I turn a fan into simple 220V electric Wind Turbine generator

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kinghomemade
    @kinghomemade  12 днів тому +1

    *I make The World's Smallest generator 0.0000000001 KW* ua-cam.com/video/m4_BbkXZJqQ/v-deo.htmlsi=Zh37J25zSg32gE0i

  • @TheElusiveWhy
    @TheElusiveWhy 10 місяців тому +17

    The strongest magnets possible can be obtained for 'free' out of desktop 3.5" sized old hard drives! And I love the simplicity of this build, simply modifying a standard el'cheapo household fan.

    • @QUADBOYification
      @QUADBOYification Місяць тому

      Yes, if he would have used more (long tubelike) magnets diagonally on the core it would produce way more current (at lower windspeeds) then even a power drill (100 Watts) would work easily. The design can be modified to be a FAWT also. Everything is possible with these 220v fan motors, I'm just scoping it up to fit your needs.

  • @luizhfe8431
    @luizhfe8431 Рік тому +8


  • @hardm2n
    @hardm2n Рік тому +21

    The engine speed raises my doubts until I'm the LEDs didn't even dim

  • @aw6193
    @aw6193 Рік тому +16

    عندي ملاحظة واظن ان جميع من شاهد الفيديو لاحظ ان اللمبات بقيت مشعة عند وقوف المروحة ....هل لديك تفسير لذالك؟؟؟؟؟❤

    • @javiercolado286
      @javiercolado286 Рік тому +3

      Es un efecto óptico, porque si te das cuenta el eje no deja de girar

    • @benedictandrew442
      @benedictandrew442 7 місяців тому

      Yes. It is an optical illusion. When at a certain speed a fan may either appear going forward, appear paused, or appear going backward to the human eye. The fan was moving slower or faster according to the wind gust, thus giving the appearence of being off or to appear moving so slow it couldn't be generating sufficient energy to keep the light on. It is a matter of the human eye's capacity to capture the speed of the blades revolution.

    • @manmatharajangunaratnam6869
      @manmatharajangunaratnam6869 Місяць тому

      Yes. It is fake:

  • @leehansen4750
    @leehansen4750 4 місяці тому +2

    The voltage and frequence are dependent on the speed of the turbine / fan. Where is the speed regulator, and voltage regulation for high or slow speed? The output current protection also.needs to be there. Electricians already know this if he works in the industrial industry!

  • @ElectroAtletico
    @ElectroAtletico Рік тому +3


    • @christopherallan3464
      @christopherallan3464 7 місяців тому

      PLEASE... intelligent people dont call it soccer... try.. "football"

    • @ElectroAtletico
      @ElectroAtletico 7 місяців тому

      Try not being a limey@@christopherallan3464

  • @capelandpermaculture5808
    @capelandpermaculture5808 9 місяців тому +2

    This was brilliant! I absolutely loved it! Now I know what to do about that fan that an ex-girlfriend broke, but which I simply didn't have the heart to throw away.

  • @abdalsamehmuhammad5687
    @abdalsamehmuhammad5687 Рік тому +54

    The bulp lights once you connected it and the fan was stationary!!

    • @Sandmann23111964
      @Sandmann23111964 Рік тому +7

      This can happen if you have a battery in the plug 😂😂😂

    • @deathdaytoyou
      @deathdaytoyou Рік тому +3

      ​@Sandmann23111964 explain that logic then how would a battery be in a plug

    • @sandro950
      @sandro950 Рік тому +2

      Eu vi o ventilador parado e o vento fraco, e mesmo assim as lâmpadas continuavam acesas,
      Eu imaginava quanto mais forte o vento, mais iluminação queria uma resposta sobre isso.. 🤔🤔
      Porto Alegre Rs 🇧🇷

    • @deathdaytoyou
      @deathdaytoyou Рік тому +12

      The fan never stopped It's a frame rate issue with the camera that caused it to look like it not moving

    • @deathdaytoyou
      @deathdaytoyou Рік тому +1

      Wait forget what I just said I starting to second-guess myself

  • @natehill8069
    @natehill8069 Рік тому +6

    Wow, I been thinking about doing exactly this for years! Also using the fan blade and guts from a fridge to act as an air compressor as well.

  • @kishanbharvad8750
    @kishanbharvad8750 Рік тому +10

    Which village view 11:09

  • @christopherallan3464
    @christopherallan3464 7 місяців тому +1

    dude, you have a GREAT looking home.. 1 question, do i really need to put 2 magnets N and S onto the rotor ? or can i just use the magnet that is already inside ??

  • @Masterj3712
    @Masterj3712 11 місяців тому +2

    Fantastic. Congrats. A job well done.!!!!😊.MJ. B'dos.

  • @IrenaDIMOVA
    @IrenaDIMOVA Рік тому +12

    En el minuto 12:10 se observa ausencia de viento, aún así al enchufar las dos bombillas lucen, ja, ja...
    Anda ya, hombre, tanto engaño 😂😂😂!

    • @deathdaytoyou
      @deathdaytoyou Рік тому +5

      No this is not true it does work but it has something to do with the frame rate of the camera

    • @Dewati_P
      @Dewati_P 8 місяців тому

      It's because of camera time frame shot

  • @solarpoweredheart47
    @solarpoweredheart47 11 місяців тому +2

    Never mind how each will end up, I wonder what society would look like if everyone will at least be inspired and do things like this - find different ways of producing alternative sources of energy using nothing but basically - scraps.
    I think that would be very exciting.

  • @ducne
    @ducne Рік тому +8

    this man very very talent

    • @axpeg
      @axpeg Рік тому

      Da grande diventerà un truffatore internazionale!

  • @michebasta3371
    @michebasta3371 7 місяців тому

    Man I love this video!!! Thanks for this knowledge 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @kristencarpenterE
    @kristencarpenterE 9 місяців тому

    Bro your a genius 👏 🙌 🤣 😂 👌

  • @ronaldmcdickass5479
    @ronaldmcdickass5479 9 місяців тому

    This home-made 'fan/generator' could conceivably produce a small amount of power, IF it had a permanent magnet motor, but it doesn't. This is a synchronous motor so the coils would need 'excitation' by a small external power source. I found it fascinating that the lamps were ALREADY LIT 12:16 before the gentleman connected them to the fan/generator. Really?
    But, even if the fan/generator COULD be made to produce some electricity from wind spinning the blade (it can't due to the non-permanent magnet motor) - NONE of the homebrew contraptions you see on UA-cam videos with spinning wheels, magnets, and other gizmos are producing ‘free energy’. Not to mention that the equipment itself they are using is not free - you have to buy pulleys, belts, magnets, and other parts. Of course, the devices are getting their energy from somewhere - either electrical or mechanical (hidden wires / batteries etc) and merely converting it to some other form. (You’d be surprised how many 9 volt batteries or ‘coin-cells’ you can get inside a motor housing, a lamp socket or a power bar!) Plus, the NET ENERGY OUTPUT IS GOING TO BE NEGATIVE - the batteries will die, the flywheels WILL slow down. That is unavoidable due to the violation of the conservation law of energy and the first and second law of thermodynamics. So, go ahead and try to power your whole home with an old alternator belted to a washing-machine motor. Wow! ‘Free energy’! (plus millions of UA-cam views - so you can truly say that your bogus ‘free energy’ device DOES produce at least ‘free monetary energy’)

  • @alexandersanders6684
    @alexandersanders6684 Рік тому

    Huk from Italy ! ✌️🇺🇸👑

  • @samuelgustavsson1483
    @samuelgustavsson1483 5 місяців тому

    When they take out the old cd:s, you know its gonna be a good video.

  • @한-j5k
    @한-j5k Рік тому

    Hola~! y tu capacidad muy Bien~~!😊

  • @As1161712
    @As1161712 Рік тому +3

    Gerador espetacular! A lâmpada acende mesmo com a ventoinha parada. Próximo projeto: painel solar que gera energia de noite.

    • @falconfawwaz9181
      @falconfawwaz9181 Рік тому +1

      It's fake

    • @jornalfolhadocerrado615
      @jornalfolhadocerrado615 Рік тому


    • @paulocezarcarmo794
      @paulocezarcarmo794 10 місяців тому +1

      O ventilador nao esta parado, isso é uma ilusão de ótica. Essa impressão é o efeito estroboscópio....

    • @AbelB
      @AbelB 10 місяців тому +1

      Pareceu q está parado, mas pelo vídeo eu percebo q é um efeito ótico por conta da velocidade de gravação (quadros por segundo) coincidir com a rotação das pás do ventilador...

  • @willyerese9744
    @willyerese9744 Рік тому +1

    Wag mo nga kmi lokohin....umiilaw maski d umiikot😅

  • @madmonkey5818
    @madmonkey5818 Рік тому +5

    Good work man keep going.

  • @tomasztarko8807
    @tomasztarko8807 11 місяців тому +3

    Miraculously, the bulbs lit up, even though there was no wind and the turbine was not spinning, they glowed with full light.

    • @michaelharmon833
      @michaelharmon833 8 місяців тому

      sounds like another power source connected to the lights

    • @Dewati_P
      @Dewati_P 8 місяців тому

      It's because of camera time frame shot

    • @ga52580
      @ga52580 7 місяців тому

      Wagon-wheel effect.

  • @maatiraouki5183
    @maatiraouki5183 Рік тому +2

    C’est excellent merci beaucoup pour l’exercice

  • @Danghungminh
    @Danghungminh Рік тому

    Anh thợ điện làm UA-cam❤

  • @h.vdbilt
    @h.vdbilt Рік тому +2

    I like your ideas and your videos very much. Keep up the good work.😀

  • @prakashraju4706
    @prakashraju4706 6 місяців тому

    It should be given in villages in india so that they can produce their own Power

  • @wilsonwaito
    @wilsonwaito Рік тому +3


  • @As1161712
    @As1161712 Рік тому +2

    O enrolamento do estátor é de 4 pólos, o rótor fica com dois pólos. A eficiência desse gerador deve aproximar-se do zero absoluto.

    • @As1161712
      @As1161712 Рік тому

      E aqui o burro assistindo e comentando esta bosta.

  • @LynxGenisys
    @LynxGenisys Місяць тому

    Idk why ppl don't just use electric rad fans. Hang it up, connect wires, and go! 😆

  • @ВладимирСергеев-т6м
    @ВладимирСергеев-т6м 3 місяці тому

    В подставку батарейки 😂😂😂

  • @MoonArk
    @MoonArk 5 місяців тому +1

    he did have the tools, grinder, drill, electric screw driver, welding, metal rods and fasteners and even the resin! BUT didnt even bothered to test the voltage from a MULTIMETER if contraption actually produces 220v to light up an ac bulb 😂

    • @summationx8376
      @summationx8376 Місяць тому

      True, this looks like based on those fake primitive building videos

  • @VahanToroyan-zx4ed
    @VahanToroyan-zx4ed Рік тому +1

    The energy of wind

  • @briancannon3987
    @briancannon3987 10 місяців тому

    2:39 what is this part?
    Need a time stamp of labeling the different parts of the fan motor..

  • @ronaldmcdickass5479
    @ronaldmcdickass5479 9 місяців тому

    right. 12:16 so the lamps are ALREADY LIT UP before they are connected to the fan/generator? Wow. Perpetual energy bulbs! (with hidden coincells)

  • @mangeshgaonkar3065
    @mangeshgaonkar3065 11 місяців тому +3

    It is so amazing that bulb glows fully bright even when fan blade stops to rotating 😂😂

    • @EnydOfDays
      @EnydOfDays 8 місяців тому +2

      Read up on the "Wagon wheel effect" the blades are moving, it is an optical illusion.
      The same happens with props on planes and bicycle wheels in motion if they are moving at the correct speed for the illusion to take place.

  • @rosauroruz2928
    @rosauroruz2928 4 місяці тому

    Better used led bulb. And must test the voltage and ampere,,,because you can strengthen it by adding ac capacitor,,,and for greater ampere,much bigger rewinds or stator,and your idea is true,,,it's a wind turbine in real!

  • @djunaedisuhardjo8065
    @djunaedisuhardjo8065 10 місяців тому

    Measure Output voltage with
    Multitester, also use anemometer to measure wind speed.

  • @hachinhba954
    @hachinhba954 Рік тому +3

    Incorrect! Why do sometimes the fan blades stop spinning but the light bulb still lights up? It's a scam!

    • @josmith2062
      @josmith2062 7 місяців тому

      Cause you are stupid and don't understand that video has a frame rate and if the rate matches something spinning at that rate it will look like it's still

  • @zdenokulik9593
    @zdenokulik9593 Рік тому +2

    Takéto ventilátory majú spotrebu asi 30 wattov. Tak aj výroba bude pri tých maličkých magnetoch oveľa nižšia. Čo tým napájať?Nejaké svetlá?Koľko vydržia žiarovky pri nestabilnom napätí pri kolísajúcich otáčkach? Je to technický nezmysel z hľadiska použiteľnosti.

  • @bongotel5823
    @bongotel5823 7 місяців тому

    this is amazing no matter fan stop but bulbs never stop lighting... lie

    • @ox4.x_
      @ox4.x_ 5 місяців тому

      The fan does not stop, it spins fast so you think it has stopped

  • @shadreckchidambo3975
    @shadreckchidambo3975 9 місяців тому

    You can also get nice and strong neodymium magnets in Brocken hoverboards

  • @metom44
    @metom44 6 місяців тому +1

    Sorry, we UA-cam users have been deceived too many times. You haven't proven to us that this is 220 volts. Unfortunately the reverse voltage doesn't give 220 volts with the 2 small magnets, that's not enough, so it has to be a trick with small batteries as usual. Prove your work.

    • @KaBALita
      @KaBALita 3 місяці тому

      Even at the minimum speed of the fan the power is consistent😁

  • @joshsutton9854
    @joshsutton9854 9 місяців тому

    Personally u should of ran a full test before changing that center piece & did any kind of cutting etc it might of worked

  • @gartjone1846
    @gartjone1846 3 місяці тому +2

    Well done. 🙂❤️🙏🇦🇺

  • @ELbastek
    @ELbastek Рік тому +3

    Great idea. But is two little magnets enough?

    • @kinghomemade
      @kinghomemade  Рік тому +3

      it's a neodymium magnet, small but very strong

    • @ELbastek
      @ELbastek Рік тому

      @@kinghomemade thanks

    • @jeffcook8501
      @jeffcook8501 Рік тому +4

      I would have still used 4 there was room for 2 more and you would get more power for the effort.

    • @ELbastek
      @ELbastek Рік тому


    • @solarpoweredheart47
      @solarpoweredheart47 11 місяців тому

      @@kinghomemade and not expensive. I read somewhere, it is roughly around US$ 2 here in the Philippines.

  • @reecenaidu6020
    @reecenaidu6020 10 місяців тому

    Please give the voltage and current. But you get a like just for the high effort shots

  • @owainphillips708
    @owainphillips708 Рік тому +1

    Well I thought it was pretty cool. Keep up the good work.

  • @technotgh6099
    @technotgh6099 11 місяців тому

    12:41 time fan rotate stop that time also lights glowing why? Its mean u. Connect extra wire from hide

  • @user-ku4gp2xd5y
    @user-ku4gp2xd5y Рік тому +1

    It looks like a 3 phase induction motor turned into an Y axis wind turbine. I wish he used a multimeter to show voltage and amperage. If you can't store the energy, this device is almost useless.

    • @solarpoweredheart47
      @solarpoweredheart47 11 місяців тому

      then the next move would be to find a way to store it (although I think there is already a way).

    • @user-ku4gp2xd5y
      @user-ku4gp2xd5y 11 місяців тому

      a lithium-iron phosphate battery would work best, but you would need a pulse width modulator or an mppt solar charge controller or a buck-boost converter to drop voltage down to 12 volts. Like I said earlier, he never showed voltage or amperage. It might not produce enough voltage.

  • @anthonymensah2855
    @anthonymensah2855 Рік тому +3

    And your bulbs don't go off even when the fan stops spinning. How 😮. I mean how possible

    • @michaelharmon833
      @michaelharmon833 8 місяців тому

      when connected to some other power it will shine with no wind

  • @sreeharikannan-z8m
    @sreeharikannan-z8m 7 днів тому

    the rain.." may i come? oh noo....i need more likes

  • @TowfiqAhmed3ELab-Bogura
    @TowfiqAhmed3ELab-Bogura Рік тому +4

    What was the output power?

  • @elavarasan6904
    @elavarasan6904 Рік тому +1

    The things can't be proven until with a proof so, connect to a multimeter

  • @temomoreno2018
    @temomoreno2018 Рік тому

    Great job. Can you store the energy?

  • @zerdgeofficial
    @zerdgeofficial 4 місяці тому +1

    This is probably fake but im watching it for entertainment

  • @michaelvanallen6400
    @michaelvanallen6400 5 місяців тому

    Nice toy. But: All practical tests show that small wind turbines hardly generate any electricity. Because there is hardly any and almost only gusty wind close to the ground!
    Electricity yield is proportional to the third power of the wind speed: 100% more wind generates 800% more electricity! Only extremely high wind turbines are therfore efficient.
    Only if you need to be self-sufficient from the power grid, you should install the largest possible wind turbine on a high mast.
    *'With solar modules, on the other hand, you can reliably generate green electricity for 25 years at approx. 3-10 cent/kWh!*

  • @jan4840
    @jan4840 5 місяців тому +1

    Tak unie na panelach w bezchmurna noc jest napiecie na panelach solarnych 1,25v

  • @artepipa1967
    @artepipa1967 11 місяців тому +1

    ❤ show de bola

  • @tontonperez3544
    @tontonperez3544 6 місяців тому

    There is battery inside. The light is still on even the fan stop😂😂😂

  • @peterfong2241
    @peterfong2241 Рік тому

    Ahahahaha, so wat can that run ?? Can it run a TV ?? Watching from Jamaica west Indies !!

  • @RUS_US
    @RUS_US Рік тому +8

    again fake: 12:25 lights still on at no fan rotation.

    • @Dewati_P
      @Dewati_P 8 місяців тому +4

      It's because of camera time frame shot

    • @AstroFunn
      @AstroFunn 2 місяці тому

      it can be because of a capacitor or that the lights dont need much power to work.

    • @manmatharajangunaratnam6869
      @manmatharajangunaratnam6869 Місяць тому

      Yes. It is fake:

  • @21stcenturyabout85
    @21stcenturyabout85 9 місяців тому +1

    Does it work or not please tell me i want to start it

  • @جمالزيادة-س7ر
    @جمالزيادة-س7ر Рік тому

    What the . hell - the lights started while the fan wasn't turning:)

    @EVILKIMEVIL 10 місяців тому +1


  • @55yrggjtig40
    @55yrggjtig40 7 місяців тому

    الملاحضة الثانية اين circulaire يتكون من محوران يمرران الطاقة من مكان متحرك وهو القسم الاعلى الى المكان الثابت الاسفل

  • @sciencewithaniljangid7981
    @sciencewithaniljangid7981 8 місяців тому +1

    Without permanent magnet, how electricity is being generated. Doubtful.

  • @alejandrocarmona9202
    @alejandrocarmona9202 Рік тому +2


  • @GilsonSantos-lz4ec
    @GilsonSantos-lz4ec Рік тому +1

    Muito bom,👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🫶🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳

  • @javijavi1808
    @javijavi1808 9 місяців тому

    Hi, do you have a reference or link for the magnets ?

  • @prakashraju4706
    @prakashraju4706 6 місяців тому

    Good work keep going

  • @ellooku
    @ellooku Рік тому +1

    Can you explain why only 2 magnets?

  • @jarekgajewski7054
    @jarekgajewski7054 8 місяців тому


  • @황우만리
    @황우만리 8 місяців тому


  • @yasirrasheed9293
    @yasirrasheed9293 9 місяців тому

    Great work

  • @BrianHand2
    @BrianHand2 5 місяців тому

    funny how the lights shone when he connected them, even though the fan was not turning. probably batteries in the socket box

  • @guillermocasanova8764
    @guillermocasanova8764 Рік тому

    En la azotea las lamparas encienden antes de que giren las aspas de ex ventilados ahora Generador...jajajaja

  • @shahzadadil774
    @shahzadadil774 Рік тому

    At 12:25 the trick reveals 😂

  • @regnerekmedneyt1907
    @regnerekmedneyt1907 11 місяців тому

    Does this actually work? How much energy can it produce/store

    • @haunter_1845
      @haunter_1845 11 місяців тому

      It doesn't actually work.

  • @enriquesanchezmartinez5971
    @enriquesanchezmartinez5971 Рік тому +1

    Jajajaja 😂😂 ten cuidado no te electrocutes cuando se pare el aire 😂😂

  • @motor-trun-power-magnet
    @motor-trun-power-magnet Рік тому

    how light bulb led trun on ??? ,light bulb led 230v or 240v.

  • @gopakumargopakumar3972
    @gopakumargopakumar3972 Рік тому

    What a drama sir
    When the turbine leaf is still condition the lamp will be glowing,and the fan rotor is running😅

  • @zicozichetto
    @zicozichetto Рік тому +1

    Come lo coprì dalla pioggia? Dovevi usare un test per vedere il voltaggio che eroga la turbina

  • @luckywars1298
    @luckywars1298 Рік тому +3

    Hay algo raro allí.. cuando las hélices están paradas los focos siguen prendidos.. deberían apagarse.. creo q hay una pila oculta

  • @Thienluusenko078
    @Thienluusenko078 5 місяців тому

    Is the blade from vietnam

  • @madha3428
    @madha3428 Рік тому +1

    But the lamp was lighting while the fun is stopped.

    • @EnydOfDays
      @EnydOfDays 8 місяців тому

      Read up on the "Wagon wheel effect" the blades are moving, it is an optical illusion.
      The same happens with props on planes and bicycle wheels in motion if they are moving at the correct speed for the illusion to take place.

  • @shivashivamc1577
    @shivashivamc1577 7 місяців тому

    Great idea

  • @luizandreoliveira2591
    @luizandreoliveira2591 8 місяців тому

    😂 12:12 How does a stopped propeller generate energy? Come live in BRAZIL, man. hahaha

  • @sampadua8119
    @sampadua8119 Рік тому +1

    will it not be short cuitcuit when it rains because you did not put any cover

  • @GilsonSantos-lz4ec
    @GilsonSantos-lz4ec Рік тому

    Halleluah 🙏🙏☝️🙏☝️🙏☝️🙏☝️

  • @SpamMouse
    @SpamMouse Рік тому +2

    An induction motor will not do that.

    • @chikambambam3492
      @chikambambam3492 Рік тому +1

      When you put magnet I believe it will do that

    • @jhebertdelacruz5437
      @jhebertdelacruz5437 Рік тому

      ​@@chikambambam3492Yeah, I put a pair of magnets on the armature of an induction motor once and it actually works 100%

    • @SpamMouse
      @SpamMouse Рік тому +1

      @@chikambambam3492 With the RPM and coils involved it will not light that bulb.

  • @josesantos4133
    @josesantos4133 Рік тому +1

    De qual país vc é?

  • @drickreacts
    @drickreacts 7 місяців тому

    You are greatness

  • @muchotalks9524
    @muchotalks9524 7 місяців тому

    U cant imagine the cost of small wind turbines in Nigeria.
    Insignificant simple products from China. Crying

  • @hampopper3150
    @hampopper3150 Рік тому

    I wonder how many Nanowatts that turbine is making.

  • @Senior-l9t
    @Senior-l9t 10 місяців тому

    Why are they using the magnets ?

  • @udenikanthi4573
    @udenikanthi4573 2 дні тому

    fan waS stop turning but lights working 😁🙈