Restoring the Kingdom People: Its What the New Covenant is All About | Teaching Only

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2024
  • God created the world and gave the rights of the kingdom to Adam who forfeited it to Satan. God then chose Abraham and his descendants and imparted the kingdom to them. They lost it. Jesus came to restore the kingdom to his people.
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    Dr. Douglas Hamp graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. in the Hebrew Bible and Its World where he specialized in ancient languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek his PhD in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. He served at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa for six years, where he lectured and developed curriculum at the School of Ministry, Spanish School of Ministry and Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School. He is the author of numerous books, articles, & DVDs. His linguistic insights have made him a sought after speaker at conferences, national and international TV, radio, and internet programs in English and in Spanish. He is senior pastor of the Way Congregation in Denver, CO.
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  • @hillarymacadam424
    @hillarymacadam424 4 місяці тому +2

    Hallelujah I’m all about Restoration

  • @joannbruso5514
    @joannbruso5514 4 місяці тому +1


  • @justYouJesus1God
    @justYouJesus1God 4 місяці тому +2

    Jeremiah 3:14 it says that God is still married, in other words even though God gave the writing of divorcement he said all they needed to do was repent because he was still their husband/ married to them. Though they violate the Covenant hundreds of times thousands of times the Covenant remains. This is the same as for a marriage covenant though abuse, adultery or anything else violate that marriage covenant it is not dissolved until death for Corinthians 7:39. Thank God Jesus taught Paul the Apostle because he made it clear that that if a woman departs she shall remain unmarried or reconcile. This is trumped up by the Deuteronomy laws which are null and void.

    • @warneachothereverydayheb.3406
      @warneachothereverydayheb.3406 2 місяці тому

      I believe that I agree with what you said. I know that I too had a hard time with the command in Deut 24:4 that the woman MUST not return to the husband once she was defiled, but I believe that Jesus took that penalty on the cross, and when we come to the knowledge of the truth, and repent, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin... not to continue in sin by remarrying or staying in a remarriage, but for having violated His law that says: DO NOT SEPARATE "divorce".... We are then to proceed to reconcile (or remain unmarried), like the woman was commanded by the Lord to do in 1 Cor. 7:11... Paul said: "not I but the Lord" had said those things.

  • @DavidGilone-ei4gv
    @DavidGilone-ei4gv 4 місяці тому +1

    It's been a longer than 4000. BC

  • @warneachothereverydayheb.3406
    @warneachothereverydayheb.3406 2 місяці тому

    Do you know of any congregations like yourself here in the Edmonton area, Alberta, Canada? We just don't seem to fit anywhere... we're NOT OSAS/Faith Alone, I had a dream about the Christ-MASS celebrations that brought about us trying Hanukkah, and then it progressed to the rest of the feasts, including keeping the Sabbath, we also try to dress conservatively/modest, and we are not Pre trib, actually we progressed to Post trib. Do you know of anyone, any home fellowships or congregations meeting in churches like yourselves that would be in our area?

  • @nestorlima9836
    @nestorlima9836 3 місяці тому +1

    Please clarify Eph. 2:14. Based on the context, the two made one are Jews and gentiles, The One New man, not the two houses of Israel. This is the first time I hear this. I don’t see how to attribute it to the latter without taking the chapter out of context. Please enlighten me!

    • @Keeter904
      @Keeter904 19 днів тому

      I'm not a member of Douglas's Church but just a believer on the East Coast. I just watched Douglas's teaching for the first time but I already somewhat have an understanding of this teaching. Let me elaborate on Ephesians. Perhaps it will settle your mind. Perhaps not.
      The letter to the Ephesians seems to be addressed to the gentile converts who have accepted Yeshua as their Messiah and have joined with the believing Jews at synagogue in Ephesus. Paul, as a professing Jew, is elaborating on the believing Jew and believing non-Jew (Israel or other) coming together by reminding them in Ephesians 1:9,10 that this is the mystery (joining of Judah and Israel) of his (Yahweh) will according to his purpose “which he set forth in Christ”. Paul goes on to say in v11 that “we have obtained an inheritance” (underscore we) meaning the COMBINED peoples who are now considered one people (believing Jew and believing non-Jew alike under the New covenant).
      Paul shares that first the Jews had the “hope” and promises of Messiah (v12) but now the believing gentiles were “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (v13) who is the “guarantee of our inheritance” (v14).
      Ephesians chapter 2 is just a continuation as Paul hammers home the fact.
      “Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “”the uncircumcision”” (gentiles, goyam, dogs) by what is called “”the circumcision”” (Jews), which is made in the flesh by hands- remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel (anyone in covenant with Yahweh is considered Israel) and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross…”
      When Paul says “one new man” he is essentially saying that bringing together two houses makes one. I believe Paul is equating one man with one house. One "new" man is the joining of two houses into one.

  • @jackshadow325
    @jackshadow325 3 місяці тому +1

    Something doesn’t add up here. If Jesus died to reunite Israel to Himself, and it was all for them, then what do non-Israelites have to do with the new covenant? Did Jesus die for non-Israelites? What do Christians living in 2024 have to do with the promises made to Israel (Judah and Ephraim) in the O.T. prophets? The pastor here claims that “Gentile” refers to “scattered Israel” (as seen at 33:17 in the video), but apparently non-Israelites living in 2024 are also being referred to in Ephesians 2 as Gentiles? Doesn’t add up.

  • @sawette23
    @sawette23 Місяць тому

    I agree with the first part of your message. but the 2nd is pure extrapolation and interpretation with a jewish idolatry lens. Your point brings the idea that everything was about the physical Israel whereas all the Bible teach us that the aim of God is to reach everyone. He chose Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob descendants to teach who he is and what he wants. There is a blessing for his chosen people that never went away but still they refused the messiah and so they are in desobedience with all the consequences. Like everyone else in desobedience. We are blessed through their desobedience, as Paul said, and we should not be proud because we would have done the same. And it is blessing if they come to the messiah. Paul is not complicated to understand and he clearly adress his letters to gentile, not northern tribes ! Through Jesus he created a New creation and it is for everyone. The aim wasn't only the northern tribe of Israel. The New Testament is very clear and it is easy to understand. God wants to restore everything, everyone is called in his New covenant. But if you are a descendant of Judah, that doesn't mean you are part of it. You need to enter through the gate of Christ blood and broken flesh.
    Last point, eventhough I disagree about your Israel tribe point, I agree about the notion of kingdom, it is very important.

  • @justYouJesus1God
    @justYouJesus1God 4 місяці тому +2

    The first husband is the Mosaic laws which the Hebrews were bound to in the marriage covenant. But since Jesus died and fulfilled the law that husband is now dead and we have nothing to do with any Deuteronomy laws, is he Leviticus laws sacrificial laws nothing of the sort that Covenant was only temporary and now is obsolete since Jesus died.
    We as Gentiles never had a covenant with God in the desert. The Commandments the statutes the ordinances that the Jewish people had to obey was for them. Read it in Deuteronomy it says that God established the laws Commandments and statutes with the sons of Israel. We are not the sons of Israel, so we were not bound to any Deuteronomy laws any levitical laws any sacrificial laws. We cannot be bound to something that we were never a part of in the first place. This Covenant extended from Abraham Isaac and Jacob descendants.
    The only Commandments that Jesus said for us to abide by, love God and love thy neighbor as thyself and in those we abide.
    We can't be abiding by an obsolete Covenant that was just for the Jews and I'm not saying the Ten Commandments the moral law, obviously those will demonstrate if we love God and love our neighbor as ourself. But Gentiles have nothing to do with being prohibited pork shellfish or even abiding by the Sabbath because Jesus is our rest. There was no such ordinances from Jesus or Paul to keep any Sabbath not one whatsoever. They met on Saturday or even the 8th day because that's when they met. Paul was the Apostle for the Gentiles and he made marriage clear that basically though it's violated it is a binding contract/covenant and only death not adultery not divorce changes but death for Corinthians 7:39