I had to change the capacitor on this thing, wouldn't fire the shutter with the old one. On top of that batteries died, got new ones that are also empty...
Having poked around inside an XG series twice I really feel this video. You can really tell that they meant it when they said it was a cheaper alternative to the XD series. I hate the weird circuit shutter button that's completed by touching it with your finger for the "A" mode since in the two cameras I have had they were very unreliable. The SR and SRT series I adore and the XD has been a pleasure to use thanks to all the metal in them.
Lol, XG's are entry level. "Did not age well?" Given the fact they are 40-50 years old, it is still remarkable they sort of keep on clicking. I worked on some and they are a nightmare with all that weak little stuff in it. The X-300/500/700's are better to work on. Better build quality and more reliable. And yes, the XD-7(11)'s are top notch. And I really liked this vid!
I had to change the capacitor on this thing, wouldn't fire the shutter with the old one. On top of that batteries died, got new ones that are also empty...
Having poked around inside an XG series twice I really feel this video. You can really tell that they meant it when they said it was a cheaper alternative to the XD series. I hate the weird circuit shutter button that's completed by touching it with your finger for the "A" mode since in the two cameras I have had they were very unreliable.
The SR and SRT series I adore and the XD has been a pleasure to use thanks to all the metal in them.
Thanks for this, I feel heard right now haha
Lol, XG's are entry level. "Did not age well?" Given the fact they are 40-50 years old, it is still remarkable they sort of keep on clicking.
I worked on some and they are a nightmare with all that weak little stuff in it. The X-300/500/700's are better to work on. Better build quality and more reliable. And yes, the XD-7(11)'s are top notch.
And I really liked this vid!