Hi There. To access the operations dashboards you need an AA_Admin role or a AAE_Bot Insights role. To access business dashboards you need certain permissions over the folder where the bot that generates the data is stored. The roles required are discussed here: docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v2019/page/enterprise-cloud/topics/bot-insight/user/cloud-viewing-a-dashboard.html
Quick question Lee what User Roles do I need to access the Dashboard
Hi There. To access the operations dashboards you need an AA_Admin role or a AAE_Bot Insights role. To access business dashboards you need certain permissions over the folder where the bot that generates the data is stored. The roles required are discussed here: docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v2019/page/enterprise-cloud/topics/bot-insight/user/cloud-viewing-a-dashboard.html