Health Benefits from Drinking Green and Herbal Teas

  • Опубліковано 9 гру 2015
  • See a Dr. explain the benefits of drinking green tea and also other herbal teas. Things from arthritis relief to heart help, and blood pressure & cholesterol reduction.


  • @darkman9707
    @darkman9707 8 років тому

    can you please help!????

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому

      +hh hh Sorry, but I must have hit the wrong button, and deleted your last comment about other religions. The answer to that is that the Bible tells us there is only one God, the God of the Bible. So this means that ALL of the other "religions" and "belief systems" are from satan (except for Judaism - the Jews and their belief in the Old Testament, because they are the only ones who believe in the same God as us Christians. Jesus human body was Jewish, and the Jews ARE God's chosen people).
      There's only one way for ANYONE to get their sins forgiven, and that's by repenting of our sins, accepting Jesus, and becoming Born Again. So all of those other people, who are not believing in Jesus will not have their sins forgiven, so they will end up in hell, because God will not allow ANY sin to come into heaven, and all people do carry their unforgiven sins with them when their bodies die, and those unforgiven sins are what send them to hell!
      God doesn't want anyone to go to hell, and that's why He provided a way of escaping hell - by getting our sins forgiven through allowing Jesus to be the bearer of our sins, when He died on the cross, by us becoming Born Again, and giving us eternal life (those who become Born Again), when He rose from the dead!
      The Bible does tell us that few will find Jesus and thus find heaven! Not because God wants it that way, but because most people are too stubborn to give up their lives and allow Jesus to lead them through life. This is part of becoming Born Again - totally surrendering your life to Jesus and allowing Him to lead you, so you give up you own way of doing things, and allow Jesus to lead you and guide you through the rest of your life.
      So are you still sure you are Born Again?

    • @darkman9707
      @darkman9707 8 років тому

      Someone told me that the muslim's God, aka Allah is just the same as Jesus Christ so... And I'm not sure if I'm born again.. some people don't know about this stuff so you're saying that my Catholic grandparents and everyone else who believed in God who didn't become born again went to hell? That wouldn't be fair. Someone else told me to just believe Jesus died for our sins and to just believe that and repent of sins and I along with many others who don't know much about being born again that's what we do

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому

      +hh hh Jesus and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit all know the intents of our hearts, when we express belief in Jesus WITH OUR MOUTHS! That's one of the keys to becoming Born Again. You can't just think it, you must express what you believe about Jesus with your mouth. This is what the Bible tells us! Here's the verses for that!
      Rom 10:9-11
      9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
      10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
      11 For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."
      Verse 9 is saying that with your mouth you confess what you believe about Jesus, and verse 10, you believe what you are saying with all your being (your body, soul and spirit).
      The reason I went into the detail that I did, in the prayer of salvation, is because I didn't want to leave any stone unturned. All of those things I gave you, in the Prayer of Salvation, are mentioned in the New Testament, as things we need to believe and commit to, in order to satisfy all the things the Bible tells us we need to believe and commit to, in order to become Born Again! BUT, like I said God knows the intents of your heart (your total being), and He knows if you are serious or not when you invite Jesus to become the Lord and Savior of your life!
      No, I am not saying that your Catholic grandparents aren't in heaven, they sure could be, but at the same time, there are a lot of people who claim to be going to heaven, that will not get there, because they never followed Jesus as they should, after they committed their lives to Him! In other words, a lot of people who claim to be Christians never truly became Born Again, because they weren't totally serious with God, and then others did become Born Again, but later on in life, they turned their backs on Jesus and stopped believing in Him! See what I mean?
      As for Muslims - Allah is NOT the same as the God of the Bible! How could they be when the Bible says that Jesus IS both God and the Son of God, and the Quran says that Jesus is neither of those, but He was only a prophet!
      Allah is either the devil himself, or a high ranking demon. Plain and simple! Satan instigated ALL of the other "religions" of the world, to be smoke screens and deceptions, to keep the vast majority of people who ever lived or ever will life, from finding the one and only true Creator of the universe - the God of the Bible, in order to keep them from every getting to heaven!