How to Make the Best Homemade Strawberry Wine Part Two

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @veganhippiesol
    @veganhippiesol  2 місяці тому +2

    Thank you all so much for being here! I really hope you enjoy this video and that it inspires you to start making your own wine at home. I'm still new to UA-cam and working out some of the kinks, so I appreciate your patience. I know I talk fast, but I hope you can catch everything I'm saying! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask. And don't forget to watch part one to stay up to date! Cheers to winemaking! Perfect Strawberry Wine Recipe: How to Make the Best Homemade Strawberry Wine Part Two

  • @jasminepointer3658
    @jasminepointer3658 2 місяці тому +7

    Will you make more wine making videos. I’m in the process of doing the strawberry wine it’s at the sitting stage right now.

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому

      Yes. Filling a pineapple wine right now 😊

  • @mikebeezy7960
    @mikebeezy7960 2 місяці тому +1

    You is so dope thank you for the videos please please keep them coming thank you

  • @missnininieva1998
    @missnininieva1998 22 дні тому

    Ohhh definitely a watermelon wine!

  • @justmontina
    @justmontina 2 місяці тому

    Your shirt is so cute! I can’t wait to watch this video. 🎉

  • @justmontina
    @justmontina 2 місяці тому

    This was a great video and I enjoyed learning how to make strawberry banana wine. I don’t think I’ll ever have the patience to do it yet, I would love to try yours!

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому

      This hobby requires a lot of patience 😂

  • @corneliuscross7873
    @corneliuscross7873 24 дні тому

    Hey mead brewer here, what benefit do you get from Campden tablet at that stage? I typically see it being used on your fruits a day before starting primary fermentation in order to kill off wild yeast and bacteria.

  • @yemayaevans-shipp2533
    @yemayaevans-shipp2533 2 місяці тому +1


  • @monetmcgee2474
    @monetmcgee2474 Місяць тому

    I am truly inspired by your wine videos. Will you be able to make a strawberry cheesecake wine, peach cobbler, or any cheesecake wine video for us? 😊

  • @tatianarucker2157
    @tatianarucker2157 2 дні тому

    Where can we get the second glass jug n top?

  • @shekinahenry2370
    @shekinahenry2370 Місяць тому

    I'm from IG and I love your videos
    At which temperature do you leave the wine to ferment during fermentation

  • @Lyfestylesbydanniek
    @Lyfestylesbydanniek 2 місяці тому

    Wow over 100 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @MySuperman78
    @MySuperman78 Місяць тому

    Can you do a persimmon wine making video? Your channel is dope btw! Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! 👏👍🔥

  • @AuthenticallyFonze
    @AuthenticallyFonze Місяць тому

    Hey girl to make sure I'm understanding, we add the sugar, camden and potassium tablets twice..during the fermentation process and before bottling? Because these are the things that you added during the first video can I just want to make sure I'm following the steps correctly. I love dry wine, do I not add the sugar?

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому +1

      @@AuthenticallyFonze hi! I didn’t add potassium sorbate in the first video but did add campden and sugar :) if you want a dry wine then you can bottle it once it’s done clearing and you’ll only need to add a campden tablet before bottling.

    • @AuthenticallyFonze
      @AuthenticallyFonze Місяць тому

      @veganhippiesol Oh ok i followed you from IG and prdered the kit you had on your storefront, so I followed the directions from their recipe book. But im looking to follow yours to see where that takes me. I make my own labels from cricuit, and I want to start gifting family and friends once I get it down! Thanks love, I appreciate it! Thanks for your help!

  • @nyahargett422
    @nyahargett422 Місяць тому

    Where do you get your wine bottles?

  • @lacrystanunn7194
    @lacrystanunn7194 Місяць тому

    I’m here from you IG. First you are amazing sis! Second can we get a strawberry banana recipe. Also can you make a wine such as the “Stella black, or Stella red) where it’s mixed berries. lastly I know the longer you let the wine age but how long should we age it? Thank you 🎉

  • @haleyhatch9166
    @haleyhatch9166 2 місяці тому

    When do you back sweeten ?

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому

      Before bottling after adding potassium sorbate

  • @lulusma1
    @lulusma1 Місяць тому

    At what point did you add lavender? Would you add fresh herbs at the same point as the lavender as well? Can you do a tutorial for the spaekling cider you had on tik tok? I appreciate it

  • @dx2howard
    @dx2howard 22 дні тому

    I love WINE.
    I’m have Sulfite allergies.
    What can I do?

  • @fabulouswriterproductions9053
    @fabulouswriterproductions9053 2 місяці тому

    Did you add the tablet in the beginning and the end?

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  2 місяці тому +1

      Beginning and then wait 24 hours before adding anything else..

    • @Kay-jk2gi
      @Kay-jk2gi Місяць тому

      I was confused on this too. In part 1 the tablets was added in the first few days when the bag of fruit was in thr bucket. In part 2 the jar changed and seems like it was added again after the glass gallon sat for a month? A bit confused

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому

      @@Kay-jk2githere’s two things to add as stated in the video. First thing to add is campden tablets..wait 24 hours and then I transferred it to a new container because of the film on top. That’s why you see it in a new container. Next day you add potassium sorbate…then back sweeten after two hours. I’ll add time stamps so people know. 😊

    • @Kay-jk2gi
      @Kay-jk2gi Місяць тому

      @veganhippiesol thanx yes time stamps will help. I've watched ur vids a looooong time ago but seemed like aot at the time. Im back now; it doesnt seem too bad but lots of steps. I def want to try making wine at home and Will probably need to watch 100 more times just to make sure I dnt mess anything up. Already have the kit in my cart. Will def come back here if I have any questions after I write it out the steps.
      Hope that's OK 😊

    • @fabulouswriterproductions9053
      @fabulouswriterproductions9053 Місяць тому

      @@veganhippiesol gotcha. There's a total of two tablets added one in the beginning and one before adding potassium and bottling correct? That's the step I missed 🫣 I added the potassium and sweetener and bottled.

  • @Lyfestylesbydanniek
    @Lyfestylesbydanniek 2 місяці тому

    Do you have everything you’re using In Your Amazon storefront

    • @veganhippiesol
      @veganhippiesol  Місяць тому +2

      No, but now I need to make one for you

  • @Lyfestylesbydanniek
    @Lyfestylesbydanniek 2 місяці тому

    I want all the recipes 😂😂😂