Two Games Joined - Sp00ky B00gie

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
    Soundtrack for the game Inner Monsters, which was made for the Ludum Dare 33 game jam on August 21st-24th, 2015. All 8 original tracks were written during that time, with only additional tweaks added after the game was submitted. Only 5 of the tracks ended up being used in the game.
    All 8 tracks from the game were remastered!
    Inner Monsters available for playing here:
    released June 22, 2016
    All tracks except track 9 written and mixed by DoubleGJ, with additional mixing by Flyghtning. Produced with OpenMPT software. Remastered with Reason software.
    Tracks 4, 7 & 8 are tracks that ended up not being used in the Inner Monsters game.
    Track 5 partially reworked by Flyghtning in Reason software.
    Album mastered by Flyghtning.
    Track 9:
    DoubleGJ - arrangement, production, bass guitar
    Flyghtning - production, keys, mixing
    Kelen - electric guitar
    Track 9 produced with Renoise and Reason software.
    Game project lead: Frédéric Raducki (for more game credits, visit the Ludum Dare link).
    Cover artwork by Daria Kisły (Havoc art).
    Two Games Joined logo by Przemysław Łęgowski based on the Gameboy Advance logo, property of Nintendo Co., Ltd.