Rutherford at Beth Sarim

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Unearthed longer video of Rutherford at Beth Sarim. Looks like it was during the time they were building Beth Shan


  • @Brit_News
    @Brit_News 6 років тому +36

    Best Watchtower President ever! Now here is a man that he knew what he wanted build a mansion all to himself in the middle of the Great Depression and the best way to do it was by creating a new teaching, the resurrection of the Old Testament faithful to life who surprisingly were to return to Beth Sarim of all places and not Jerusalem .Failing their arrival uncle Rutherford made sure to stay for the remaining of his life there just in case they ever showed up!

    • @bluecollarscholar7505
      @bluecollarscholar7505 6 років тому +5

      john Doctrine ...don’t forget those two Cadillac’s.

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 6 років тому +1

      With reason why he died with colon cancer. Reminded me of the time an angel struck a man with worms because he didn't give glory to God.

  • @5winder
    @5winder 6 років тому

    0:19 to 0:26 is really creepy... reminds me of Kenneth Hagin --- a real snake.

  • @joha790
    @joha790 6 років тому +41

    Reminds me of the footage of Hitler and Eva Braun at Berchtesgaden in the Alps.

    • @888AshLi
      @888AshLi 6 років тому +2

      *lol* You're right. - Somehow... :)

    • @keineahnung74
      @keineahnung74 6 років тому +1

      And of Trump.

    • @jwprimetime9795
      @jwprimetime9795 6 років тому +2

      Yep-I thought the same exact thing!

    • @Brit_News
      @Brit_News 6 років тому +2

      they were penpals both leaders of a cult, same minds think alike?
      Hey Levi check my new channel !

  • @frikandelthaisaus
    @frikandelthaisaus 6 років тому +15

    Rutherford: "Life is good when you're a cult leader!"

  • @dmardesich
    @dmardesich 6 років тому +18

    Looks like he was arranging the fruit into a pyramid shape.

  • @roxiaitken6465
    @roxiaitken6465 6 років тому +27

    Rutherford was an Ego-maniac, Scares me to think I ever believed it!!

  • @thefatfilo-oficer4332
    @thefatfilo-oficer4332 6 років тому +20

    Wonderful owner of Jehovah's organizers of slavery

    • @Royal-Jaywick
      @Royal-Jaywick 6 років тому +2

      Rutherford was a false prophet .We have to choose in what we believe and the truth always comes out. This is the great awakening I truly believe it , when Jehovah says "I will make seen all unseen". Why do you think he did not help stop Russia , Putin from not taking the property ,because Jesus has not come as they think 1914 .
      they save on earth not in heaven as required ,They have gone away form the scriptures this is the results .He even says I will let the leader believe the lie ...and look they are really hanging them self's you could not make it up . ..Just like Judas these men are them amen
      2 Thessalonians 2 : 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  • @jeffpeff
    @jeffpeff 6 років тому +17

    I like how he’s working in the field in a suit, during the depression. He reminds me of W. C. Fields.

  • @justme-on7bn
    @justme-on7bn 6 років тому +13

    Then there’s that creepy smile he gives it the end while holding that fruit. I bet he was thinking “suckers! I get to live in a nice house and drive a nice car and live a great life, off the back of my slaves! And all during the depression while my flock are struggling!”

  • @bryansolis3139
    @bryansolis3139 6 років тому +13

    OMG please don't play those songs, aaarrrgh 😭

  • @kevinhelms9676
    @kevinhelms9676 6 років тому +13

    Reminds me of The Godfather.

  • @helentruechristian4728
    @helentruechristian4728 6 років тому +17

    Giving us a tour of his property built free of charge by some poor naive people who still believe in him.

  • @rjohnson5004
    @rjohnson5004 6 років тому +12

    I have been there. I showed it to my JW. Nice snare and racket he had there, a real slice of paradise earth.

  • @darthfader733
    @darthfader733 6 років тому +26

    That's a property they should have held onto, great to see these videos of Hitler's pen pal walking in the garden and throwing back a few after a hard day.

    • @Brit_News
      @Brit_News 6 років тому +1

      Correct.."Hitler's penpal" indeed

    • @Brit_News
      @Brit_News 6 років тому

      Darth Fader Hey Darth If you like watching ex-jw videos please subscribe to my new channel: John Doctrine.
      It considers jw teachings in depth and exposes their error.Let me know what you think

  • @joshfoster3321
    @joshfoster3321 6 років тому +11

    How the hell did they sell this one to the sheep.

    • @olivewakeling-wren2359
      @olivewakeling-wren2359 6 років тому

      Josh Foster Glad to say they didn’t sell it to my grandmother who wasn’t doing it easy during the depression. She left the org. Unfortunately my mother accepted it a few years after her mother died and then raised me in it.

  • @theautoman22
    @theautoman22 6 років тому +10

    He’s so happy that the brothers are making him paradise.

  • @itsrockitt
    @itsrockitt 6 років тому +13

    is this the first evidence that this was his house? Since plenty of dubs dismiss the photos as lies?
    I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't do it.

  • @maxmax643
    @maxmax643 6 років тому +13

    The miracle of liiiiiiiiife. Dammit the music is too catchy! Lol, all I hear is the kingdom hall singing the songs everytime I hear a kingdoms melody haha

  • @daisyjune5135
    @daisyjune5135 6 років тому +8

    He’s so obsessed with the fruit. And what s he doing with his tongue! So strange.

  • @observerlink4124
    @observerlink4124 6 років тому +5

    Rutherford repulses me to the extent that I have insufficient words to express my disgust!

  • @josephgalleon9884
    @josephgalleon9884 6 років тому +10

    The prince of the WTBTS was the only prince that live it it at JW's expense.

  • @bluecollarscholar7505
    @bluecollarscholar7505 6 років тому +14

    This is the guy who created Watchtower Jesus...Stripping him of his deity and taking him off the cross.

    • @johnfreeman8445
      @johnfreeman8445 6 років тому +3

      Blue Collar Scholar its all fake thats not judge rutherfraud it an actor this is all made up by apostates just like the austalian royal commision..they got an actor to play the part of geofrey jakson...its all apostate driven lies...just like the pillowgate video..ha ha

    • @bluecollarscholar7505
      @bluecollarscholar7505 6 років тому +2

      John freeman ...hahahah...thanks John I understand now 😆 Jdubs really say that ??

    • @bluecollarscholar7505
      @bluecollarscholar7505 6 років тому +3

      John freeman ...I just watched the PillowGate vids...I am almost speechless...and in disbelief. If this doesn’t cause mass exodus, I don’t know what possibly could. I fear the day when the Governing Cult Leaders direct all those who are truly loyal to Jehovah’s Organization, to come to Warwick for “Jehovah Juice”. Mass Suicide...I often wonder if my family would answer the call. 😔

    • @sasukeuchiha8648
      @sasukeuchiha8648 6 років тому +1

      Blue Collar Scholar Yes. I can’t even believe that the JWs once built Beth Sarim. I just found Beth Sarim when I tried searching deeper; that is, going beyond Watchtower literatures and videos which lead to my awakening of the cult.

  • @melquiadezgarcia3506
    @melquiadezgarcia3506 6 років тому +17

    These are apostate videos....LOL HAHAHA HAHAHA...I can hear them now. Poor J-dubs.. Is it true that he was buried at that property??

    • @Jbeliski
      @Jbeliski 6 років тому +4

      Under the garage concrete they say.

    • @melquiadezgarcia3506
      @melquiadezgarcia3506 6 років тому +2

      I wonder if the people that live there now no this??

  • @natg8241
    @natg8241 6 років тому +8

    I noticed Rutherford working there for a while.Wow Wee!!.In a matching pants suit.He had to show everyone how to do things right!.What a joke.Love the video Kim and Mike😉

    • @natg8241
      @natg8241 6 років тому +2

      ewok jedi that's so true.There is a finger pointing ...suite wearing... elder in every kingdom hall!I was always on the brick line with all the other sisters.We felt so important.Till the elder pointed at us for talking and laughing too much.!So much for fellowship🤔 and brotherly love

  • @Jbeliski
    @Jbeliski 6 років тому +21

    Thank you Jehovah for watching over dear Mr Rutherford during this time of struggle in the great depression. How he helped the poor downtrodden multitudes with his books whispered to him from the angels. Thank you Jehovah.

    • @jwprimetime9795
      @jwprimetime9795 6 років тому +7

      Jbeliski YAHAHAHAHA!!!

    • @sorhu72
      @sorhu72 6 років тому +5

      dolce vita with money from dumbass believing in
      his bullshit

  • @RiaCottingham
    @RiaCottingham 6 років тому +9

    Ok, so how creepy did he look there?! Made me cringe when he kept sticking his tongue out 🤮🤮🤮

    • @BianchiRoadshow
      @BianchiRoadshow 6 років тому +4

      Like a friggin' snake! I shook all over. =(

    • @apostababelindajames7461
      @apostababelindajames7461 6 років тому +2

      Very creepy. So what was Beth Shan built for? I've never quit understood what this was about.

    • @BianchiRoadshow
      @BianchiRoadshow 6 років тому +2

      Resurrected folks were supposed to live there, including Lot. Judge thought the wife would make a nice ornament -- you know, for the lawn -- or simply a salt-lick for the donkey in back. =)

  • @jwprimetime9795
    @jwprimetime9795 6 років тому +5

    Maybe he knew Prince would become a Jdub one day and built the house for him. Such insight this man had!

  • @Theoriginalgreenring
    @Theoriginalgreenring 6 років тому +32

    The way he kept meticulously rearranging those fruits, agitated - as if instructing the guy - like it was about to go on display in a museum is proof how controlling his mannerisms were. Looks like he had his hand in everything and kept telling everyone “you’re doing it wrong”. He woulda been dangerous with a selfie stick.

    • @mattmcfarland3637
      @mattmcfarland3637 6 років тому +3

      Candice Lambert I know where I would have shoved that selfie stick. That sick jerk derailed our life's for sure!

    • @Royal-Jaywick
      @Royal-Jaywick 6 років тому +2

      Yes ,I bet if there was sound , we really hear him shout and swear ,See that belly all that fine food and drink eating off the widow and the orphan there few penny's ,every one brought into his demonic lie of waiting for the dead to rise and he need a lovely house ..I bet he was laughing all the way to the grave as the sheep embalm in alcohol .He wanted to be resurrected in that place and he was claiming his home .Greedy leach

    • @joha790
      @joha790 6 років тому +2

      He was probably setting the trend for the piles of fruit in later JW artwork of paradise. It must be like this! The orchards and the baskets are New Light so get it right!

    • @Brit_News
      @Brit_News 6 років тому +1

      "he had his hand in everything...." !!!!
      he truly did
      hey Candice check my new channel

  • @ivanlangley8094
    @ivanlangley8094 6 років тому +4

    Hey now everyone, he had to polish the fruit and oversee all that was done there! Moses and the rest wouldn't of liked they're apples and oranges disorganized! The worship of the darkness takes a lot out of a man like that. And look how hard he worked on camera! What a great cult leader!
    But in all seriousness, this organization is going down!

  • @BianchiRoadshow
    @BianchiRoadshow 6 років тому +9

    That tongue though. =(

  • @dawnelizabeth1828
    @dawnelizabeth1828 6 років тому +14

    Hi Mike and Kim, I'm in anticipation for the old timers nail in coffin. Please let me know what's up with that? Take care and thanks

  • @magalieaugustin5091
    @magalieaugustin5091 6 років тому +9

    Thanks for sharing 😲

  • @Royal-Jaywick
    @Royal-Jaywick 6 років тому +16

    How a man can have so much power

    • @helentruechristian4728
      @helentruechristian4728 6 років тому +7

      Devon Diaries - he had Satan behind him ...

    • @sasukeuchiha8648
      @sasukeuchiha8648 6 років тому

      Devon Diaries And now the Governing Body have relocated Jw headquarters at Warwick that is far larger.

    • @sasukeuchiha8648
      @sasukeuchiha8648 6 років тому

      Devon Diaries A man can have great power once he established a religion with millions of followers.

  • @nellylugo7414
    @nellylugo7414 6 років тому +2

    Sorry i couldn’t finished watching it! I can’t stand the music! It gives me anxiety and a headache!!

  • @rodzalewski7591
    @rodzalewski7591 6 років тому +3

    By their fruits you will know them. Pedogate creepy; serpent tongue flicking at the fruit of the tree of good and evil, while people were starving during the depression. This is the paradise this cult deserves.

  • @MelkhiWidarma
    @MelkhiWidarma 6 днів тому +1

    Wonderful 👍👍, thanks you so very much for share this video

  • @davidwicklin9943
    @davidwicklin9943 6 років тому +2

    At 0:27: THAT's where Michael Jordan got the "Tongue Action" imitation from.
    At 0:45: The new 16-Cylinder Cadillac the rank & file bought me are in the house! Well, outside my to be built mansion.
    At 7:10: Rutherford hacks and threshes "Miracle Wheat"

  • @paradiselost1914
    @paradiselost1914 6 років тому +3

    Thank you for posting this! I was wondering about the music as I'm not familiar with it, is it very old or new JW music? I'm only familiar with the pink song book music.

  • @markgoddard2560
    @markgoddard2560 6 років тому +1

    I think it only right that Rutherford has a country retreat and people working for him, it’s nothing compared with the massive palace the present governing body have built for themselves and the palatial surroundings they have made for their comfort. All Rutherford was doing was showing the way. Didn’t he have this home built for the return of the two witnesses mentioned in the bible? He worked so hard for the corporation and only took for his labour, land, housing, alcohol, cars, clothing etc etc, while the flock contributed their hard earned cash at the height of the American stock market crash. Then as now, he put all that money to good use building a home for himself and set the example again, having built it, by having it sold at a profit.

  • @luckyescape2708
    @luckyescape2708 6 років тому +1

    He lived like a king all the way through the Great Depression, in a large house and was chauffeured in expensive vehicles, at a time when most Americans could barely feed their families. All paid for by donations and literature sales.

  • @lisaedwards8640
    @lisaedwards8640 6 років тому +1

    What was this meant to do inspire jealousy???? Look what I have done with money you have given! Look at my fortune.

  • @donnazukadley7300
    @donnazukadley7300 6 років тому +1

    In the Depression and Prohibition, drinking and had 2 Cadillacs ... and a mansion

  • @reshijeshi2124
    @reshijeshi2124 6 років тому +1

    What a lush pig he was. Anyone else find that tounge thing creepy and frightening?

  • @johnfreeman8445
    @johnfreeman8445 6 років тому +1

    seems the judge was partial to the rhubbarb wine lots of it ha ha

  • @louieimai8656
    @louieimai8656 6 років тому +1

    J-dubs, behold your contributions!

  • @jerrylahjalahtiex-jw5587
    @jerrylahjalahtiex-jw5587 6 років тому +1

    Paradise on earth,,,,, for Rutherford!

  • @tomh4841
    @tomh4841 6 років тому +3

    Rat's I was waiting for the nail in the coffin

  • @Fuerzalavasoriana
    @Fuerzalavasoriana 6 років тому

    He had two lovers, Bertha Peel and Bonnie Boyd, 30 years younger than him. When he died in 1942, his wife, Mary Fetzer, and his son, Malcom, didn't attend his burial, Both hated him.

  • @brettsinger4924
    @brettsinger4924 6 років тому +1

    The music brings me back in my minds eye to conventions/assemblies where the so called "friends" a.k.a. frienemies would verbally attack my family, taunt, & even physically hit me causing spasms in my back. Amazing how their music can bring back a down heart. I'd recommend just shutting the volume off. :)

    • @rosemarygardner1264
      @rosemarygardner1264 6 років тому +1

      Brett Singer Exactly what I did,could'nt bear it.Makes me boil with rage and embarrassment that I ever believed it.All those wasted years.

    • @brettsinger4924
      @brettsinger4924 6 років тому

      A life lesson Rosemary

  • @mackiepimo-jwjones3019
    @mackiepimo-jwjones3019 6 років тому +1


  • @NataliaCortésSánchez-e8x
    @NataliaCortésSánchez-e8x 14 днів тому

    Quien vivira ahora en esa casa supongo que el condado no permitirá demolerlo

  • @shannonwrighttreesandbutte390
    @shannonwrighttreesandbutte390 6 років тому +1

    He looks crazy! She looks sweet!

  • @poobearxx6765
    @poobearxx6765 6 років тому

    He eas Demonic, he was a drunk, and had to have assistance walkind, He also was constantly channeling at his desk or with a young girl that knew how to channel. He made a contract with Satin, to make him succesful, justike movie stars has being a part of Masons and luminaries but he also had a sudden and unexpected death ,like many stars has like Prince, michael Jackson, but he was part of them ANd Satin gave him the answer which made him turn succesful in keeping the organization which is , MILLIANS NOW LIVING WILL NOT DIE, you surely will not die. That did it, even down to today. The JW's hang on to the because they do not Wont To Die and they are afraid of leaving the organization because
    They will die. This is the same lie
    SATIN told Adam and Eve. U surely will not die.but know good and bad, and be like God. Many books printed by Society says just that like "The knowledge Book" ,etc fufilling Satins promise. SATIN was the one that helped him come
    Up with Jehovahs Witnesses when in reality he,is directing the Organization insted of God. But not for long-----

    @ItWILLbeWONDERFUL_THERE 6 років тому

    Did they actually believe that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to return and live in this place!?!? WOW! And I thought JIM HENSON had an IMAGINATION!

  • @jesusbermudez1764
    @jesusbermudez1764 6 років тому

    So the prophets never came, but you kindly took care of the house. How nice. And the 12-cylinder luxury Cadillacs, they were also intended for the prophets?

  • @Royal-Jaywick
    @Royal-Jaywick 6 років тому

    Also ,I notice the watchtower is getting involved with remembering the dead at the camps in 2nd world war ..Is this not worshiping the dead ? like the catholic church etc , Loads of people die everyday as we all know , If they believe in the resurrection why dwell on the past ! just saying ...interesting times ..the great awakening Jesus was resurrected was he not ?
    john 5:28,29 have they forgotten ..

  • @rogersmith9086
    @rogersmith9086 6 років тому

    These were hard times for the American families. Rutherford talked families into selling their homes and giving him their money while they toiled in the ministry and Rutherford lived a life of luxury. He had not one but two v12 sports cars the best money could buy. Servants working for him and his own private harem. Oh yes he was spirit anointed so that made it all ok. That is why the Governing Body today live a life of luxury and have servants because are spirit anointed.

  • @peterbrown7688
    @peterbrown7688 5 років тому

    Too bad the old patriarchs didn't show up 'cause the dude never got to tell 'em to shave off their beards for final admission to his Californian paradise. David could have said, well I'd do it for an Abishag...(or what was her name...)

  • @outdoorsguy
    @outdoorsguy 5 років тому

    I am at Beth Sarim right now as I type this. I can actually recognize the stones at 0:43 behind the same lamppost. Very surreal... JWs need to know about this.

  • @spellbound111
    @spellbound111 6 років тому

    No one knows where Rutherford's body is buried. My guess is that Satan took it without any opposition from Michael.

  • @outofthewoods9119
    @outofthewoods9119 6 років тому

    Just like we look back at this time and say, wow, how deluded they were, well, I think that in 30-40 years from now, people will say the same thing about the early 2000's.

  • @byebyewatchtower
    @byebyewatchtower 2 роки тому

    We went from Jesus Christ, God's son, living in tents to the Governing Body living in mansions and resorts. Let that sink in.

  • @MarilynNemeth
    @MarilynNemeth 6 років тому

    Please read eschatology of Jehovah Witnesses in Wikipedia. Witnesses in a nutshell.

  • @ianthurlby2788
    @ianthurlby2788 6 років тому

    Home on the range enjoying life due to all the hard work he did in the Harvest bringing in the 144000 others to live in heaven an enjoy as rulers over men.

  • @sallyhawkes9911
    @sallyhawkes9911 6 років тому

    Oh r being a farmer what's this thing with the fruit guess it's snow black and his the witch , all of j w will bite apple and fall asleep yes sound right thanks Kim bless xx

  • @shadegreen5351
    @shadegreen5351 6 років тому

    never noticed how much the kingdom melodies and the jurassic park soundtrack sound so similar until watching this video

  • @lulubellers
    @lulubellers 6 років тому

    Here's Rutherford turning Russells "Bible students" into a racket and a snare.

  • @jehovahshotwitch4776
    @jehovahshotwitch4776 6 років тому

    Oh STOP! This music is making me want to go BACK!! --- not!!

  • @glendarichardson5337
    @glendarichardson5337 6 років тому

    Especially because of the Great Depession, at that time, this video is so sickening.

  • @rubicktdo89
    @rubicktdo89 6 років тому

    He's going to make apple brandy f-in drunk freak...

  • @ExJehovahsgetuige
    @ExJehovahsgetuige 6 років тому

    The businessman fooled them all till this day and forward

  • @byronofcalgary6985
    @byronofcalgary6985 6 років тому

    ahhh... the "Single Malt" Prophet....

  • @oldgit4260
    @oldgit4260 6 років тому

    His ghost can still be seen holding a bottle of gin

  • @joha790
    @joha790 6 років тому

    The garden back of Bates Motel.

  • @mamabear8555
    @mamabear8555 6 років тому

    A pyramid of apples? Lol

  • @Mr-ed7gu
    @Mr-ed7gu 6 років тому +1

    Such a great man Brother Rutherford was. Long live the president

    • @lindahartle3137
      @lindahartle3137 6 років тому +4

      Jesus Christ,was the Greatest Man who ever lived,so humble and lowly of mind,who had no-where to lay his head.Imagine that,the Son of the Living God...

    • @Mr-ed7gu
      @Mr-ed7gu 6 років тому

      Linda Hartle Rutherford was a genius dictator of a progressive occult. His wisdom surpasses any man (except for Trump). Beth Satin will be filled with Kings soon enough

  • @slobette
    @slobette 6 років тому +5

    Does anyone have the address? I live in San Diego and would be happy to go there and take video of it now

    • @houstonhandsome1
      @houstonhandsome1 6 років тому +2

      rebecca eidson caligirl7125 has a modern day video on her page of it

    • @rocksavage9987
      @rocksavage9987 6 років тому +2

      4440 Braeburn Rd, San Diego, CA 92116

    • @slobette
      @slobette 6 років тому +1

      MisterJohnson thank you 😊 for your help

    • @slobette
      @slobette 6 років тому +1

      Rock Savage thank you so much for the address 😊😊