The only reason to build a time machine to go forward in time is if you're going so far ahead that you HAVE to. Say if the SkyNet launch date were 2077 (where Sarah Connor would be 113, if she were still alive at all), not 2017, that'd kinda make sense. But as set up, yeah, time travelling forward is hilariously crap.
I think you are missing out on why T2 is so beloved. Yes, the action scenes are spectacular and the T-1000 effects were amazing for their time, but the real reason people love it so much was because of the humanity and emotion it has underneath. People loved seeing the Terminator learn to become human and in general, have the film explore what it means to be a person. They weren't just impressed by eye-candy, they were genuinely moved by the film's heart. Not saying the first film didn't have heart, but the second film focused on it more and gave the audience a more emotionally satisfying experience while dazzling them with eye-popping effects and action sequences. Saying people only liked it because of the latter reasons is like saying people only liked Frozen because the songs were really catchy.
alan smithee Yes, yes, and yes. I'd also like to add that it's one of the only truly great action movies. You could stretch the definition to include The Dark Knight and there are a few others that should be in the conversation (Aliens, for example) but this is not a genre that typically sees movies of the calibre of T2. Action movies are fun, action movies are exciting, but action movies are not smart, complex, or explorations of the human condition. But T2 is. And that's worth a hell of a lot in my book.
Hezekiah Ramirez It always bothers me whenever people say the Joker was the only good thing about The Dark Knight and without him, we'd get a shitty fucking movie. Did those people watch the same movie I did? Because there's so much more to talk about in The Dark Knight than just the Joker being awesome. I mean, even without him, the movie has smart themes, great action sequences, complex characters, strong performances, and an overall great story. People didn't just love a movie because they didn't expect one of the gay cowboys from Brokeback Mountain to be so terrifying, they loved it because it was a genuinely great movie.
alan smithee Yeah some people like T2 because of the Terminator becoming human in emotion but if you loved the original then that transformation is pretty lame, I mean imagine if the Xenomorph or Predator became a good guys? I'm not going to criticise you for likeing but understand that T2 basically defangs one of the 80's greatest movie villains/monsters.
T2 seems to suffer a lot from being linked to T1, and while they're both good action movies, there are significant differences in how the audience is engaged. T1 is an action/horror movie. Its most memorable scene (imho ofc) is the one where Arnie pulls part of his face off and we see the monster underneath that is out to get the protagonist, and there's a constant sense of tension throughout its run. T2 I consider to be an action/drama movie told from the perspective of a child from a broken family. He himself admits that his mother (Sarah Connor) could not spare the time to be a real mother even before she got sent to the asylum (what with preparing for judgement day and all that). So he gradually molds Arnie into the father he never had, like in those scenes where Arnie breaks "the rules" trying to kill someone and John points out that that's not what he's supposed to do (... to fit the model the terminator is being pushed into becoming). That's why its most powerful scene is not an action one, but a drama one, when John has to say goodbye to his "father". What's really cool about these two movies is how they used the terminator concept in completely different (and functional) ways.
Scrotus Maximus yeah no I love T2. T1 is the better movie because it's more engaging and has better tension, but T2 is the more exciting and fun to watch film with a great ending for all the characters.
I think the issue is that T1 is an uncompromisingly brutal, nasty, gritty film, while T2 plays like a fairly conventional 90s blockbuster action movie. People complained about Genisys and T4 being PG-13, but T2 is almost an R-rated kids movie, if you understand my meaning. It's still a great movie, but I do think many Gen-xers look at it with slightly rose-tinted glasses. I've certainly grown to prefer the first film over the years.
My name for this is Plottwist the motion picture. 1, Oh a T-101 has destroyed the T-800 2, The T-1000 has come back to 1984 3, Another Terminator was sent back early in time to kill Sarah, but was stopped by the T-101 4, Judgement Day happened in a different time, caused by something different 5, John Conner was turned into a T-3000 And all that is within the first hour
Lugbzurg Right? didn't he even say, essentially "I know that's what you're here for but that's not what I'm trying to do"? Bob knows when to take down a movie and when not to
Graham Kristensen I dont know, Pixels was ok, i dident hate it and i dident like it either, futuerama did an episode like it and that was some what better
Ok Bob, i know your happy that your vile-filled Pixels review got you a lot of views, and it was GREAT because a) Pixels deserved it and b) you dont speak like that all the time. Please dont make vile your norm.
Just watched Terminator Genisys. I did like some parts of it and I didn't hate myself for watching it, but man, it was underwhelming and confusing! Movie had so much potential.
Lemon ased ...jab at Genisys? Anywho, while I can give Bob thumbs up for poking at plot holes...I do not agree wholesale. I actually enjoyed the movie....waaaaay more than I did 3 and 4.
It's funny because you were pretty fine and hyped about this movie when the trailers came out. Pixels with old video games? Might be good! Terminator being a reboot prequel whatever? Heh, that doesn't sound shit at all!
Rashad Moore That's not really a great review. "I'll admit that slamming my hand in the car door broke three of my fingers, but I still liked it better than having my feet cut off over a period of nine days."
Rashad Moore I was actually enjoying the film for the first half. It was playing on my nostalgia, I guess. All the little nods to the first film. But then they have to go and jump ahead to the future and where Bob is getting a T2 vibe I'm getting a T3 vibe. I'm reading John as the TX, Skynet is software, so on and so forth. Also, if they were going to go with a cheesy action flick, the LEAST they could have done was give Arnie his upgrade during the fight. Not that I don't hate the movie for not even having the guts to let the Terminator sacrifice himself for the greater good, like in T2.
"Jia Courtney an actor so unable to register as a presence on screen Sam Worthington wants to know who the fuck he is" Mega Lolz! The thing i remember most about Jia's performance is he's barefoot for most of it. Because the number of times he and the girl had to strip off to go back in time (boy did that implied gratuitous nudity get real old real fast) and they find clothes but not shoes or socks, so they are running around in their bare feet for the most of it. But what an actor he is if the fact he has no footwear is the most memorable thing.
Yeah that about sums up my feelings toward this movie too. I've definitely lost hope for this series at this point. Though I do think calling T2 "just a solid big budget 90s blockbuster" is a bit harsh.
JewTube A lot of people would disagree with "it ain't a classic". But it doesn't matter what anyone thinks because a when it comes to the criteria for a movie being considered "classic" it's purely subjective.
ISetYourFaceOnFire It's not purely subjective. When it comes to "classics" it goes beyond personal opinion. It's a sort of consensus. Back To The Future, for example, is a classic. Why? Because it's so universally beloved that it's transcended an ordinary movie. Same with Aliens, Star Wars, Wrath of Khan, Patton, Animal House, and the list goes on and on. It can be a classic in someone's book but that's different from being a "capital C Classic."
Hezekiah Ramirez Everything you just said there is still your perspective and your personal criteria of what makes a classic. But the way you worded that comment, was as if what you're saying is fact. It's not. But going by your logic, Terminator 2 would be a classic as well, as it transcended an ordinary movie, it is what a sequel should be, not to mention it raised the bar for action movies and did some very innovative things. But this is my opinion, much like what your comment is, it's your opinion.
2:05 _Terminator But With An Annoying Middle School Child_ is, funny enough, exactly to my personal tastes. So I can see your point, but for me those elements actually make the movie better! Lucky me
They had a solution. It was Sarah Connor Chronicles. Take any potential and put it on a TV budget. Series can use the long legs of good sci-fi concepts. Movies necessarily have to be 'right to the point' and the good ideas of Terminator aren't that short anymore.
I watched T2 again and am still blown away with how great it is as an action film. The whole film feels like every member of the production was on the top of their game for that installment (James Cameron, Stan Winston, Brad Fiedel, William Wisher, Linda Hamilton, Arnold, Robert Patrick) and it shows on screen. Its actually astounding how people were amazed on release with the T-1000 effects, but nowadays people are amazed at the bits where the truck drives into the storm drains, or the helicopter chasing the swat van, or the practical T-1000 models. It really holds up as a masterpiece of the action film.
1:37 lol It's like you were talking directly at me as I was rolling my eyes and bitching at that comment. That perfectly timed. I was like "Who you telling to stfu" lololol
My big question about this abortion of a franchise cash grab was simply: At what point during the raising of Sarah Connor from childhood did the Terminator decide it would be a tactical advantage to equip her this a breast augmentation?
Abel Micros I wasn't talking about this one particular series. Sure one guy might have a difference in opinion about one movie or a few, but I've been following his work since he was with the Escapist (As I am sure many of us were), and even from then, he has made it known that he hates the 90's, hell he did a whole video explain that, but aside from that, he seems to hate every comic and characters from the 90's, including the ones that are generally liked. Again, not like a few characters from one particular era is fine, but it just so happens that he seems to hate EVERY popular character from that ONE era. And not just comics, but video games too. In his last few Game Overthinger videos he does for Screw Attack, when he is using games as a positive example, almost all the games were from the 80's, and every other era after he uses to show the negative side of gaming, and the ONE game that I can think of he used as an example of games being a positive thing from sometime out of the 90's, was Street Fighter 2, which is odd, cause in his video explaining why Jackie Chan should be in Smash, he didn't seem to think too highly of Ryu being put in Smash (Though that could have been scripted sarcasm,). Also, on an unrelated note, he used Street Fighter to demonstrate how diverse games from Japan was, when the rest of the world uses Street Fighter to show the opposite, which kinda leads me to believe he didn't exactly care for the game, but used it anyway to prove a point, but that's off topic. And the final nail why I think Bob hates the 90's is this, Terminator 2, which he simply says is a dumb action movie, which is fine. He doesn't like one movie that I like, but if you add up all the other stuff he says in his videos, well, the only conclusion I caa draw is that he is biased against the 90's.
Thomas Flanigan You got me there. I would use the "Every rule has an exception" line, but we know that's kind of a weak argument. But let's be honest now, if there was a version of Independence Day that was out in the 80's, with all it's 80's tropes, along with the one we got in the 90's, which one do you think Bob would say is the better one?
Your review got me wanting to see this film, just so I can attempt to untangle its spaghetti like plot and find out if there is any hidden juicy meatballs sub plots yet undiscovered.
‘What if we explored every single ‘what if’ moment from the fan forums’ actually worked reasonably well in Sarah Connor Chronicles because they actually took the time and effort to set up, explore, and smash together all of the most interesting ideas. This is that, but only the flashiest possible ideas in the hollowmost way at the highest possible speed so you don’t notice that none of them fit at all..
Bob falls into the same trap with Terminator that a lot of people do with Sonic: assuming there’s one, catch-all reason why it sucked so hard after a certain point, and furthermore that the reason is something visibly identifiable within the property itself.
Linda Hamilton's performance is just so good, and there's that long stretch of ominous, quite reflection during that second act that really puts T2 on top for me.
After seeing reference to Look Who's Talking Now and Terminator 2, I realize now that the evil toilet from the former freaked me out more than the latter did.
I always liked the theory that Skynet couldn't stop John Conner. Because it was trying to undo a paradox it created, by sending the T-800 back in the first place. Necessitating the need for Kyle to go back in time and save Sarah. When the whole time John's father was Sarah's live-in boyfriend. Who was killed and forgotten about almost immediately. There's a premise that could be an interesting story. It has major, major problems, but a creative writing team could fix them. It would have been better than stringing together recreated visuals from previous movies just because.
Honestly, I completely forgot about this movie. I remember my friends being hyped for it but as time went on I think even they, huge Terminator and Schwarzenegger fan, even forgot it was in development. Only thing I can really remember is seeing all these pictures of Arnold being ripped. That's it.
I'm 36 years old and I STILL love Terminator II. And the Terminator's evolution through that movie to, "I know now why you cry" is worth the price of admission ALONE. It IS better than the first and the effects are still great.
I remember T2 from when I was a kid and I saw the original one when I was older around 13 or so and to me those are the only two Terminator movies, when I saw 3 and I was done.
StevenGaspard Yeah... Im not liking the latest moviebob stuff nowadays. Sad to have to leave, but thats probably what I will do if all the reviews are from AVGN
StevenGaspard in his defense, the movies where he went ape shit, were some of the worst movie of the year. Im pretty sure that he will tone it down if something is meh to better.
This is just what I was worried about after the Pixels review, aka his worst review. This comes off as Bob trying to recapture... whatever made the Pixels review go viral. I REALLY hope this doesn't become the norm.
By god, man. I might not agree with you on this one, but how you express yourself is why I watched your videos on the Escapist and why I'll continue to watch 'em now. Rock on, dude.
The going forward in time to stop skynet was actually done before in the Sarah Connor series, the reason for doing so was because Sarah is due to die of cancer and won't be around long enough to get the job done otherwise. I guess they skipped giving a reason this time around.
Thanks for posting a review. I was very surprised there wasn't one when the film was released. The Mother of Dragons and Turbo Man! Calisi and the Governator! HA HA HA Loved it!
So, I'm seeing some of that old "It seemed cool at the time, but it's stupid now, and if you like it now, you're just nostalgia-blind!" attitude. I saw the first four Terminator films FOR THE FIRST TIME just a few months ago, and they all seemed fine. I actually really liked how Terminator Salvation was FINALLY moving on from the old cat-and-mouse games and did something different... only to be sorely bummed-out when Terminator Genisys rolled right back into safe territory again.
They were trying to compress all of the Terminator content into a single movie. The jumping forward in time part was taken from The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
6:00 "They don't need a time machine to go forward in time. They are already doing that. That's how time works."
That's an awesome line.
The only reason to build a time machine to go forward in time is if you're going so far ahead that you HAVE to. Say if the SkyNet launch date were 2077 (where Sarah Connor would be 113, if she were still alive at all), not 2017, that'd kinda make sense. But as set up, yeah, time travelling forward is hilariously crap.
I think you are missing out on why T2 is so beloved. Yes, the action scenes are spectacular and the T-1000 effects were amazing for their time, but the real reason people love it so much was because of the humanity and emotion it has underneath. People loved seeing the Terminator learn to become human and in general, have the film explore what it means to be a person. They weren't just impressed by eye-candy, they were genuinely moved by the film's heart. Not saying the first film didn't have heart, but the second film focused on it more and gave the audience a more emotionally satisfying experience while dazzling them with eye-popping effects and action sequences. Saying people only liked it because of the latter reasons is like saying people only liked Frozen because the songs were really catchy.
alan smithee This guy gets it.
alan smithee Yes, yes, and yes. I'd also like to add that it's one of the only truly great action movies. You could stretch the definition to include The Dark Knight and there are a few others that should be in the conversation (Aliens, for example) but this is not a genre that typically sees movies of the calibre of T2. Action movies are fun, action movies are exciting, but action movies are not smart, complex, or explorations of the human condition. But T2 is. And that's worth a hell of a lot in my book.
Hezekiah Ramirez It always bothers me whenever people say the Joker was the only good thing about The Dark Knight and without him, we'd get a shitty fucking movie. Did those people watch the same movie I did? Because there's so much more to talk about in The Dark Knight than just the Joker being awesome. I mean, even without him, the movie has smart themes, great action sequences, complex characters, strong performances, and an overall great story. People didn't just love a movie because they didn't expect one of the gay cowboys from Brokeback Mountain to be so terrifying, they loved it because it was a genuinely great movie.
alan smithee Two-Face was pretty awesome in _Dark Knight_. That's another reason to love the movie, I guess.
alan smithee Yeah some people like T2 because of the Terminator becoming human in emotion but if you loved the original then that transformation is pretty lame, I mean imagine if the Xenomorph or Predator became a good guys? I'm not going to criticise you for likeing but understand that T2 basically defangs one of the 80's greatest movie villains/monsters.
The only good Terminator movie aside from T1 and T2 is "No Country For Old Men".
Holy shit, you're not wrong.
"That's how time works."
Laughing so hard.
T2 seems to suffer a lot from being linked to T1, and while they're both good action movies, there are significant differences in how the audience is engaged.
T1 is an action/horror movie. Its most memorable scene (imho ofc) is the one where Arnie pulls part of his face off and we see the monster underneath that is out to get the protagonist, and there's a constant sense of tension throughout its run.
T2 I consider to be an action/drama movie told from the perspective of a child from a broken family. He himself admits that his mother (Sarah Connor) could not spare the time to be a real mother even before she got sent to the asylum (what with preparing for judgement day and all that). So he gradually molds Arnie into the father he never had, like in those scenes where Arnie breaks "the rules" trying to kill someone and John points out that that's not what he's supposed to do (... to fit the model the terminator is being pushed into becoming). That's why its most powerful scene is not an action one, but a drama one, when John has to say goodbye to his "father".
What's really cool about these two movies is how they used the terminator concept in completely different (and functional) ways.
Scrotus Maximus yeah no I love T2. T1 is the better movie because it's more engaging and has better tension, but T2 is the more exciting and fun to watch film with a great ending for all the characters.
T1 is a better movie because the Terminator felt like an actual terminator.
MB's only real attack on T2, as far as I can tell, is that it was willing to have a little fun with itself. That was a problem with T3- not T2.
I think the issue is that T1 is an uncompromisingly brutal, nasty, gritty film, while T2 plays like a fairly conventional 90s blockbuster action movie. People complained about Genisys and T4 being PG-13, but T2 is almost an R-rated kids movie, if you understand my meaning.
It's still a great movie, but I do think many Gen-xers look at it with slightly rose-tinted glasses. I've certainly grown to prefer the first film over the years.
My name for this is Plottwist the motion picture.
1, Oh a T-101 has destroyed the T-800
2, The T-1000 has come back to 1984
3, Another Terminator was sent back early in time to kill Sarah, but was stopped by the T-101
4, Judgement Day happened in a different time, caused by something different
5, John Conner was turned into a T-3000
And all that is within the first hour
I hope this style of review doesn't become the norm now that your Pixels review broke the million view mark.
Omey Salvi Considering what we just watched here, that's pretty ironic.
Lugbzurg Right? didn't he even say, essentially "I know that's what you're here for but that's not what I'm trying to do"? Bob knows when to take down a movie and when not to
His Pixels Review was so "On the nose" that E! Online quoted it as how bad Sandler is embarrassing himself these days.
Guess what it's going to be the norm
Graham Kristensen I dont know, Pixels was ok, i dident hate it and i dident like it either, futuerama did an episode like it and that was some what better
That golden moment when the add on a Movie Bob video is "Pixles" :P
Ok Bob, i know your happy that your vile-filled Pixels review got you a lot of views, and it was GREAT because a) Pixels deserved it and b) you dont speak like that all the time. Please dont make vile your norm.
Good news is he didn't.
Just watched Terminator Genisys. I did like some parts of it and I didn't hate myself for watching it, but man, it was underwhelming and confusing! Movie had so much potential.
I liked it. Shame Bob doesn't feel the same way. But what can you do.
***** Thats how I feel as well.
***** yeah I really enjoyed it.
***** For me like is a bit strong , it was decent and its the best one since 2
I still cant believe he spelled fanservice as fansirvys
Lemon ased ...jab at Genisys? Anywho, while I can give Bob thumbs up for poking at plot holes...I do not agree wholesale. I actually enjoyed the movie....waaaaay more than I did 3 and 4.
It's funny because you were pretty fine and hyped about this movie when the trailers came out.
Pixels with old video games? Might be good!
Terminator being a reboot prequel whatever? Heh, that doesn't sound shit at all!
My 13 year-old son and I watch this video review regularly, as art.
I'll admit that Genisys is shameless fanservice, but I still liked it better than 3 and Salvation.
Rashad Moore That's not really a great review. "I'll admit that slamming my hand in the car door broke three of my fingers, but I still liked it better than having my feet cut off over a period of nine days."
Same here
Rashad Moore I was actually enjoying the film for the first half. It was playing on my nostalgia, I guess. All the little nods to the first film. But then they have to go and jump ahead to the future and where Bob is getting a T2 vibe I'm getting a T3 vibe. I'm reading John as the TX, Skynet is software, so on and so forth.
Also, if they were going to go with a cheesy action flick, the LEAST they could have done was give Arnie his upgrade during the fight. Not that I don't hate the movie for not even having the guts to let the Terminator sacrifice himself for the greater good, like in T2.
is because you like one movie better over a crappy movie doesn't make it a good movie
quite a high bar
"Jia Courtney an actor so unable to register as a presence on screen Sam Worthington wants to know who the fuck he is" Mega Lolz! The thing i remember most about Jia's performance is he's barefoot for most of it. Because the number of times he and the girl had to strip off to go back in time (boy did that implied gratuitous nudity get real old real fast) and they find clothes but not shoes or socks, so they are running around in their bare feet for the most of it. But what an actor he is if the fact he has no footwear is the most memorable thing.
How ironic that Genisys travels to Judgement Day in 2017.
Terminator 2 being described as merely pretty good? Fuck yeah, thank you.
Throw whatever you want at me, I will ALWAYS cry at the end of T2.
Yeah that about sums up my feelings toward this movie too. I've definitely lost hope for this series at this point. Though I do think calling T2 "just a solid big budget 90s blockbuster" is a bit harsh.
Chris Wyatt its true though. it was good at the but time, but it ain't a classic.
JewTube A lot of people would disagree with "it ain't a classic". But it doesn't matter what anyone thinks because a when it comes to the criteria for a movie being considered "classic" it's purely subjective.
Maybe, but it's far from a harsh criticism to say so.
ISetYourFaceOnFire It's not purely subjective. When it comes to "classics" it goes beyond personal opinion. It's a sort of consensus. Back To The Future, for example, is a classic. Why? Because it's so universally beloved that it's transcended an ordinary movie. Same with Aliens, Star Wars, Wrath of Khan, Patton, Animal House, and the list goes on and on. It can be a classic in someone's book but that's different from being a "capital C Classic."
Hezekiah Ramirez
Everything you just said there is still your perspective and your personal criteria of what makes a classic. But the way you worded that comment, was as if what you're saying is fact. It's not. But going by your logic, Terminator 2 would be a classic as well, as it transcended an ordinary movie, it is what a sequel should be, not to mention it raised the bar for action movies and did some very innovative things. But this is my opinion, much like what your comment is, it's your opinion.
No need for the spoilers warning. The fucking trailer beat you to it! It had the entire story in it!
2:05 _Terminator But With An Annoying Middle School Child_ is, funny enough, exactly to my personal tastes. So I can see your point, but for me those elements actually make the movie better! Lucky me
Seen the movie twice. IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE
lol "its a remake and a reboot and a sequel and a prequel"
that's time travel for ya
Mother of Dragons and THAT'S a movie!
It's turbo time!!!!
Put that cookie down!!!!
Bob's sacking from the Escapist really got to him....
Damn Bob, you're doing a f------ great job !
They had a solution. It was Sarah Connor Chronicles. Take any potential and put it on a TV budget. Series can use the long legs of good sci-fi concepts. Movies necessarily have to be 'right to the point' and the good ideas of Terminator aren't that short anymore.
THIS IS THE GREATEST REVIEW STYLE EVER!!! please review more movies! i can listen to every review all day! Really Entertaining
I watched T2 again and am still blown away with how great it is as an action film. The whole film feels like every member of the production was on the top of their game for that installment (James Cameron, Stan Winston, Brad Fiedel, William Wisher, Linda Hamilton, Arnold, Robert Patrick) and it shows on screen. Its actually astounding how people were amazed on release with the T-1000 effects, but nowadays people are amazed at the bits where the truck drives into the storm drains, or the helicopter chasing the swat van, or the practical T-1000 models. It really holds up as a masterpiece of the action film.
I would really be into a Really That Good about Alien.
This franchise ended with T2, let's face it! this one underperformed and T6 bombed
"They don't need a time machine to go forward in time! They're already doing that! That's how time works!" I fucking lost it.
"limper than Waylon Smithers at the Playboy Mansion" - I fucking died
1:37 lol It's like you were talking directly at me as I was rolling my eyes and bitching at that comment. That perfectly timed. I was like "Who you telling to stfu" lololol
You think that T2 doesn't hold up?
Now that's just plain incorrect.
Nice to see this in 1080p. Good job.
I've never been so entertained listening to someone hate everything.
keep it up, Bob-O
If you like people hating everything. Watch the UA-camr I Hate Everything.
i aspire to naturally speak with your vernacular literally all the time.
Damn it Bob, the very reason I'm watching these videos is for stalling purposes because I DON'T want to clean my bathroom.
"That's how time WORKS!"
My big question about this abortion of a franchise cash grab was simply: At what point during the raising of Sarah Connor from childhood did the Terminator decide it would be a tactical advantage to equip her this a breast augmentation?
I agree with you on everything except your thoughts on T2. I love that movie and to this day I enjoy it as much as did when I first saw it in 1991.
Surprised on the late review
A Jim Sterling and Moviebob upload in the same night!? What a lovely night.
Its like the voices in my head formed their own review. Brilliant
bob, any plans for a new big picture like show? i heard there was something coming, but I'm becoming impatient :)
Roo F He has a show with Screw Attack called "In Bob we Trust"
DakNJaxter how many episodes are there? i think i saw one
Roo F 5 or 6.
He also does a Game Overthinker series, which is a similar thing but more games-oriented. That has about 6 episodes too.
Roo F Trust The Bob!
I still haven't seen Salvation. I should do that some day. I'll buy this disaster at a yard sale one day for $1.
tetsubo57 Watch it online for free, save the dollar.
tetsubo57 If you did, you would be over-spending.
Do yourself a favor, don't watch this turd, EVER!!
I'm gonna guess Bob hates ANYTHING from the 90's.
Tommy9834 Independence Day.
Tommy9834 No, he's just *right*. Making The Terminator into a goodguy pretty much sucks.
Abel Micros
I wasn't talking about this one particular series. Sure one guy might have a difference in opinion about one movie or a few, but I've been following his work since he was with the Escapist (As I am sure many of us were), and even from then, he has made it known that he hates the 90's, hell he did a whole video explain that, but aside from that, he seems to hate every comic and characters from the 90's, including the ones that are generally liked. Again, not like a few characters from one particular era is fine, but it just so happens that he seems to hate EVERY popular character from that ONE era.
And not just comics, but video games too. In his last few Game Overthinger videos he does for Screw Attack, when he is using games as a positive example, almost all the games were from the 80's, and every other era after he uses to show the negative side of gaming, and the ONE game that I can think of he used as an example of games being a positive thing from sometime out of the 90's, was Street Fighter 2, which is odd, cause in his video explaining why Jackie Chan should be in Smash, he didn't seem to think too highly of Ryu being put in Smash (Though that could have been scripted sarcasm,). Also, on an unrelated note, he used Street Fighter to demonstrate how diverse games from Japan was, when the rest of the world uses Street Fighter to show the opposite, which kinda leads me to believe he didn't exactly care for the game, but used it anyway to prove a point, but that's off topic.
And the final nail why I think Bob hates the 90's is this, Terminator 2, which he simply says is a dumb action movie, which is fine. He doesn't like one movie that I like, but if you add up all the other stuff he says in his videos, well, the only conclusion I caa draw is that he is biased against the 90's.
Abel Micros Bob?
That's cute.
Thomas Flanigan
You got me there. I would use the "Every rule has an exception" line, but we know that's kind of a weak argument.
But let's be honest now, if there was a version of Independence Day that was out in the 80's, with all it's 80's tropes, along with the one we got in the 90's, which one do you think Bob would say is the better one?
Your review got me wanting to see this film, just so I can attempt to untangle its spaghetti like plot and find out if there is any hidden juicy meatballs sub plots yet undiscovered.
Plipo Gamez I honestly think the movie is worth a watch. Not as good as the first 2 but way better than the 3rd and 4th.
+Plipo Gamez
As James Cameron said, T: Genisys is the true third film in his mind. It is the worthy successor to his films.
Hey, T2 is sacred!
‘What if we explored every single ‘what if’ moment from the fan forums’ actually worked reasonably well in Sarah Connor Chronicles because they actually took the time and effort to set up, explore, and smash together all of the most interesting ideas. This is that, but only the flashiest possible ideas in the hollowmost way at the highest possible speed so you don’t notice that none of them fit at all..
Bob falls into the same trap with Terminator that a lot of people do with Sonic: assuming there’s one, catch-all reason why it sucked so hard after a certain point, and furthermore that the reason is something visibly identifiable within the property itself.
I love Razorf- uh- I mean- Moviebob's new video format.
Whoa there, Lets calm down, Remember Crono Trigger
...Mommy? The angry Boston man is scaring me!
Love the riff on traveling forwards in time ha ha!
T2 is one of my favourite movies, mainly because it's awesome to see a giant robot with a shotgun and a grenade launcher who's on *our* side.
You're wrong Moviebob. I've watched "Terminator", and I can say with absolute certainty that "Terminator 2" is a superior film in every possible way.
Bobby baby booby bubby, you're getting ya Boston all over the joint.
Really laughed at that bit about moving forward in time, for a movie you said you had nothing to say about this is pretty funny and on the mark
I still get the same excitement from watching Terminator 2 now as I did in the 90s.
"That's how time works" gets me every time. :p
Linda Hamilton's performance is just so good, and there's that long stretch of ominous, quite reflection during that second act that really puts T2 on top for me.
I remember watching Terminator with my older brother when it was released on VHS. That film stuck with me more than any of T2
After seeing reference to Look Who's Talking Now and Terminator 2, I realize now that the evil toilet from the former freaked me out more than the latter did.
I always liked the theory that Skynet couldn't stop John Conner. Because it was trying to undo a paradox it created, by sending the T-800 back in the first place. Necessitating the need for Kyle to go back in time and save Sarah.
When the whole time John's father was Sarah's live-in boyfriend. Who was killed and forgotten about almost immediately.
There's a premise that could be an interesting story. It has major, major problems, but a creative writing team could fix them. It would have been better than stringing together recreated visuals from previous movies just because.
T1 =BONE CRUNCHER!!! Well said, love this f!ckin guy!
Love that term.
hey good to see your still alive
Honestly, I completely forgot about this movie. I remember my friends being hyped for it but as time went on I think even they, huge Terminator and Schwarzenegger fan, even forgot it was in development. Only thing I can really remember is seeing all these pictures of Arnold being ripped. That's it.
I think the word Bob was looking for (several times there) would be santorum.
I'm re-watching this for fun, and the video was preceded by a Terminator Genisys on Blu-Ray commercial...
I'm 36 years old and I STILL love Terminator II. And the Terminator's evolution through that movie to, "I know now why you cry" is worth the price of admission ALONE. It IS better than the first and the effects are still great.
"That's how Time works!" -Moviebob, 2015
I remember T2 from when I was a kid and I saw the original one when I was older around 13 or so and to me those are the only two Terminator movies, when I saw 3 and I was done.
these are the kind of movies i like to watch from the internet.. something that doesnt feel like it deserves the attenction for a sequel
the boston foul mouthed bob isnt as cool as the professional bob
StevenGaspard right, he's cooler
JewTube Nah, angrily ranting on UA-cam with constant references to bodily waste got old after the first couple of years of the AVGN.
Hezekiah Ramirez
never watched them, do they even have Boston accents?
StevenGaspard Yeah... Im not liking the latest moviebob stuff nowadays. Sad to have to leave, but thats probably what I will do if all the reviews are from AVGN
StevenGaspard in his defense, the movies where he went ape shit, were some of the worst movie of the year. Im pretty sure that he will tone it down if something is meh to better.
This is just what I was worried about after the Pixels review, aka his worst review. This comes off as Bob trying to recapture... whatever made the Pixels review go viral. I REALLY hope this doesn't become the norm.
By god, man. I might not agree with you on this one, but how you express yourself is why I watched your videos on the Escapist and why I'll continue to watch 'em now.
Rock on, dude.
Great review Bob, very much agree with it.
you said bad things about T2 - unsub
Is it bad that I might buy the DVD just to get my killer robot fix?
MovieBob is in a vitriolic mood lately XD Somebody needs some ice cream!
The going forward in time to stop skynet was actually done before in the Sarah Connor series, the reason for doing so was because Sarah is due to die of cancer and won't be around long enough to get the job done otherwise. I guess they skipped giving a reason this time around.
I wonder if starship troopers falls into the "really that good" category
It did very well on the international market, so more will come.
3:45 1) replace "T-1000" with "Link"
2) "Asian" with "Female"
3) Watch comment section explode with anger.
Good review otherwise
I didn't think I would hear the words "Mad Max" and "patriarchy" in the same sentence today.
Thanks for posting a review. I was very surprised there wasn't one when the film was released.
The Mother of Dragons and Turbo Man! Calisi and the Governator! HA HA HA Loved it!
So, I'm seeing some of that old "It seemed cool at the time, but it's stupid now, and if you like it now, you're just nostalgia-blind!" attitude. I saw the first four Terminator films FOR THE FIRST TIME just a few months ago, and they all seemed fine. I actually really liked how Terminator Salvation was FINALLY moving on from the old cat-and-mouse games and did something different... only to be sorely bummed-out when Terminator Genisys rolled right back into safe territory again.
2:20-Uh, no, I still love watching T2. You sure as HELL have no right to say how much we enjoy seeing a movie now vs when we first saw it.
I think this movie would've been amazing if it really was Turboman and Daenerys instead of a Terminator and Sarah Connor.
Why am I only now hearing Bob's accent? The way he says anything ending in "er," lol
Loving this new angrier edgier bob. I hope it bleeds over into game over thinker whenever he starts doing stuff for that again.
Cameron just has a knack for making good sequels more action-packed. Ex. Aliens
You had me at "stop making terminator movies" lmao
Terminator needs to die.
Seriously, how many movies can be made about the same subject matter.
They were trying to compress all of the Terminator content into a single movie. The jumping forward in time part was taken from The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
LMAO..this dude is awesome.Subscribed.
The Sam W. joke had me laughing my ass off.