Yeah, they were. I think most of the Marvel movies are just meh overall but goddamn are the DC movies such shit more often than not as of late. The Killing Joke was a complete waste. Batman v Superman was a boring slog and the Ultimate Edition didn't add or do much. Suicide Squad is broken on every level. It's just a complete mess and I love DC.
۠I like how Red Letter Media thinks of Marvel movies as riding the line. Different enough so you get a different taste but similar enough as not to cramp your system.
I think we can all agree that the worst movie of this year was the presidential election. What an awful, awful villain. And don't even get me started on the climax...
Caz Not only did it villain who the audience hates for all the wrong reasons and an ending worse than ME3, but it also had: • An unlikable fuck up of a protagonist who kept getting into trouble and was too stupid to bring the fucking hammer down when they had the chance • three plot twists the supporting protagonists should've seen coming from a mile away but didn't • overall mean-spirited tone • even birdemic had better acting. • cringeworthy comic relief (John Oliver was kinda okay toward the end, but the majority sucked) • the entire film had nothing but blatant contempt towards its audience (it's so bad, the gamergate joke was the LEAST offensive part of the movie!) • i hope whoever did the costume design for the villain got fucking fired; seriously, what was with that godawful haircut?!
Are you kidding? Do you even watch movie? it was great! The humble beginnings of an idiot that everyone said had zero chance of winning, destroying his opponents one after another until he won the greatest victory possible. The story of an underdog! A Shakespearean story of a man with a large ego, robbing the election of a girl who has been dreaming of becoming president since she was a child. Truly a story of the ages. You have no taste if you found that movie to be shit simply because you were rooting for the ''villain'' Hillary to win.
I heartily disagree. Say what you will of the climax, the falling action that followed it was comedy gold. And also kind of moving in a scary, yes-people-actually-are-doing-this-in-real-life kind of way.
Ikrani This guy gets it. If you've been watching the movie from the beginning rather than focusing on the climax, you would see that it's a really well written story.
I work at a grocery store, and when I spot a customer coming through my line with a Redbox rental, I like to strike up a conversation. One man had Independence Day Resurgence and I told him what I had heard about the movie. A few weeks later he came through again and said to me: "You said it was a sequel no one really were right."
Forgot BvS even came out this year. Honestly I feel SO BAD for Cavill. He's the most panel-to-picture perfect rendition of Superman since the Donner original but he keeps having to work with Zach Snyder. Christ.
There's a few shots in Man of Steel that honestly make me believe that he could truly be a great Superman if he was working with a better script and director. Instead, he was stuck with Goyer and Snyder.
Yeah, it's not his fault. He is perfect for a Superman role, but i'm tired to see that depressed look on his face. Isn't Superman supposed to be a symbol of hope, someone who saves people with a smile? I don't want DC to become all flowers and happiness, but not even so dark and edgy.
I knew Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Marketing Department Mandates was going to be the bottom of the list. I also knew Suicide Squad would be low on the list, if not the second one. Yet, I was still surprised that DC managed to make all THREE of the worst films of the year. Seriously, what the fuck is going on Warner Brothers? Is everything relating to DC now part of the world's biggest Spring Time for Hitler Scheme?
They're trying to do the equivalent of the MCU in just one or two movies (2-5 hours) and refuse to accept the fact that Marvel has cultivated the MCU for FOURTEEN movies (~30 hours), one four season (over 54 hours) network TV show and three Netflix shows with 4 seasons (40+ hours) total at this point. It just can't be done. They should focus on having non-shit solo movies for the heroes without forcing huge ensemble movies to introduce a half-dozen new major characters at once - it'll never work.
That comment is something that everyone has been saying from 2013 onwards. It also ignores any good aspects about that approach compared to Marvel's, which there are.
I thought suicide squad wasnt too awful compared to BvS. The problems with SS was everything Will Smith did or said (as I thought it would be) and most of what Jared Leto did/said. The rest was somewhat decent.
tzimiable I think we should all leave it at "both are fucking shit for x reasons in common and x reasons why they are different". BvS biggest problems were the unfocused mess of the plot and the horrible attempt of adapting The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman by also attempting to add "fan service", and also Batman was a fucking idiot (not entirely Batflecks fault), Superman was even more bland than in MoS, Lois was stupid, Luther I can´t tell why they thought it would be a good idea to make him an obvious lunatic, and Wonder Woman wasn't interesting at all. SS suffers from just being another worthless action flick, Jared Letto was a poor man's Johnny Depp playing as Joker, Will Smith was just himself instead of being Deadshot, Harley was just there to get teenagers horny, and the rest of the cast were just there because movie.
Batfleck was fucking amazing as a broken, older Batman. Too bad he hasn't been in a good movie yet. I've heard that BvS is a bit less shit in the 30min longer Director's Cut, that explains some of the motivations and has relatively less time wasted on useless JLA foreshadowing due to the longer runtime.
Suicide Squad is a poorly made movie that still manages to get its characters to come across as the characters they're supposed to be. Batman V Superman messes up all of its characters and is an insult to DC as a whole but the team making it at least know how to make a movie. Which is worse is down to which of these problems bothers you more. For me the worse movie is BvS.
After Man of Steel, I promised myself I wouldn't see another DC movie unless they gave the whole universe a huge reboot and try doing it right this time. So far, after hearing everything about BvS and Suicide Squad, it looks like I made the right call.
You did. I watched it this christmas with my brother and it was absolutely terrible. Don't listen to those saying it was good, it was a muddy, incoherent, terribly scripted and badly acted mess with crappy characterization and really badly directed action scenes (which is a surprise, since Snyder has generally been good at those). The scene were Wonder Woman shows up and the scene at the start showing Wayne in Metropolis during MoS are the only decent scenes in the entire shitshow.
I am pretty sure you are BSing. I mean you sound like those pretentious boycotters who don't even know what they are saying. I even think that you have never read a DC comic in your life.
+Johnny Bigbones "Don't listen to those saying it was good" You mean people can't have an opinion that is different? Plus it isn't even like everyone hates the film. The film is one of the most divisive films since Tree of Life.
lordDEMAXUS - Well, my comic collection says otherwise, but sure, believe what you want. Doesn't really matter what I say, does it? You won't believe me. Extraordinary how you jump to conclusions without knowing me, though. That's rather presumptuous.
Careful Bob, the fanboys are coming. I still can't believe that the best Batman film this year was Return of the Caped Crusader. I would not be at least bit surprised if Lego Batman is the best DC movie of 2017. After Gal Godot's "performance" in BvS, I have low hopes for Wonder Woman. Since Zack Synder is still attached to the DCEU, my response to the Justice League is the same. I say release Wonder Woman and Justice League, cancel the other projects and start again in five to seven years with different everything. If anything I would of been more happy seeing an extended universe from Green Lantern (2011).
Sorry, but I'm not seeing 'Lego Batman'. Yeah, I know, you people LOVE 'The Lego Movie', and you like their version of Batman, but to me, this looks more like a HUGE 'Batman' wank fest. Just DC, and Warner Bros. reminding us how much they LOVE Batman, and how valuable he is to them when it's starting too get REALLY annoying. I prey to GOD 'that 'Wonder Woman' turns things around. If it doesn't, I'm through with them. I'l just stick with the CW shows.
Marc Baker I completely understand. Why I'm excited about it is simply because it's a parody and not to be taken seriously, just like Return of the Caped Cursader. I am also tried that WB think that the only superhero is Batman and think that if other heroes are going to be edgy and dark because Batman is popular which will make Superman and Wonder Woman popular. This was made apparent when WB received mixed response of this comedy series called Powerless and then changed it from an insurance group company to a division of Wayne Enterprises. Because to WB if something is not working, adding more Batman or Batman references is going to fix it e.g. announcing Gotham City Sirens. To be fair, softcore porn and Batman will bring money but it does sound like WB is trying to put anything on the wall and seeing what sticks and fanboys will eat it up.
+Marc Baker ...that's kind of the point of the LEGO Movie version of Batman. He's an egotistical, cocky asshole because of the fact he's such a popular hero. He's still a good guy and nice deep down, but he's a caricature of the Batman character and that's what makes him funny to watch. And the reason "us people" love The LEGO Movie is because it was a good movie... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For what Return of the Caped Crusader wanted to be I thought it was great. Didn't set out to be a movie for everyone and seemed to get the era of Batman it was aiming for. Only draw back was no voice actors for the extra classic villains at the end.
With Ares being one of her better known enemies the WW1-setting might be great. Just rewrite history a little bit and let Ares feed of all the hatred and bloodshed during the war he himself caused to become more powerful and you get a compelling story about a powerhungry villain who sacrifices millions of people for his own gain. Or you could make germans the bad guys and have Wonder Woman kick some poor common soldiers ass, because WW1 and 2 are nearly the same for many people anyways, but I still have some hope left.
If it's the same directors or writers, it has no chance. I would LOVE for DC to stop shitting the bed, but, good lord is there even a bed left anymore!? It seems to have just rotted away.
EVERYTHING was terrible this year! I truly want the governments of the world to come together to build a TIME MACHINE so we can go back to 2015 & prevent this god-awful year from ever happening!
I actually kinda liked Warcraft. Like I get that it has a lot of problems, but I went in expecting a huge awesome battle between orcs and humans and that's pretty much what I got. I had my expectations and they were more or less satisfied.
as fan of Warcraft i felt the movie was bad, it had great visuals, but far to much expedition thrown at you and to much lore that the movie should of been divided in so many different movies all together. Bottom line it was a mess and continue the trend of terrible video game movies. Can't wait for Wreck it Ralph 2, first one is only good movie game movie, Mortal Kombat was pass.
I honestly liked it, Though there were some choices they made that was like, "Okay that doesn't make sense." but Hey we got Orcs vs Humans and we got just that. Plus it's been a while since we've seen a legitimate stand-alone fantasy film. Not something like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them which is just has "Elements" of Fantasy, but not COMPLETELY fantasy. I know it's not the best, but some critics see this as the WORST.. and I mean THE ABSOLUTE WORST movie ever and I just don't see it.
Shahrooz Smith Yeah, Warcraft doesn't deserve to be in the top ten list of worst movies considering that they're plenty of movies that are actually terrible.
I really wanted Pixels to be number 1 with a "I know it came out last year. Doesn't matter. It's still the worst movie of 2016. It's the worst movie of every year."
You know, the CW Dc crossover felt like a better Justice League story than Batman V Superman ever did. I think the reason for it is, they didn't take it too seriously.
The CW shows also had fun with their crossovers. Everyone in those shows looked like they were having a blast and the shows reflected that enthusiasm. The movies unfortunately took themselves too seriously and removed a lot of the fun out of what should have been a interesting and dynamic world.
It's kind of weird but the current WB ideal for live action DC has shown off the best it can go and most struggling it can go at the same time. The tv shows are given their own time to breath with different people and allowed only as much crossover as they themselves want and so far it works very well. Maybe adding a "multiverse" concept in itself is a little much but it's a device that works. But on the movie side, they entrusted the world building reigns to someone who seems to favor one certain era of DC above any other, and that's not an opinion shared by a lot of the DC fanbase as a whole.You would think the big budget movie franchise wouldn't have been the one to take that gamble, but it was. And now it faces the uphill battle because of it, and whatever shortsights it may be up against.
What a disaster year for DC. DC will at least 10 years to clean the mess it made this year, we all know the DCEU is going to fail miserably by the time JL comes out. Worst part being? That it even is dragging its animation counterpart down ffs.
Apparently Suicide Squad made $745, or rather 4 times as much was put into it. So I fear this means were going to get a lot more of the DCEU, even if Batman vs Superman hemorrhaged money.
Letter Robo Not really. I understand where you are coming from. But actually, Ironman 1, made as much PROFIT as the whole DCEU until now. Let me explain, first some facts: 1) Blockbusters spend around 40% of their budget in marketing, meaning that if the budget was 100m, the marketing campaign was 40m, for a TOTAL of 140m. 2) DCEU movie marketing has been ridicously big, one of the biggest in movie history, going all the way up to 100%. 3) Studios only get around 66% of what their movies earn because of taxes and distribution costs. 4) It is stupid to think Box Office minus Budget equals profit. With these facts, lets quickly look at BvS and Iron man 1 BvS had a Box Office of around 870m, so after taxes Warner got 580m. Its budget was 250m, and its marketing was 250m, for a total of 500m. Warner only made 80m profit of BvS. Iron man made 585m, Marvel got 390m, its budget was 140m, its markting 60m. Total 200m. Marvel had a profit of 190m just for Ironman. Doing the same calculations for the rest of the DCEU, MoS made 40m, SS made 70m. DCEU has only made 190m. DCEU as a whole has only profited just as much AS THE FIRST MCU FILM.
Your numbers are a little off, considering that about half of the box office goes to the theater chains, but your basic premise is correct. The DCEEU movies barely made a profit in the theaters, if they did at all.
Mike Duncan The percentage to studio and theatre varies depending on the film, studio and agreements...for some big budget blockbusters the studio will get 100% of the ticket price in the opening week. The general point I've heard most is about 30% to theatres but it's hard to say how common that is since they do not disclose
I'm still gonna remember the fights about whether BvS was gonna be good. It was almost as disgusting as the fights about Ghostbusters. Good riddens to both those pieces of crap. I can only hope Wonder Woman slightly treds the line of decent at this point
I still think Killing Joke was too low....when the entire world is yelling at DC "DON"T DO IT!", and they still go forward with it, that's some high level jar of piss stupidity.
Those movies were nowhere near the worst of 2016. They were some of the biggest disappointments of this year but if you think they were the worst you clearly haven't seen enough movies this year.
I know you didn't ask for it, but here's the movies I hated in 2016: (no particular order) Ghostbusters Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice Collateral Beauty Meet the Blacks The Purge: Election Day Nine Lives Norm of the North Independence Day: Resurgence When the Bough Breaks The 5th Wave
"This was the Worst. Year. Ever." Yeah, I guess 1929 (The Great Depression) wasn't so bad compared to the year when the person you didn't like got elected.
I feel REALLY bad for Bruce Timm regarding 'The Killing Joke'. Normally, I love his body of work on The DCAU. A solid track record of great cartoons while Warner Bros. kept stumbling with making good DC movies. Though to be perfectly honest, I've lost a ton of respect for Warner Bros. Animation when they canceled 'Young Justice' in favor of 'Teen Titans Go', and seeing Looney Tunes characters in stupid Geico commercials! (At least 'Young Justice' is getting a third season, so there that.) But yeah, 2016 was NOT a good year for Warner Bros. I think Bugs Bunny said it best. (OOOOOH, I'M DYYYYYYYYYYIN'!)
laz kar Hey, Bruce Timm may be a 'Batman favoritist', but at least he isn't as bad as Joel Schumacher, Zack Snyder, Sidney J. Furie, Jeannot Szwarc, or Pitof.
I think Bruce Timm works best when someone is there to tell him "no". FOr example, during the animated series he always wanted the Joker to kill people, but couldn't get it past the censors. Instead, he made full use of the Jokers laughing gas, making it so those affected would never stop laughing until they went to the hospital. The laughing gas existed before, but it usually made some one do a full laughing fit before killing the person with a grin on their face, while the gas used in the show would make the person just laugh and laugh and laugh...
I remember laughing gas used a lot in The Animated Series, as well as it's theatrical film 'Mask Of The Phantasm'. Timm also did a sketch that symbolized what the censors wouldn't allow him to do.
Instead of making a Suicide Squad movie and a Killing Joke movie and fucking them both up, WB should have just made one movie focusing on the relationship between Joker and Harley Quinn. Seriously, there's some grade-A material to reap from that premise, examining the internal workings of two of the most fascinating DC villains while also providing an exploration of the nature of madness and (most importantly) actually giving that story room to breathe as opposed to hacking it down to slot it in to another shitty story. There might even be room to subtly look at the Joker's backstory, like in the Arkham games where it was hinted at but never stated outright. If anything, a smaller-scale character piece wouldn't necessitate the combined $180 million budget that brought us the shit we ended up with. Or mayhaps I'm just crazy.
Suicide squad was a worse movie and a worse let down than BvS. I never expected BvS to be good but I had a small hope that suicide squad might. Needless to say it was squashed. I especially hated that they used a garbage version of bohemian rhapsody.
Technically DC did notice that they approach was wrong and even they comic stop suck recently, so there is a chance that WW would be first legitimately good movie.. bout I see why someone would be careful. Puke-bag is still standard on DCEU.
Watch the D.C. Animated movies that have been coming out in the past years (except for killing joke) like "Assault on Arkham" or the batman films. This is where D.C. Quality writing is (and these films need more support.
Apparently, that one guy who quit Warner Bros. and put them on blast several months ago said that Wonder Woman was turning out to be a total mess too. Whether that was out of disgruntlement or he was actually on to something remains to be seen, but given DCEU's track record, I'm going to go with the latter.
jacksrumgone Personally I split those on two categories.. those what really suck (DCEU) and those who prospectively suck (Arrowverse, Comic and Animation). The second is point of debate, but first no..and before someone say something.. Werner is DC. Claim that it is only publisher fault is false.
laz kar First off, "TL'DR"? Really? Your reply comment is twice as long my previous comment. Why should I have the patience to read your reply if you couldn't even read a few sentences? Secondly, I'm not saying the animated films are flawless, especially the recent ones who indeed dipped in quality, but a lot of people agree that they are better films than the recent live action movies, which brings me to my third point: If you honestly believe that "Only hate gets shit done", then I'm afraid you have to wait for anything great or even good from DC for a LONG time. If we don't point out anything that they are doing right and only what they are doing wrong, then thus don't expect anything good to come out of them since they sure won't know what we want from them. If you want them to make good movies, then tell them what you think is good rather then just saying "you guys suck".
Can we just take a second to realize the utter insanity of where comic book movies are right now? Marvel's biggest worries: what are they going to do with the Inhumans and can they really pull off giant crossovers in the next two Avengers movies. DC's biggest worries: can they make a decent movie any time in the near future and is there going to be any actual continuity in their shared universe?
Meh, it was always downhill. None of them were ever good, despite First Class. Even that goes Downhill in the climax to ham fist it into the other X-Men movies they rebooted anyway.
@ Louis Duarte: I like them like I like the Transformers films. I know they're bad, but they're quite enjoyable. I just appreciate that they're not Marvel or DC because I get quite sick of both extended universes.
Every time Bob talks about Deadpool you can hear in his voice how much he wishes it wasn't a good movie. If it was bad you know he'd put it at #1/2 and have a big "I told you so" rant and how it's all the 90's fault. He'll probably saving the pent up rant for the Spawn reboot review.
I wouldn't actually be so confident that I ever WILL be at the place you are relative to the X-men movies, Bob. Having not seen them in a while I just kinda took you at your word that none of them aged well, but having recently marathoners the whole series with my family I can confidently say Days of Future Past is still not just a good movie but a great one, X2 and The Wolverine are still at the very least decent, and I even unironically enjoy quite a lot of Last Stand. The first movie doesn't do much for me and Origins was fucking awful, but I think you're bound to be disappointed if you expect *everyone* to eventually get on the same X-film franchise hatewagon that you're on. Apocalypse still sucks though.
*Days of Future Past* is legitimately one of my fave heroes movies. The setting makes sense given the subjects in play, the characters motivations are loyal to the source material, the power levels all stack up nicely, and that last scene (the all or nothing last stand) is freaking great. Hell, they even nailed the Sentinels design! As someone who thinks the first two movies were okay but hates *Last Stand*, *Origins*, *The Wolverine* and now *Apocalypse* I get where he's coming from but I'm still super happy we got *First Class* and it's sequel.
Last Stand is a total piece of shit. If you like it, you're an idiot. Days of Future past was meh, and it makes no sense if you read the comics. These movies are all trash. You like shitty movies.
To those that *always* take it personally, it's not an objectively worst list. It's what Bob considers the worst. P.S. Number 1 is always a superhero movie.
No, this is wrong. I am annoyed by this list but BECAUSE terms like "objectively bad" are used consistently throughout. There is no such thing as an objectively good/bad film but too many people keep trying to sear that lie onto the brains of every man woman and Frenchman on the planet.
The Wonder Woman trailer reminds me that they can make good trailers from shit films. She really doesn't say much in the trailer. It mostly shows off action set pieces and flashy effects. I've seen her "act" plenty in other films. She's okay, but lacks actual presence. She's one of the most forgettable bits form the Fast and Furious Franchise(her biggest role before and really only brought back in to round out the numbers with another female character) and even then we only remember her because of her relationship with the far more enjoyable Han character from the movies. Seeing some of hermovies since then has onlt cemented in my mind that she is on the same level of Ashton Kutcher. Pretty to look at, gets a few big roles and then will hopefully fade away to the backpages of Hollywood, mostly forgotten.
T-minus 7 minutes until Bob remembers that Bad Santa 2 came out this year and it more than earned a place on this list. More than earned a place on every list of bad things ever.
Yes, I'm going to take advice on what movies were good and weren't from a guy who enjoys the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot... the worst cinematic reboot of all time.
***** First of all... all of those are remakes, not reboots... except for the Total Recall one as it was never really attempted to be a reboot of the originally but was instead meant to be a genuine of the plots found in his book. Secondly, no, they were not all worse. Many of them actually did their fucking job... which is not what Ghostbusters 2016 was doing.
I can never take anyone seriously when they think BvS is the worst film of the year. Yeah it's heavily flawed and kinda messy. But it's not even remotely close to being the worst film of the year, there were countless worse films.
It is a subjective list.. basically worst and most disappointing in this same time. Bob newer was that good critic, just he have a charisma so that isn't big deal.
It seems as if this isn't the "worst movies of 2016" so much as the "biggest failures to meet expectations." Notice that they're all based on real events or existing IP? Everything on the list gave you some reason to expect something from it. A simply terrible, but original movie doesn't rate because it didn't create those expectations.
If you follow your logic to its conclusion then the 10 worst movies of the year aren't any anybody has heard of. They're random poorly made low budget independent films. Or miscellaneous throwaway pornography scenes. Or accidental two second videos of a beige wall taken on somebody's Galaxy S5 selfie camera. You can't separate out expectations, context and cultural impact or your list is pretty meaningless.
You can really tell that by the end of the video a weight has been lifted of your shoulders, it's nice to see you can still rant :D Also I totally agree with your opinion on Jarad Leto, the guy tries way too hard in everything and one of the reasons why I love the movies Fight Club and American Psycho is cause he gets his face smashed in in both.
Ha... perspectives and opinions. I was just thinking how I follow so many reviewers now, but I knew someone had Patriots Day on their list, but I swore it was another worst. I'm not sure I've seen such a flip of opinions except maybe Man from UNCLE last year was on someone's worst and people were complaining that while it flopped, it wasn't a bad movie for most of them, at best dull at times, and I think this person made it in their top 3 worst. I figure you either pick what's truly the worst just filmmaking and story telling, or you pick what bothered and/or disappointed you the most. Sometimes disappointment weighs heavier than an objectively poorly put together film. Obviously Bob is hit a little closer to home with Patriots Day, not that it means the film was or wasn't deserving to be on his worst list.
So Bob, are you as sick of seeing people plastering "BOSTON STRONG" everywhere as I am? I was already annoyed by it that same week that the bombing happened.
JackgarPrime Yet the profits are going to charity AND it's not just about selling merch on a tragedy, you haven't seen the film yet and you're taking advice from bob, a guy who liked the ghostbusters reboot..... you're fucking stupid lol
Urdnot Stark From whom? "Patriots?" Fuckboys? The people who took their kids to see Passion of the Christ? Love your profile name, by the way! No joke. Made my night X)
Not from me, I honestly wondering why more people aren't criticizing it as propaganda and asking the uncomfortable question about it's depiction of Islam.
Jahns was probably "suckered in" by the message the movie layed out and liked the end result. While Bob was probably banging his head against the wall, knowing from close-by experience what actually happened and only saw some Hollywood actor try to be the "hero" of a tragic event.
I have to admit, I enjoyed Suicide Squad MORE than any of the MCU movies I've seen. While the story feels the same as Guardians of theGalaxy (bunch of freaks and misfits who have to work together against a bland but menacing villain and learn to be friends along the way) I could actually say it had something none of MCU movies had - a fucking theme to explore, namely love(think about it - Harley's love for Joker, El Diablo's love for his wife, Deadshot love for his daughter, Rick's love forEnchantress' human host, Enchantress and her brother's love for each other). The bland, boring, one note white asshole who would be stealing the spotlight in every movie by Marvel here is a glorified McGuffin,while Harley and Deadshot take the spotlight and are the ones to take the villain down. The villain has more motivation than ANY antagonist in MCU movies. And finally, it's unapologetic in it's comic bookness. Yes, Marvel made this huge propaganda deal how their movies don't feel ashamed for being based on comic books, but they're still throwing shade, rolling their eyes and putting winks to the audience whenever something strange happens. Character like Katana couldn't exist in MCu without firt making ton of jokes about how stupid her powers are or trying to explain it with technobabble to assure insecure science-fiction nerds that this isn't actual magic. Suicide Squad just goes "This is Katana, she has a magic sword that steals souls". While there are problems, Jared Leto and bad editing being chief among them, I feel it's actually better than most of the MCU.
IdiotinGlans While I don't quite agree that it's better than a lot of the MCU, you're right about how great Deadshot and Harley were and while Enchantress is nothing special, when it comes to how comic book movie villains have been lately she IS probably one of the best written. And yes, Katana is great. I want to see more of her. :) Glad someone else likes it.
As a massive Marvel fan, I've never understood the X-Men franchise. Even on a conceptual level, having to deal with so many characters usually, for me, either leads to diluted or confused stories. While the films themselves are adequate, I've never been even partially invested, despite many attempts to engage with them. Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, as the other big Marvel-but-not-Marvel property, frankly obliterates them in just about every conceivable way.
I don't remember being so disappointed with a movie as I was with BvS; I walked out of the theater shocked at my own reaction to the movie. I'm sorry, but overall it wasn't a good movie in my opinion.
I think part of the issue is that sometimes the worst movies are the ones that are the most forgettable; ie, 'average' movies are actually worse than 'bad' movies. The reason for that is that 'bad' movies usually have at least one thing in them that doesn't suck - maybe a single actor actually was trying, or else the dialog was actually kinda funny, or whatever. This gives contrast to the rest of the movie, and thus makes the bad things stand out even more. In contrast, 'average' movies are consistently so bland that they don't have anything that stands out, and thus just come across as completely banal. This is what I recall from the MST3K groups, when they gave an interview about how they chose movies - there had to be something good in the movies they mocked, or else it was just a complete sludgefest.
Good news is it sounds like they're trying to distance Snyder from the upcoming DC movies as much as possible. Bad news is it sounds like they have their own slew of on set management issues to deal with.
They pretty much doubled down on the "filmmaker driven" thing right when they announced Johns' somewhat meaningless promotion. Have you heard anything that says they'll be tougher on Snyder?
I... don't think I've ever agreed with a movie critic more than I did with you in this video. You were spot on... I think the most painful for me were Warcraft and X-Men. I actually never trusted Singer to begin with, so his return was more, "I hope this doesn't suck" than anything. But it failed. I think I'll actually still watch Warcraft from time to time just to imagine what it could be. The Orcs were amazing and Paula Patton in Orc-face will forever stir something deep within me. Also, it helps that it had a woman of color as a leading role in a fantasy film, which we never see. Damn... they should try again.
And then Bob got a bunch of idiots chastising him for not including any of the Disney/Marvel output on this list. Doesn't matter that nothing they made was worse than 'pretty good', you're biased for not giving them a token inclusion as that would be 'fair'.
it's funny I just watched the bvs extended cut, just to listen to the weekly planet commentary track, and man that movie is just garbage. I forgot how much I hated it and how it ruined my 2 favorite comic characters.
I seem to recall a long time ago on one of your shows you did something to the effect of 'upcoming movies with awesome potential' where you went over your favorite yet-to-be-released flicks and explained why they're exciting, either be it because of the director, or the premise, or the studio, or the legacy or whatever. I really liked that segment. If you're looking to do something a little more optimistic with 2016 behind us, maybe you could do something like that again? Movies to look forward to in the coming year?
MY TEN WORST AS OF NOW: 10: The Witch 9: Money Monster 8: Independence Day 2 7: The Finest Hours 6: Allegiant 5: The Girl on the Train 4: The Fifth Wave 3: Ice Age 5 2: Mother's Day 1: Ghostbusters remake *I would include Sharknado 4 but I'm only counting movies shown in theaters*
It's so bizarre how awful literally everything about DC has been so far when everything coming up looks like it might have promise, specifically because the only good parts of the movies (certain actors) are taking over from the executives and shit directors and saying, "No, I'm making a good movie for a change. Gotham City Sirens is happening with Harley and Ivy being a couple and Batman is going to not be awful because I'm Ben Affleck and I know how to direct my way out of a fucking paper bag, which is more than anyone else can say at this point." Wonder Woman could turn out good, too, and I like Jason Momoa enough to give Aquaman a try.
This video made me realize something. He's right, I don't want Marvel to make an X-Men movie. I just want Marvel to HAVE the X-Men license back so they can use the word Mutant and put some mutants in the movies they should be in. Not saying if they made one I wouldn't go see it because, hey, it's Marvel, but I don't know if I really want it any time soon.
Here's my own bottom 10, out of 104 films. A lot of 2016's big budget movies just ended up being wildly mediocre, or had some good to balance out the bad. For instance, I thought BvS:DoJ , SS, XMen:A, and Ghostbusters all fit that description, as I disliked them but each had some element in them I liked enough to spare them even if it was just one character or a few scenes that showed promise. These 10 and the dishonourable mentions are simply the ones that pissed me off the most. Dishonourable mentions: * The Boss, Dirty Grandpa, TMNT:Out of the Shadows, Assassin's Creed, The Fifth Wave, Mother's Day, The Neon Demon 10 Independence Day: Resurgence Pretty much what Bob said 9 Ratchet and Clank Inexcusably out-of-sync animation and a nonsense story 8 Masterminds Mexican food + a hot tub = hilarious, apparently. No wonder the studio went bankrupt 7 The Finest Hours What a snoozefest. The stuff on Casey Affleck's ship could have been interesting, but for some reason the movie thinks close ups of Chris Pine's boring character driving through monotonous waves while his boring fiance waits on shore is where the excitement is. 6 The Brothers Grimsby Relies on gross out comedy to get laughs, and I just don't find that funny. Plus, I don't care how you feel about Mr. Trump (seriously, I hate that guy) giving someone HIV is NOT a joke. 5 The Bronze As bad as Grimsby was, I did get some mild guilty pleasure chuckles. This one only had one semi-amusing scene that was ruined by the obnoxious main character being more obnoxious than usual. I guess I find obnoxiousness even less funny than gross-outs. 4 The Lobster This movie haunted me for days after I saw it and not in a good way. It's boring, has narration that tells you exactly what's happening, the world makes no sense, has frankly insulting stereotypes of men AND women, and a few scenes that are outright cruel played for laughs... I think. Probably the most unpleasant sit of the year. 3 The Blair Witch The entire "suspense" in this movie is characters screaming each others' names in darkness. Throw in migraine-inducing found footage and completely pointless "new" technology compared to the last. Plus, who the hell actually edited the "found" footage from different sources together per the film's narrative? How'd they find them all given their disparate locations? 2 Gods of Egypt How can a movie feel like you need to know the mythology beforehand to understand it, and yet still get the mythology horribly wrong? Bad acting, awful CGI, poor greenscreen composition. This might be a film worth watching as so-bad-it's-good just to figure out where the $140 million budget went. 1 Norm of the North There is literally nothing good I can say about this movie. The animation is awful. The continuity from scene to scene is wrong. The morals are bad. The story setup is nonsensical. The plot makes no sense. I saw this for free and I still felt ripped off.
The super hero trend will be ended by a massive trend of video game film adaptations. Especially Ubisoft will become a company which will massively participate in this fad. You've heard it here first.
I still think the first Warcraft movie could have been really good, had they built up to the convoluted story rather than jumped in. There was a fantastic movie to be made if they'd just went with the story Blizzard already had lying around that was the true starting point for the Warcraft universe in its current state: Lord of the Clans. The story of the rise of Thrall was not only the beginning of the complex, morally ambiguous, multi-faction universe that Blizzard had been trying to make with the first two games, it also featured a cast of interesting, varied, and well developed characters that all revolved around the central protagonist. That sort of story is a perfect fit not only for the first chapter of an ongoing series, but given that it also introduces the audience to the world and important characters as Thrall is introduced to them, he serves as a perfect audience surrogate, making the film work as a primer to introduce non-fans into the Warcraft universe. In addition, the movie is compact compared to the war epics of the first two games, giving more time to the development of the characters and the world they inhabit before we leap headfirst into world-spanning conflict (see also the progression of the Lord of the Rings films). I'm sure SOMEONE at Blizzard had to have thrown out there that what is arguably their best story and a logical place to begin should have been adapted into a movie first. Not sure why people didn't listen.
Of course it is, you invested way too much time whining about the feee-males in the cast for it to just be forgettable mediocrity. It has to be THE WORST THING EVARRR!!!!
MrDrProfessor4 Well aren't you a unique little snowflake. I have no dog in the fight, I disliked the original Ghostbusters movie as boring tripe (that also had potty humor, one of the most iconic characters of Ghostbusters is nothing but a big gross-out joke), and the remake as just cash-in controversy farming, and even then it didn't really work. But was it THE WORST MOOBIE OF DER YEAR!!!?? No. You're just singularly obsessed with Ghostbusters for its... potty humor? If that's your standard that Sausage Party was the worst movie ever made.
I think ripping on Cavill as Superman is a bit unfair at this point. I mean yeah, you can say he's the worst of the THREE Superman actors, but Reeve was born for that shit (and still turned fairly sour himself when the scripts turned bad for Superman 3 and 4.) and Routh wasn't 'any better (if at all) despite working with comparatively GOLDEN material. Cavill was tolerable in both movies despite an awful script and a clear lack of direction.
It is amazing that people still say there was nothing wrong with BVS and critics aren't specific. It is a shame such people never watched the animated shows or played the Arkham games.
Unfortunate you've had such an unpleasant year Bob. I myself have had a wonderful one over here in Ireland! Here's hoping for a better twelve months to come!
I feel Suicide Squad doesnt deserve the amount of hate it got, the first half was really fun but then they tried to get serious in the second half which was a mood whiplash but still I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
You may say Jared Leto is not a good idea in anything, but he is also an Academy Award winner. You could argue getting him after winning an Academy Award is a big deal.
I'm glad that even a die-hard Feminist like you can tacitly admit that the 2016 Ghostbusters movie was neither good enough for the Best of 2016 list or bad enough for the Worst of 2016 list.
It may be popular to bash over BvS, but there are far far worse movies out there this year. Swiss Army Man? The Brothers Grimsby? and my choice for worst of 2016, Dirty Grandpa. Those were all infinitely worse than BvS/
WarCraft has a pretty split reception. People who don't get, understand, or generally like the mythos tended not to like the movie. People who understood what was going on tended to like it. It was a decent movie, it just wasn't really designed for the mass market - it was basically a fan pet project. Certainly wouldn't call a movie that did as well as WarCraft did a bomb, or an unmitigated disaster. It looked good and had good action. Probably the best magic to appear in film to this day, and the effects for the Orcs was wonderful.
I actually thought that maybe a list of the worst movies of the year would be kind of depressing considering all the bad shit that has happened this year. However it actually served as a release valve for the actual fuck ton of horrible shit that happened this year that has been weighing on me. Thanks for that.
The DC movies were fucking shit this year.
۠ Not really.
D.C. Superhero Girls tho
Yeah, they were.
I think most of the Marvel movies are just meh overall but goddamn are the DC movies such shit more often than not as of late.
The Killing Joke was a complete waste.
Batman v Superman was a boring slog and the Ultimate Edition didn't add or do much.
Suicide Squad is broken on every level.
It's just a complete mess and I love DC.
۠I like how Red Letter Media thinks of Marvel movies as riding the line. Different enough so you get a different taste but similar enough as not to cramp your system.
I liked Killing Joke, but the rest was fucking shit.
I think we can all agree that the worst movie of this year was the presidential election.
What an awful, awful villain. And don't even get me started on the climax...
the "hero" was also a piece of shit, should have let the other guy been the main hero, not just do affirmative action for it
Caz Not only did it villain who the audience hates for all the wrong reasons and an ending worse than ME3, but it also had:
• An unlikable fuck up of a protagonist who kept getting into trouble and was too stupid to bring the fucking hammer down when they had the chance
• three plot twists the supporting protagonists should've seen coming from a mile away but didn't
• overall mean-spirited tone
• even birdemic had better acting.
• cringeworthy comic relief (John Oliver was kinda okay toward the end, but the majority sucked)
• the entire film had nothing but blatant contempt towards its audience (it's so bad, the gamergate joke was the LEAST offensive part of the movie!)
• i hope whoever did the costume design for the villain got fucking fired; seriously, what was with that godawful haircut?!
Are you kidding? Do you even watch movie? it was great!
The humble beginnings of an idiot that everyone said had zero chance of winning, destroying his opponents one after another until he won the greatest victory possible. The story of an underdog! A Shakespearean story of a man with a large ego, robbing the election of a girl who has been dreaming of becoming president since she was a child.
Truly a story of the ages.
You have no taste if you found that movie to be shit simply because you were rooting for the ''villain'' Hillary to win.
I heartily disagree. Say what you will of the climax, the falling action that followed it was comedy gold. And also kind of moving in a scary, yes-people-actually-are-doing-this-in-real-life kind of way.
This guy gets it.
If you've been watching the movie from the beginning rather than focusing on the climax, you would see that it's a really well written story.
I work at a grocery store, and when I spot a customer coming through my line with a Redbox rental, I like to strike up a conversation. One man had Independence Day Resurgence and I told him what I had heard about the movie. A few weeks later he came through again and said to me:
"You said it was a sequel no one really were right."
Forgot BvS even came out this year.
Honestly I feel SO BAD for Cavill. He's the most panel-to-picture perfect rendition of Superman since the Donner original but he keeps having to work with Zach Snyder. Christ.
There's a few shots in Man of Steel that honestly make me believe that he could truly be a great Superman if he was working with a better script and director.
Instead, he was stuck with Goyer and Snyder.
Bluemew1234 Oh I'm with you. A lot of decent actors get ruined by bad directing and I truly believe Cavill is one of them.
It's also in how it's shot. Snyder manages to make him look like an emotionless vampire with the way everyone is lit in this pale, unflattering way.
Yeah, it's not his fault. He is perfect for a Superman role, but i'm tired to see that depressed look on his face. Isn't Superman supposed to be a symbol of hope, someone who saves people with a smile? I don't want DC to become all flowers and happiness, but not even so dark and edgy.
Stop blaming Snyder, you fucking idiots. He did not write the movie. Plus the movie is not even a Superman movie.
I knew Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Marketing Department Mandates was going to be the bottom of the list. I also knew Suicide Squad would be low on the list, if not the second one.
Yet, I was still surprised that DC managed to make all THREE of the worst films of the year.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on Warner Brothers? Is everything relating to DC now part of the world's biggest Spring Time for Hitler Scheme?
They're trying to do the equivalent of the MCU in just one or two movies (2-5 hours) and refuse to accept the fact that Marvel has cultivated the MCU for FOURTEEN movies (~30 hours), one four season (over 54 hours) network TV show and three Netflix shows with 4 seasons (40+ hours) total at this point.
It just can't be done. They should focus on having non-shit solo movies for the heroes without forcing huge ensemble movies to introduce a half-dozen new major characters at once - it'll never work.
That comment is something that everyone has been saying from 2013 onwards. It also ignores any good aspects about that approach compared to Marvel's, which there are.
"Yet, I was still surprised that DC managed to make all THREE of the worst films of the year."
This was just his list...
I still think Suicide Squad was slightly worse than Batman v Superman, but that really isn't saying much.
I thought suicide squad wasnt too awful compared to BvS. The problems with SS was everything Will Smith did or said (as I thought it would be) and most of what Jared Leto did/said. The rest was somewhat decent.
tzimiable I think we should all leave it at "both are fucking shit for x reasons in common and x reasons why they are different". BvS biggest problems were the unfocused mess of the plot and the horrible attempt of adapting The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman by also attempting to add "fan service", and also Batman was a fucking idiot (not entirely Batflecks fault), Superman was even more bland than in MoS, Lois was stupid, Luther I can´t tell why they thought it would be a good idea to make him an obvious lunatic, and Wonder Woman wasn't interesting at all. SS suffers from just being another worthless action flick, Jared Letto was a poor man's Johnny Depp playing as Joker, Will Smith was just himself instead of being Deadshot, Harley was just there to get teenagers horny, and the rest of the cast were just there because movie.
Batfleck was fucking amazing as a broken, older Batman. Too bad he hasn't been in a good movie yet.
I've heard that BvS is a bit less shit in the 30min longer Director's Cut, that explains some of the motivations and has relatively less time wasted on useless JLA foreshadowing due to the longer runtime.
Suicide Squad is a poorly made movie that still manages to get its characters to come across as the characters they're supposed to be. Batman V Superman messes up all of its characters and is an insult to DC as a whole but the team making it at least know how to make a movie. Which is worse is down to which of these problems bothers you more. For me the worse movie is BvS.
Mathew Gibbons Sure got Skipknot right (not that it matters)
After Man of Steel, I promised myself I wouldn't see another DC movie unless they gave the whole universe a huge reboot and try doing it right this time.
So far, after hearing everything about BvS and Suicide Squad, it looks like I made the right call.
You did. I watched it this christmas with my brother and it was absolutely terrible. Don't listen to those saying it was good, it was a muddy, incoherent, terribly scripted and badly acted mess with crappy characterization and really badly directed action scenes (which is a surprise, since Snyder has generally been good at those). The scene were Wonder Woman shows up and the scene at the start showing Wayne in Metropolis during MoS are the only decent scenes in the entire shitshow.
I sure hope that happens. The DC Snydermatic Murderverse can't die soon enough.
I am pretty sure you are BSing. I mean you sound like those pretentious boycotters who don't even know what they are saying. I even think that you have never read a DC comic in your life.
+Johnny Bigbones
"Don't listen to those saying it was good"
You mean people can't have an opinion that is different? Plus it isn't even like everyone hates the film. The film is one of the most divisive films since Tree of Life.
lordDEMAXUS - Well, my comic collection says otherwise, but sure, believe what you want. Doesn't really matter what I say, does it? You won't believe me. Extraordinary how you jump to conclusions without knowing me, though. That's rather presumptuous.
Careful Bob, the fanboys are coming. I still can't believe that the best Batman film this year was Return of the Caped Crusader. I would not be at least bit surprised if Lego Batman is the best DC movie of 2017. After Gal Godot's "performance" in BvS, I have low hopes for Wonder Woman. Since Zack Synder is still attached to the DCEU, my response to the Justice League is the same. I say release Wonder Woman and Justice League, cancel the other projects and start again in five to seven years with different everything. If anything I would of been more happy seeing an extended universe from Green Lantern (2011).
Sorry, but I'm not seeing 'Lego Batman'. Yeah, I know, you people LOVE 'The Lego Movie', and you like their version of Batman, but to me, this looks more like a HUGE 'Batman' wank fest. Just DC, and Warner Bros. reminding us how much they LOVE Batman, and how valuable he is to them when it's starting too get REALLY annoying. I prey to GOD 'that 'Wonder Woman' turns things around. If it doesn't, I'm through with them. I'l just stick with the CW shows.
Marc Baker I completely understand. Why I'm excited about it is simply because it's a parody and not to be taken seriously, just like Return of the Caped Cursader. I am also tried that WB think that the only superhero is Batman and think that if other heroes are going to be edgy and dark because Batman is popular which will make Superman and Wonder Woman popular. This was made apparent when WB received mixed response of this comedy series called Powerless and then changed it from an insurance group company to a division of Wayne Enterprises.
Because to WB if something is not working, adding more Batman or Batman references is going to fix it e.g. announcing Gotham City Sirens. To be fair, softcore porn and Batman will bring money but it does sound like WB is trying to put anything on the wall and seeing what sticks and fanboys will eat it up.
+Marc Baker ...that's kind of the point of the LEGO Movie version of Batman. He's an egotistical, cocky asshole because of the fact he's such a popular hero. He's still a good guy and nice deep down, but he's a caricature of the Batman character and that's what makes him funny to watch.
And the reason "us people" love The LEGO Movie is because it was a good movie... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+Marc Baker You pray to God for some weird shit...
For what Return of the Caped Crusader wanted to be I thought it was great. Didn't set out to be a movie for everyone and seemed to get the era of Batman it was aiming for. Only draw back was no voice actors for the extra classic villains at the end.
This was a terrible year for DC and a great year for Marvel
I hope _Wonder Woman_ is good, but I have a sinking feeling that it won't.
Snow Mystique setting it in WW1, a war without actual bad guys, is a bad sign.
With Ares being one of her better known enemies the WW1-setting might be great. Just rewrite history a little bit and let Ares feed of all the hatred and bloodshed during the war he himself caused to become more powerful and you get a compelling story about a powerhungry villain who sacrifices millions of people for his own gain.
Or you could make germans the bad guys and have Wonder Woman kick some poor common soldiers ass, because WW1 and 2 are nearly the same for many people anyways, but I still have some hope left.
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned that her first trailer feels a lot like Captain America; that pretending not to notice has already got me worried.
If it's the same directors or writers, it has no chance. I would LOVE for DC to stop shitting the bed, but, good lord is there even a bed left anymore!? It seems to have just rotted away.
Fortunately, it's being directed by Patty Jenkins, and apparently written by Alan Heinberg and Geoff Johns.
As a Boston resident, thank you for putting Patriot's Day on this list!
EVERYTHING was terrible this year! I truly want the governments of the world to come together to build a TIME MACHINE so we can go back to 2015 & prevent this god-awful year from ever happening!
I actually kinda liked Warcraft. Like I get that it has a lot of problems, but I went in expecting a huge awesome battle between orcs and humans and that's pretty much what I got. I had my expectations and they were more or less satisfied.
ninjainthebasement I was expecting high fantasy schlock with good orc scenes and that's what I got. It's Warcraft by Legendary Entertainment.
as fan of Warcraft i felt the movie was bad, it had great visuals, but far to much expedition thrown at you and to much lore that the movie should of been divided in so many different movies all together. Bottom line it was a mess and continue the trend of terrible video game movies.
Can't wait for Wreck it Ralph 2, first one is only good movie game movie, Mortal Kombat was pass.
I honestly liked it, Though there were some choices they made that was like, "Okay that doesn't make sense." but Hey we got Orcs vs Humans and we got just that. Plus it's been a while since we've seen a legitimate stand-alone fantasy film. Not something like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them which is just has "Elements" of Fantasy, but not COMPLETELY fantasy.
I know it's not the best, but some critics see this as the WORST.. and I mean THE ABSOLUTE WORST movie ever and I just don't see it.
Shahrooz Smith Yeah, Warcraft doesn't deserve to be in the top ten list of worst movies considering that they're plenty of movies that are actually terrible.
I liked it, exceeded my expectations tbh. Better than assassin's creed for sure.
I really wanted Pixels to be number 1 with a "I know it came out last year. Doesn't matter. It's still the worst movie of 2016. It's the worst movie of every year."
You know, the CW Dc crossover felt like a better Justice League story than Batman V Superman ever did. I think the reason for it is, they didn't take it too seriously.
The CW shows also had fun with their crossovers. Everyone in those shows looked like they were having a blast and the shows reflected that enthusiasm. The movies unfortunately took themselves too seriously and removed a lot of the fun out of what should have been a interesting and dynamic world.
It's kind of weird but the current WB ideal for live action DC has shown off the best it can go and most struggling it can go at the same time.
The tv shows are given their own time to breath with different people and allowed only as much crossover as they themselves want and so far it works very well. Maybe adding a "multiverse" concept in itself is a little much but it's a device that works.
But on the movie side, they entrusted the world building reigns to someone who seems to favor one certain era of DC above any other, and that's not an opinion shared by a lot of the DC fanbase as a whole.You would think the big budget movie franchise wouldn't have been the one to take that gamble, but it was. And now it faces the uphill battle because of it, and whatever shortsights it may be up against.
What a disaster year for DC. DC will at least 10 years to clean the mess it made this year, we all know the DCEU is going to fail miserably by the time JL comes out. Worst part being? That it even is dragging its animation counterpart down ffs.
Apparently Suicide Squad made $745, or rather 4 times as much was put into it. So I fear this means were going to get a lot more of the DCEU, even if Batman vs Superman hemorrhaged money.
Letter Robo
Not really. I understand where you are coming from. But actually, Ironman 1, made as much PROFIT as the whole DCEU until now. Let me explain, first some facts:
1) Blockbusters spend around 40% of their budget in marketing, meaning that if the budget was 100m, the marketing campaign was 40m, for a TOTAL of 140m.
2) DCEU movie marketing has been ridicously big, one of the biggest in movie history, going all the way up to 100%.
3) Studios only get around 66% of what their movies earn because of taxes and distribution costs.
4) It is stupid to think Box Office minus Budget equals profit.
With these facts, lets quickly look at BvS and Iron man 1
BvS had a Box Office of around 870m, so after taxes Warner got 580m. Its budget was 250m, and its marketing was 250m, for a total of 500m. Warner only made 80m profit of BvS.
Iron man made 585m, Marvel got 390m, its budget was 140m, its markting 60m. Total 200m. Marvel had a profit of 190m just for Ironman.
Doing the same calculations for the rest of the DCEU, MoS made 40m, SS made 70m. DCEU has only made 190m.
DCEU as a whole has only profited just as much AS THE FIRST MCU FILM.
..... Holy f##k that BAD?!?
Your numbers are a little off, considering that about half of the box office goes to the theater chains, but your basic premise is correct. The DCEEU movies barely made a profit in the theaters, if they did at all.
Mike Duncan The percentage to studio and theatre varies depending on the film, studio and agreements...for some big budget blockbusters the studio will get 100% of the ticket price in the opening week. The general point I've heard most is about 30% to theatres but it's hard to say how common that is since they do not disclose
Really???? Patriots day??? I've heard nothing but good things about that movie.
I appreciated it. It's not great but I can't deny I was genuinely moved.
I'm still gonna remember the fights about whether BvS was gonna be good. It was almost as disgusting as the fights about Ghostbusters. Good riddens to both those pieces of crap. I can only hope Wonder Woman slightly treds the line of decent at this point
I still think Killing Joke was too low....when the entire world is yelling at DC "DON"T DO IT!", and they still go forward with it, that's some high level jar of piss stupidity.
Those movies were nowhere near the worst of 2016. They were some of the biggest disappointments of this year but if you think they were the worst you clearly haven't seen enough movies this year.
I know you didn't ask for it, but here's the movies I hated in 2016: (no particular order)
Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Collateral Beauty
Meet the Blacks
The Purge: Election Day
Nine Lives
Norm of the North
Independence Day: Resurgence
When the Bough Breaks
The 5th Wave
I know you may not agree with my opinion or never cared, but I just wanted share my thoughts on crap from 2016.
+Matthew Cool Great list. I disagree on BvS, but other than that. Spot-on.
ghostbusters doesn't belong on that list out of all the films you listed it is just okay. hardly bad.
Eh, these movies weren't in any order.
Plus, I thought it was a boring, forgettable, and all-around just plain bad comedy, but that's just my opinion.
***** then, you obviously haven't seen a lot of times this year.
"This was the Worst. Year. Ever." Yeah, I guess 1929 (The Great Depression) wasn't so bad compared to the year when the person you didn't like got elected.
For anyone angry at this list remember that this is one person's opinion
+Tylerlikeswomen I know, right? It's like people will get butthurt over anything.
You nailed the top 3...thank you for not pandering to fan boys and telling it for what it is, a terrible film.
I feel REALLY bad for Bruce Timm regarding 'The Killing Joke'. Normally, I love his body of work on The DCAU. A solid track record of great cartoons while Warner Bros. kept stumbling with making good DC movies. Though to be perfectly honest, I've lost a ton of respect for Warner Bros. Animation when they canceled 'Young Justice' in favor of 'Teen Titans Go', and seeing Looney Tunes characters in stupid Geico commercials! (At least 'Young Justice' is getting a third season, so there that.) But yeah, 2016 was NOT a good year for Warner Bros. I think Bugs Bunny said it best. (OOOOOH, I'M DYYYYYYYYYYIN'!)
laz kar Hey, Bruce Timm may be a 'Batman favoritist', but at least he isn't as bad as Joel Schumacher, Zack Snyder, Sidney J. Furie, Jeannot Szwarc, or Pitof.
Well I know That Pitof directed that cinematic abomination Catwoman
I think Bruce Timm works best when someone is there to tell him "no". FOr example, during the animated series he always wanted the Joker to kill people, but couldn't get it past the censors. Instead, he made full use of the Jokers laughing gas, making it so those affected would never stop laughing until they went to the hospital. The laughing gas existed before, but it usually made some one do a full laughing fit before killing the person with a grin on their face, while the gas used in the show would make the person just laugh and laugh and laugh...
I remember laughing gas used a lot in The Animated Series, as well as it's theatrical film 'Mask Of The Phantasm'. Timm also did a sketch that symbolized what the censors wouldn't allow him to do.
"Jared Leto is literally never a good idea in anything"
Well, you clearly haven't seen Dallas Buyers Club
Instead of making a Suicide Squad movie and a Killing Joke movie and fucking them both up, WB should have just made one movie focusing on the relationship between Joker and Harley Quinn.
Seriously, there's some grade-A material to reap from that premise, examining the internal workings of two of the most fascinating DC villains while also providing an exploration of the nature of madness and (most importantly) actually giving that story room to breathe as opposed to hacking it down to slot it in to another shitty story. There might even be room to subtly look at the Joker's backstory, like in the Arkham games where it was hinted at but never stated outright.
If anything, a smaller-scale character piece wouldn't necessitate the combined $180 million budget that brought us the shit we ended up with. Or mayhaps I'm just crazy.
Suicide squad was a worse movie and a worse let down than BvS. I never expected BvS to be good but I had a small hope that suicide squad might. Needless to say it was squashed. I especially hated that they used a garbage version of bohemian rhapsody.
Technically DC did notice that they approach was wrong and even they comic stop suck recently, so there is a chance that WW would be first legitimately good movie.. bout I see why someone would be careful. Puke-bag is still standard on DCEU.
Watch the D.C. Animated movies that have been coming out in the past years (except for killing joke) like "Assault on Arkham" or the batman films. This is where D.C. Quality writing is (and these films need more support.
Apparently, that one guy who quit Warner Bros. and put them on blast several months ago said that Wonder Woman was turning out to be a total mess too. Whether that was out of disgruntlement or he was actually on to something remains to be seen, but given DCEU's track record, I'm going to go with the latter.
jacksrumgone Personally I split those on two categories.. those what really suck (DCEU) and those who prospectively suck (Arrowverse, Comic and Animation). The second is point of debate, but first no..and before someone say something.. Werner is DC. Claim that it is only publisher fault is false.
laz kar First off, "TL'DR"? Really? Your reply comment is twice as long my previous comment. Why should I have the patience to read your reply if you couldn't even read a few sentences?
Secondly, I'm not saying the animated films are flawless, especially the recent ones who indeed dipped in quality, but a lot of people agree that they are better films than the recent live action movies, which brings me to my third point:
If you honestly believe that "Only hate gets shit done", then I'm afraid you have to wait for anything great or even good from DC for a LONG time. If we don't point out anything that they are doing right and only what they are doing wrong, then thus don't expect anything good to come out of them since they sure won't know what we want from them.
If you want them to make good movies, then tell them what you think is good rather then just saying "you guys suck".
Can we just take a second to realize the utter insanity of where comic book movies are right now?
Marvel's biggest worries: what are they going to do with the Inhumans and can they really pull off giant crossovers in the next two Avengers movies.
DC's biggest worries: can they make a decent movie any time in the near future and is there going to be any actual continuity in their shared universe?
I am really disappointed X men went downhill so much...
Meh, it was always downhill. None of them were ever good, despite First Class. Even that goes Downhill in the climax to ham fist it into the other X-Men movies they rebooted anyway.
It never get uphill excluding two what were just ok for some reason and Deadpool doesn't count.
it didn't. It's fine.
I never knew why Bob hates the X-movies so much. I overall like 'em just fine.
@ Louis Duarte: I like them like I like the Transformers films. I know they're bad, but they're quite enjoyable. I just appreciate that they're not Marvel or DC because I get quite sick of both extended universes.
All that and we lost Carrie Fisher. 2016 needs to just stop.
I love how he talks so fast and can fit so much in a small amount of time.
terelon that's called editing. People normally don't talk that fast without it being sped up slightly
Not always.
Every time Bob talks about Deadpool you can hear in his voice how much he wishes it wasn't a good movie. If it was bad you know he'd put it at #1/2 and have a big "I told you so" rant and how it's all the 90's fault.
He'll probably saving the pent up rant for the Spawn reboot review.
I'd say there are even odds of the Deadpool sequel being lame, and him getting the rant in there.
I BELIEVE IN BOBBY JOHNSON-- Every movie in 2016. Literally every movie had that line
Even Zootopia?
Scott Sandler I believe in fearless leader!
Nicolas Young At the concert at the end, it's in one of the conversations in the crowd
I wouldn't actually be so confident that I ever WILL be at the place you are relative to the X-men movies, Bob. Having not seen them in a while I just kinda took you at your word that none of them aged well, but having recently marathoners the whole series with my family I can confidently say Days of Future Past is still not just a good movie but a great one, X2 and The Wolverine are still at the very least decent, and I even unironically enjoy quite a lot of Last Stand. The first movie doesn't do much for me and Origins was fucking awful, but I think you're bound to be disappointed if you expect *everyone* to eventually get on the same X-film franchise hatewagon that you're on.
Apocalypse still sucks though.
*Days of Future Past* is legitimately one of my fave heroes movies. The setting makes sense given the subjects in play, the characters motivations are loyal to the source material, the power levels all stack up nicely, and that last scene (the all or nothing last stand) is freaking great. Hell, they even nailed the Sentinels design! As someone who thinks the first two movies were okay but hates *Last Stand*, *Origins*, *The Wolverine* and now *Apocalypse* I get where he's coming from but I'm still super happy we got *First Class* and it's sequel.
He is sorely mistaken about dofp. It is a great movie.
Last Stand is a total piece of shit. If you like it, you're an idiot. Days of Future past was meh, and it makes no sense if you read the comics. These movies are all trash. You like shitty movies.
I suppose I should have said 'loyal to the themes of the X-Men cartoons I grew up with' as they changed a fair bit from the original comics.
DrSmokeTrees if you assign a person a level of intelligence based on subjective taste in film, you're an idiot.
To those that *always* take it personally, it's not an objectively worst list. It's what Bob considers the worst.
P.S. Number 1 is always a superhero movie.
No, this is wrong. I am annoyed by this list but BECAUSE terms like "objectively bad" are used consistently throughout. There is no such thing as an objectively good/bad film but too many people keep trying to sear that lie onto the brains of every man woman and Frenchman on the planet.
esperanzo gomez Oh no. Have you seen Fateful Findings? That movie is objectively bad. But the movie's so much fun.
And one last, full strength kicking to the disaster that was B v S, to end the year. Excellent.
Sucks so much that BvS is rightfully the worst movie of the year
The Wonder Woman trailer reminds me that they can make good trailers from shit films. She really doesn't say much in the trailer. It mostly shows off action set pieces and flashy effects. I've seen her "act" plenty in other films. She's okay, but lacks actual presence. She's one of the most forgettable bits form the Fast and Furious Franchise(her biggest role before and really only brought back in to round out the numbers with another female character) and even then we only remember her because of her relationship with the far more enjoyable Han character from the movies. Seeing some of hermovies since then has onlt cemented in my mind that she is on the same level of Ashton Kutcher. Pretty to look at, gets a few big roles and then will hopefully fade away to the backpages of Hollywood, mostly forgotten.
TL;DR Gal Gadot is not a good actress and the Wonder Woman movie will be of the same quality of films that we expect from the DCEU at this point.
You know? I was wondering what was going to go wrong here, since that trailer does look good.
Thats a good bet tho
It had been so long that I thought Dawn of Justice came out in 2015. Still a horrid movie.
Where the fuck is Assassin's Creed?
Judging his review, he probably already forgot it existed.
It wasn't noteworthy enough to even make the list.
Bob's usually late including films this late in the year, but replace Warcraft with AC and it'll come out to about the same.
T-minus 7 minutes until Bob remembers that Bad Santa 2 came out this year and it more than earned a place on this list.
More than earned a place on every list of bad things ever.
Yes, I'm going to take advice on what movies were good and weren't from a guy who enjoys the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot... the worst cinematic reboot of all time.
Hey, Total Recall wasn't that bad!
Granted, I was paid to see it, bu-.....I think I had a point somewhere, but i seem to have misplaced it.....
***** First of all... all of those are remakes, not reboots... except for the Total Recall one as it was never really attempted to be a reboot of the originally but was instead meant to be a genuine of the plots found in his book. Secondly, no, they were not all worse. Many of them actually did their fucking job... which is not what Ghostbusters 2016 was doing.
All this proves is how subjective movies are!
Honestly this feels more like Most Disappointing Movies of 2016
I can never take anyone seriously when they think BvS is the worst film of the year. Yeah it's heavily flawed and kinda messy. But it's not even remotely close to being the worst film of the year, there were countless worse films.
His reasoning admitted that there were worse movies, but it was exactly how this one failed that he felt he should give it worse movie of the year.
It is a subjective list.. basically worst and most disappointing in this same time. Bob newer was that good critic, just he have a charisma so that isn't big deal.
It seems as if this isn't the "worst movies of 2016" so much as the "biggest failures to meet expectations." Notice that they're all based on real events or existing IP? Everything on the list gave you some reason to expect something from it. A simply terrible, but original movie doesn't rate because it didn't create those expectations.
Ultimate Edition was actually a great and really epic movie in my opinion. And the action blew all other superhero movies out of the water.
If you follow your logic to its conclusion then the 10 worst movies of the year aren't any anybody has heard of.
They're random poorly made low budget independent films.
Or miscellaneous throwaway pornography scenes.
Or accidental two second videos of a beige wall taken on somebody's Galaxy S5 selfie camera.
You can't separate out expectations, context and cultural impact or your list is pretty meaningless.
You can really tell that by the end of the video a weight has been lifted of your shoulders, it's nice to see you can still rant :D
Also I totally agree with your opinion on Jarad Leto, the guy tries way too hard in everything and one of the reasons why I love the movies Fight Club and American Psycho is cause he gets his face smashed in in both.
True. And he gets shot in the head in Lord of War.
How the fuck was patriots day on your list and on Jeremy jahns best list?
Edgy Veggie Movie had a limited release.
Edgy Veggie Jahns is a bad reviewer
Differing opinions.
You ask that? What you should be asking is why you're taking that moron's opinions seriously.
Ha... perspectives and opinions. I was just thinking how I follow so many reviewers now, but I knew someone had Patriots Day on their list, but I swore it was another worst. I'm not sure I've seen such a flip of opinions except maybe Man from UNCLE last year was on someone's worst and people were complaining that while it flopped, it wasn't a bad movie for most of them, at best dull at times, and I think this person made it in their top 3 worst.
I figure you either pick what's truly the worst just filmmaking and story telling, or you pick what bothered and/or disappointed you the most. Sometimes disappointment weighs heavier than an objectively poorly put together film. Obviously Bob is hit a little closer to home with Patriots Day, not that it means the film was or wasn't deserving to be on his worst list.
I should have guessed you were from Boston. It's great to see another Bostonian on UA-cam. All hail BOB!
I really liked warcraft and there definitely 10 movies worse than it but its your list so okay
ultrulord 2323 no
So Bob, are you as sick of seeing people plastering "BOSTON STRONG" everywhere as I am? I was already annoyed by it that same week that the bombing happened.
You're a fucking terrible person
Even if the profits are going to charity?
JackgarPrime Yet the profits are going to charity AND it's not just about selling merch on a tragedy, you haven't seen the film yet and you're taking advice from bob, a guy who liked the ghostbusters reboot..... you're fucking stupid lol
Oh crap. He's gonna get a lot of hate for Patriot's Day . . . . .
Urdnot Stark From whom? "Patriots?" Fuckboys? The people who took their kids to see Passion of the Christ?
Love your profile name, by the way! No joke. Made my night X)
Not from me, I honestly wondering why more people aren't criticizing it as propaganda and asking the uncomfortable question about it's depiction of Islam.
It's weird, I just came from Jeremy Jahn's best films of the year and it was in that list...
I think this one comes down to a simple personal perspective especially given where Bob is from
Jahns was probably "suckered in" by the message the movie layed out and liked the end result. While Bob was probably banging his head against the wall, knowing from close-by experience what actually happened and only saw some Hollywood actor try to be the "hero" of a tragic event.
I have to admit, I enjoyed Suicide Squad MORE than any of the MCU movies I've seen. While the story feels the same as Guardians of theGalaxy (bunch of freaks and misfits who have to work together against a bland but menacing villain and learn to be friends along the way) I could actually say it had something none of MCU movies had - a fucking theme to explore, namely love(think about it - Harley's love for Joker, El Diablo's love for his wife, Deadshot love for his daughter, Rick's love forEnchantress' human host, Enchantress and her brother's love for each other). The bland, boring, one note white asshole who would be stealing the spotlight in every movie by Marvel here is a glorified McGuffin,while Harley and Deadshot take the spotlight and are the ones to take the villain down. The villain has more motivation than ANY antagonist in MCU movies. And finally, it's unapologetic in it's comic bookness. Yes, Marvel made this huge propaganda deal how their movies don't feel ashamed for being based on comic books, but they're still throwing shade, rolling their eyes and putting winks to the audience whenever something strange happens. Character like Katana couldn't exist in MCu without firt making ton of jokes about how stupid her powers are or trying to explain it with technobabble to assure insecure science-fiction nerds that this isn't actual magic. Suicide Squad just goes "This is Katana, she has a magic sword that steals souls". While there are problems, Jared Leto and bad editing being chief among them, I feel it's actually better than most of the MCU.
IdiotinGlans While I don't quite agree that it's better than a lot of the MCU, you're right about how great Deadshot and Harley were and while Enchantress is nothing special, when it comes to how comic book movie villains have been lately she IS probably one of the best written. And yes, Katana is great. I want to see more of her. :) Glad someone else likes it.
I dunno, Marvel just did Doctor Strange. They didn't seem too worried about having magic be magic.
didnt Ghostbusters come out this year?
Yes, and Bob thought it was an "okay" film. Not "worst of the year"-material.
As a massive Marvel fan, I've never understood the X-Men franchise. Even on a conceptual level, having to deal with so many characters usually, for me, either leads to diluted or confused stories. While the films themselves are adequate, I've never been even partially invested, despite many attempts to engage with them. Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, as the other big Marvel-but-not-Marvel property, frankly obliterates them in just about every conceivable way.
So what are we, some kind of worst movies of the year list?
Patrick_Shanahan They're the worst villains.
Deric James ever
Patrick_Shanahan THIS IS KATANA
Patrick_Shanahan I remember that from the trailers.
I don't remember being so disappointed with a movie as I was with BvS; I walked out of the theater shocked at my own reaction to the movie. I'm sorry, but overall it wasn't a good movie in my opinion.
not sure these were the worst movies of the year. definatly offensively average
I think part of the issue is that sometimes the worst movies are the ones that are the most forgettable; ie, 'average' movies are actually worse than 'bad' movies. The reason for that is that 'bad' movies usually have at least one thing in them that doesn't suck - maybe a single actor actually was trying, or else the dialog was actually kinda funny, or whatever. This gives contrast to the rest of the movie, and thus makes the bad things stand out even more. In contrast, 'average' movies are consistently so bland that they don't have anything that stands out, and thus just come across as completely banal.
This is what I recall from the MST3K groups, when they gave an interview about how they chose movies - there had to be something good in the movies they mocked, or else it was just a complete sludgefest.
"Jared Leto is never a good idea in anything"
Ahem... Requiem for a Dream.
1) That movie was sixteen years ago, and 2) he was only okay in it.
Doesn't change anything, though.
Of all the movies that Leto has been good in you picked the one where he is bland as fuck.
Stop trying to force the "All X Men movies suck " meme.
You have tried to push this for atleast 5 videos now.
I love coming back to these to hear Bob's past opinions. Makes me grin when i then hear his one for the year after.
top 3 is dead the fuck on.
Sorry, but I disagree with Killing Joke. Yeah, the Barbara Gordon stuff was crap, but the actual Killing Joke part was, in my opinion, fantastic!
I would kill to have Bob ask me if I wanted a cup of coffee.
Good news is it sounds like they're trying to distance Snyder from the upcoming DC movies as much as possible.
Bad news is it sounds like they have their own slew of on set management issues to deal with.
They pretty much doubled down on the "filmmaker driven" thing right when they announced Johns' somewhat meaningless promotion.
Have you heard anything that says they'll be tougher on Snyder?
ROFLMAO! THank you... after this day at work.. I really needed that. Keep 'em coming sir.
I... don't think I've ever agreed with a movie critic more than I did with you in this video. You were spot on... I think the most painful for me were Warcraft and X-Men. I actually never trusted Singer to begin with, so his return was more, "I hope this doesn't suck" than anything. But it failed. I think I'll actually still watch Warcraft from time to time just to imagine what it could be. The Orcs were amazing and Paula Patton in Orc-face will forever stir something deep within me. Also, it helps that it had a woman of color as a leading role in a fantasy film, which we never see. Damn... they should try again.
And then Bob got a bunch of idiots chastising him for not including any of the Disney/Marvel output on this list. Doesn't matter that nothing they made was worse than 'pretty good', you're biased for not giving them a token inclusion as that would be 'fair'.
it's funny I just watched the bvs extended cut, just to listen to the weekly planet commentary track, and man that movie is just garbage. I forgot how much I hated it and how it ruined my 2 favorite comic characters.
I seem to recall a long time ago on one of your shows you did something to the effect of 'upcoming movies with awesome potential' where you went over your favorite yet-to-be-released flicks and explained why they're exciting, either be it because of the director, or the premise, or the studio, or the legacy or whatever.
I really liked that segment. If you're looking to do something a little more optimistic with 2016 behind us, maybe you could do something like that again? Movies to look forward to in the coming year?
Well, that escalated quickly. Happy New Year!
DC did not have a good year at the cinema in 2016, and unlike Warcraft I can tell you EXACTLY what went wrong with each of their movies.
10: The Witch
9: Money Monster
8: Independence Day 2
7: The Finest Hours
6: Allegiant
5: The Girl on the Train
4: The Fifth Wave
3: Ice Age 5
2: Mother's Day
1: Ghostbusters remake
*I would include Sharknado 4 but I'm only counting movies shown in theaters*
It's so bizarre how awful literally everything about DC has been so far when everything coming up looks like it might have promise, specifically because the only good parts of the movies (certain actors) are taking over from the executives and shit directors and saying, "No, I'm making a good movie for a change. Gotham City Sirens is happening with Harley and Ivy being a couple and Batman is going to not be awful because I'm Ben Affleck and I know how to direct my way out of a fucking paper bag, which is more than anyone else can say at this point." Wonder Woman could turn out good, too, and I like Jason Momoa enough to give Aquaman a try.
James Wan is directing Aquaman too, and Patty Jenkins did a great job directing/writing Monster. So here's hope.
As long as Zack Snyder isn't directing the movie I'm optimistic that Patty Jenkins and James Wan can turn out some great films.
This is not the worst movies of 2016, this is just average movies. worst movies are gods of Egypt, Assassin's creed, max steel, alligiant
Where's "God Not Dead?" It should've been #1. It's the mindset of this movie's fan that allowed Donald Trump to become President.
Great as every video. Interesting how Patriots Day is one of Jahn's favourite movies of the year. Quite a contrast ^^
This video made me realize something. He's right, I don't want Marvel to make an X-Men movie. I just want Marvel to HAVE the X-Men license back so they can use the word Mutant and put some mutants in the movies they should be in. Not saying if they made one I wouldn't go see it because, hey, it's Marvel, but I don't know if I really want it any time soon.
Your take on Fifty Shades of Black was legit interesting--thanks for the episode, Bob! Here's to a better 2017.
Here's my own bottom 10, out of 104 films. A lot of 2016's big budget movies just ended up being wildly mediocre, or had some good to balance out the bad. For instance, I thought BvS:DoJ , SS, XMen:A, and Ghostbusters all fit that description, as I disliked them but each had some element in them I liked enough to spare them even if it was just one character or a few scenes that showed promise. These 10 and the dishonourable mentions are simply the ones that pissed me off the most.
Dishonourable mentions:
* The Boss, Dirty Grandpa, TMNT:Out of the Shadows, Assassin's Creed, The Fifth Wave, Mother's Day, The Neon Demon
10 Independence Day: Resurgence
Pretty much what Bob said
9 Ratchet and Clank
Inexcusably out-of-sync animation and a nonsense story
8 Masterminds
Mexican food + a hot tub = hilarious, apparently. No wonder the studio went bankrupt
7 The Finest Hours
What a snoozefest. The stuff on Casey Affleck's ship could have been interesting, but for some reason the movie thinks close ups of Chris Pine's boring character driving through monotonous waves while his boring fiance waits on shore is where the excitement is.
6 The Brothers Grimsby
Relies on gross out comedy to get laughs, and I just don't find that funny. Plus, I don't care how you feel about Mr. Trump (seriously, I hate that guy) giving someone HIV is NOT a joke.
5 The Bronze
As bad as Grimsby was, I did get some mild guilty pleasure chuckles. This one only had one semi-amusing scene that was ruined by the obnoxious main character being more obnoxious than usual. I guess I find obnoxiousness even less funny than gross-outs.
4 The Lobster
This movie haunted me for days after I saw it and not in a good way. It's boring, has narration that tells you exactly what's happening, the world makes no sense, has frankly insulting stereotypes of men AND women, and a few scenes that are outright cruel played for laughs... I think. Probably the most unpleasant sit of the year.
3 The Blair Witch
The entire "suspense" in this movie is characters screaming each others' names in darkness. Throw in migraine-inducing found footage and completely pointless "new" technology compared to the last. Plus, who the hell actually edited the "found" footage from different sources together per the film's narrative? How'd they find them all given their disparate locations?
2 Gods of Egypt
How can a movie feel like you need to know the mythology beforehand to understand it, and yet still get the mythology horribly wrong? Bad acting, awful CGI, poor greenscreen composition. This might be a film worth watching as so-bad-it's-good just to figure out where the $140 million budget went.
1 Norm of the North
There is literally nothing good I can say about this movie. The animation is awful. The continuity from scene to scene is wrong. The morals are bad. The story setup is nonsensical. The plot makes no sense. I saw this for free and I still felt ripped off.
I'm going to enjoy staying up until midnight on New Years Eve, so I can watch this miserable year finally die!
Nothing, nothing, nothing is worse than Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad was more disappointing than bad, Nine Lives is way worse.
Worst movie of this year:
Seriously, fuck that movie. I hate it so much.
Funny, I found it to be one of the best movies of the year.
I quite like it.
Well, I didn't. So, tough titty.
+Sena Kashiwazaki Deadpool was a much better movie than Ghostbusters.
+Matthew Cool Yes it was. Rightfully so.
The super hero trend will be ended by a massive trend of video game film adaptations. Especially Ubisoft will become a company which will massively participate in this fad. You've heard it here first.
I still think the first Warcraft movie could have been really good, had they built up to the convoluted story rather than jumped in. There was a fantastic movie to be made if they'd just went with the story Blizzard already had lying around that was the true starting point for the Warcraft universe in its current state: Lord of the Clans. The story of the rise of Thrall was not only the beginning of the complex, morally ambiguous, multi-faction universe that Blizzard had been trying to make with the first two games, it also featured a cast of interesting, varied, and well developed characters that all revolved around the central protagonist. That sort of story is a perfect fit not only for the first chapter of an ongoing series, but given that it also introduces the audience to the world and important characters as Thrall is introduced to them, he serves as a perfect audience surrogate, making the film work as a primer to introduce non-fans into the Warcraft universe. In addition, the movie is compact compared to the war epics of the first two games, giving more time to the development of the characters and the world they inhabit before we leap headfirst into world-spanning conflict (see also the progression of the Lord of the Rings films). I'm sure SOMEONE at Blizzard had to have thrown out there that what is arguably their best story and a logical place to begin should have been adapted into a movie first. Not sure why people didn't listen.
The worst movie of this year was Ghostbusters.
Of course it is, you invested way too much time whining about the feee-males in the cast for it to just be forgettable mediocrity. It has to be THE WORST THING EVARRR!!!!
Nope, I don't like toilet humor and you've never had an original thought in your life.
Well aren't you a unique little snowflake. I have no dog in the fight, I disliked the original Ghostbusters movie as boring tripe (that also had potty humor, one of the most iconic characters of Ghostbusters is nothing but a big gross-out joke), and the remake as just cash-in controversy farming, and even then it didn't really work. But was it THE WORST MOOBIE OF DER YEAR!!!?? No. You're just singularly obsessed with Ghostbusters for its... potty humor? If that's your standard that Sausage Party was the worst movie ever made.
I think ripping on Cavill as Superman is a bit unfair at this point. I mean yeah, you can say he's the worst of the THREE Superman actors, but Reeve was born for that shit (and still turned fairly sour himself when the scripts turned bad for Superman 3 and 4.) and Routh wasn't 'any better (if at all) despite working with comparatively GOLDEN material.
Cavill was tolerable in both movies despite an awful script and a clear lack of direction.
It is amazing that people still say there was nothing wrong with BVS and critics aren't specific. It is a shame such people never watched the animated shows or played the Arkham games.
Unfortunate you've had such an unpleasant year Bob. I myself have had a wonderful one over here in Ireland! Here's hoping for a better twelve months to come!
I feel Suicide Squad doesnt deserve the amount of hate it got, the first half was really fun but then they tried to get serious in the second half which was a mood whiplash but still I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
You may say Jared Leto is not a good idea in anything, but he is also an Academy Award winner. You could argue getting him after winning an Academy Award is a big deal.
I'm glad that even a die-hard Feminist like you can tacitly admit that the 2016 Ghostbusters movie was neither good enough for the Best of 2016 list or bad enough for the Worst of 2016 list.
It may be popular to bash over BvS, but there are far far worse movies out there this year. Swiss Army Man? The Brothers Grimsby? and my choice for worst of 2016, Dirty Grandpa. Those were all infinitely worse than BvS/
Remember when we thought 2016 was bad? Now the awfulness that is everything in this fucking world is so constant that the misery is almost banal.
Apocalypse and Killing Joke were both movies I not only enjoyed, but went to the theater ALONE to see.
I didn't mind Leto as Joker at first...but then his Joker laugh happened with that stupid mouth tattoo over his hand...
X-Men and Warcraft were just okay movies. I mean where was movies like 9 Lives lmao
WarCraft has a pretty split reception. People who don't get, understand, or generally like the mythos tended not to like the movie. People who understood what was going on tended to like it. It was a decent movie, it just wasn't really designed for the mass market - it was basically a fan pet project. Certainly wouldn't call a movie that did as well as WarCraft did a bomb, or an unmitigated disaster. It looked good and had good action. Probably the best magic to appear in film to this day, and the effects for the Orcs was wonderful.
I actually thought that maybe a list of the worst movies of the year would be kind of depressing considering all the bad shit that has happened this year. However it actually served as a release valve for the actual fuck ton of horrible shit that happened this year that has been weighing on me. Thanks for that.
Huh. Interesting. I'd love to hear JJ and MB discuss Patriots Day given their radically contrasting opinions.
+1 it'd be more interesting for sure.