Prince Andrew Definitely Not Being Suspicious At All | Compilation | The Russell Howard Hour

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @letsdoitnow121
    @letsdoitnow121 2 роки тому +16907

    The UK is a unique place to live. 100 year olds get a card from the Queen. Teenagers get a text from Prince Andrew!

  • @Montesama314
    @Montesama314 2 роки тому +9330

    "Unbecoming? He was a sex offender."
    The quiet disbelief of that reporter is priceless.

    • @bluenose7984
      @bluenose7984 2 роки тому +62

      The BBC reporter who worked for the company that hid Jimmy Savilles sex abuses for decades!

    • @Montesama314
      @Montesama314 2 роки тому +85

      @@bluenose7984 ...Okay? You're not really making a point.

    • @rachelgarber1423
      @rachelgarber1423 2 роки тому +32

      Ikr pathetic

    • @bluenose7984
      @bluenose7984 2 роки тому +47

      @@Montesama314 people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, she's interviewing Prince Andrew about an allegation from a teenage girl when her whole company hid thousands of sexual abuse cases from being brought into the open, one of their reporters was researching Jimmy Saville and was about to print the story when the top brass of the BBC ordered him to cancel the story!

    • @admthrawnuru
      @admthrawnuru 2 роки тому +225

      @@bluenose7984 sure, she already knew he was guilty. What's shocking to her is how unprepared he was for the interview. We peasants are easily fooled by smooth talk, you know.

  • @athena_the_hun1097
    @athena_the_hun1097 2 роки тому +4511

    The real surprise is that the journalist actually asked important questions and the producer didn’t cut it to bits to hide all his obvious guilt.

    • @l.k.2337
      @l.k.2337 2 роки тому +18

      That creep family has no right living off the English people. It's your fault U.K., for allowing them to sit around and fester, and suck off of your money.

    • @fredriks5090
      @fredriks5090 2 роки тому +49

      It's "obvious" because he's trying his hardest to make it believeable.

    • @MammalianCreature
      @MammalianCreature 2 роки тому +52

      @@l.k.2337 "It's your fault U.K"
      Where are you from? I'm sure someone can pull up something just as bad. Those in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

    • @moniqueabundance
      @moniqueabundance 2 роки тому +37

      The producers are the real mvps

    • @grantking5599
      @grantking5599 2 роки тому +19

      @@l.k.2337 Tell me you're ignorant without telling me you're ignorant.

  • @rorymckernan8502
    @rorymckernan8502 Рік тому +1124

    'Unbecoming, he was a sex offender' 😂😂😂
    That reporter is a legend. The surprise and bewilderment in her voice is priceless. 😂😂

    • @qossl6727
      @qossl6727 Рік тому +10

      I guess he got Mom vibes from her looking at him….

    • @rorymckernan8502
      @rorymckernan8502 Рік тому +18

      @@qossl6727 probably. That's actually how I imagine the Queen reacted. Especially the facial expression.
      Does anyone know that reporter's name. She's a legend. Best moment in that whole video. 😂😂

    • @qossl6727
      @qossl6727 Рік тому +9

      @@rorymckernan8502 she is Emily Maitlis

    • @rorymckernan8502
      @rorymckernan8502 Рік тому +8

      @@qossl6727 Thankyou, good old Emily. I could watch that bit, a million times, and I still laugh. 😂😂

    • @chriskessell4579
      @chriskessell4579 11 місяців тому

      Funny how zionists use the royalty to distract from their blackmailing operation by Zionists mossad agents watch Europa the last battle .

  • @neilreading3552
    @neilreading3552 2 роки тому +1649

    "I have a tendency to be too honourable", was the real 'spit yer tea out' moment.

    • @TiffyVella1
      @TiffyVella1 2 роки тому +49

      That's called 'taking the piss' level lying.

    • @Natasha___.
      @Natasha___. 2 роки тому +46

      Thats like putin saying "I have a tendency to enjoy world peace far too much"
      I feel like I would believe that slightly more too.

    • @margritpiepes8242
      @margritpiepes8242 2 роки тому +4

      You want some scones with that tea?😁😁

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula 2 роки тому +19

      That's like the idiot who answers "I'm too much of a perfectionist" at a job interview when asked about their biggest weakness

    • @fleabaggins
      @fleabaggins 2 роки тому +18

      Seriously, I know he’s a sheltered rich person, but how stupid does he think we are?

  • @farouk7336
    @farouk7336 2 роки тому +1663

    He said and I quote “I didn’t sweat at the time” That’s an admission that he recognizes and acknowledges the period of time in question And the accusations brought forth. I’m so glad he was stupid enough to do this interview, and the interviewer is brilliant.

    • @terrysullivan4700
      @terrysullivan4700 2 роки тому

      This clip is very funny but true . andrew the royal idiot.

    • @illeatthat
      @illeatthat 2 роки тому +41

      I see the direct point you're making ubiquitously, but legally standing - referring to a time or incident when directly asked about said time/incident is not an admission of guilt, unless corroborated with the story.
      Legally, by referring to the place or time, or any context to his ability to sweat or not is rendered moot given that proceedings are always A. vs B. In terms of testimony, which is a legal interview of sorts given publicly to those residing in the courts, and can be taken verbatim only when reporting of the verdict, Andrew has perverted the cause of justice given that he is/was aware that this interview would be publicised prior to any court proceedings, meaning the only viable option aside from a mistrial, is reconciliation by monetary pledge. I say pledge because its the same as spousal support law - you pledge to pay alimony, but whether you do or not is a different matter and cannot be proved in a court of law that you cannot be held accountable for the nulificarions of transactionsnpromosed, because the transaction hasn't yet taken place. It would be like sentencing someone before they commit the crime, because you knew they would- regardless if they did or didn't get the opportunity.

    • @ljcmg7071
      @ljcmg7071 2 роки тому +27

      @@illeatthat i ain’t reading all that i’m happy for u or sorry that happened

    • @illeatthat
      @illeatthat 2 роки тому +11

      @@ljcmg7071 yeah - it says a lot about your character

    • @ljcmg7071
      @ljcmg7071 2 роки тому +7

      @@illeatthat ayt bet

  • @jujijiju6929
    @jujijiju6929 2 роки тому +1594

    He didn't say he was sorry for the victims and their suffering, not once. Doesn't matter if he's innocent or guilty, it's one of those basic things he should've done.

    • @rachelanderson4325
      @rachelanderson4325 2 роки тому +26

      Sadly, he never will. Any statement about being sorry could be used against him in court.

    • @Canadian_Zac
      @Canadian_Zac 2 роки тому +49

      @@rachelanderson4325 Not really.
      You can feel sorry for people without having had any involvement in their suffering.
      He can deny having been friends with him, and still say that he feels for the people

    • @reposter6434
      @reposter6434 2 роки тому +14

      Can't apologise for something he did himself, dudes guilty and can't bring himself to lie.

    • @ayd_spurs1258
      @ayd_spurs1258 2 роки тому +15

      @@reposter6434 he’s lied up til now😂

    • @edwardneale8775
      @edwardneale8775 2 роки тому +7

      Sorry but in the most part I think they were willing participants most of the time and only complaint was they didnot get paid enough money or gifts

  • @CatChaos369
    @CatChaos369 2 роки тому +583

    “Told him he can’t be friends” has the same energy as “I came to tell her I’m not coming” from to catch a predator funnily enough

    • @varisrevolver4061
      @varisrevolver4061 Рік тому +12

      Or "I came to watch the football on tcap, there's so many memorable quotes from that show

    • @spazzypengin
      @spazzypengin Рік тому +4

      @@varisrevolver4061 I was going fishing!

    • @Renstimp06
      @Renstimp06 Рік тому

      @@spazzypenginCHECK MY TRUNK

    • @naijaplayer
      @naijaplayer 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@varisrevolver4061 Oh man I never watched the show, but now I need to lol

  • @tornado_1348
    @tornado_1348 2 роки тому +2457

    I love how when he said "Unbecoming" rather than just say ok cause he's a royal she just looked at him like "Are you stupid?"

    • @TheNefastor
      @TheNefastor 2 роки тому +86

      Well he's a royal, which means he's inbred. Stupidity comes with the territory.

    • @theplumbum82
      @theplumbum82 2 роки тому +131

      I mean full props to the interviewer for actually challenging the wanker.

    • @marinafrancesoldman1819
      @marinafrancesoldman1819 2 роки тому +196

      She looked disgusted and rightly so

    • @Stoic_Horo
      @Stoic_Horo 2 роки тому +5

      But really she came across as the stupid one and classless

    • @specialpatrolgroup92
      @specialpatrolgroup92 2 роки тому +49

      @@Stoic_Horo in what way?

  • @Graavigala85
    @Graavigala85 2 роки тому +892

    "I didnt sweat at the time when I met her, which is never, because I have never met her, because I do not sweat" brilliant

    • @juliessister5562
      @juliessister5562 2 роки тому +9


    • @thesummerland6165
      @thesummerland6165 2 роки тому +62

      bahahaha...all that royal inbreeding makes them a bit slow

    • @derp195
      @derp195 2 роки тому +14

      “So a doctor said I didn’t do it so I didn’t do it.”

    • @gerryhouska2859
      @gerryhouska2859 2 роки тому +10

      As evident from their blue blood, they are descendent from molluscs and not apes like the hoi polloi - and therefore don't sweat. They may ooze some slime, but do not sweat.

    • @LolSho0orTs
      @LolSho0orTs 2 роки тому +4

      and it's not my hand .

  • @gem6458
    @gem6458 2 роки тому +1034

    Her face did say it all lol
    Looks at him like a right freak of nature.

    • @romy1223
      @romy1223 2 роки тому +47

      I laughed so loud when she made that face. 😂

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable 2 роки тому +34

      its unbecoming getting caught.....

    • @leonieromanes7265
      @leonieromanes7265 2 роки тому +23

      Hey, he has a "peculiar medical condition" (inbreeding).😒

    • @zipp4everyone263
      @zipp4everyone263 2 роки тому +5

      Well, unbecoming is a word you CAN use to express your views on matters like those, its not gramatically wrong and if you factor in the way the royal house usually behaves (you know, a clear lack of strong emotions either good or bad because such a display would be entirely unbecomming). Well, dont really see a problem with it.

    • @alistairclark6814
      @alistairclark6814 2 роки тому +13

      It's also unbecoming to kidnapp who knows how many indigenous kids from Canada.... where are they now Queen? What did you do with the kids you took from Kamloops, B.C.?

  • @judithkilla6329
    @judithkilla6329 2 роки тому +649

    This interview will NEVER get old 😂😂😂

    • @Musicienne-DAB1995
      @Musicienne-DAB1995 2 роки тому +11

      I only recently watched it, and it's worse than I thought.

    • @jocomfiresin6982
      @jocomfiresin6982 2 роки тому

      Even with like most the people involved dead? Prince Philip, The Queen, Epstein, that's everyone? I mean there's other people involved but they all dead to me so... Russel Howard he's still alive!!!

    • @abistonservices9249
      @abistonservices9249 2 роки тому +12

      Yes people will watch the interview in next century or much longer, it's so incriminating! 🤗 ---- and funny from Russell Howard comedian!

    • @yamiali1783
      @yamiali1783 Рік тому +7

      Andrew likes them that way

    • @keithmitchinson9080
      @keithmitchinson9080 Рік тому +4

      He should be in prison by now! Disregarding his so called status he was wrongly not jailed. It makes my blood boil when I see or hear about him.

  • @brido88
    @brido88 2 роки тому +2001

    The interview is so funny. It’ll be doing the rounds for years.

    • @Dhammond5
      @Dhammond5 2 роки тому +35

      I still watch it occasionally for the laugh

    • @Stoic_Horo
      @Stoic_Horo 2 роки тому

      Doubt it

    • @brido88
      @brido88 2 роки тому +7

      @@Stoic_Horo Why do you doubt it?

    • @craig9299
      @craig9299 2 роки тому

      @@Dhammond5 Sad life. Russel is a brown nose.

    • @patriciaorourke1816
      @patriciaorourke1816 2 роки тому +2

      Funny but cringe y at the same time

  • @Vix2066
    @Vix2066 2 роки тому +2888

    Throughout the whole interview Andy had the EXACT same expression as the family dog who's just been discovered to have destroyed the living room and shat on the remains of the sofa while everyone was out. GUILTY AF

    • @isaweesaw
      @isaweesaw 2 роки тому +49

      Why is this so accurate XD

    • @Jackmack365
      @Jackmack365 2 роки тому +28

      Fantastic comment and funny!

    • @ryanmcafee5362
      @ryanmcafee5362 2 роки тому +2


    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому +7

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

    • @sophiew1967
      @sophiew1967 2 роки тому +7


  • @wingberry123
    @wingberry123 2 роки тому +1079

    The interview is like watching him digging his own hole and he is just sinking more and more into it.

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому +1

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

    • @AlfaGTA156
      @AlfaGTA156 2 роки тому +4

      Only made worse when watching Russel Howard😐.

    • @Stabby_Dave
      @Stabby_Dave 2 роки тому +2

      @@nicho9292 : Do you have any evidence for this? Thought not.

    • @deano43
      @deano43 2 роки тому +1

      @@nicho9292 you join dots that no one else sees . 😂. How the hell do you know that ?

    • @zonatedspore97acamas
      @zonatedspore97acamas Рік тому

      Was this Andrew ped* guy held accountable or something? Is he just allowed to live free just like that?

  • @JimmyC1994
    @JimmyC1994 2 роки тому +176

    I like to imagine the writers for The Crown watching this interview and then rubbing their hands together and whispering "hello BAFTAs" 🤣

  • @rebalspirit
    @rebalspirit 2 роки тому +712

    I'm in the USA and send my deep sympathies to all British citizens. I cannot describe how painful it is to listen to Prince Andrew respond to the questions. I'm embarrassed for him. He, on the other hand, lacks any shame at all.

    • @tracewallace23
      @tracewallace23 2 роки тому +39

      Agreed. 👍
      Reminds me a lot of a former president in that way too 😏

    • @paulnaylor6035
      @paulnaylor6035 2 роки тому +17

      Yep I did not have sexual relations with that underage women quick here's £12 million now f#$k off

    • @tracewallace23
      @tracewallace23 2 роки тому +3

      @@josweetlove1537 I'm just curious. Would said "many Brits" be less "Disgusted", if instead the victim/victims chose not to take a shilling and instead, Andy was extradited, criminally charged, convicted and imprisoned (then his estate sued)?
      Would that be better?

    • @Sheila612Miller
      @Sheila612Miller 2 роки тому +1

      @@josweetlove1537 What's disgusting beyond what that creep Andrew did is if what you say is true then disgusting is those Brits that think that.

    • @THEJR-of5tf
      @THEJR-of5tf 2 роки тому +7

      When I was a small child, there was an animation on TV called Twizzle, The character was able to extend her limbs to enormous lengths. I reckon the round the girls waist was Twizzle, trying to frame Andrew.

  • @cianbyrne5726
    @cianbyrne5726 2 роки тому +748

    The interviewer’s tone was hysterical.

    • @celticcheetah6371
      @celticcheetah6371 2 роки тому +60

      Also her eyebrows were intensely eloquent.

    • @joannemurdock7899
      @joannemurdock7899 2 роки тому +46

      Gem of an interview! The lady is an absolute first class interviewer!

    • @matimus100
      @matimus100 2 роки тому +2

      5000 child sexual abuse case's in the uk system unresolved by temple's and counting

    • @mayaradacanu1725
      @mayaradacanu1725 2 роки тому +13

      She was exceptional in this interview. The whole thing is just gold.

  • @daveywynter1607
    @daveywynter1607 2 роки тому +474

    There is always that one uncle that you don't let your daughter near and even the royal family has a uncle like that.

    • @susansherlock6934
      @susansherlock6934 Рік тому +37

      Don't forget Jimmy Saville who used to visit Charles on a regular basis...

    • @leonbanks5728
      @leonbanks5728 Рік тому +8

      I don't have one of those uncles.

    • @daveywynter1607
      @daveywynter1607 Рік тому +3

      @@leonbanks5728 Not that you know of I'm sure your family has secrets.

    • @leonbanks5728
      @leonbanks5728 Рік тому +5

      @@daveywynter1607 None of my uncles are dodgy.

    • @harryyharman5469
      @harryyharman5469 Рік тому +15

      @@daveywynter1607 Nah, a lot of us had normal families. Sucks you got the short end of the stick, but don’t snap ours to normalize your messed up uncle lmao

  • @cheesesammich6094
    @cheesesammich6094 Рік тому +61

    "It's me in the photo, but it's not my hand. In fact, at the time I didn't even have any hands!" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @sc3942
    @sc3942 2 роки тому +1032

    You've got to admit ... Andy's good for a bellyful of laughs !! What's even funnier than what he says, is the fact that he truly believes he convinced everyone of his innocence. What an absolute tool.

    • @ohno7946
      @ohno7946 2 роки тому +23

      Just reading this while having a coffee out and spat it all over the table. Brilliant comment 🤣

    • @Greenman422
      @Greenman422 2 роки тому +28

      This has worked his whole life, he is basically a grown up teenager.

    • @moniqueabundance
      @moniqueabundance 2 роки тому +27

      He is very used to just getting away with any old load of bs so he's totally unaware that people can see through it. Clueless prat

    • @rusiatenadakuitavuki7986
      @rusiatenadakuitavuki7986 2 роки тому

      Absolutely insanely dumb

    • @CarrionCrow993
      @CarrionCrow993 2 роки тому +17

      Apparently he came out thinking it went really well. Probably wondered why his team had their heads in their hands.

  • @brianlopez8855
    @brianlopez8855 2 роки тому +1548

    His former press secretary who arranged this interview must cringe with every word. He is right about the sweating. Lizards are cold blooded after all.

    • @MatteoPrezioso
      @MatteoPrezioso 2 роки тому +28

      Painfully good point.

    • @Dannydantimpat
      @Dannydantimpat 2 роки тому +24

      He probably thinks he is the coolest Duke in town..

    • @garymorgan3314
      @garymorgan3314 2 роки тому +36

      She resigned when he ignored her firm advice not to give the interview.

    • @garymorgan3314
      @garymorgan3314 2 роки тому +11

      Hardly. She left the job.

    • @SurvivenTerry
      @SurvivenTerry 2 роки тому +14

      Demons not lizards

  • @deniro800
    @deniro800 2 роки тому +1110

    The people trained to study human behaviour of people being asked to answer questions honestly,must have had a field day at that interview.

    • @Kazza_8240
      @Kazza_8240 2 роки тому +35

      The youtube channel 'Observe' analysed his body language in that interview

    • @dogsarefab
      @dogsarefab 2 роки тому +12

      @@Kazza_8240 yes love Logan, well worth a watch.

    • @charliechaori182
      @charliechaori182 2 роки тому +4

      I was, I was screaming 😂

    • @CaptainGrimes1
      @CaptainGrimes1 2 роки тому +33

      You don't need to be trained to see he's lying 😂it was like a mixture of Homer Simpson and David Brent trying to explain away that one

    • @deniro800
      @deniro800 2 роки тому +3

      @@CaptainGrimes1 Agreed

  • @thepeacefulmumma7055
    @thepeacefulmumma7055 2 роки тому +205

    He doesn’t regret anything, you can tell because he’s shaking his head while he’s saying it!!!!!

    • @carlbland
      @carlbland 2 роки тому +10

      Like any criminal your only sorry your caught otherwise u wouldn't do it lol

  • @Apocalypse21187
    @Apocalypse21187 2 роки тому +712

    Paying millions to someone you haven't met who's accused you of something you didn't do.
    Obviously he's innocent 🙄 😒 🤣

    • @SJPDurham
      @SJPDurham 2 роки тому +28

      Bit like Boris. Total liar.

    • @user370Z
      @user370Z 2 роки тому +4

      LOL Craig!

    • @ofcourse4105
      @ofcourse4105 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe the millions are suffering false memory too 🤔

    • @Apocalypse21187
      @Apocalypse21187 2 роки тому +2

      @@ofcourse4105 Bet some have "photoshopped" pictures aswell

    • @drtiger1834
      @drtiger1834 2 роки тому +6

      @@SJPDurham no not like Boris. Not like Boris at all mate. You can’t compare him to a pedeophile

  • @LarissaFay
    @LarissaFay 2 роки тому +352

    "Acted in a manner unbecoming" and "I had suffered at the time"... says it all.
    The web of human lives either ruined, taken away or permanently scarred by the actions of serial sex offenders.
    It doesn't even register in the minds of predators. Repulsive.

    • @johnmccann5104
      @johnmccann5104 2 роки тому +12

      I'd genuinely forgot how bad he came across in that interview....

    • @madeleineprice9645
      @madeleineprice9645 2 роки тому +4

      As I've explained at length elsewhere, this is the full phrase... 'Conduct unbecoming to an officer and a gentleman,' and it's familiar to all UK soldiers, sailors and airmen. Including Prince Andrew, who was a Navy pilot, if I remember correctly.
      I hold no brief for Andrew whatsoever, BTW but
      I was very surprised that Emily Maitlis didn't recognise it.
      Portions of this phrase have been the titles of at least two Hollywood movies, after all...

    • @DaveDexterMusic
      @DaveDexterMusic 2 роки тому +14

      @@madeleineprice9645 What do you mean, "this is the full phrase"? He didn't _say_ that phrase. The military doesn't have a monopoly on conduct being unbecoming. The full phrase Andrew said was precisely what he said, and if you want to interpret it as an extremely butchered variant on "conduct unbecoming to an officer and a gentleman" that's fine, but he didn't come even close to saying that. It would be no defense at all even if he quoted it verbatim. Why is it so important to you to let people know this? And why should Maitlis, someone without a background in the army, navy or airforce, recognise it when it's not even close to the phrase you seem to think is so important?

    • @lovefist208
      @lovefist208 2 роки тому +8

      English royals have been getting away with it for millinea, this is as close to justice as it gets for them

    • @mariafont8826
      @mariafont8826 2 роки тому +3

      Yes, repulsive. 🇺🇾

  • @Rugelacharugula
    @Rugelacharugula 2 роки тому +409

    As a Yank, I'm not familiar w this reporter, but I. LOVE. HER! You know she's just dying to *let him have it...* but she slowly & sharply lets him take himself DOWN.

    • @Ater_Draco
      @Ater_Draco 2 роки тому +61

      Emily Maitlis - she's amazing.

    • @caspence56
      @caspence56 2 роки тому +48

      How I would love to see her interview trump! She'd have him sweating so much he'd dissolve into a putrid orange puddle.

    • @leonieromanes7265
      @leonieromanes7265 2 роки тому +34

      @@caspence56 he'd waddle away half way through. Once he realised she wasn't playing any games.

    • @LxftRxght
      @LxftRxght 2 роки тому +6

      You gotta watch the whole interview.

    • @Rugelacharugula
      @Rugelacharugula 2 роки тому +4

      @@LxftRxght I really need to find it. I was watching THESE clips & punching a throw pillow & cheering like at a football match.

  • @rwoods2687
    @rwoods2687 2 роки тому +58

    The way he breaks eye contact when saying he regrets it is very telling

  • @scoobysangha
    @scoobysangha 2 роки тому +1487

    “Being British is all about driving a German car to an Irish theme pub to drink Belgian beer then going home buying an Indian take-away to sit on a Swedish sofa infront of a Japanese television to watch American shows and all the while being suspicious of anything foreign”.

    • @MultiVeeta
      @MultiVeeta 2 роки тому +55

      Nope, all while knowing that our great Industrial revolution made all this possible the World over. You can thank us later.

    • @trykerfrunk1531
      @trykerfrunk1531 2 роки тому +58

      @@MultiVeeta But they’re made by those countries as they have more skill. Our accomplishments mean nothing if we don’t use then. Unfortunately, we aren’t, other countries with better skills and cheaper prices are a greater priority.

    • @MultiVeeta
      @MultiVeeta 2 роки тому +21

      @@trykerfrunk1531 Our accomplishment is giving opportunity to the World rather than selfish own interests. Its a shame a lot of anti-British clowns just look at the bad in history and judge it with modern standards.

    • @astilealavatica1404
      @astilealavatica1404 2 роки тому +3

      @@MultiVeeta I honestly thought modern standards were better than they've turned out to be. Can't ignore history nor should we...but Earth is a team effort...however we slice it.
      Mitch McConnell is Emperor Palpatine
      Some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! - Lord Trump
      @Justin Y. Trump is evil. He ignored this virus until he couldn't ignore it...the steps taken have been deliberately slow to contain this virus, as the government has made huge financial gains in allowing particularly older, retired people to more pay outs each, if still valid in this our only peaceful, legal 3rd party is the ONLY WAY to get real humans in power, rather than dynasty families and career politicians. When we realize the 2 parties we are divided over LOVE the division among us...then and only then may America be great again...
      @Justin Y. Lack of knowledge of the deep state? I just accused our government of mass murder...I understand deep state...fact that you refuse to listen, only attack, says too much about you...clearly you haven't known hardship. Clearly none of this has impacted you are part of the problem, offering zero solutions.
      @Justin Y. Calling me stupid really helps your case...Trump has very limited brain power, as evidenced by his rambling, generally repetitive, toddler talks...although most of us are sorely undereducated, Trump really amazes me every time i listen to his banter. Trump did not close the borders in time, many flights to the USA brought sick folk here. Action wasn't taken until very late February, and by then 15 confirmed cases were more than enough to basically allow what amounts to airborn, quickly lethal AIDS《why this? (Because this virus mutates too fast to create an effective vaccine, which may never get made), upon the world. This is dangerous because common behaviors of common folk, such as shoulder to shoulder events, shopping and sardine packed working conditions, helped this virus along...even as people died in China daily...America went forward 2 full months wothout any concerns...then...rather than force the hands of state officials, and put the population through a 2 month quarantine, we've been seeing states react, rather than prepare...and all at the natural stages this virus thrives on...complacency among enough of us to allow the spread to continue. You refusing to see this logic isn't a blight on my mental capacity, just proves you are as simple as our Lord Trump...and likely among those very few, who like many elites, don't even understand the plight of the masses, whom I speak for, in this contrived crisis...Trump is calm about the virus because he exists outside the bounds of common folk...Trump and other powerful people would never have to take the risk of infection seriously as they are all well protected by expendable servants or can at the least afford to continue living lavishly and distanced from peons such as myself. 9/11 was an inside job and this proves what I've feared since then...that the government can perform mass murder and the people will always just accept it, hire the next sociopath in line, whichever of the 2 evil divisionary parties they aspire to dwell in...
      Our educational system is archaic. We could be educating everyone from home...there are no valid excuses for our current broken schooling, and no teachers need lose the internet is an amazing communication device...
      Taxes are broken. Your dollar earned gets hit so many times...and we all just accept that blindly.
      Medicine is broken. My grandmother died because her selfish daughter needed cable tv more than grandma needed diabetes medicine...and millions suffer from the inability to afford insulin, despite that drug initially starting out as a gift to humanity from a generous genius, privatized by evil and greed, priced beyond reality for most.
      Our 2 party system is designed to keep us bickering...division keeps us docile enough to accept our own government conspiring to murder us, with our acceptance. 3rd party candidates are generally real humans...that care about other humans, even, gasp, total strangers and foreigners...
      We are all on the same damn spaceship...Earth. I judge character...not race, not whatever religion folks are born into. I am old...I am tired of seeing disaster after disaster get slow attention from government, as poor people die in thousands due to delayed or nonexistent help.
      It's about time the many take control, with votes, to dethrone the sociopaths that control us, play games with our very lives...
      When there are only voluntary homeless, when the janitor is paid living wage, when a high school graduate can earn enough in food service, or retail, to support a modest home and essentials, while creating a nest egg...when veterans are given the same care as Congress, Senate and other positions of highest power, rather than left to suffer and die, when the lowest paying jobs are enough to survive on, then and only then, can America boast of being great...
      As it stands...I feel most of us are born into lies we have no control over...It's well orchestrated, as my points are made clear in every satirical broadcast about the plight of the expendable masses, world wide...
      Do I want peace, equity and kumbaya? Yeah...I do...are there sociopaths in power oppressing the common folk...yeah...there are...have good Democrats and Republicans existed? Yes...they get blocked by evil at every turn, often resigning due to unbeatable corruption. Do I pity the very people I label simple? You bet I do...I want this planet to be a better place for most...not some...for all...if ever possible...
      This covid virus isn't done. It mutates too fast to pin it down with a vaccine...and we haven't seen the end of it because we, as a planet, would have to agree on a few ground rules to consider being a functional society.
      That's my 2 cents...some of it...take it or leave it. Most of us just exist and watch, lazily, rather than get directly involved in change. @soaringvulture We don't seem to take note...we, the expendable masses, are being told to push through life ignoring this took ONE infection to start a Planet Wide Pandemic...and because we didn't quarantine from January 1st to February, we get to watch innocent and otherwise lives lost, daily...who are "we", in "we're in it together"? Certainly not the elite...they step on us to avoid harm...I'm furious with humanity as a whole...I'm furious we accept all this death and Trump's toddler a Ted talk without useful insight...
      Those of us suffering are many...while the privileged watch the show They created...when...when will the common folk unite against tyranny, through the only peaceful means we out career politicians and dynasty families in favor of fellow human beings, with consciousness and compassion for the lowest among us.
      We won't stop the cycle of abuse by trading Democrats and Republicans, two sides of the same evil, corrupt coin.
      Vote 3rd for real people, with flaws, that understand what struggle is...that have put time behind any of these so called essential, yet minimum wage jobs...
      This economy is screwed...always has been. The vast majority of work available is menial service, retail, janitors, grocers...a great many take their wages in government...which is far too big, complex and unsustainable...
      Until any job can offer a modest secure household, until the only homeless are those who volunteer to live "free"...until the pill giants are mandated to make life saving medicine reasonably priced...we are a selfish, horrid nation, divided by the very people that oppress us, yet too busy fighting amongst ourselves to take any useful action towards a better tomorrow for the MANY, not the FEW......

    • @doyoueventhink351
      @doyoueventhink351 2 роки тому +2

      @@astilealavatica1404 it disgusts me how people like you are still bothering about trump when the whitehouse is currently staffed by a geriatric puppet

  • @athena_the_hun1097
    @athena_the_hun1097 2 роки тому +214

    “I’ll bet he is sweating now!” 🤣
    This guy is freaking funny!!

  • @kchereicome9492
    @kchereicome9492 2 роки тому +269

    Randy Andy's arrogance and lack of empathy is revolting to say the least. The whole " I can't sweat" thing is a joke. There's plenty of photos of him with pit sweats over the years. He just has this " I'm better than you" attitude and the fact that he did this interview says it all. 🇨🇦

    • @lovefist208
      @lovefist208 2 роки тому +3

      I think hes fighting for his life with his stories, he knows suicide is the only option if hes exposed...probably too cawardly to finish the job

    • @SpandexSuperstarr
      @SpandexSuperstarr 2 роки тому +3


    • @robd2323
      @robd2323 2 роки тому

      @@lovefist208 suicide or living the rest of his left in comfort and wealth that is completely unattainable to almost everyone in the world.

    • @lovefist208
      @lovefist208 2 роки тому

      @@robd2323 as close to justice as it gets

    • @robd2323
      @robd2323 2 роки тому

      @@lovefist208that's clearly not true. Epstein.

  • @wendysmobilehomesweethome423
    @wendysmobilehomesweethome423 2 роки тому +34

    "More holes than a Prince Andrew alibi"!!! I love it! This was hilarious!! 👏👏👏

  • @Jell0zz
    @Jell0zz 2 роки тому +396

    Everyone knows he did it, yet he won't be punished for it. What a messed up world we live in.

    • @Stoic_Horo
      @Stoic_Horo 2 роки тому +11

      Wouldn't be the first 17 year old telling people she is old enough to have a job traveling internationally, old enough to have relations, so long as they hand 30grand for studies, it's called a sugar daddy loads of young girls dupe men then own upto not quite being of age, why is nobody asking why her parents weren't questioning her perhaps she convinced her parents she should be treated as 18 too! 🤣

    • @zipp4everyone263
      @zipp4everyone263 2 роки тому +3

      He's had his connection with the royal house cut. Pretty sure thats a punishment. If its enough, thats a different debate.

    • @cc1k435
      @cc1k435 2 роки тому +35

      Wealthy people are awfully delicate. He's been stripped of his titles and has no more royal appearances to make. And they all think, "Hasn't he suffered enough??" 🙄

    • @cc1k435
      @cc1k435 2 роки тому +33

      @@Stoic_Horo Can't blame a juvenile when a bunch of middle aged men are looking for barely legal sex with no consequences. Not one had stopped to ask how she got mixed up in something they clearly knew was wrong or they'd have been talking about it openly. 🤔

    • @lornamcallister8374
      @lornamcallister8374 2 роки тому +16

      Exactly..he should be rotting in prison

  • @GetOutandVote1
    @GetOutandVote1 2 роки тому +189

    I really needed that. Russell Howard is wickedly smart, hilarious, and truthful.

    • @barbarapavia6144
      @barbarapavia6144 2 роки тому +6

      I don't sweat, hahaha, so sex abuse is okay then

    • @GetOutandVote1
      @GetOutandVote1 2 роки тому +1

      @@barbarapavia6144 Sex abuse is not ok and I am not sure what it was about my comment that lead you to believe that. You do realize that Russell Howard is the comedian pointing out that Prince Andrew is lying, right?

    • @prodovr
      @prodovr 2 роки тому +2

      @@GetOutandVote1 r/ whoosh

    • @catherinewilliams3850
      @catherinewilliams3850 Рік тому

      @@GetOutandVote1 You do realise 'sarcasm' exists, right?

  • @margaretsmist7140
    @margaretsmist7140 2 роки тому +243

    The interviewer is great - she must have been shaking her head in disbelief off camera.

    • @jeremymuir4332
      @jeremymuir4332 2 роки тому +4

      I reckon she was shaking her head in disbelief every time Clever Clogs opened his mouth,

    • @alfieakaronaldog
      @alfieakaronaldog 2 роки тому

      So ironic that most people commenting against Prince Andrew either lost their virginity to, or as, a ‘sex offender’.
      Not to mention they would probably also been far less mature than the ‘woman’ who now has £12m.

  • @Paul-ml4gn
    @Paul-ml4gn 2 роки тому +157

    If price Andrew was innocent he wouldn't have paid her off. Simple as that.

    • @patrickkelly7085
      @patrickkelly7085 2 роки тому

      He didnt pay the tax payers paid just like we foot the bill for everything that family of parasites do.

    • @Musicienne-DAB1995
      @Musicienne-DAB1995 2 роки тому +2

      A settlement of that amount for those kinds of allegations is very often a tacit admission of guilt. It certainly enables the accused to avoid a trial. Michael Jackson did the same thing: paid off a 13 year old boy with over $15 million, amounting to a settlement of between $22-25 million, yet continued whining about how he was being perecuted by liars. If he didn't molest that boy, he would not have paid.

    • @DerpishDerp
      @DerpishDerp 2 роки тому

      @@Musicienne-DAB1995 he paid to try to alleviate the allegations

  • @ceciliac2225
    @ceciliac2225 2 роки тому +215

    Andrew is an arrogant entitled person, grossly abuses his privilege. He thought for the sake of his status being a prince, expected his mom to hide his dirty laundry to save monarchy, again. Time for tough love. Let him hold the accountable.

    • @onlyme219
      @onlyme219 2 роки тому +13

      Sadly she gave him money to buy his way out of him having to say anything or a court case even going ahead

    • @SpandexSuperstarr
      @SpandexSuperstarr 2 роки тому +3

      And he thought so little of Virginia that he expected the world to believe his bullshit over her, just because he's a prince. It doesn't even seem like he bothered to prepare for this interview due to his arrogance.

    • @kathym5936
      @kathym5936 2 роки тому +5

      They're all cut from the same cloth.. they should all step down.

    • @jacinthpearson7716
      @jacinthpearson7716 2 роки тому +7

      But he wasn't wrong, she did bale him out. Incredible! Yet look at the way they have allowed Harry to be treated.

    • @ceciliac2225
      @ceciliac2225 2 роки тому +7

      @@jacinthpearson7716 First couple times he was bailed out, he didn’t learn the lesson. Continuation of bailing him out became enabling. Andrew feels more entitled. Besides, he has a safety net to fall back on, no reasons to change. Andrew is Queen’s favourite child. Monarchy/The Firm is stigma to centuries old tradition. After Diana married to Charles, public began to see the ‘dark side’ within. I don’t blame Harry not wanting his own family to face the dramas.

  • @joeavreg2254
    @joeavreg2254 2 роки тому +214

    The fact that they are this bad at covering their crimes is just evidence of how A) This is what Royals do and B) they fully expect this to be ignored by journalists.

    • @mckenr07
      @mckenr07 2 роки тому +4

      Bring in the team that covered up Diana if they aren’t dead.

    • @pirobot668beta
      @pirobot668beta 2 роки тому +12

      C) They've gotten away with it for so long they are just waiting for 'all the fuss' to blow over.

    • @paparoach007
      @paparoach007 2 роки тому

      @@pirobot668beta D) The Royals actually think that Prince Andrew came across as genuine and honest in this interview and the towns folk won't think it's a load of ol'shite.
      Seriously though, I have never heard or seen a person like Prince Andrew who talks out of his arse like he did, the man knows full well what happened with Nonce-stein and the underaged girls. I hope the truth comes to light someday and Andy-pandy is stripped of his title the wet wipe.

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

    • @cristiewentz8586
      @cristiewentz8586 2 роки тому

      I almost feel sorry for them. Andrew was the bone thrown to the public to hide all the other people who used Epsteins services. Pages and pages of flight records, remember. And even he won't suffer enough.

  • @N4N0Recon
    @N4N0Recon 2 роки тому +75

    The Queen Voice took me by surprise "What the fuck is he doing!?" Killed me

  • @cazzabojangles
    @cazzabojangles 2 роки тому +81

    Shoutout to the reporter though, she did a good job taking him up on his bollocks

  • @Franic19
    @Franic19 2 роки тому +538

    You can just tell that Prince Andrew is just full of it. Love how the interviewer just put him on the spot and exposed his holes in the story while the interview goes on XD
    I'm pretty sure not even Prince Andrew came out of this thinking he did a good job.

    • @Franic19
      @Franic19 2 роки тому +22

      @@davidrieger8816 that's mental. Is he that full of himself and convinced he swayed everyone with this load of bull? 🤣

    • @jacobjorgenson9285
      @jacobjorgenson9285 2 роки тому +8

      He is not very bright and for all his ills can hardly be blamed for that

    • @jacobjorgenson9285
      @jacobjorgenson9285 2 роки тому +11

      @@davidrieger8816 he wouldn't know the difference between good or bad job. He is not very bright and grew up in a royal household . Not a good combination

    • @Franic19
      @Franic19 2 роки тому +15

      @@jacobjorgenson9285 bright or not, illnesses or not. It's pretty simple to think that hanging out with a convicted sex offender, aswell as being a public figure AND trying to talk yourself baaadly out of the relationship he had with the guy after confirming himself he stayed at many of his places, is a stupid idea. That's just common sense, which he apparently lacks aswell.

    • @jacobjorgenson9285
      @jacobjorgenson9285 2 роки тому +1

      @@Franic19 you know, I didn't know he was convicted, that case went very quietly perhaps Andrew didn't know either? Many people hung out with Epstein like Bill Gates , Stephen Hawkins. A quiet pedo conviction in Florida was not international news

  • @AgentBlizzaga
    @AgentBlizzaga 2 роки тому +587

    I almost choked on my drink watching this. I'll blame Andrew

    • @angusevans6180
      @angusevans6180 2 роки тому +32

      Careful, he'll be sweating

    • @matimus100
      @matimus100 2 роки тому +1

      5000 child sexual abuse case's by temple's in the uk system unresolved and counting 👫 😑

    • @abegarfield7031
      @abegarfield7031 2 роки тому +1

      Ask him for some money.
      Apparently he just hands it over to people he's never met.

  • @nad1menglish99
    @nad1menglish99 2 роки тому +371

    You know I've not ever really found Russell that funny, but this was on point. Really good work here.

    • @brianclark9948
      @brianclark9948 2 роки тому +5

      Its easy to make fun out of Andrew because he a fool.

    • @callumbiasnow4825
      @callumbiasnow4825 2 роки тому +13

      You must be a right gammon to not find him funny.

    • @mikeymc3094
      @mikeymc3094 2 роки тому +5

      I can’t stand him but he did bang it there haha But anyone cud make a royal look like a prick

    • @mattymc6802
      @mattymc6802 2 роки тому +3

      @@callumbiasnow4825 i used to watch his show until he made one with his mum. It was a bit much, they're far too close and and a bit weird a bit freudian

    • @Jim-so3zm
      @Jim-so3zm 2 роки тому +4

      @@callumbiasnow4825 That sort of comment is why people get put off by left wing comedians. Learn to be more respectful.

  • @claire6795
    @claire6795 Рік тому +42

    I enjoyed Prince Andrew the Musical this Christmas - the choreography and casting ace . It was really silly! I especially enjoyed the end "Everybody needs an Andrew" and the dancers gradually remove themselves sneaking away ... One dancer at the right back was shimmying, looking for direction, did the cut throat sign with a curious look and stepped away. Flipping brilliant !! Surreal!

    • @kingofcoping10
      @kingofcoping10 Рік тому +1

      I had to look it up because I thought you was taking the piss what are they going to do next, sing along with saville

  • @juliemiller2523
    @juliemiller2523 2 роки тому +151


    • @markpimlott2879
      @markpimlott2879 Рік тому

      Yeah...both of them!
      Unfortunately only one brilliant fellow, intentionally!
      🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦

  • @tiny99990
    @tiny99990 2 роки тому +350

    Swear to god if Key and Peele ever did a "Queen Elizabeth's anger translator" they'd need to have Russel be that translator because he is so damned good

    • @dogsarefab
      @dogsarefab 2 роки тому +10

      Oh I need to see that!!!

    • @paulabes4220
      @paulabes4220 2 роки тому +1

      how about Russel brand instead...

    • @tiny99990
      @tiny99990 2 роки тому +2

      @@paulabes4220 Russel Brandt? I didn't know he did one, but I can't imagine it being better than Russel Howard... Russel H is already a comedian his timing is natural at this point and so is his comedy, Russel Brandt would have to try to be a comedian, and while I am sure he is plenty hilarious, he is not a professional comedian with his own comedy show on daily, and regularly doing standup.

    • @sjs9698
      @sjs9698 2 роки тому +3

      @@tiny99990 could be wrong but i think brand comes from a standup background too, i still doubt i'd enjoy his impression so much. r.h.'s is such a great balance between a certain english reverence for her & his irreverant spin on how she might think or speak.

    • @ttthecat
      @ttthecat 2 роки тому +1

      Oooh I would watch that!!!

  • @hadror13
    @hadror13 2 роки тому +492

    So nice of Andrew to contribute 12 million quid to charity of a woman he'd never charitable 😅

    • @mrsbea1810
      @mrsbea1810 2 роки тому +4

      I think that's the same settlement Fergie got.

    • @alyciamarie4163
      @alyciamarie4163 2 роки тому +3

      That’s what they paid? Wow

    • @alyciamarie4163
      @alyciamarie4163 2 роки тому +14

      @StockrA CCFC why? There are many other victims. She has children and this will help her and them have a better life. She was abused by these monsters. It isn’t her responsibility to expose them. She’s done more then most.

    • @alyciamarie4163
      @alyciamarie4163 2 роки тому +3

      @StockrA CCFC so you say when the offer is imaginary… 🤦🏼‍♀️. Gislaine maxwell was just found guilty did anyone else get taken down? No. Why is this on one victims shoulders to take them down? Ridiculous

    • @alyciamarie4163
      @alyciamarie4163 2 роки тому

      @StockrA CCFC I guess I am missing something. Who is to say it would have even lead to criminal charges? An arrest? A trial? Even if it did who is to say others will be taken down? My point is gislaine maxwell was tried and convicted yet no one else was brought down . I agree they get away with everything but bc of the victims coming forward the truth was revealed. Epstein was arrested. Maxwell was found guilty. It brought these diabolical people and their abuse to the general public .

  • @senormosquito1114
    @senormosquito1114 2 роки тому +22

    Excellent interview and superb commentary by Russell Howard.

  • @bobbyman1878
    @bobbyman1878 2 роки тому +229

    Wow. This guy is off the chain. I haven't laughed so hard in many a day.

    • @AlfaGTA156
      @AlfaGTA156 2 роки тому

      I love your sarcasm.

    • @noguardrails47
      @noguardrails47 2 роки тому +6

      @Sub if you are against Antifa and BLM Its been hard to laugh since January 6th.

    • @PunkIAm
      @PunkIAm 2 роки тому

      "in many a day" the short distance across the sea really makes a difference, don't it? Lol

  • @joeexotic5831
    @joeexotic5831 2 роки тому +290

    Time for best lockdown joke...
    Prince Charles isolating with covid 19, Prince Andrew isolating with Emily, 16

    • @thandie67
      @thandie67 2 роки тому +23

      Comedy gold right there 🤣 👌 😂

    • @jasonsweet1868
      @jasonsweet1868 2 роки тому +4

      Love it

    • @nickevershedmusic8927
      @nickevershedmusic8927 2 роки тому +6

      Hahahaha, but 16 is age of consent here?

    • @johnvienta7622
      @johnvienta7622 2 роки тому +1

      @@nickevershedmusic8927 , it would be interesting to get everyone commenting to honestly state the age they were when they first had sexual contact, and the age of the other person.

    • @tonysburgers7223
      @tonysburgers7223 2 роки тому +1

      @@johnvienta7622 I was 16 she was 22

  • @aliceb609
    @aliceb609 2 роки тому +130

    He makes Charles look like Stephen Fry 😭 best line ever

  • @jamesnorton9717
    @jamesnorton9717 Рік тому +34

    This never gets old. I laugh ever time

  • @-TruthHurts
    @-TruthHurts 2 роки тому +179

    lol, "i didn't sweat at the time" was the best one..... "when i got shot i lost the ability to sweat" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @NicolasGirls
      @NicolasGirls 2 роки тому +6

      Something Alan Partridge would have said.

    • @AShindigPig
      @AShindigPig 2 роки тому +6

      Not even shot, shot at haha.

    • @marybender3241
      @marybender3241 2 роки тому +4

      There is a medical condition where a person doesn't sweat normally . You are at more risk for heat stroke. I know I had it. But, it is NOT caused by fear or whatever else he might try to spin it into. It is caused by your hormones and glands. And there are way too many pictures of him in his younger days hair dripping with sweat. Then to claimed the phantom hand syndrome. What an idiot!

    • @-TruthHurts
      @-TruthHurts 2 роки тому +1

      well, in hindsight a $20M settlement seems about fair to have fucked an old weirdo who still plays with stuffed animals....
      i was a late starter in my age group having sex at about 17yrs....

    • @Quazi-Moto
      @Quazi-Moto 2 роки тому +1

      @@marybender3241 Yeah, he said he caught the no-sweats, then got rid of them.
      Everyone that hears his words knows him for a liar.

  • @shelbyvillerules9962
    @shelbyvillerules9962 2 роки тому +37

    2:23 “And we’re still on for Jersey Boys”
    Hopefully he means the musical but there’s no way to be certain.

  • @Dhruv_Dogra
    @Dhruv_Dogra 2 роки тому +52

    Humour truly can save the world! When I watched the sickening interview of the man-child I wasn’t so sure there was hope. Russel surpassed himself. Great job.

  • @ritasmith8045
    @ritasmith8045 11 місяців тому +6

    Russel Howard is fantastic. He tells it like it is.

  • @CastellanSpandex
    @CastellanSpandex 2 роки тому +165

    Comedy gold, and that's just Andrew! 😱😱

  • @passiveaggressive6175
    @passiveaggressive6175 2 роки тому +320

    His hubris and arrogance is friggin hysterical (Andrew not Russell).

    • @alansturgess1324
      @alansturgess1324 2 роки тому +3

      Bet his arse sweats - useful as a lubricant.

    • @barbarapavia6144
      @barbarapavia6144 2 роки тому +2

      He needs to go down, even his mummy is stepping away

    • @globalman
      @globalman 2 роки тому +3

      Yes but that is how the upper classes the Aristos, Royals and old Gentry are born and bred. They are trained to think that their s...t doesn’t stink and that the rules of mortals don’t apply to them.

    • @thepixielife219
      @thepixielife219 2 роки тому +1

      @@barbarapavia6144 She's not completely backed out as he has been showing up after dark.
      He IS her Favorite

  • @7eyedcrow
    @7eyedcrow 2 роки тому +54

    "That is what I'd describe as me in the picture." wtf?! 😂😂

  • @blaze5295
    @blaze5295 11 місяців тому +7

    This interview is an absolute master piece even a year on 😂

  • @timholder6825
    @timholder6825 2 роки тому +64

    Do the staff at Pizza Express remember (did anyone ask them?) Andrew and Beatrice coming in for pizza. It's not the sort of thing you'd forget. In fact it's the sort of thing that would be in the next day's local paper. Royals stop off at Pizza Express. I can't remember, did anyone ever ask the staff on duty that day. Recognisable royals and their security detail is not something you'd miss.

    • @davidtanslow3584
      @davidtanslow3584 2 роки тому +3

      He was obviously incognito.

    • @ShadowTigerKing
      @ShadowTigerKing 2 роки тому +1

      Good point. I saw Bill Clinton briefly at a bar in 2002 and I'm sure a lot of other people remember moments like that.

  • @sandrabarnhouse672
    @sandrabarnhouse672 2 роки тому +62

    Russell Howard is an absolute gem! I Freaking love this guy!

  • @harrytmm
    @harrytmm 2 роки тому +396

    "i'm just a prince who can't say no"-Prince Andrew, 1984

    • @ugh.idontwanna
      @ugh.idontwanna 2 роки тому +6

      Virginia Giuffre was 0 years old when this was first broadcast...

    • @ackbarfan5556
      @ackbarfan5556 2 роки тому +2

      I hate they took that off UA-cam, brought it back, then took it off again!

    • @glazierblue573
      @glazierblue573 2 роки тому

      Well done Andrew. That was very believable. Take a bow son! Lol

  • @projektkobra2247
    @projektkobra2247 2 роки тому +37

    I remember admiring this guy when we flew a chopper in the Falklands...Such a fall from grace.

    • @Musicienne-DAB1995
      @Musicienne-DAB1995 2 роки тому +11

      According to soem reports, he isn't a very nice man anyway. But that may be speculation. He was never known for sexual restraint, as the nickname 'Randy Andy' already shows...

  • @Oscar-lp6zd
    @Oscar-lp6zd 2 роки тому +53

    “We CANNOT be friends anymore”
    “PS what’s your Wi-Fi password?”

    • @jt9463
      @jt9463 2 роки тому +1

      Knowing Epstein it's teens only! The 's' is a '5'!!! (teen5only)

  • @RussMichaels
    @RussMichaels 2 роки тому +127

    lol, if anyone was in any doubt about prince Andrews guilt, he put the nail in his own coffin with that Interview...

    • @lornamcallister8374
      @lornamcallister8374 2 роки тому

      He made a total fool of himself

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

  • @johannesnicolaas
    @johannesnicolaas 2 роки тому +64

    How he inpersonates the screaming queen is bloody perfect. Laughing so hard.

  • @ishy3412
    @ishy3412 Рік тому +22

    Prince andrew is hilarious i can't stop laughing

  • @seanwarren9357
    @seanwarren9357 2 роки тому +90

    If he was extradited to the US to go to federal prison, I think it's safe to say I would literally dance the dance of my ancestors.

    • @liamblack2574
      @liamblack2574 2 роки тому

      America won’t extradite child murderers back to the UK so screw that

  • @Imaveryniceguy
    @Imaveryniceguy 2 роки тому +66

    You have to admit the nerve one needs to say he didn't sweat at the time. That is...probably the most offensive thing towards people's intelligence that I have ever heard.

    • @laurachiar6086
      @laurachiar6086 2 роки тому +2

      You're absolutely right! That's the most offensive thing to do. And also because it's strategically and deliberately 'performed'. So he deliberately takes in great consideration the possibility of offending people's intelligence.

    • @laurachiar6086
      @laurachiar6086 2 роки тому

      @Finley Rosebud Yeah! So, according to his explanations, we might reconsider the meaning and the concept of honour, honourable and so on. I think I'm gonna buy another dictionary very soon.

  • @lindadepew7652
    @lindadepew7652 2 роки тому +21

    This guy is hysterical 🤣 😂 😆

    @ROCKINGMAN 2 роки тому +286

    Russell Howard shows us the stupidity of it all, but seriously, Prince Andrew should have stayed away from interviews, especially ones like this. Probably one of the most revealing and embarrassing interviews ever shown on any TV - period.

    • @F-A7
      @F-A7 2 роки тому +8

      The fact Andrew has the audacity to go on a inverview that will be broadcast on national TV knowing he's guilty as charge only shows how out of touch this man is from reality. These royals think they can get away with anything. I say this interview is the best thing he could give us and his victims.

    • @MTknitter22
      @MTknitter22 2 роки тому +11

      Glad the real Andrew was caught, exposed and there will probably be more to come.

    • @MTknitter22
      @MTknitter22 2 роки тому +7

      @@F-A7 All the Royals are out of touch. They are practiced to never let it SHOW but they are of course out of touch with REAL LIFE.

    • @RHYGAR1
      @RHYGAR1 2 роки тому

      My Wife Hired a Hit

    • @frankupton5821
      @frankupton5821 2 роки тому +1

      Russell Howard shows us the stupidity of Russell Howard.

  • @daniduck8911
    @daniduck8911 2 роки тому +145

    I feel bad for his children they weren’t the ones racking up underage kids

    • @luminousfractal420
      @luminousfractal420 2 роки тому +4

      Tell that to Britain's starving children. There's always people worse the UK it's millions vs a couple of spoiled brats.

    • @SamuelBlack84
      @SamuelBlack84 2 роки тому

      She's legal in the UK officially. I font understand why the age of consent is so different around the world each one saying that they're right. Just make one particular age legal across the world and stop making excuses

    • @slushpuppie19
      @slushpuppie19 2 роки тому

      @@luminousfractal420 Tbh would rather live on the poverty line with a Dad that isn't a nonce

  • @shahancheong9792
    @shahancheong9792 2 роки тому +42

    I had totally forgotten how much I LOVE Russell Howard before now. This is fantastic!!

  • @libbyworkman3459
    @libbyworkman3459 8 місяців тому +7

    Prince Andrew is a very good example of what immense wealth and a privileged life can make of a person

  • @DaveWraptastic
    @DaveWraptastic 2 роки тому +226

    He might not have been able to sweat in the past, but he was sweating during that interview for sure

    • @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11
      @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11 2 роки тому +3

      He did realize his weak defense and qualified it by saying that he couldn’t sweat “at the time”.

    • @venomau5speedz
      @venomau5speedz 2 роки тому +3

      You know something…..Sociopaths don’t typically sweat either….. 🤔

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому +1

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

    • @DaveWraptastic
      @DaveWraptastic 2 роки тому

      @@nicho9292 the crazy thing is you mate

    • @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11
      @Traitorman..Proverbs26.11 2 роки тому +1

      You forgot to explain how they compromised Diana’s driver to the point where he basically comitted suicide by driving into a post in the tunnel, thus taking Diana with him.
      It could also be a case of “No seatbelt. Now dead”.

  • @wendyboothman3262
    @wendyboothman3262 2 роки тому +182

    His arrogance is astounding and he actually expects us to believe this gibberish. And his odious older brother is embroiled with cash for titles. Its time to end giving this vile family of freeloading weirdos.

    • @barbarapavia6144
      @barbarapavia6144 2 роки тому +5

      I agree, I'm an Aussie, sick of paying for these useless royal tools,

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

  • @bobbymain5291
    @bobbymain5291 2 роки тому +26

    Not seen howard in a long time, good to see him hitting the right notes again lol

  • @stephanieunterharnscheidt
    @stephanieunterharnscheidt 8 місяців тому

    This interview will be studied & reviewed in perpetuity. Journalists, attorneys, anyone who asks questions for a living & the interested public will revisit this over & over again. I have seen it 7 times & will watch again, no doubt.

  • @LuxioV2
    @LuxioV2 2 роки тому +25

    Haven’t watched Russ in years but he’s still got it!

  • @akaoniryuu4564
    @akaoniryuu4564 2 роки тому +44

    I love how russell is always up to date on stuff 😂

  • @ellecampbell3271
    @ellecampbell3271 2 роки тому +28

    Cracking up in Vancouver.
    Getting my morning giggle as a grandma.
    John Cleese would have a field day with this.
    Can’t stop laughing!

  • @meley-eritreanwellbeingmed4010
    @meley-eritreanwellbeingmed4010 8 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for the laugh Russell Haward.

  • @twilliamspro
    @twilliamspro 2 роки тому +116

    I could totally imagine Andrew spending 4 days being awkward about telling Epstein He didn't want to be mates anymore before bottling it and just leaving

    • @random6809
      @random6809 2 роки тому +1

      Indeed, if it was me, blocking him on whatsapp would have have made it obvious.

    • @ninavongunten122
      @ninavongunten122 Рік тому +1

      Cash wasn't the issue because he could have used
      a credit card for his hotel expenses. He was meeting up with Epstein for his last 4-day party favor/fling before his departure back to London.

  • @c.f.patterson8144
    @c.f.patterson8144 2 роки тому +70

    😂😂😂😂...Look at andrew's eyes!! He's making up $hit up as he goes along!!! 😂😂😂

    • @MissPEC1701
      @MissPEC1701 2 роки тому +4

      That's what made that whole interview hilarious, and the reporter's facial expressions 😂😂😂

    • @wotdoesthisbuttondo
      @wotdoesthisbuttondo 2 роки тому

      @@MissPEC1701 Smearing innocents as pedos is a joke to lefty c*nts that's for sure for they are inhuman, we saw that with Leon brittan who this b'stard probably shrieked was "guilty" as well yet they always let off their imported block voters that are most definitely guilty, just ask the girls of Rotherham.

  • @LilySteph1949
    @LilySteph1949 2 роки тому +318

    I'm so happy I stumbled upon this channel. He's completely hilarious. Subb’d

    • @SuperFAILMC
      @SuperFAILMC 2 роки тому +8

      Russel Howard is a big comedian in the uk for ripping the shit out of people

    • @roserainbird2365
      @roserainbird2365 2 роки тому +3

      He’s been on TV for years as well he’s absolutely hilarious. Takes the piss out of the right people and does it without discriminating or being a pr*ck he’s brilliant

  • @Klockorino
    @Klockorino 6 днів тому +2

    “The girl said you were sweaty.”
    *Rolls a 1 on deception*
    “I don’t sweat.”

  • @MJMS88
    @MJMS88 2 роки тому +22

    This is the problem with some of the Royals.
    I can imagine Andrew in the 80s,90s,00s racking up tens of thousands in champagne,eating at all the top restaurants all the top hotels and just wacking it on the tax payers bill.
    Well matey time is up.

  • @Greenpoloboy3
    @Greenpoloboy3 2 роки тому +281

    I really think Andrew is so out of touch with reality that he believes the public adore him

    • @RomanSionis85
      @RomanSionis85 2 роки тому +3

      Well we are all in the same boat 😉 😜 😘 🤣

    • @Greenpoloboy3
      @Greenpoloboy3 2 роки тому +4

      @@RomanSionis85 Exactly, but he won't believe you. He would expect to be the only one in the boat and throw everyone else overboard, or as least everyone else does the rowing for him

    • @thecinematicmind
      @thecinematicmind 2 роки тому +5

      He would only be in touch of the cold bars inside the Tower of London.

    • @RM-gk2ck
      @RM-gk2ck 2 роки тому +8

      That’s cos he’s only in touch with the kids

    • @jt9463
      @jt9463 2 роки тому +4

      @@Greenpoloboy3 that's not true! He probably keep a teen or two on board.... you know to keep him company till it reaches Epstein Island.

  • @PandoraFoxxBurlesque
    @PandoraFoxxBurlesque 2 роки тому +136

    He's just given more credence to the whole "the royals are lizard people!" thing if he's so insisted that he can't sweat 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable 2 роки тому +5

      dont ask for a blood sample

    • @alexselby349
      @alexselby349 2 роки тому +8

      Talking of Lizard People, we'll monitor the situation 🦎

  • @StellaAdler_
    @StellaAdler_ 11 місяців тому +2

    I watched his interview at least half a dozen times & i just heard it now (i watched it again) I cannot believe that he said what he said & neither she or anyone picked up on it!
    He said when she asked about when he was in J.E townhouse & HE replied “no, i was in Chicago, because the next day SHE (Virginia) and they all went to the island.” So he DOES know her!!!
    How the interviewer didn’t register this answer is wild! HOW did we all not notice?! She needs to speak up about this because this is BIG!! This is HUGE!!

  • @RJ-de5eu
    @RJ-de5eu 2 роки тому +119

    Interviewer: "she claims that you sweat": Andrew "I simply could not sweat at the time , its a well documented symptom of PTSD, medically proven, impossible, shots fired, sweats all gone from me" ... Quick witted retort Andrew, the prosecution won't know whats hit them , they thought you could sweat and you proved you cant with science. 🦎 The sweat defence. Genious

    • @randyschwaggins
      @randyschwaggins 2 роки тому +20

      Except a number of eminent neurologists and dermatologists were asked afterwards about this condition and all of then said they had never heard of any condition that could make someone unable to sweat

    • @karlharrison6544
      @karlharrison6544 2 роки тому +10

      I have been diagnosed with PTSD and guess what, I sweat as much as anybody else his own diagnosis I must be very unusual

    • @mtbmadman187
      @mtbmadman187 2 роки тому +2

      I need me some ptsd always bloody sweating!

    • @TheBeetress
      @TheBeetress 2 роки тому +5

      It's a well know deflection tactic. That one small detail is incorrect therefore the entire story is made up

    • @lornahulse8065
      @lornahulse8065 2 роки тому +12

      There are absolutely conditions that can stop people from sweating and the medical name for this is anhidrosis. It being caused in the way Andrew is claiming is makes no sense though.

  • @laghezza190
    @laghezza190 2 роки тому +94

    Never laughed soooo much man, Russell is actually one of my favourite comedians, ever been and always be, he's just hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣

  • @steventribe4953
    @steventribe4953 2 роки тому +39

    He paid £12m to a woman he never met and £3m to his wife in a divorce settlement 🤫🤫🤫

  • @davidtaylor2776
    @davidtaylor2776 2 роки тому +8

    Russel Howard most under rated comedian

  • @bandit4550
    @bandit4550 2 роки тому +112

    The only thing he regrets is that he was exposed.

    • @elkpaz560
      @elkpaz560 2 роки тому +3

      He probably regrets that his wife took a big loan of money from Epstein because Budgie the Helicopter and appearing on Oprah were not enough.

    • @nicho9292
      @nicho9292 2 роки тому +1

      The crazy thing is this has been going on for years. Princess Diana and Gill dando was best friends they both knew prince charles prince Andrew jimmy saville just to name a few was involved in a peodo ring run by Robert maxwell and had spoke about it . Gill dando was involved with Watch dog a bbc run program exposing corruption drugs fraud etc . She went to the BBC with the biggest story ever involving the very top of society in peodo ring. Diana left prince Charles because of this. I join dots that no one else sees it’s not a coincidence that both Gill and Diana was both murdered a month apart because of this story and years later we are back here with people trying to cover up their sick perverted ways

    • @athena_the_hun1097
      @athena_the_hun1097 2 роки тому

      @@nicho9292 dang! I just read up on the other lady - of course this is what happened. Killed at her doorstep and left her purse… I’ll bet she and Diana had already discussed the exposure or gone on video and done the interview. THIS does totally explain it for me. 😮
      What they might not have realized is the technology that surveilled them or the ‘trusted’ friend/co-worker that was complicit in the crimes against children.

  • @Radagast-
    @Radagast- 2 роки тому +57

    Even now I can feel my toes curling up with embarrassment as he makes the "no sweating" claim. "Hubris," that's the word... Just the arrogance to take it for granted that his bs would be used by the plebs as a condiment to squirt on their pie and chips..

  • @CommodoreVic20
    @CommodoreVic20 2 роки тому +37

    Ive often paid out millions to people I've never met to do things with them I've never done. Easy mistake to make.

  • @ron56pvi13
    @ron56pvi13 Рік тому +13

    Some people have said the Crown is being too harsh with Andrew. Remember, the Crown has MI5 and is perfectly aware of ALL that Andrew has done.

    • @JakJim1
      @JakJim1 Рік тому

      The whole family was and is evil

    • @youknow227
      @youknow227 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@JakJim1 Bowes Lyons cousins

  • @harharharman_1218
    @harharharman_1218 2 роки тому +35

    That description of Squid Game was the best one i have ever heard
    Koreans getting shot in the head whilst playing marbles