Never added you as a contact. You keep posting on my videos (pretty rude stuff at that) and I don't know you. You sent me a random invite to watch some animated video...not really my thing. To each his own I guess. Learn to spell & quit spamming me please.
What stinks is someone I don't know (you) sending me stupid videos that I'm not interested in. Why do you send your videos to strangers? Not everyone likes that cartoon porn stuff you post.
i go to garner we do have a pretty good team but the school is so poor
Wow, angry much?
Never added you as a contact. You keep posting on my videos (pretty rude stuff at that) and I don't know you. You sent me a random invite to watch some animated video...not really my thing. To each his own I guess. Learn to spell & quit spamming me please.
What stinks is someone I don't know (you) sending me stupid videos that I'm not interested in. Why do you send your videos to strangers? Not everyone likes that cartoon porn stuff you post.