King: ok how do we make the anthem? Musician: how about we take anthems of these three nations King: yes? Musician: and mix them all together King: brilliant
Why The Fuck Do You Type Like This? It Looks Fucking Awful. You Literally Have To Go Through Extra Effort To Capitalize Every Single Word In Your Sentence.
@fan8281 no one needs another shadow of the nation's.No one is silly to recreate A-H empire,modern people whould fight for the independence and soverenity against Austrians or Hungarians...
@@strahinjazivkovic1842 Atentat na Stjepana Radića, ubojica gotovo i nekažnjen, zarada iz razvijene Slovenije i Hrvatske se ulaže samo u srpske dijelove zemlje, suzbijanje i batinjanje hrvatskih aktivista, naseljavanje Srba u nesrpske prostore etc.
Bože pravde, Ti što spase Od propasti do sad nas, Čuj i od sad naše glase, I od sad nam budi spas! Lijepa naša domovino, Oj junačka zemljo mila, Stare slave djedovino, Da bi vazda sretna bila! Naprej zastava slave, Na boj junaška kri! Za blagor očetnjave Naj puška govori! (x2) Bože spasi, Bože hrani Našeg Kralja i naš rod! Kralja Petra, Bože hrani, Moli ti se sav naš rod.
King: I don't care how you do it but make a common anthem. Composer: Sure, but how do I make the anthem of three nations? King: I don't care! Composer: All right! I will mix three anthems into one .. King: Perfect!
The King liberated Kosovo and Metohija after almost 5 centuries. Vardar Macedonia was returned to Serbian territory. He united all the Serbs into one country. Bought of the original "Gorski Vijenac" written by Njegos. He took in the White Guard once it lost in the Russian civil war. His territory was greater then that of Dusan's Empire. In his constitution from 1931 that womens right to vote would be determined by law (this was more advanced then Switzerland at the time). The state gave scholarships to students so they could study in France. The Kingdom has 6 factories that made battle planes. Vidovdan was celebrated as a national holiday. He forbid the works of the Communist Party. He worked on an alliance with Romania, Chechoslovakia, Turkey and France anticipating that the Red scourge was growing. Respected by both Tesla and Crnjanski. "He was absolutely the worst. Standards were better under Tito" Our country had the biggest growth in its history in his time. May the King rest in peace. We were not worthy of you.
This country was such a fall. He didn’t even want a Federation. He just wanted a serbia. I see why the ustaše where so brutal to them. But still under tito it was definitely much better. It had a specific feeling. Like you where actually a Yugoslav and a Croat at the same time.
Peter II was an traitor,yeah sure if germans are comming to occupy your land sure flee but don't buy bombs which are going to be thrown on your own people!
@@deadset15-hrvavik17 Communism is never the best fucking way it's a Kingdom lang lebe Preußen dugo živi jugoslavia I srbija 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
@@revinhatol Back in those times, it was the anthem of Slovenia. Only after the independence of Slovenia in 1991 did it solely become the anthem of the Slovene armed forces.
As a Bulgarian, Yugoslavia will always be in my heart! I will never forgive the West for what they did to Yugoslavia, although I am not a fan of communism, I would have helped Yugoslavia, even if it means dying and losing. That is us Slavs.
The Bulgarian Prime Minister Alexandar Stamboliyski wanted the Kingdom of Bulgaria to be part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and to proclaim the Yugoslav Empire, under the Karageorgevich dynasty, which would stretch from the Alps to the Black Sea. This concept of the Yugoslav Empire would probably be accepted by the Principality of Albania, ie Esad Pasha Toptani. However, all supporters of that idea (Esad Pasha Toptani, Alexandar Stamboliyski and Alexandar Karageorgevich) were killed.
Holy is the son of great Europe named Yugoslavia! Blessing are its people!Bleesed is the god,land and the state of mind! Holy is our continent of Europe! Thanks,from Republic of Srpska!
Long live a united Jugoslavija! Such a nation will remain strong when united, and so such a unity strength will bolster national pride as Serbia rises from the ashes to unify its neighbors. How long we will wait for the unification of this old land?
@@_.tineks He's probably referring to the fact that Slovene musician Jenko instrumented Bože pravde, however that doesn't make it Slovene, they just helped create it.
Боже правды, Ты, Спасавший Нас от смерти, бед и ран, Внемли вновь моленьям нашим: Будь и впредь спасеньем нам! Наша прекрасная родина, О храбрая земля милая, Древней славы наследство, Будь всегда счастливой! |: Вперёд, Знамя Славы, бой героической крови, на благо Отечества пусть оружие говорит! :| Сохрани, спаси нас, о Боже, Нашего Короля и наш род! Короля Петра, Боже храни, (Царя Александра, Боже храни) Молится тебе весь наш род.
@@Lomkke Yes, Tito certainly agrees, Right Tito? Oh wait he's dead! Yugoslavia fell in a bloody civil war with NATO Bombings, thousands of deaths, undetonated landmines that exist still to this day, Breaking of the Geneva Convention including ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks by both Croatia & Serbia- Montenegro. With that said, I think Yugoslavia is was way too oversized and was ruined by the lies of Socialism. In the end, Yugoslavia was a mistake destined to have the same fate as their enemy. (The Austro-Hungarian Empire)
@@ImperiumDynasty There's no need for you to tell me that because I know it because I'm a Serb, I don't know where you're from but I believe that you don't know a lot about the creation of Yugoslavia, etc.
@@Lomkke I'm sorry for that there, while there is a legacy for every fallen nation (even the Centro-Caspian Dictatorship) I was just trolling since I find it funny, not gonna lie I didn't expect you to reply. Anyway as a Hungarian I find Yugoslavia based ✅ 👍 🤩🔵⚪🔴
Художественный перевод: Боже правый, Ты, что дивом Охранял нас в бедствий дни, Вновь внемли сердец призывам И опять нас сохрани. Наша прекрасная Родина, О храбрая земля мила, Древнейшая слава дедов, Дай Бог всем известна была! ||: Мы дружно на врагов, На бой, друзья, спешим, За Родину, за славу, За Честь мы постоим! :|| Плод борьбы пятивековой - Королевство защищай, И Петра для славы новой Мощной силой сохраняй!
I see this was put together from various versions, so can you upload specifically the Serbian part from this version, cuz I can only find like three versions of our anthem "Boze Pravde" on youtube...
Na jedinu stvar svi mozemo biti braca da se svi slazemo da je jugoslavija jedino dobro sto se desilo na balkanu pozz iz HRVATSKE I ŽIVJELA JUGOSLAVIA!!!
Propustili smo te 1918.godine priliku da se ujedinimo kao sve velike nacije (Francuzi, Talijani, Njemci), da stvorimo veliku jugoslovensku naciju i državu s kojom bi dominirali ne samo na Balkanu, već i na svijetu. Od Triglava do Vardara da bude jedna velika jugoslovenska nacija i država. Na veliku žalost, male plemenske koncepcije (hrvatska srpska bošnjačka crnogorska) su pobijedile i zato smo danas tu gdje jesmo. Sad se pokazuje da ova zaostala balkanska plemena nikada nisu ni bila dorasla jugoslovenskoj ideji. Ovaj ubogi i prijetvoran, primitivni balkanski svijet zaslužuje svo blato koje ima u svojim banana-državicama, hrvati srbi bošnjaci crnogorci, sve užas. Ljudi sa ovih prostora lišeni su osjećaja za veličinu, u njima leži nezdrava potreba ka nezainteresiranosti, inatu, netoleranciji i posebice nacionalnoj isključivosti, te stoga grandiozna, sveuključujuća i plemenita jugoslovenska ideja ne nalazi plodno tlo među takvim bićima. Na ruševinama velike Jugoslavije uspostavljene su, do grla zadužene, republičice koje za misiju imaju neprestano izvoziti omladinu kako bi ista prala kuhinje i toalete po Irskoj, Njemačkoj, Austriji kao jeftina radna snaga. Ono što Hitler nije uspio ratom ostvariti na Balkanu, pošlo je za rukom trojcu Milošević-Tuđman-Izetbegović i njihovim lojalnim i fanatičnim ovcama. Potpuno smo poniženi, kolonizirani, raseljeni po svijetu, a kod kuće smo siromašne sluge. Nekako smo izgubili narodnu mudrost, bitnost i dostojanstvo. Vrijeme će pokazati da je Jugoslavija bila vrhunac civilizacije južnoslavenskih naroda. Sad nas jebe tko hoće, bili to Ameri, Švabe, Britanci, Turci, Rusi... Nismo bili dovoljno pametni i mržnja je prevladala, na našu štetu, a tuđu korist. Zaostajemo i za onima kojima smo se nekad rugali da su zaostali. Sad zaostajemo mi jer smo uništili Jugoslaviju i postali tuđe kolonije i tuđi ljudski resurs. Stvorili nismo ništa osim šovinističkog nacionalizma i želje za međusobnim uništenjem, opet na sreću nekog drugog. Što se tiče tog područja i dalje živim vjerujući da je moguće da progledaju ovi naši ljudi. Zato, vrijedi se nacionalno osjećati i izjašnjavati Jugoslovenom. Između ostalog, jugoslovenski se osjećaju ili su se osjećale veoma istaknute ličnosti u našem svijetu (istom jeziku različitih varijanata) - Nikola Tesla, Goran Bregović, Lepa Brena, pisac Ivo Andrić, kipar {vajar} Ivan Meštrović, Vatroslav Lisinski, Ante Trumbić, Meša Selimović, teniserka Monika Seleš, Ljubiša Ristić, Saša Kovačević i mnogi drugi. Biti Jugosloven uistinu je privilegija, Jugosloveni su stanovnici gradova. Beograd, Zagreb, Skoplje, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Split, Novi Sad - sve je to naše. Braćo moja, ne dozvolite da idemo jedni na druge! Jedan smo narod i istim jezikom zborimo! Teško se živi a spas ćemo naći jedino ako jugoslovenski progledamo i prodišemo, i ujedinimo se! Pamet u glavu! Za bolje sutra! (O)živjeli Jugosloveni! #izjasnimoseJugoslovenima P.S. nisam komunist, demokrata sam. Pozdrav
@@uhaupoilkas3804 tacno, 1918te je odmah trebalo stvoriti zemlju pod imenom Jugoslavija, prisajediniti Bugarsku i stvoriti jednu veliku Jugoslovensku naciju gdje bi vjere bila sekundarna stvar. Trebalo je napraviti i Jugosolvenski jezik koji bi svi pricali. Sa Jugoslovebskom nacijom i zajdnickim Jugoslovenskim jezikom, danas bi Jugoslavija jos trajala jer bi imao ko da je brani. Greska kraljevine je sto je prvo krenula kao troimena drzava. Kralj je uvidio gresku i zapoceo ispravnu politiku ali je ubrzo ubijen. Tito i partija su iako sa najboljom namjerom napravili veliku gresku sto nijesu stvorili Jugoslovene, nego su stvarali plemensku svijest po republikama. Po modelu Italije i Njemacke je trebalo raditi. Da je tako uradjeno danas bi bili jedna velika, snazna i bogata zemlja na 3 mora i imali bi cijeli Balkan pod sobom. Ovako smo obicna primitivna plemena koja sluze za podsmjeh evropi i svijetu.
@@uhaupoilkas3804 Da, da, baš bi bili neka sila na svjetu. Sinko, gledaš previše crno belo. Mogli su da žive svi narodi na ovom području u jednoj državi, ali NACIJA ne smije da se zaboravi. Problem je što je narod glup, a ti padaš na propagandu.
heres the lyrics if you dont even know Bože pravde, Ti što spase Od propasti dosad nas, Čuj i otsad naše glase, I otsad nam budi spas! Lijepa naša domovino, Oj junačka zemljo mila, Stare slave djedovino, Da bi vazda sretna bila! Naprej zastava slave, Na boj junaška kri! Za blagor očetnjave Naj puška govori! Bože, spasi, Bože, hrani Našeg Kralja i naš rod! Kralja Petra, Bože, hrani, Moli Ti se sav naš rod.
We used this anthem for sound effect for ouer interpretation of a comedy called "Sombiteono lice" (Unknown person) in ouer city teather , it was amazing 😃
Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae If you claimed to know _anything_ about our history, you'd know that 1930's was an era of political unrest in europe, and several paternalist dictatorships existed (such as greece and yugoslavia). These are not to be confused with fascist states. Also, situation in yugoslavia was very fragile after the incident in the parliament, so someone had to bring order.
Random nothingness Tito was a "benevolent" dictator, in a sence that it wasn't really a dictatorship, but more of a, I'd call it "communist _monarchy_ ". The leader was in charge, but was far from a tyrant, and generally was a leader with great authority.
The disharmony seems to be coming from a different band performing the Slovenian anthem, while the other two anthems are played by the same band. I suppose it would've been easy to merge anthems played by the same band, but much more difficult to incorporate an anthem played by a different band.
Serbian anthem about God and the king
Croatian anthem about the love for the fatherland
Slovenian Anthem about the army
Great mix
Prince michael
@@jorgeeusebio8738 what about him?
The first two are in use!
Croatia actually uses Homeland (Domovina), whereas it's the Serbs who refer to their land as the Fatherland (Otadzbina).
@@Kartoflslo Considering the Slovenes have a homeguard song called "moja domovina" I'm gonna assume they say homeland and not fatherland.
King: ok how do we make the anthem?
Musician: how about we take anthems of these three nations
King: yes?
Musician: and mix them all together
King: brilliant
Cooking show w/ Regent Paul of Yugoslavia!
@@michaelpocci1876 his son is married to a brazilian
@@jorgeeusebio8738 let me guess, a brazillian royal?
@@ramarne578 divorced now
2 parts are composed by the same composer
The Anthem Of Yugoslavia Was Actually Three Anthems Together, Serbia, Slovenia, And Croatia
(this comment really caused a ruckus)
No fuck
No Shit sherlock
@@aeyes1314 no shit sherlock
Why The Fuck Do You Type Like This? It Looks Fucking Awful. You Literally Have To Go Through Extra Effort To Capitalize Every Single Word In Your Sentence.
That one dislike is from an Austro Hungarian
Carolus Imperator who may he be, your majesty......
There's 25 now, he has tons of friends (as if!)
U missed war
@fan8281 no one needs another shadow of the nation's.No one is silly to recreate A-H empire,modern people whould fight for the independence and soverenity against Austrians or Hungarians...
0:08 - 0:35 Serbian
0:35 - 1:03 Croatian
1:03 - 1:23 Slovenian
1:23 - 1:52 Serbian
Serbian ≈ 54%
Croatian ≈ 27%
Slovenian ≈ 19%
how does that compare with the countries population.
Boze Pravde was composed by a Slovene, Naprej zastava slave was composed by a Slovene and Lijepa nasa domovino was composed by a Serb
@@StheH4x0r That is true.
sucks that there isnt the Bosniak Anthem
@@Bosnomoja Bosniaks weren’t really distinct back then. Not til later in the 20th century they were considered different
Serbian start, Serbian end. This somewhat reflects the historical life of the Yugoslav state.
Balanced as all things should be.
Hm, wondering how do you think Serbs ended it? It all started with are brothers Slovenians who wanted to split....and than was working towards east...
@@cinoeye Yeah, we left due to your oppression, post-Tito Yugoslavia was a serbian dominated hellhole, good riddance
@@farkasvilkas how was it serbian dominated hellhole before it splited?
@@strahinjazivkovic1842 Atentat na Stjepana Radića, ubojica gotovo i nekažnjen, zarada iz razvijene Slovenije i Hrvatske se ulaže samo u srpske dijelove zemlje, suzbijanje i batinjanje hrvatskih aktivista, naseljavanje Srba u nesrpske prostore etc.
Bože pravde, Ti što spase
Od propasti do sad nas,
Čuj i od sad naše glase,
I od sad nam budi spas!
Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
Naprej zastava slave,
Na boj junaška kri!
Za blagor očetnjave
Naj puška govori! (x2)
Bože spasi, Bože hrani
Našeg Kralja i naš rod!
Kralja Petra, Bože hrani,
Moli ti se sav naš rod.
Now a original vocal version and I can die happy
I as Yugoslav can say: that don't exist :( But, we have vocal of SFRJ :)
@@titoistickibokelj1294 well it did but some recordings got destroyed and people have made but they don't have the exact lyrics
Kid: The Serbs, Croats and Slovenes are competing in a football championship
Grandpa: Against who my child?
“ Good old days “ 🇷🇸🇭🇷🇧🇦🇸🇮
@@liam7664 Macedonia was part of Serbia in Kingdom of Yugoslavia
In the first world championship just Serbian played in the final
@@antonijegrmusa4640 semi final, lost 6-1 to uruguay.
Good old days of brotherhood and unity.
King Peter II - True instagram model. Long live Karađorđević dynasty, one day again on the throne of Serbia
May the Monarchy be restored in Serbia! Long live Prince Alexander!
Ja zivim u ulici Kralja Petra 1 u Backoj Palanci
Ne 2
@@dietrichrosiers8184 its HM King Alexander ii to you
Norwegian Baron
wtf! Where you found this modern NEW recording? Did you make? It's beautiful!!!!!!! THANKS!
Greatings from Slovenia!
it was performed by the Coldstream guards
Now that I think about it, I feel like he found modern recordings of the three individual anthems, and decided to splice it together.
Was about to write "when you... comment", but then i realized, this is not earrape, You dissapoint me Baron...
If you can listen closey, you can hear the screams of Bosniak muslims.
Norwegian Baron oh no
@@NorwegianBaron Good one
King: I don't care how you do it but make a common anthem.
Composer: Sure, but how do I make the anthem of three nations?
King: I don't care!
Composer: All right! I will mix three anthems into one ..
King: Perfect!
Why does the volume increase on the Croatian part?
Imperios that's the good part
Vule Mapper good that its a joke, or i would’ve proven that first bit... im Joking
They want to feel relevant.
@Hungarian Adler The third is Slovenia.
I have to say, Iam a german from Austria who now feels somehow patriotic to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
its a fake yugoslavia
@@majdurakovic8431 real*
@@trpimirkarlovic838 fake***
@@majdurakovic8431 nah man, i'd take royal yugoslavia over socialist one any time of the day
@@trpimirkarlovic838 We could've had something didnt we...
The King liberated Kosovo and Metohija after almost 5 centuries. Vardar Macedonia was returned to Serbian territory. He united all the Serbs into one country. Bought of the original "Gorski Vijenac" written by Njegos. He took in the White Guard once it lost in the Russian civil war. His territory was greater then that of Dusan's Empire. In his constitution from 1931 that womens right to vote would be determined by law (this was more advanced then Switzerland at the time). The state gave scholarships to students so they could study in France. The Kingdom has 6 factories that made battle planes. Vidovdan was celebrated as a national holiday. He forbid the works of the Communist Party. He worked on an alliance with Romania, Chechoslovakia, Turkey and France anticipating that the Red scourge was growing. Respected by both Tesla and Crnjanski.
"He was absolutely the worst. Standards were better under Tito"
Our country had the biggest growth in its history in his time. May the King rest in peace. We were not worthy of you.
*cough cough* which Macedonia?
Thanmad Productions
Serbian "Macedonia", South Serbia. I never agreed with the name it was always South Serbia to me.
@@thanmad I specifically said "VARDAR" Macedonia. We all know, Macedonia is Greek! However, FYROM is South Serbia!
Aleksa Sukovic During the Kingdom,Yugoslavia was advanced like Italy and Spain!
This country was such a fall. He didn’t even want a Federation. He just wanted a serbia. I see why the ustaše where so brutal to them. But still under tito it was definitely much better. It had a specific feeling. Like you where actually a Yugoslav and a Croat at the same time.
Long live his majesty Peter II of Yugoslavia.
Peter II was an traitor,yeah sure if germans are comming to occupy your land sure flee but don't buy bombs which are going to be thrown on your own people!
And Aleksander the first too
Petar II is a traitor to Alexander I and Pavle
May he be burned so his dictatorship ideology be cleansed from the Yugoslav people. God save Marshal Tito!
@@deadset15-hrvavik17 Communism is never the best fucking way it's a Kingdom lang lebe Preußen dugo živi jugoslavia I srbija
Finally, a good anthem to write lyrics for. Serbia seems a good place to write my novels. Croatia's even better.
Can you send me the lyrics?
Fuck you, Serbia is better. No love from Russia
@@igorbesevic8450 cringe, at least 5 dollars in our money isn't 614.
@@igorbesevic8450 ?
what are your novels about?
Kingdom of Yugoslavia, three states in one, three anthems in one💪💪 🇷🇸🇭🇷🇸🇮
The Slovene one was from the Slovenia Armed Forces, though.
@@revinhatol that was the former slovene anthem tho
@@revinhatol Back in those times, it was the anthem of Slovenia. Only after the independence of Slovenia in 1991 did it solely become the anthem of the Slovene armed forces.
Long live the King! Long live the Fatherland!
Forward flag of glory!
Be blessed, brothers!
Greeting from Romania!
Lord have mercy!
As a Bulgarian, Yugoslavia will always be in my heart! I will never forgive the West for what they did to Yugoslavia, although I am not a fan of communism, I would have helped Yugoslavia, even if it means dying and losing. That is us Slavs.
Boyan Dmitrov Thank you,
Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria must be allies!
Bulgaria should have been part of Yugoslavia :)
Well it wasnt communism it was more like socialism and free market combined
The Bulgarian Prime Minister Alexandar Stamboliyski wanted the Kingdom of Bulgaria to be part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and to proclaim the Yugoslav Empire, under the Karageorgevich dynasty, which would stretch from the Alps to the Black Sea. This concept of the Yugoslav Empire would probably be accepted by the Principality of Albania, ie Esad Pasha Toptani. However, all supporters of that idea (Esad Pasha Toptani, Alexandar Stamboliyski and Alexandar Karageorgevich) were killed.
@@mn-by5fk Didn't they try?
Reunite the kingdom of yugoslavia 😃
We don’t want to. -Slovenia.
Holy is the son of great Europe named Yugoslavia!
Blessing are its people!Bleesed is the god,land and the state of mind!
Holy is our continent of Europe!
Thanks,from Republic of Srpska!
1:04 is amazing
It is great!
Yeah, the Slovenian Anthem is pretty damn good.
its slovenian
Живела Југославија! Боже спаси, Боже храни, вашег краља, сав ваш род! Поздрав из Шведске.
Long live a united Jugoslavija! Such a nation will remain strong when united, and so such a unity strength will bolster national pride as Serbia rises from the ashes to unify its neighbors. How long we will wait for the unification of this old land?
I believe you will have to wait until Hell freezes over ;)
God forbid we ever liberate anyone again. To hell with our ungrateful neigbhours! To unify the Serbs should be goal, now and always!
1,000,000,000 years (that's billion not million) 😉
30 years from now. Mark my words.
Are you still believing in these words? Or have you grown up in 4 years m8
Боже сачувај, Боже сачувај словенског краља, словенски род
Two thirds of this anthem is Slovenian, hehehe.
No it isn't, 2/4 is Serbian..
@@_.tineks He's probably referring to the fact that Slovene musician Jenko instrumented Bože pravde, however that doesn't make it Slovene, they just helped create it.
@@_.tineks Bruh Croatian is literaly 3/4
@@comradeakimov bruh can you like go and press AZ-5 or something...
@@comradeakimov Do you people not know basic math
Боже правды, Ты, Спасавший
Нас от смерти, бед и ран,
Внемли вновь моленьям нашим:
Будь и впредь спасеньем нам!
Наша прекрасная родина,
О храбрая земля милая,
Древней славы наследство,
Будь всегда счастливой!
|: Вперёд, Знамя Славы,
бой героической крови,
на благо Отечества
пусть оружие говорит! :|
Сохрани, спаси нас, о Боже,
Нашего Короля и наш род!
Короля Петра, Боже храни,
(Царя Александра, Боже храни)
Молится тебе весь наш род.
at 0:35 start anthem simuloar to todays Croatian anthem and ends at 1:03
this anthem may be the best I ever heard and I heard like a 100 anthems
@@yugo4522 yep, now I realize, thanks 💀😃👍
@@yugo4522 it ok, I have heard worser xd
Yugoslavia will live in my heart forever
I uploaded a new video brother🇷🇸✅
Zivela Kraljevina Jugoslavija! Ziveo Kralj! Long live the Kingdom of Yugoslavia! Long live the King!👑🔵⚪🔴
I hate to inform you but Yugoslavia collapsed and fell to the Axis.
@@ImperiumDynasty The Kingdom of Yugoslavia still lives in our hearts
@@Lomkke Yes, Tito certainly agrees, Right Tito?
Oh wait he's dead!
Yugoslavia fell in a bloody civil war with NATO Bombings, thousands of deaths, undetonated landmines that exist still to this day, Breaking of the Geneva Convention including ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks by both Croatia & Serbia- Montenegro. With that said, I think Yugoslavia is was way too oversized and was ruined by the lies of Socialism. In the end, Yugoslavia was a mistake destined to have the same fate as their enemy. (The Austro-Hungarian Empire)
@@ImperiumDynasty There's no need for you to tell me that because I know it because I'm a Serb, I don't know where you're from but I believe that you don't know a lot about the creation of Yugoslavia, etc.
@@Lomkke I'm sorry for that there, while there is a legacy for every fallen nation (even the Centro-Caspian Dictatorship) I was just trolling since I find it funny, not gonna lie I didn't expect you to reply. Anyway as a Hungarian I find Yugoslavia based ✅ 👍 🤩🔵⚪🔴
Zivela Jugoslavia ❤❤
As a Bahraini-Serbian I really miss this real old Serbia
Художественный перевод:
Боже правый, Ты, что дивом
Охранял нас в бедствий дни,
Вновь внемли сердец призывам
И опять нас сохрани.
Наша прекрасная Родина,
О храбрая земля мила,
Древнейшая слава дедов,
Дай Бог всем известна была!
||: Мы дружно на врагов,
На бой, друзья, спешим,
За Родину, за славу,
За Честь мы постоим! :||
Плод борьбы пятивековой -
Королевство защищай,
И Петра для славы новой
Мощной силой сохраняй!
I see this was put together from various versions, so can you upload specifically the Serbian part from this version, cuz I can only find like three versions of our anthem "Boze Pravde" on youtube...
Baron, could you do Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht for Christmas?
Marvel: Infinity War is the best crossover of the entire history.
Putting the King when she croatian anthem started was just genius lol
congrats on hitting 100k!
Why Serbia not going back a kingdom ? Crown Prince Alexander is a very great man !
Because of the commies.
Prince Philip Karadjordjevic lives in Belgrade with family, I'm glad that he's back.
Alexander is low IQ who doesn't speak Serbian
@@IvanaSt14 yes i know that, but still a republic.
@@stormdancer25 he's borne out of Serbia and live Many years out his country because communisme.
Kingdom of Yugoslavia was the real and best Yugoslavia
Sooo wrong.
@@user-gg9ci3up1y No, u
No, SFRJ was the real Yugoslavia.
King Peter II - the grandson of King Ferdinand I and Queen Marie, the Unifiers of Romania. Long live the King!
Long live brotherly people of Romania! Glory to our Queen, born Princess Maria of Romania! Greetings from a Yugoslav.
I started crying... 😓😢😭
Truly the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In that order.
This one is so nice i cant to not listen to it
Да живее Југославија, нашата вечна татковина.
онда иди у смродлавију и живи тамо. кад је требло да је браниш од распада, покупио си прње и збрисао.
@@ДалиборЧевизовић tacno tako svi bili titovi pioniri kad poce rat svi pucaju jedni na druge ili bjeze
Sounds exactly like Naprej Zastave Slave.
That's because it is the third stanza.
This is 3 anthems mixed up, First is Serbian, second Croatian and third Slovenian
Na jedinu stvar svi mozemo biti braca da se svi slazemo da je jugoslavija jedino dobro sto se desilo na balkanu pozz iz HRVATSKE I ŽIVJELA JUGOSLAVIA!!!
Propustili smo te 1918.godine priliku da se ujedinimo kao sve velike nacije (Francuzi, Talijani, Njemci), da stvorimo veliku jugoslovensku naciju i državu s kojom bi dominirali ne samo na Balkanu, već i na svijetu. Od Triglava do Vardara da bude jedna velika jugoslovenska nacija i država.
Na veliku žalost, male plemenske koncepcije (hrvatska srpska bošnjačka crnogorska) su pobijedile i zato smo danas tu gdje jesmo. Sad se pokazuje da ova zaostala balkanska plemena nikada nisu ni bila dorasla jugoslovenskoj ideji. Ovaj ubogi i prijetvoran, primitivni balkanski svijet zaslužuje svo blato koje ima u svojim banana-državicama, hrvati srbi bošnjaci crnogorci, sve užas. Ljudi sa ovih prostora lišeni su osjećaja za veličinu, u njima leži nezdrava potreba ka nezainteresiranosti, inatu, netoleranciji i posebice nacionalnoj isključivosti, te stoga grandiozna, sveuključujuća i plemenita jugoslovenska ideja ne nalazi plodno tlo među takvim bićima.
Na ruševinama velike Jugoslavije uspostavljene su, do grla zadužene, republičice koje za misiju imaju neprestano izvoziti omladinu kako bi ista prala kuhinje i toalete po Irskoj, Njemačkoj, Austriji kao jeftina radna snaga. Ono što Hitler nije uspio ratom ostvariti na Balkanu, pošlo je za rukom trojcu Milošević-Tuđman-Izetbegović i njihovim lojalnim i fanatičnim ovcama.
Potpuno smo poniženi, kolonizirani, raseljeni po svijetu, a kod kuće smo siromašne sluge. Nekako smo izgubili narodnu mudrost, bitnost i dostojanstvo. Vrijeme će pokazati da je Jugoslavija bila vrhunac civilizacije južnoslavenskih naroda. Sad nas jebe tko hoće, bili to Ameri, Švabe, Britanci, Turci, Rusi... Nismo bili dovoljno pametni i mržnja je prevladala, na našu štetu, a tuđu korist. Zaostajemo i za onima kojima smo se nekad rugali da su zaostali. Sad zaostajemo mi jer smo uništili Jugoslaviju i postali tuđe kolonije i tuđi ljudski resurs. Stvorili nismo ništa osim šovinističkog nacionalizma i želje za međusobnim uništenjem, opet na sreću nekog drugog.
Što se tiče tog područja i dalje živim vjerujući da je moguće da progledaju ovi naši ljudi. Zato, vrijedi se nacionalno osjećati i izjašnjavati Jugoslovenom. Između ostalog, jugoslovenski se osjećaju ili su se osjećale veoma istaknute ličnosti u našem svijetu (istom jeziku različitih varijanata) - Nikola Tesla, Goran Bregović, Lepa Brena, pisac Ivo Andrić, kipar {vajar} Ivan Meštrović, Vatroslav Lisinski, Ante Trumbić, Meša Selimović, teniserka Monika Seleš, Ljubiša Ristić, Saša Kovačević i mnogi drugi. Biti Jugosloven uistinu je privilegija, Jugosloveni su stanovnici gradova. Beograd, Zagreb, Skoplje, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Split, Novi Sad - sve je to naše.
Braćo moja, ne dozvolite da idemo jedni na druge! Jedan smo narod i istim jezikom zborimo! Teško se živi a spas ćemo naći jedino ako jugoslovenski progledamo i prodišemo, i ujedinimo se! Pamet u glavu! Za bolje sutra!
(O)živjeli Jugosloveni!
P.S. nisam komunist, demokrata sam.
@@uhaupoilkas3804 tacno, 1918te je odmah trebalo stvoriti zemlju pod imenom Jugoslavija, prisajediniti Bugarsku i stvoriti jednu veliku Jugoslovensku naciju gdje bi vjere bila sekundarna stvar. Trebalo je napraviti i Jugosolvenski jezik koji bi svi pricali. Sa Jugoslovebskom nacijom i zajdnickim Jugoslovenskim jezikom, danas bi Jugoslavija jos trajala jer bi imao ko da je brani. Greska kraljevine je sto je prvo krenula kao troimena drzava. Kralj je uvidio gresku i zapoceo ispravnu politiku ali je ubrzo ubijen. Tito i partija su iako sa najboljom namjerom napravili veliku gresku sto nijesu stvorili Jugoslovene, nego su stvarali plemensku svijest po republikama. Po modelu Italije i Njemacke je trebalo raditi. Da je tako uradjeno danas bi bili jedna velika, snazna i bogata zemlja na 3 mora i imali bi cijeli Balkan pod sobom. Ovako smo obicna primitivna plemena koja sluze za podsmjeh evropi i svijetu.
толико добро да је мој народ у твојој смрдославији истријебљен.
@@ДалиборЧевизовић a znas li zasto? Zbog nacionalizma i zato je i rat poceo
@@uhaupoilkas3804 Da, da, baš bi bili neka sila na svjetu. Sinko, gledaš previše crno belo. Mogli su da žive svi narodi na ovom području u jednoj državi, ali NACIJA ne smije da se zaboravi. Problem je što je narod glup, a ti padaš na propagandu.
1:15 wtf this is Slovenian "naprej zastave slave"
Bravo, you win a kremšnita.
That is mix of Bože pravde, Kroatian athem and slovenian.
heres the lyrics if you dont even know
Bože pravde, Ti što spase
Od propasti dosad nas,
Čuj i otsad naše glase,
I otsad nam budi spas!
Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
Naprej zastava slave,
Na boj junaška kri!
Za blagor očetnjave
Naj puška govori!
Bože, spasi, Bože, hrani
Našeg Kralja i naš rod!
Kralja Petra, Bože, hrani,
Moli Ti se sav naš rod.
Živeo Aleksandar i Kraljevina Jugoslavija!🇷🇸🇸🇮🇭🇷
How about Bosnia and Herzegovina?
@Jeb Bush until 1946 Where Tito Reorganised the Country and gave the status of an republic to everyone.This stabilised the country
@Jeb Bush i know
All dislikes are from ustashas or Italy
fck yea bro, 1934. to infinity
Yugoslav royal anthem is like South African national anthem. ;)
Yeah, it is, but instead of two anthems mashed together, it's three.
🇷🇸🇭🇷🇸🇮 i got bored with this contry who is with me?
Can u upload 'Korean Empire' enthem? :) plz
Linksliberalismus did this empire even exist?
Kosovan Gaming Yes. There was. It was a very short period from 1897 to 1910.
Linksliberalismus ok thanks for answering and also are you from South Korea?
Kosovan Gaming Yeah. :)
Very nice
Long Live Kingdom of Yugoslavia!
Long Live Alexander Karadjordjević of Yugoslavia!
Long Live Peter Karadjordjević second of Yugoslavia!
unfortunate that peter II never got to come back to his country and had to remain in exile in GB for the rest of his life
Me likey very muchy
Same Tom
Oy vey!
Hava Nagila and have a happy Hanukkah my Jewish friend
Najlepša himna na svetu.
The one I feel even worse for than Czechoslovakia.
Brilliant :)
Serbian anthem is the most beautiful anthem
1918-1941 not 1945
We used this anthem for sound effect for ouer interpretation of a comedy called "Sombiteono lice" (Unknown person) in ouer city teather , it was amazing 😃
its a mix of the serbian, croatian, and slovenian song
Yugoslavia and Romania Monarhy❤❤
Someone knows, who is the king on the picture?
Gergő Richárd Herczeg Peter II of Yugoslavia
Norwegian Baron Thank you your answer :)
at least the royal family is still around :D
On govori srpski. Nija perfekno ali dobro
I smell Tito amongst the sound...
Wth that aint real anthem...
In this video there is anthem of
1.Croatia (Naša domovina)
2.Slovenija (naprej zastave slave)
The Serbian version of the anthem is quite weird, it’s in F# major (or out of tune) when the original is always Bb major
107 Austrians hungarians germans and ottomans disliked
Kingdom > SFR
Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae And Tito wasn't? You triggered little commie?
Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae If you claimed to know _anything_ about our history, you'd know that 1930's was an era of political unrest in europe, and several paternalist dictatorships existed (such as greece and yugoslavia). These are not to be confused with fascist states. Also, situation in yugoslavia was very fragile after the incident in the parliament, so someone had to bring order.
Random nothingness Tito was a "benevolent" dictator, in a sence that it wasn't really a dictatorship, but more of a, I'd call it "communist _monarchy_ ". The leader was in charge, but was far from a tyrant, and generally was a leader with great authority.
Any Yugoslavia is better than what the Balkans are now. Alexander, Tito, both were good men.
The SFR had much better ethnic policy, though. The Kingdom's mistreatment of the Croats created the Ustase.
Is feel like you can just cut out some part of other anthem and consolidate it into a whole new one...
we could have been a nation
You were. Several nations. That’s why you broke up.
United Kingdom of Serb Croat and Sloven
here come the serbian nationalists
Sharkman Briton Serbs actually love Kingdom of Yugoslavia and they dislike the communist Yugoslavia.
Serbian nationalist checking in!
The Slovene part almost sounds Austro-Hungarian. Specifically it reminds me of Karntner Liedermarsch
The Slovene Part reminds me of the Saudi Anthem.
These remind me of neither
Yeah Slovenia war 1000 years unter austria steiermark and karnten and krain
167 Austrian princes were shot.
any contact from ugoslavia
Make alexander ii king of yugoslavia long live the king of yugoslavia from finland 😃
make a video with Partant pour la Syrie vocal
If only there was a 2nd kingdom of Yugoslavia
kako se zove slovenski deo?
Naprej Zastava Slave
Back when there was no xistian discrimination in Slavic lands.
When u invaded copy right but u want to hide it...
Reunify the kingdom of yugoslavia 😃
Do you like French and russlanders we've only been fighting them 2.000 years lol from Angeland / Engleland for none Germanic / Viking 👨
Why the fuck do you have Nazi photo are you fucking 10?
@@unitedkingdomofgreatbritai5498 Yes that photo is worrying
transition betwen serbian and croatian anthem is pretty good actualy.
Slovenian part is too different and break the harmony
The disharmony seems to be coming from a different band performing the Slovenian anthem, while the other two anthems are played by the same band. I suppose it would've been easy to merge anthems played by the same band, but much more difficult to incorporate an anthem played by a different band.
Sudden change between Serbian and Croatian anthems lol
Боже правде!
Didn't know it was the same himne from Croatia
Second stanza
This, this would've been a better Yugoslavia
Краљ Александар 2 Слава Краљевине Југославије
Болгарское игровое TV
Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria must be allies!
@@kukluxklan8978 definitely
Слава Югославии!