Wasting iron on a boat with durability is just pointless, especially when you consider that it's only benefit is that it's faster. Boats don't even need to be faster. The reason why people complain about minecarts being slow is because they are outclassed. The boats on the other hand are the only water transportation method so they don't need to be faster
The fact is that the boats have so much durability that people will take them over the normal boat anyways plus they’re only crafted with one iron so it isn’t that expensive
@@fluxxrider But one thing I wonder about is why having iron oars makes the boat faster? If anything, it would make you slower because they're heavier, after all, this is supposed to be you rowing.
This is kinda clickbait. Jetstarfish didn’t “ruin” modding. People have been putting Minecraft mods on patreons for a long time now. He at least eventually released the mod for free and refunded people, meanwhile other people continue to charge for mods with zero backlash. Also a reminder the whole making end ships 4x rarer change was only supposed to be a temporary thing. He acknowledged it wasn’t a good solution in the video.
Yeah this comment would be valid if he still wasn't doing what he was doing, the Income stream from the little kids buying into this must be too high, however he definitely did not ruin modding, the mods this dude makes is kinda garbage, anyone buying into this is being scammed because they want to be scammed. If you really want to make a video on someone, make a video on the dude making the garbage elden ring asset flips
Most people would be after a large community declares war on them. It's like saying "wow. That one sailor is really scared of our warship" @@fluxxrider
The Bundle is coming out soon and I promise it will fix nearly every problem the average player has with exploration and inventory management. Try it out when they release!
w mod, you should make it so villagers have better trades if being in an at least 5x5x5 area with only air. in other words, it's designed so villagers cant be locked up as easily for trading halls. by better trades, just increasing enchants like mending, prot 4, and unbreaking slightly. when i get money ill 100% donate though :D
I think it should see how many air blocks are within a 5x5x5 area, and see if it passes the minimum, since some decoration like tables, chairs, torches may prevent the 5x5x5 area from giving the effect (If you know what I mean)
Dude, he didnt ruin the entirety of minecraft modding with his one video, Its like your saying that microsoft ruined video games because the newest minecraft update is trash. I get it, you dont agree with the ideas in his mod and you dont like that he is locking the mod behind a paywall. I have the same opinions but that doesnt ruin the entirety of minecraft modding Do you now expect all minecraft mod developers to quit because jetstarfish made a crappy mod and sold it for money?
@4:38-.-I love how you talked about how he "ruined modding" without actually going into detail with any problems with his mod aside from his solution to elytra, and then go on to make the exact mistake he made. No, copper should not be used for power rails, because copper is literally more common than iron, that is literally as backwards as it gets. The speed boost carries on past the powered rail, so iron rail still has A use in the current system, but if A far more common resource is going to be used to make minecarts go faster, then what's even the point of the iron variants? To save on copper by replacing the occasional track with it? You better implement an alternate use for iron rails. @4:48-.-So they don't go at the exact speed they went before this change was implemented? That's another mistake jet made. This could potentially break redstone builds, which is something Mojang is worried about for good reason. The bass booster rail should only increase speed at the amount they already do, in order to make sure builds can still work. @5:23-.-So you didn't add A use for iron rails. And this was in the same video you called JetStarfish A scammer? Please explain why I should take you seriously. (The super booster rails are a good idea though. But I would probably make them out of more diamonds.)
Furnace Minecarts can be used on (normal) rails to make them go faster There are still the gold powered variants in the game- literally nobody uses copper for anything and gold is too rare to grind
@@fluxxrider-.-Good that gold and iron are the same speed, but that doesn't address my problem, in fact, it makes it worse. I feel like A good example for what I'm trying to get at is the Buildcraft pipe system. That mod adds several tier of item transport pipes, made of different resources with different utilities: Wood: extracts items from inventories. Cobble/Smooth stone: normal pipes. Iron: one-way pipe. Gold: when powered with redstone, makes items go faster (like with booster rails). Diamond: determine which direction items go individually through an interface. There are more pips with more materials, but this gives you the basic idea. What's clever about this system is that the less often you would need to use it the rarer the material it takes. This makes it both balanced, and efficient. Every pipe feels like it has its niche. I would want a similar thing with rails. That already exists with booster rails, with the far rarer gold being used sparingly, while the more common iron is used as the basis. If you want to give more uses to copper, my idea would be to have what I call "copper ducts", which work like hoppers, but they can't draw items out of inventories, only have items placed into them through hoppers, and maybe be able to transfer items upwards. This would be A perfect use for copper, since not only does it feel A niche people associate copper with, but the far more common resource is being used far more, while the rarer resource still has functionality, but it's A functionality you would need more sparingly. From what I hear, this would also save a lot of servers, since the protocol for checking for items and inventory takes up a lot of RAM? IDK, but if it does save on resources, then it would be A clever way to make the game more efficient anyway players would be encouraged to do without even thinking about optimization. I got this idea from a mod called "hopperducts", which adds a block that is pretty much the same thing. Minecraft Ideas Academy also suggested the idea of copper wires, which would work like redstone, but also give off an electric effect, which can damage players and mobs. They can also be used underwater, which spreads the effect of the electricity in A certain radius, and can also be placed next to Redstone without connecting to it. This would be A great way to make redstone more compact and be able to do redstone underwater, while also adding more defensive functionality. Neither of these have anything to do with exploration, but I still think they're good ideas for giving copper more uses, and or what I would focus on (aside from tools and armor, of course). Amethyst also needs more uses, you can maybe make A booster rail type out of amethyst? I think replacing copper rail with amethyst rails would be A good idea. Not sure if amethyst is considered more or less rare than gold, but it's an idea. I also literally just now remembered that deactivated booster rails actually stop minecarts, so maybe that could be their special thing? Gold can outright stop minecarts, while other booster rails can't? I feel like this is what I would try: amethyst rails are faster, but can't stop minecarts; gold rails are slower, but can stop minecarts when unpowered. Maybe I could also make it so that copper rails maintain speed better, but iron rails can hover over air and liquids up to A certain number of blocks like scaffolding? I'm pretty sure that wouldn't break anything, but I could be wrong.
My opinions about the mod as an exploration guy myself: The minecarts were done well and if anything nerf the super powered rails but might not be needed; While i love the compass concept, it would be more fitting for them to be maps since we already got maps for Trial Chambers, Woodland Mansions and Ocean Monuments given by cartographers. With that said, add a Deep Dark map like Jetstarfish did, but no conditions need to be met; The iron boat randomly breaking makes it a bit pointless to craft. Instead, let's rework them: they become unbreakable like wooden boats, having a 100% speed boost like said for 5-10 minutes (you decide!) until it comes back to normal speed like if they had rusted. They are more expensive so that makes them more balanced while still worth it; There still is the Elytra + Trident combo, so look up for it. Other than that, the fireworks were well balanced and so were the elytras as a consequence. I also like the villagers change. In general, really great mod! I'm unable to play Java but love seeing mods/add-ons that improve or overhaul exploration.
The Virgin Jetstar videos - wants minecraft to be an RPG/MMO -literally has terraria, but wants minecraft to be it. -put mobs behind a pay wall for early access. VS THE CHAD Green_jab videos -explores and talks about how he would fix the real problems with the game without trying to cause backlash. -takes his time to think about minecraft's many audiences alike. -knows how to take criticism. -makes mods for free. Watch to the end of each of green_jab's how he would fix survival minecraft three part series.
The thing is you can't really get into that because up to this day people don't really want to play Terraria because Minecraft is literally right there
I have an idea for your mod. You should make rails that only need 3 iron ingots to craft, can be placed in the air but are slower than regular rails. Also your change to the elytra is great, but what if people just want to have fun and fly around in circuits just like the one in the legacy edition tutorial ?
I think 4 with a stick is better simply because i cant imagine how the crafted in the grid my idea is this [X] [] [X] [] [Y] [] [X] [] [X] X-Iron Y-Stick
@2:30-.-Just because he broke EULA that doesn't make it a scam. It definitely makes it ilillegal, but not a scam. And I frankly don't really care that much, because the law does not dictate morality. Whether or not mod creators should make money on their mods is A debate that should go beyond "but what does the EULA say?"
@@fluxxrider-.-I would agree with you, but I didn't come off as hyperbole, so yeah, some people could call it a scam, but those people are dumb and ruling language. Calling something A scam is a serious allegation, and you should be more cautious with that label.
Goated mod, also adds more planning to minecraft on if you wanna reroll a villagers trades and have to create 2 automatic farms to automatically make them instead of just brainless breaking and placing
7:19 A bit of a blunt take, but alternatively I think that the iron boats should break on impact with any blocks like in old updates. Bringing the resources to craft them over and over on large oceans could get tedious and feels like just another iron resource sink. And I can only imagine being left out at sea mid-early game without depth strider….
4:33 Honestly seeing the furnace minecart made relevant again would be cool. Make basic powered rails a bit slower tho, they'll have the benefit of always working with no additional resource cost. Furnace minecarts are faster but take coal. Then ofc all the better rails should still be faster cause they're really expensive.
Hey, this was a fun video to watch but I have some criteria. I don't think locking villager recycling behind a coin (which has a expensive recipe if your main focus is improving exploration) is a good idea, a simple bypass is just making a villager breeder and just cycle througth villagers keeping which trades you like. Also, maps are a pretty important feature of Minecraft. I would say instead of adding compasses that lead to structures, make maps easier to get. The idea of compasses is in some way fun and compasses do need more functionality, but I don't think this is THE solution to keep people traveling. I personally think the solution to keeping people traveling is adding more movement options. Something that is more like a ability, for example a dash of some kinds (proms to Mojang for adding the wind charge btw). Another choice is making inventory management easier or just making the inventory bigger. The mods "Travelers Backpack" did a pretty good shot at fixing the inventory issue, but after playing with Travelers Backpack on a server I have come to realise that the backpacks are really overpowered. The backpacks are also very cheap. Thank you for reading / potentially listening to me! (Im sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, but English is not my first language
yo man thanks for the comment, i really appreciate the response. yeah, that sounds insane, maybe a backpack mod with a couple of slots for a leather backpack for example, then they increase or something as you increase the rarity
I’ve got some extra ideas for you to implement into your mod, still an overall decent mod though 1. Add a new item to the game called the Ancient Elytra, for players to try and craft. This is an upgraded version of the Elytra that not only more than doubles the durability of a regular Elytra (which is nerfed in this mod), but it also can have Mending and use firework rockets without any extra durability loss as such. However this will be quite expensive to craft, requiring 1 Regular Elytra, 2 Amethyst Shards, 2 Echo Shards, 2 Blaze Rods, 1 Eye of Ender & 1 Nether Star. 2. Some biomes in Minecraft definitely feel less developed than others, such as the Savannah biome, which for the almost feel like an absolute waste of potential. Also in general, Minecraft could use some more animal variety for it’s biomes, so perhaps you could add more interesting and fascinating life such as Elephants, Lions, Hippos, Monkeys, Eagles, Snakes and maybe even Sharks honestly. You could MAYBE also try to add the 2023 mob vote losers, those being penguins and crabs, back into the game (might seem impossible, but just a cool idea for if you want to improve your mod).
aint gonna lie: this is a really nice mod just really sad it doesn't have a 1.20.1 version since it's the version i'm messing around with a modpack i'm creating
the editing in his video was great, had style, and i kept on watching because i was impressed by the editing. the editing was nothing like MrBeastification. minecraft does definietly have exploration and progression flaws, but JetStarFish mentioned random stuff that literally didnt even matter. he made a few good points (at best) and thats it. but i dont think he deserves this much hate, there are much worse videos about the same topic alone. and the fact that the whole video was an ad pissed me off. as for what you said, your compass is definietly much better than jet's map. the minecart thing was pretty similar to what jet did (from my recollection.) and jet did put his mod behind a paywall, which is really bad. but you are promoting your mod and your patreon seperately, which is definietly better, but its still similar. and dont get me wrong i feel mostly positive about this video :)
While this is a move in the right direction, and is definitely better then the JetStarFish one, I still have some issues - Why exploration compasses? A map would be more consistent with MC's already built in mechanics - You forgot that this mod have to be beginner friendly if you want it to actually fix the exploration problem, my suggestion is to make the villagers be limited to 1-4 rerolls per day, this should be small enough so the player doesn't intentionally reroll the trades too often, but doesn't leaves new player confused on why the villagers are not restocking. - The powered rail system is a bit janky, but I can see it work with some polishing
The mod will be polished (with the community ideas) and I agree with your point that the rails aren’t the best Compasses because the Recovery Compass isn’t the best and I wanted to make it better Some people are saying the coins are too expensive, and idk you’re saying they’re too OP. I don’t know fully yet, I’ll wait a bit before coming to a decision
@@fluxxrider My idea to make the recovery compass better is to make you keep it if you die with it. If you have an iron farm then iron is no problem, and we have too much copper, and I'm just saying that this coin is not the most vanilla-friendly solution to that problem
Why is everyone hating on jetstarfish so much ? Let the guy be happy, he refunded the money and the mod is for free now. I mean even if he would charge money for it, it’s not just his fault that people are buying stupid things online.
Maybe make wandering traders a bit more useful by making ancient cities have a map with them that’s rare but not to rare so that it’s not annoying to get
im not sure about other people, but I personally really dislike mods like these that nerf convenient things like villager trading or elytra flying. It makes the game more frustrating and tedious when you spend so long grinding for materials just to get the villager trade you want. It feels like more of a bottleneck than a re-balance. On the other hand, the mod itself seems very well crafted which I commend you for. I guess it just goes to show how we all like playing the game in different ways.
8:00 To debuff elytras I would just have the fireworks damage you so they can only act as hang gliders. This only works if they patch other methods of gaining distance and allows fun in creative mode
I don’t necessarily agree with everything you mentioned in the video because I’m a JetStarFish fan, but I can see where you’re coming from with some of your arguments. I’m not going to subscribe or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that I like your editing style 👍
I'm dumb. I didn't catch on to Jet's breach of the EULA. I just didn't like the mod, nor did I want to spend 8 dollars for it. Edit: Mincart connectors would ne cool to see. They can connect minecarts to make a train.
Comments are overreacting on the title, it was made to capture your attention. Its clickbaity, because thats what gets views. Besides, I think we can all agree putting mods behind paywalls is literally the reason we hate bedrocks marketplace, minecraft is a place for freedom of creativity, not greedy paywall scams. The use of paywalled mods is against the minecraft EULA, therefore an ILLEGAL breach of contract.
Now, I don't think this video entirely gets what its trying to achieve, and to be honest, the only point I really agree with is the patreon stuff, the actual content of mods isn't an issue imo, creative freedom shouldn't discourage "bad" or "useless" mods, only mods that directly take advantage of the audience, like say forcing them to pay money.
Charging people money for mods isn't necessarily a bad thing, as mods like the physics mod are an expensive and time consuming project. What's bad is that he manipulated people into buying a mod, breaking the ToS. The physics mod was made free, sadly.
Kinda hot take, nomatter the quality of something and how expensive/cheap it is as long as its clear what youre paying for, it doesnt matter. Although its against the eula i think its still morally valid to price a piece of media youve created however you like, i know generally mods are free, and you could get the same content for free, but they arnt misadvertising their product so if someone would want to pay for that/wouldnt want to, its their choice.
Diamond tier rails are actually a pretty good idea. Imo, current rails should stay the same - technical minecraft has done so much cool stuff with them, and w/ the minecart updates recently they just want new ones. The re-roll coin does actually seem pretty good, although personally I'd lean towards it being slightly cheaper because its not that unusual to re-roll over 100 times. Copper Ingot not Block imo. Actually a positive change though, would be more fun than breaking and re-placing the blocks a million times. The Ideas in this mod are actually really good though. Actually addresses the issues where Jet's really just doesnt (like fsr adding Stamina to horses? why nerf them they're hardly used). Also, like - Yes, technically it being behind patreon breaks the EULA but thats something that Apparantly quite a few mods do and its only sometimes enforced. Its not good, but ruining minecraft? I'm guessing that whole section of the video is just algorithm but yk.
So let me get this straight. You get upset at jet starfish for making a glorified ad but then you do the exact same and you click but your title, shame on you sir
Please port your mod to 1.20.1 it’s the most popular modding version (besides 1.12) so it’s not like I’m going to be the only one thankful for that. But it’s ok if you won’t do it I’m just asking…
IMO If you want to make an exploration mod, you HAVE to make the game like terraria. More unique weapons that need specific materials to craft, like the mace from 1.21
Icl what you said about elytra’s not having mending and using phantom membranes instead BROOO WHY IS THAT NOT THE CASE THAT MAKE SO MUCH MORE SENSE. Players who use elytra’s will mostly be the type that are up at night anyways, either on long journeys, long builds, or long redstone projects. Seeing as they are basically strong enough at that point to do so, they should be forced to face the phantom for the benefit of it being the only way to repair your elytra. I guess they should balance it a bit though by making phantom membrane a more common drop, as right now it’s kinda annoying to get. (Personally I don’t get why phantoms are as hated as they are). On the other hand, early game players dont want or need phantoms, and so are motivated to go to sleep. By going to sleep they miss out on a lot of things: string, bones, gunpowder, etc which all do have use in the early game, the most useful one probably being bones. Of course it’s much more challenging early game but it’s an equivalent challenge. When you are a late game player, the reason why late-game stuff is so OP is because by that point your main objective isn’t fighting mobs. Rather, it’s working on whatever projects you have. And if you want a combat challenge, well trial chambers (in their 1.21.1 form with traps and stuff) is definitely a challenge, as well as woodland mansions and ocean monuments. But again most people will just “cheat” their way through these structures, because they dont intend on going in for the challenge. And that’s completely fine but if there are people doing this and then complaining that Minecraft is boring, well clearly you’re playing the wrong way (yes infinite possibilities but at least keep it fun for yourself). An adventurer shouldn’t go around burning down mansions and milk-clearing their way through monuments. Or blowing up Trial chambers. That’s like Ameri- nah not gonna go there 💀. Another thing is the difficulty. It’s unlocked in game for a reason, players should try to utilise this stuff more and look at Minecraft as a building game when it’s appropriate and an exploration game when it’s appropriate. However if your main goal is building then mojang gives you ways to “cheat” progression and if your aim is adventuring well there are plenty of structures to loot in the game nowadays and mobs to defeat. As the original Minecraft trailer said: “its up to you” (damn nostalgia moment lmao). But I hope my rant makes sense i kinda waffled a bit and made my message very unclear cos i waffle a lot.
Bro goes from saying that Minecraft is a sandbox game so you can do whatever you want to making it so elytra’s are a pain and you can’t do whatever you want with them
some one shold make a mod that add a simple compass that point to the spawn point, not the worlds spawn, th bed spawn, its gonna look like the recovery compass, but in the placee of he blue color, its gona be copper orange, and is gona need 4 copper 2 redstone and 2 amethyst Shard to craft, with a compass in hte middle. -the end
"How one guy made a video and mod that's bad and how it completely changed everything about modding and it's all his fault. Also he smells bad" is what the title should have been. Like dog, get a grip
selling "minecraft mods" is illegal selling jar files isnt, so just dont advertise it as a "MINECRAFT MOD" also for the "selling minecraft mods" part, all mojang can do is revoke your access to the game lol, it reminds me of the "Also, the limited right which the Copyright Act gives to make backup copies of computer programs does not apply to Nintendo video games." ^nintendo of america
Okay, you talking about how much money you put into your mod, and how much you would appreciate people giving you money feels REALLY hypocritical. Yeah, you're making giving you money completely optional, but the time and resources needed to make A mod is an argument for why mod players should be able to sell them, and you haven't actually made an argument for why what JetStarfish did was wrong outside of "BuT tHe EuLa", and yet your curly advertising yourself as a more """"ethical"""" alternative. This is scumbag behavior.
I still said it’s optional and it’s free, I don’t understand how putting 15 seconds in into plugging something to support me (I get nothing from monetization yet) is invasive in the least Never said I was a more ethical alternative lmao this isn’t like eating meat vs being a vegetarian
@@fluxxrider-.-Good to see you're taking it well, but while you never always say it, you literally calling Jet's mod A "scam" well also presenting your mod as A "fix" to Jet's makes it heavily implied. (Note that I'm not saying presenting your mod as A fix to Jet's necessarily implies that yours would be more ethical, but combining it with calling Jet's A scam does.)
1:07 zaylic spotted
no way lol
@Zaylic what did you think of the vid
@ good video, it’s well structured and the editing is solid, title is a bit clickbait but that’s a bit hypocritical coming from me lmao
@Zaylic lmao thanks, we gotta collab or talk sometime I saw the Truman Show vid, it’s great lol. Gimme your disc?
@Zaylic mine’s fluxxrider if you wanna dm me
Wasting iron on a boat with durability is just pointless, especially when you consider that it's only benefit is that it's faster. Boats don't even need to be faster. The reason why people complain about minecarts being slow is because they are outclassed. The boats on the other hand are the only water transportation method so they don't need to be faster
The fact is that the boats have so much durability that people will take them over the normal boat anyways plus they’re only crafted with one iron so it isn’t that expensive
@@fluxxrider i think the iron should rust instead of completely breaking
@@fluxxridermake the iron copper and follow @EpicBoss advice... It will be great
@@fluxxrider But one thing I wonder about is why having iron oars makes the boat faster? If anything, it would make you slower because they're heavier, after all, this is supposed to be you rowing.
@@nega-guyit would make more sense for that iron ingot to be used as a propeller instead of oars
This is kinda clickbait. Jetstarfish didn’t “ruin” modding. People have been putting Minecraft mods on patreons for a long time now. He at least eventually released the mod for free and refunded people, meanwhile other people continue to charge for mods with zero backlash.
Also a reminder the whole making end ships 4x rarer change was only supposed to be a temporary thing. He acknowledged it wasn’t a good solution in the video.
Yeah, but he hasn’t really changed it and it’s been 3 months. Infact, he’s been awfully quiet…
Yeah this comment would be valid if he still wasn't doing what he was doing, the Income stream from the little kids buying into this must be too high, however he definitely did not ruin modding, the mods this dude makes is kinda garbage, anyone buying into this is being scammed because they want to be scammed. If you really want to make a video on someone, make a video on the dude making the garbage elden ring asset flips
so is jet starfish's video
but i can't really see you pointing at it
@@fluxxrider he hasn't done anything cuz everybody's hating on the mod
Most people would be after a large community declares war on them. It's like saying "wow. That one sailor is really scared of our warship" @@fluxxrider
I can't believe you have fewer subs than me, underrated for real. XD
He has more than me lol
Hey its the mindustry guy.
2:41 - And even worse, 8 Dollars in Brazil is 40 R$ (Brazillian Currency called "Reais")
8 dollars is 240₺ here
8 dollars is 329.28 here
totally didn't think you meant robux for a second
brasileiro encontrado bomba enviada
@@therealtailsprower understandable
i think the real exploration update is the friends we made along the way
I think the real ways exploration needs improvement is improving storage and adding more stuff to find
The Bundle is coming out soon and I promise it will fix nearly every problem the average player has with exploration and inventory management.
Try it out when they release!
@@FancyDakota Aren't they already out? I've been using them forever. Unless they're only in Java, I think I'd heard that.
w mod, you should make it so villagers have better trades if being in an at least 5x5x5 area with only air. in other words, it's designed so villagers cant be locked up as easily for trading halls. by better trades, just increasing enchants like mending, prot 4, and unbreaking slightly.
when i get money ill 100% donate though :D
You should check out Vilager comforts
I think it should see how many air blocks are within a 5x5x5 area, and see if it passes the minimum, since some decoration like tables, chairs, torches may prevent the 5x5x5 area from giving the effect (If you know what I mean)
Dude, he didnt ruin the entirety of minecraft modding with his one video, Its like your saying that microsoft ruined video games because the newest minecraft update is trash.
I get it, you dont agree with the ideas in his mod and you dont like that he is locking the mod behind a paywall. I have the same opinions but that doesnt ruin the entirety of minecraft modding
Do you now expect all minecraft mod developers to quit because jetstarfish made a crappy mod and sold it for money?
I'm a very casual player and I was wondering where this vid was going. But then I realized it was not the "controversy" I though it was
Oh Nice The Most Liked Comment Is Exactly My Thoughts
take a joke
Did you not watch the fking video?? He literally did ruin modding ffs
@@khangaroo8166 what joke
Tbh, I think boats are actually fine. I quite like using them as they are, I think they're fast enough (just my opinion tho)
loving the structure compasses and minecart reworks especially omg
@4:38-.-I love how you talked about how he "ruined modding" without actually going into detail with any problems with his mod aside from his solution to elytra, and then go on to make the exact mistake he made. No, copper should not be used for power rails, because copper is literally more common than iron, that is literally as backwards as it gets. The speed boost carries on past the powered rail, so iron rail still has A use in the current system, but if A far more common resource is going to be used to make minecarts go faster, then what's even the point of the iron variants? To save on copper by replacing the occasional track with it? You better implement an alternate use for iron rails.
@4:48-.-So they don't go at the exact speed they went before this change was implemented? That's another mistake jet made. This could potentially break redstone builds, which is something Mojang is worried about for good reason. The bass booster rail should only increase speed at the amount they already do, in order to make sure builds can still work.
@5:23-.-So you didn't add A use for iron rails. And this was in the same video you called JetStarfish A scammer? Please explain why I should take you seriously. (The super booster rails are a good idea though. But I would probably make them out of more diamonds.)
Furnace Minecarts can be used on (normal) rails to make them go faster
There are still the gold powered variants in the game- literally nobody uses copper for anything and gold is too rare to grind
@@fluxxrider-.-Good that gold and iron are the same speed, but that doesn't address my problem, in fact, it makes it worse. I feel like A good example for what I'm trying to get at is the Buildcraft pipe system. That mod adds several tier of item transport pipes, made of different resources with different utilities:
Wood: extracts items from inventories.
Cobble/Smooth stone: normal pipes.
Iron: one-way pipe.
Gold: when powered with redstone, makes items go faster (like with booster rails).
Diamond: determine which direction items go individually through an interface.
There are more pips with more materials, but this gives you the basic idea. What's clever about this system is that the less often you would need to use it the rarer the material it takes. This makes it both balanced, and efficient. Every pipe feels like it has its niche. I would want a similar thing with rails. That already exists with booster rails, with the far rarer gold being used sparingly, while the more common iron is used as the basis.
If you want to give more uses to copper, my idea would be to have what I call "copper ducts", which work like hoppers, but they can't draw items out of inventories, only have items placed into them through hoppers, and maybe be able to transfer items upwards. This would be A perfect use for copper, since not only does it feel A niche people associate copper with, but the far more common resource is being used far more, while the rarer resource still has functionality, but it's A functionality you would need more sparingly. From what I hear, this would also save a lot of servers, since the protocol for checking for items and inventory takes up a lot of RAM? IDK, but if it does save on resources, then it would be A clever way to make the game more efficient anyway players would be encouraged to do without even thinking about optimization. I got this idea from a mod called "hopperducts", which adds a block that is pretty much the same thing.
Minecraft Ideas Academy also suggested the idea of copper wires, which would work like redstone, but also give off an electric effect, which can damage players and mobs. They can also be used underwater, which spreads the effect of the electricity in A certain radius, and can also be placed next to Redstone without connecting to it. This would be A great way to make redstone more compact and be able to do redstone underwater, while also adding more defensive functionality.
Neither of these have anything to do with exploration, but I still think they're good ideas for giving copper more uses, and or what I would focus on (aside from tools and armor, of course).
Amethyst also needs more uses, you can maybe make A booster rail type out of amethyst? I think replacing copper rail with amethyst rails would be A good idea. Not sure if amethyst is considered more or less rare than gold, but it's an idea.
I also literally just now remembered that deactivated booster rails actually stop minecarts, so maybe that could be their special thing? Gold can outright stop minecarts, while other booster rails can't? I feel like this is what I would try: amethyst rails are faster, but can't stop minecarts; gold rails are slower, but can stop minecarts when unpowered. Maybe I could also make it so that copper rails maintain speed better, but iron rails can hover over air and liquids up to A certain number of blocks like scaffolding? I'm pretty sure that wouldn't break anything, but I could be wrong.
@@michaelkindt3288 bro stop yapping
@@cevatkokbudak6414-.-This guy literally accused someone of being a scammer. No u.
@@michaelkindt3288 I know but that is too much talking imo
My opinions about the mod as an exploration guy myself:
The minecarts were done well and if anything nerf the super powered rails but might not be needed;
While i love the compass concept, it would be more fitting for them to be maps since we already got maps for Trial Chambers, Woodland Mansions and Ocean Monuments given by cartographers. With that said, add a Deep Dark map like Jetstarfish did, but no conditions need to be met;
The iron boat randomly breaking makes it a bit pointless to craft. Instead, let's rework them: they become unbreakable like wooden boats, having a 100% speed boost like said for 5-10 minutes (you decide!) until it comes back to normal speed like if they had rusted. They are more expensive so that makes them more balanced while still worth it;
There still is the Elytra + Trident combo, so look up for it. Other than that, the fireworks were well balanced and so were the elytras as a consequence. I also like the villagers change.
In general, really great mod! I'm unable to play Java but love seeing mods/add-ons that improve or overhaul exploration.
The Virgin Jetstar videos
- wants minecraft to be an RPG/MMO
-literally has terraria, but wants minecraft to be it.
-put mobs behind a pay wall for early access.
THE CHAD Green_jab videos
-explores and talks about how he would fix the real problems with the game without trying to cause backlash.
-takes his time to think about minecraft's many audiences alike.
-knows how to take criticism.
-makes mods for free.
Watch to the end of each of green_jab's how he would fix survival minecraft three part series.
Ayy I’ll defo check him out!
what did you think about mine tho?
@@fluxxrider alright 👍.
The thing is you can't really get into that because up to this day people don't really want to play Terraria because
Minecraft is literally right there
Just the coin makes it a worthwhile mod to add, the compasses and other tweaks is a cherry on top of the cake
I have an idea for your mod. You should make rails that only need 3 iron ingots to craft, can be placed in the air but are slower than regular rails. Also your change to the elytra is great, but what if people just want to have fun and fly around in circuits just like the one in the legacy edition tutorial ?
I think 4 with a stick is better simply because i cant imagine how the crafted in the grid my idea is this
[X] [] [X]
[] [Y] []
[X] [] [X]
This mod is actually godly! You deserve a lot more attention
This is already 10 times better then jetstarfish mod.
Ayy thanks!
@2:30-.-Just because he broke EULA that doesn't make it a scam. It definitely makes it ilillegal, but not a scam.
And I frankly don't really care that much, because the law does not dictate morality. Whether or not mod creators should make money on their mods is A debate that should go beyond "but what does the EULA say?"
I’m just saying 8.50 for a mod that changed little to nothing isn’t really worthwhile and some could call it a scam
@@fluxxrider-.-I would agree with you, but I didn't come off as hyperbole, so yeah, some people could call it a scam, but those people are dumb and ruling language. Calling something A scam is a serious allegation, and you should be more cautious with that label.
@@fluxxrideri see your point, but tbh mods like sodium would be worth to spend 10 dollars on, the game isnt playable witout it.
Honestly, the compasses that lead you to the significant places are the only glow up I like lmao
Imagine the stronghold one!
After the EULA change recently they made it clear that it's actually okay to get support from patreon for a mod.
Goated mod, also adds more planning to minecraft on if you wanna reroll a villagers trades and have to create 2 automatic farms to automatically make them instead of just brainless breaking and placing
can’t wait to see the video “How Flux Ruined Minecraft Modding.. (SHOCKING!!)”
7:19 A bit of a blunt take, but alternatively I think that the iron boats should break on impact with any blocks like in old updates. Bringing the resources to craft them over and over on large oceans could get tedious and feels like just another iron resource sink. And I can only imagine being left out at sea mid-early game without depth strider….
4:33 Honestly seeing the furnace minecart made relevant again would be cool. Make basic powered rails a bit slower tho, they'll have the benefit of always working with no additional resource cost. Furnace minecarts are faster but take coal. Then ofc all the better rails should still be faster cause they're really expensive.
hey flux, great video! i got only one tip for the next one, please turn the sfx volume down
What’s the font at 2:58
Bro I love your videos hope you reach 100k we need more videos❤❤
Thanks so much man I hope so
This guy is so underrated, you definitely earned my sub
Imagen if the iron paddle boat takes away hunger, so its better then a normal boat, but at a price of hunger
Ohhh good idea
I am playing with it rn
been 9 minutes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Soooo guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. I’m playing it as well
almost at 1k your vids r great
Hey, this was a fun video to watch but I have some criteria.
I don't think locking villager recycling behind a coin (which has a expensive recipe if your main focus is improving exploration) is a good idea, a simple bypass is just making a villager breeder and just cycle througth villagers keeping which trades you like. Also, maps are a pretty important feature of Minecraft. I would say instead of adding compasses that lead to structures, make maps easier to get. The idea of compasses is in some way fun and compasses do need more functionality, but I don't think this is THE solution to keep people traveling. I personally think the solution to keeping people traveling is adding more movement options. Something that is more like a ability, for example a dash of some kinds (proms to Mojang for adding the wind charge btw). Another choice is making inventory management easier or just making the inventory bigger. The mods "Travelers Backpack" did a pretty good shot at fixing the inventory issue, but after playing with Travelers Backpack on a server I have come to realise that the backpacks are really overpowered. The backpacks are also very cheap.
Thank you for reading / potentially listening to me! (Im sorry if there are some grammar mistakes, but English is not my first language
yo man thanks for the comment, i really appreciate the response. yeah, that sounds insane, maybe a backpack mod with a couple of slots for a leather backpack for example, then they increase or something as you increase the rarity
2:15 there has been paid mod for years and nobody ever got so crazy about it
Dragging ts this long is crazy 😭🙏
I’ve got some extra ideas for you to implement into your mod, still an overall decent mod though
1. Add a new item to the game called the Ancient Elytra, for players to try and craft. This is an upgraded version of the Elytra that not only more than doubles the durability of a regular Elytra (which is nerfed in this mod), but it also can have Mending and use firework rockets without any extra durability loss as such. However this will be quite expensive to craft, requiring 1 Regular Elytra, 2 Amethyst Shards, 2 Echo Shards, 2 Blaze Rods, 1 Eye of Ender & 1 Nether Star.
2. Some biomes in Minecraft definitely feel less developed than others, such as the Savannah biome, which for the almost feel like an absolute waste of potential. Also in general, Minecraft could use some more animal variety for it’s biomes, so perhaps you could add more interesting and fascinating life such as Elephants, Lions, Hippos, Monkeys, Eagles, Snakes and maybe even Sharks honestly. You could MAYBE also try to add the 2023 mob vote losers, those being penguins and crabs, back into the game (might seem impossible, but just a cool idea for if you want to improve your mod).
Something ive always wanted was a mod that can make Minecraft Dungeons style Progression in Minecraft
Cool video man!!! Love the content🎉
gotta love the 02:47 JMLG patreon subscription on the left side of the screen 💪
aint gonna lie: this is a really nice mod
just really sad it doesn't have a 1.20.1 version since it's the version i'm messing around with a modpack i'm creating
the editing in his video was great, had style, and i kept on watching because i was impressed by the editing. the editing was nothing like MrBeastification. minecraft does definietly have exploration and progression flaws, but JetStarFish mentioned random stuff that literally didnt even matter. he made a few good points (at best) and thats it. but i dont think he deserves this much hate, there are much worse videos about the same topic alone. and the fact that the whole video was an ad pissed me off.
as for what you said, your compass is definietly much better than jet's map. the minecart thing was pretty similar to what jet did (from my recollection.) and jet did put his mod behind a paywall, which is really bad. but you are promoting your mod and your patreon seperately, which is definietly better, but its still similar.
and dont get me wrong i feel mostly positive about this video :)
i really am not a fan of these ideas. but i am glad it is free at least for those who do want them.
While this is a move in the right direction, and is definitely better then the JetStarFish one, I still have some issues
- Why exploration compasses? A map would be more consistent with MC's already built in mechanics
- You forgot that this mod have to be beginner friendly if you want it to actually fix the exploration problem, my suggestion is to make the villagers be limited to 1-4 rerolls per day, this should be small enough so the player doesn't intentionally reroll the trades too often, but doesn't leaves new player confused on why the villagers are not restocking.
- The powered rail system is a bit janky, but I can see it work with some polishing
The mod will be polished (with the community ideas) and I agree with your point that the rails aren’t the best
Compasses because the Recovery Compass isn’t the best and I wanted to make it better
Some people are saying the coins are too expensive, and idk you’re saying they’re too OP. I don’t know fully yet, I’ll wait a bit before coming to a decision
@@fluxxrider My idea to make the recovery compass better is to make you keep it if you die with it.
If you have an iron farm then iron is no problem, and we have too much copper, and I'm just saying that this coin is not the most vanilla-friendly solution to that problem
I kind of like the compass system
Why is everyone hating on jetstarfish so much ? Let the guy be happy, he refunded the money and the mod is for free now. I mean even if he would charge money for it, it’s not just his fault that people are buying stupid things online.
nice mod+a new subscriber
Maybe make wandering traders a bit more useful by making ancient cities have a map with them that’s rare but not to rare so that it’s not annoying to get
you are so underrated! Also can I use the mod in a world where I have normal powered rails and normal chest loot?
Yeah! It should still work
"How Flux ruined videos about JetStarfish (and how you can fix it)"
u deserve more subs
im not sure about other people, but I personally really dislike mods like these that nerf convenient things like villager trading or elytra flying. It makes the game more frustrating and tedious when you spend so long grinding for materials just to get the villager trade you want. It feels like more of a bottleneck than a re-balance. On the other hand, the mod itself seems very well crafted which I commend you for. I guess it just goes to show how we all like playing the game in different ways.
the compass system sounds cool but it sidesteps the villager system entirely.
Fr, he hates the best update in minecraft history (1.20) which is ridiculous
8:00 To debuff elytras I would just have the fireworks damage you so they can only act as hang gliders. This only works if they patch other methods of gaining distance and allows fun in creative mode
That’s actually not a bad idea, I might host a poll on that in the future
@@fluxxrider Fireworks with the firework star pretty much insta-kill the character so maybe doing half damage with armor would work.
@@gratermccheesy9650 Good idea, although idk it might be like a painstaking sorta thing. Maybe I'll make it a toggleable option in the future.
@@fluxxrider Maybe the difficulty slider could adjust damage
reminds me of how before firework boosting was added, people would shoot themselves with a bow for extra flight
I don’t necessarily agree with everything you mentioned in the video because I’m a JetStarFish fan, but I can see where you’re coming from with some of your arguments.
I’m not going to subscribe or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that I like your editing style 👍
I'm dumb. I didn't catch on to Jet's breach of the EULA. I just didn't like the mod, nor did I want to spend 8 dollars for it.
Edit: Mincart connectors would ne cool to see. They can connect minecarts to make a train.
5:09 Japan's bullet train in Minecraft LOL
it was in this moment i enjoyed an ad im actually gonna try this out a bit. I do disagree with some of these things but i like a good amount
yeah you should! comment if you enjoy
Good work!
Great video flux
The mod looks great!
Comments are overreacting on the title, it was made to capture your attention. Its clickbaity, because thats what gets views.
Besides, I think we can all agree putting mods behind paywalls is literally the reason we hate bedrocks marketplace, minecraft is a place for freedom of creativity, not greedy paywall scams. The use of paywalled mods is against the minecraft EULA, therefore an ILLEGAL breach of contract.
Now, I don't think this video entirely gets what its trying to achieve, and to be honest, the only point I really agree with is the patreon stuff, the actual content of mods isn't an issue imo, creative freedom shouldn't discourage "bad" or "useless" mods, only mods that directly take advantage of the audience, like say forcing them to pay money.
to be honest, a lot of mod creators do the exact same thing, just by using kofi.
for mod donations right? kinda like using Patreon for an optional promotion sorta thing
seems like an interesting watch :D
I found the textures a bit odd, maybe I can improve it with a texture pack
The reroll coin should be cheaper. Since getting mending while exploring is insane
Thanks for the suggestion, maybe a copper ingot instead? Ill defo consider it
let the mad chef cook. no, grill
did I barbecue?
@@fluxxrider bro may have sauteed ngl
Charging people money for mods isn't necessarily a bad thing, as mods like the physics mod are an expensive and time consuming project. What's bad is that he manipulated people into buying a mod, breaking the ToS. The physics mod was made free, sadly.
Kinda hot take, nomatter the quality of something and how expensive/cheap it is as long as its clear what youre paying for, it doesnt matter.
Although its against the eula i think its still morally valid to price a piece of media youve created however you like, i know generally mods are free, and you could get the same content for free, but they arnt misadvertising their product so if someone would want to pay for that/wouldnt want to, its their choice.
Diamond tier rails are actually a pretty good idea. Imo, current rails should stay the same - technical minecraft has done so much cool stuff with them, and w/ the minecart updates recently they just want new ones.
The re-roll coin does actually seem pretty good, although personally I'd lean towards it being slightly cheaper because its not that unusual to re-roll over 100 times. Copper Ingot not Block imo. Actually a positive change though, would be more fun than breaking and re-placing the blocks a million times.
The Ideas in this mod are actually really good though. Actually addresses the issues where Jet's really just doesnt (like fsr adding Stamina to horses? why nerf them they're hardly used).
Also, like - Yes, technically it being behind patreon breaks the EULA but thats something that Apparantly quite a few mods do and its only sometimes enforced. Its not good, but ruining minecraft? I'm guessing that whole section of the video is just algorithm but yk.
He took so long making this mod that minecraft made minecarts faster while he was working on it
So let me get this straight. You get upset at jet starfish for making a glorified ad but then you do the exact same and you click but your title, shame on you sir
ok about paid mods: this is done by MANY, MANY other people in the form of paid plugins, so everyone is breaking the EULA
True but not really mods in this sense
Still illegal
@@WeirdWimp womp womp
@@jimmlmaowomp womp: Ignorance Of the fact that behind every non bot account is a real person and disregarding that persons feelings and statements
I ate some meatballs
Please port your mod to 1.20.1 it’s the most popular modding version (besides 1.12) so it’s not like I’m going to be the only one thankful for that.
But it’s ok if you won’t do it I’m just asking…
IMO If you want to make an exploration mod, you HAVE to make the game like terraria. More unique weapons that need specific materials to craft, like the mace from 1.21
Icl what you said about elytra’s not having mending and using phantom membranes instead BROOO WHY IS THAT NOT THE CASE THAT MAKE SO MUCH MORE SENSE. Players who use elytra’s will mostly be the type that are up at night anyways, either on long journeys, long builds, or long redstone projects. Seeing as they are basically strong enough at that point to do so, they should be forced to face the phantom for the benefit of it being the only way to repair your elytra. I guess they should balance it a bit though by making phantom membrane a more common drop, as right now it’s kinda annoying to get. (Personally I don’t get why phantoms are as hated as they are).
On the other hand, early game players dont want or need phantoms, and so are motivated to go to sleep. By going to sleep they miss out on a lot of things: string, bones, gunpowder, etc which all do have use in the early game, the most useful one probably being bones. Of course it’s much more challenging early game but it’s an equivalent challenge. When you are a late game player, the reason why late-game stuff is so OP is because by that point your main objective isn’t fighting mobs. Rather, it’s working on whatever projects you have. And if you want a combat challenge, well trial chambers (in their 1.21.1 form with traps and stuff) is definitely a challenge, as well as woodland mansions and ocean monuments. But again most people will just “cheat” their way through these structures, because they dont intend on going in for the challenge. And that’s completely fine but if there are people doing this and then complaining that Minecraft is boring, well clearly you’re playing the wrong way (yes infinite possibilities but at least keep it fun for yourself). An adventurer shouldn’t go around burning down mansions and milk-clearing their way through monuments. Or blowing up Trial chambers. That’s like Ameri- nah not gonna go there 💀.
Another thing is the difficulty. It’s unlocked in game for a reason, players should try to utilise this stuff more and look at Minecraft as a building game when it’s appropriate and an exploration game when it’s appropriate. However if your main goal is building then mojang gives you ways to “cheat” progression and if your aim is adventuring well there are plenty of structures to loot in the game nowadays and mobs to defeat. As the original Minecraft trailer said: “its up to you” (damn nostalgia moment lmao).
But I hope my rant makes sense i kinda waffled a bit and made my message very unclear cos i waffle a lot.
Thanks for reminding me about this lol
I need a bedrock version for this 😭😭😭
already sorta hated him for the stupid “why minecraft isnt fun anymore” video
Bro goes from saying that Minecraft is a sandbox game so you can do whatever you want to making it so elytra’s are a pain and you can’t do whatever you want with them
What's wrong with having your mods be accessed under 8$? Dude made the work and makes money out of that and you make him a some kind of a villain
He got people to do it though
@@fluxxrider if he has rights to that mod then he can, it all depends on what they agreed upon
some one shold make a mod that add a simple compass that point to the spawn point, not the worlds spawn, th bed spawn, its gonna look like the recovery compass, but in the placee of he blue color, its gona be copper orange, and is gona need 4 copper 2 redstone and 2 amethyst Shard to craft, with a compass in hte middle.
-the end
In my honest opinion this should be exactly what the original compass should do.
doesn't matter you will play gregtech new horizons either to completion or death
"How one guy made a video and mod that's bad and how it completely changed everything about modding and it's all his fault. Also he smells bad" is what the title should have been. Like dog, get a grip
The texture totally not fit in the game style try to make more vanilla like features not iron boat
i can't hear the background music enough i think you should make it louder next time
I need to know what editing software you use
Premiere Pro
soupsoup indirectly shown in video footage !!!!!!!!!
selling "minecraft mods" is illegal
selling jar files isnt, so just dont advertise it as a "MINECRAFT MOD"
also for the "selling minecraft mods" part, all mojang can do is revoke your access to the game lol, it reminds me of the
"Also, the limited right which the Copyright Act gives to make backup copies of computer programs does not apply to Nintendo video games."
^nintendo of america
Ima test your mod rn
Great video
W video, great that mod is free
is the mod also for bedrock
underrated frfr
2:37 use subtitles and wait for like 4 secs XD
W $88.50
Okay, you talking about how much money you put into your mod, and how much you would appreciate people giving you money feels REALLY hypocritical. Yeah, you're making giving you money completely optional, but the time and resources needed to make A mod is an argument for why mod players should be able to sell them, and you haven't actually made an argument for why what JetStarfish did was wrong outside of "BuT tHe EuLa", and yet your curly advertising yourself as a more """"ethical"""" alternative. This is scumbag behavior.
I still said it’s optional and it’s free, I don’t understand how putting 15 seconds in into plugging something to support me (I get nothing from monetization yet) is invasive in the least
Never said I was a more ethical alternative lmao this isn’t like eating meat vs being a vegetarian
@@fluxxrider-.-Good to see you're taking it well, but while you never always say it, you literally calling Jet's mod A "scam" well also presenting your mod as A "fix" to Jet's makes it heavily implied. (Note that I'm not saying presenting your mod as A fix to Jet's necessarily implies that yours would be more ethical, but combining it with calling Jet's A scam does.)
Nice vid
So you are complaining that a mod that feels unfinished costs 8$?