Ruina Ranked 14 Impuritas Civitatis

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @Nhelv_Error
    @Nhelv_Error Місяць тому +19

    hello and welcome back to library of ruina ranked

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому +3

      yeah whatever that means

  • @trasher_imbad5446
    @trasher_imbad5446 Місяць тому +12

    Everyone brace up! Peak incoming!

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому +1

      yep, there it is man

  • @longlivethe9989
    @longlivethe9989 29 днів тому +3

    Brace up enables an entire deck archetype (breaking free from the curse of singleton as well) involving maximising spamming a singular card as much as physically possible (and being 100% consistent at that). I think omnibrace alone is already a reason to promote brace up from B+.

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому

      ominous power + brace up spam is a bit outside the scope of the series, I also don't really think it's that good tbh. The utility of brace up is strong, but it's not insane since it's just a pseudo draw 1 until you empty your hand.

    • @longlivethe9989
      @longlivethe9989 29 днів тому +3

      ​@@AilithNix you can also use a 3 (or was it 2) cost passive to make it basically draw 2 instead, which is a lot better as well

  • @shirouemiya2880
    @shirouemiya2880 29 днів тому +3

    thanks for your guides, I was able to finish Library of Ruina True Ending last night, I was crying from too much peak

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому

      I'm glad I was able to help you, congratulations on your clear!

  • @Sgt_MajorProblem
    @Sgt_MajorProblem Місяць тому +6

    Trigram is so good ong
    Divinatory Impact kinda feels like it's trying way too hard ngl but on light loan decks with Ominous Power I think it can work really well

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому

      yeah that's a really apt way of putting Divinatory Impact lol

    • @sota8898
      @sota8898 28 днів тому

      The nukelivier build is probably the best usage of divinatory
      3 ominous power, 2 brace up, 1 true trigram, 1 field mods, 1 divinatory & 1 impugnatio

  • @bluks384
    @bluks384 29 днів тому +3

    Don't forget about Angela's pages

  • @LEAN_Monster
    @LEAN_Monster Місяць тому +5

    peak incoming

  • @connorshaw7649
    @connorshaw7649 28 днів тому +2

    Nice, been waiting for this one. I find myself agreeing with pretty much everything you mentioned, even the F pages (I tried Godspeed, I really did, but you suck even on Myongest). Here are my discussion points (for those interested):
    - I find forward march a more reliable 0 cost page for finishing off staggered opponents in the 10-18 hp range, allowing me to use my clashing pages on active threats. I love Graze the Grass too, but I would usually drop a second combat page into that same staggered opponent for fear GtG wouldn't finish the job. I would maybe go B-
    - I agree with your Rekindled Strike ranking, but one small utility it also has is the 3 self burn. Because it can only be run on Phillip's page the self burn is a soft +1 strength next turn due to overheat. B+ still seems fair, though I could go as high as A-. I still sometimes run Chi Wen for overheat instead if I want more 3 dice pages.
    - I go A+ for Opening Ceremony, because the cost reduction is (in my opinion) better than light regen early in the act. You are likely to go up an emotion level every scene for the first 2-3 scenes, which means that you'd have full light anyway. If you throw this thing out turn 1, and suddenly your 5 light on turn 2 will buy you multiple 3 cost cards or even a 3 and a 4 cost. I consider it less like light restore and more like a temporary max light increase that also happens to give light. Kind of like Ominous Power but in reverse I guess?
    Loved the analysis, looking forward to the Library Powerhouse trio episode!

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  27 днів тому

      Opening Ceremony has a theoretical ceiling of an S+ tier page but being a 4-cost does hurt it quite a bit, especially with no offensive dice. I'm in agreement that cost reduction is stronger than light regen at the ceiling, but of course, the cost reduction only "gives" light equal to the number of pages used, so it doesn't exactly work like a 4-cost that restores 5 light the majority of the time. I could see bumping it up from an A- to an A or A+ but I found that it isn't really a page that works well in multiples due to its high light cost, which worried me.
      I do like the idea of using utility to finish off a staggered target rather than clashing power, but I figure that usually if you're staggering enemies and getting them to really low hp where a double offensive light regen would kill them, you're generally in a good spot so you wouldn't need the help. Clashing pages having counter dice also partially bandages the wound as it were.

    • @connorshaw7649
      @connorshaw7649 27 днів тому

      ​@@AilithNix Honestly, fair enough on both of those points. I've had a few situations where I'm doing poorly and staggering the lowest enemy is my hail mary play to regain some momentum (particularly against Bremen and Oswald's mooks), but those are admittedly outlier scenarios.

  • @Niiue
    @Niiue Місяць тому +3

    And God said: Place Oswald on Hod's floor for Funny Prank Climax
    Lots of goodies here, so let's get started.
    True Trigram Formation is, obviously, extremely powerful. Impugnatio follows suit, especially on discard decks, and although it doesn't clash as well as Final Stroke against mass attacks, it's still a very heavy hitting page that feels extremely satisfying to use. Augury Kick is just a slot-filler page, good for any situation to be honest. Brace Up is a discard deck's wet dream, slot in a discard-all, then any amount of Brace-Ups for infinite profit next scene.
    Beatdown is total dookie lmao. Costs more than GS:V, is weaker, and has a worse effect. Watered down form compared to Tanya's use of it, which is a shame.
    The Unity pages are seem fantastic, but I just never toyed around with them so I don't know their true worth.
    Deluge of Brachial Quietuses is... kind of bizarre to me. It just seems like a really mediocre mass attack, reflected by you giving it a B versus a lot of others... Flames of Despair is a strong page for what it is; a stronger, costlier Blazing Storm: Harm. Taste Test has a very niche use case where it can nullify Immobilization when used with Overcharge. On that note, the abno page "Magical Girls" from Tiphereth's floor also has the effect of nullifying statuses when applied, so yeah. Immobilization is a status effect.
    Shaded Strike...... I've mentioned this in a previous comment, but its best (and probably only) reasonable use case is in a Yujin deck with a bunch of healing. Lose clashes, get it down to zero, have a free negative 2 light, 1 draw page that boosts the power of other dice. Takes a while to setup, but it's surprisingly solid in that niche. Aside from that, it's a no bueno.
    Opening Ceremony is very useful, acting as a 3 cost that draws a page, reduces other pages' costs, and has solid die to boot. Theoretically, you could clone it... but I dunno how that'd end up lol.
    Whew, that's quite a lot. I skipped over a lot of pages too, this video sure is jam-packed with pages. Excited to see your evaluations of the exclusive-page cards in a few weeks!

    • @eee1453
      @eee1453 Місяць тому +2

      Taste test has a much niche-er niche of neutralizing immobilization on Bayard’s “Ready position”, which isn’t at all worth it to go for as his “offensive position” passive eats a stack of resistance every turn via fragile, meaning you have to play two Taste Tests in the prior scene. If you have perfect luck, you can get a 100% immobilization/stagger free “pinpoint breakthrough” on scene 2.

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому +2

      Deluge is kind of strange that it's just a generic mass attack with no effects when Pluto's such a weird guy
      I'm kind of sad that Opening Ceremony is so underrated, the effect is really strong if you can maximize the effect, and I run it on PT guard stance to great effect, turning 1 costs into 0 costs feels really good.

    • @Niiue
      @Niiue 29 днів тому +1

      @@AilithNix Amen to that, Opening Ceremony is killer good

    • @nublord5648
      @nublord5648 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@AilithNixI seen someone using it in a high cost card spam (yujin passive + any strong card + 2 opening ceremony every turn) for modded lor content and it's quite good

    • @Niiue
      @Niiue 29 днів тому +1

      @@nublord5648 It didn't occur to me how strong it could be with Yujin. You essentially make it a 1 cost, and make everything else cost less, making Yujin's passive even more potent if used with 4 costs...

  • @Raincoat1248
    @Raincoat1248 29 днів тому +1

    Will the last set of pages take the specific characters passives into account or naw? Mostly asking cause of argalia and resonance.

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому

      Argalia pages will be ranked assuming you can trigger resonance

  • @chipsmachine8
    @chipsmachine8 16 днів тому

    What would you do after ranked series ends?
    Would there be mod reviews next?

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  16 днів тому

      currently vague plans for some other Library of Ruina focused videos talking about specific decks or my deck building philosophy, but I might switch to a different game like Magic: the Gathering or something. I play the game completely vanilla so I'm not qualified to talk about mods that I don't directly help develop.

  • @Yuri_Burger
    @Yuri_Burger Місяць тому +1

    Ah, we have finally arrived

  • @grtdoot
    @grtdoot 28 днів тому +3

    could you repeat that

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  28 днів тому +2

      Hello and welcome back to Ruina Ranked. In this video, we’ll be covering all the pages from Impuritas Civitatus.
      Our first page is True Trigram Formation. This is a 4-cost rolling 7-10 pierce 8-11 slash 6-9 block. The slash deals 5 bonus damage on hit, and on use, the user gets an effect based on which Trigram they used. Geon adds 1 power to all the dice, Gon gives the user 2 protection and stagger protection on combat start, Gam restores 1 light, and Ri draws 2 pages. This page is fairly hard to rate completely in a vacuum since a lot of its power is directly tied to a passive. Usually you’re going to want to cast with Ri or Geon, but the benefit is that this page can be whatever you want it to be. Its rolls are pretty incredible even without the power boost, it can give you more tank stats, cut its cost, or be 2/3rds of a will of the prescript. The flexibility and raw power means that this page is an S+.
      Impugnatio Ultima is next. This is a 4-cost rolling 5-9 slash 5-9 pierce 5-8 blunt 4-7 blunt counter. Additionally, on use, the user discards all pages from hand and gives all dice on the page 2 power. This page is the ultimate discard enabler, with insane rolls, triple offensive dice, and a strong counter die. Of course, if you aren’t in a discard deck, then you probably shouldn’t be running this, but in a discard deck, it’s an S-.
      Double-edged Rencounter is a 3-cost rolling 7-10 block 6-8 blunt 5-8 slash, with the first 2 dice boosting the max value of the next die by 3. I’m not too huge on this page, there’s no utility to speak of, and while if you win all the clashes, the page is pretty good, losing a clash means the page becomes quite bad. At this point of the game, bomb pages can’t stand up on their rolls alone usually, so this page is just a C.
      Divinatory Impact is a 5-cost rolling 7-10 slash 6-10 block 6-10 blunt 6-9 pierce 5-9 evade. This page has 1 of each dice type which is pretty cool. Unfortunately though, it’s generally not worth using. The evade will act like a counter die most of the time and it snuffs mass summations quite handily, but aside from that it’s just a mediocre page with just okay rolls for the light. It’s not unplayable, but the high light investment means it can’t be anything higher than a C-.
      Up next is Augury kick. This 3-cost rolls 7-12 blunt 6-8 block. The blunt gives 2 strength to the user next scene on hit, and on use, it gives 1 strength to the user. This is the generic equivalent to Kali’s Focus Spirit. 3 strength is quite a lot, and the rolls aren’t awful. I’m actually a pretty big fan of this page, and put it in most of my decks. And the S- grade reflects that.
      Celestial Spear is a 3-cost rolling 9-20 pierce 4-8 block counter. The pierce deals 5 bonus damage on hit, and on use, it draws a page. I’m fairly medium on this page. As a general-purpose page, it’s lacking in dice count. So while the surrounding utility it has, being page draw and a counter die, is quite good, the core dice of the page make it hard to rate this higher than a C+.
      Godspeed is a 1-cost rolling 3-8 slash 3-7 pierce, and on use, the user gains 1 haste next scene, then if their speed is 7 or higher, all the dice gain 1 power. This is an interesting page as it’s both the enabler and payoff for haste. Unfortunately though, it rolls way too low and has too little utility to be anything other than an F.
      Unyielding Strike is next. This is a 3-cost rolling 5-9 slash 4-8 blunt 4-8 block, and on use, it restores 1 light. Compared to Blind Faith, you lose out on dice type consistency, the situational bonuses from having the power loss with a higher average roll, and a stronger dice placement in exchange for a slightly higher modified average roll. I think it’s pretty much the same as Blind Faith, maybe slightly stronger, but since you get it later, it only gets a B-.
      Afterimage is a 2-cost rolling 4-10 evade 5-9 pierce, and on combat start, it halves all status ailments on the user, rounded up. In receptions with heavy status infliction, this page is a very clean counter to it, and is otherwise just alright. I’d say a C+ normally, but up to a B+ when you’re cleansing a good amount of debuffs.
      Confrontation is a 2-cost rolling 3-6 block 5-8 pierce 3-7 slash. The pierce recovers 3 stagger resist on hit, and on use, it gives 1 protection to all allies next scene. The utility here is okay, 5 protection is a decent amount, but the rolls are just awful. I can’t give this anything higher than a D+.
      Forward March is next. This is a 0-cost rolling 3-6 blunt 2-5 slash and restoring 1 light on use. As always, I’m not a huge fan of light regen without a block die, and while this is probably the strongest double offensive standard light regen, it’s just a C+.
      Brace up is a 0-cost rolling 3-8 pierce. On use, it discards a random page, and then draws 2 pages at the start of the next scene. You can generally think of this as a 0 cost that draws a page, but the discard and draw 2 has some interesting effects. First and most obviously, in a discard deck, this works as an enabler, and even doesn’t mess with margin since it draws the pages at the start of the next scene. Additionally, if you have no pages in hand to discard, then it just acts like a clean draw 2, which is also helped with by again, drawing the pages at the start of the next scene. The downside is that the rolls are terrible, but the utility is good enough for a B+.
      Mince is a 2-cost rolling 5-8 slash 4-8 blunt, the slash inflicts 3 bleed next scene on hit, and the blunt inflicts 2 bleed next scene on hit. This page’s rolls are pretty bad, but 5 bleed is quite a lot. Without it, this page would probably be an F, but with it, it’s a C-.
      Ever-Spinning Gearwheel is next. This is a 4-cost rolling 7-10 7-10 slash 4-5 block. The 1 inflicts 4 smoke on hit, the 2 inflicts 3 smoke on hit, and on use, it gives the user 7 smoke. This is an incredible smoke generation tool, 14 smoke is the most generation in a single page, and the rolls are good as well. This page is, in my opinion, the best smoke enabler in the game, and is an S tier page.
      Suspicious Contract is a 1-cost rolling 3-5 3-4 2-4 block, but it restores 1 light upon being discarded. I actually like this page more than Insurance Coverage. The effect is the same, but I’d rather have the triple block dice than the double offensive in this case because you should only be playing this page as the failcase where you need to turtle for a turn to draw into a discard all effect. You do get it a bit later though, so it’s still just a B-.
      Let’s Have Some Fun~ is a 2-cost rolling 4-7 block 3-8 pierce and on use, it restores 4 light. This is a very simple negative 2 cost. The rolls are slightly better than Will of the City, but restoring 2 light is worse than restoring 1 light and drawing 1 page. This is still an S tier page though.
      Our next page is Ghghgh. This is a 2-cost rolling 4-5 block 5-8 5-6 blunt. This page is a creak sidegrade, having the same dice spread and roll average. It’s slightly better because the power’s slightly stacked more into the offensive dice, it has a thinner roll range with 2 guaranteed emotion coins, and the dice placement is better, but Creak’s really fallen off, so this page is just a C-.
      Bloodspreading is a single-use 6-cost mass summation rolling 17-25 slash, and the user recovers HP equal to the damage dealt on hit. This is a really strong mass attack. The roll range isn’t incredible for 6 light, but being able to recover your entire health bar is rather strong. That level of recovery makes this page an S.
      Rekindled Strike is a 3-cost rolling 11-22 pierce 4-5 block. The pierce inflicts 6 burn on hit, and on use, it inflicts 2 burn to self, but lowers the cost of a random copy of Blazing Strike the user has by 1. On it’s own, this page is pretty decent. 6 burn is quite a lot, the block’s a bit weak, but there’s a lot of power in the offensive die. The cost reduction isn’t much, but it’s not nothing, and bumps this page up to a B+.
      Beatdown isn’t so lucky. This is a 5-cost rolling 18-37 blunt and on clash win, it reduces the power of all dice on the targets page by 5. 5 light for a single die is not exactly a deal I’m excited for. I do appreciate the power reduction reducing the damage you’ll take, but I would’ve rathered it just give me more dice. I think this page is unfortunately in F-tier.
      Chorus is next. This is a 3-cost rolling 5-9 slash 5-9 5-9 blunt, and on combat start, it gives all allies 1 strength, but loses the effect afterwards. With the effect, this page is like an A+, but without it it’s only a C+ or thereabouts on the roll range alone. Triple offensive is nice, especially when you’re strength stacking, but for general use it’s probably just a B+ overall.
      Crimson Claws is a 2-cost rolling 4-7 blunt 3-8 3-7 slash, all recovering 2 hp on hit. This is a fairly simple page, triple offensive dice, a bit of healing to cover for no real utility or defense. It’s great when free hitting, but isn’t bad when clashing, just an overall solid value page at an A+.
      Next up is Overspeed. This is a 5-cost rolling 3-7 block 3-6 3-6 blunt, both giving 1 haste next scene on hit, and on use, if the speed is higher than the targets, all dice gain 6 power. With the boost this page rolls 9-13 9-12 9-12, which is still below average for what I’d expect from a 5-cost, and this one is only conditionally that way, so it gets an F.
      Rooster’s Crow is a 2-cost rolling 4-7 slash 3-6 block 3-7 blunt, and on combat start, it gives 1 strength to 2 random allies. This is an okay page, the clashing is quite poor, and while the effect is nice, it doesn’t really make it a page I want to play, so it’s just a C.

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  28 днів тому +2

      Unity: Bolster is a 1-cost rolling 3-8 blunt 3-7 slash, and on combat start, all other allies using a Unity page gain 1 power on all their dice. The Unity pages are pretty hard to rate on their own, because if it’s the only Unity page getting used, all of them are F’s, but when you combine all the effects, you get some incredibly efficient pages. I’ll be evaluating assuming that all of the effects will be triggered, which means this page would be an S+. But losing each extra die reduces the evaluation by 2 grades, and losing the power lowers it by 1 grade.
      Unity: Coordination is next. This is a 2-cost rolling 5-8 pierce 4-8 slash, and on combat start, all other allies using a unity page get a 4-8 slash die added onto the page. Again, Like unity Bolster, this page will be evaluated assuming all effects are triggered, which would make this an S because it costs 2 light, but the base dice are slightly better.
      Unity: Bulwark is another 2-cost, this one rolls 6-9 block 5-8 pierce, and on combat start, all other allies using a unity page get a 6-9 block die that comes first. This one is the worst of the Unity pages individually because of the block die, but is none-the-less, important to cast, and is still very strong at an S- when all the unity effects are applied.
      Deluge of Brachial Quietuses is a 6-cost mass individual rolling 5-8 pierce 5-8 slash 4-7 pierce. It’s usable after the second scene, and on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes. This is a fairly simple mass attack, decent dice, and it kind of draws a page every 4 scenes since it doesn’t take up your page draw for the turn. Compared to Mirage Storm, this is undoubtedly worse, but it’s still quite good at a B.
      Our next page is Unending Thirst. This is a 6-cost mass individual rolling 6-9 8-19 slash. The 2 recovers 3 hp on hit, it’s usable after the second scene, on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes, and if the user has recovered 20 or more hp in the act, it’s cost is reduced by 2. At 6 light this is pretty good, probably like an A- or A. But the cost reduction is so trivial to reach that this will almost always cost 4 after the first use, and will often cost 4 before the first use if you cast it on scene 4 or 5. At 4 light, this is obviously very bonkers, so this page gets an S.
      Straining Strings is a 6-cost mass individual rolling 6-10 6-10 pierce, both inflicting 1 bind next scene on hit. Additionally, it’s usable after the second scene, on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes, and all allies with puppeteer’s strings recover 20 hp and stagger. This page has pretty strong utility, inflicting up to 10 bind and recovering 20 hp and stagger. The rolls could be a little stronger for a 6-cost mass attack but it’s still good enough for an S-.
      Pitch Black Pulverizer is a 6-cost rolling 13-20 13-20 blunt 6-10 block. The 1 deals 5 bonus stagger damage on hit and the 2 deals 5 bonus damage on hit. This page has some incredible clashing, and unlike Overspeed, it always has its clashing power. This page is well worth the light cost and is an A+.
      CLIMAX~!!!! Is a 5-cost mass summation rolling 1-50 blunt, dealing 8 bonus stagger damage on hut, it’s usable after the second scene, on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes, and it inflicts status effects to targets randomly next scene from 2 fragile, disarm, feeble, protection, and stagger protection. This page’s roll range is pretty insane, but the average isn’t bad. It’s not a top tier mass attack, especially since it could help the enemies, but that situation is less likely than you rolling super high and destroying them so it’s good enough for an A+.
      Tackle Mount is next. This is a 6-cost rolling 11-15 blunt 3-5 slash 3-5 3-5 blunt. The 1 destroys all of the clash losers dice, the other dice deal bonus damage based on the amount of bleed the target has, and all the dice recover 3 hp on hit. I think this page isn’t quite as good as Pitch Black Pulverizer. While the damage is higher, it doesn’t enable itself, and the clashing ends up being worse since the 1 is quite a bit weaker. It’s still quite strong at an A- though.
      Chorus at the Climax is a 6-cost mass individual rolling 6-11 5-10 blunt, both inflicting 1 paralysis next scene on hit, it’s usable after the second scene, on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes, and it inflicts 2 fragile to all enemies this scene. This page is quite similar to Straining Strings, having the same average roll, but I think both of its utility pieces are stronger. Paralysis is better than bind, and 10 fragile is better than 20 hp and stagger. It’s strong enough to get an S.
      Thought Gear: Indoctrinate is a 5-cost mass individual rolling 5-9 5-9 pierce. It’s usable after the second scene, on use, it’s exhausted and added back to hand after 4 scenes, and if the attack hits at least once, all other allies restore 1 light at the end of the scene. I think this mass attack is a bit weaker than most of the other ones we’ve covered so far, but it’s still strong. In a support oriented build, this page can be very useful, restoring 4 light for the rest of your team, and while it’ll be taxing on the users light, it’s still good enough to be an A.
      Flames of Despair is a 1-cost rolling 3-8 slash 3-6 blunt. The slash inflicts 1 burn on hit, and on use, if the user’s at emotion level 3 or higher, it adds a copy of Scorching Desperation to hand at the start of the next scene and inflicts 1 burn to all enemies. Scorching Desperation is a 5-cost mass individual rolling 14-20 pierce, inflicting 3 burn next scene on hit. This is a round-about pseudo 6-cost mass attack, but it’s pretty good. 14-20 is quite likely to just win everything, and the burn infliction is quite good. If your utility is good enough, you can cast it every scene unlike the other masses we’ve seen but that’s unlikely. I wish there was a bit more utility on it, but it’s still very good at an S-.
      Taste Test is next. This is a 1-cost rolling 3-8 pierce that on hit, gives the user 1 resilience if they have 2 or less resilience. Resilience prevents x instances of status ailments from being applied, and the user loses a stack whenever it triggers. It also restores 2 light on use. This is an alright light regen if you’re playing against status defect heavy opponents, but for general use, it’s quite a bit worse than the other top options for pure light regen, so it’s just a C+.
      Shaded Strike is a 7-cost rolling 4-8 slash 3-8 pierce. While it’s in hand, its cost is decreased for each clash lost against offensive dice, on combat start, it boosts offensive dice power by 1, and it draws a page on use. This page is really baffling to me. At anything other than 0 light, I’m not very happy to be using this page, and there isn’t much synergy for high-cost pages, and nothing that differentiates between 4 and greater than 4. I’m pretty sure this page is just completely awful, and is an F.
      Our last page today is Opening Ceremony. This is a 4-cost rolling 6-10 6-9 5-9 block. On use, it draws a page, restores a light, and reduces the cost of all pages by 1 for the next scene. This can be a really roundabout light regen if you use 4 pages the scene after using this page, but that requires quite a bit of setup, especially since using 4 light will probably reduce your ability to clash, I think this page can be really strong, but the clunkiness makes it an A-.
      In the next video, we’ll be covering all of Kali, Binah, Roland, and Argalia’s pages. I’ll see you soon, and as always, thank you for watching.

  • @Ghst-ji6km
    @Ghst-ji6km Місяць тому +1


  • @eggseed6543
    @eggseed6543 29 днів тому +2

    You sound increasingly more tired every video

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  28 днів тому +2

      I've been recording the voiceovers at increasingly awful times (I think this one was recorded at 2 in the morning)

    • @eggseed6543
      @eggseed6543 28 днів тому +1

      @@AilithNix damn bro.
      Get some rest, your guides have done a lot to me and many others on this game

  • @prifered
    @prifered Місяць тому

    are you gonna do limbus company guides after you're done with this

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому

      no, I might do some more random LoR stuff but I plan on moving to other games such as Magic: the Gathering

  • @LOR-D-MD
    @LOR-D-MD Місяць тому +1

    bouta beat up argalia with this one!

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому +1


    • @LOR-D-MD
      @LOR-D-MD 29 днів тому

      Back from argalia, absolute peice of cake but roland obliterated my bongbong and company

  • @Latte_100
    @Latte_100 Місяць тому


    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  29 днів тому +2

      the ceiling :)

    • @Latte_100
      @Latte_100 27 днів тому +3

      @@AilithNix just wanted to say that you are one of the most helpful LoR you tubers out there. Really helped me get a grasp on mechanics and learned a lot from you. Thank you Sensei 🙏

    • @AilithNix
      @AilithNix  27 днів тому

      @Latte_100 happy to help!