This video was incredibly inspiring and fun to watch. Nowhere in the video did I feel bored or uninterested. That was one fast hour! Great job James, you are my favorite voice actor ever.
+Cyrus Hormusjee This guy is the 2nd greatest tenor, that I know of, to voice anything (especially human voices), right under Dee Bradley Baker. One of the greatest impressionists of all time, with a great young hero voice, & very good-looking to boot. As a wimpy-looking, wimpy-sounding guy interested in doing light commercial/radio work...regardless of my childhood (& otherwise) attachment to anime regulars like Steven Blum, Richard Epcar, Kari Wahlgren, Crispin Freeman, Ben Diskin, etc (not to mention, the Japanese actors)... this guy is my VO hero. Such an amazing story, & what a talented man.
Yet another example of why you are my favourite voice actor and why I want to be a voice actor. I love hearing the different voices you create simply by changing the depth of your voice, the aperture of your vocal chords, increasing the pitch and even just changing the volume of your voice. Voice acting truly is amazing and you're the best example of why it is what I want to do. Thank you for uploading this video and thank you for simply being you.
Your Marvin the Martian was SPOT ON! And I still love your Michael J. Fox (though I've never seen the Back to the Future films). Thank you for posting this!
James you are a an amazing voice actor and a ture hero to us all out there with dreams. I wish you the best and thank you for shareing this video with us hear on youtube.
What hit me the most was about minute 54 , the last little bit where he talks about the Black Mold infection. And he is right. You never know what you got till it is gone. So, be thankful & never let go of the dreams. Sometimes it is all you have left.
I gotta be honest: watching this show was kinda like listening to James's demo reel. Entertaining, but doesn't seem to have much point to it, besides to impress, you know, that James Arnold Taylor is one of the best voice actors alive. Which he is. Then you get to the part about the Black Mold, and after all of that build up, all of those zippy impression and anecdotes... we realize how much James really had to lose. I mean, Black Mold is dangerous! It can do irreparable damage to your lungs, skin, even your immune system. There's no antidote either: all you can really do is remove yourself from where the mold is and wait for your body to heal.... if it is going to. I'd love to hear in more detail how James fought to get his voice back after that: he mentions diet, water, everything had to change.... But more then that, how he dealt with it emotionally. There had to be a day when he just felt like this was it. God or someone had smote him good. He had centered his life and his livelihood on one thing, and now it was gone. There were no promises that full recovery was even possible. Maybe it was over, it was time to do something else... but what else can he do? This is what he loves! That he pulled through that and didn't just regain his voice but went on to see his career reach new heights of success... it's such a great story. Good on you, JAT. Keep right on inspiring people.
You are a f-cking mazing James. I grew up being inspired by Tidus' freespirited-ness. His ability to just DO things and be happy go lucky even when all the pain he carried from Jecht and Zanarkand. Then I get the black mold part in the video AND YOU INSPIRE ME AGAIN! 15 When I played FFX and now 26 when i watch this AND YOU STILL INSPIRE ME. I just wanna say thank you James I truly appreciate everything.
If Steven Spielberg decides to bring back his hit 90's Warner Bros. cartoons, I really hope James Arnold Taylor gets a big part. My favorite voice actor in my favorite shows. It would be a dream come true.
Man, I've always wanted to be a voice actor, and with this it really helps to know what to do on how to be a voice actor and some helpful tips. Thanks James, you're a great help, and a massive inspiration to me and many other people.
Just recently came across your youtube channel thanks to the wonderful FFX laugh track song you did. So while I'm very familiar and a fan of your work across the board, I never saw this performance. Not only that but your story about how your health was affected and yet you still never let your dream get away from you. It's inspiring and uplifting and thank you for those words, your hard work, and dedication to your craft.
James you are my Idol.if I could make a wish, I would wish to spend a single hour with you,or a day just hanging out and talking.I tend to be awkward sometimes but for me...everything would be worth realizing this wish of mine.Please...never quit and keep going,stay strong. Sincerely a HUGE fan
This is phenomenal..!! James you really do shine a lot of light on where I could start as a voice actor. You and me I feel have very similar voices and I use to think my voice wasn't deep enough to be a voice actor and now I realize that is not the case. Thanks for uploading. I admire your work in video games.
Just heard you on RFR this week and was floored. That was one of my favorite podcasts that I've heard from them. How can we get tickets to your stage show? Thanks!
HI James! I recorded part of your "Talking To Myself" show at the Salt Lake City Comic Con this year (2016.) Do you mind if I link your video to some of the footage I took for my vlog?
Is it just me or is the part when he reads as Ian McKellen/Gandalf a clip from one of his previous shows? This video is still great but I was just wondering if I noticed that correctly.
Y'know, sometimes I kinda roll my eyes at a couple of the more popular voice actors getting seemingly every role imaginable and not really having to change anything about their voice for a good majority of them. I won't name names just to keep that can of worms closed, but JAT is one hell of an opposite to that mentality for me. And it's not to doubt what they have to go through on the daily with commute and line reads, it's just what we get as a product on a consumer level. He does so much in so many ways, it's easy for me to forget he does more than Tidus, Ratchet and Obi-Wan. Even with Obi-Wan, I legitimately thought it was just Ewan at first! Heck, I didn't even realize he went as far back as the Clone Wars microseries. Still curious what he'd think if someone ever brought up that Super Famicom game he did called EMIT. ...And yes, I said a *Super Famicom* game that had full English voice acting in pretty good quality in *1994.* You can pick your jaw up off the floor from that. Man, that alone put most of Capcom's PS1 efforts to shame.
I wanna say that it's not just about changing your voice, but a large part of this is acting as well. There are many people with one voice (for example, Dante Basco who voices Zuko in Avatar the last Airbender) but they bring forth so much emotion or maybe have such high inprov skill that they are the right people for the job.
Most of these actors you're talking about (and I'm pretty sure I know who exactly you're talking about) are flexible with their voices, it's just that casting directors are lazy and insist that they use their normal ones
I disagree, I think it works perfectly. You are first introduced to his body of work, establishing who he is and what his credentials are. Then he starts off with a standard announcery introduction that quickly goes into the ridiculous, setting the tone for the rest of the show. As for establishing rapport, what should he do, walk out into the audience and introduce himself personally? Everyone there either has an interest in voice acting, or is a fan of his, so the rapport is already there.
Could use a different opening, though. It doesn't work. I like the graphics and the big build-up but when you start talking we need and WANT to like you but you need to let us know who you are and establsh rapport with the audience as soon as you start the on stage part of the show.
This is one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. Such a talent, a gift to the world.
This guy could replace anyone.
For example: Michael J. Fox as Milo James Thatch (Atlantis - The Lost Empire) & James Arnold Taylor as Milo James Thatch (Atlantis - Milo's Return)
George Eads as Flash in Young Justice Season 2's finale. #KeepBingingYJ!!
Brian Rumbaoa which is now available on Disney DVD
Why so serious
Holy crap. He must be exhausted after that. Great work JAT!
How are there Dislikes on this video!? This guy is unreal!!
Maybe they're envious
One of my favorite actors. Amazing to see him do all that stuff on stage.
This video was incredibly inspiring and fun to watch. Nowhere in the video did I feel bored or uninterested. That was one fast hour! Great job James, you are my favorite voice actor ever.
James, you are beyond inspirational. Thank you for all you do and God bless.
You made your dreams come true as a child and you did it, the ending was appropriate. My regards, James. GOD BLESS...
+Cyrus Hormusjee
This guy is the 2nd greatest tenor, that I know of, to voice anything (especially human voices), right under Dee Bradley Baker. One of the greatest impressionists of all time, with a great young hero voice, & very good-looking to boot.
As a wimpy-looking, wimpy-sounding guy interested in doing light commercial/radio work...regardless of my childhood (& otherwise) attachment to anime regulars like Steven Blum, Richard Epcar, Kari Wahlgren, Crispin Freeman, Ben Diskin, etc (not to mention, the Japanese actors)...
this guy is my VO hero. Such an amazing story, & what a talented man.
i was there near the front.. was so great, carrie fisher followed.. one of the best nights of my life lol
Yet another example of why you are my favourite voice actor and why I want to be a voice actor. I love hearing the different voices you create simply by changing the depth of your voice, the aperture of your vocal chords, increasing the pitch and even just changing the volume of your voice. Voice acting truly is amazing and you're the best example of why it is what I want to do. Thank you for uploading this video and thank you for simply being you.
Your Marvin the Martian was SPOT ON! And I still love your Michael J. Fox (though I've never seen the Back to the Future films). Thank you for posting this!
Please give a warm welcome to the amazing, kind, wonderfully, shapeshifting, Master Mind...James. Arnold. Taylor!
Hey James :D I am a young teenage girl about to turn 17 dreaming of becoming a Voice Actor :D Any tips? Thankyou
@@ginamay5509 9 years later how did it go?
I worked with your brother! One of the coolest guys ever! He told me about you, you are amazing, hilarious, and a true showman!
This guy singlehandidly built childhoods.
James you are a an amazing voice actor and a ture hero to us all out there with dreams. I wish you the best and thank you for shareing this video with us hear on youtube.
What hit me the most was about minute 54 , the last little bit where he talks about the Black Mold infection. And he is right. You never know what you got till it is gone. So, be thankful & never let go of the dreams. Sometimes it is all you have left.
I can't get rid the image of tidus when hearing his real voice
For me it's Ratchet
have watched this 1 man show about 15 times and it never ceases to amaze me. I wish you coached brother. I will just keep watching... thank you!
This is my inspiration.
I gotta be honest: watching this show was kinda like listening to James's demo reel. Entertaining, but doesn't seem to have much point to it, besides to impress, you know, that James Arnold Taylor is one of the best voice actors alive. Which he is.
Then you get to the part about the Black Mold, and after all of that build up, all of those zippy impression and anecdotes... we realize how much James really had to lose. I mean, Black Mold is dangerous! It can do irreparable damage to your lungs, skin, even your immune system. There's no antidote either: all you can really do is remove yourself from where the mold is and wait for your body to heal.... if it is going to.
I'd love to hear in more detail how James fought to get his voice back after that: he mentions diet, water, everything had to change.... But more then that, how he dealt with it emotionally. There had to be a day when he just felt like this was it. God or someone had smote him good. He had centered his life and his livelihood on one thing, and now it was gone. There were no promises that full recovery was even possible. Maybe it was over, it was time to do something else... but what else can he do? This is what he loves!
That he pulled through that and didn't just regain his voice but went on to see his career reach new heights of success... it's such a great story.
Good on you, JAT. Keep right on inspiring people.
This is a great summary of why you are one of my favorite voice actors, James!
This was a great show and I really appreciate James letting us see a more personal side of him at the end!!
Thank you James!
You are a f-cking mazing James. I grew up being inspired by Tidus' freespirited-ness. His ability to just DO things and be happy go lucky even when all the pain he carried from Jecht and Zanarkand. Then I get the black mold part in the video AND YOU INSPIRE ME AGAIN! 15 When I played FFX and now 26 when i watch this AND YOU STILL INSPIRE ME. I just wanna say thank you James I truly appreciate everything.
Ps. I wont give up on my dream. (Creating DownerIsland)
Thank you.
Awesome voice actor and very inspiring.
How can people not love this guy? 😂
If Steven Spielberg decides to bring back his hit 90's Warner Bros. cartoons, I really hope James Arnold Taylor gets a big part. My favorite voice actor in my favorite shows. It would be a dream come true.
Man, I've always wanted to be a voice actor, and with this it really helps to know what to do on how to be a voice actor and some helpful tips. Thanks James, you're a great help, and a massive inspiration to me and many other people.
You're so freaking talented James! Wow!
the most enjoyable one hour in my boring life ... love this guy!
he is as good as De Bradly Baker, so great, so incredible WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
talk about versatile ...WOW. This man definitely deserves jobs and opportunities that comes his way!
THIS IS SO FREAKING FUNNY! You're awesome James.
An Impressionist, with many impression voices at a Impressionism show! Impressionception! XD
4:00 The Tidus and Yuna laughing scene... IN HELL >:D
James, you are amazing. Never stop being you.
But if he stopped being him, he wouldn't be everyone else.
This guy is amazing.
Terrific. Terrific talent, Terrific show. Great final message.
Wow throughout this presentation u never get bored at all. Very great trait to have.
One of the best performances ever. Wow. I'm blown
Just recently came across your youtube channel thanks to the wonderful FFX laugh track song you did. So while I'm very familiar and a fan of your work across the board, I never saw this performance. Not only that but your story about how your health was affected and yet you still never let your dream get away from you. It's inspiring and uplifting and thank you for those words, your hard work, and dedication to your craft.
Fantastic as always.
Thank you so much! I really really really wanted to see this tour, so I'm glad you put this up.
Thank you for uploading this, James! :D
Holy Crap, I now have a new role model :D
I saw a sign language interpreter on the side of the stage at the end
If your deaf don't go to a show about people talking to themselves
You are the best voice in the world and will forever be.
James you are my Idol.if I could make a wish, I would wish to spend a single hour with you,or a day just hanging out and talking.I tend to be awkward sometimes but for me...everything would be worth realizing this wish of mine.Please...never quit and keep going,stay strong.
a HUGE fan
Nice outro and you're right... hope to see you on SW Celebration 2016 tbh!
he once came to my school .
Jenette Del Rosario I feel like I need to hear more than he just went there....
I just noticed I made a spelling mistake so I will re-write this again... You are the best voice actor in the world and will forever be.
This is phenomenal..!! James you really do shine a lot of light on where I could start as a voice actor. You and me I feel have very similar voices and I use to think my voice wasn't deep enough to be a voice actor and now I realize that is not the case. Thanks for uploading. I admire your work in video games.
About time!
youre an awesome guy
Both Taylor and Meskimen are hands-down the finest Jimpressionists
"Talking to Myself" When I heard it. I heard in my mind, "Talking to Everthing"
as an aspiring voice actor this helps me
I'm playing ffx right now and keep hearing Fred Savage from wonder years every time it goes into voice over. Lol
its an awesome but it is it so similar to the other one but hey awesome talent!
I WAS THERE!!!!! :)
Is there a separate video for 16:30
Can someone please tell me who the voice is at 52:33? I'm drawing a blank.
Jerry Lewis and after him it's Snagglepuss
47:55 For your David Spade's voice, maybe you will be the next Emperor Kuzco from Disney's The Emperor's New Groove.
He should have voiced him in "New School"
this is your story james
"I have been every voice you've ever heard inside your head"- The Emperor
Or was it?
I heard a version of that music James does in the 1993 Animaniacs:Toyshop of terror. S1.
At 16:11.
I wonder how much Ratchet pops up in your mind since he's a pretty big character you voice too Mr. Taylor.
@James Arnold Taylor That last act must be super hard on your voice.
16:40 what is this song? I know it's from Looney Tunes, but I cannot find it.
My Favorite voice actor does sum great voices ever like Obi Wan Kenbio, Captain Jack Sparrow and Spiderman
James Arnold Taylor is talking to myself with everyone
This is why i want to persue voice acting
i love u man
Obi wan kenobody
Just heard you on RFR this week and was floored. That was one of my favorite podcasts that I've heard from them. How can we get tickets to your stage show? Thanks!
Some are spot on, others.....
Obi-wan I really want to see you!
Hilarious yet educational
JAT is so awesome.
HI James! I recorded part of your "Talking To Myself" show at the Salt Lake City Comic Con this year (2016.) Do you mind if I link your video to some of the footage I took for my vlog?
Is it just me or is the part when he reads as Ian McKellen/Gandalf a clip from one of his previous shows? This video is still great but I was just wondering if I noticed that correctly.
Y'know, sometimes I kinda roll my eyes at a couple of the more popular voice actors getting seemingly every role imaginable and not really having to change anything about their voice for a good majority of them. I won't name names just to keep that can of worms closed, but JAT is one hell of an opposite to that mentality for me. And it's not to doubt what they have to go through on the daily with commute and line reads, it's just what we get as a product on a consumer level.
He does so much in so many ways, it's easy for me to forget he does more than Tidus, Ratchet and Obi-Wan. Even with Obi-Wan, I legitimately thought it was just Ewan at first! Heck, I didn't even realize he went as far back as the Clone Wars microseries.
Still curious what he'd think if someone ever brought up that Super Famicom game he did called EMIT. ...And yes, I said a *Super Famicom* game that had full English voice acting in pretty good quality in *1994.* You can pick your jaw up off the floor from that. Man, that alone put most of Capcom's PS1 efforts to shame.
I wanna say that it's not just about changing your voice, but a large part of this is acting as well. There are many people with one voice (for example, Dante Basco who voices Zuko in Avatar the last Airbender) but they bring forth so much emotion or maybe have such high inprov skill that they are the right people for the job.
Most of these actors you're talking about (and I'm pretty sure I know who exactly you're talking about) are flexible with their voices, it's just that casting directors are lazy and insist that they use their normal ones
Video not available?? Why!!
JAT seems like he'd make a great Steve from Blue's Clues, to be honest lol. His appearance ands normal voice strike me as such.
Not bad about 12 realy good ones and rest are ok
7:26 Clone Wars Narrator!
I hope Disney treats their freelance voice artists better than their freelance cartoonists lets say the last one isn't the happy disney experience!
anybody else notice that when he said Gandalf when he was talking about plo koon a picture of sarumon showed up on screen?
I want him to attempt Don Lafontain.
I disagree, I think it works perfectly. You are first introduced to his body of work, establishing who he is and what his credentials are. Then he starts off with a standard announcery introduction that quickly goes into the ridiculous, setting the tone for the rest of the show.
As for establishing rapport, what should he do, walk out into the audience and introduce himself personally? Everyone there either has an interest in voice acting, or is a fan of his, so the rapport is already there.
AI is scared of JAT 😂 amazing talent
This guy is Richie fucking Tozier.
Could use a different opening, though. It doesn't work. I like the graphics and the big build-up but when you start talking we need and WANT to like you but you need to let us know who you are and establsh rapport with the audience as soon as you start the on stage part of the show.
his nickname should be the chameleon