A little hack for centering hole saw bits as you did with the flat stock, get a hole saw bit that fits into the existing hole and put it on the inside of the bigger hole saw. And away you go.
Ahhhhh please wear glasses when grinding! I've gotten metal in my eye before and optometrist had to take it out our eyes are very fragile! Great vid thank you!
Very informative! If I give a bit of advice, get a mic and a tripod. That will take your channel to the next level bro. A little bit of lighting wouldn’t hurt either. 😉 let’s go BIG like your builds
@@JohnnyFabz look forward to see more im not a welder lol but what rear differential u using and also what tranny what are you using to hold up the diff in the back
I’ll be using a b series crv trans and crv rear diff for now. Trying to find a wagon rear diff and drive shaft but no luck. I will be making my own rear diff mount and maybe making my own t bracket for trans or buying hasport mounts
Yes still working on it I’ve been focused on the Datsun build and I wanted to enjoy my civic sense I just redid the whole thing before I take it apart to do awd
fun drinking game
take a shot every time he says uhhh
That gringotegra shirt is awesome.
A little hack for centering hole saw bits as you did with the flat stock, get a hole saw bit that fits into the existing hole and put it on the inside of the bigger hole saw. And away you go.
Good tip!
Ahhhhh please wear glasses when grinding! I've gotten metal in my eye before and optometrist had to take it out our eyes are very fragile! Great vid thank you!
I try to as much as I can. Thanks for looking out though!
Very informative! If I give a bit of advice, get a mic and a tripod. That will take your channel to the next level bro. A little bit of lighting wouldn’t hurt either. 😉 let’s go BIG like your builds
This is great dude, subscribed.
Great video! Thank you. It will help me in the future
Nice work keep them vids coming can't wait for the next one.
Thanks man!
Good job man!
Jonny Fortin thanks
Just subbed, dope video 🤙
Killa 4nia thanks for the love
Great job!!!! On the video!!!! 👍
Thanks for the support!
Great informative video .. thank you. I'm just curious about the bearings. What dimensions / replacement part number are they?
Hell ya bother can't wait to start on my 92 si
Chris Labean for sure post it id like to see it
@@JohnnyFabz for sure
put playback on 1.25 for normal speed.
MrHmongrice damnit!!! I’m crying 😭 why is this working so well
@@GATEWAYFLMZ no offense, but it's painful to watch at normal speed.
Good stuff, subbed.
I'm looking in awd my civic nice
Luscien Harris yeah this was the most affordable option out there when I started researching
@@JohnnyFabz look forward to see more im not a welder lol but what rear differential u using and also what tranny what are you using to hold up the diff in the back
I’ll be using a b series crv trans and crv rear diff for now. Trying to find a wagon rear diff and drive shaft but no luck. I will be making my own rear diff mount and maybe making my own t bracket for trans or buying hasport mounts
any updates to this video
Good video
I wonder how could you set up this for RWD only?
Hey bud. Are you still working on this build, or have you abandoned it? Almost a year since you posted this, and haven't seen any updates videos
Yes still working on it I’ve been focused on the Datsun build and I wanted to enjoy my civic sense I just redid the whole thing before I take it apart to do awd
Waiting for the video bro
Should be up now
@@JohnnyFabz I meant another one my bad
💯💯💯🙇🏽♂️💪🏽💪🏽🙏 thanks
Erm, 7:25 drill press?
steady bloke yeah problem was chucking it up in my drill press would be a hard
Mr. Fabz, will you sell me a set of aluminum civic trailing arms? 🙏🙏
S K lower control arms?
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Has anyone tried to do this on the car? Seems like it wouldn’t be too bad sense it won’t move anywhere.
Drill press anyone?