and was honor to serve there.
Brilliant quality footage, utterly ruined by the fact that the title - "Berlin 1954" is obscuring a large portion of the screen throughout... shame.
Berlin 1954 logo is too big. can't enjoy video with that big thing blocking the video
IraqCTR sodontwatchalready
Filmschätze aus Koln is so far amateurs, when they learn to make videos, maybe it will improve later!
Many ppl forget there was West Berlin and East Berlin, and the difference between them was huge.
Miss you Germany. Germany is a great country in Europe. 💙
Wow it took 10 years after total destruction people have rebuilt it
Respect to the german people !
как же быстро зажили после войны молодцы че сказать
Wow in 9 years almost everything was rebuilt. Streets and highways modernize, to that time.
Incredible recovery less than 10 years after the war.
wcatholic1 german people works ethics and engineering did the magic
They organized, less talk, and more actual movement. These days it can take 10 years just to do an engineering study for a project due to all the bureaucracy involved.
Because soviet people and government helps
Даниил Маркин lol yes partly
Last Tutmus
>USA destroys Germany
>USA untouched
>USA gives money so Europe can rebuild after destroying the continent to become an economic superpower
>stolen money
1954 ist da angegeben, als es mich noch nicht gab, tolle Aufnahmen!
I was a Scottish Soldier in Berlin 1959 - 1961 stationed in Brook barracks and was on Guard in Spandu Prison Guarding Hess and 3 others
jnuclearnicky25 Did you meet Lt. Col. Speirs??
jnuclearnicky25 and
What did Hess say to you? Did you learn true reasons of his flight to England?
He didn't like the food in Germany.
What a Beauty it is Berlin 🏅
What year was this in Berlin?
I don't think anyone in 1945, could believe that Germany would rebuild and move forward so quickly for a positive outcome compared to it's past.
I would make the "Berlin 1954" even bigger, FULL SCREEN as you still can see a bit of the video.
Great Footages. Amazing.
danke für diese erstaunlichen bilder, die mich an meine kindheit erinnert haben.
очень хорошее видео....не отнять...
Man hat Berlin da noch schön ausgesehen
I'm glad they put that up in huge text like that. I have that condition where my ability to make new long term memories does not exist, so I forget everything every twenty seconds.
never ever. There are buildings from 1957 and later
and lots of vehicles that are from the mid to late '50's.
Incredible how in 9 years life seems to be normal and the city is clean, aside form still damaged buildings of course. Great job, German people.
This was the Berlin I knew. The film is too short!
A população de Berlim que reergueu sua cidade das cinza em dez anos demostra a coragem e amor à sua cidade , infelizmente no nosso pais não ocorre o mesmo , a começar pelas autoridades que para iniciar uma obra antes calculam quanto é possível desviar da obra ,e por parte da população tem muitos que rezam por QUANTO PIOR MELHOR demostrando pouco ou nenhum interesse por uma causa coletiva muito menos por sua cidade ou pais
West Germany had an economic boom in the 1950s. It recovered very well
I was born in Berlin in 1954 till 1963. I still remember the bombed out building's in some areas. Moved to the U.S. late 60 . Wow
SCHADE ... da ist dieses liebevoll gestaltete Logo, in zwei Größen, orange und weiß, harmonisch, nicht einfach nur 1234 oder 0000, die Ziffern "1954" bilden ein Spannungsfeld, sind sowohl losgelöst und gleichwohl direkt Bezug nehmend und gebend auf die Zahlen im Titel "1957-1960". Statisch, ruhend, erhaben, das gibt soviel zum Nachdenken. Die Schrift ist zudem durchscheinend... eigentlich wunderschön ... doch im Hintergrund läuft irgendein Video durch, ständig in Bewegung, zeigt irgendetwas, jedoch so gut wie gar keine Buchstaben oder Zahlen, lenkt also nur ab von diesem wunderschönen Logo - Berlin1954. Davon wünschte ich mir mehr, größer und ohne störende Videos im Hintergrund.
1974 I visited both West and East Berlin while I was stationed at Kirchgoens, W. Germany. West Berlin was a vibrant thriving city while East Berlin was still relatively rubble strewn from 30 years past. In West Berlin we/I were allowed to go and visit any place we wanted to see. In East Berlin we were escorted by East German officials at all time and not allowed to talk to civilians on the street. The East Germans had nothing to show us other then their Russian generated stores and Russian war memorials. East Berlin was still a wreck compared to West Berlin. No wonder the Russians had to build a wall to keep the people inside. In 1980 I was reassigned to Wiesbaden and then Kaiserslautern, W. Germany. I again visited West Berlin and to be honest not much had changed between the two cities or communism versus capitalism.
Ein sehr sehr wertvolles Filmdokument, keine Frage. Nicht nur für echte Oldtimer Freunde empfehlenswert anzusehen. Der kleine LLOYD im Abspann ist min. ein Jahr jünger und wahrscheinlich auch schon ein Lloyd-Alexander mit „weißen“ Kennzeichen - welche aber erst ab Juli 1956 an‘s Blech geschraubt werden durften… lloyd400 Punkt de Grüße
At 0:52 it begins to show the Russian War memorial. There are 5000 Russian soldiers buried there with one of the commanding Russian generals buried standing up, saluting and facing east toward Mother Russia. I was there in 1988 during my three-year tour flying C-9 Nightingales while stationed at Rhein-Main AB Germany. I traveled to East Germany twice before the wall came down in '89. Great Memories!
Wow!!! Que anécdota.
Saludos desde sudamérica
Könnt ihr mal diese hässliche BERLIN 1954 Schrift entfernen????
jean george pierre woher wisst ihr das, habt ihr das gegoogelt um kritik auszuüben? naja ich weis auch welche waffen und fahrzeuge es im ersten weltkrieg gab, aber es gibt über 1954-... kein battlefield..
In 10 years they did a pretty good job cleaning up. It would have taken 25 years if it happened here.
huge respect for german people.
make u asking, u idiot XD
trashes dont need respect
Well looks like they are getting it all fixed up nicely
That bloody watermark ruined the film!
so sad nothing like it was in the imperial days and never will be again
Jesus! Take off the damn titles for God's sake! You spoil the entire film.
That's pretty impressive picture quality
Tolle Aufnahmen, zumindest kann man diese hinter dieser mega fetten Schrift vermuten. Größere habt ihr nicht finden können, oder?
Und von wegen, die Türken haben das aufgebaut ;-)
Siegmar Gabriel ...... Fuck die Spd 👎
@@brigittelogan8457 😆
Ne waren schon die grösten
Wenn nicht immer die Hälfte des Bildes durch den Schriftzug "Berlin 1954" abgedeckt wäre, dann wäre das sehr interessante Aufnahmen.
Nice highway and a nice amount of traffic on it.I wish that was my commute.
How did they build the city from ruins to that beauty in just 10 years?
Looks a lot better than Berlin 1945.
Imagine im driving along highway in 2017 and see so many classic cars. Would be amazing.
Thank you for posting a valuable video. In the past, images that could only be viewed in black and white can now be viewed in color.
das ECHTE HILTON in der Budapester Str. , heute Interconti, war auch schön zu sehen - Tolle Doku
Berlin looks the same old scene with old buildings. It wasn't ever totally ruined, it was some streets partly ruined. Mercy!
This is very educational. Notice that there was only the most cursory check when crossing the sector lines. This is also the way it was in Vienna until that matter was properly settled in 1955; and the German situation should have been properly settled by then as well, the way Roosevelt and Stalin had agreed; but maybe Allen Dulles had other ideas.
Let me elaborate on this. During the postwar years, Germany was supposed to be reunified, the way Austria was; and the Russians were not slow on this, because the Communist Party was significant in Germany even before Hitler. Thus, it had to be George Marshall who created something of a shock when he abruptly created what amounted to a rump state of West Germany. He even scrapped the Weimar Constitution while he was at it. If this hadn't happened, there never would have been a DDR.
Are you sure the Soviets would have given up their German territory after losing 20 million men to conquer it? I'm not so sure. Austria was not important to them. Germany was.
Thanq nice footages
to see those days again.....
They recuperated very fast.
What a beautiful country, so much tragedy took place and whats up with the Berlin 1954? People looked at ease, casually going about business, little did then know what was to come. Still love ya's.
Wow😮🤩 Helloooo germany from#morocco⚘🙋♂️
now if the film were from 1959 or 1960, I may well have shown up in it :) I was in the air force and in Berlin for 2-3 days on tdy (temporary duty) and I think we were in the Farben building but my memory does not function so well...we had to fly in and out, no train which I did not like...thanks for a nice film of those early times.
They may have lost the war, but won the peace
Voll die geilen Webcam Aufnahmen!!!
This is just the year I was born in. Life goes on as it should be and I often thought and wondered why the previous government so hated us here in Siberia and Russia. Only due to our resources? But these resources are even now only to the benefit of money bags, even in Germany. Das ist wirklich ein Raetsel fuer mich
Wow growing so fast after WWII
Трудяги что Врсточные,что Западные,молодцы, так все красиво,а у нас в бывшем СССР в некоторых местах особенно маленьких фильмы про войну можно снимать без декораций да и старики живут впроголодь.
Increíble gran recuperación es un gran pueblo dios los bendiga siempre Alemania es grande
Berlin always in my heart.....
Can anyone tell me what city this is please and what year this was filmed?
why is everyone complaining the watermark did not bother me at all i hardly noticed it as i was too busy trying to figure out where everything was filmed
Where was this and what year?
Die Jahreszahl ist zumindest bei manchen der Aufnahmen nicht korrekt. Bei 04:14 min sind zwei VW Käfer mit rechteckigem Heckfenster zu sehen. So erst ab 1957 verbaut. Der zum abbiegen auf der Kreuzung stehende AWZ P70 wurde auch erst ab 1955 gebaut.
Wow, Berlin already did some serious rebuilding just 9 years later. Still, it's sobering see the lingering destruction of the war.
Ich habe zwei de Frage. 1 warum
106 тыс. подписчиков habe fom Inglische geschreibt. 2 warum die aufschrift berlin 1954 das video blockiert
What a great country..
Beautiful city Forever i From Brasil city Joinville SC Brasil so long
Könnt Ihr das bitte nochmal einstellen, ohne diese furchtbare Schrift, die alles verdeckt?
Fantastic footage except for one problem, the letters blocking my view weren't quite big enough, I could almost make out the actual movie from time to time..
GDR was German until 1991/2 then it became another turkish place.
Oh sorry, those turkish workers did the work, nobody wanted to do, because they wanted a better life and worked hard for the community.
Ohne die riesige Einblendung im linken Bildbereich würde es noch mehr Spaß beim Zusehen machen! ;)
Wäre schön ohne die beknackte riesige Schrift im Bild.
Stimmt, diese ist im Videomaterial sehr störend...
Elektro Hall Was beleidigst du sofort du Internet Rambo
..great ! Thx !!
Ooh, the number of cars in this video I would pay a fortune for...
+Googlefluff857 How true! The title (watermark) is misleading. The West German cars have post 1956 registration plates.
Было же время люди как люди после войны
I was in Berlin in 1959 and it was possible then simply to walk through the Brandenburg Gate into the Eastern Sector and wander among the ruins of the Reichskanzlei gardens,, where I picked up a copy of probably the last issue of the "Volkischer Beobachter " among the rubble !
Michael Mouse wow how old have you been? and have you saved that newspaper?
Maxwell Alas no, Maxwell , the paper was in poor condition, but I do now regret not having taken it at the time!
+Michael Mouse Was Berlin still in ruins in 1959, though?
+robto There was still a lot of damage. Much was in the East, which then was still the Soviet Sector, although if I remember correctly the wide street called the Stalinallee was lined with blocks of monolithic Soviet-style flats. The Brandenburgertor still bore the scars of bomb splinters and shelling and the Cathedral was also damaged and blackened The Reichstag lacked its central dome and also the facade was badly scarred. It was possible to walk unhindered past a sign reading, "Achtung! Hier beginnt der Soviet Zone (or " Sektor,").to the ruins of the Reichskanzlerei behind which was a shattered garden and entrance to the Bunker and tunnels, possibly air-raid shelters, but since they were full of rubble and the ceilings were looking distinctly unsafe I didn't venture further! West Berlin was in much better condition I remember, the general atmosphere much lighter......probably as a result of Allied aid-.but it was a long time ago and memory fades, leaving behind a series of images rather like blurred old black and white photographs.......like a half-broken wall, bearing a faded image of a cog-wheel containing a swastika and the letters in Gothic script, "DAF", (Deutsche Arbeiter Front) -.but I hope that I have answered your question!
Michael Mouse Thanks for the answer! I was just curious as how a city that was completely destroyed could recover so quickly!
I've been in Berlin a year ago and it seems that they're still reconstructing some old historical buildings that were destroyed during the war. Were you in the military, by the way?
Some cars are built after 1954. At least some footage is from late 50s, or maybe 60.
couldn't you write Berlin 1954 a little bit bigger, you know, like covering the whole screen? or stamp it 20 times all over the screen so nothing can be seen. here you find a good thing. instead of posting it, you just ruin it in order to show off.
The letters are too small. We can still see a little bit of film..
Pretty strange situation before the Berlin Wall. East Berlin was living in a real poverty but still people voluntarily lived there although they were still free to leave it.
Massive amounts were leaving though, that's why Soviets chose to build the wall. In the 50s people did not leave as the difference in life quality was not so big still, when the neon lights came up in the West and several times more cars started to appear on streets with all the shopping opportunities etc. Soviets knew that their part would become uninhabited if they did not do something.
1949 there was a remarkable uprising in East Berlin, many were arrested, many lived on in fear but they still did not leave the East. For me it looks strange.
lkrnpk you said it so damn well
The wealth differences was mostly due to the fact that the United States spent American taxpayer money on heavily subsidising West-Berlin as a propaganda effort towards communism, and the fact that the Soviet Union, on the other hand, forced East-Berlin and East-Germany in general to pay them heavy war reparations.
Still, the reason so few actually fled over to the west was because they had no real economic incentive to do so, on the contrary. The few who did however, and which forced the communists to build the wall, was people who already had a position that would make them upper-middle class in the capitalist west. In other words it was the brains who fled, which simply cost the communists too much.
The west has always made a huge propaganda point of the people who fled from the east to the west, but if you look at the people who actually did that, you find that every single one of them was people who knew they would get upper middle class status in the capitalist west. There was not a single hairdresser, cleaning lady, janitor or shop clerk et cetera who tried to flee. The only people who fled was people who knew their class status in a capitalistic society would give them a far richer material life.
Since the Berlin Wall and the fleeing from the east was such a huge propaganda point for the west, it comes as no surprise that few people in the west know that, prior to the Berlin Wall, the migration across the capitalist-communist border actually went both ways. About two thirds of the number of people, who went from the communist east to the capitalist west, went from the capitalist west to the communist east. The problem for the communist authorities, however, was not that they were slightly lacking behind in migrant numbers, but the fact that the people they lost were mostly high value people, such as engineers, professors, doctors and scientists et cetera.
4:22 what a wonderful, charming woman.
...And to think a mere 18 years before this great city was the Olympic host and intact....before the bombs started falling!