💚I meet that girl every night. The girl in your heart is in my heart too. We listened to music together in the library, enjoyed watching paintings, and talked about movies. 🌸The girl is dreaming of apricot blossoms now!! Red apricot blossoms is ecstatic as snow and sweet as love!! This trail she's walking along with flowers is definitely what I'm dreaming at this moment. 🎨The composition of the painting is truly impressive, with branches and flowers drawn from top to bottom.
Hamster, I can feel spring in the composition and content of your writing. Green heart, pink cherry blossoms, and a colorful palette! What a thoughtful consideration!😘
홍매화와 여자아이...
수채화와 수묵화
오늘 올린 영상도 별님의 취향저격일까요?🤣
멋지고 사랑스러워요
마음 속 여자아이?
나무샘이아닐까요' ?
선생님 그림 이뻐해주셔서 감사합니다! 늘 멋진모습 존경해요😘😘
💚I meet that girl every night.
The girl in your heart is in my heart too.
We listened to music together in the library, enjoyed watching paintings, and talked about movies.
🌸The girl is dreaming of apricot blossoms now!!
Red apricot blossoms is ecstatic as snow and sweet as love!!
This trail she's walking along with flowers is definitely what I'm dreaming at this moment.
🎨The composition of the painting is truly impressive, with branches and flowers drawn from top to bottom.
Hamster, I can feel spring in the composition and content of your writing. Green heart, pink cherry blossoms, and a colorful palette! What a thoughtful consideration!😘
내면아이 에 대해 설명 좀 해주시면 좋겠어요...
아~아주 쉽게요 ~^^
전~~혀 닭살 돋지 않았어요. 그저 어여쁜 소녀라 예쁘기만 했답니다. 😘
요즘 좀 쌀쌀해서 아직 겨울이구나 싶은데 그림을 보고 있으니 빨리 봄이 와서 옷도 좀 가볍게 입고 따뜻한 봄바람을 맞고 싶다는 생각이 들었어요. ^^
지영님 봄볕받으며 건강하고 행복하시죠? 일주일이 금새 지나요..ㅜㅠ 그래도 봄기운이 느껴져서 좋은 날들입니다! 지난주 내면아이 그림이 좋아서 어제 2탄 그렸어요. 가급적이면 오늘 올리고 싶은데 시간 안되면 내일 올릴게요. 시리즈로 몇번 그릴것 같아요😁