🌃 HDR Night Walks 🌙 bit.ly/hdr-night-walks FREE ways to support the channel 😉 Help the UA-cam algorithm get this video out to more people by: 👍🏼 Liking the video 📺 Playing the video for the entire duration (even in the background is fine) 💬 Leaving a comment (anything really!) 👯♀️ Sharing a link to this video with your friends on social media 🔔 Subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell icon 😄
WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves! PEople=POEbeL=folk=pEASants=WORKers=SLAVEs ARBEITer=ROBotER=Sklave THEre' ARE NO ways (methods) paths=PREdeTERMined 'in" 're'al' LIFE
I don't know about you, but I always get emotional when I look at these videos. They make me feel like I don't have enough time to look and see everything, everything is so detailed, and has been put there by someone. And everyone that walks around has their own story, and you will never know their life story. It's like a very strong fear of missing out, mixed with a strange nostalgia, and also awe and wonder at the miracle of creation and how vast can the human experience be. So many colours, so many stories, each little nook and cranny would make me stay there and contemplate it for minutes, just absorbing its essence and the atmosphere around the place. The noises, the smells, the beautiful girls, the men working in important businesses, the old guy caught in his routine, the young guy working at the bar or at the restaurant, the tourists, all these boards with all these writings... There's so much human activity and so many things going on at the same time that it's scary, and it's amazing, and awe inspiring. It overwhelms me, and I love to contemplate existence and to just look at all this stuff flow in front of me like it is just a flow of unimportant things, even though each single one of those things is existentially and deeply important from its own point of view, and this makes this whole thing incredibly fascinating, shocking, awe inspiring and moving.
ALl" *bux* Ra* 666-FANtasy* &The" INTERnet' =666-fanTASY2 ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist'
This place and Shinsekai in Osaka are the two most "dangerous" places in Japan, yet far safer than even a genteel place like central Cambridge in the UK, on a Saturday night.
i just got a 4k 144hz hdr monitor acer predator, and this is my first hdr video, and i gotta say, this blew me away... looks so real, im so fascinated with this, thank you for making this video
@Rays Through Trees, Summer Breeze Yeah cause a monitor that costs hundreds up to over a thousand dollars is something the average person can afford...
Can we take a second to appreciate how silent it is on these streets? If this was London or New York you'd barely be able to hear the person speaking next to you, it's so peaceful in contrast lol.
Great work! I'm glad "Virtual Japan" has taken the time to post videos like these. As a Canadian that likes to experience other cultures and see it through the lens is just great. I'd love to one day go to Japan.
It's amazing that even the red light district is this clean! I've heard that Tokyo is the only major metropolis in the world THAT WORKS. You should be proud of your city. I am impressed at your courtesy and cleanliness.
Amaze=conFUSE WorLd=SystemMATRIX (HELl) AND not THE LIVing' earth! couldWOULDshould=ASsumpZION=FickZION=FANtasy=NonSENse... CITY=Dead! PROUD? pride comEs* B4 *the" FALl! CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves. I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE NICE&clean=PSYcho"
@@NicDoesDumbThings Old NICk=say10 IS Al'ways' DOing NonSENse. I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) TALKing*2the* MIRor'
Really loved this. Spent 6 months in SEA last year and have been missing every second of it ever since I got back. Tokyo is truly something to behold. I’ll never forget how clean the streets were.
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE NICE&clean=PSYCHO
@@rememberme3156 ER-INnerUNG=FanTASY=NichtWAHR=un're'al' =LÜGE I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! GRATEful' =great FoOL THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist' ALl" 'sLang*witch* ES Are" RElay* Ted' WITH 'eachOTHER As they COME *from' ONE " SOURCE (sorceRY=blk*magic)
Idk why everyone is coming to this video as their "first 4k video" experience, but here I am, testing out my M1 iMac in 4K! haha I absolutely love it :)
As an American who has played and loved Yakuza 0 and Kiwami I'm completely blown away at how well the game captures this atmosphere. I mean duh, the game is based on it, but still, they did a really great job of it Also: Don Quixote!
*pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT) Idiot(es)=PRIVAte PERson Sounds" NOT So bad But THEN > (erst"mal NIX SCHLIMmes) Aber DANn: PRIVAre' =BEraubt (aBEing ROBbed) und PERson=ficZIONal' 'careACTor* (strawMAN mask) Folglich Ist ein" IDiot EIN beRAUBter UnterMENSCH - ein SCHATten SEINer Selbst. FolLOWing THIS "logic: An" Idiot is' aROBbed Under-MAN (hue-man) Ashadow" Of HIS REALity. KIND=child(STUPID)manKIND/CHILDren=NERDs HERr/FRAU-Kind SIND JUrisTISCHE S(f)ach'beGRIFfe (Title=FickZION) Aper-son" IS 'just a'ficZIONal' CAREact-or* NOthing're'al' VR ALl* *dis-abLED
@@hacjy NO Iam not ALTright=alter THE natives RITUAL RECHT =right= RITE =ritual=ocCULTism= CULTure=tradiZION = BRAUCHtum ( SITte&Moral) saTANism= FickZION =fanTASY =unSINn=NonSENse=Idioty=INsanity=GEISTesKrangk* I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE Just PUT on *ur* muZzle AND take THE vacCINE !!
THE "name is' th' MARK of THE "beast - THE "enTRANCE 2the" System" of"slavery. Der" NAME (BeZEICHNung) ist DAS " MalZe'ichEN des" TIERes (aus der" JohanNes-OFfenBARung) das" Tor #zu'm# SklavenSystem. 're' SOURCE -socery(witchCRAFT/magic) 're' SPECTrum' =ReVIEW (loOK@it Again) CARE HOLYwud* =MAGic* STICK (PHALlus) matrix (MADRE=mother IX=9/11) MEDIA=mediUM=MAGICian=IMAGus=imag(e) IMAGiNaZIon* FANtasy-FickZION/ilLUSion Iam A-jin @ZION Words are SPELls (blk*magic) That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity! Worte sind MAGIE (UNecht) welCHE die" WELT=FantAsie KREierEN ,die" WIEder-um die" REALiTät' (das Echte/LEBenDIGE) zerSTÖRen. WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth! graveET... MAGIC-FickZION-fanTASY R=High LEVIte PRIEST (with"magic' STICK) KOMmun'ikaZION *ist* UnSINn" GEHIRN-Wäsche/PRO-paGAN-da ... WhenEver* UR comMUNICat'ing U-Al'ways TALK 2the" MIRor' (blk*magic) *' By the" SELF 2THE * self* 4the" SELF MAGISTrate=magicSTRAIGht' (TradE) - JUDge' JUDe(jew) MAgistrATe=MA-at(EGYPT) COURT=caught=reCORD LAWyer=liaR / JEWry's DICKzion* ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist' ALl" 'sLang*witch* ES Are" RElay* Ted' WITH 'eachOTHER As they COME *from' ONE " SOURCE (sorceRY=blk*magic) 6. THE BANKing-System IS 'aMAGIC TOol 2make* U-slave*work 8. THE DOGter* is' aWHITEmagicIAN 'of" PHARma" As A black magic Baby!
I'm watching this on my new 2021 LG Oled TV.. And I have to say I'm suffering from sensory overload Just overwhelming Only videos like this can capture reality This TV captures illumination of light Spectacularly
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! GRATEful' =great FoOL THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) ILlumiNAZI
There’s something so captivating about Shinjuku and Tokyo in general that just makes me want to go there and experience the sights the sounds and everything for myself. I honestly have no idea what attracts me, but I think part of it is just the strange mix of past and future that makes Tokyo what it is. Bit like London actually, which is another city I love. Hopefully in 2021 once my exams are over and corona is more under control I’ll be able to go...
As an American from the Midwest, there is so, so much that could be said from this video. Bare with me. First of all, exceptional filming quality. All praise goes to the cameraman (or woman). Not only is the camera quality impressive, but the grace used to capture it all isn't lost on anyone. Secondly, Tokyo is just super impressive. Visually stunning. Yes, the landscape, the buildings, everything is very condensed. An American could likely feel claustrophobic with ease. Yet, so much detail is available in that "tiny" space available. The lighting, the signage, the advertisements, the technology. I would be hard-pressed to believe anywhere else in the world can be so advanced in this aspect. Thirdly, the cleanliness. Not just the lack of litter & garbage, but the noise! How can a place so populated, so fully of activity sound so quiet? There's no cars honking their horns, no people yelling, just no real loud annoying noise. I could just go on and on and on... I'm probably rambling now. I'll watch this another few times... digest a lot more. Someone could watch this 50 times and not catch everything. Just... wow. Thank you for putting this together and sharing this. I'll be sure to share it on my social media platforms as well.
"ti-me&SPACE#do-n't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers (deMOtic) MAYcouldWOULDshould=ASsumpZION=FickZION=FANtasy=NonSENse... Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"' FunkZION... TRANCEactZion* enTRANCE... ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer. BUILDing=Dead=System=E-go=Self=NOthing=NonSENse... THE "de-tail' Is' WHEre' U-WILl* find THE "tale of THE devil! techNOlogy... I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) "be LIE v+e* *or* *beLEave* =leAVE 2B - not2KNOW DOn't be LIE v+e in" 'words Of" 'others! THEse ARE al' just LIES WhoEver beLIEves in Alie" HE must DIE! Every" LIE deRIVED "from" FANtasy' IS Acurse and THE NA-Eve* BE-lie-VER must proCEß IT - Die" WELT Ist eiNE " Lüge und WER DARan GLAUBT , der" muß" STERBen DENn "jed' LÜGE Ist ein" Fluch=SCHWARZE Magie! Words are SPELls That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity! Worte sind MAGIE (UNecht) welCHE die" WELT=FantAsie KREierEN ,die" WIEder-um die" REALiTät' (das Echte/LEBenDIGE) zerSTÖRen. WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth! MONdo OR monDe=WOrld(whiRLED) but MOND=moON=IlLUsion / GLOBE=SystemModel' WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves! PEople=POEbeL=folk=pEASants=SLAVEs ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei *pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT) BITte&DANGKE sind Sklaven-BeGRIFfe. MEDIA=mediUM=MAGICian=IMAGus=imag(e) IMAGiNaZIon* FANtasy-FickZION Iam A-jin @ZION EnterTAINtMENT=2bring* DARKneß* IN2 *ur* 'mind"*" The user is the used!
@@ArrakisOCE this attitude is the reason why so many ppl are hesitant to visit your country. you say you want to educate ppl on your culture, but only certain ppl. some ppl in japan are so ignorant and racist it hurts
I really enjoyed this video, as well as the all of the other walking tour videos. I am fascinated with anything that pertains to Japan, and it's my dream to visit the country.
@@missingno88 And for me there is a problem with war in my country (Ukraine). I just hope for us to win and stay alive. Afterwards I'll take my wife to Japan.
@SpidermaN79 I wouild trade you. It's grass is greener on the otherside situation. We appreciate the other aspects of each others culture because we dont have them or they lack.
These videos have kept me sane during this pandemic, I got to take small little vacations from my living room. The camera used is amazing, it feels like you're actually there and everything is vivid.
I am from Germany, Frankfurt, where we have a small red light destrict area that is full of luminious advertising. In Tokyo it seems to be everywhere. I like it - it has a charm to it.
One drawback of traveling with small children is that you don’t have chance to visit places like this, and during night. This is definitely a part of Japan that I have never visited.
ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer. CHILl-drenNERD... KIND=child(STUPID)manKIND I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
@@memethanYT MOLEcules, atoms, PROTons, ElectrONS ,neuTRons, Ions, CELls, BACteria, virusES etc. DOn't EXIST Gugl*search VIRUS PICtures! ALles" "'" CGI (image=IMAGINE=FANtasy) TRANSlate: DER " Grund IST das NichtABbauBARE QueckSilber DER " IMpfunge' ,welCHES sich IN den" LUNGEN "festSETZet! Das" BILl-GATES found-aZION EntVoelkERUNGSproGAMme läuft* BEreiz* JEden" MONat WIRD die" TODesRATE um" FAKTor 10 STEIGen: April MILlion... SIE gebEn euch" die" TOD-ESspritz' Wenn Du richtig liest, dann wirst Du feststellen, daß die ganze Show eine Große Täuschung ist; da es keine Viren gibt. Das sind Phantasiegebilde! Zum Beweis: suche einfach nach Bildern! Da ist nichts echt. Dramatisch an der Sache ist, daß es bereits seit Jahren bekannt ist; die Erde zu entvoelkern - für die NWO 2021. In der Johannesoffenbarung ist es das weiße (fahle) Pferd, dessen Reiter eine Krone trägt ... CORONA... The" PUNISHer: "Man hat den Eindruck, dass der Corona Virus,bei manchen nicht die Lunge sondern das Gehirn befallen hat.Der Vorteil für die Betroffenen ist,dass sie es nicht mal merken." BILl=RECHNung GATEs=THOR-Bogen 666 Die" PFORTE "der" AbRECHNung (HOELlenTor) OPERAzion* Warp-SPEed = THE pale HORSE 4the*whores DOCk-Thor=Tot-al' GEHIRNge'waschenER PHARma-SKLAVE LOCKdown VERSus lockedUP=imPRIsonED = ALl EX-its are closed now!
I love your movies! I was in Japan for a few weeks in 2019. In Germany you couldn't make such recordings, you would only have stress with the people being filmed on the street. But keep up the good work, it is really fun and joy to watch these films. Many greetings from Germany.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster) MOVIEmoves" "ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers MAYcouldWOULDshould=ASsumpZION=FickZION=FANtasy=NonSENse... WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves! PEople=POEbeL=folk=pEASants=SLAVEs ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei DEUTsch=FICKzion=verJUDet* EIN DeutschLand wurde NIE geGRÜNDET BeHAUPTung (claim) FANtasie=LÜGE
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster) MOVIEmoves" "ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers MAYcouldWOULDshould=ASsumpZION=FickZION=FANtasy=NonSENse... WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves! PEople=POEbeL=folk=pEASants=SLAVEs ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei DEUTsch=FICKzion=verJUDet* EIN DeutschLand wurde NIE geGRÜNDET BeHAUPTung (claim) FANtasie=LÜGE
I like these scenes. Many scenes on the street are too late to recollect, but every time I see them, there is an indescribable sense of story and atmosphere. Although I am in a bustling street market, my heart is calm. It makes me think deeply. The meaning of our life, maybe everything in the world has its meaning of existence!
UA-cam recommended me this video for some reason but not going to lie, I love it. I mean I never been to Japan before but after seeing this video, its really peak my interest to go to Japan once after covid 19 ended. Its such a beautiful place, especially in night hours. Those neon lights feels very nostalgic for me for some reason..... maybe because they looks like those in Hong Kong. Definitely loving it.
Thanks for shooting in the “bali island” hotel. I’m from Indonesia and actually surprised our culture be recognized in there. They even play the traditional song as well
I love these night walks through the streets. So much energy captured here. It's nice to see people out and about - lots of life in the city! New fan here man! :)
One of the most technologically advanced cities on Earth! hope to visit and maybe live there in the future when the world gets passed these dark times we are currently in.
ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer. techNOlogy... COMmUnity=comMon-UNIty=The" uniTY Of tHE COMmoners (Slaves) and from THEre' DErives' the" comMun'ism. CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves. ciVIlisaTION - CIvil=adJUSTed' normED ... LIES ... Zion / CItiZen=Slaves That DWELl IN THE CIties. Earth" 'is'n't A-plan-it* (wanderINGstar) but IT has Aplane" INside" HOPE&change* R-just* polyTick*al' SLOGANs Of the"ocCULTist' 2deCEIve* THEIR " Slaves. MAYcouldWOULDshould=ASsumpZION=FickZION=FANtasy=NonSENse... THEre' ARE NO FUture (projection=FANtasy) nor Apast (REMembERance) 'only" "the' HEre' & NOW "ti-me#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER Words are SPELls That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity! WorLd=SystemMATRIX (HELl) AND not THE LIVing' earth! PASsed-OVER...
This looks awesome, the culture / the cleanliness / the lights / the people. Genuinely feels like I'm there just soaking up the scenery. I love Japan and this only encourages me to go even more ( The Skateboard Shops and the Pokemon Trading card shops would be like going to heaven for me) Peace from England 😅✌🏻
When I went there in 2019, Kabuki-chō was an absolute mess at late night/early morning. That was around when the cleaners start working, collecting all the garbage that was littered at night, into plastic bags that are tied to the streets, because they still rarely use garbage bins after the Tōkyō metro terrorist attacks.
This is gonna be a historical document one day. People in the future who want to know what Tokyo was like in 2020 will watch these videos in the same way that we watch videos of people walking around in 1920s New York or whenever/wherever. So cool.
for this place in particular the yakuza series has been documenting its changes for almost 20 years now and will lnto the future, i recognized damn near every single street in this solely based off of my time in that franchise
VietNam I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE Idiot(es)=PRIVAte PERson Sounds" NOT So bad But THEN > (erst"mal NIX SCHLIMmes) Aber DANn: PRIVAre' =BEraubt (aBEing ROBbed) und PERson=ficZIONal' 'careACTor* (strawMAN mask) Folglich Ist ein" IDiot EIN beRAUBter UnterMENSCH - ein SCHATten SEINer Selbst. FolLOWing THIS "logic: An" Idiot is' aROBbed Under-MAN (hue-man) Ashadow" Of HIS REALity. KIND=child(STUPID)manKIND/CHILDren=NERDs HERr/FRAU-Kind SIND JUrisTISCHE S(f)ach'beGRIFfe (Title=FickZION) Aper-son" IS 'just a'ficZIONal' CAREact-or* NOthing're'al' Aper"son' ISn't 're'al'
Seriously, I’d love to go to the Golden Gai. It’s the coziest just comfortable place to go get drinks with close friends. It has such a nice, compact but welcoming atmosphere. ‘80s feel too, it’s just so perfect.
Technology of Camera and the mount that stabilizes the video with gyroscope is a godsend for filming. It allows to make great videos like this without giving audience a vomit inducing experience.
CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves. WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth! MONdo OR monDe=WOrld(whiRLED) but MOND=moON=IlLUsion / GLOBE=SystemModel' CITY=Dead-beautiful? "ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers *pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT) BITte&DANGKE sind Sklaven-BeGRIFfe. LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster)
Visited Japan twice and fell in love. Your videos help bring memories and the adventurous spirit to explore new parts. Thank you for sharing those videos and keep up the great work. Sending much love your way.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT) UNDERstand=STANDunder=UNDER *the" STANDing "of* *sumONE
I seem to remember reading that common practice was to just carry your trash with you until you find somewhere to toss it. The Japanese in general are really good about cleanliness as shown by the stories of their national teams leaving locker rooms theyre given as clean if not cleaner than they were given to them.
I just got an OLED / 4K / HDR TV and I was playing around with it all day. The HDR effect was nice, but it wasn't until I saw this video that I was really blown away.
🌃 HDR Night Walks 🌙 bit.ly/hdr-night-walks
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WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves!
PEople=POEbeL=folk=pEASants=WORKers=SLAVEs ARBEITer=ROBotER=Sklave
THEre' ARE NO ways (methods) paths=PREdeTERMined 'in" 're'al' LIFE
@@eyeswideshot7347 sexualidade e
@@robertohenriquedasilva2931 YES sex 2much*
__---AWES0ME INSPIRED_0F_JAPAN___APPLAUSE FEVER PANAS0NIC_4K🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🏁 💨 🍮 🥧 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 ❗ 🐬 🌺 🌺 🌺 🥀 🌹 🌷 🍁 💐🍂 🐡🐄 🐅 🐆 🐯 🍣 🍣 🍣 🥘
🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🏁 💨 🍮 🥧 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 ❗ 🐬 🌺 🌺 🌺 🥀 🌹 🌷 🍁 💐🍂 🐡🐄 🐅 🐆 🐯 🍣 🍣 🍣 🥘
🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🏁 💨 🍮 🥧 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 ❗ 🐬 🌺 🌺 🌺 🥀 🌹 🌷 🍁 💐🍂 🐡🐄 🐅 🐆 🐯 🍣 🍣 🍣 🥘
🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🏁 💨 🍮 🥧 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 ❗ 🐬 🌺 🌺 🌺 🥀 🌹 🌷 🍁 💐🍂 🐡🐄 🐅 🐆 🐯 🍣 🍣 🍣 🥘
🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🏁 💨 🍮 🥧 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 ❗ 🐬 🌺 🌺 🌺 🥀 🌹 🌷 🍁 💐🍂 🐡🐄 🐅 🐆 🐯 🍣 🍣 🍣 🥘
What do you mean if i buy 4900 Indonesia rupiah what do i get 360 degrees ?
The level of detail in NPCs and the population density is impressive.
This dude must've got some unreleased nuclear GPU from an unknown company
Okay, good...I’m not the only one thinking the same thing.
@@VIP-dg7dy YESS!!!
looks alot better than cyberpunk 2077. this must be gta 6 trailer
I don't know about you, but I always get emotional when I look at these videos.
They make me feel like I don't have enough time to look and see everything, everything is so detailed, and has been put there by someone. And everyone that walks around has their own story, and you will never know their life story.
It's like a very strong fear of missing out, mixed with a strange nostalgia, and also awe and wonder at the miracle of creation and how vast can the human experience be.
So many colours, so many stories, each little nook and cranny would make me stay there and contemplate it for minutes, just absorbing its essence and the atmosphere around the place.
The noises, the smells, the beautiful girls, the men working in important businesses, the old guy caught in his routine, the young guy working at the bar or at the restaurant, the tourists, all these boards with all these writings... There's so much human activity and so many things going on at the same time that it's scary, and it's amazing, and awe inspiring.
It overwhelms me, and I love to contemplate existence and to just look at all this stuff flow in front of me like it is just a flow of unimportant things, even though each single one of those things is existentially and deeply important from its own point of view, and this makes this whole thing incredibly fascinating, shocking, awe inspiring and moving.
ye searching for this and exactly this damn
holy fucking shit, I have this EXACT feeling.
then just move there lmao
I feel you in every word!
@@Randi-Rabbit you're projecting your shadow on a mirror
Can we just appreciate the camera that films at 4k HDR without any noise in full darkness?
ALl" *bux* Ra* 666-FANtasy* &The" INTERnet' =666-fanTASY2
ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist'
@@eyeswideshot7347 bruh want some juice?
@Scott Luther CamERA obscura (MAGIC) SatAn
What is the camera?
@@Rihanna8K ΑψαμΕρα ισ α βλαψκ μαγιψ τοολ.
SEGA really nailed it with the Dragon Engine.
I could get lost in this city and feel safe.
Fernicus Maximus I do all the time! And it’s very very safe
@Gee Wizz good point
I went in december..all of Japan felt the same. People very respectful
One of my biggest dreams is to visit japan one day 😭😭
This place and Shinsekai in Osaka are the two most "dangerous" places in Japan, yet far safer than even a genteel place like central Cambridge in the UK, on a Saturday night.
the lights in HDR feel so real, like they're actually lit
FEel' REal' =deCEPTzion*
@@eyeswideshot7347 no shit
@@JoaoPedro-ni6jk Is'aVDO Any' 're'al?
@@eyeswideshot7347 are you LARPing as an AI? cool
@@JoaoPedro-ni6jk Yes... EYe Eye
ARTifIci-al' =künstLICH (not're'al) DEceptZION/ilLuSION (FICial=FICtion)
INTELligenCE (SEeEyeA=2C THE ALl* SEeing* Eye of THE "pyramid) IS 'mindCONtrol' (mk-ultra)
i just got a 4k 144hz hdr monitor acer predator, and this is my first hdr video, and i gotta say, this blew me away... looks so real, im so fascinated with this, thank you for making this video
Weird flex but ok
@@kushpaladin same
@Rays Through Trees, Summer Breeze Yeah cause a monitor that costs hundreds up to over a thousand dollars is something the average person can afford...
2K 120hz HDR in my smartphone
@@great-mighty9603 That fucking dude thought that an average customer can afford a 4k 144hz monitor 🤣 Yooooooooo
Can we take a second to appreciate how silent it is on these streets? If this was London or New York you'd barely be able to hear the person speaking next to you, it's so peaceful in contrast lol.
Great work! I'm glad "Virtual Japan" has taken the time to post videos like these. As a Canadian that likes to experience other cultures and see it through the lens is just great. I'd love to one day go to Japan.
Same here! Watching from Barcelona :) it just feels like you're there, walking, it is awesome!
@@Moniki89 ¡Visca Barça!
It's amazing that even the red light district is this clean! I've heard that Tokyo is the only major metropolis in the world THAT WORKS. You should be proud of your city. I am impressed at your courtesy and cleanliness.
WorLd=SystemMATRIX (HELl) AND not THE LIVing' earth!
CITY=Dead! PROUD? pride comEs* B4 *the" FALl!
CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
@Jordan RU *talKING 2ur* *blk* *magic' MIRor? *'*'
@@eyeswideshot7347 lmao i love youtube schizos like you
@Mike White Wah?!
@@NicDoesDumbThings Old NICk=say10 IS Al'ways' DOing NonSENse.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn)
TALKing*2the* MIRor'
Really loved this. Spent 6 months in SEA last year and have been missing every second of it ever since I got back. Tokyo is truly something to behold. I’ll never forget how clean the streets were.
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn)
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
Can't believe Japan ripped off Kamurocho from the Yakuza series.
"be LIE v+e* *or* *beLEave* =leAVE 2B - not2KNOW
DOn't be LIE v+e in" 'words Of" 'others! THEse ARE al' just LIES
i will speak your language: G1NaoKap aka HhHuJj 62( ah : /#j
@@eyeswideshot7347 wow, buddy. Visit a doctor, this is some worrisome stuff.
@@Sergiuss555 DOCk-Thor=Tot-al' GEHIRNverschmutzTER PharMA-Sklave - pro-fesSION...
@@rememberme3156 ER-INnerUNG=FanTASY=NichtWAHR=un're'al' =LÜGE
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! GRATEful' =great FoOL
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist'
ALl" 'sLang*witch* ES Are" RElay* Ted' WITH 'eachOTHER As they COME *from' ONE " SOURCE (sorceRY=blk*magic)
Idk why everyone is coming to this video as their "first 4k video" experience, but here I am, testing out my M1 iMac in 4K! haha I absolutely love it :)
and yes, this is my first 4k video on UA-cam ;)
me too with the M1 iMac!! Looks stunning.
haha do it the same with my MacBook Pro 14 m1 Pro chip XD
7:30 ready sir!!!!!!!!!!
As an American who has played and loved Yakuza 0 and Kiwami I'm completely blown away at how well the game captures this atmosphere. I mean duh, the game is based on it, but still, they did a really great job of it
Also: Don Quixote!
Thank you, from a disabled person ❤️
*pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT)
Idiot(es)=PRIVAte PERson Sounds" NOT So bad But THEN > (erst"mal NIX SCHLIMmes) Aber DANn: PRIVAre' =BEraubt (aBEing ROBbed) und PERson=ficZIONal' 'careACTor* (strawMAN mask) Folglich Ist ein" IDiot EIN beRAUBter UnterMENSCH - ein SCHATten SEINer Selbst. FolLOWing THIS "logic: An" Idiot is' aROBbed Under-MAN (hue-man) Ashadow" Of HIS REALity.
HERr/FRAU-Kind SIND JUrisTISCHE S(f)ach'beGRIFfe (Title=FickZION) Aper-son" IS 'just a'ficZIONal' CAREact-or* NOthing're'al'
VR ALl* *dis-abLED
@@eyeswideshot7347 wtf
@@hacjy DEFIniZIONS *form* 'the" FANTaSEAes* OF AperCEIVed' REALity: DIvine=dEFINe=FANtasy
@@eyeswideshot7347 are you alright? do i need to call an ambulance?
@@hacjy NO Iam not ALTright=alter THE natives RITUAL
RECHT =right= RITE =ritual=ocCULTism= CULTure=tradiZION = BRAUCHtum ( SITte&Moral) saTANism= FickZION =fanTASY =unSINn=NonSENse=Idioty=INsanity=GEISTesKrangk*
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
Just PUT on *ur* muZzle AND take THE vacCINE !!
I guess this is how I travel now
@Scott Luther Staying Safe hahahaha.
It is fun and i suppose we see more this way , high def and large screen it seems like I’m walking with the camera
Japan is magic.
THE "name is' th' MARK of THE "beast - THE "enTRANCE 2the" System" of"slavery. Der" NAME (BeZEICHNung) ist DAS " MalZe'ichEN des" TIERes (aus der" JohanNes-OFfenBARung) das" Tor #zu'm# SklavenSystem.
're' SOURCE -socery(witchCRAFT/magic) 're' SPECTrum' =ReVIEW (loOK@it Again) CARE
HOLYwud* =MAGic* STICK (PHALlus) matrix (MADRE=mother IX=9/11)
MEDIA=mediUM=MAGICian=IMAGus=imag(e) IMAGiNaZIon* FANtasy-FickZION/ilLUSion Iam A-jin @ZION
Words are SPELls (blk*magic) That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity! Worte sind MAGIE (UNecht) welCHE die" WELT=FantAsie KREierEN ,die" WIEder-um die" REALiTät' (das Echte/LEBenDIGE) zerSTÖRen.
WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth!
graveET... MAGIC-FickZION-fanTASY
R=High LEVIte PRIEST (with"magic' STICK)
KOMmun'ikaZION *ist* UnSINn" GEHIRN-Wäsche/PRO-paGAN-da ... WhenEver* UR comMUNICat'ing U-Al'ways TALK 2the" MIRor' (blk*magic) *' By the" SELF 2THE * self* 4the" SELF
MAGISTrate=magicSTRAIGht' (TradE) - JUDge' JUDe(jew) MAgistrATe=MA-at(EGYPT) COURT=caught=reCORD LAWyer=liaR / JEWry's DICKzion*
ENGlish' IS THE modern WORLD (s)lang*witch* CRAFTed OUT of" 'satAnic RITUALS (bloOd-LETting/LIbel) of THE Masonic JUice* /ocCULTist'
ALl" 'sLang*witch* ES Are" RElay* Ted' WITH 'eachOTHER As they COME *from' ONE " SOURCE (sorceRY=blk*magic)
6. THE BANKing-System IS 'aMAGIC TOol 2make* U-slave*work
8. THE DOGter* is' aWHITEmagicIAN 'of" PHARma"
As A black magic Baby!
I'm watching this on my new 2021 LG Oled TV.. And I have to say I'm suffering from sensory overload Just overwhelming
Only videos like this can capture reality
This TV captures illumination of light Spectacularly
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go! GRATEful' =great FoOL
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
The perfect blend of nostalgia and futurism
The transition from smaller roads to the open city was amazing.
That's insanely clean footage with incredibly deep depth of field. The GH5s is a low light monster!
There’s something so captivating about Shinjuku and Tokyo in general that just makes me want to go there and experience the sights the sounds and everything for myself. I honestly have no idea what attracts me, but I think part of it is just the strange mix of past and future that makes Tokyo what it is. Bit like London actually, which is another city I love. Hopefully in 2021 once my exams are over and corona is more under control I’ll be able to go...
what attracts you? maybe that the 🔪 are only used in the kitchen
Did you go at the end?
首先感谢视频作者的拍摄,4K HDR让人看起来很舒服。另外日本给我留下了很深刻的印象,2019年的时候去过一次,首先让我感觉每个人都很有礼貌,街道也比较干净,空气也很好。这个视频让我好像又回到了2019年的夏天在日本街道闲逛的感觉。
Thank you, apart from the displays, most parts of Shinjuku haven't changed in 30 years. When the pandemic is over, it will be full of people.
I love Japan and Japanese people. Greetings from the United Kingdom 🇬🇧
As an American from the Midwest, there is so, so much that could be said from this video. Bare with me.
First of all, exceptional filming quality. All praise goes to the cameraman (or woman). Not only is the camera quality impressive, but the grace used to capture it all isn't lost on anyone.
Secondly, Tokyo is just super impressive. Visually stunning. Yes, the landscape, the buildings, everything is very condensed. An American could likely feel claustrophobic with ease. Yet, so much detail is available in that "tiny" space available. The lighting, the signage, the advertisements, the technology. I would be hard-pressed to believe anywhere else in the world can be so advanced in this aspect.
Thirdly, the cleanliness. Not just the lack of litter & garbage, but the noise! How can a place so populated, so fully of activity sound so quiet? There's no cars honking their horns, no people yelling, just no real loud annoying noise.
I could just go on and on and on... I'm probably rambling now. I'll watch this another few times... digest a lot more. Someone could watch this 50 times and not catch everything.
Just... wow. Thank you for putting this together and sharing this. I'll be sure to share it on my social media platforms as well.
"ti-me&SPACE#do-n't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers (deMOtic)
Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"' FunkZION... TRANCEactZion* enTRANCE...
ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer.
THE "de-tail' Is' WHEre' U-WILl* find THE "tale of THE devil!
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
"be LIE v+e* *or* *beLEave* =leAVE 2B - not2KNOW
DOn't be LIE v+e in" 'words Of" 'others! THEse ARE al' just LIES
WhoEver beLIEves in Alie" HE must DIE!
Every" LIE deRIVED "from" FANtasy' IS Acurse and THE NA-Eve* BE-lie-VER must proCEß IT - Die" WELT Ist eiNE " Lüge und WER DARan GLAUBT , der" muß" STERBen DENn "jed' LÜGE Ist ein" Fluch=SCHWARZE Magie!
Words are SPELls That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity! Worte sind MAGIE (UNecht) welCHE die" WELT=FantAsie KREierEN ,die" WIEder-um die" REALiTät' (das Echte/LEBenDIGE) zerSTÖRen.
WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth!
MONdo OR monDe=WOrld(whiRLED) but MOND=moON=IlLUsion / GLOBE=SystemModel'
WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves!
ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei
*pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT) BITte&DANGKE sind Sklaven-BeGRIFfe.
MEDIA=mediUM=MAGICian=IMAGus=imag(e) IMAGiNaZIon* FANtasy-FickZION Iam A-jin @ZION
EnterTAINtMENT=2bring* DARKneß* IN2 *ur* 'mind"*"
The user is the used!
hey midwest us here too. I wanna move to japan so bad :(
i’m also midwest USA and, i could imagine visiting here tbh 😂
kiryu-san might come to mind when i’ll visit here lol
@@milkgxng don’t forget about the rampant sexual harassment, racism and xenophobia, and japans attitude towards women !
@@ArrakisOCE this attitude is the reason why so many ppl are hesitant to visit your country. you say you want to educate ppl on your culture, but only certain ppl. some ppl in japan are so ignorant and racist it hurts
Love from United States
Great to see the setting of the yakuza games in real life. Glad that people don’t challenge you to fights in the real one
Yes, I’m also very glad that no one was looking to fight me haha
Glad to see the comment I was looking for was the first one.
I really enjoyed this video, as well as the all of the other walking tour videos. I am fascinated with anything that pertains to Japan, and it's my dream to visit the country.
Japan is on another level.
Visiting Japan is now my #1 dream. I'll do it whatever it takes.
patiently just waiting for them to open to tourists then i can go lol but its been a long wait
@@missingno88 And for me there is a problem with war in my country (Ukraine). I just hope for us to win and stay alive. Afterwards I'll take my wife to Japan.
@@VladyslavZhelizniak stay safe brother, praying for all the conflict to end soon
Thank You from LaLa Land, California. LOVE Tokyo, been there three times. Japanese people are kind, polite, civilized, the US has much to learn!
Glad you liked the walk Mr. Pitts 😂
@SpidermaN79 I wouild trade you. It's grass is greener on the otherside situation. We appreciate the other aspects of each others culture because we dont have them or they lack.
Its so clean and lit up ,it almost looks like a giant movie set.
These videos have kept me sane during this pandemic, I got to take small little vacations from my living room. The camera used is amazing, it feels like you're actually there and everything is vivid.
Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"'
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
WAYcate* ZION...
LIVing'roOM4the*walkING Dead=ZOMBIE (pri-sonCELl)
watching this makes me wanna live in tokyo forever
The floor looks so smooth, imagine skating there 🤤
They also like it:) full of skaters here bro
I am from Germany, Frankfurt, where we have a small red light destrict area that is full of luminious advertising. In Tokyo it seems to be everywhere. I like it - it has a charm to it.
@@伊藤さくら-u2i I'm from Germany and Japan is not trash, but you surely are.
One drawback of traveling with small children is that you don’t have chance to visit places like this, and during night. This is definitely a part of Japan that I have never visited.
ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
@@eyeswideshot7347 Pardon?
@@memethanYT MOLEcules, atoms, PROTons, ElectrONS ,neuTRons, Ions, CELls, BACteria, virusES etc. DOn't EXIST
Gugl*search VIRUS PICtures! ALles" "'" CGI (image=IMAGINE=FANtasy)
TRANSlate: DER " Grund IST das NichtABbauBARE QueckSilber DER " IMpfunge' ,welCHES sich IN den" LUNGEN "festSETZet!
Das" BILl-GATES found-aZION EntVoelkERUNGSproGAMme läuft* BEreiz*
JEden" MONat WIRD die" TODesRATE um" FAKTor 10 STEIGen: April MILlion...
SIE gebEn euch" die" TOD-ESspritz'
Wenn Du richtig liest, dann wirst Du feststellen, daß die ganze Show eine Große Täuschung ist; da es keine Viren gibt. Das sind Phantasiegebilde! Zum Beweis: suche einfach nach Bildern! Da ist nichts echt.
Dramatisch an der Sache ist, daß es bereits seit Jahren bekannt ist; die Erde zu entvoelkern - für die NWO 2021.
In der Johannesoffenbarung ist es das weiße (fahle) Pferd, dessen Reiter eine Krone trägt ... CORONA...
The" PUNISHer: "Man hat den Eindruck, dass der Corona Virus,bei manchen nicht die Lunge sondern das Gehirn befallen hat.Der Vorteil für die Betroffenen ist,dass sie es nicht mal merken."
BILl=RECHNung GATEs=THOR-Bogen 666 Die" PFORTE "der" AbRECHNung (HOELlenTor)
OPERAzion* Warp-SPEed = THE pale HORSE 4the*whores
DOCk-Thor=Tot-al' GEHIRNge'waschenER PHARma-SKLAVE
LOCKdown VERSus lockedUP=imPRIsonED = ALl EX-its are closed now!
@@eyeswideshot7347 ?
Yf* =FickZION
I love your movies! I was in Japan for a few weeks in 2019. In Germany you couldn't make such recordings, you would only have stress with the people being filmed on the street. But keep up the good work, it is really fun and joy to watch these films. Many greetings from Germany.
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster)
"ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers
WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves!
ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei
DEUTsch=FICKzion=verJUDet* EIN DeutschLand wurde NIE geGRÜNDET
BeHAUPTung (claim) FANtasie=LÜGE
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster)
"ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers
WE the" PEople ARE ONLY THE " MASons but NOT their DeludED Slaves!
ARBEITer=ROBotEr=Sklave=abHänGig-erDIENer / WORKer=RoBOT=SLAVE (dePENdent&SERVing) JOB=Arbeit=SKLAVERei
DEUTsch=FICKzion=verJUDet* EIN DeutschLand wurde NIE geGRÜNDET
BeHAUPTung (claim) FANtasie=LÜGE
Ich möchte nach Deutschland gehen!
いつも日本の綺麗な景色を見せてくださり、ありがとうございます。私も散歩が趣味なので、VIRTUAL JAPANさんの動画を毎回楽しみにしています!🌸
I like these scenes. Many scenes on the street are too late to recollect, but every time I see them, there is an indescribable sense of story and atmosphere. Although I am in a bustling street market, my heart is calm. It makes me think deeply. The meaning of our life, maybe everything in the world has its meaning of existence!
Japan is a beautiful country and the people are very hard working
True and true!
I love watching virtual tours like this of Japan! When I finally visit, I’ll somewhat know my way around.
Tr3v1on thanks for coming along for the walk with me! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, and hope you can come and visit someday soon!
VIRTUAL JAPAN no problem! Also your video quality is amazing, what camera do you use? And I’ve actually been learning Japanese for over 4 months now.
UA-cam recommended me this video for some reason but not going to lie, I love it. I mean I never been to Japan before but after seeing this video, its really peak my interest to go to Japan once after covid 19 ended. Its such a beautiful place, especially in night hours. Those neon lights feels very nostalgic for me for some reason..... maybe because they looks like those in Hong Kong. Definitely loving it.
@はたは なはあ 客引きには注目してください←translation Please pay attention to the bargain
Amazing to always be able to return to Kabukicho with this one walking tour. WalkTube channels are great because of this. Love ASMR!
I love JAPAN 🇯🇵♥️
*POV: You're Majima looking for Kiryu-chan*
Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"' FunkZION... TRANCEactZion* enTRANCE...
Finally, cultured man in this comment section
@@saturnpeax ALl" CULTures" R-of* th' OcCULTS (AGREe-CULTure)
@@eyeswideshot7347 Man you're still here?! Well fuck you, you're on every reply, can you speak normally for 1 goddamn time
I was walking those exact streets back in October 2018, I miss it so much. I only stayed 4 days though... need to go backkkk
Thanks! Now I can lie more convincingly when I say I've been to Japan 😜
Thanks for shooting in the “bali island” hotel. I’m from Indonesia and actually surprised our culture be recognized in there. They even play the traditional song as well
Seeing this makes me feel like I'm playin Yakuza 6 in first person 😍 I love Japan 🇯🇵
I love these night walks through the streets. So much energy captured here. It's nice to see people out and about - lots of life in the city! New fan here man! :)
Glad to have you join us! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a nice comment!!!
"Lots of Life" huh...I wished they were, all I see is despair...
Beautiful Country!! Japan! Love the place.
One of the most technologically advanced cities on Earth! hope to visit and maybe live there in the future when the world gets passed these dark times we are currently in.
ONE as in UNO or just 1 IS Only' A-Dead* NUMBer.
COMmUnity=comMon-UNIty=The" uniTY Of tHE COMmoners (Slaves) and from THEre' DErives' the" comMun'ism.
CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves.
ciVIlisaTION - CIvil=adJUSTed' normED ... LIES ... Zion / CItiZen=Slaves That DWELl IN THE CIties.
Earth" 'is'n't A-plan-it* (wanderINGstar) but IT has Aplane" INside"
HOPE&change* R-just* polyTick*al' SLOGANs Of the"ocCULTist' 2deCEIve* THEIR " Slaves.
THEre' ARE NO FUture (projection=FANtasy) nor Apast (REMembERance) 'only" "the' HEre' & NOW
"ti-me#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER
Words are SPELls That FORM the" worLd Of FANtaSEes* That deSTROY THE 're'al'ity!
WorLd=SystemMATRIX (HELl) AND not THE LIVing' earth!
Lmao yea these are some dark time. You have no fucking clue what tensions where like with Russia just 60 years ago.
@@Whoareyoucalling 1960 10ZIONs*with RUSssia?
@@rabbitman7861 WHOs' next?
@@rabbitman7861 Which country is the most technically advanced now? Korea?
Watching these really makes me want to visit Tokyo myself. It seems like such a fun place to be.
Watching this video while a City Pop playlist going on is almost a surreal experience!
Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"' FunkZION... TRANCEactZion* enTRANCE...
35:29 first footage ive ever seen of litter in tokyo
Caught in 4k
I love your videos! They look so amazing on my 4KTV in HDR. Once Covid goes away, I'm finally visiting this amazing country.
This looks awesome, the culture / the cleanliness / the lights / the people. Genuinely feels like I'm there just soaking up the scenery. I love Japan and this only encourages me to go even more ( The Skateboard Shops and the Pokemon Trading card shops would be like going to heaven for me) Peace from England 😅✌🏻
THE USA 'isIS the usED
When I went there in 2019, Kabuki-chō was an absolute mess at late night/early morning. That was around when the cleaners start working, collecting all the garbage that was littered at night, into plastic bags that are tied to the streets, because they still rarely use garbage bins after the Tōkyō metro terrorist attacks.
The rest of Tōkyō was quite clean, but Kabuki-chō, no. Could be different right now, or they just picked a lucky day to film this.
非常好的片子 顶
Bri ish
This is gonna be a historical document one day. People in the future who want to know what Tokyo was like in 2020 will watch these videos in the same way that we watch videos of people walking around in 1920s New York or whenever/wherever. So cool.
for this place in particular the yakuza series has been documenting its changes for almost 20 years now and will lnto the future, i recognized damn near every single street in this solely based off of my time in that franchise
Is'aVDO Any' 're'al? '"' FunkZION... TRANCEactZion* enTRANCE...
Love Japan ❤ from Bosnia and Herzegovina
My dream for so long. And such smooth filming!!! Wow
DREam#=FANtasy* THAD *deSTROYs' 'th' REal'ity!
Watching this again this morning. It's so beautiful. I love Tokyo and I miss it so much!
why nobody say of it's so clean , beautiful
*sum1 MENTioned' It' 'alREADY
Acity' Is' Dead! BEAUTIful?
I truly appreciate what you are doing, Japan is an exciting country. Seeing many Toyotas on the streets melts my heart ♥️
Rabia Anwar I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the video! I hope you can come visit soon!
@@VIRTUALJAPAN I really hope so! Need to see The Sony Ginza Park and the Anime stores! ❤️😊
I like animeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Is there any way you can do some arcade "virtual walkthroughs"? Would love to see some of Japan's finest gaming establishments!
@@AJA_974 or 5
밤 풍경이 멋지네요 :) 2년 전에 한 달 동안 친구랑 후쿠오카에서 살았었는데 도쿄에도 한 번 가보고 싶네요 좋은 영상 감사합니다
Thank you good video ^o^
Me and my friend are planning to go to Tokyo one day. I hope our dreams come true in the future.
Wow the camera is so high quality that it feels like as if i’m there in real person, as if the camera lens are my eyes
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE
Idiot(es)=PRIVAte PERson Sounds" NOT So bad But THEN > (erst"mal NIX SCHLIMmes) Aber DANn: PRIVAre' =BEraubt (aBEing ROBbed) und PERson=ficZIONal' 'careACTor* (strawMAN mask) Folglich Ist ein" IDiot EIN beRAUBter UnterMENSCH - ein SCHATten SEINer Selbst. FolLOWing THIS "logic: An" Idiot is' aROBbed Under-MAN (hue-man) Ashadow" Of HIS REALity.
HERr/FRAU-Kind SIND JUrisTISCHE S(f)ach'beGRIFfe (Title=FickZION) Aper-son" IS 'just a'ficZIONal' CAREact-or* NOthing're'al'
Aper"son' ISn't 're'al'
10:33 I think I heard that music in Yakuza
it's Don Quijote
Can not wait til I can visit this beautiful country
Japan is the world for itself
Seriously, I’d love to go to the Golden Gai. It’s the coziest just comfortable place to go get drinks with close friends. It has such a nice, compact but welcoming atmosphere. ‘80s feel too, it’s just so perfect.
This the perfect video to test out my new 4k hdr TV. Mind blowing
so glad you liked the video on your hdr tv!
Incredibly video!👍👍👍👍👍 love greetings from Austria🙏💯
Perfectly clean city even in the seedy side of town.
Technology of Camera and the mount that stabilizes the video with gyroscope is a godsend for filming. It allows to make great videos like this without giving audience a vomit inducing experience.
9:55 Just finished playing Judgment last month and I didn’t realize that “Don Quijote” was an actual place.
Very beautiful on HDR OLED display
The safest way to travel is through UA-cam.Thank you
Supremely enjoyable! I feel part of the environment without being intrusive... Thank you.
thankyou here pren www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/66071580?asc=u
watching this with lofi music hits different men
oh I know how you feel
Watching on my new iPhone 12 Pro and i can’t believe how real it looks in 4K HDR!
Such a beautiful city - thanks for it!
Love from Austria
CItiSEN - CIties=conCENT-RA-Zion*camps Of the" Slaves.
WorLd=SystemMATRIX=magic'trix (HELl) ILluSION And Not THE LIVing' earth!
MONdo OR monDe=WOrld(whiRLED) but MOND=moON=IlLUsion / GLOBE=SystemModel'
"ti-me&SPACE#dusn't#EXIST - CUNTries* DOn't* EXIST eitHER - Ze'it&Raum GIBT Es nicht. Eben-so DIE " Länder. A-MER-I-Ka=Big"pyRA-MID 'wheRE 'the" SOuL ENTers
*pls* thanx# R-SLAVE-terms* Slave=DEpenDENT&serv'ing(roBOT) BITte&DANGKE sind Sklaven-BeGRIFfe.
LOVEevol=ILluSiOn (TIoN=tSiOn=CIoN=ZiOn) paedoPHILOS=loveCHILD (in AN ILluSION with aYOUNGster)
Visited Japan twice and fell in love. Your videos help bring memories and the adventurous spirit to explore new parts. Thank you for sharing those videos and keep up the great work. Sending much love your way.
A filmagem ficou muito legal, gostei demais 😊
From Brazil 🇧🇷
Salve meu conterrâneo 🗿
The combination of no trashcans anywhere in Japan and everything so clean it looks brand new is beyond my understanding
I Eye MY mine ME my-self REfers* 2THE "e-go!
THE Self Is' th' E-go / eMOzion* 'geFANGen zwischen LIEbe&Haß* - trapPed BETweEn love&HATE / 're'actZION=EmoZION(geTrigGERT)
UNDERstand=STANDunder=UNDER *the" STANDing "of* *sumONE
I seem to remember reading that common practice was to just carry your trash with you until you find somewhere to toss it. The Japanese in general are really good about cleanliness as shown by the stories of their national teams leaving locker rooms theyre given as clean if not cleaner than they were given to them.
Shinjuku is amazing! lot of thing to see, A must see and visit in Japan, especially during the night time.😍
I LOVE JAPAN🇯🇵I miss you😭😭
I'm Japanese and I hate you.😛
Thanks for the tour, I'm amazed that all the alleys are so clean.
I just got an OLED / 4K / HDR TV and I was playing around with it all day. The HDR effect was nice, but it wasn't until I saw this video that I was really blown away.
This is so captivating in its own unique way.
THEre' ARE NO ways (methods) paths=PREdeTERMined 'in" 're'al' LIFE
PATHoLOGY (the"way(METHOD)of the"lodges) MENTal' SICKneß*
Sean paul: temperature at 8:30 was a little immersion breaking
i absolutely enjoyed those last 10 minutes
Why? What happened?
The way that the road is so clean , my country could never