구독자 25,000명 & 멤버십 시작 기념 영상/그림책으로 시작하는 영어 스피킹/ Speaking English with Picture Books can work wonders!

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • 이 영상은 구독자 25,000명을 기념하고,
    채널 멤버십 시작을 알리기 위해 제작되었습니다.
    이 영상을 시청하면서 큰소리로 영어를 말하다 보면
    THE BAD SEED에 나오는 모든 영어표현을 유창하게 말할 수 있게 될 것입니다.
    감사와 안내의 말씀
    시청자 여러분의 성원 덕분에 그랜파스쿨 TV 채널이
    이렇게 성장했습니다.
    그동안 우리 채널의 콘텐츠를 즐겨 시청하시고
    이웃에게 권유해주신 분들께 깊은 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
    이번 기회에 그랜파스쿨 채널의 콘텐츠 제작 방침을 공지하고
    새롭게 시작한 채널 멤버십에 대해 간단히 말씀드리겠습니다.
    그림책에 나오는 모든 문장을 영작을 위한 자료,
    영어로 말하는 능력을 기르기 위한 자료로 생각하고 콘텐츠를 만들겠습니다.
    ‘그림책으로 시작하는 영어 스피킹’이라는 제목의 영상을 제작하여
    채널 회원에게 먼저 공개하겠습니다.
    이 영상을 활용하여, 그림책에 나오는 모든 문장을 리듬에 맞춰 말해보세요.
    영어가 자연스럽게 입에서 튀어나올 때까지 연습하고, 연습하고
    또 연습하시길 바랍니다.
    한 문장, 한 문장 노래하듯 리듬을 타며 말하는 것,
    이것이 영어 공부가 아닐까요?
    “성공은 현재 순간의 성공(a successful present moment)밖에 없습니다.”
    - 에크하르트 톨레 -
    오늘도 먼지처럼 작은, 아주 작은 성공을 체험하시길 바랍니다.
    그랜파스쿨 채널 회원에 가입해주시면 더 품격이 있는 영상으로 보답하겠습니다.
    / @innerspace9512
    영어 스크립트
    1-1 I'm a bad seed.
    1-2 A baaaaaaaaad seed.
    2 Oh yeah. It's true.
    3-1 The other seeds,
    3-2 they look at me, and they say
    3-3 That seed is SO bad!
    3 The other seeds, they look at me, and they say That seed is SO bad!
    4-1 When they think I'm not listening,
    4-2 they mumble,
    4-3 There goes a baaaad seed.
    4 When they think I'm not listening, they mumble, There goes a baaaad seed.
    5-1 But I can hear them.
    5-2 I have good hearing for a seed.
    5 But I can hear them. I have good hearing for a seed.
    6-1 How bad am I?
    6-2 You really want to know?
    6 How bad am I? You really want to know?
    7-1 Well . . . I never put things back
    7-2 where they belong.
    7 Well . . . I never put things back where they belong.
    8 I'm late to everything.
    9 I tell long jokes with no punch lines.
    10 I lie about pointless stuff.
    11 I never wash my hands. Or my feet.
    12 I cut in line. Every time.
    13-1 I stare at everybody.
    13-2 I glare at everybody.
    14-1 I finish everybody’s sentences.
    14-2 And I never listen.
    15 And I do lots of other bad things, too.
    16 Know why? Because I'm a bad seed.
    17 A baaaaad seed.
    18 I just can't help it.
    19 Sure, I wasn't always this bad.
    20-1 I was born a humble seed,
    20-2 on a simple sunflower,
    20-3 in an unremarkable field.
    20 I was born a humble seed, on a simple sunflower, in an unremarkable field.
    21-1 I had a big family.
    21-2 Seeds everywhere.
    22-1 We found ways of having fun.
    22-2 We were close.
    23 But then the petals dropped.
    24 And our flower drooped.
    25-1 It's kind of a blur.
    25-2 I remember a bag.
    26 Everything went dark ... ... and then ... then ...
    27 a giant!
    28-1 I thought I was a goner ...
    28-2 I thought I was done for ...
    29 I screamed and I hollered...AHHHHHHHHH!
    30 But I was spit out at the last possible second.
    31 I flew through the air and I landed under the bleachers with a huge thud.
    31-1 I flew through the air
    31-2 and I landed under the bleachers
    31-3 with a huge thud.
    32-1 When I woke up, it was dark outside.
    32-2 A wad of gum had softened my fall.
    33 I felt OK but something had changed in me.
    34-1 I'd become a different seed entirely.
    34-2 I'd become a bad seed.
    35 A baaaaaaad seed.
    36-1 That's right. I stopped smiling.
    36-2 I kept to myself. I drifted.
    37 I was friend to nobody and bad to everybody.
    38-1 I was lost on purpose.
    38-2 I lived inside a soda can.
    39 I didn't care. And it suited me.
    40 Until recently. I've made a big decision.
    41 I’ve decided I don’t want to be a bad seed anymore.
    42 I'm ready to be happy.
    43-1 It's hard to be good
    43-2 when you're so used to being bad.
    43 It's hard to be good when you're so used to being bad.
    44-1 But I'm trying.
    44-2 I'm taking it one day at a time.
    45 Sure, I still forget to listen.
    46 And I still show up late.
    47-1 And I still talk during movies.
    47-2 And I do all kinds of other bad stuff.
    48 But I also say thank you.
    49 And I say please. And I smile.
    50-1 And I hold doors open for people.
    50-2 Not always. But sometimes.
    51-1 And even though I still feel bad, sometimes,
    51-2 I also feel kind of good.
    51 And even though I still feel bad, sometimes, I also feel kind of good.
    52 It's sort of a mix.
    53 All I can do is keep trying. = I can only keep trying.
    54-1 And keep thinking,
    54-2 Maybe I'm not such a bad seed after all.
    54 And keep thinking, Maybe I'm not such a bad seed after all.
    55 Hey, look, there goes that bad seed.
    56 Actually, he's not all that bad anymore.
    57 I heard that.