Before Time Began, Jesus Was

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @MrHumble22
    @MrHumble22 Рік тому +8

    Our human minds can’t even comprehend The full power of God

    • @pressurefrmtheraw1072
      @pressurefrmtheraw1072 11 місяців тому

      Even the small fraction of what is known make me spooked. Noone can save you from that. Make me wanna get right. Thats the only way. He coming back for whats his i wanna be apart of that but i keep making dumb choices 🤦‍♂️

    • @MrHumble22
      @MrHumble22 11 місяців тому +1

      @@pressurefrmtheraw1072 Amen brother , we all are imperfect but we have to constantly aim for that & always repent

  • @badgerboy6670
    @badgerboy6670 5 років тому +21

    Jesus is my first love and will be my last 💒

  • @faithmauro9297
    @faithmauro9297 7 років тому +38


    • @HarryPotter-nc6yl
      @HarryPotter-nc6yl 5 років тому

      I thought Jesus burnt people in hell if we do not listen to him. If I have to listen to him, how is that sweet?

  • @jensenacklese3049
    @jensenacklese3049 Рік тому +5

    So deep. Guys he kept me alive through multiple withdrawals, overdoses, alcohol poisonings,.. I've never been homeless but I HAVE chosen to sleep on dirt beside a bottle of vodka. I've chewed fentanyl patches, battled depression and demonization... and here I am, today - sober from it all and getting active in the church. One day I will tell my story to kids headed down the dark path I traversed alone.. only to find out I was NEVER alone, he was with me thru it all

    • @marzzaragoza7078
      @marzzaragoza7078 9 місяців тому +1

      He Never Gives Up On Us. He Is Our Living God! The Trinity is real

  • @terryhenderson3424
    @terryhenderson3424 7 років тому +51

    Jesus is the beginning and end

    • @HarryPotter-nc6yl
      @HarryPotter-nc6yl 5 років тому +5

      yes, he is your mouth and your ass

    • @marko514
      @marko514 5 років тому +1

      Harry Potter LMAOOOO

    • @pound4pound380
      @pound4pound380 5 років тому +1

      Jesus is the never existed.

    • @aruthorcarly
      @aruthorcarly 5 років тому +1

      Where Jesus father? Did he created after jesus or before jesus exist?

    • @PranavTheGreat1
      @PranavTheGreat1 2 роки тому

      Of what?

  • @JohnCichy
    @JohnCichy 7 років тому +37

    And Is
    And Is To Come

  • @x416xmusic
    @x416xmusic 9 місяців тому +1

    We were made in His image. Jesus was there before creation so when He created humans, He created humans in the image of Jesus. Because Jesus has always been there. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. 3 in 1

  • @pressurefrmtheraw1072
    @pressurefrmtheraw1072 11 місяців тому +2

    That put butterflies in my stomach and a lil fear at the same time. All glory to Jesus Christ. Its a holy fear. A fear that make me wanna continue to be a better me i do not want to upset him. The thought of that scary. But i keep messing up and he keeping breath in my body because he love me. He dont have to do all that he doing. Existence itself is He can cut it all off at any sec. But he continue to give me and us a chance. Thats love. And divine

  • @macumus
    @macumus 4 роки тому +6

    Jesus always was

  • @leonfoley5550
    @leonfoley5550 2 роки тому +3

    Jesus is God

  • @Mike-qt7jp
    @Mike-qt7jp 11 місяців тому +2

    Psalm 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING you are God.” From everlasting to everlasting seems to indicate time in both directions with no beginning or end. So how could time have a beginning?

    • @YESHUA_is_king_21
      @YESHUA_is_king_21 8 місяців тому

      Its very hard to understand but when you look at it like so if thats the reality then things are just happening like im just typing this right now but when i comment it then it will be here forever and time is basically still unmoving but the way we perceive time is that it happens and then we say it happened but theres truly only one big happening and were all apart of it every human being on this tiny blue planet are connected and are one body and Jesus Christ is the head

  • @Ray-u4b1z
    @Ray-u4b1z 9 місяців тому

    Baffling, to are finite mindJust repent and accept Him as LORD and Savior AMEN GOES HERE.🙏

  • @bell_89963
    @bell_89963 2 роки тому +7

    I must comment - the other day I asked Jesus to show more of himself to me. Then, I began to ask, was Jesus Pre exisiting before he was born? And it got me researching and how God made Adam in the image of him, so yes God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit were already in existence before anything else. And the Mike dropped completely for me. And this morning, I was chatting to God complaining so much about my life and all of a sudden, this pigeon flew to my window and was trying to butt it’s way in and kept flapping its wings crazily and boy did that get my attention. God was telling me to stop whining. It was perfect. The pigeon literally scared me out of whining. Thank You God.

  • @ErickLenana
    @ErickLenana 10 місяців тому

    I love jesus

  • @mitchellc4
    @mitchellc4 2 роки тому +2

    Jesus is the Messiah
    The Son of God
    The Son of David
    The Son of man
    The man God has chosen to be his anointed king
    The man God will judge the world through
    The man God raised from the dead
    Jesus has a God
    There is no triune god in scripture
    Jesus said the Father is the only true God!
    John 17
    3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.

  • @waldwassermann
    @waldwassermann Рік тому +1

    The purpose of Jesus is Love.

  • @medigoomnis
    @medigoomnis 7 років тому +8

    I think "was" in the title could (should?) change to "is." Our Lord is not so constrained to time :) He is there currently and He is in the past in the future because He created time, as Piper talked about. We cannot comprehend what timelessness is like, though the Bible describes it a little (day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day)...this is why there's so much division over some chronology of what happens when we leave Earth. If we become "like Jesus" (and timeless), we will simply be at the marriage supper and Jesus's throne of judgement regardless of when we die. You can't say people are in heaven now, but you can't say they aren't. It's truly awesome.

  • @uwaetube
    @uwaetube Рік тому

    God was the beginning.The first commandment:thou shalt not have other Gods before me and this is just what they do with jesus,placing him before God.

  • @YESHUA_is_king_21
    @YESHUA_is_king_21 8 місяців тому

    If Jesus was born how does he not have a beginning

  • @iseenjesus9181
    @iseenjesus9181 7 років тому +5


  • @alexolga11
    @alexolga11 3 роки тому +1

    God Born a Son Psalm 109, He walked in all of the Old Testament and came through Mary in his Heavenly body and with His blood (Hebrew 9:11)

  • @michaelm254
    @michaelm254 5 років тому +8

    Bless you
    𐤀𐤕 / אֵת / Aleph Tav / Alpha Omega
    the first and the last
    the beginning and the ending
    From Genesis 1:1 Torah
    And In the Tanakh………
    The 𐤀𐤕 is in Genesis 668 times.
    In Exodus 651 times.
    In Leviticus 429 times.
    In Numbers 439 times.
    In Deuteronomy 435 times.
    In Joshua 320 times.
    In Judges 310 times.
    In Ruth 39 times.
    In 1 Samuel 408 times.
    In 2 Samuel 339 times.
    In 1 Kings 425 times.
    In 2 Kings 390 times.
    In 1 Chronicles 284 times.
    In 2 Chronicles 367 times.
    In Ezra 23 times.
    In Nehemiah 94 times.
    In Esther 75 times.
    In Job 30 times.
    In Psalms 139 times.
    In Proverbs 25 times.
    In Ecclesiastes 70 times.
    In Isaiah 167 times.
    In Jeremiah 533 times.
    In Lamentations 6 times.
    In Ezekiel 387 times.
    In Daniel 37 times.
    In Hosea 36 times.
    In Joel 12 times.
    In Amos 35 times.
    In Obadiah 8 times.
    In Jonah 12 times.
    In Micah 12 times.
    In Habakkuk 4 times.
    In Zephaniah 16 times.
    In Haggai 9 times.
    In Zechariah 85 times.
    In Malachi 19 times.
    Total of 7326 times in the Scriptures.
    John 1:1 and 1:14
    He is the living Alphabet
    𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 's Alphabet
    Isaiah 46:10
    the end from the beginning,
    and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”
    That was in the beginning ………
    GENESIS 1:
    בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים,
    הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
    אֵת / 𐤀𐤕 / Alpha and Omega
    Is in the middle of Genesis 1:1
    Hebrew or Greek
    He is still the
    First and the Last
    Revelation 1:8
    “I am Alpha and Omega,
    the beginning and the ending,
    saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
    Revelation 1:11
    I am
    Alpha and Omega,
    the first and the last:
    and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.”
    Revelation 1:17
    “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not;
    I am
    the first and the last:”
    Revelation 2:8
    “And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith
    the first and the last,
    which was dead, and is alive;”
    Revelation 21:6
    “And he said unto me, It is done. I am
    Alpha and Omega,
    the beginning and the end.
    I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”
    Revelation 22:13
    “I am Alpha and Omega,
    the beginning and the end,
    first and the last.”
    Aleph is
    One who causes to exist
    Tav is
    To be enforced without compromise
    I pray that this is a blessing.
    bless you

    • @Misssarabee
      @Misssarabee 5 років тому

      I have been praying to jesus lately addressing him as Aleph Tav when i found out that may be one of his names . I needed to read this, thank you so much, Aleph Tav bless you, brother!

    • @michaelm254
      @michaelm254 5 років тому

      @@Misssarabee I thought that you would like to see 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄𐤟
      name written in stone and the Dead Sea scrolls.
      If you go to …..
      You can see His name written in stone.
      Called Moabite Stone BC 9th Century
      If you go to …..
      You can see His name in the Psalms and this time period of writing this way is called Hebrew Seals BC 7th Century not that the Psalms
      Were written then just the type of writing.
      The main difference is the what we call Y
      is a l with a little s on top in the Psalms.
      The Nail ………
      in the Fathers name ....
      The Fathers name ………. In Ancient Hebrew
      YOD-HAY-VAV-HAY English way YHVH.
      The pictograph of the arm and hand, which is the YOD.
      It pictures the “mighty hand” and “outstretched arm”
      ( Jer 27:5, etc) The meaning of the YOD can be: arm, arm and hand, work, throw, worship.
      The second letter is the HAY, which carries the ‘H’ sound. It tells us to pay attention;
      to behold!
      It also pictures a man - a living soul. The various meanings of this letter are: Look!, Behold!, reveal, breathe (as in a breathing soul).
      The third letter is the VAV.
      The VAV pictures a tent peg
      or a nail.
      The meaning of the letter is: peg, nail, add, secure, hook. ( joins us with the Father )
      The Name ends in the HEY, again picturing a man trying to get our attention.
      If we put these letters with their meanings together, it is amazing what we get!
      I of the mighty outstretched arm, worthy of worship, I say
      ‘Behold the man with the nail! Behold!
      John 5:43
      “I am come in my Father's name,
      and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”
      The NAIL !
      Ezra 9:8
      “And now for a little space
      hath been shewed from the LORD our God,
      to leave us a remnant to escape,
      and to give us
      a nail
      in his holy place,
      that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us
      a little reviving in our bondage.”
      Isaiah 22:22
      “And the key of the house of David
      will I lay upon his shoulder;
      so he shall open, and none shall shut;
      and he shall shut, and none shall open.”
      Isaiah 22:23
      “And I will fasten him
      as a nail
      in a sure place;
      and he shall be for a glorious throne
      to his father's house.”
      Isaiah 22:24
      “And they shall hang upon him
      all the glory of his father's house,
      the offspring and the issue,
      all vessels of small quantity,
      from the vessels of cups,
      even to all the vessels of flagons.”
      Isaiah 22:25
      “In that day,
      saith the LORD of hosts,
      shall the
      that is fastened in the sure place be removed,
      and be cut down, and fall;
      and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off:
      for the LORD hath spoken it.”
      Zechariah 10:4
      “Out of him came forth the corner,
      out of him
      the nail,
      out of him the battle bow,
      out of him every oppressor together.”
      The spelling of the son's name in Paleo-Hebrew (Before 585 B.C.)
      All glory to
      𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏𐤟𐤌𐤔𐤉𐤇 YAHUSHUA haMashiach
      𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 YHVH
      𐤀𐤕 Aleph Tav
      𐤀𐤌𐤍 Amein
      𐤔𐤋𐤅𐤌 Shalom

    • @michaelm254
      @michaelm254 3 роки тому

      Hour Matthew 3:17
      “And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
      Psalms 2:7
      “I will declare the decree: YAHUAH hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.”
      Psalms 89:27
      “Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.”
      John 3:16
      “For Elohim
      so loved the world,
      that he gave his only begotten Son,
      that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
      Bless you

    • @michaelm254
      @michaelm254 3 роки тому

      John 12:49-50 - For I have not spoken
      of myself;
      but the Father which sent me,
      he gave me a commandment,
      what I should say,
      and what I should speak.
      And I know that his commandment
      is life
      whatsoever I speak therefore,
      even as the Father said unto me,
      so I speak.
      Deuteronomy 18:19
      “And it shall come to pass,
      that whosoever
      will not hearken unto my words
      which he shall speak
      in my name,
      I will require it of him.”
      Acts 3:22-23 - For Moses truly said
      unto the fathers,
      A prophet shall the Lord your God
      raise up unto you of your brethren,
      like unto me;
      him shall ye hear
      in all things
      he shall say unto you.
      And it shall come to pass,
      that every soul,
      which will not hear
      that prophet,
      shall be
      from among the people.
      John 6:63
      “It is the spirit that quickeneth;
      the flesh profiteth nothing:
      the words that I speak unto you,
      they are spirit,
      and they are life.”
      Bless you

  • @4pinky2011
    @4pinky2011 8 місяців тому

    The firstborn symbolized Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry, reminding the people that the great Messiah would come (Moses 5:4-8; 6:63). Jesus was the firstborn of the spirit children of our Heavenly Father, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, and the first to rise from the dead in the Resurrection (Col. 1:13-18).

  • @priscillajervey8345
    @priscillajervey8345 2 роки тому +1

    God;s WORD was in the beginning! What about that do you NOT comprehend?? God spoke creation into being.

  • @byrdma12
    @byrdma12 10 місяців тому

    Jesus is God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. The father + the Son + the Holy Spirit was there in the beginning.

  • @MerkabaKid
    @MerkabaKid Рік тому

    God has no beginning and no end and yet the words `in the beginning` are used.. in the beginning was the Word.. the Word was the beginning.. and God said, Let there be light.. Jesus is the Word and the Light of the world.. these two things had a beginning.. - just thoughts 🤍🕊️

  • @ChamomileMineral
    @ChamomileMineral Рік тому

    Merry Christmas 🎁

  • @edmundfrancis9747
    @edmundfrancis9747 Рік тому

    A time will come

  • @ParmEsanXP
    @ParmEsanXP 2 роки тому

    Glory be to the passionate

  • @elijah1971
    @elijah1971 Рік тому

    Jesus was created by god . God is eternal , Jesus died god cannot die.

    • @redfritz3356
      @redfritz3356 6 місяців тому

      No, the Word was in the begging with God the Father and God Himself, he then became flesh to die for our sins in his body.

  • @peoplesgoldhill254
    @peoplesgoldhill254 4 роки тому

    Wow well spoken sr.

  • @archangeljesus4369
    @archangeljesus4369 Рік тому +1

    YHWH created that angel Jesus

    • @Dash-lb8cd
      @Dash-lb8cd 5 місяців тому

      Jesus is YHWH. YHWH/God is one in nature and 3 in persons. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all YHWH, Jesus is the devine and eternal Word of God, who is distinct from The Father yet is God because He has the same nature as The Father. Jesus is not a created being, he's God

  • @israelcrucifiedinchrist797
    @israelcrucifiedinchrist797 7 років тому +1


  • @smooth2477
    @smooth2477 2 роки тому +1

    If Jesus has a beginning then he is not GOD as GOD has no beginning

  • @robine1018
    @robine1018 7 років тому +4


  • @5mjc
    @5mjc 8 місяців тому

    The uncreated Jesus

  • @incorruptibleword4513
    @incorruptibleword4513 5 років тому +4

    In the beginning was Gods plan and his plan was with him and his plan was him and it was and is glorious. Is this statement true? Or false? Your answer will reveal YOUR faith.

    • @michaelm254
      @michaelm254 5 років тому +1

      Bless you
      𐤀𐤕 / אֵת / Aleph Tav / Alpha Omega
      the first and the last
      the beginning and the ending
      From Genesis 1:1 Torah
      And In the Tanakh………
      The 𐤀𐤕 is in Genesis 668 times.
      In Exodus 651 times.
      In Leviticus 429 times.
      In Numbers 439 times.
      In Deuteronomy 435 times.
      In Joshua 320 times.
      In Judges 310 times.
      In Ruth 39 times.
      In 1 Samuel 408 times.
      In 2 Samuel 339 times.
      In 1 Kings 425 times.
      In 2 Kings 390 times.
      In 1 Chronicles 284 times.
      In 2 Chronicles 367 times.
      In Ezra 23 times.
      In Nehemiah 94 times.
      In Esther 75 times.
      In Job 30 times.
      In Psalms 139 times.
      In Proverbs 25 times.
      In Ecclesiastes 70 times.
      In Isaiah 167 times.
      In Jeremiah 533 times.
      In Lamentations 6 times.
      In Ezekiel 387 times.
      In Daniel 37 times.
      In Hosea 36 times.
      In Joel 12 times.
      In Amos 35 times.
      In Obadiah 8 times.
      In Jonah 12 times.
      In Micah 12 times.
      In Habakkuk 4 times.
      In Zephaniah 16 times.
      In Haggai 9 times.
      In Zechariah 85 times.
      In Malachi 19 times.
      Total of 7326 times in the Scriptures.
      John 1:1 and 1:14
      He is the living Alphabet
      𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 's Alphabet
      Isaiah 46:10
      the end from the beginning,
      and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”
      That was in the beginning ………
      GENESIS 1:
      בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים,
      הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
      אֵת / 𐤀𐤕 / Alpha and Omega
      Is in the middle of Genesis 1:1
      Hebrew or Greek
      He is still the
      First and the Last
      Revelation 1:8
      “I am Alpha and Omega,
      the beginning and the ending,
      saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
      Revelation 1:11
      I am
      Alpha and Omega,
      the first and the last:
      and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.”
      Revelation 1:17
      “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not;
      I am
      the first and the last:”
      Revelation 2:8
      “And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith
      the first and the last,
      which was dead, and is alive;”
      Revelation 21:6
      “And he said unto me, It is done. I am
      Alpha and Omega,
      the beginning and the end.
      I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”
      Revelation 22:13
      “I am Alpha and Omega,
      the beginning and the end,
      first and the last.”
      Aleph is
      One who causes to exist
      Tav is
      To be enforced without compromise
      I pray that this is a blessing.
      bless you

    • @faithfultheology
      @faithfultheology 4 роки тому


    • @spazomaz
      @spazomaz 2 роки тому

      Since when does word = plan idiot.

  • @gundamboi2244
    @gundamboi2244 Рік тому

    Before Time began, there was the cube...

  • @billyjean2960
    @billyjean2960 5 років тому +1

    Micah 5:2

  • @rachelraya5356
    @rachelraya5356 4 роки тому

    In the beginning was the word and with the word was God
    Jesus was with God. Jesus came to teach us how to worship his father Jehovah! Jesus never spoke about himself!!! All through the Bible Jesus spoke of God and his love for us, he was sent here by his father , so that we may know the father through him Jesus Christ! Love the Father with all the might first and above all things give the father all praise, worship and Glory! In all things glorify the father! Love your neighbor as yourself ! We must believe that Jesus came down to us sent by the heavenly Father for our salvation! God sacrificed his only begotten Son, so that we could be saved! That is how much God Loves us! Jesus, to Glorify his Father and because of the Love he has for us and his father he willingly came to give his life so that we can have eternal life! Through the spelt blood of Jesus Christ we have been redeemed ! Although we have been born as sinners, we are now able to have a relationship with our heavenly father through Jesus Christ! We have to have a relationship with God in order to be saved! Because God is all good,Divine, Pure light, flawless, we are not worthy to stand before him! We are as filthy rags, through Jesus we are able to know are Father ,our creator! God above all things , through Jesus Christ our savior. We need to read Gods words to know what is expected of us! God created the Bible for us ! In it ,there is everything you need to know! Know the Bible and you will know the truth! I f you dont read the Bible you will be mislead unprepared , and unable to protect yourself against your enemy! You will not know the signs and the things that need to come to past before the second coming of Christ, his return

    • @arold4928
      @arold4928 3 роки тому

      but you still believe Jesus is fully God in nature from the Almighty Father right? As his word

    • @mattgardiner614
      @mattgardiner614 3 роки тому

      @@arold4928 Jesus is not God. He never claimed to be God. He always said he was God's son. (John 10:36)

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому +1

    "Before all time" is not in the writings of the original language text of Jude 1: 25.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @spiritwordfather
    @spiritwordfather Рік тому

    The word becomes flesh is not a direct substitution. The word is not the son (Jesus Christ), it's the Father God himself. The Father becomes the son. Tripartite God is the Father/Son, the Word, and The Spirit. 1John 5:7

  • @priscillajervey8345
    @priscillajervey8345 3 роки тому +1

    Why oh WHY do these men in the pulpits insist that the "word" in Jn 1"1 was Jesus??? The word was God's word!!! It was thru His word (the breath) of his mouth that he created the world! The word was (the Logos) God's plan and intent. In the book of Mark it was Jesus himself who stated that God created male and female!! God created the world with Jesus in mind, he was the first of God's creation.

    • @Dash-lb8cd
      @Dash-lb8cd 5 місяців тому

      That's nonsense. Jesus is the eternal word of God, God's word is distinct from Him and exists eternally as a person, that person being Jesus, who always existed.

  • @nohhknowwyeww
    @nohhknowwyeww 3 роки тому

    2:13 "...through Jesus Christ our Lord...", is not written in the original language text of Jude 1 :25.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @markaponte7057
    @markaponte7057 Рік тому +1

    So he still alive? Then we didn't kill him on the cross. Then he didn't sacrifice himself for us. Because he lives as a God. He transformed into his original form in a bad weekend on a cross. But if you think 🤔 about it how can we hurt a God anyhow? Impossible

    • @pp-r9378
      @pp-r9378 Рік тому +1

      exactly and from the first place its called False equivalence
      basically when we think of the god as some thing like us its not a god anymore
      why would i believe and worship some thing like this no thank

  • @billaltier8076
    @billaltier8076 3 роки тому

    The interpretation of the word (Word) in John 1 is found in 1John 1.
    The Word is the eternal life of the Father.
    The Father's eternal life was with him.
    The Father's eternal life was manifested.
    John 1:1-4
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God.
    [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    [4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
    1 John 1:1-2
    That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
    [2] (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
    The (he) that was manifested to take away our sins in 1John 3 line 5 is the )Father) in 1John 3 line 1:
    1 John 3:1-5
    Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
    [2] Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
    [3] And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
    [4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    [5] And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
    John 1:5
    And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
    The (he) that shall appear in 1John 3 line 2 is the (Father) in 1John 3 line 1 and this is Jesus that shall appear in:
    Titus 2:13
    Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
    Jesus is the Father:
    Isaiah 9:6
    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
    John 14:8-9
    Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
    [9] Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
    1 John 2:23
    Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
    John 8:24-27
    I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins:
    for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
    [25] Then said they unto him,
    Who art thou?
    And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.
    [26] I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.
    [27] They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.


    What would he have looked like though. When he was first made

  • @bambamtn
    @bambamtn 5 років тому +2

    So...let me get this straight! God (Jesus) was sitting on the golden throne, for what would be considered gazillions of our years, and he had gotten along just fine without humans for all that time, then one day, he looked out across an empty heaven and said to himself, hmmm....getting kind of lonely up would be nice to have someone to love me and worship me for eternity. So, he decides to create imperfect humans, and expect them to be perfect, then send them to hell for eternity when they are not perfect.
    Yeah, sounds like a legit story!!! ;)

    • @nikosharma8961
      @nikosharma8961 5 років тому

      bambamtn wrong. He was gonna create a perfect world for us but Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree and were banished from the garden of eden to earth where god gave the choice to mankind to either follow him or not so that whoever wants to join him in his perfect world will. And who ever enjoys living in sin and pleasing there flesh will not enjoy heaven. It’s not that he’s sending people to hell. They make that choice by not choosing God. Because sin will not be in heaven. So if u crave sin, you simply won’t enjoy being in heaven, therefore you choose hell. There is no other option.

    • @mansourovicchan
      @mansourovicchan 4 роки тому

      @@nikosharma8961 how is he a God if he couldn't control Adam and Eve to create this "perfect" world?

    • @nikosharma8961
      @nikosharma8961 4 роки тому +3

      Aggresive MF what kind of god would he be if he just controlled everyone like a puppet ? He simply told them them the rules and expected them to follow, much like any parent would

    • @incorruptibleword4513
      @incorruptibleword4513 4 роки тому

      Well it's certainly not what the Bible teaches but hooray for the wonders of popular interpretation and self righteous tradition.

  • @rjhart5869
    @rjhart5869 4 роки тому +1

    I’ll break it down for you.. Jesus was a spirit that was apart of the trinity.. so therefore he was not a human before the world began.. when Satan fooled Adam and Eve God the Father came up with the plan to redeem the world by sending Jesus the spirit that is apart of God in human form.. in order for that to happen it had to be a supernatural birth caused by his Holy Spirit therefore Jesus came in Human Form that way.. that’s how he existed.. so when he was on Earth there was only the Father and the Holy Spirit in Heaven.. simple

  • 2 роки тому

    John is saying, who's John? Last time I checked only Jesus received revelation. Oh wait, maybe dreams and revelation are the same!

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    The New International Version shows "before" in Jude 1: 25. The original language text has the translation before in Jude 1: 24 and zero mention of "before" in Jude 1: 25.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    • @David..832
      @David..832 Рік тому

      Enoch 2:1
      Behold, he comes with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done, and committed against him. (Quoted by Jude, vss. 14, 15.)
      Enoch 46:1 There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of man His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing concerning this Son of man, who he was, whence he was and why he accompanied the Ancient of days.
      He answered and said to me, this is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs, with whom righteousness has dwelt and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed, for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness

  • @davidg4512
    @davidg4512 7 років тому +2

    If you want to know more about the origins of time, then lookup William Lane Craig. Christian philosopher who studies time and God.

    • @apostlepaul8719
      @apostlepaul8719 7 років тому

      Does Craig still believe that the earth is billions of years old (contrary to the bible)?

    • @davidg4512
      @davidg4512 7 років тому +1

      Apostle Paul unfortunately he pretty much has everything correct beside his view on evolution. He doesn't understand that man brought death into the world and not man came by death.

    • @apostlepaul8719
      @apostlepaul8719 7 років тому


    • @srrlIdl
      @srrlIdl 5 років тому

      @@apostlepaul8719 What does that say about Christianity, if you have to deny the bible to win debates as a Christian apologist?

    • @awhizaromin3367
      @awhizaromin3367 5 років тому

      Hebrew 11:3, By faith, we understand that the universe was created by the word of God.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    The last part of Jude 1: 25 in the original language text does not have "before" all time nor "before" all ages. The Time element is the present time of the person talking in that Bible verse, continuing to eternity (forever more)...something like now continuing beyond all the ages. All the ages does not include all the ages Ever. The writer prevents that interpretation from being valid, by establishing that it starts in the speaker's Now, so only from That Now onward.-Ernie Moore Jr.
    In the original language text, "Before all time", was not written."Before all time" is adding to the original language text "...kai nun kai eis pantas, tous aionas. amen.".-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @priscillajervey8345
    @priscillajervey8345 3 роки тому +2

    I am sick to death of pulpit preachers using John 1:1 to try and prove Jesus is God or existed with God. The Word was God's word! The word was God. Scriptures state clearly that God created. Wisdom (Sophia , personified) was with God in the beginning, God said HIS holy spirit hovered over the waters, just as his holy spirit over shadowed Mary. Scriptures state clearly that he was all alone when he created the earth, he asked Job: Where where were YOU when "I" created the world? God said Jesus was crucified before the foundation of the earth - well does that mean he had two crucifixions??? Did we have God the Father AND "a" God the son?? God the Son is mentioned nowhere in the Holy Writ!!

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 2 роки тому

      You have been beguiled by the heresy of Arianism

  • @rhino7872
    @rhino7872 4 роки тому +1

    John was God he knew everything

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    The use of "before" in Jude 1: 24-25 as with other misinterpretations of "before" does not as it is taken and you use it here to mean place in Time.-EMJ It is before meaning "in-front-of" It talks of *presenting* people; bringing them in-front-of-God. And in the original language text in Jude 1: 25 the word "before" is Not put.. -Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @nohhknowwyeww
    @nohhknowwyeww 3 роки тому +1

    2:45 2Timothy 1:9 you say God gave us grace in Christ Jesus. However, that is Not what is written in the original language text. God saved us and having called us with a holy calling...according to God's own purpose and grace given to us in Jesus Christ before eternal times...God was looking-out for people from foreknowledge, but the events played-out in a timeline. Jesus could not have been in the beginning or the holy thing could not have been carried and born by Maria conceived in the womb of a woman by the will of God, the one god God no other god beside.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @priscillajervey8345
    @priscillajervey8345 3 роки тому +3

    Your sermon is very impressive, but you didn't impress me! If God is the Father and Jesus is "his" son as Scriptures state clearly as does God and Jesus, then when did Jesus become a Son since according to you they (both) existed from eternity? Doesn't a son have to be "begotten"??? What does "son" mean all over the world or "a" father. Jesus existed as the word (Logos) in the mind, and plan of God. Peter stated that he was preordained and in the foreknowledge of God. You use all the Trinitatian proof text you can cherry-pick to attempt to mislead because you have been mislead. Jesus had a begetting in the womb of Mary.

    • @waldwassermann
      @waldwassermann Рік тому

      The father and the son are one and the same.

  • @HavHavee
    @HavHavee 5 років тому +1

    Why Jesus created us make us sin and make us to put in hell

    • @jtdavis2393
      @jtdavis2393 4 роки тому +1

      Raghav Raja if we were without sin we would have no space to grow, without sin we would not be able to change. We were made to sin but allowed to change

  • @newmercies1
    @newmercies1 3 роки тому +2

    It is incorrect to say He Was - God is out of time! He IS! For ever and ever - greek: eis tous eonas ton eonon!

    • @Faith-Ministries
      @Faith-Ministries 3 роки тому

      he SAYS BEFORE ALL TIME AND FOREVER, Meaning Jesus has always been just as GOD. Jesus didn't come into being, he just was.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    Jude 1: 25 begins in the midst of a sentence started in Jude 1: 24. And Jude 1: 24 is part of what started at Jude 1: 20--These guys want everlasting life. They are told it can still happen for them by Jesus Christ, but his important name does not matter to these Post traumatic stress people in a scared mental place leaning more towards flight, than fight Jude redirects Fear and re-enforces their confidence to hold-fast, stay-the-course, because they've been gearing-up for not just some guy but for the savior. And now they can focus on they're working with the savior when they pray. And if they stick-with-it, the s a v i o r can be proud of them and joyously present them having no fault, joyously presented in-front of a Wise[not sure why this says anything to them or matters;except if God thinks this way is right to trust in the savior Jesus Christ as savior perhaps they would trust the wisdom of the one God] God. Having said they can still be saved and proudly, joyously be presented before (as, in in-front-of) God, Jude goes on to direct their acknowledgement to that savior as the savior of them. And reminds-informs them of that savior's significance--that recognition/glory of the savior, and the savior's greatness, might, and authority continues from that point (from that Now-of the writing of this first written) onward for-ever-more into eternity. And that this is true.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому +2

    If Jesus could die on a cross Jesus has form and is matter; 1:34 if in the beginning No matter-No Time; then Jesus being a thing of matter was Not in the beginning, although the word from God was in the beginning with God, having the authority granted by God, they together were there yet the word was Not the being that was-is-will be unchanging God.-Ernie Moore Jr.
    You might be trying to be informative but your presumptions you're going with are wrong. John does not put Jesus, nor Jesus Christ. Only preachers put that here and it is untrue to the writing.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @boy6530
    @boy6530 4 роки тому

    So in the beginning jesus was there alone or with god or god was there before jesus?

    • @alindileep9227
      @alindileep9227 4 роки тому

      Tell me which came into this world first. Your Soul? Your Body? Or your Conscience?

    • @faithfultheology
      @faithfultheology 4 роки тому +3

      Jesus is god manifested in the flesh

    • @alindileep9227
      @alindileep9227 4 роки тому +2

      @@faithfultheology that's what I was trying to say.

    • @rhino7872
      @rhino7872 4 роки тому

      John was God he knew jesus cos he was there

    • @alindileep9227
      @alindileep9227 4 роки тому +3

      @@rhino7872 I assume you've never read the book of John.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому +1

    3:21 To say Jesus just was makes Jesus not the Christ, as the Christ must be born of a virgin. Having Jesus before the first Adams were formed, dismisses Jesus as the Christ and is a disservice to an attempt at Christianity. You say what you said here, yet the Bible holds that Jesus was conceived and born. Jesus does not count as Christ nor son of God, without this. 3:21 is contrary to The Tenets of Jesus being Christ and son-of-God.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    • @incorruptibleword4513
      @incorruptibleword4513 4 роки тому

      Spot on. Otherwise we are all existing in the beginning with and in Christ in the same manner we too must pre exist as the scriptures describe many in the same way of speaking.

    • @arold4928
      @arold4928 3 роки тому +2

      @@incorruptibleword4513 Jesus is the eternal Word. That eternal Word and life was made flesh in the Son of God Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  • @hectorsilva9534
    @hectorsilva9534 2 роки тому

    All i want to say is that everything comes from somewhere and if there was nothing before space then nothing can exist. Yet i do believe in a creator and yes i pray and thank him every day . Imagine my son asking me where do we come from and i tell him in the beggining there was nothing but some how i have skin and bones and this whole earth is here for him to walk 👀 i would comfuse the shit out of him and he would grow stupid . What im trying to say is that our creator came from somewhere things dont just exist . You plant a seed and the seed grows to be a tree , you have sexual relations and here comes a kid life so everything has a beggining .

  • @vijayjagpaul459
    @vijayjagpaul459 5 років тому +2

    Now does that make sense?

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому +1

    2:46 "in Jesus Christ " is in the middle of the sentence. At the front God is giving something. At the end we see that that something includes God's grace. So 2 Timothy says~God's own purpose and God's grace was given to them by God before time eternal. The delivery system of God's purpose and God's grace is Christ Jesus who as savior reveals this.-Ernie Moore Jr. But it only has God giving some things to these people (not directly) but considering them and assigning to them those things before eternity begins. And does not have Jesus in the beginning, as Jesus was conceived in a human and born of a human and could not as such be before Time.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    Jude 1: 25 does not mention Jesus Christ by name and title, one-might-think, because a name is just a name and these people are wavering in belief to follow after Christ, or some-such. And while your translation leads the reader/listener by substituting what is there--savior, for the understood equivalent--Jesus Christ. This modern attempt to drive-home a message of Jesus Christ as significant or brown-nosing by naming the Christ. It messes-up the point of Jude, which is to remind these people of the long-game and what by culture and in their Hearts have wanted-been waiting, so Jude chooses to not call the savior Jesus Christ, because if you don't know or are not sure, Jesus might not be recognized as Christ or or and Jesus Christ might not be believed to be the savior. Yet the descriptor savior is known, understood and hoped for.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @brendob9714
    @brendob9714 4 роки тому

    So a human created the earth...

  • @PitsPenguins87
    @PitsPenguins87 5 років тому +2

    So you believe that Jesus is fully human and fully God and that Jesus existed before matter and time. Humans are matter, and it says that matter and time are co-extensive. You how can Jesus (matter) exist before time? You may say, “oh he took on human form”. According to the modern doctrine that is a heresy. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. [James 1:17]. God doesn’t change form. So that argument doesn’t make any sense. Also, if the Father and Jesus co-existed eternally before time, that that means that there are 2 distinct beings. Not one.

    • @virgildolph8823
      @virgildolph8823 5 років тому

      One Spirit, one God. The Father is Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Jesus ("Prepare for Me a body"). Jesus was given the Holy Spirit"without measure". When Philip asked Jesus to "show us the Father" Jesus answered "Have I been with you so long and you do not know Me"?! "That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh". Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, physically and Spiritually, the only man who was. The only man who had received the Spirit "without measure" and whose Father (Jesus physically) was the Holy Spirit ("and the Spirit moved on her"). It is the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ that makes Jesus and the Father one. The Father, by His Spirit, died physically, through Jesus, on the cross. When Jesus said "I am in My Father and My Father is in Me and We are one", He explained it. Our flesh was not born of the Holy Spirit, like Jesus was. It is our spirit that is born of the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God. While it is not specifically stated, I believe that one of the reasons (other than fulfilling prophesy) Jesus was raised on the third day is He was, spirit and body, born of the Holy Spirit. His body could not receive corruption, decay, because the Holy Spirit can not see corruption. The death the body went through could not stand. The Holy Spirit can not see death or corruption so the body "slept" for 3 days. Those of us who are born again ("I am in you and you are in Me and We are one"; My Father is in you", our flesh, which is not born of the Spirit, sees corruption through death but will be resurrected and transformed when He returns.

    • @PitsPenguins87
      @PitsPenguins87 5 років тому +1

      virgil dolph first you say one spirit, one God. Then you proceed to list 3 spirits. 1 + 1 + 1 does not equal 1, that is basic math and common sense. The term spirit in the bible does not belong to the Holy Ghost. Revelations says 7 spirits of God went into the world. So there are 7 Holy spirits? John 5:4 warns about false spirits, where spirit means prophet. So saying Jesus is the spirit of God can mean that he is a prophet or messenger of God. Using biblical language when it is said that those that are born of the spirit is spirit and that Whois born of flesh is flesh means that those who are spiritually inclined are spiritual and those who are materially inclined are flesh. Moreover, you are saying God is born, born of his own creation? How can God be born if he is ever living. A fetus in a woman’s womb that has to grow and depend on her for nourishment, and is born a squalling baby. A God that is an infant that was circumcised, that needs to be breast fed and be cleaned after soiling himself. Is that what you are really suggesting?
      If God is everlasting then he cannot die either. If the Holy Spirit as you conceptualize it cannot see death or corruption, then how could he actually die and have his body corrupted in the first place? If you say the body “slept”, then you suggest it never died. As it is said in corinthians, God is not the author of confusion. The believed divinity of Jesus has been debated for centuries with a multitude of explanations, all of which are illogical, make no sense, and carry an atoms weight of biblical support.

    • @virgildolph8823
      @virgildolph8823 5 років тому

      PitsPenguins87 one Spirit. God is Spirit. The Spirit of God has many functions but is one Spirit. God did make many “Spiritual beings” but they were not God. The Holy Spirit in Jesus was God the Father in Jesus, the man, born physically and Spiritually by the Holy Spirit. How do you think we are one with Jesus, Jesus one with God the Father, He and we are one with those who are born again and the Father is in us? People try to split up God. Jesus prayed to the Father “I pray they (the disciples) will be one as you and I are one”. It is the Holy Spirit of God that makes us one and changes us. Why do you find it difficult to believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit that lives in us? Are we not “sealed with the Holy Spirit”? Did Jesus not state to those religious people who were scoffing at Him for stating Abraham was delighted in seeing Him, “Before Abraham was, I Am”? Why did He use those exact words? That is who God told Moses to tell the people who It was that sent him to lead them out of captivity - “Tell them I Am sent me”. Jesus was telling them He was God. Did He not say to Phillip, when Phillip asked Him to “Show us the Father” , “Have I been with you so long and you do not know me”? Why do you think it is stated “then we will see Him as He is and we will be like Him”, spoken about when “the dead in Christ are raised and we who are left will be caught up in the air to be with Him”. Why will we reign withJesus. Why we and not angels? You are correct in believing God is not a God of confusion but we are also told “no man knows the mind of God”. The only thing I know about God is what He choses to reveal to me. Read, study, pray, listen for and to His Spirit. Yes, “test the spirits” and check with the written word but “My sheep know My voice; My Sheep hear My voice”. It is the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ we hear. Yield to Him and walk in the Spirit.

    • @aruthorcarly
      @aruthorcarly 5 років тому +1

      In bible theres a few case jesus communicating with his father. Does that mean jesus communicating to himself this whole time? Why always said as father and son while theyre in one spirit and realistically one spirit talking to himself?

    • @PitsPenguins87
      @PitsPenguins87 4 роки тому +1

      @Brandi Gilbreath if one is not the other then that means they are mutually exclusive. Therefore 1+1+1

  • @incorruptibleword4513
    @incorruptibleword4513 4 роки тому

    Who is the 1st Adam? Then who is the last? Adam was a son of God because he was born directly from the spirit of God. By the reasoning of this video shouldn't Jesus be the 1st Adam and not the last chronologically? Yet scripture is scripture.

  • @twooharmony2000
    @twooharmony2000 4 роки тому

    I No_Know if Christ was before Humans were but Jesus being conceived in a Human and born from a Human , Jesus could not be in the beginning in form with God and if you're with God you are not God. God is with you. John writes of the word, and says things the word does and indicates its great significance. In what I say is the conceptual language of Hebrew As English is colorful, the word becoming flesh is the word of God- the instructions and messages from God being lived out, applied this is giving it legs allowing the word, by experiencing someone applying the instructions. This preaching it-living it-applying it is the word become flesh living with them to be everlasting to live with us given the opportunity by the sacrifice of not God who cannot die, instead of Godself a savior to be killed allowing ongoing opportunity to repent, through belief and something else...a death-a remittance for sins. But the one who would die for others to have opportunity, this one would have done to him what he did to others as a student learns or a son knows what is shown to him by a loving father. This one is to be believed raised from the underworld (not Hell), but the unseeen place of the dead. Resurrected by the one and only God, to return and call those who kept God's way God's glory shown through the doorway of Jesus Christ who would inherit.-Ernie Moore Jr

    • @mattgardiner614
      @mattgardiner614 3 роки тому

      A more grammatically accurate Translation of John 1:1 would be: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.”
      In the original-language text, the two occurrences of “God” (Greek, the·osʹ) at John 1:1 are grammatically different. In the first occurrence, the word “God” is preceded by the Greek definite article, while the article does not appear before the second occurrence. Many scholars note that the absence of the definite article before the second the·osʹ is significant. For example, The Translator’s New Testament says regarding this absence of the article: “In effect it gives an adjectival quality to the second use of Theos (God) so that the phrase means ‘The Word was divine.’”
      Also, the statement “the Word was with God” indicates that two separate persons are discussed in the verse. It is not possible for the Word to be “WITH God” and at the same time BE God Almighty. Further, John 1:18 states that “no man has seen God at any time.” However, people did see the Word, Jesus, for John 1:14 states that “the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory.”

    • @nohhknowwyeww
      @nohhknowwyeww 3 роки тому

      @@mattgardiner614 If the word has to become Jesus then it was not Jesus to start-with. And while the word is with God-Jesus is not in the beginning because as you just pointed-out, the word did not begin as Jesus. And since Jesus had a Human mother....-Ernie Moore Jr.
      The Theo's with and the Theo's without.. adjectival speaks to nouns and not specifically persons-so also places, things and ideas. With the definite article would be the being--God, the one gid-God no god beside. With that if God is there and something is with God but no god beside,then wrong to translate the word as a being. -Ernie Moore Jr.
      The word is divine...given that divine means of God or from God, the the two nouns are one as the being and the other a possession of the being. Original language word order Written God is the word is more likely God's is the word or the word should be treated with the respect you would give to God because it is from God. This treatment of the word at Early John 1 sets a president that God can bestow God's authority to those of God or those from God...those from God have the authority of God by God's will, yet themselves are not God. From God is God sent God sending is not God sending God, but rather an agent of God to to the bidding of God's will. Jesus is the sign of keeping a promise, and with a message from God, and the chance to Salvation in death of one for believers that there is a way to God and faithfully walk as Jesus has lighted a Way for God to be with us. Let us be long-suffering by acts of faith-acts of works prepared by God...type-of-thing. -Ernie Moore Jr.

  • @Waltyworld
    @Waltyworld Рік тому

    Dude it said in the beginning it was god not dosent anser it

  • @nathanericschwabenland88888
    @nathanericschwabenland88888 3 роки тому

    Transformers by Michael bay anyone?

  • @JuanDiaz-jo1rw
    @JuanDiaz-jo1rw 3 роки тому +1

    Jehovah is the beginning and Jesus was with his father since the beginning. But Jesus is not Jehovah.
    John 1:1
    In the beginning was the Word, and the (Word was with God), and (the Word was God).
    It is clear that God can't be with God. Jesus is the Word that was with God in the beginning. And the reason the Word is God is because Jesus came out of God and God speaks through Jesus making Jehovah and Jesus not one and the same but the same under the same Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit. Notice how it says and (the Word (was) God) NOT the (Word (is) God). To many Christians are taking the essence oh Jesus out of context and pretend they can actually understand the perfect infinite essence of Jesus and the relationship between Jehovah and his son Jesus. Jesus preached all who deny him he would deny in front of his father. If Jehovah wasn't God Jesus wouldn't have mentioned him at all. Jesus mentioned his father more than he talked about himself.

    • @grandmak9013
      @grandmak9013 2 роки тому

      Praise God 🙌🏽🙏🏾❤

  • @alfonsonation
    @alfonsonation 5 років тому +2

    Before time began, there was, the Cube. We know not where it comes from. Only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war....

  • @PieroMinayaRojas
    @PieroMinayaRojas 6 років тому +2

    Before time began there was...the Cube.

    • @alfonsonation
      @alfonsonation 5 років тому

      Piero Minaya Rojas HAHAHAAA I SAID THE SAME THING!

  • @ParmEsanXP
    @ParmEsanXP 2 роки тому

    I think you’re mispronouncing passion as Jesus. Jesus Christ isn’t even a real person. His name was Yeshua

  • @pp-r9378
    @pp-r9378 Рік тому

    the is why islam dominance christinty💀
    we can prove that god is one not two or three without using the quran or any texted
    we also can prove that quran never added a word or miss a word for 1400 year yet we dont need it to prove that god is one

    • @marzzaragoza7078
      @marzzaragoza7078 9 місяців тому

      It also says tht Jesus is Mahmeds God Facts 😮

  • @desiroots7806
    @desiroots7806 Рік тому

    If jesus is God why did he beg himself to not kill himself?

  • @srrlIdl
    @srrlIdl 5 років тому

    The title is one giant contradiction. There can not be a time before time, so you can't say 'before time began'.

    • @mattgardiner614
      @mattgardiner614 3 роки тому

      Right. "In the beginning" means from the beginning of God's creative works.

  • @markaponte7057
    @markaponte7057 Рік тому


  • @jayr.7209
    @jayr.7209 Рік тому

    Mathew 27:46- And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
    So Jesus was crying out to himself "why have you forsaken me?" Who is he crying out to? You're telling me that when God aka Jesus is about to be crucified, He cried out to Himself asking why He forsaked Himself?

    • @waldwassermann
      @waldwassermann Рік тому

      It could and it should be said that there is only Jesus and that the purpose of Jesus is not to be alone (Genesis 2:18) which is why Jesus Lives. We are Jesus!

    • @jayr.7209
      @jayr.7209 Рік тому +1

      @@waldwassermann yep you guys always ignore the verse and respond with some random quote from the bible that contradicts jesus's own words. Always. Shame