Why YOU Should Switch Mains in MapleStory Reboot

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2023
  • If you're an early to mid-game player who's been considering switching mains, this video is for you! I've had issues picking mains in this game for years now and I wanted to make a video to go over my journey and share what I learned from it.
    One thing I didn't go into too much detail in the video and wanted to elaborate here is - "fun" is defined differently for a different people. If "fun" to you is having legacy gear or playing a top-tier damage class, go for it!
  • Ігри


  • @balakaye
    @balakaye 9 місяців тому +12

    As a main switcher I really agree with this! Especially for pre-grandis players, switching mains before quitting is the way to go

  • @Chapa-pa-pa
    @Chapa-pa-pa 9 місяців тому +31

    don't be the guy who mobs for 1,000 hours on a class he hates just to be good at bossing for 2-3 hours a weeks.

  • @weilipan9934
    @weilipan9934 9 місяців тому +2

    Thanks. This video came at the perfect time for me. I was only considering switching mains before this video as I got my current main to grandis full 17* 2L, the furthest I got in this game. But now I think I am just gonna switch and prepare for next hyperburn.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      hell yeah, your new main will be stronger in no time!

  • @christianvittorio
    @christianvittorio 9 місяців тому +18

    As an end-game player (Level 304 Jett) I agree

  • @inkz9002
    @inkz9002 9 місяців тому +7

    I used to switch mains frequently until I fell in love with Blasters a few years ago. I have a love-hate relationship with this class. I've mained Blasters both in SEA and Reboot, reaching around level 260. The reason I describe it as a love-hate relationship is because there are times when I feel exhausted playing the class. I sometimes wonder if playing other classes might require less effort in grinding or bossing. Every time such a thought crosses my mind, I explore other classes. I've tried strong classes like Night Walker, Dawn Warrior, Buccaneer, F/P (especially during the explorer revamp), Hero, and others. At first, they feel refreshing and exciting to play, but after leveling them up to around 220-240, I find myself missing my Blaster. By just logging back in and hopping around Henesys on my Blaster feels like coming home. The mobility, movement, and combos are second nature to me, making them very enjoyable. Yet, the cycle continues-right now, I'm focusing on a Shadower. 😂😂
    and YES, the Blaster thumbnail got me here xD

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      LOL respect man blaster is insane!

    • @Frosty4Real
      @Frosty4Real 3 місяці тому

      every class is lower effort grinding and bossing than blaster. but they are awesome and got a high skill ceiling , insane mobility and versatility plus not alot of people main them so you are kind of a gem ^^

  • @r2dbk
    @r2dbk 9 місяців тому +3

    I mained Drk then Adele on reg sever before switching to reboot many years later(had played around with some jobs at 200 just to see if I wished to continue playing them), This time around I chose Buccaneer since I did enjoy it on the brief time I spent on it on the reg server. However while doing legion when I had to level an Adele again I began to second guess my choice of a main, since the mobbing is pretty insane on Adele all the way through not having to hyper concentrate on a single node first; Lord of the Deep I could definitely see that grinding would be much more lax.
    My only regret was with the latest burning event I made a Bowmaster into a boss mule instead of Hero(which I could've turn into a new main down the line or even a second main)

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      the best thing about the current meta is switching mains = you now have a juiced boss mule!

  • @Tucans
    @Tucans 8 місяців тому

    I played MapleStory on and off for the past few years "maining" multiple classes like Shadower, NL, Battle Mage, Pathfinder, Thunderbreaker (didn't make it very far with TB lol) and none of the classes ever clicked with me. Fast forward to today and I finally have some friends I know IRL that are playing MapleStory, which gave me an incentive to play again. I have some stuff going on in life currently, but as soon as I can hop back on I'm going to main Xenon. I know it's not as popular as other classes in the game, but something about the class just clicks with me. I love the robot and laser aesthetic that he has going on. Super excited to start playing again!

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  7 місяців тому

      welcome back! xenon is a super cool class. have fun!

  • @swaggingswagster5357
    @swaggingswagster5357 9 місяців тому +4

    I played Kanna and quit hard after nerfs being lvl 251
    came back played bucc for 1 month then quit too
    now after khali release I came back and I've been playing and it's my highest level char atm (261)
    i enjoy it way more than my other now boss mules

  • @Dogindisguise
    @Dogindisguise 9 місяців тому +2

    I’ve played maple on and off for most of my life and have never been able to settle on a main 😭 because of this I havnt been able to even to make it to mid game since I’d switch “mains” pretty much every patch. Your story makes me feel a bit better about it though since switching earlier is better I guess. Ended up landing on my first reboot character which is also a phantom lol the skill stealing really helps with the staleness that grinding can have after a while

    • @mikewang3810
      @mikewang3810 9 місяців тому +1

      Same here, all my chart are my main, and all of them are my alts too. I switch main everyday, now all of them are 200, highest one is 210. I can not solo any chaos boss either. All my gear are from mobs.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      phantom gang :)

  • @thaibui4046
    @thaibui4046 9 місяців тому +2

    The more i fun this class the more i'll be willing to train it. It's great

  • @Nerxual
    @Nerxual 9 місяців тому +2

    "Alt-aholic" myself. Always have been, other classes have their cool aspects. Long history of bouncing between characters since I started playing shortly after GMS Beta, usually a Warrior of some form. Played Ark for a time because I too liked the combo and flow of the class, but similarly got annoyed by the demands to play it. Currently on a Night Walker kick, for the same reason you did: Bouncing Bats and dumb-easy mobbing. I am, honestly flabbergasted that you've landed on Phantom. Playing it to 200 was absolute pain, for me, and 5th didn't seem to add much more. Glad some people enjoy it!
    Boy do I hate Legacy stuff. Some of it is an insane difference, like Badges which are a 30%ish stat booster that we cannot get.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      yeaa i honestly relied on events heavily to get my phantom 0-220. i only started grinding it after i had geared it up as a boss mule and burned it this summer. i do recall the early levels being a pain. it's still not NW mobbing but it's doable :')
      legacy is weird. not sure where i stand on it.

  • @DarkReaper
    @DarkReaper 9 місяців тому

    A fellow Phantom! 😍, earned yourself a sub buddy from that alone haha

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      yes sirrrr phantom gang

  • @Fermeew
    @Fermeew 9 місяців тому +5

    As I always say, play the game do not let the game play you. If something is not fun, then every other 'min max' or 'efficient' goes out the window because you will not enjoy it and be miserable. So if you feel like swapping, SWAP NOOOOOOOOOW. I like the vid

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      thank you phantom god

  • @MeHasNoHands
    @MeHasNoHands 2 місяці тому

    When you went from ark to nw how did you deal with the pets and nx situation?

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  2 місяці тому

      waited for nx transfer event

  • @BuhraH
    @BuhraH 9 місяців тому

    Did you have friends to help you get gears like CRA and absolab or did you solo grind your way through all those hurdles?

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      ive had friends help with carries on most of my characters

  • @hatedgaming7478
    @hatedgaming7478 9 місяців тому +1

    As someone who is going to hyper burn phantom to 260 in new age ! How do you train on him ?

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      cardinal burst + heaven's hammer, hook bomber if you are struggling to 1 shot with cardinal

  • @Frosty4Real
    @Frosty4Real 3 місяці тому

    any class you dont main helps your Legion anyways. and if they are strong or old mains you use them as bossmules ^^ jus takes longer to get far with your main if you keep switching. playing something you like and enjoy over picking after the META.

  • @dogfacedangel6291
    @dogfacedangel6291 8 місяців тому

    Phantom might be one of the most misunderstood classes in the game. It is basically bm clear, tons of damage with higher stat, most lines in game plus u get ur own airship

  • @deniluGMS
    @deniluGMS 9 місяців тому +1

    ~ Welcome to Phantom Gang ~
    I've been a phantom main since my #1 Day in NA Reboot since 2016 (yes, that long) and I don't regret it, I love too many things about it so I wouldn't change it for any other lol. So many people tried to change my mind during my journey, it's insane. It has pros and cons as any other class. Phantom has gotten A LOT BETTER over the years!!! A class that has been highly misunderstood and underestimated. Re-check the "first clears of x boss" and you will usually always see a Phantom in the party. Or check the godly Cy or Memey carrying the whole Phantom community in NA Reboot over the years.
    Try it first, do not play it just because what the majority says, it might actually surprise you ~ And this applies to any class. What for others might be terrible, for you might be the perfect class. Play what is fun for YOU!
    Note: Phantom mobbing will get better with the HP change on mobs for reboot.

    • @DarkReaper
      @DarkReaper 9 місяців тому +1

      Phantom gang 🔥

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      Phantom gang! And well said. :)

  • @Atroposez
    @Atroposez 9 місяців тому +2

    I was like that too. I was a db main originally.. until I got sick of phantom being so damn weak and wind archer being so boring. got my wind archer to 247 and quit. got my phantom to 251 and quit. then i decided to try out db after erda fountain came out and was still hating on it. switched to shad. got hella bored then switched back to db after i got to 260 and I swear Dual blade isnt a real class until you have a -4 cooldown hat. after that its super fun. currently level 266

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      glad you found your class! still enjoy my db as a boss mule for sure

  • @DB-rp2gj
    @DB-rp2gj 9 місяців тому

    Already switched mains to begin with. Went from Kanna to Lara so yeah not switching again.

  • @joshpar9402
    @joshpar9402 9 місяців тому

    Psssh, new main every week baby, whats good

  • @MrReznorPlays
    @MrReznorPlays 9 місяців тому +2

    I was a serial main switcher too which sucks hard in reboot. Finally picked cadena and they've been my main for over a year now into endgame (278, libbed, full 22). But I feel the itch of switching mains coming on haha.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      get those lib mules going 👀

  • @OsmosisMaple
    @OsmosisMaple 9 місяців тому

    All this dilemma so easy to fix having bossing mules. My main right now almost level 280, and if i feel ' i want to main' something else, it just make that class as bossing mules. It just scratch off whatever tick you need. Bossing?Grinding? Daily? You can do that on your bossing mules and make money everyweek.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      love the boss mule meta. 9 mules and counting... it's been fun to make them!

  • @arkhero_ms
    @arkhero_ms 9 місяців тому

    Db is fun, and stronk, even more with new age

  • @dragongrandmaster
    @dragongrandmaster 9 місяців тому

    dont think it like mains just legion rank levels ifits true main it should be the only one

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому

      yeah legion is a great way to find your main as well. only thing is the playstyle can change a lot in 5th job so defintiely good to do research on that too

  • @SogaMaple
    @SogaMaple 9 місяців тому +7

    This game is soo behind when it comes to this topic. I see many players just quit instead lol.
    Especially in Reboot.

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +2

      totally! it's sad

  • @master9095
    @master9095 9 місяців тому

    I just stared the game 3 days ago. Im trying to PICK a main lol

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      let us know what you pick!

  • @Miniowns
    @Miniowns 9 місяців тому

    I quit dw earlier this year. Class was super strong but my god was it so boring 😂
    I main a zero now and it's so much and unique. Just got 261 yesterday

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      lets goooo

  • @LessFluff
    @LessFluff 7 місяців тому

    Just feels horrible losing badge and other legacy items.
    Game is designed around playing a lot of classes but they make events have BiS items.
    How the fuck does that even make any sense.

  • @ouya_expert
    @ouya_expert 9 місяців тому

    based and phantompilled (rework pls!)

  • @arkhero_ms
    @arkhero_ms 9 місяців тому

    Bro whaaaay, mainthat db pleaséeeeeeeeeee

  • @bencvang
    @bencvang 9 місяців тому +1

    how do I change my main to be Aksel's #1 bbygurl 😘

  • @GraendalGMS
    @GraendalGMS 9 місяців тому

    No fun just min-max

  • @hyunj1569
    @hyunj1569 9 місяців тому

    ur gonna get to grandis and hate phantom

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      mapleranks.com/u/Ka%C3%B2s been in grandis for over a month

    • @akselGMS
      @akselGMS  9 місяців тому +1

      it's rough yeah but still loving the class

  • @namshimaru
    @namshimaru 9 місяців тому


  • @zhontigue
    @zhontigue 9 місяців тому

    is this satire? lmao

  • @FutaCockWorshipper
    @FutaCockWorshipper 9 місяців тому
