Its a long term shift due to the heritability of political views and ever increasing differences in fertility rates among different political views with people that are more insular, religious and conservative having the most children while those who are more atheistic and progressives having the fewest. This has only been happening since the 90's which means roughly two generations. two more generations of this and progressives will be virtually extinct.
Good interview, but: Woke is not "liberalism": It's the overthrow of all the pillars of the Enlightenment. And Trump demanding the reform of NATO is not the abandonment of it.
"Populism" merely refers to the individual law-abiding working stiff wanting government, in whatever form, to represent THEM, the very foundation of participatory (democratic, if you will) government. Instead, 'public servants' that make up the government have abused for decades the public trust, using it as a vehicle to enrich themselves at the expense of the very people 'public servants' have taken an oath to represent. It's a profound abuse of power covered up 24/7 by the colluding mass media which is part of the globalist cabal that's determined to decimate Western middle class (and hence any hope for functioning democracy) and replace it with a dystopian society mired in woke-induced social conflict to divert the brainwashed masses' attention away from the globalist elite's ever more blatant abuse of the public trust.
Fareed makes a lot of good points. I must say though when he says that "wages have been out stripping the cost of living for years now" that is false and is a sign of his being out of touch with the working class! Try asking the millions of Americans that are systematically being "priced out of affordable rents, home prices, health care, and higher education! I'm one of them! Hell, I was an Inspector for an Affordable Housing Corporation in the San Francisco Bay Area and a One-Bedroom apartment with utilities required over 70% of my monthly income and a studio around 60%. Here in Seattle the same apartment I rented 20 years ago has quadrupled in rent. These economic statistics he quotes are not accurate. I've talked with hundreds of Americans from New York to the West Coast and the majority of the working class is feeling the inequality yet these statistics he quotes do not! This is the result of listening to elites and spending little to no time having conversations with working class folks not to mention not knowing any!
Part of it it I think is him wanting to sell the thesis of the book (it's all cultural), but otherwise he does show what a bubble he lives in by shrugging off the economic concerns. People are getting locked out of social mobility. It's a huge deal.
Fareed is BABBLING , because Fareed is now FREAKED OUT ... because (his tribe ) the (useless) intellectualls are beeing PUSHED OUT, and may even be ELIMINATED - in the GLOBAL SHUFFLE ! ! !
inflation index in the vast majority of the western world does not include real estater (including rental) as a result the figures cannot reflect real life
I WISH we had “elites”…it implies a level of competence. What we have are mediocre bureaucrats sanctimoniously playing the woke fiddle as Rome is burning.
That's my objection to the use of that term, especially if anyone has had the grave misfortune of actually meeting them. At best, they're mediocrities and not exceptional at all. They're barely literaturate, often innumerate, astonishing arrogant and pathetically pig-ignorant, extremely patronising, and ahistorical. They're nowhere near as elite as they like to think they are. They tend to be overdeveloped and specialised in one area, which is why they may be successful but try talking to them to find out just how vacuous they are.
What these types of people never say is the obvious. The last 50-60 years of "Revolutionary Change" was done via state violence. It was imposed not by Democracy but by "Guided Democracy". "Guided democracy, also called managed democracy, is a formally democratic government that functions as a de facto authoritarian government or, in some cases, as an autocratic government. Such hybrid regimes are legitimized by elections, but do not change the state's policies, motives, and goals." He talks of creating a middle class, literally nothing he says is intelligent at all...its all deliberate obfuscation on behalf of rootless cosmopolitan metrosexuals. It's all they do, carrying water.
He was part of the problem for so, SO, SO many years. But at least I give him credit for going on a conservative leaning (or at least non-woke) news outlet.
Looks like he’s seen the writing on the wall and apparently making some amends which could be strictly cosmetic. He’s been in the deep end for too long and Wokism may stick with him in spite of his new look jacket. Never trust him.
@@Agtsmirnoff Either you are a 5th columnist or you have a horrific misunderstanding of islam. Bottom line, all of islam wants the west destroyed. The believe the west is temporary and wish to reestablish the caliphate. Your words will one day be considered treason. If I had my way, that day would be today.
The French Revolution ended Papal Rome Authority where now today no speaks of it... but when the deadly wound heals... trails and tribulations on a scale unmeasured.
Those types of revolutions always end up that way, since the wrong people always end up holding power as it has happened repeatedly in other countries. Political revolutions where people have the last word are the most effective ways for a democracy to flourish and benefit everyone or at least have a chance of success.
People are not wanting fewer immigrants because the internet exists, saying such an obviously stupid thing means this man must be lying or trying to gaslight us.
Not to mention the 100% tax on Chinese electric cars was put in place to help Elon Musk so he wouldn't have competition with Tesla. They're not doing it for blue-collar American jobs; it's to protect Elon's profit margins.
Did you not hear him say the Right is correct in opposing immigration? Listen again and get the right reason for why he agrees that opposing immigration is reasonable. His point about the internet was that it allows corporations to move money and jobs invisibly and you end up losing jobs in middle America and the jobless don't know who to blame other than immigrants letting the corporations and investors off the hook. Republican politicians love that move because even though they started globalization they can pretend to be against it and still get votes.
So, if I'm interpreting Mr. Zakaria's argument correctly on our present economic model, it's essentially, "Yes, it's kinda shitty. But, we've found a way to keep it just above the level of shitty where large swathes of the population will want to rebel." Sir, that sounds like a perfected version of serfdom. It certainly does not sound like liberty, nor any other model that I would wish to live under, economically or otherwise.
I suppose as an older man I would suggest we have a lot more to consume. Our lifestyle has become more expensive. So the economy can be better and we still feel poor. Expectations have changed dramatically. If we live a 60s lifestyle we wouldn't need so much money. And the 70s and the 80s were definitely worse than today.
Exactly. No raise or cost of living increase in my wages for the past 3 years. Grocery & health insurance costs have doubled in that time. Half the job listings are false, just there for the company's growth/job creation numbers.
@@narendra62 and yet somehow people could still buy a house back then. University was cheaper- by a vast amount. The generations over 40 have ALOT of material wealth, and this generation is the first time in US history where the children will not do better than their parents.
@@narendra62 You'd think right? But studies show that that generation is not doing that. They havenot passed anything on, includongomg sitting in jobs longer than they should becauzerhwy want more money. Most od them are spending their money on themselves lavishly in retirement.
@@TimJohnson-x1o this is just a HUGE PROPAGANDA for Biden ... since the INTELLECTUALS like Fareed are FREAKED OUT, that they may end up hanging on the Lamp-Posts ( like the Commies ended up hanging in 1956 Budapest ! )
When i heard him say "wages have been outstripping the cost of living for years now, and inequality in america has been declining for the last few years" I knew I could stop.
I could listen to Dr. Zakaria all day everyday. His view is wholistic and he gives me optimism that with many bumps in the road things will evolve to be better
Fareed Zakaria knows how to survive in his domain with play of words (or semantics). He likes to come across as a moderate and is worried he could antagonize his audience by aggressively taking a stance. With his mannerism, he had stayed under the radar for too long and had emerged successful. I don't think anyone would want to have him on their team, except perhaps CNN and other so-called journalists -- just so that he can keep increasing his wealth.
I like his moderate stance and mannerism. Being a Person of color and survive in the western Establishment itself is a big deal. Anyway his wife is white
I think Fareed is sincere in his trying to understand what is happening, but he misses the point that the constant printing of money out of thin air and the borrowing of it into existence while never allowing a corrective recession to occur is creating MASSIVE price escalation in hard assets like housing. Currency creation beyond the organic growth of the economy is the very definition of inflation. This is government policy for God's sake! In Canada where I live, a generation ago any family with a single steady wage earner - in any occupation - could afford a house. Now that is almost impossible due to the price of housing absolutely skyrocketing. TWO incomes now cannot afford a house. Also, while there is this continuing escalation in prices of housing, the government has let in 1 MILLION newcomers in the last 10 months! Forcing the price of housing HIGHER STILL. All while there is a crisis in health care and infrastructure not remotely able to keep up with the population growth, MILLIONS of people have no family doctor (including myself). Do you think the "educated elite" might have thought of the COSEQUENCES of their policies? Obviously not. Many MP's in parliament are property investors. Coincidence? I think not. How many MP's don't have a doctor? Probably not one. "Elite" ? That is laughable. Self serving? Completely - all of them.
People don't understand this simple fact - house prices go up when family income goes up. We are the ones bidding. If there were 10 people earning in a family, the price will be 10x. Any gains are temporary. Plus if a region is geographically limited in land for housing, there's further pressure on housing. It's just the competition and it's our fault.
The Muslim world has been Westernized for over two centuries since Napoleon, now it's time for the Muslims to return the favor. Share and share alike! Enjoy! 😊
@@PauloAdriano-zo2ng That's kind of funny. I thought the West has been meddling in the Middle East and Egypt for along, long time, believing it belonged to them. So now the Muslims have shown the West that they are more than just "goat herders" as so many gullibles seem to believe. Just the other day some posters were stunned that Hezbollah actually has a sophisticated weapon system. they thought that Israel and the US could squat them like flies
So what is his point.? 'Please dont let the chickens come home to roost' Sounds like he is worried that the masses are finally going to wake up and call out his rich buddies and himself
It's frustrating knowing that deep down he's an intelligent enough person, but he (like almost everyone in his social circle I'm sure) has fallen for his own propaganda, conservatism is all about lying so long that the lie becomes 'truth' (in a sense).
You are never going to change tribalism but we can be tolerant and let others live alongside. BUT we are entitled to want to have our identity and feel respected. This has not been happening now with the neo liberals . The Tory party is full of those liberals .
The issue is that bailouts are not helping the "poor people". Bailouts create constant (asset) inflation and are making "poor people" poorer because they own no assets. The wealth disparity is bigger than ever. Bailouts also create moral hazard and lead to moral bankruptcy! The book could be named: "Living in an Upper Eastside bubble"
This is certainly part of it. As he said though, many people would also not stand for governments just allowing banks to crash or big businesses to fail be because average people will lose their jobs and feel the pain of it. You can certainly still take issue with the specifics of how these bailouts are structured and executed.
The "poor people" would rather accept job losses than inflation. The question is also would you rather destroy your currency/most of society or accept a depression....
Not just housing... and it's not just inflation; it's wages haven't kept pace. Wages have not risen for as long as I've been born. I was born in the 80s, btw.
5:43 ‘..liberal, cosmopolitan, urban elite..’ well that is one thing and I would term it neoliberalism - but I see neoliberalism as a cultural phenotype for the narrower and positive Neoconservatism which provides cutting edge to western policy. This may embed itself in historical processes going back to 1600 but for two things which make the changes of the last two years kick things into a radical alteration: a) the US predicated its future political course upon a power to be able to reduce any opposed power by use of economic sanctions and correspondingly let its own military slip in capability; b) beginning 2007/8 but greatly accelerating 2014 a para-state (the Rules Based International Order) let go of liberal democracy based on Constitutional principles and institutions and embraced a covert - now manifest - marxian scheme for no less than all such schemes ‘world domination’. So we are ripped from our historical constitutional form into now operating totalitarian ‘ethics’ and with all principle institutions - including the present monarchy - ideology-soaked; but we are also false-footed by our ‘leaders’ into confrontation with two asiatic powers with high totalitarian political content - the more eastern one extant - the nearer but with recent experience of such and this by virtue of the unthinkable failure of economic sanction to occur and failing stimulating an incredible surge in a counter direction.. I suggest that we are far from the picture here being painted
Housing prices are up 6% from last year, electricy rates are the highest in 3 decades at 15.98 cents/kWh. food prices increased 5.8 percent in 2023, mortgage rates are high, more people are having to live off their credit card and are living paycheck to paycheck now. They say the economy is good but us middle class are not feeling it.
Discussing Leftism and Liberalism is like the dog and the tail. Who exactly is wagging who? I don't see a Liberal revolution, i see a Leftist revolution whose presented face is Liberal. It is a bad revolution.
***I'm afraid I don't find him in any sense interesting.*** LOL! Fareed is now FREAKED OUT ... and is babbling ! because now (his tribe ) the (useless) intellectualls are beeing PUSHED OUT, and may even be ELIMINATED - in the GLOBAL SHUFFLE ! ! )
Even the great recession only technically, by the numbers and official definition of recession, lasted a few years. But we all felt the effects for much much longer
Zaharia makes an interesting point about the way in which we no longer have recessions. But this stability is not enabled by wealth transfers, it is enabled by money printing. And this is, in effect, a wealth transfer to the already rich because it pumps up asset prices.
Fareed, can’t agree more with you. That’s exactly what we’re facing in Canada. Liberals have gone too left…too far, reason why they will be badly defeated next year.
Fareed is up near the top of the 'dinner wish guest list'. Mucho respect to this fine interview. 👍His book is needed for an expansive and harmonious perspective globally 🌍🌍🌏💓
I usually take Zakaria's opinion with a level of respect, but for him to say that inflation is at 3% and failing to acknowledge that over the last 3 to 4 years cost of living has increased over 20%, is pure gaslighting.
England had a revolution in which the monarch was executed and hundreds of thousands of people died. It then had a restoration of monarchy. It did what France did, but earlier.
With respect to you and your guest, he made some ridiculous absurd remarks. He doesn't understand the perception of street level or, partial and biased received wisdom about the common folk.
Whether people like it or not, we can not deny that things like church were long a central part of our societies and lives. In the US, for example, the entire country and governmental structures were designed and built, assuming most people would be going to church and largely building community around that. It was also about other clubs and institutions like granges, rotary, lions, elks, bowling leagues, etc. A lot of that has greatly diminished or been lost. We're now too atomized and disconnected from our communities and each other. It's no surprise that a government designed for a society and people who would be leaning on things like this would have trouble without them.
@@jannichi6431 Our heads are so far up our proverbial that we think up is down and down is up. The median person in the West has never had it better and yet we complain incessantly about how it's all going to the dogs.
Yes, jobs are up, but which jobs? The analysis shows it is part time low-paying jobs. All that infrastructure money isn't funding full-time well-paying jobs that rebuild our roads, bridges, power lines, or water infrastructure. It is wasted on government regulations and subpar energy technologies that leave America in a weakened position. No one is upset by celebrations of their ethnic culture, but what melded GenX America together through the Cold War was being taught that American Greatness flowed from our common humanity & equality under our Constitution. We were taught our failings (slavery and Jim Crow) but we also taught our successes (Frederick Thomas, Sojourner Truth, MLK, rights for Women). As to the Popular vote: it doesn't and has never mattered for the Presidency: Presidents before Trump have won without winning the popular vote. Democracy was feared by the Founders, which is why they chose a Republic: Republics are unions of states, where teh states elect the presdient (which why the Electoral College exists). EU (et al) will do fine under a 2nd Trump term. There were no wars under his presidency, and Europe finally began to meet its obligations under the NATO treaty. Pushing your fellow members to uphold the terms of their agreements is exactly what a president should do. As to ruling by decree: ALL executive orders are ruling by decree, no matter who signs them. Neither party's hands are clean there, but the current incumbent is ignoring SCOTUS telling him what he cannot do without the Legislature in a way his predecessors did not.
Traditionally I thought Fareed was a bit of a puffed up news presenter - but it is interesting to hear him speak well at length with less time constraint. I think also he has been on somewhat of a political journey and I now think he is in a much more similar political position to myself.
Mr. Zakaria glossed over the extreme inequality today Biden did reverse the trend a bit but we still have 18% of Americans struggle for food and shelter unable to participate in effective social interactions. A substantial middle class is what made America great and strong.
Surprised to see the people US who are 25 times richer than the average Indian, also speak in the same tune of that we hear in India like inflation, hand to mouth situation, can't afford food, can't afford the rent etc..
Without invalidating anybody's reality, struggling as some may be, I have to say that most Americans are living in a bubble of prosperity unheard of in the history of the world. Many in the middle and bottom third of the economy have cars, refrigeration, access to lifesaving drugs and, opportunity etc. FAR BEYOND what their ancestors had in the same section of the economy 100 years ago. Compared to BILLIONS in other countries, working with at least as much talent and effort if not more, they live like gods. I understand everything is relative, but the main shortage in America is gratitude.
Just when I think Fareed is about to “get it” I’m disappointed. populism • noun • a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups
Fareed is thoughtful and insightful - not an ideologue (which many other commentators seem to be looking for!) Bravo and thank you for inviting him on! We do not need another Fox 'News' network!!!
Kate Andrews of the Spectator said, "WE'RE ALL MAGA NOW" Absolutely despicable headline. 🇺🇸 Would she have said that after Adolf Hitler survived his attempted assassination ?? "We're All NSDAP Now" .... !!!
“How do you navigate the change…” A Pilot is trained to … Aviate, Navigate, Communicate First…get a grip and continue flying the Plane …then fix your location in 4D Spatial Coordinates…once you’ve achieved stability between variables : inputs and outcomes … then communicate the information to anybody who is within range and tuned to your frequency.
This guy doesn’t sound like he is in touch with the real lives experiences of most people. The economy in the US might be ‘strong’ for a few, but for many it is a nightmare. When you have increased violence, loss of culture and loss of social/infrastructure support due to tax payers dollars going to immigration, then naturally that becomes a problem too. Identity politics becomes an issue when an ideology is forced down your throat, with increasing censorship, personal attacks, changing laws in order to force said ideology on you. It’s interesting to hear his pov, but this man needs to talk to more people in the real world
00:03 Liberalism is a revolutionary force causing disruptions and identity transformations throughout history. 02:17 The French Revolution failed on its own terms 06:44 Shift from economics to cultural identity politics 08:51 Modern society uses big companies to stabilize the economy. 13:18 Immigration as a symbol for broader economic concerns. 15:24 Current economic indicators and political climate in the US 19:19 Individuals have the power to decide the meaning of life. 21:10 Building national unity and community through shared experiences and initiatives 24:52 Tribalism and nationalism rely on creating fear of the 'scary other' 26:50 The debate about the direction of history and the post-American world 30:36 Cynicism towards the democratic process in Russia and America 32:24 Liberalism arose from religious wars and promoted coexistence. 36:18 Potential shift in US foreign policy impacting international order 38:15 Biden's efforts to strengthen Western and Asian alliances may impact international security and rules-based systems. Crafted by Merlin AI.
When he talks tribalism, gang and culticmentality, but the underlying factor will be where the money is spent, I will still be an independent individual
Journey from colonisation to globalisation is through various economic theories of Capitalism, Neoliberalism, Third wave Liberalism has resulted in now clashes between progressive classes (e.g Gay vs. Trans, Central Left Vs Central Right, etc) and people are being protective of their traditional identity (right and left equally).
All my comments have been removed, my comments were not aggressive nor vile in any shape of form. I find this scary, as I have never slandered nor ridiculed anyone?
Fareed, the wealth transfers to the rich are dollar for dollar greater, more frequent and repetitive than all of the programs for the poor. Programs for the poor are static. You start out getting help and nomatter what the benefit starts out with more purchasing power but ends up purchasing less down the road. As a legitimately poor senior I started out paying about a third of my income for an affordable apartment 18 years ago. Now I'm entering my mid 80s and I'm paying more than half my income for the same apartment. Social security increases at about 2 to 3% a year on average but rent increases 8 to 10% on average. My rich corporate landlord has gotten richer and I've gotten poorer over that 18 years. Look at what has happened in real life. Once upon a timea single wage kept a family fed and sheltered. Then it came about that it took two salaries to afford what could previously be accomplished by one good job. Now it takes not just two salaries for that standard of living but two very darned good jobs and most people still cannot afford to purchase shelter, food, clothing, health care or higher education. We aren't getting ahead. The reason people who are voting for Trump are doing that is beause we have had less emphasis on getting kids educated and off to college. We send the best kids there andxa few get scholarships but there are not masses of kids getting higher education without crippling debt. College educated kids are obviously more analytical and don't react with glee at gross lies, bullying, and drama. It's harder to attract those who have some small middle class status to the ugly fascism of Trump but it's pretty easy to attract poorly educated, struggling and angry working folks to the rude narcissist trying to take over our nation and make it an autocracy. As for prople earning under $25,000, I'm onr of those. Having been one of those not college educated people who came from a working class NOT home owning family. I never could save more than three thousand dollars which some catastrophe gobbled up and I'd have to start all over again. Fareed, you are talking from some ivory tower. I'm stuck down here trying to figure out if I can afford to buy a bra because my food bill is too high. I gave up trying to get my teeth fixed. Forget corn. I can't eat crunchy, crusty wholewheat bread, cucumbers, and the raw carrots, radishes and celery that my doctor says are healthy snacks for diabetics. Come talk to us fown here who are not voting for Trump but don't think Biden is the FDR we need. I feel like Ive been gsslighted when Biden and you tell me he's the best thing since nickle beer for ordinary working people and that our wages have outstripped imflation. We are so farvdown the hole c we cannot see daylight. Ask homeless families with kids how our wages are increasing and how much bettercwe are doing. Thisveconimy is just b fine fir peoplecwho have excess income sufficient to invest, but the rest of us are living paycheck to paycheck, doubling up in apartments, getting deeper in debt despite not buying anything but absolute necessities. Don't tell us that the economy is great.
The combining of corporate power with the government is Fascism. “Socialism for the rich” is putting it mildly. Also, all Americans are concerned about economic inequality, it’s a feature of the system in which we live. Inequality breeds identity politics. Backlashes occur when the economic system crashes. Again, another feature of the system. The global financial system is now neoliberal. There are no liberals, no communists, and fewer socialists. There’s no real way for working people to understand why they have become poor, and so they “ lash out”, kicking and screaming, looking for someone to blame, encouraged by a sociopath and kept ignorant by the corporate media.
If anyone slides off the rails, or slips off the levee in a life defined by globalised rootlessness, there is no parachute, nothing to break the fall when one feels the most vulnerable. When you scream into the void and ask "my god, why did you fail me ?" and there is no answer .. that's when you say hell with this, I'm out and I don't want in ever again. Now, scale that frustration up to participant nations.
He completely skipped two big-ticket issues 1) Global liberal ecosystem breastfeeding an illiberal update-resististing ideology called Islam. 2) Total blackhole-level silence in such discussion about the status of Libral projects in the Arab peninsula and Africa. The world is totally integrated today. Discussing any global project, in selective convenient isolation, by avoiding conversation around project application in Africa & Arab land, gets perceived as a dishonest attempt because it is a disingenuous attempt.
Is the rise of populism a temporary backlash or a long-term shift?
Populism is here to stay.
Its a long term shift due to the heritability of political views and ever increasing differences in fertility rates among different political views with people that are more insular, religious and conservative having the most children while those who are more atheistic and progressives having the fewest. This has only been happening since the 90's which means roughly two generations. two more generations of this and progressives will be virtually extinct.
Doesn't have to be. "Ego centrism" results in gated communities. Boo👻
Good interview, but:
Woke is not "liberalism":
It's the overthrow of all the pillars of the Enlightenment.
And Trump demanding the reform of NATO is not the abandonment of it.
"Populism" merely refers to the individual law-abiding working stiff wanting government, in whatever form, to represent THEM, the very foundation of participatory (democratic, if you will) government. Instead, 'public servants' that make up the government have abused for decades the public trust, using it as a vehicle to enrich themselves at the expense of the very people 'public servants' have taken an oath to represent. It's a profound abuse of power covered up 24/7 by the colluding mass media which is part of the globalist cabal that's determined to decimate Western middle class (and hence any hope for functioning democracy) and replace it with a dystopian society mired in woke-induced social conflict to divert the brainwashed masses' attention away from the globalist elite's ever more blatant abuse of the public trust.
Fareed makes a lot of good points. I must say though when he says that "wages have been out stripping the cost of living for years now" that is false and is a sign of his being out of touch with the working class! Try asking the millions of Americans that are systematically being "priced out of affordable rents, home prices, health care, and higher education! I'm one of them! Hell, I was an Inspector for an Affordable Housing Corporation in the San Francisco Bay Area and a One-Bedroom apartment with utilities required over 70% of my monthly income and a studio around 60%. Here in Seattle the same apartment I rented 20 years ago has quadrupled in rent. These economic statistics he quotes are not accurate. I've talked with hundreds of Americans from New York to the West Coast and the majority of the working class is feeling the inequality yet these statistics he quotes do not! This is the result of listening to elites and spending little to no time having conversations with working class folks not to mention not knowing any!
Yepper, #1 issue is wealth Gap. Biden will continue to address taxing those above $400,000 with a blue Congress🗳️
Part of it it I think is him wanting to sell the thesis of the book (it's all cultural), but otherwise he does show what a bubble he lives in by shrugging off the economic concerns. People are getting locked out of social mobility. It's a huge deal.
Fareed is BABBLING , because Fareed is now FREAKED OUT ...
because (his tribe ) the (useless) intellectualls are beeing PUSHED OUT, and may even be ELIMINATED - in the GLOBAL SHUFFLE ! ! !
inflation index in the vast majority of the western world does not include real estater (including rental) as a result the figures cannot reflect real life
@@yendid7587 because R/E is immune to inflation generally ( CANNOT BE CONSUMED !, just like GOLD! cannot be consumed )
I WISH we had “elites”…it implies a level of competence. What we have are mediocre bureaucrats sanctimoniously playing the woke fiddle as Rome is burning.
Self-described "elites" would be the correct description, but that's a bit of a mouthful to be repeating over and over.
_"Oligarchs"_ is probably a more fitting word.
That's my objection to the use of that term, especially if anyone has had the grave misfortune of actually meeting them. At best, they're mediocrities and not exceptional at all. They're barely literaturate, often innumerate, astonishing arrogant and pathetically pig-ignorant, extremely patronising, and ahistorical.
They're nowhere near as elite as they like to think they are. They tend to be overdeveloped and specialised in one area, which is why they may be successful but try talking to them to find out just how vacuous they are.
What these types of people never say is the obvious.
The last 50-60 years of "Revolutionary Change" was done via state violence. It was imposed not by Democracy but by "Guided Democracy". "Guided democracy, also called managed democracy, is a formally democratic government that functions as a de facto authoritarian government or, in some cases, as an autocratic government. Such hybrid regimes are legitimized by elections, but do not change the state's policies, motives, and goals."
He talks of creating a middle class, literally nothing he says is intelligent at all...its all deliberate obfuscation on behalf of rootless cosmopolitan metrosexuals. It's all they do, carrying water.
Elites need a definition clarified; Americans think it means those with money 🤨
He was part of the problem for so, SO, SO many years. But at least I give him credit for going on a conservative leaning (or at least non-woke) news outlet.
Look into Fareed's college years. He was ALWAYS a conservative. His views on foreign affairs are a bit more center left, I suppose.
the damage his cnn reporting caused is incalculable. The world would have been better off without his globalist establishment biased reportage.
I think Fareed has always kinda been a Centrist. Maybe Center left but never a far left looney and most of the times tries to remain neutral
He still IS the problem with the West
Looks like he’s seen the writing on the wall and apparently making some amends which could be strictly cosmetic. He’s been in the deep end for too long and Wokism may stick with him in spite of his new look jacket. Never trust him.
The whole "international order" was neither international nor order. It was US hegemony.
And it worked great until leftist took control of the USA
Would you rather have China hegemony or Saudi Arabia hegemony?
@@Tamara-qd5dc if Saudi Arabia continues it’s reforms as it has for the last five or so years, I would go with them
@@Agtsmirnoff Either you are a 5th columnist or you have a horrific misunderstanding of islam. Bottom line, all of islam wants the west destroyed. The believe the west is temporary and wish to reestablish the caliphate. Your words will one day be considered treason. If I had my way, that day would be today.
US hegemony is not so bad. Trade flows relatively freely.
The French Revolution ended poorly for a lot of innocent people.
The French Revolution ended Papal Rome Authority where now today no speaks of it... but when the deadly wound heals... trails and tribulations on a scale unmeasured.
European Civilisation never recovered.
@@MrMonikuraIn France maybe for many- but most French are still Catholic!
Those types of revolutions always end up that way, since the wrong people always end up holding power as it has happened repeatedly in other countries. Political revolutions where people have the last word are the most effective ways for a democracy to flourish and benefit everyone or at least have a chance of success.
I noticed we share the same surname it's from county Galway Ireland.
People are not wanting fewer immigrants because the internet exists, saying such an obviously stupid thing means this man must be lying or trying to gaslight us.
Probably gaslighting you with butane ⛽️ gas.
@@Philiptanzer Looks like you have a problem with comprehension.
The internet 100% plays a role. Disinformation spread + hysteria. That and increased contact with other groups and segmentation of society.
Not to mention the 100% tax on Chinese electric cars was put in place to help Elon Musk so he wouldn't have competition with Tesla. They're not doing it for blue-collar American jobs; it's to protect Elon's profit margins.
Did you not hear him say the Right is correct in opposing immigration? Listen again and get the right reason for why he agrees that opposing immigration is reasonable. His point about the internet was that it allows corporations to move money and jobs invisibly and you end up losing jobs in middle America and the jobless don't know who to blame other than immigrants letting the corporations and investors off the hook. Republican politicians love that move because even though they started globalization they can pretend to be against it and still get votes.
So, if I'm interpreting Mr. Zakaria's argument correctly on our present economic model, it's essentially, "Yes, it's kinda shitty. But, we've found a way to keep it just above the level of shitty where large swathes of the population will want to rebel."
Sir, that sounds like a perfected version of serfdom. It certainly does not sound like liberty, nor any other model that I would wish to live under, economically or otherwise.
he's an neo-lib end of history types they fundamental believe that the current model is best & can only be improved here & there.
Always great to hear Fareed's viewpoint on things.
15:21 Pretty much, 80% or more od the people in the US would throttle this man for claiming the US economy is better than it has been in 50 years.
I suppose as an older man I would suggest we have a lot more to consume. Our lifestyle has become more expensive. So the economy can be better and we still feel poor. Expectations have changed dramatically. If we live a 60s lifestyle we wouldn't need so much money. And the 70s and the 80s were definitely worse than today.
Exactly. No raise or cost of living increase in my wages for the past 3 years. Grocery & health insurance costs have doubled in that time. Half the job listings are false, just there for the company's growth/job creation numbers.
@@narendra62 and yet somehow people could still buy a house back then. University was cheaper- by a vast amount. The generations over 40 have ALOT of material wealth, and this generation is the first time in US history where the children will not do better than their parents.
@@stormysmurf it's not all bad news. There will be a lot of inheritance money.
@@narendra62 You'd think right? But studies show that that generation is not doing that. They havenot passed anything on, includongomg sitting in jobs longer than they should becauzerhwy want more money. Most od them are spending their money on themselves lavishly in retirement.
Wages are not outstripping inflation, that is a lie.
big lie
Fareed lies, Biden lies, the Bureaucrats lies .. they have nothing ELSE !
@@TimJohnson-x1o this is just a HUGE PROPAGANDA for Biden ...
since the INTELLECTUALS like Fareed are FREAKED OUT, that they may end up hanging on the Lamp-Posts ( like the Commies ended up hanging in 1956 Budapest ! )
A stupid lie. How many people who make less than 70K do you think he knows?
@@supermash1 Fareed LIES all the time, to to be POPULAR with the Libturds... 🙂
When i heard him say "wages have been outstripping the cost of living for years now, and inequality in america has been declining for the last few years" I knew I could stop.
I suggest they must have popped in from the planet Mars
I could listen to Dr. Zakaria all day everyday. His view is wholistic and he gives me optimism that with many bumps in the road things will evolve to be better
What a fantastic interview with 20+ potential spin-off themes! That is what civilized mind capable for systems thinking looks like. Wonderful.
Fareed Zakaria knows how to survive in his domain with play of words (or semantics). He likes to come across as a moderate and is worried he could antagonize his audience by aggressively taking a stance. With his mannerism, he had stayed under the radar for too long and had emerged successful. I don't think anyone would want to have him on their team, except perhaps CNN and other so-called journalists -- just so that he can keep increasing his wealth.
I like his moderate stance and mannerism. Being a Person of color and survive in the western Establishment itself is a big deal. Anyway his wife is white
I think Fareed is sincere in his trying to understand what is happening, but he misses the point that the constant printing of money out of thin air and the borrowing of it into existence while never allowing a corrective recession to occur is creating MASSIVE price escalation in hard assets like housing. Currency creation beyond the organic growth of the economy is the very definition of inflation. This is government policy for God's sake!
In Canada where I live, a generation ago any family with a single steady wage earner - in any occupation - could afford a house. Now that is almost impossible due to the price of housing absolutely skyrocketing. TWO incomes now cannot afford a house. Also, while there is this continuing escalation in prices of housing, the government has let in 1 MILLION newcomers in the last 10 months! Forcing the price of housing HIGHER STILL. All while there is a crisis in health care and infrastructure not remotely able to keep up with the population growth, MILLIONS of people have no family doctor (including myself).
Do you think the "educated elite" might have thought of the COSEQUENCES of their policies? Obviously not. Many MP's in parliament are property investors. Coincidence? I think not. How many MP's don't have a doctor? Probably not one.
"Elite" ? That is laughable. Self serving? Completely - all of them.
People don't understand this simple fact - house prices go up when family income goes up. We are the ones bidding. If there were 10 people earning in a family, the price will be 10x. Any gains are temporary. Plus if a region is geographically limited in land for housing, there's further pressure on housing. It's just the competition and it's our fault.
Interesting, BUT… was Islam a taboo subject? What of the threat of Islamisation of the west, esp Europe, UK?
The Muslim world has been Westernized for over two centuries since Napoleon, now it's time for the Muslims to return the favor. Share and share alike! Enjoy! 😊
@@PauloAdriano-zo2ng Screw that.
@@PauloAdriano-zo2ng Sorry, grooming doesn’t count as Westernized
@@PauloAdriano-zo2ng That's kind of funny. I thought the West has been meddling in the Middle East and Egypt for along, long time, believing it belonged to them. So now the Muslims have shown the West that they are more than just "goat herders" as so many gullibles seem to believe.
Just the other day some posters were stunned that Hezbollah actually has a sophisticated weapon system. they thought that Israel and the US could squat them like flies
@@TheIcemanF14 it absolutely does.
So what is his point.?
'Please dont let the chickens come home to roost'
Sounds like he is worried that the masses are finally going to wake up and call out his rich buddies and himself
He is not one of the elite. Oh please.
He is simply a highly overrated and a highly opinionated journalist.
So what is your solution ? Socialism?
Great interview, looking forward to reading and digesting the book!
Farid Zakaria excellent great conversation, I love watching you where ever you do podcasts ,
Fareed Zakaria used to sound like Marie Antoniete (you don't have bread? eat cake instead!). Now his penny has dropped!
It's frustrating knowing that deep down he's an intelligent enough person, but he (like almost everyone in his social circle I'm sure) has fallen for his own propaganda, conservatism is all about lying so long that the lie becomes 'truth' (in a sense).
What a wonderful and relevant discussion. Want to listen to many more such programs
You are never going to change tribalism but we can be tolerant and let others live alongside. BUT we are entitled to want to have our identity and feel respected. This has not been happening now with the neo liberals . The Tory party is full of those liberals .
They've been full of them since Thatcher, but I don't think that's what you mean.
Great show. Great guest.
What a fascinating topic. What a terrific speaker!
The issue is that bailouts are not helping the "poor people". Bailouts create constant (asset) inflation and are making "poor people" poorer because they own no assets. The wealth disparity is bigger than ever. Bailouts also create moral hazard and lead to moral bankruptcy! The book could be named: "Living in an Upper Eastside bubble"
This is certainly part of it. As he said though, many people would also not stand for governments just allowing banks to crash or big businesses to fail be because average people will lose their jobs and feel the pain of it. You can certainly still take issue with the specifics of how these bailouts are structured and executed.
The "poor people" would rather accept job losses than inflation. The question is also would you rather destroy your currency/most of society or accept a depression....
Brilliant. Thank you very much Fareed.
It’s a long way from brilliant …on any cerebral level
@@John-g1g9x so true, an empty suit shill for the globalist establishment
Idk how you're measuring inflation but housing prices have risen way more than 3% as has fast food.
The outlook of the progressive... When proven wrong they will just deny reality.
Wealthy LOVE inflation. Sit back and watch assets grow while consolidating.
Housing prices don't count as inflation at all but as economic growth.
Not just housing... and it's not just inflation; it's wages haven't kept pace. Wages have not risen for as long as I've been born. I was born in the 80s, btw.
Walmart is up like 300%
Interesting interview. Thank you for sharing.
‘..liberal, cosmopolitan, urban elite..’ well that is one thing and I would term it neoliberalism - but I see neoliberalism as a cultural phenotype for the narrower and positive Neoconservatism which provides cutting edge to western policy. This may embed itself in historical processes going back to 1600 but for two things which make the changes of the last two years kick things into a radical alteration: a) the US predicated its future political course upon a power to be able to reduce any opposed power by use of economic sanctions and correspondingly let its own military slip in capability; b) beginning 2007/8 but greatly accelerating 2014 a para-state (the Rules Based International Order) let go of liberal democracy based on Constitutional principles and institutions and embraced a covert - now manifest - marxian scheme for no less than all such schemes ‘world domination’.
So we are ripped from our historical constitutional form into now operating totalitarian ‘ethics’ and with all principle institutions - including the present monarchy - ideology-soaked; but we are also false-footed by our ‘leaders’ into confrontation with two asiatic powers with high totalitarian political content - the more eastern one extant - the nearer but with recent experience of such and this by virtue of the unthinkable failure of economic sanction to occur and failing stimulating an incredible surge in a counter direction.. I suggest that we are far from the picture here being painted
Well put. Zakaria is running cover for globalist technocrats wearing liberalism's skin.
Housing prices are up 6% from last year, electricy rates are the highest in 3 decades at 15.98 cents/kWh. food prices increased 5.8 percent in 2023, mortgage rates are high, more people are having to live off their credit card and are living paycheck to paycheck now. They say the economy is good but us middle class are not feeling it.
Exactly. Thank you.
Discussing Leftism and Liberalism is like the dog and the tail. Who exactly is wagging who? I don't see a Liberal revolution, i see a Leftist revolution whose presented face is Liberal. It is a bad revolution.
Please read the summary of Project 2025, Heritage PAC website
We aren't getting workers rights and strong public services.
It's a woke global oligarchy.
I'm afraid I don't find him in any sense interesting.
He speaks a lot of words but does not appear to say anything.
***I'm afraid I don't find him in any sense interesting.*** LOL!
Fareed is now FREAKED OUT ... and is babbling !
because now (his tribe ) the (useless) intellectualls are beeing PUSHED OUT, and may even be ELIMINATED - in the GLOBAL SHUFFLE ! ! )
Yeah, like a big fat peach with no nutritional value....but it looks good.
We don’t have ten year long recessions anymore….? Where has he been for the last ten years?
Even the great recession only technically, by the numbers and official definition of recession, lasted a few years. But we all felt the effects for much much longer
Funny how the humongous US debt seems to have become normality......😢
A president needs to know a bit about ECON 101. Biden and Dems do,.see any chart. 👣🤑
We have 40-year recessions, with some housing crisis' mixed in for good measure.
Zaharia makes an interesting point about the way in which we no longer have recessions. But this stability is not enabled by wealth transfers, it is enabled by money printing. And this is, in effect, a wealth transfer to the already rich because it pumps up asset prices.
Fareed, can’t agree more with you. That’s exactly what we’re facing in Canada. Liberals have gone too left…too far, reason why they will be badly defeated next year.
Great interview. Heard him interviewed on other platforms. Good questions
What a nuanced, intelligent, enduring analysis. Great content from the oft-derided Spectator!
Fareed is up near the top of the 'dinner wish guest list'. Mucho respect to this fine interview. 👍His book is needed for an expansive and harmonious perspective globally 🌍🌍🌏💓
I hope you enjoy the runs and not being able to drink the water in your “expansive harmonious globe”
NY Fed Study shows wealth inequality grew, as reported in Reuters... History shows that inequality often contributes to civilizational collapse
I usually take Zakaria's opinion with a level of respect, but for him to say that inflation is at 3% and failing to acknowledge that over the last 3 to 4 years cost of living has increased over 20%, is pure gaslighting.
England had a revolution in which the monarch was executed and hundreds of thousands of people died. It then had a restoration of monarchy. It did what France did, but earlier.
With respect to you and your guest, he made some ridiculous absurd remarks.
He doesn't understand the perception of street level or, partial and biased received wisdom about the common folk.
Do you?
Of course, everyone in the youtube comments are at least a Ph.D smarter than Dr. Zakaria....or they think they are.
Who made you the CEO of received wisdom of the common folk?
@@TheRishijoesanu your supreme leader
Corporate welfare of many ways,forms and shapes far exceeds social spending of government.
I found this to be so important.
Fareed is the best!!!
I’m trying to remember where I saw this guy before. I think it was on the Clinton cable network , says it all.
If you google his name with "thank god for a villain" you'll find a pretty icky article from his Clinton sycophant days.
Remembering the budget surplus days! Ahhh
Here we go
Great discussion
I always feel rather unease when listening to someone who confessed having plagiarised in the past. It's a dead give away of a lack of character.
I like this guy.
Thank you, Fareed and The Spectator! Great analysis!
Whether people like it or not, we can not deny that things like church were long a central part of our societies and lives. In the US, for example, the entire country and governmental structures were designed and built, assuming most people would be going to church and largely building community around that.
It was also about other clubs and institutions like granges, rotary, lions, elks, bowling leagues, etc. A lot of that has greatly diminished or been lost. We're now too atomized and disconnected from our communities and each other. It's no surprise that a government designed for a society and people who would be leaning on things like this would have trouble without them.
So we I. The west are Essentially Lost.
Pretty much
How so? #1 economies
@@jannichi6431 Our heads are so far up our proverbial that we think up is down and down is up. The median person in the West has never had it better and yet we complain incessantly about how it's all going to the dogs.
That’s Islam was allowed to come to India and look at the state today.
Yes, jobs are up, but which jobs? The analysis shows it is part time low-paying jobs. All that infrastructure money isn't funding full-time well-paying jobs that rebuild our roads, bridges, power lines, or water infrastructure. It is wasted on government regulations and subpar energy technologies that leave America in a weakened position. No one is upset by celebrations of their ethnic culture, but what melded GenX America together through the Cold War was being taught that American Greatness flowed from our common humanity & equality under our Constitution. We were taught our failings (slavery and Jim Crow) but we also taught our successes (Frederick Thomas, Sojourner Truth, MLK, rights for Women).
As to the Popular vote: it doesn't and has never mattered for the Presidency: Presidents before Trump have won without winning the popular vote. Democracy was feared by the Founders, which is why they chose a Republic: Republics are unions of states, where teh states elect the presdient (which why the Electoral College exists).
EU (et al) will do fine under a 2nd Trump term. There were no wars under his presidency, and Europe finally began to meet its obligations under the NATO treaty. Pushing your fellow members to uphold the terms of their agreements is exactly what a president should do.
As to ruling by decree: ALL executive orders are ruling by decree, no matter who signs them. Neither party's hands are clean there, but the current incumbent is ignoring SCOTUS telling him what he cannot do without the Legislature in a way his predecessors did not.
Very simplistic perspective
Points duly acknowledged
Good analysis...
Fareed is a fair commentator, good to see him on this podcast
Traditionally I thought Fareed was a bit of a puffed up news presenter - but it is interesting to hear him speak well at length with less time constraint. I think also he has been on somewhat of a political journey and I now think he is in a much more similar political position to myself.
Mr. Zakaria glossed over the extreme inequality today Biden did reverse the trend a bit but we still have 18% of Americans struggle for food and shelter unable to participate in effective social interactions. A substantial middle class is what made America great and strong.
Surprised to see the people US who are 25 times richer than the average Indian, also speak in the same tune of that we hear in India like inflation, hand to mouth situation, can't afford food, can't afford the rent etc..
The United States can be surprisingly similar to India in some ways
So important. X
So he's confident that he and his cosmopolitan buddies will stay in power. Well, good for him, I guess.
the common thread between all these people(including you probably) is that history is a linear path upwards
@@user-ci2fd8vc2fhe admitted to being a whig
Without invalidating anybody's reality, struggling as some may be, I have to say that most Americans are living in a bubble of prosperity unheard of in the history of the world. Many in the middle and bottom third of the economy have cars, refrigeration, access to lifesaving drugs and, opportunity etc. FAR BEYOND what their ancestors had in the same section of the economy 100 years ago. Compared to BILLIONS in other countries, working with at least as much talent and effort if not more, they live like gods. I understand everything is relative, but the main shortage in America is gratitude.
Just when I think Fareed is about to “get it” I’m disappointed.
populism • noun •
a political approach that strives to
appeal to ordinary people who feel that
their concerns are disregarded
by established elite groups
Fareed is thoughtful and insightful - not an ideologue (which many other commentators seem to be looking for!) Bravo and thank you for inviting him on! We do not need another Fox 'News' network!!!
Oh yes he is an ideologue, only a sleek one, skillfully mascaraed …
Kate Andrews of the Spectator said,
Absolutely despicable headline. 🇺🇸
Would she have said that after Adolf Hitler survived his attempted assassination ??
"We're All NSDAP Now" .... !!!
Good Book to read. I need one
Fareed is a conservative from a society based on class. He is of the right.
“How do you navigate the change…” A Pilot is trained to … Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
First…get a grip and continue flying the Plane …then fix your location in 4D Spatial Coordinates…once you’ve achieved stability between variables : inputs and outcomes … then communicate the information to anybody who is within range and tuned to your frequency.
Pleasantly surprised, some good points and rational discussion although certain false statements.
Corporations are to blame for the immigration crisis in the USA. We need to bring more manufacturing infrastructure back to this part of the world 😮
He’s constantly on communist news network bashing trump and republicans! FJB
It's not Commi but Woke Global Capitalist
It’s called kicking the can down the road
The classic Boomer response to Life.
Fareed should know!
He is a living example of exactly that story line.
If our economics were ok, we would not have such crazy politics.
Inflation is 3%? Really? What are you smoking?
I’ll have to buy the book!
Why on earth is this guy being interviewed. He is just a servant of the empire.
We have the truth. We don't need to listen to any alternate opinion.
Why you want to destroy culture and family ?
100% with you.
We are just economic units now.
Culture and family are counter-productive to profits. Now get back to work.
The people who predicted this decades ago were the ones shut out of the political conversation
Mr. Zakaria in USA teacher makes $30000 to $55000. After apartment utilities car phone and insurance there is ZERO left for the food.
This guy doesn’t sound like he is in touch with the real lives experiences of most people. The economy in the US might be ‘strong’ for a few, but for many it is a nightmare.
When you have increased violence, loss of culture and loss of social/infrastructure support due to tax payers dollars going to immigration, then naturally that becomes a problem too. Identity politics becomes an issue when an ideology is forced down your throat, with increasing censorship, personal attacks, changing laws in order to force said ideology on you.
It’s interesting to hear his pov, but this man needs to talk to more people in the real world
00:03 Liberalism is a revolutionary force causing disruptions and identity transformations throughout history.
02:17 The French Revolution failed on its own terms
06:44 Shift from economics to cultural identity politics
08:51 Modern society uses big companies to stabilize the economy.
13:18 Immigration as a symbol for broader economic concerns.
15:24 Current economic indicators and political climate in the US
19:19 Individuals have the power to decide the meaning of life.
21:10 Building national unity and community through shared experiences and initiatives
24:52 Tribalism and nationalism rely on creating fear of the 'scary other'
26:50 The debate about the direction of history and the post-American world
30:36 Cynicism towards the democratic process in Russia and America
32:24 Liberalism arose from religious wars and promoted coexistence.
36:18 Potential shift in US foreign policy impacting international order
38:15 Biden's efforts to strengthen Western and Asian alliances may impact international security and rules-based systems.
Crafted by Merlin AI.
When he talks tribalism, gang and culticmentality, but the underlying factor will be where the money is spent, I will still be an independent individual
Journey from colonisation to globalisation is through various economic theories of Capitalism, Neoliberalism, Third wave Liberalism has resulted in now clashes between progressive classes (e.g Gay vs. Trans, Central Left Vs Central Right, etc) and people are being protective of their traditional identity (right and left equally).
Under statement of the interview ... "the left tends to go too far". You don't say batman !.
He makes some interesting points, particularly the 'escape from freedom'.
The problem with living in an ivory tower is that the only way down is to voluntarily climb down or be forced to jump.
Hollowness, that's what what Fareed Zakaria is all about.
All my comments have been removed, my comments were not aggressive nor vile in any shape of form. I find this scary, as I have never slandered nor ridiculed anyone?
Fareed, the wealth transfers to the rich are dollar for dollar greater, more frequent and repetitive than all of the programs for the poor. Programs for the poor are static. You start out getting help and nomatter what the benefit starts out with more purchasing power but ends up purchasing less down the road. As a legitimately poor senior I started out paying about a third of my income for an affordable apartment 18 years ago. Now I'm entering my mid 80s and I'm paying more than half my income for the same apartment. Social security increases at about 2 to 3% a year on average but rent increases 8 to 10% on average. My rich corporate landlord has gotten richer and I've gotten poorer over that 18 years.
Look at what has happened in real life. Once upon a timea single wage kept a family fed and sheltered. Then it came about that it took two salaries to afford what could previously be accomplished by one good job. Now it takes not just two salaries for that standard of living but two very darned good jobs and most people still cannot afford to purchase shelter, food, clothing, health care or higher education. We aren't getting ahead.
The reason people who are voting for Trump are doing that is beause we have had less emphasis on getting kids educated and off to college. We send the best kids there andxa few get scholarships but there are not masses of kids getting higher education without crippling debt. College educated kids are obviously more analytical and don't react with glee at gross lies, bullying, and drama. It's harder to attract those who have some small middle class status to the ugly fascism of Trump but it's pretty easy to attract poorly educated, struggling and angry working folks to the rude narcissist trying to take over our nation and make it an autocracy.
As for prople earning under $25,000, I'm onr of those. Having been one of those not college educated people who came from a working class NOT home owning family. I never could save more than three thousand dollars which some catastrophe gobbled up and I'd have to start all over again.
Fareed, you are talking from some ivory tower. I'm stuck down here trying to figure out if I can afford to buy a bra because my food bill is too high. I gave up trying to get my teeth fixed. Forget corn. I can't eat crunchy, crusty wholewheat bread, cucumbers, and the raw carrots, radishes and celery that my doctor says are healthy snacks for diabetics. Come talk to us fown here who are not voting for Trump but don't think Biden is the FDR we need. I feel like Ive been gsslighted when Biden and you tell me he's the best thing since nickle beer for ordinary working people and that our wages have outstripped imflation. We are so farvdown the hole c we cannot see daylight. Ask homeless families with kids how our wages are increasing and how much bettercwe are doing. Thisveconimy is just b fine fir peoplecwho have excess income sufficient to invest, but the rest of us are living paycheck to paycheck, doubling up in apartments, getting deeper in debt despite not buying anything but absolute necessities. Don't tell us that the economy is great.
"wages have been outstripping the cost of living?" Fareed really. Which wages are you talking about sir.
He has changed his tune.
What was he saying before?
What they call liberalism in US, is actually corporatism. Liberalism is actually freeing oneself of all prejudices.
The combining of corporate power with the government is Fascism.
“Socialism for the rich” is putting it mildly.
Also, all Americans are concerned about economic inequality, it’s a feature of the system in which we live.
Inequality breeds identity politics.
Backlashes occur when the economic system crashes. Again, another feature of the system.
The global financial system is now neoliberal.
There are no liberals, no communists, and fewer socialists. There’s no real way for working people to understand why they have become poor, and so they “ lash out”, kicking and screaming, looking for someone to blame, encouraged by a sociopath and kept ignorant by the corporate media.
Establishment shill on Spectator, I think I need to consider unsubbing.
If anyone slides off the rails, or slips off the levee in a life defined by globalised rootlessness, there is no parachute, nothing to break the fall when one feels the most vulnerable.
When you scream into the void and ask "my god, why did you fail me ?" and there is no answer .. that's when you say hell with this, I'm out and I don't want in ever again.
Now, scale that frustration up to participant nations.
He completely skipped two big-ticket issues 1) Global liberal ecosystem breastfeeding an illiberal update-resististing ideology called Islam. 2) Total blackhole-level silence in such discussion about the status of Libral projects in the Arab peninsula and Africa. The world is totally integrated today. Discussing any global project, in selective convenient isolation, by avoiding conversation around project application in Africa & Arab land, gets perceived as a dishonest attempt because it is a disingenuous attempt.