Bishop Barron and Jordan Peterson have done a lot in recent years to present the Old Testament to the new generation in an appealing and interesting way! And this has drawn the attention of millions! Thank you and God bless Bishop Barron!
@@marypinakat8594 I know you did not emphasize that it is a story. You did state it is a story. Unless I misread your words when you wrote it is “the story.” But to answer your question: The Power of Myth, which involves Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell. That was the starting point for me that led me to the conclusion that I arrived. Whether there is some historical truth is possible but emphasis in my mind is it is a story. With no disrespect.
@@marypinakat8594 Have to agree with you. Thank you. You did not answer my first question exactly, but I take your words as concession then. Hope you check out The Power of Myth though.
Joseph is my favorite Bible story! Every time I read it God gives me a new light that shines on His goodness!! Like recently: when Jacob says to Judah, "Go to that man in Egypt and bring us back some food." Judah tells him we can't go back without your youngest son. But Jacob can't bear the threat of losing his son. The scripture says "his heart was bound up in him." This is an image of the Father to me. He can't bear the loss of his children! And I realized reading it this time that Judah is not merely sent, he offers himself when he says , "Send me father I will be surety for him forever." This is why Jesus is the Lion from the tribe of Judah! And my newest addition to this is thread of knowledge is what he says next. "If I don't go everyone will die."..!! I don't know how I never noticed that! 😊
I heard this view of Joseph, that his ego was inflated because of his dreams, after I was instructed to read it. But when I read it it was clear that Jacob caused the jealousy between his sons because he loved Rachel and not Leah. Of course Joseph and Benjamin being Rachel's sons, they were favored. In fact God had mercy on Leah and gave her children as a consolation. In fact Judah is conceived when Rachel bribes her with a night with Jacob to get some mandrakes from Leah's son. And through this episode Leah's heart is finally freed from this broken desire for acceptance from her husband and she gives her heart in praise to God. And this is where Judah gets his name which means praise!!!!
And I just have to add that this brokenness in Jacob's life and he gets duped by Laban just like he duped Esau was a healing God moment for me. (I have more brothers snd sisters than Joseph :)) God showed me that this brokenness doesn't get the final word, or determine the so called 'success' of our families when we mourn their brokenness and despair that they'll never be what they should be. I'll show one more moment that God gave me with Judah. When he says in his own language in front of Joseph not knowing that he can understand, "This is happening because of my sin." And I knew in that moment that the trials they had all gone through was in preparation for this moment when Joseph now as an image of the Father (as St Joseph is an image of the Father's loved to Jesus) who hasn't accused Judah but had waited for him to understand and turn to God in contrition, now that he sees his heart is right just like our Father can no longer contain his emotion or keep from revealing himself to Judah. Which is what he had wanted all along: to be known, loved and accepted by his brothers who he loved.
thank u Bishop Barron. When I was a kid, my cousin told me the story of Joseph and that catapulted me into reading the bible. He was such an inspiring person in our history. Ultimately, despite our current debacles, God has a plan. And He showed us one thru Joseph
@@thomism1016 he didn't even become spiritual until very recent. I think his wife was a huge influence. Then his daughter had an encounter. He talked a lot about catholicism and I learned more and more about the religion. Prager also speaks well of it too. The church is far more open minded, ok with questions and the journey/ wrestle with God, and the church is known to enjoy science (big bang theory was created by catholic priest). It's a perfect fit for me.
My name is José Miguel , a was named after st Joseph and My own father but i have always Been proud of having the name of Joseph the patriarch his story is one My favorite of the bible
Thanks Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt. I also find the story of Joseph in Genesis to be very inspiring and moving, especially when he is re-united with his brothers and he forgives them all, weeping by himself before he tells them who he really is.
Some interesting things I've learned about the story of Joseph over the years is that its the only story in the Qur'an that is told in a complete Surah and not just fragments. The other thing is the Semitic Hyksos site discovered and a tomb of a royal advisor that many archeologists believe belong to Joseph. I've always found the flight to Egypt typology in the NT interesting.
When I watched that movie Joseph: King of Dreams, it had always been ingrained in my head that Joseph was an entirely innocent character, yes favored by his father and envied by his brothers, but not really proud of it. That he would have been a proud young boy makes much more sense and factors into his progression.
Re the question about starting philosophy . The first dialogue of Plato to read is the Meno. This is the dialogue about learning and specifically learning to do philosophy. Follow it with the Symposium and then some of the others before tackling the Republic. But don't miss the Republic. But the best thing is to find a good philosophy teacher that uses the Socratic method.
Great teaching thanks & discipline by GOD is the best to purify & prepare you for holiness & mission. My Q is:- 1) Why consider Joseph "obnoxious" or proud just because he shared a prophetic dream of his own elevation? Is it the tone & words he used to share that are problematic? And if so how? How else would he have narrated the dream? 2) Since prophecy includes sharing inadvance visions of the future so that when it comes to pass the prophet is vindicated & GOD glorified. And of course a prophet is also to bear good fruit. Why does it sound like an issue that Joseph shared his visions/dreams with his family? What was he supposed to do .....keep silent??? 3) Is it not true that prophets are bashed ANYWAY no matter what they may say especially if it does not fit in with a people/ a persons/ group expectations? Scripture is full of prophets being maltreated, murdered, labelled as liars, persecuted etc....
Your body and spirit separate but totally intwined, all feeling that come from your senses your spirit sees, when your feeling come from your mind your spirit can't see, so when you are asleep your spirit goes through the feelings your spirit knows to understand, every feeling you have from when you were conceived till you pass is an energy, that energy makes you who you are in the spirit world, if you do rong you can not hide it, it goes to heaven with you, so be good
Don’t be fooled by the circumstances. You may not see anything, the odds are against you, the experts say it’s not going to work out, but God controls the universe. Don’t be impatient for Him to act. Keep believing, keep praying, and every blessing that belongs to you will show up. You won’t have to go after it; it’s going to come to you. It’s going to happen at the time God has planned
Please stop the cut out music. Lol please. I love the show but there's no need for this large increase in volume on an internet show. We want long form discussion from Bishop Barron! God bless you all!
I've been interested in Joseph's children, Manasseh and Ephraim. They must have been special, too, because Jacob gives them the blessing that he gives his own sons. So Manasseh and Ephraim constitute two of the tribes of Israel, just as Jacob's own sons each make up one of the tribes. So, of course, the tribes then go out to all the corners of the world. I've heard/read that Manasseh and Ephraim primarily make up the UK and the United States respectively. And the "special relationship" between England and the US is often spoken of, and these two countries have a particularly important part of play in prophecy and in history. Manasseh stands for England, and Manasseh was the number one fighting tribe of all the tribes of Israel, with the Tribe of Dan being a close second. Not so coincidentally, England went on to have the greatest empire the world has ever seen, on which "the sun never sets." And much of the Tribe of Dan settled in other parts of the UK, in Ireland and Scotland, and surrounding areas, Denmark and Norway. Denmark and Norway morphed into the Viking culture, and went on to further conquer and settle in the UK, especially in Ireland. (Maybe that's why the Irish are called "the fighting Irish.") Hence, the UK became a fighting machine and conquered the world. And this special relationship seems that it will continue into the future to fulfill an important part of Biblical prophecy. I think there will be a reuniting of the British empire, and that the prophecy in Ezekiel 38:13 tells of it. In this scripture, a group of nations called "the Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions," protest the invasion of Israel in end times, but they don't launch an attack. Tarshish is England, and England's mascot is the lion. So the "young lions" are the nations that were former colonies of the British Empire. This is probably a trading and economic empire that forms in these end times, not a military empire. And the Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions appears to already be forming in the economic/trading group CANZUK, which presently only consists of four entites: the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. (And AUKUS is the military arm of this forming group.) The Merchants and the Young Lions protest the invasion of Israel, and guess who else is a Young Lion? You know who--it's Israel. And also Egypt is a Young Lion, and Manasseh and Ephraim were half Egyptian. The Bible says in end times that some countries will not come under the rule of the antichrist, and two of them are Israel and Jordan--both Young Lions counties, that is, former colonies of the British Empire. I think that CANZUK, that is, the Merchants of Tarshish and all her Young lions," will be the most powerful and wealthy economic and trading group that the world has ever seen. And it's about to form quickly because these countries are particularly disgusted with China's aggressive grabs at power through the world and also at China's part in spreading Covid. And the economic sanctions that a powerful alliance like CANZUK, when it grows to include all the Young Lions (as the prophecy says it does), will be a way to control the aggression of China. The colonies of the old British Empire, the Young Lions, share similar social and cultural foundations that have weathered the break up of the Old British Empire, and it's these similarities that will bring these countries back together again, to fend off the aggression of China. These countries include India, the "jewel in the crown," of the British Empire, and the largest democracy in the world--and an important counterweight to China militarily. And, today, it's said that China owns Africa, but guess what? A third of African countries are Young Lions, former colonies of England. So when CANZUK forms, China will not own Africa! CANZUK countries are going to be so wealthy and prosperous--two of the most important waterways are owned by them now, the Suez Canal is owned by Egypt, and the Northwest Passage by Canada! In these end times, I see two main factions in the world, the CANZUK countries, prospering from their capitalistic base and societies and cultures, opposed to the axis of communistic and Islamic theocracies lead by Iran, Russia, and, of course, China. And God says he will put a hook in the jaw of the countries that invade Israel in end times. That hook is economic, these countries will not be doing well financially, and under heavy sanctions from the CANZUK countries. So the axis of communistic countries/Islamic theocracies will invade Israel. And then the Bible will spread across the world, and the end will come.
@@russellmiles2861 The criticism that expansion and success of CANZUK would be a racist union is really a non-starter. As mentioned, a third of Africa are Young Lions countries. And India, no doubt to be a most important country in the CANZUK alliance, is the world's largest democracy which also has the world's largest Muslim population. Egypt, another important Young Lion with its Suez Canal, is a Muslim nation. Asian Hong Kong is another Young Lion. So what would be better for Hong Kong--to continue to be hamstrung under the heel of Communist China or to be the free and great capitalist entity it was under British rule? Not to say that the Young Lions countries would be under the rulership of England, it seems that each country is independent, and that CANZUK will be a powerful trading and economic alliance. Watch what seems to be your ultra liberalism, it's something that is hurting Australia at present. Even liberal Naomi Wolf has stated that Australia's current problems of the population's being under lock down with their human rights violated by the medical bureaucracy Covid PLANdemic is a sad effect of the gun control that exists in Australia. People in Australia have given up their guns and too much power to the state.
@@russellmiles2861 You mention trade and military agreements that you think might preclude Australia's joining CANZUK. But Australia is already one of the founding members of CANZUK. Australia in CANZUK is already a reality. Is that a problem with you, that is, ignoring reality for knee-jerk, half baked theories about those you're judging to be "bigots"? You are also living in a fantasy world if you don't worry about China and Russia. You're claiming that Australia can't get out of some trade agreements with China? What about BREXIT? England freed itself from the liberal tyranny of the elitist, NWO EU already. It's possible. You're claiming that the UK is a declining power militarily. But CANZUK is not to be a military alliance, from the Biblical prophecy of Ezekiel CANZUK looks to be a purely economic/trading alliance. In the prophecy, this group, the "Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions," are first described as what? As "merchants," and it was in the UK where capitalism was first defined by the Scottish Adam Smith. So this group is a powerful economic group, that is made powerful by its alliance with each other, not by dominating nations militarily. However, AUKUS, which looks to become a military arm of CANZUK, is a military power, with the UK aligning itself with these Young Lions countries for military purposes. The strength of CANZUK is that it is an alliance of countries who have similar values, with no one country dominating. Australia is an advanced, multicultural country from every race, culture and creed, who welcome people. . . And why is that? It's because Australia has inherited its culture from the fact that it is a Young Lion country. I can't believe that you cite Australia's role in helping in the founding of the UN as a plus! The UN is seen in Biblical prophecy, I believe, in the Book of Revelation, as the Beast who rises from the sea, which has the seven heads and the 10 horns. Revelation says this entity arises from the seas, and in the Bible, the oceans and seas are used to symbolize populations of peoples. The Beast has seven heads. I believe that the seven heads refer to the Security Council of the UN, which currently only has five members, but Germany looks to be come the sixth member, and often sits in on Security Council meetings and decisions. Germany's joining the Security Council looks to be a done deal. So that leaves only a seventh nation member to join the Security Council for the prophecies to kick in. And the 10-horned kingdom symbolized by the 10 horns on the Beast, is the UN's 10-member, non-permanent "security council," a less powerful group of nations who are appointed, and serve two year, temporary, terms. Personally, I believe that the UN can and will be kicked out of the US, and will move to Brussels, where it belongs, to be one of the leading organizations of the NWO, autocratic one-world government shaping up in the EU.
@@russellmiles2861 The prophecy in Ezekiel says that the Merchants of Tarshish and all their young lions also speak with some countries that are not Young Lions. It mentions Sheba and Dedan. Not sure which countries these are, but some suggestions have been made that Sheba and Dedan might be Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and/or Ethiopia. And China doesn't seek to be a "partner," as you call it, with anybody. The CCP in China (not the majority of Chinese people) wishes to aggressively take over, imposing its concentration camps systems (of Muslims and other minorities), its medical "harvesting" of human body parts of minority groups such as the Falun Gong, and social credit scoring systems of control, and slave labor onto the world. I'll take freedom instead, and don't care if anybody misconstrues this as racism.
@@russellmiles2861 Thanks for your kind words. But I'm not well read. Things that occur to me about the Bible and about prophecy are not primarily a product of study for me. It is a process that happens through a sudden realization, or maybe a dream, or a "coincidence," that gives a lot of information. Some information will just fall into my lap. Or sometimes, I've had visions. I think that anybody can participate in this process. It begins with curiosity about what something or some prophecy means, and then the Holy Spirit responds. Like any author, the Holy Spirit loves it when you ask questions or wonder about what he meant when transmitting this information to the writers of the Bible. These occurrences can happen even through tactile means, that is, just by holding the Bible and wondering about something. There's even a lot of daydreaming, or mental "drifting" involved. Or it can be purely a visual experience, where you simply look at the words, not actually reading them, or turning it into an intellectual or logical process. One important way to keep the information coming is to share it, and don't worry about claiming credit for it. And another important way of getting ideas/information is by praying the Rosary. You can simply ask during the Rosary what you are wondering about, but that's not entirely necessary, as this is something the Holy Spirit already knows anyhow.
Hi, Bishop and Brandon. One question on names: Joseph, Jeshua, Jesus... can ne the same or two different names in Hebrew. What was the name of Joseph son of Israel Joseph the earthy father of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Himself? Thank you!
Are there parallels between Joseph in Genesis and Jesus as The Messiah in the Gospels. When Jesus says to The Apostles, Shalom after they had betrayed him and scattered isn't this like Joseph, son of Jacob, when he reveals himself to his ten brothers, forgiving them. From the twelve, there remained eleven minus one, Thomas, who was not there. Does this reflect Benjamin, the brother who was left behind with Jacob? So, were there ten Apostles who first met the risen Lord? In what ways are Joseph's brothers and founders of the tribes of Israel like the twelve Apostles? The parable of the Prodigal Son reflects back to Genesis 43 in some ways when Joseph orders to slaughter an animal and prepare it upon being reunited with his brother Benjamin.
If there is only one God, how do we unite all religions to to recognise this. How can we stop religion from being a dividing force. Everyone thinks their religion is right. We are all brothers and sisters. One human family.
Simple! Dissociate yourself from all religions which are collective egoic groups in conflict against each other. All the current religions are beyond repair and can be compared to a sinking ship. Abandon ship! The essence of all religions is spirituality. Follow any true spiritual path. A true spiritual path is one which helps you broaden the mind and the heart and makes you capable of embracing all beings. A true spiritual path may claim some uniqueness in its system but will never claim that it is the only true path.
Noreen, It won't be a bad idea to compare all the various religions. All religions except Christianity is the result of *'man's search for God.'* Christianity alone is the result of *'God's search for man.'* I would think that the many religions are a sign that God doesn't hide his face from anyone who seek him in sincerity. In fact there are *'rays of truth'* in all religions. But Christianity has the *'fullness of truth.'*
The many religions with their spirits, gods, and goddesses, or even with a kind of a one god, are never close or even approaching a parallel with the God of Israel and His works in reaching out to us to save us. Just because there are many religions, it doesn't mean all of them are true or they have to be all true, or they have to be combined as one truth like a sum game. No, there is only one truth in God, in Christ Jesus, and hence there is only one religion, or the Way, the movement, that facilitates this work of salvation. Jesus says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14: 6), also He says, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?" (John 14: 9).
Regarding C S Lewis -remember when he described how Christ had to come "under the radar" he was speaking by radio to a people at war. People who probably knew or guessed about undercover agents, SOE, clandestine warfare ! They probably got it ! I must have been a very telling description !
Psalm 105:17-19 Joseph's Life , in the ER, on a bed the Real Evil of human nature damned , is seen You can see the fallen nature of the Evil in humans.
I disagree entirely! Joseph was an exceedingly obedient, humble and loving son; he was a boy of great courage and discipline and justice right from his youth, which is why he became his father Jacob's favourite son, and was envied by his wicked brothers. ... He was also clear-minded and loyal beyond belief!
Being a Christian, all men are my brothers, except the so-called jews. And it is deplorable that the terms 'Israelite' and 'jew' should be used here as if they were synonyms, given that the latter was only invented 200 years ago and was never in the Bible.
More respect, please. Joseph was not just 'a kid', mister bishop. Joseph was a BOY, and a YOUNG MAN. Afraid of saying it like it is? Have you been told not to use masculine nouns?
Bishop Barron and Jordan Peterson have done a lot in recent years to present the Old Testament to the new generation in an appealing and interesting way! And this has drawn the attention of millions! Thank you and God bless Bishop Barron!
The story of Joseph in Genesis shows that God always has a plan for our lives, even if it isn't obvious at first.
Great. But emphasis is on being a story. :)
@@marypinakat8594 I know you did not emphasize that it is a story. You did state it is a story. Unless I misread your words when you wrote it is “the story.” But to answer your question: The Power of Myth, which involves Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell. That was the starting point for me that led me to the conclusion that I arrived. Whether there is some historical truth is possible but emphasis in my mind is it is a story. With no disrespect.
@@marypinakat8594 How do you know it is not a created story, if I can ask? Can you also say the same about the creation story in Genesis 1?
Facts that are in history can be verified by looking up encyclopedias.
The creation accounts in Genesis are not historical facts.
@@marypinakat8594 Have to agree with you. Thank you. You did not answer my first question exactly, but I take your words as concession then. Hope you check out The Power of Myth though.
Joseph is my favorite Bible story! Every time I read it God gives me a new light that shines on His goodness!! Like recently: when Jacob says to Judah, "Go to that man in Egypt and bring us back some food." Judah tells him we can't go back without your youngest son. But Jacob can't bear the threat of losing his son. The scripture says "his heart was bound up in him."
This is an image of the Father to me. He can't bear the loss of his children! And I realized reading it this time that Judah is not merely sent, he offers himself when he says , "Send me father I will be surety for him forever." This is why Jesus is the Lion from the tribe of Judah! And my newest addition to this is thread of knowledge is what he says next. "If I don't go everyone will die."..!!
I don't know how I never noticed that! 😊
Wow! I need to go back to read it again. Very interesting insight, thanks !
I heard this view of Joseph, that his ego was inflated because of his dreams, after I was instructed to read it. But when I read it it was clear that Jacob caused the jealousy between his sons because he loved Rachel and not Leah. Of course Joseph and Benjamin being Rachel's sons, they were favored. In fact God had mercy on Leah and gave her children as a consolation. In fact Judah is conceived when Rachel bribes her with a night with Jacob to get some mandrakes from Leah's son. And through this episode Leah's heart is finally freed from this broken desire for acceptance from her husband and she gives her heart in praise to God. And this is where Judah gets his name which means praise!!!!
And I just have to add that this brokenness in Jacob's life and he gets duped by Laban just like he duped Esau was a healing God moment for me. (I have more brothers snd sisters than Joseph :)) God showed me that this brokenness doesn't get the final word, or determine the so called 'success' of our families when we mourn their brokenness and despair that they'll never be what they should be. I'll show one more moment that God gave me with Judah.
When he says in his own language in front of Joseph not knowing that he can understand, "This is happening because of my sin." And I knew in that moment that the trials they had all gone through was in preparation for this moment when Joseph now as an image of the Father (as St Joseph is an image of the Father's loved to Jesus) who hasn't accused Judah but had waited for him to understand and turn to God in contrition, now that he sees his heart is right just like our Father can no longer contain his emotion or keep from revealing himself to Judah. Which is what he had wanted all along: to be known, loved and accepted by his brothers who he loved.
--a nice eeee
What an incredible exposition. Let Jah Jesus Christus be praised for giving this gift of insight to this great Bishop.
thank u Bishop Barron. When I was a kid, my cousin told me the story of Joseph and that catapulted me into reading the bible. He was such an inspiring person in our history. Ultimately, despite our current debacles, God has a plan. And He showed us one thru Joseph
I am very grateful for Bishop Barron’s wonderfully articulate and insightful commentary on faith and Scripture.
Jordan Peterson was a huge influence on my decision to convert to catholicism.
Welcome home.I am a fan of Jordan Peterson myself but your decision is intriguing being that JP is not Catholic himself.
@@thomism1016 he didn't even become spiritual until very recent. I think his wife was a huge influence. Then his daughter had an encounter. He talked a lot about catholicism and I learned more and more about the religion. Prager also speaks well of it too. The church is far more open minded, ok with questions and the journey/ wrestle with God, and the church is known to enjoy science (big bang theory was created by catholic priest). It's a perfect fit for me.
@@petitemaam Jordan is a national treasure you can tell God is using him to find his lost sheep.
Thank you Bishop Barron! God bless you! You are in my prayers!
I find many of these videos between Bishop Barron & Brendan are so informative, thank you both
Thank you Bishop Barron all my mind can say is "WOW ". Absolutely beautifully done on the story of Joseph. GOD BLESS 📖❤
Delighted to hear Bishop Barron has Irish heritage, greetings from 🇮🇪 👍🙏🍀🍀🍀
Love Joseph's story ❤️ God always stands buy us in our difficult moments. Thank You Lord!! Thank you Bishop 😊
Good Bless you Bishop Barron and Brandon 🙏🏽❤️
My name is José Miguel , a was named after st Joseph and My own father but i have always Been proud of having the name of Joseph the patriarch his story is one My favorite of the bible
Enorgullecete de ACTUAR como Joseph!
Thanks Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt.
I also find the story of Joseph in Genesis to be very inspiring and moving, especially when he is re-united with his brothers and he forgives them all, weeping by himself before he tells them who he really is.
Disciplining the ego! Bullseye! Thanks so much for the beautiful interpretation of the story of Joseph.
Thank you, Bishop Barron.
I can’t find more videos of catholic priests talking about topics like this so I have to listen to this guy.
Thank you Bishop Barron and Brandon. Very interesting. GOD bless you both. Stay safe. ➕ ❤
This was a wonderful show. I really liked the content. Beautiful words! Thank you. :)
Thank for your work. You have led many including myself to Tradition and the Traditional Mass.
This is complete exercise about the good bishop talking about what he cannot possibly know
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Mother Mary Pray For Us 🙏Abba Father Bless us and we Adore You 🙏Holy Spirit Guide us and direct our paths 🙏
Ooh I was wondering when you guys were gonna go back to this series!
Some interesting things I've learned about the story of Joseph over the years is that its the only story in the Qur'an that is told in a complete Surah and not just fragments. The other thing is the Semitic Hyksos site discovered and a tomb of a royal advisor that many archeologists believe belong to Joseph. I've always found the flight to Egypt typology in the NT interesting.
Always interesting and enlightening ❤️👏👏👏
When I watched that movie Joseph: King of Dreams, it had always been ingrained in my head that Joseph was an entirely innocent character, yes favored by his father and envied by his brothers, but not really proud of it. That he would have been a proud young boy makes much more sense and factors into his progression.
Morning méditation. ...the comparison to Dante...the need to'discipline the ego'for'further works...this all makes'sense
Re the question about starting philosophy . The first dialogue of Plato to read is the Meno. This is the dialogue about learning and specifically learning to do philosophy. Follow it with the Symposium and then some of the others before tackling the Republic. But don't miss the Republic. But the best thing is to find a good philosophy teacher that uses the Socratic method.
"The text themselves humble you." Tell that to philosophy professors....
Great teaching thanks & discipline by GOD is the best to purify & prepare you for holiness & mission.
My Q is:-
1) Why consider Joseph "obnoxious" or proud just because he shared a prophetic dream of his own elevation? Is it the tone & words he used to share that are problematic? And if so how? How else would he have narrated the dream?
2) Since prophecy includes sharing inadvance visions of the future so that when it comes to pass the prophet is vindicated & GOD glorified. And of course a prophet is also to bear good fruit. Why does it sound like an issue that Joseph shared his visions/dreams with his family? What was he supposed to do .....keep silent???
3) Is it not true that prophets are bashed ANYWAY no matter what they may say especially if it does not fit in with a people/ a persons/ group expectations? Scripture is full of prophets being maltreated, murdered, labelled as liars, persecuted etc....
Your body and spirit separate but totally intwined, all feeling that come from your senses your spirit sees, when your feeling come from your mind your spirit can't see, so when you are asleep your spirit goes through the feelings your spirit knows to understand, every feeling you have from when you were conceived till you pass is an energy, that energy makes you who you are in the spirit world, if you do rong you can not hide it, it goes to heaven with you, so be good
Don’t be fooled by the circumstances. You may not see anything, the odds are against you, the experts say it’s not going to work out, but God controls the universe. Don’t be impatient for Him to act. Keep believing, keep praying, and every blessing that belongs to you will show up. You won’t have to go after it; it’s going to come to you. It’s going to happen at the time God has planned
@@kinga9356 Amen
I like the story of Joseph.
We love it🙃😊
Also dip into Anthony Kenny’s A History of Western Philosophy
Please stop the cut out music. Lol please. I love the show but there's no need for this large increase in volume on an internet show. We want long form discussion from Bishop Barron! God bless you all!
dreamwork's had a great film based on this
I've been interested in Joseph's children, Manasseh and Ephraim. They must have been special, too, because Jacob gives them the blessing that he gives his own sons. So Manasseh and Ephraim constitute two of the tribes of Israel, just as Jacob's own sons each make up one of the tribes. So, of course, the tribes then go out to all the corners of the world. I've heard/read that Manasseh and Ephraim primarily make up the UK and the United States respectively. And the "special relationship" between England and the US is often spoken of, and these two countries have a particularly important part of play in prophecy and in history. Manasseh stands for England, and Manasseh was the number one fighting tribe of all the tribes of Israel, with the Tribe of Dan being a close second. Not so coincidentally, England went on to have the greatest empire the world has ever seen, on which "the sun never sets." And much of the Tribe of Dan settled in other parts of the UK, in Ireland and Scotland, and surrounding areas, Denmark and Norway. Denmark and Norway morphed into the Viking culture, and went on to further conquer and settle in the UK, especially in Ireland. (Maybe that's why the Irish are called "the fighting Irish.") Hence, the UK became a fighting machine and conquered the world.
And this special relationship seems that it will continue into the future to fulfill an important part of Biblical prophecy. I think there will be a reuniting of the British empire, and that the prophecy in Ezekiel 38:13 tells of it. In this scripture, a group of nations called "the Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions," protest the invasion of Israel in end times, but they don't launch an attack. Tarshish is England, and England's mascot is the lion. So the "young lions" are the nations that were former colonies of the British Empire. This is probably a trading and economic empire that forms in these end times, not a military empire. And the Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions appears to already be forming in the economic/trading group CANZUK, which presently only consists of four entites: the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. (And AUKUS is the military arm of this forming group.) The Merchants and the Young Lions protest the invasion of Israel, and guess who else is a Young Lion? You know who--it's Israel. And also Egypt is a Young Lion, and Manasseh and Ephraim were half Egyptian. The Bible says in end times that some countries will not come under the rule of the antichrist, and two of them are Israel and Jordan--both Young Lions counties, that is, former colonies of the British Empire.
I think that CANZUK, that is, the Merchants of Tarshish and all her Young lions," will be the most powerful and wealthy economic and trading group that the world has ever seen. And it's about to form quickly because these countries are particularly disgusted with China's aggressive grabs at power through the world and also at China's part in spreading Covid. And the economic sanctions that a powerful alliance like CANZUK, when it grows to include all the Young Lions (as the prophecy says it does), will be a way to control the aggression of China. The colonies of the old British Empire, the Young Lions, share similar social and cultural foundations that have weathered the break up of the Old British Empire, and it's these similarities that will bring these countries back together again, to fend off the aggression of China. These countries include India, the "jewel in the crown," of the British Empire, and the largest democracy in the world--and an important counterweight to China militarily. And, today, it's said that China owns Africa, but guess what? A third of African countries are Young Lions, former colonies of England. So when CANZUK forms, China will not own Africa! CANZUK countries are going to be so wealthy and prosperous--two of the most important waterways are owned by them now, the Suez Canal is owned by Egypt, and the Northwest Passage by Canada!
In these end times, I see two main factions in the world, the CANZUK countries, prospering from their capitalistic base and societies and cultures, opposed to the axis of communistic and Islamic theocracies lead by Iran, Russia, and, of course, China. And God says he will put a hook in the jaw of the countries that invade Israel in end times. That hook is economic, these countries will not be doing well financially, and under heavy sanctions from the CANZUK countries. So the axis of communistic countries/Islamic theocracies will invade Israel. And then the Bible will spread across the world, and the end will come.
@@russellmiles2861 The criticism that expansion and success of CANZUK would be a racist union is really a non-starter. As mentioned, a third of Africa are Young Lions countries. And India, no doubt to be a most important country in the CANZUK alliance, is the world's largest democracy which also has the world's largest Muslim population. Egypt, another important Young Lion with its Suez Canal, is a Muslim nation. Asian Hong Kong is another Young Lion. So what would be better for Hong Kong--to continue to be hamstrung under the heel of Communist China or to be the free and great capitalist entity it was under British rule? Not to say that the Young Lions countries would be under the rulership of England, it seems that each country is independent, and that CANZUK will be a powerful trading and economic alliance.
Watch what seems to be your ultra liberalism, it's something that is hurting Australia at present. Even liberal Naomi Wolf has stated that Australia's current problems of the population's being under lock down with their human rights violated by the medical bureaucracy Covid PLANdemic is a sad effect of the gun control that exists in Australia. People in Australia have given up their guns and too much power to the state.
@@russellmiles2861 You mention trade and military agreements that you think might preclude Australia's joining CANZUK. But Australia is already one of the founding members of CANZUK. Australia in CANZUK is already a reality. Is that a problem with you, that is, ignoring reality for knee-jerk, half baked theories about those you're judging to be "bigots"? You are also living in a fantasy world if you don't worry about China and Russia.
You're claiming that Australia can't get out of some trade agreements with China? What about BREXIT? England freed itself from the liberal tyranny of the elitist, NWO EU already. It's possible.
You're claiming that the UK is a declining power militarily. But CANZUK is not to be a military alliance, from the Biblical prophecy of Ezekiel CANZUK looks to be a purely economic/trading alliance. In the prophecy, this group, the "Merchants of Tarshish and all her young lions," are first described as what? As "merchants," and it was in the UK where capitalism was first defined by the Scottish Adam Smith. So this group is a powerful economic group, that is made powerful by its alliance with each other, not by dominating nations militarily. However, AUKUS, which looks to become a military arm of CANZUK, is a military power, with the UK aligning itself with these Young Lions countries for military purposes. The strength of CANZUK is that it is an alliance of countries who have similar values, with no one country dominating.
Australia is an advanced, multicultural country from every race, culture and creed, who welcome people. . . And why is that? It's because Australia has inherited its culture from the fact that it is a Young Lion country.
I can't believe that you cite Australia's role in helping in the founding of the UN as a plus! The UN is seen in Biblical prophecy, I believe, in the Book of Revelation, as the Beast who rises from the sea, which has the seven heads and the 10 horns. Revelation says this entity arises from the seas, and in the Bible, the oceans and seas are used to symbolize populations of peoples. The Beast has seven heads. I believe that the seven heads refer to the Security Council of the UN, which currently only has five members, but Germany looks to be come the sixth member, and often sits in on Security Council meetings and decisions. Germany's joining the Security Council looks to be a done deal. So that leaves only a seventh nation member to join the Security Council for the prophecies to kick in. And the 10-horned kingdom symbolized by the 10 horns on the Beast, is the UN's 10-member, non-permanent "security council," a less powerful group of nations who are appointed, and serve two year, temporary, terms. Personally, I believe that the UN can and will be kicked out of the US, and will move to Brussels, where it belongs, to be one of the leading organizations of the NWO, autocratic one-world government shaping up in the EU.
@@russellmiles2861 The prophecy in Ezekiel says that the Merchants of Tarshish and all their young lions also speak with some countries that are not Young Lions. It mentions Sheba and Dedan. Not sure which countries these are, but some suggestions have been made that Sheba and Dedan might be Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and/or Ethiopia. And China doesn't seek to be a "partner," as you call it, with anybody. The CCP in China (not the majority of Chinese people) wishes to aggressively take over, imposing its concentration camps systems (of Muslims and other minorities), its medical "harvesting" of human body parts of minority groups such as the Falun Gong, and social credit scoring systems of control, and slave labor onto the world. I'll take freedom instead, and don't care if anybody misconstrues this as racism.
@@russellmiles2861 Thanks for your kind words. But I'm not well read. Things that occur to me about the Bible and about prophecy are not primarily a product of study for me. It is a process that happens through a sudden realization, or maybe a dream, or a "coincidence," that gives a lot of information. Some information will just fall into my lap. Or sometimes, I've had visions. I think that anybody can participate in this process. It begins with curiosity about what something or some prophecy means, and then the Holy Spirit responds. Like any author, the Holy Spirit loves it when you ask questions or wonder about what he meant when transmitting this information to the writers of the Bible. These occurrences can happen even through tactile means, that is, just by holding the Bible and wondering about something. There's even a lot of daydreaming, or mental "drifting" involved. Or it can be purely a visual experience, where you simply look at the words, not actually reading them, or turning it into an intellectual or logical process. One important way to keep the information coming is to share it, and don't worry about claiming credit for it. And another important way of getting ideas/information is by praying the Rosary. You can simply ask during the Rosary what you are wondering about, but that's not entirely necessary, as this is something the Holy Spirit already knows anyhow.
Hi, Bishop and Brandon. One question on names: Joseph, Jeshua, Jesus... can ne the same or two different names in Hebrew. What was the name of Joseph son of Israel Joseph the earthy father of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Himself? Thank you!
During a time of Exil: Joseph is a story of God working in the camp of the enemy.
Are there parallels between Joseph in Genesis and Jesus as The Messiah in the Gospels. When Jesus says to The Apostles, Shalom after they had betrayed him and scattered isn't this like Joseph, son of Jacob, when he reveals himself to his ten brothers, forgiving them. From the twelve, there remained eleven minus one, Thomas, who was not there. Does this reflect Benjamin, the brother who was left behind with Jacob? So, were there ten Apostles who first met the risen Lord? In what ways are Joseph's brothers and founders of the tribes of Israel like the twelve Apostles?
The parable of the Prodigal Son reflects back to Genesis 43 in some ways when Joseph orders to slaughter an animal and prepare it upon being reunited with his brother Benjamin.
If there is only one God, how do we unite all religions to to recognise this. How can we stop religion from being a dividing force. Everyone thinks their religion is right. We are all brothers and sisters. One human family.
Simple! Dissociate yourself from all religions which are collective egoic groups in conflict against each other. All the current religions are beyond repair and can be compared to a sinking ship. Abandon ship! The essence of all religions is spirituality. Follow any true spiritual path. A true spiritual path is one which helps you broaden the mind and the heart and makes you capable of embracing all beings. A true spiritual path may claim some uniqueness in its system but will never claim that it is the only true path.
It won't be a bad idea to compare all the various religions. All religions except Christianity is the result of *'man's search for God.'* Christianity alone is the result of *'God's search for man.'*
I would think that the many religions are a sign that God doesn't hide his face from anyone who seek him in sincerity. In fact there are *'rays of truth'* in all religions. But Christianity has the *'fullness of truth.'*
The many religions with their spirits, gods, and goddesses, or even with a kind of a one god, are never close or even approaching a parallel with the God of Israel and His works in reaching out to us to save us. Just because there are many religions, it doesn't mean all of them are true or they have to be all true, or they have to be combined as one truth like a sum game. No, there is only one truth in God, in Christ Jesus, and hence there is only one religion, or the Way, the movement, that facilitates this work of salvation.
Jesus says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14: 6), also He says, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?" (John 14: 9).
@@marypinakat8594 very well said
Thank you Michael. Stay blessed as always☆
The episode of Joseph and Putifar’s wife reminds me false sexual accusations against priests and men more than the opposite
What are you up too????
Regarding C S Lewis -remember when he described how Christ had to come "under the radar" he was speaking by radio to a people at war. People who probably knew or guessed about undercover agents, SOE, clandestine warfare ! They probably got it ! I must have been a very telling description !
But of course Genesis is a story and not literally history although there may be some strata of historical facts behind the story.
Sir, it is a story, not love. Not a bad problem😊
Psalm 105:17-19 Joseph's Life , in the ER, on a bed the Real Evil of human nature damned , is seen You can see the fallen nature of the Evil in humans.
I disagree entirely! Joseph was an exceedingly obedient, humble and loving son; he was a boy of great courage and discipline and justice right from his youth, which is why he became his father Jacob's favourite son, and was envied by his wicked brothers. ... He was also clear-minded and loyal beyond belief!
Look who is wrong again!!!
@@benhills1340 Eat your heart out, poor envious soul.
@@benhills1340 Eat your heart out, envious soul.
@@benhills1340 One can only feel sorry for you
@@benhills1340 Eat your heart out
Nope Victory!
Being a Christian, all men are my brothers, except the so-called jews.
And it is deplorable that the terms 'Israelite' and 'jew' should be used here as if they were synonyms, given that the latter was only invented 200 years ago and was never in the Bible.
Joseph, for one, was an Israelite ... never a 'jew'.
@@thanksanyway.3330you cannot say you love God if you hate yourself
More respect, please.
Joseph was not just 'a kid', mister bishop. Joseph was a BOY, and a YOUNG MAN.
Afraid of saying it like it is? Have you been told not to use masculine nouns?
Kid, you need to catch a clue like Fr. Brown