Reversal processing Super 8 in Caffenol. FULL instructions included!

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Ben Slotover finesses and expresses his processes for reversal processing black and white super 8 film. This is where the finished film is rendered into a 'positive' for projection.
    This turned out to be a much bigger job than developing the film as a straight negative, as you will see.
    To save you writing it all down, here are the formulas and timings for the whole reversal process. This has been compiled from many sources after much research and a fair amount of experimentation. I am sharing it so others may use it and keep film alive as a medium.
    twitter: @SlotoverB
    Formulae for processing liquids: (2L)
    1st and 2nd Developer: Caffenol CM
    2L water (warm for mixing)
    108g washing soda
    32g vitamin C
    80g coffee
    Stop bath (optional)
    950ml water
    50ml Ilfostop
    Bleach (A)
    1L water
    4g potassium permanganate
    Bleach (B)
    1L water
    54.5g Sodium Bisulphate
    (mix A and B before use)
    Clearing bath
    2L water
    60g Sodum Metabisulphite
    800ml water
    200ml Ilford rapid fixer.
    Process Time Location

    Prewash 2mins Tank
    1st Developer 15mins Tank
    Wash 2mins Tank
    Stop bath 2mins Tank
    Wash 2mins Tank
    Bleach 5mins Tank
    Wash 2mins Tank
    Clearing bath 2mins Tank
    Re-exposure 1 min Window
    2nd Developer 15mins Bucket
    Wash 2mins Bucket
    Stop bath 2mins Bucket
    Wash 2mins Sink
    Fixer 5mns Bucket
    Wash 2mins Sink
    Final rinse 1min Bucket
    Use distilled water with drop of
    fairy liquid for final rinse
    Hang up to dry, spool and project!
    Please subscribe for more super 8 and how-to videos.


  • @ianhand5006
    @ianhand5006 3 роки тому +2

    Rodinal or RO9is a very economical black and white one shot developer. I'd recommend a dilution of 1:25 or 1:50.

  • @reeltoreelj2706
    @reeltoreelj2706 4 роки тому +1

    hello, what temperature should all solutions have?

  • @therestorationofdrwho1865
    @therestorationofdrwho1865 5 років тому +2

    All super 8 film has remjet on it haha. It doesn’t inhabit processing it just protects the non emulsion side during exposure.

  • @jasonanderson9757
    @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +1

    We just got all the chemicals you described and we finished our homemade motion picture camera! Were going to shoot some test film tomorrow! We have 400asa color negative on hand to play around with (10 free 35mm roles). Will this work in the reversal process or should we stick to black and white? Thanks!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      You can certainly develop colour negative film as black and white using Caffenol, but I would advise doing a test strip and only doing it as negative first, ie just develop & fix. If you find the right development time for negative then move on to a reversal test. Watch out for those bleach timings! The first time I tried full reversal on colour film to produce a b&w image, I messed up the bleach timings (left it in too long) and all the emulsion started peeling off. These days I use peroxide + acetic acid for colour film as it's gentler on the emulsion.

    • @jasonanderson9757
      @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +1

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool can any of the reversal chemicals be used more than once? Thanks!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      @@jasonanderson9757 oh absolutely. Filter them through a funnel & coffee filter before you re-use though, especially the bleach. The bleach and fixer should be good for many development runs. Caffenol goes off quicker but it's pretty cheap to mix up a fresh batch.

    • @jasonanderson9757
      @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +1

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool hey! So we successfully bleached and cleared the film. Its beautiful BUT when we re-exposed and re-developed, it stayed completely clear. No positive :( we used a 200 watt LED bulb and exposed for 5 minutes. Could the LED be the cause?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      @@jasonanderson9757 5 minutes under a 200w lamp is plenty, so it's not likely to be that. What did the film look like exactly when it had been bleached and cleared? It usually looks yellowlo/cream colour and is opaque,, going to cream/light grey when it's been re-exposed , with faint grey images where the picture is. If it's clear -,i.e. you can see through it, it sounds like you over-bleached it and the emulsion has come off. If this is the case , take it out of the bleach sooner. What film stock are you using?

  • @brentfisher902
    @brentfisher902 2 роки тому +1

    I was doing reversal processing of 35mm still camera black and white film using 250 mililiters of regular 3% medical hydrogen peroxide mixed with 15 mililiters of imitation lemon juice. Mix in a Pyrex measuring cup and microwave in a 1,100 watt microwave oven for 1 minute and 10 seconds. That would be the bleach solution. The caffenol I used was 6 teaspoons of instant coffee (cannot be decaf), 4 teaspoons of washing soda, 1 teaspoon of crushed vitamin C pills and 1-3/4 teaspoons of iodized salt. Load the developing reel and tank under several bedsheets, put a rubber band on to keep it closed. Fill the developing tank with room temperature water through the light tight filling hole while you go and put 3/4 of a cup of 68 deg F water in a measuring cup and start stirring it and keep stirring as you dump in the washing soda first. Dissolve it until it is almost clear then dump in the salt and crushed vitamin C pills. Once it's dissolved, put it in a separate cup then rinse the measuring cup and put in 3/4 of a cup of 68 deg F water. Dump the instant coffee into the water and dissolve. Then put the solution with the crushed vitamin C pills, salt, and washing soda into the measuring cup with the dissolved coffee. Mix it up real good. Rinse the cup that you used to hold half of the caffenol solution, you are going to use it again later. Dump out the water from the developing tank (DON'T OPEN IT!!) and pour in the caffenol solution you just brewed. Once all the liquid is in the tank set a timer for 28 minutes and agitate the tank by gently shaking it side to side continuously for the first minute, then every 10 seconds agitate it for 3 seconds until you get to 28 minutes. Then dump the developer into the cup you used for half of the caffenol solution and fill and dump 3 complete changes of water through the developing tank. You can now open the tank and you should see very dark dense reflective images on the film. Heat the bleach solution you made earlier (no rush, you can make the bleach solution now if you forgot), and dump it into the wide open developing tank with the film back on the spool. You will hear some fizzing sound in about 4 minutes or less--when the fizzing stops, wait one additional minute and then take out the film and look at it. It should be orangish pink in color and should have a faint milky positive image signal on it. Go in front of a bright light bulb and make sure this film gets plenty of light on it, should take about 60 seconds. Pour the bleach solution into a bottle as you can use it for one additional use after this. Rinse the film pretty well, put it back on the spool, and take the cup that has the developer put into it, and put it in the developing tank with the film int. Now go forget about this and go do an absurdly important recreational task for about 7 hours. When you come back the film should look almost completely black but if held up to a bright light you should see very dark yellow where the light came into the camera and struck the film. Then dump out the caffenol down the drain and fill a separate deep lunch tray (with a separate developing spool you bought extra for this step) with water and use about 1 teaspoon of Sodium Thiosulfate powder for every 8 ounce cup that you needed to get it to fill. If you do not have Sodium Thiosulfate available you can use AquaSafe the stuff that makes tap water safe for pet aquarium fish. Use that straight from the bottle and don't mix anything. Let it sit in this (the fixer) for 8 hours and dump it out and replace it it fresh fixer. Do this until you get to 24 hours after you first put fixer in and rinse the last of the fixer out of the film emulsion and Voila! you have positive images to gawk under a compact fluorescent flashlight. This also works for Arista Ortho Litho Film 3.0, but halve the recipe for the caffenol keeping the strength constant and leave out the salt, then develop for 5 minutes with continuous agitation for the first minute, then for 3 seconds every 30 seconds. Stop it with tap water (you can do all of this under a red LED bulb provided it's not the phosphor/filter type). I have not been able to get the bleach solution to work without causing bubbles to leave pinholes in the image, but it DOES bleach. However the second development finishes in a blisteringly brief 4 minutes. And after that you only need to soak it in the sodium thiosulfate for 8 hours instead of 24.

  • @jasonanderson9757
    @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +2

    Hello! We just finished building a homemade 35mm motion picture camera and discovered caffenol for developing thanks to you! We plan to test our camera this weekend. We just picked up a Morse G-3 Developing Tank that holds 100' rolls for developing. It has a view port for reversal chemistry exposure. I was wondering if you could help us out by clarifying how much light we are supposed to expose the film to for 2nd exposure?? We plan to follow your instructions to process b/w reversal. We are using 50 ISO 100 feet of 35mm bulk stock in our homemade hand cranked 16fps motion picture camera.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      Wow some serious kit you have going on there! Basically you can't overdo the amount of light in the 2nd exposure, so I give each side of my lomo spiral a good two minutes under a bright desk lamp. If you're following my process, watch your film's bleach bath. I've since found that 4 minutes in fresh permanganate bleach is more than enough. Even 3 minutes seemed to do it . Finally, consider doing a test strip before committing your whole film to a process that is new to you.

    • @jasonanderson9757
      @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +1

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool thank you so much for the feedback! We'll keep you posted! We'll be updating over the next week to instagram at hardlyhumanfx if you use Instagram!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      @@jasonanderson9757 yes I'm on Instagram, will definitely check out your stuff. Good luck!

    • @jasonanderson9757
      @jasonanderson9757 5 років тому +1

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool hey Ben! I just found the original instructions for processing reversal in the Morse G-3 developing tank. I'll email them to you if you want! Pretty interesting read.

  • @disicaray5495
    @disicaray5495 4 роки тому +1

    Hi this is appliy to svema 16mm очт -180 films

  • @carlrichards5250
    @carlrichards5250 3 роки тому +1

    It might not have worked initially, but it doesn't half look very arty! Dye a few colours on it and make a loop. Instant art house! Show it at a jazz cafe and charge people to get in....

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  3 роки тому +2

      Yes! Funny enough I filmed some Kodachrome sound super 8 at the Jazz Cafe and nearly nothing came out because it was too dark. The sound however was great!

  • @michaelkessler3813
    @michaelkessler3813 5 років тому +2

    This is what I've needed, I filmed my Christmas on super 8 with reversal film and i wanted to find a way to develop it without regular chemicals and without sending it out. Thank you

  • @extradeluxe141
    @extradeluxe141 6 років тому +3

    I remember when I developed 40-year old Kodachrome film, to remove (most of) the remjet, I rinsed the film with dish washing soap. After washing the soap off, I would start the development. It work​ed.

    • @dalehammond1704
      @dalehammond1704 6 років тому +1

      So you took the remjet off before even starting the Caffenol process? I had wondered about that myself. I've heard via "the grapevine" that others are doing this. This is the first definite post I've seen. I'll try this...does the brand soap matter?

    • @extradeluxe141
      @extradeluxe141 6 років тому +1

      Sorry for the late reply. All I used was Dawn. Plus, I used the D-78 developer, but I think it should work regardless of the developing liquid.

  • @joemohunroberts
    @joemohunroberts 6 років тому +3

    What temperature is this done at? also i didnt think fomapan could be developed as a negative!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Joe Roberts Temps are about 20° across the board. I've yet to find a super 8 stock that can't be developed as a negative. Maybe Ektachrome 160, which gave me a lot of problems and may not have been exposed properly from the beginning.

  • @pixelsmaster5452
    @pixelsmaster5452 6 років тому +2

    I admire your resilience. It's great to see the scientific method of reversal process step by step. All said, the dynamic exposure range is much wider in negative process. My negatives consistently give better RAW digital copies with better flexibility for density corrections

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Thanks! I've put a lot of hours in since this film, trying to perfect a full reversal process with results as good as negative. Getting closer!

  • @pedade02
    @pedade02 5 років тому +1

    To process as negative, is it bleach-developer-stop bath-fixer?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +2

      Usually for negative it's just developer -stop/rinse then fix. However Fomapan has a silver layer that makes it a very dark negative, so some people do a bleach first before developer to make a clearer negative. I haven't done it this way because nowadays I do Fomapan as reversal and if I'm doing a bleach step I might as well go the whole reversal route. So now I do developer-stop/rinse-bleach-light exposure-2nd developer-fix

  • @jenpsakiscousin4589
    @jenpsakiscousin4589 6 років тому +3

    A household chemical containing sodium hydrosulfite in an acid solution such as "Iron Out" powder works as a fogging agent, developer and fixer in one step. It works well, only issue I've seen is less dense shadows which can be mitigated by longer first dev times

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Bernie Lomax Wow I should definitely try that. So what would the workflow be? If it fixes too I wouldn't be able to do a bleach and second development, would I?

    • @jenpsakiscousin4589
      @jenpsakiscousin4589 6 років тому +1

      You still need to bleach, so it would be develope, bleach, clear, "iron out", wash. It just eliminates the need to expose the film to light, 2nd develope, and fix.

    • @dalehammond1704
      @dalehammond1704 6 років тому +1

      This really sounds interesting!

  • @Acmjpxx
    @Acmjpxx 5 років тому +1

    Ive 4 agfachrome & agfa moviechrome 40 I wanna develop, but got 0 material or skills, Do u accept the challenge for a few bucks? I shot them during the past 2 years.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      Happy to give it a go, but 4 rolls is a full days work for me. It'll cost more than just a few bucks! You can contact me privately if you want to discuss further. My email is on my website.

  • @XanderPhillips
    @XanderPhillips 4 роки тому +1

    The fomapan can be processed as a negative? Is that the same for the regular 8mm?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому +1

      Fomapan can be done as negative but you still need to bleach it to get rid of the silver antihalation layer or it will be extremely dark. You would need to bleach it before putting it in the developer. Same goes for regular (standard 8) as well as super 8. The thing is, if you're going to all the bother of doing a bleach for the negative, you might as well do the full reversal. Here's some Fomapan std.8 I believe was done as a negative:

    • @XanderPhillips
      @XanderPhillips 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Hopefully giving it a go tomorrow we shall see what happens 😁

  • @lc_ap
    @lc_ap 2 роки тому +1

    Great video! If you dont want to use the permangenate bleach, you can also use 3% hydrogen peroxide with a bit of vinegar, either at 38°C for a bit or as a semi stand development for about an hour. Greetings from germany

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  Рік тому

      Thanks! I've used peroxide and vinegar for Kodachrome reversal, it's a lot gentler on the film than Permanganate.

  • @lobotommy837
    @lobotommy837 6 років тому +2

    9:24 Nah, that's definitely a face. You're not dreaming.
    Great vid btw.

  • @tylernajera1318
    @tylernajera1318 5 років тому +1

    Why don't you just use brand new kodak film stock for super 8?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +2

      Because it would be a waste of money to develop new colour stock in Caffenol, and new Fomapan is cheaper and arguably better than the b&w Kodak. That said, I'm now developing in colour (see latest video) and shooting my first roll of Vision 3 500T. Will post up the result of that soon.

  • @seangentry2943
    @seangentry2943 6 років тому +2

    What models of Super 8 camera do you have/use right now? The one at 9:49 is some kind of Eumig, correct?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Sean Gentry Yes, that's a Sound Eumig and probably gives the best quality picture. I also have an Agfa Movexoom 2000 which just looks badass, a tiny Halina and a Revue which I don't use much because it scratches the film. I also have a non-working Canon 514xl-s which was a very good camera.

    • @seangentry2943
      @seangentry2943 6 років тому +1

      Those are some beautiful cameras, especially the Agfa. Gotta love the spage-age aesthetic. I have a Bolex 160 Macrozoom and that thing seriously looks like some kind of Flash Gordon laser pistol. I'm shooting a few rolls of old Kodachrome on it and hopefully I'll getting some sort of image off them using caffenol soon

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Sean Gentry wow that Bolex is insane looking. Does it have some kind of mirror or prism to send the picture to that vertical mounted cartridge? Good luck with the Kodachrome. If it's as old as the stuff I've shot, it'll need a good 20 minutes in the caffenol, plus a pre-wash with baking soda or borax in water to remove the Remjet.

    • @seangentry2943
      @seangentry2943 6 років тому +1

      Yeah, there's a prism inside. I think it's build that way to accommodate the enormous macro focusing element so the lens barrel doesn't stick like 6 inches out of the camera body.
      My Kodachrome is from the early 80s I think. I'll make sure to do the borax wash for the remjet and be generous with the time in the caffenol.

  • @leomalek1752
    @leomalek1752 5 років тому +1

    Hi! Thanks for this video, quick question: You mentionned at 4:10 that sodium bisulphate can be replaced by concentrated sulfuric acid. As I already bough acid I would like to know at what proportion I should mix it with water to get the equivalent?
    Thanks in advance; looking forward to develop my film

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому +1

      Hi Leo, here's what the official Ilford info sheet says for making Permanganate bleach with Sulfuric acid:
      Two solutions, A and B are mixed as follows:
      for solution A add 2g of potassium permanganate to 500ml water
      for solution B add 10ml of concentrated sulphuric acid to 490ml water.
      If concentrated sulphuric acid cannot be obtained use dilute acid. This can be a 10% solution. If 10% sulphuric acid is used add 100ml to 400ml of water to make the part B bleach solution.

  • @maxdiemoehre1741
    @maxdiemoehre1741 4 роки тому +1

    Is developting normal double 8 and super 8 the same?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому +1

      In terms of the chemicals, timings etc, yes if it's exactly the same film, it's the same process for double 8. However... Being twice the width of super 8, double 8 needs different setups if you're doing it in a lomo tank. Also beware that most double 8 film is expired except for some Fomapan b&w or special order colour.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому +2

      In terms of the chemicals, timings etc, yes if it's exactly the same film, it's the same process for double 8. However... Being twice the width of super 8, double 8 needs different setups if you're doing it in a lomo tank. Also beware that most double 8 film is expired except for some Fomapan b&w or special order colour.

  • @reeltoreelj2706
    @reeltoreelj2706 4 роки тому +1

    hello, this is negative or positive film?

  • @joshuawisdom7585
    @joshuawisdom7585 3 роки тому +1

    Would you recommend this Paterson tank for developing 16mm? Those lomo tanks are bit pricey haha

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  3 роки тому

      I wouldn't recommend doing 16mm in anything but the really big Paterson tank if you have 100ft and you don't want it to look like crap. It takes up so much more space than 8mm you won't easily prevent the film from sticking to itself while it's in the tank.

    • @joshuawisdom7585
      @joshuawisdom7585 3 роки тому

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool Ah right cheers, is the really big Paterson tank the 8 reel one? Is do they make tanks larger then that?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  3 роки тому

      @@joshuawisdom7585 Yes the 8 reel one. As far as I know that's the biggest they make. You should think twice though, the thing takes 2L of developer (or fixer) to fill up. You would probably save in the long run getting a Lomo or a Morse tank.

    • @joshuawisdom7585
      @joshuawisdom7585 3 роки тому

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool Right okay, I'll definitely keep the lomo tanks in mind, cheers, and with the Paterson tanks do you just stuff the film inside put the cap on and pour it in as you've done in this video?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  3 роки тому +1

      @@joshuawisdom7585 yes, I pulled the film out of the cartridge , made a ball of it and put it in the tank, all inside a changing bag (remember the long funnel tube). It works with super 8 in anything bigger than a 2 reel Patterson tank. 16mm I never tried in the Paterson but would only do so if I'm desperate.

  • @JetSetDiva
    @JetSetDiva 7 років тому +1

    I'm totally digging your videos! Quick question: Does the Fomapan have remjet on it? I can get rolls of Double-8 Fomapan pretty cheap and I have a bunch of old wind-up 8mm cameras I would love to try out.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому +1

      JetSetDiva No, no Remjet on the Fomapan which is a huge relief. Kodachrome has it though.

  • @Ni5ei
    @Ni5ei Рік тому

    Ilford stop bath is just an expensive citric acid solution. Better buy a kilogram of citric acid powder for less than £10

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  Рік тому

      Yeah, I haven't bought stop bath for ever. I just dilute some concentrated white vinegar these days.

  • @ivanmartinez-arroyo6184
    @ivanmartinez-arroyo6184 7 років тому +1

    I've just finished developing my reversal fomapan r100 film on caffenol-c and it came out quite well. Instead of using Potassium Permangenate and sodium bisulphate I've used citric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Don't quit trying, you can do it!!!

  • @69waveydavey
    @69waveydavey 7 років тому +1

    Fantastic! I still havn't managed to get round to doing any processing due to being busy but I shot a load of old agfa stuff on holiday and hope to get time to do something with it before the end of the year. Thanks for the inspiration I may still pull my finger out!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому

      69waveydavey wow, old agfa stock. I used to shoot that in the 80s. would love to see how it comes out.

    • @69waveydavey
      @69waveydavey 7 років тому

      Have you heard anything about Ektachrome? Kodak were supposed to be re releasing (2017) it but I've heard nothing so far this year.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому +1

      69waveydavey no, haven't heard anything about that. It's amazing really how much new super 8 is still available.

  • @dalehammond1704
    @dalehammond1704 6 років тому +1

    I shy away from the reversal process due to the dangerous chemicals. I'll stay with negative/computer flip process. I'm too chicken to play with that nasty stuff. Going with the negative process at least gives one a little feeling of the old days (I'm 70 this year). The cost of professional positive film processing is totally prohibitive for my hobby needs. The last guy I checked out wants like $70 to do one double 8 roll! Yikes!

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      I know, processing prices are crazy, and it's more fun to do it yourself.

    • @extradeluxe141
      @extradeluxe141 6 років тому

      Fun fact: You can use C-41 to develop Kodak Vision 3 (their new film stock) and Ektachrome as a color negative. Seeing how the Vision 3 film line was released around 2014-2016, it should be safe to develop them as a color negative (they can only be developed as a negative, follow the directions that came with the processing kit, it's compatible). As for Ektachrome, it's really a gamble if it is able to be developed as a color negative, try developing test strips with the kit instructions, tweak it if you need to. If it doesn't come out in color, just develop in Black-and-White.

  • @edsayers6460
    @edsayers6460 6 років тому +1

    thanks for posting all this. i'm building up to having a go and have the shopping done! i'm going to initially try out 10 foot sections of a 50foot roll of tri-x super 8 , individually. i'm just going to pull out 10 feet by hand if i can. then, because i have one, am going to use my patterson 2 reel tank without the spools inside(?). any tips before i go for it? presumably i can just change the quantities to suit the tank (570cc). thanks in advance

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Hi Ed, good idea to do some short strips until you're certain of what works. Most important is the 1st developer and how long the film will be in there. Also don't leave it too long in the permanganate bleach or the emulsion will come off. 3 minutes max. A 2-roll size Paterson tank is a bit small , make sure your film isn't coiling up and sticking to itself or the developer won't get to all of it. Good luck!

    • @edsayers6460
      @edsayers6460 6 років тому +1

      good tips - thanks. will go for about 5 feet then - which would give me ten goes if necessary on the roll i shot today! also... are timing based on room temp? = about 24 degrees atm? (apart from warmer to mix the chemicals?) and finally i think, can any of the mixes be used again for next strips?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      @@edsayers6460 yes you can reuse the liquids. All fluids were room temp, about 23C

  • @vibeuel
    @vibeuel 7 років тому +1

    Ive heard you arent supposed to use stop bath should I? or can i just rinse it with water

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      Samuel Pollmann yes you can use a good rinse with water instead of the stop bath. I've stopped using stop!

  • @voyagerfilms
    @voyagerfilms Рік тому

    there are 142 comments and instead of sifting through to see if someone else already asked my question I will ask: can you use the normal caffenol process on the B&W reversal super 8 film to create a negative image or does it not work that way?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  Рік тому +1

      It's been several years since I posted this video and I've learned a lot since then. Fomapan R100 reversal has a silver layer which has to be bleached out, either as part of the reversal process or before developing if you want a clear negative. Without bleaching you are left with a very dense negative which can be scanned, but only with a super bright light. Kodak Tri-X is also technically a reversal film but doesn't have the silver layer so can be developed as negative, albeit coming out a bit grainy.

    • @voyagerfilms
      @voyagerfilms Рік тому

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool I plan to use the Kodak tri-x so that’s good news if I don’t have to strip away the silver layer

  • @jimofmarseille
    @jimofmarseille 4 роки тому +1

    Hello, can the bleach and clearing bath be used several times ?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому

      The clearing bath can, but I've since stopped bothering with it as I discovered you can just rinse longer instead. The bleach can also be reused but first you have to filter out all the silver particles or they will stick to the next film you put it into. Also, the bleach won't be as strong second time round, especially if you don't use it for some time. Best thing would be to use fresh bleach each time if you can spare the chemicals.

    • @jimofmarseille
      @jimofmarseille 4 роки тому

      @@ZeroBudgetFilmSchool Ok thanks. I was just wondering about environment issues... By the way, I have dozens on old and color shifted ektachrom E100VS, I tried a regular BW (rodinal, fix) processing but the film itself remains very opaque. Very hard to scan. Do you know a way to do a BW developping and removing this opacity ?
      All your processing (bleach, clearing), a what temperature do you di it ? 38° like standard E6 processing ?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому

      @@jimofmarseille as far as environmental concerns, i don't think it's any worse than most of your household cleaning products.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому

      @@jimofmarseille my Temps were all in the low twenties for this Caffenol development. Basically water out the tap and room temperature.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  4 роки тому

      @@jimofmarseille the VS in your Ektachrome stands for Vivid Saturation, it's a colour slide film that would probably be done in E6 at 38C. If you're doing it in b&w using Rodinal or Caffenol my advice is to try several dev times at 21C , rinse and fix like a b&w negative. Then see which Dev time brought out the least opaque result. Dark negatives can be a sign of overdevelopment, how long was it in the developer for?

  • @therestorationofdrwho1865
    @therestorationofdrwho1865 5 років тому +1

    Also where did you get your fomapan? I want to find some

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому

      A guy from Russia supplies me with Fomapan super 8. Look up Sidor Matrasoff (on UA-cam & Vimeo) and he may be able to sort you out.

    • @therestorationofdrwho1865
      @therestorationofdrwho1865 5 років тому

      Zero Budget Film School how much does he sell for?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому

      @@therestorationofdrwho1865 $20 per roll , but that's loose ( not in a cartridge) I think he also does them in cartridges but I load my own.

    • @therestorationofdrwho1865
      @therestorationofdrwho1865 5 років тому

      Zero Budget Film School oh yeah right. I’d really prefer a cartridge. Does he have cartridged film?

    • @therestorationofdrwho1865
      @therestorationofdrwho1865 5 років тому

      Oh you already answered that haha

  • @YannisStournas
    @YannisStournas 5 років тому

    Great video! I was wondering whether i could use the same method for photographic film (4x5 foma 100) do you happen to know if the emulsion is the same as 8mm? do you think it would work?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  5 років тому

      Yes the 8mm film and photo film are exactly the same, it's just how they cut it up. That said, this is Fomapan R100 which isn't quite the same as Foma 100

  • @dalehammond1704
    @dalehammond1704 6 років тому

    What software do you use to convert your Caffenol developed negative 8mm film into positive video?

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому

      Dale Hammond I do it in Adobe Premiere. If you search the video effects for 'invert' you'll find it.

  • @lilyz67528
    @lilyz67528 7 років тому +1

    nice vid, love the out takes

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому

      Lily Slotover thought you would.

    • @lilyz67528
      @lilyz67528 7 років тому

      Zero Budget Film School are you going to develop the stuff I shot any time soon? I'm dying to see how it turned out

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому

      Lily Slotover yes, just finished the roll at the Pride parade.

  • @jackjowett902
    @jackjowett902 5 років тому

    Can this be done with tri-x or c41?

  • @Drevilbreakfast
    @Drevilbreakfast 7 років тому

    I like that camera less film animation, very artistic

  • @NPrescott
    @NPrescott 5 років тому

    This is amazing

  • @danielevan4564
    @danielevan4564 7 років тому

    this it's great! I just used your videos to develop super 8 triX, I used D-76 though

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому +1

      Daniel Colegrove That's next for me, trying out some official developer.

    • @danielevan4564
      @danielevan4564 7 років тому

      Zero Budget Film School D-76 is easy to find and use, I would like to make a monobath developer for super 8. there's instructions online on how to mix Kodak HC110 with Ilford rapid fixer to create the 'one shot' mixture

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  7 років тому +1

      Daniel Colegrove I can see my research going in two directions, one toward stuff like D76 and proper darkroom chemicals, and one toward the low tech kitchen and hardware store-sourced materials. I've already been recommended lime juice and peroxide as a bleach...

    • @danielevan4564
      @danielevan4564 7 років тому

      Zero Budget Film School there's already info on how to develop with the darkroom chemicals, but it could be presented better. the "Homebrew" path would definitely be rad, there's all sorts of options and mixtures that would work. for me, I like using the actual chemistry because it's more predictable.

    • @vibeuel
      @vibeuel 7 років тому

      hey i was thinking about doing the same thing im going to use d-76 but i was wondering if you reversed it or if you used stop bath becuase i want to develop it as a negative but im still wondering if you should use stop bath or not

  • @ДжозефЧарльзАльварадо

    Your videos are very nice, but I would love to see one of your complete process donnelly clean and crisp. Remjet seems to be a pain in the ass for you but it does not have to be. It is quiet easy to remove.

    • @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool
      @ZeroBudgetFilmSchool  6 років тому +1

      These days when I shoot film that has remjet on it, I do a remjet pre-soak that removes some but by no means all the remjet. When the film is finished I run a microfibre cloth along the film that picks up the rest of the remjet. I also use a Lomo tank that results in a much 'cleaner' result. Bear in mind the B&W film I shoot doesn't have Remjet on it at all.