thank you for making this video! you're concerns are worth sharing and I hope the Intrepid Team is willing to consider these concerns as they develop the game of our dreams!
Each archetype is said to have 30-40 skills. Granted some of those options will be limited to the direction you go on your tree, but i think there will be plenty of versatility even before unlocking classes.
Good take on this, very good points made. I (chibi) am excited to see how this goes during testing and see how different 1-25 can feel when combined with the weapon augments, social augments, etc Also, thank you so much for the kind shoutout, you really didn't have to do that
I suspect that the community is expecting more variety from early character levels than AoC will provide. Specialisation will only really develop as players grow and try out different builds and combinations. With 7 other sub-classes to pair cleric and fighter with along with other modifiers and synergies, healing and tanking should be capable of offering very different playstyles to the players. It will be very interesting to see if/how AoC can make the process and rotations feel different without very real changes to the mechanics and presentation of skills when a player chooses subclass options linked to them. They will have to do this either through the Augments system or through optional skills that streamline Tanks and heals into specialised enough packages to offer varied challenges at a base to base combat point or group combat will get stale and repetitive quite quickly. If the system they propose works as intended not every tank or healer build should be viable for every boss fight but be perfect for certain encounters. We shall see.
I think the problem is that asking for a person to devote a month of time to something just to SEE if they like it or not is a bit much. "Oh, turns out you didn't like ANY of the Cleric subspecs? Well, I guess you have to start over and waste another month of your time on different class now, and oh yeah, you can't be a main healer on anything else, so now the game has a healer shortage!"
New World has this problem too of having only 1 healer class. Maybe if there was more healer classes with different playstyles, this role would be easier to fill for group content.
It’s more of the fact that you are stuck playing 1 healing class that is similar to holy priest, spending 30-50 hours playing something you might not like to try and get to level 25 to try and even see IF you can get a playstyle you like.
@kreirian you pick your playstyle as you level up and spend your skill points, you can't afford all the skills, so you pick how you want, or how you are needed to play. What sort of playstyles really exist for a healer? Low on hp? Heal. Multiple people need heals? Group heal .. etc... this is a pvp game. If you're not healing as a healer, wtf are you doing because your party is now dead? If you want to debuff shit, maybe bard is more appropriate, speccing into debuff skills? Or a summon with certain summons might do that job.
@@andyh4747 do you prefer to be an aoe focused healer? A healer in melee range doing coneals? A mobile healer that is able to dash around the battlefield doing single target heals? Those are healer playstyles. The overall goal of a healer is to make sure good bars stay full, but how do you want to accomplish that is healer playstyle. Ashes lets you pick your class skills but all of those skills in the talent tree are the same for everyone, there is no diversity in playstyle until you get your archetype and we have NO idea how that will change your class/playstyle. You don’t get access to that until you are level 25, meaning for a fair few healer mains, they may waste hours of their time for something they won’t enjoy.
Guild wars 1 originally wasnt going to have multiclass at the beginning of the game. You acention/closer to the stars quest was going to unlock that. During Alpha it was clear that multiclass eas so pivotal to the gsmeplsy that they added earlier.
Hey now, we're often the ones supporting you NOT being Tank. Take it up with all the DPS players that have cool names instead of "Melee", "Ranged", "Stealth", and "Magic".
You saw the different ways you can spec into for the Fighter in the livestream. We did not see the class tree for the cleric and the different choices but we should expect something similar is being built for the 19 skills we saw in the Cleric livestream. 19 skills is more skills than a lvl10 can have especially with the modular casting and extra effects you can add to them. I can see many different progression paths with the 19 skills where you have to select from 5 to 10 of them depending on how much you want to upgrade those skills to your liking. I am quite surprised that this is one of your worries knowing you are well informed. I suggest rewatching the cleric livestream and listening to the nuance about the skills casting types and effects. Then look at the skill tree from fighter stream and think about how that tree would be built for Clerics. On top of all the skills, you also get the weapon tree which makes your cleric different from others. For an early level, it will be nice to play with both trees and have to choose which upgrades to get first. I personally am confident that when we reach release we will have an in depth class tree for level 1 to 25 with what we have seen already planned for alpha 2 (and I wouldnt be surprised it might get a bit more in depth as mentionned when he announced the delay for rogue and summoner)
I also forgot to mention the universal tree with the dodge, sprint and blocking. Which can also be invested to make some combos with your weapons and keep your cleric more focussed on specific skills.
As a healer main I don't mind if everyone plays the same healer as me BUT (and I mean a HUGE BUT) Healer has to be fun and interesting, otherwise I will not play it. MMO's where the healer class is boring as sh*t I instantly quit (Lost Ark) but more interesting healers like FF14 keep me around
Utlimately what determines your playstyle is who youre playing with and your group composition. Maybe you play with the same 5 people and you dont always need a full out healer, so they spec towards aoe dmg and buffs. Maybe you party with a lot of mages, so you spec towards a mana providing support. Maybe you are solo, so you spec into single target attacks and armor. My concern is how and how much augments will change a class. And will there be a consistent feel to each of these augmented classes? These i feel are at odds with each other. You want the secondary classes to feel and look like different classes, but i feel they will just be the same with augments that provide mostly non-visible additional affects and debuffs, because they will need to homogenise all secondary classes to keep them all appealing and viable.
It does seem you are entirely picking your playstyle as your level, which is fine, but secondary class and augmented skills seem a bit underwhelming. I say this but I'm not even sure Intrepid know what all the second class tool kits will look like yet. And there are plenty of skills for each race for us to customise into, so I'm not concerned.
I think everyone learning the base class of cleric, or any other class to 25 and branching out from there is a good thing. Know your role. Just my two cents. After 25, there will be lots of options to make the role fit your desire but you will always remember your base role.
I wonder if the game gets much more diversification from level 25 on or if it will take a lot of levels until each class becomes more and more unique. Otherwise your concern would continue after level 25 if there is not much of a difference within the primary class and secondary class right from lv 25 onwards. My hope is that each secondary class will feel unique after level 25 similar to Lineage 2. And that they all have their unique use cases. That you might need a bowsinger, bladedancer, Minstrel in 1 party to have their unique buffs although they come from the same archetype bard. And that each fight will be a lot different to play and that their combination work better in some parties than in others.
We still don't know about Bard, that can come with HoT heals something like restoration druid , and about feeling devastated about the secondary archetype he said the secondary will be easy to respect
The question is if it can be a main healer that just has a different healing style (like HoT/Druid) or if it can ONLY off-heal and is more like a Red Mage or Dancer or Summoner in FFXIV where it CAN do some healing but it can't replace a healer in most senses/be a main healer for a party in general.
Well You might feel the same as other Clerics until level 25, but would also make it feel more special when You get that secondary class. I think Racial choice will potentially affect Your archetype quite a lot pre lvl 25 also.
Currently it has one healer in the future I think they'll be several passable healers. A bard cleric surely has to be viable seeing how close it already is.
Agreed!! We need to be hitting the max levels just as new content is coming. It would also be nice to know what is going to encourage people to progress their profession skills. I'm hoping top grade gear will be extraordinarily hard to craft. Money and resources should be scarce, and that top grade gear will be needed to defeat certain quests/raids/mobs.
Comparing stats on weapons, heroic weapons look to be about 40% stronger than rare weapons. Assuming they dont change, that's massive!! That's a pretty big incentive to get friendly with a crafter..
@justinwhite2725 Isnt that straight levelling, though? Without any profession levelling, raids, quests, crafting. And hence my comment above, maybe 5 hours spent crafting a top weapon adds 40% overall better efficiency to your levelling? 2 months seems too short for me. I'd possibly like that to be doubled.
i dont think it will be the same from 1-25 for everyone. we already know one does not get all abilitys for free when lvl-up but one has to invest his skillpoints in unlocking and upgreating specific abilitys of your choice. one will not have enough skillpoints to invest in everything. or did i got this wrong? some fighter will be dual wielding specing in bleeds, other two-handed specing in crit, and some run around with bow doing some offmeta stuff. as healer u can have heavy armor shield and mace like in the video. u skill shied hot abilitys or whatever. the next cleric is light armor staff being backline having time to invest in this long spellcast abilitys. at least thats how i understood it and i hope its true xD anyway have great day folk we will only be sure in alpha2
I think there is much to be said here. Good video though. Not everyone gets everything. Even when wow released it was priest, shaman, Druid. Shaman only on horde paladin only on alliance. The starting moves were all the same. You get a healing move at level 6 maybe. Didn’t even start being born into your class identity until around 15/20. When you noticed a different move such as priest bubble or shaman totem. And even then there was meta end game where half of those healers you wouldn’t take to raid. We need to get our hands on the game to see! Even then maybe they make the secondary archetypes more viable main healers by release.
Yeah, this is my concern. Also how...floaty and holy magic-y the class is. I don't mind priests, but over the years I've found I prefer non-churchy healers. Druids or scholars/doctors (like FFXIV's Scholar and Sage Jobs are different takes that aren't associated so heavily with priesty magics - granted, neither is White Mage, but the point...), or even non-magical healers (like the Scoundrel healer from Star Wars: The Old Republic). If we're stuck with over the top god magic for 25 levels...not sure I'm going to be too keen on that. They talk up the sub-archetypes, but it sounds like they won't REALLY make a difference. A little self-healing augment or a light party HoT on a long CD aren't really going to work, and if Cleric is the ONLY main healer allowed...well, the game may have a shortage of healers if folks like me don't dig the vibe of it and there aren't alternatives. A healing Bard or Summoner could be interesting...but if they can't REALLY be healers...
@@andyh4747 sometimes. When NW nerfed healers into the ground for the 100th time in a row, it became difficult to find a pug healer for quite some time, and this was before the population tanked. Things like that come and go. I personally don't see it being an issue in AoC as the whole "meta" thing isn't really going to be as dominant the way things are going. Plus the limitation only being until lvl 25 will help buy a lot pf patience. DPS Cleric up until 25, then switch it up to healer cleric with whatever secondary you are going for? Works for me. I'm just waiting to see what/how the various secondary archetype augments work out. There at least 5 good options on paper right now to be a main healer post lvl 25. There's so much world building type stuff to do before 25 anyway, that I can wait for the class levels. Gathering, crafting, node standing, etc...tons to keep busy with. Hopefully the cleric base kit has some fun options, but either way I expect all low level toons in all games to be pretty basic for a while.
@@andyh4747 Generally, yes. Most MMOs have something like 15-20% playing healers and tanks, and 60-70% playing DPS. The average party composition is either 25%/25%/50% (4 man/8 man) or 20%/20%/60% (5 man/10 man) for normal party content and raids are USUALLY some multiple of that, though with less tanks (like WoW 25 mans were 3 tanks, 6 healers, 16 DPS for a while, which is a 12%/24%/64% ratio). Chronically in MMOs, healers are the role in shortest supply vs the party needs. Sometimes this can be helped some with off-heal classes so you can have people playing DPS that can kind of step in to allow a group to make if there are no healers around. Of course, when you offer Support as another option, it takes close to half of the DPSers (dropping them from 60% down to 25-30%), but also takes some from healers (a lot of people that want to play support but the game doesn't have support play healers as a close-approximation), lowering it even further, and you tend to have a glut of supporters then (though many don't tend to play them well so they end up as just worse DPS, lol) It's not really clear WHY this is - some people worry about the responsibility (same for tanks), some people want to be the "hero/main character" and don't see healer fitting that, etc etc - but whatever the reason, it's pretty consistent across MMOs. But yeah, definitely healers are often either the most in demand or second most in demand thing, depending on the party composition and tanks.
@@warlocksk8ter2005 Yeah, he even said in the video it could do SOME off-healing, but that only Clerics could be main healer. I'm...not a fan of that as I don't really like magic a lot and especially overly righteous church-y gods magics. Would rather be a Druid or a Sage or Scholar...
What do you expect? You ecpect to change yur buil around while levelving?? thats not how it works!!!! You neeed to play and unlokc new skils and then adapt how you play! You cant gave a full base kit of spells at 1-25!!! You are removing the grind and emergion! You have to level up and learn new skills and while you are learnign new stuff you can play how you want but you cannot expect it to have it under 25.
thank you for making this video! you're concerns are worth sharing and I hope the Intrepid Team is willing to consider these concerns as they develop the game of our dreams!
Not sure how I missed this. Great video! A topic a lot of people have wondered but isn’t talked about enough. That’s what you do so well!
Each archetype is said to have 30-40 skills. Granted some of those options will be limited to the direction you go on your tree, but i think there will be plenty of versatility even before unlocking classes.
Man, I've been WAITING to see more about augments. We need to know exactly how they'll change our base class.
*This* is the most important question to success imo
Mage gives teleport
Tank gives hate/aggression
Cleric gives light/dark elemental
Rogue gives stealth
@@andyh4747 Not seeing how that really changes much...
Good take on this, very good points made. I (chibi) am excited to see how this goes during testing and see how different 1-25 can feel when combined with the weapon augments, social augments, etc
Also, thank you so much for the kind shoutout, you really didn't have to do that
I suspect that the community is expecting more variety from early character levels than AoC will provide. Specialisation will only really develop as players grow and try out different builds and combinations. With 7 other sub-classes to pair cleric and fighter with along with other modifiers and synergies, healing and tanking should be capable of offering very different playstyles to the players. It will be very interesting to see if/how AoC can make the process and rotations feel different without very real changes to the mechanics and presentation of skills when a player chooses subclass options linked to them. They will have to do this either through the Augments system or through optional skills that streamline Tanks and heals into specialised enough packages to offer varied challenges at a base to base combat point or group combat will get stale and repetitive quite quickly. If the system they propose works as intended not every tank or healer build should be viable for every boss fight but be perfect for certain encounters. We shall see.
I think the problem is that asking for a person to devote a month of time to something just to SEE if they like it or not is a bit much. "Oh, turns out you didn't like ANY of the Cleric subspecs? Well, I guess you have to start over and waste another month of your time on different class now, and oh yeah, you can't be a main healer on anything else, so now the game has a healer shortage!"
New World has this problem too of having only 1 healer class. Maybe if there was more healer classes with different playstyles, this role would be easier to fill for group content.
New World: Anyone can be the healer
Anyone: *Doesn't play healer*
You have 1 healer class with multiple playstyles. How is that any different?
The problem with new world is much more deep then that
Aye, New World was a joke. Basically, it was amazon making people pay to be testers for their games studio before they made the new LoTR game.
Yessir! 1.11k! Everyone here now and previous are the OG's
How is being low level and not having lots of skills being ‘pigeon holed’? You’re level ten! Play the game and unlock more of the game! lol
Yah, this. Spec towards a specific playstyle as you spec into certain skills. The playstyle doesn't get chosen at level 1.
It’s more of the fact that you are stuck playing 1 healing class that is similar to holy priest, spending 30-50 hours playing something you might not like to try and get to level 25 to try and even see IF you can get a playstyle you like.
@kreirian you pick your playstyle as you level up and spend your skill points, you can't afford all the skills, so you pick how you want, or how you are needed to play.
What sort of playstyles really exist for a healer? Low on hp? Heal. Multiple people need heals? Group heal .. etc... this is a pvp game. If you're not healing as a healer, wtf are you doing because your party is now dead?
If you want to debuff shit, maybe bard is more appropriate, speccing into debuff skills? Or a summon with certain summons might do that job.
Hopefully debuffs or hexes or something come from another class or augment; summoner or bard perhaps, yeah.
@@andyh4747 do you prefer to be an aoe focused healer? A healer in melee range doing coneals? A mobile healer that is able to dash around the battlefield doing single target heals? Those are healer playstyles. The overall goal of a healer is to make sure good bars stay full, but how do you want to accomplish that is healer playstyle. Ashes lets you pick your class skills but all of those skills in the talent tree are the same for everyone, there is no diversity in playstyle until you get your archetype and we have NO idea how that will change your class/playstyle. You don’t get access to that until you are level 25, meaning for a fair few healer mains, they may waste hours of their time for something they won’t enjoy.
Guild wars 1 originally wasnt going to have multiclass at the beginning of the game. You acention/closer to the stars quest was going to unlock that.
During Alpha it was clear that multiclass eas so pivotal to the gsmeplsy that they added earlier.
I’m just here to advocate for the cleric archetype name to be changed to ‘healer’ if us tank role enjoyers are going to have to be ‘tank’ 😏
That’s not nyce
Hey now, we're often the ones supporting you NOT being Tank. Take it up with all the DPS players that have cool names instead of "Melee", "Ranged", "Stealth", and "Magic".
You saw the different ways you can spec into for the Fighter in the livestream. We did not see the class tree for the cleric and the different choices but we should expect something similar is being built for the 19 skills we saw in the Cleric livestream. 19 skills is more skills than a lvl10 can have especially with the modular casting and extra effects you can add to them. I can see many different progression paths with the 19 skills where you have to select from 5 to 10 of them depending on how much you want to upgrade those skills to your liking.
I am quite surprised that this is one of your worries knowing you are well informed. I suggest rewatching the cleric livestream and listening to the nuance about the skills casting types and effects. Then look at the skill tree from fighter stream and think about how that tree would be built for Clerics.
On top of all the skills, you also get the weapon tree which makes your cleric different from others. For an early level, it will be nice to play with both trees and have to choose which upgrades to get first.
I personally am confident that when we reach release we will have an in depth class tree for level 1 to 25 with what we have seen already planned for alpha 2 (and I wouldnt be surprised it might get a bit more in depth as mentionned when he announced the delay for rogue and summoner)
I also forgot to mention the universal tree with the dodge, sprint and blocking. Which can also be invested to make some combos with your weapons and keep your cleric more focussed on specific skills.
As a healer main I don't mind if everyone plays the same healer as me BUT (and I mean a HUGE BUT) Healer has to be fun and interesting, otherwise I will not play it. MMO's where the healer class is boring as sh*t I instantly quit (Lost Ark) but more interesting healers like FF14 keep me around
Utlimately what determines your playstyle is who youre playing with and your group composition.
Maybe you play with the same 5 people and you dont always need a full out healer, so they spec towards aoe dmg and buffs.
Maybe you party with a lot of mages, so you spec towards a mana providing support.
Maybe you are solo, so you spec into single target attacks and armor.
My concern is how and how much augments will change a class. And will there be a consistent feel to each of these augmented classes?
These i feel are at odds with each other. You want the secondary classes to feel and look like different classes, but i feel they will just be the same with augments that provide mostly non-visible additional affects and debuffs, because they will need to homogenise all secondary classes to keep them all appealing and viable.
It does seem you are entirely picking your playstyle as your level, which is fine, but secondary class and augmented skills seem a bit underwhelming.
I say this but I'm not even sure Intrepid know what all the second class tool kits will look like yet. And there are plenty of skills for each race for us to customise into, so I'm not concerned.
I also assume that with the cleric's skill system, you will already have some diversity in terms of playstyle, even without the archetype.
I think everyone learning the base class of cleric, or any other class to 25 and branching out from there is a good thing. Know your role. Just my two cents. After 25, there will be lots of options to make the role fit your desire but you will always remember your base role.
I wonder if the game gets much more diversification from level 25 on or if it will take a lot of levels until each class becomes more and more unique. Otherwise your concern would continue after level 25 if there is not much of a difference within the primary class and secondary class right from lv 25 onwards.
My hope is that each secondary class will feel unique after level 25 similar to Lineage 2. And that they all have their unique use cases. That you might need a bowsinger, bladedancer, Minstrel in 1 party to have their unique buffs although they come from the same archetype bard.
And that each fight will be a lot different to play and that their combination work better in some parties than in others.
We still don't know about Bard, that can come with HoT heals something like restoration druid , and about feeling devastated about the secondary archetype he said the secondary will be easy to respect
it will be mana regen and buff class as i know
maybe low hp AOE regen
@@Alteater i think Steven Said to some heal Over time, HP regen skills
Steven flat out called it non-healing support.
Bards will not replace a cleric for healing.
The question is if it can be a main healer that just has a different healing style (like HoT/Druid) or if it can ONLY off-heal and is more like a Red Mage or Dancer or Summoner in FFXIV where it CAN do some healing but it can't replace a healer in most senses/be a main healer for a party in general.
Well You might feel the same as other Clerics until level 25, but would also make it feel more special when You get that secondary class. I think Racial choice will potentially affect Your archetype quite a lot pre lvl 25 also.
Currently it has one healer in the future I think they'll be several passable healers. A bard cleric surely has to be viable seeing how close it already is.
i hope the leveling last longer than 2 months as a casual. it should be at least 6 months. sweaty maybe 3 months.
Agreed!! We need to be hitting the max levels just as new content is coming.
It would also be nice to know what is going to encourage people to progress their profession skills. I'm hoping top grade gear will be extraordinarily hard to craft. Money and resources should be scarce, and that top grade gear will be needed to defeat certain quests/raids/mobs.
Comparing stats on weapons, heroic weapons look to be about 40% stronger than rare weapons. Assuming they dont change, that's massive!! That's a pretty big incentive to get friendly with a crafter..
2 months at 4 hours every day.
Casual plays less than that or non-optimally.
@justinwhite2725 Isnt that straight levelling, though? Without any profession levelling, raids, quests, crafting. And hence my comment above, maybe 5 hours spent crafting a top weapon adds 40% overall better efficiency to your levelling?
2 months seems too short for me. I'd possibly like that to be doubled.
i dont think it will be the same from 1-25 for everyone.
we already know one does not get all abilitys for free when lvl-up but one has to invest his skillpoints in unlocking and upgreating specific abilitys of your choice.
one will not have enough skillpoints to invest in everything. or did i got this wrong?
some fighter will be dual wielding specing in bleeds, other two-handed specing in crit, and some run around with bow doing some offmeta stuff.
as healer u can have heavy armor shield and mace like in the video. u skill shied hot abilitys or whatever. the next cleric is light armor staff being backline having time to invest in this long spellcast abilitys.
at least thats how i understood it and i hope its true xD
anyway have great day folk we will only be sure in alpha2
I think there is much to be said here. Good video though. Not everyone gets everything. Even when wow released it was priest, shaman, Druid. Shaman only on horde paladin only on alliance. The starting moves were all the same. You get a healing move at level 6 maybe. Didn’t even start being born into your class identity until around 15/20. When you noticed a different move such as priest bubble or shaman totem. And even then there was meta end game where half of those healers you wouldn’t take to raid. We need to get our hands on the game to see! Even then maybe they make the secondary archetypes more viable main healers by release.
Healadin was a thing in vanilla.
no druid, how is that possible!?
Yeah, this is my concern. Also how...floaty and holy magic-y the class is. I don't mind priests, but over the years I've found I prefer non-churchy healers. Druids or scholars/doctors (like FFXIV's Scholar and Sage Jobs are different takes that aren't associated so heavily with priesty magics - granted, neither is White Mage, but the point...), or even non-magical healers (like the Scoundrel healer from Star Wars: The Old Republic). If we're stuck with over the top god magic for 25 levels...not sure I'm going to be too keen on that. They talk up the sub-archetypes, but it sounds like they won't REALLY make a difference. A little self-healing augment or a light party HoT on a long CD aren't really going to work, and if Cleric is the ONLY main healer allowed...well, the game may have a shortage of healers if folks like me don't dig the vibe of it and there aren't alternatives. A healing Bard or Summoner could be interesting...but if they can't REALLY be healers...
I'm okay if my healing services become more valuable due to lack of healer mains. Daddy needs to make that money honey 😊😊😊
Are healers in mmos still in short supply?
@@andyh4747 sometimes. When NW nerfed healers into the ground for the 100th time in a row, it became difficult to find a pug healer for quite some time, and this was before the population tanked. Things like that come and go. I personally don't see it being an issue in AoC as the whole "meta" thing isn't really going to be as dominant the way things are going. Plus the limitation only being until lvl 25 will help buy a lot pf patience. DPS Cleric up until 25, then switch it up to healer cleric with whatever secondary you are going for? Works for me. I'm just waiting to see what/how the various secondary archetype augments work out. There at least 5 good options on paper right now to be a main healer post lvl 25. There's so much world building type stuff to do before 25 anyway, that I can wait for the class levels. Gathering, crafting, node standing, etc...tons to keep busy with. Hopefully the cleric base kit has some fun options, but either way I expect all low level toons in all games to be pretty basic for a while.
@@andyh4747 Generally, yes. Most MMOs have something like 15-20% playing healers and tanks, and 60-70% playing DPS. The average party composition is either 25%/25%/50% (4 man/8 man) or 20%/20%/60% (5 man/10 man) for normal party content and raids are USUALLY some multiple of that, though with less tanks (like WoW 25 mans were 3 tanks, 6 healers, 16 DPS for a while, which is a 12%/24%/64% ratio). Chronically in MMOs, healers are the role in shortest supply vs the party needs.
Sometimes this can be helped some with off-heal classes so you can have people playing DPS that can kind of step in to allow a group to make if there are no healers around.
Of course, when you offer Support as another option, it takes close to half of the DPSers (dropping them from 60% down to 25-30%), but also takes some from healers (a lot of people that want to play support but the game doesn't have support play healers as a close-approximation), lowering it even further, and you tend to have a glut of supporters then (though many don't tend to play them well so they end up as just worse DPS, lol)
It's not really clear WHY this is - some people worry about the responsibility (same for tanks), some people want to be the "hero/main character" and don't see healer fitting that, etc etc - but whatever the reason, it's pretty consistent across MMOs.
But yeah, definitely healers are often either the most in demand or second most in demand thing, depending on the party composition and tanks.
I mean, Ashes of Creation has no healer, since it's currently Vaporware.
I think Bard/Cleric will be a valid healer build thats HoT based.
Bard….. hello? 1st and last video thank you
Bard won't be a primary healer class. Check the wiki man.
@@warlocksk8ter2005 Yeah, he even said in the video it could do SOME off-healing, but that only Clerics could be main healer. I'm...not a fan of that as I don't really like magic a lot and especially overly righteous church-y gods magics. Would rather be a Druid or a Sage or Scholar...
What do you expect? You ecpect to change yur buil around while levelving?? thats not how it works!!!! You neeed to play and unlokc new skils and then adapt how you play! You cant gave a full base kit of spells at 1-25!!! You are removing the grind and emergion! You have to level up and learn new skills and while you are learnign new stuff you can play how you want but you cannot expect it to have it under 25.
Too much yapping for the first 2 mins, man...