After Death Communications (ADCs) - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Millions of people report spontaneous experiences of contact with departed loved ones, hearing their voices, seeing their faces again. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what After Death Communications are, what they are like, and whether they really could be forms of contacted with our lost loved ones.
    Further Resources:
    • Jimmy’s course Introduction to Parapsychology:
    • The Guggenheims’ book Hello From Heaven!:
    • Erlendur Haraldsson’s book The Departed Among the Living:
    • The Guggenheims’ website www.after-death...
    • After Death Communication Research Foundation:
    • Jenny Streit-Horn’s dissertation A Systematic Review of Research on After-Death Communications:
    • Elsaesser et al.’s booklet on ADCs: www.evelyn-els...
    • Elsaesser et al.’s 2021 paper The Phenomenology and Impact of Hallucinations Concerning the Deceased: www.ncbi.nlm.n...
    • Supplemental Material: www.cambridge....
    • Wollacott et al.’s 2022 paper Perceptual Phenomena Associated with Spontaneous Experiences of After-Death Communication (paywall): www.sciencedir...
    • Richard Kelly’s paper Post-Mortem Contact by Fatal Injury Victims with Emergency Service Workers at the Scenes of Their Death: digital.librar...


  • @jimanderson5781
    @jimanderson5781 5 місяців тому +60

    In June of 1969, while visiting her farm when I was 14, my 64 year old grandmother, Helen, died unexpectedly in her sleep. In fact, I found her body. Of course I was extremely upset at her passing. My grandmother was a faithful Methodist Christian very loving and a source of stability in my life. About six months after her passing, after having gone to bed, I found myself in my pajamas standing in my grandparents dining room. Looking down at my feet, I say that my feet were about five inches above the floor. It was dark, the dog was asleep in the chair and I could hear my grandfather snoring upstairs. Suddenly, my grandmother was standing in front of me. We hugged. She told me that she had been given permission to come to me just this one time because I was grieving so very much. She said that I was not to worry about her. She is very happy. She sat down on the couch and we talk for a long while. In life, my grandmother had difficulties with arthritis. She would have to rock back and forth to get momentum to stand up. She said she was happy to be rid of that old body with the pain she had. Then she stood up as quickly as a teenager. She said, "See, it's great." She told me that she was very happy. The only cause for her to be concerned was my father, her son, who was extremely angry and bitter about her death. My grandmother told me that, when I told people about my meeting with her, people would tell me that it was a dream. She said emphatically that it was NOT a dream. When our meeting was about to end, my grandmother told me that this would be the last time she was permitted to visit me but that she would always be watching over me. The next thing I knew I found myself wide awake and sitting up in my bed. Though I still miss my grandmother I have never grieved for her since our meeting in the dining room. Jim Anderson

    • @laverdadescatolica5
      @laverdadescatolica5 5 місяців тому

      Did she tell you to pray or to lead a Christian life?

    • @jimanderson5781
      @jimanderson5781 5 місяців тому +2

      @@laverdadescatolica5 It wasn't explicit. I would say that it was implied. When I was younger, she was the person who let me to Christ.

    • @laverdadescatolica5
      @laverdadescatolica5 5 місяців тому +1

      @@jimanderson5781 I heard a traditionalist priest once say if something like that EVER happens to you to ask the person “in the name of Jesus Christ, how can I help you?”

    • @jimanderson5781
      @jimanderson5781 5 місяців тому +7

      @@laverdadescatolica5 That's good advice. Seeing that, at the time I was a 14 year old Methodist, and that it happened 55 years ago, it's a bit of a mute point. Also, she was there to help me, because I was a mess before our conversation.

    • @laverdadescatolica5
      @laverdadescatolica5 5 місяців тому

      @@jimanderson5781 how old was she, sir/ma’am?

  • @trevorcronk935
    @trevorcronk935 5 місяців тому +2

    A while after a family friend died of cancer I was driving and listening to music when I suddenly smelled very strongly her perfume. I was not thinking of her at the time and have only ever known her to wear that scent.

  • @slow9573
    @slow9573 5 місяців тому +32

    The only one of these kinds of experiences that I am 100% about is my encounter with Our Lady. I entered college and had become convinced that I had to leave atheism behind and become Catholic. I was told by the parish that I had to wait a year (I have since come to realize this person was probably mistaken). In that time, I was terrorized at night by what must have been demons. It was horrible; it was the worst thing I had ever experienced, and it just kept on happening. I knew catholics loved Mary and said that she helped them, so i asked her to help me, to shield me, and she did. It was the most warm and loving embrace; it really was beyond comparison. The Blessed Mother would hold me in a mother's hug and kept the bad things at bay. It was extraordinary. No words can describe the beauty and goodness of Our Lady.

    • @ebilebes
      @ebilebes 5 місяців тому +1

      That's beautiful. I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience of Our Lady!
      After I converted there was one night when I woke up to something demonic sitting on my chest choking me. I felt that it was angry because I had been saved, whereas before I was on the path to hell. I prayed and it disappeared. I asked myself whether it could have been a dream, but it was vividly real and happened in the bed where I had been sleeping (unlike typical dreams that don't happen where my body physically is).

  • @BlueRoseJourney
    @BlueRoseJourney 5 місяців тому +17

    After the death of my youngest son I was struggling with my faith. I wasn’t angry with God or blamed Him for my son’s death, but I started to panic that atheists were right. Losing my son was bad enough, but losing my faith as well was terrifying to me, so I prayed. A week or two later I had a dream of my son. I ran upstairs to him and told him “you’re dead, you can’t be here”. He smirked at me, and said, “I know. I’m fine, stop worrying.” My worry had been about where he was. That dream was 7 years ago and I still remember every detail, even down to the feel of his face when I placed my hand on his cheek. No one will ever convince me that it was just a dream; I know God let my son visit me to reassure me.

  • @sissybrooks8588
    @sissybrooks8588 5 місяців тому +14

    I have had multiple experiences like these. (I was a hospice nurse for 12 years).
    One fun thing is my prayer to the Little Flower to send me a rose...for no particular reason, maybe a little experiment.
    In any case, less than a week later, in November, in the Midwest, two or 3 very large cabbage roses, orange/salmon in color ( my favorite color), bloomed on my lame rose bush which had produced nothing but leaves for its first couple of years.
    Since then, the bush produces little white apothecary roses, so I am sure it was a favor from her.

  • @rosiegirl2485
    @rosiegirl2485 5 місяців тому +12

    My dad was killed in a work accident when he was 41, a beam in the roof of an old paper mill factory fell on him.
    I was a very young 17.
    My dad was the first dead person I had seen which made his death even more difficult.
    He left behind my mom and 7 children, ages 8 to 19 years old.
    My dad was our sole provider and I remember the fear of wondering how would we survive without him!
    I was having a difficult time sleeping following his death.
    Having crazy frightning dreams about where he was.
    Then one night, while sleeping, I had a vision of him laying on top of the ground at the cemetery, with his red hunting hat on, and I was looking at him slightly up hill, and he started to speak to me and I said "daddy I can't understand you, you are speaking to me in Greek" which the Greek language in my life would have been foreign to me in every way and don't know how I knew it was Greek.
    As fast as I said that my position changed and I was looking slightly down hill at him and he then spoke in English, and he said, " don't worry about me, I am happy where I am, and that everything would be ok."
    I never had another nightmare and everything was ok.
    I am 63 years old and have never forgot that encounter with my dad. It did bring me much needed peace, and am grateful for it!
    I knew then as well as I know now that that encounter wasn't a dream!
    I just didn't know that other people have experienced this type of thing.
    I still miss my dad everyday of my life!

  • @ebilebes
    @ebilebes 5 місяців тому +11

    One night I prayed whole heartedly, asking God to help me know if he really existed. I had a "butterfly vision" that night. It appeared on my ceiling while I lay on my back. I had no idea what the butterflies symbolized, just that when I saw them, I somehow knew it was an answer to my pray telling me that God existed. I didn’t hear a voice saying this, but I somehow knew, as if the message came to me. I felt an incredible joy and peace come over me. This started my journey to the Church and I've been Catholic for over 6 years now.

  • @StutzKustom
    @StutzKustom 5 місяців тому +14

    Attention Viewers, make sure to like, subscribe, and comment on videos to help their channel!

    • @nightyew2160
      @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому

      Do liking the comments count as additional likes?

  • @Fiona2254
    @Fiona2254 5 місяців тому +9

    About a month after we came back from my dear mother in law’s funeral, I was laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. I felt the mattress go down as if someone just sat there and then a very slight and tender touch accompanied by her perfume. The last few days our daughter had been “talking to granny, silly” when playing alone. I would ask her who are you talking to and she’d answer that way. Our daughter was her only granddaughter, DMiL in fact didn’t have any girls. She very much enjoy playing with her and my niece.
    After that delicate touch, that I interpret as a good bye, our daughter never played again with her. I think she got permission to be with her because she wanted a little time to say goodbye to her toddler granddaughter.
    It’s been 31 years and I still miss her, but I know she’s praying for her two granddaughters, one who was born 3 years after she passed.
    May they all be granted eternal rest.
    Edit to add: I was in a dream that wasn’t a dream with my recently passed father and a bunch of family members that had passed. It was very quiet but at the same time it felt like a joyous reunion. The all looked amazing and happy in an all white, shinny room. Then a thought came to my mind and I spoke it: wait! You aren’t here to get me, are you?” That’s when the vision ended. I didn’t wake up, it felt that I was just “back” wide eyed and fully alert. Not all my deceased family members were there, but all that were looked amazing. Especially dad who had passed of ALS a skinny husk of a man, he looked healthy and strong. It was an amazing grace to receive.

  • @annakimborahpa
    @annakimborahpa 5 місяців тому +5

    Matthew 27:50-53: But Jesus cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up His spirit.
    And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom.
    The earth quaked, rocks were split, tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised.
    And coming forth from their tombs after His resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

  • @pop6997
    @pop6997 5 місяців тому +9

    This was so fascinating, thankyou!
    I'll share a short experience, although at the time I thought it meaningful & rather odd, as time went on I kinda wrote it off as weird coincidence..
    My bachelor uncle was in hospital, he wasn't expected to last long. Many of my family were on vacation so I had to pick up the slack & bring my two sisters in and out of hospital as they didn't drive. I recall getting up one morning and feeling an urgent need to get to the hospital to be there ( I didn't want him to be alone if he passed ). I phoned my sisters & arranged to pick them up at my mums at a certain time to get in early & stay with him as long as possible.
    However, when I got to my mums they both had gone to 'get their hair done' - I was really piddled to be honest that I had to hang around but the upside was I got to be with my mum who was immobile really with advanced Parkinsons. It was my mum's baby brother that lay in hospital & he was a very dear brother & uncle. As mum and I sat chatting after about an hour had passed I got up to make a cup of tea & glanced out the back garden. To my suprise I saw a swirl of big white butterflies that looked almost like a mini twister. I mentioned it to my mum & said, 'Gosh Mum, so weird all those butterflies together, I didn't think they travelled together like that, something must be attracting them to that spot, i'll go investigate'. I unlocked the back door, went out to have a look & they were gone 🤷‍♀️ I tried to find what might have attracted them to the spot but there was just lawn...
    Anyway, while I was on my way back to my mum I heard some keys in the door. Relieved but still a little vexed I went into the front hallway and saw my two older sisters come in, both were rather upset ( but hey, they had great hair!! ) as the eldest had received a call saying our uncle had passed away 😥
    He was very close to my mum & loved the ground she walked on tbh - I felt awful none of us were there. In the next few days with arrangements to be made etc. I mentioned in passing about those butterflies & their weirdness & it was my sister ( her hair still looked great ) who said that perhaps it was our uncle saying 'goodbye' to his beloved sister.....she said butterflies have a meaning, like 'transformation'. I did take comfort in that tbh...I hope my mum did too, she wasn't long left for this earth herself & followed the year after.
    Thanks Jimmy & Dom - this episode reaffirmed that experience for me & my sceptic heart as time put distance between it and today - just seven years ❤
    RIP wonderful uncle

  • @kimfleury
    @kimfleury 5 місяців тому +12

    First, I look forward to your episode on the types of ADEs experienced by people who are at the end stage of life. I know someone who's mother-in-law has recently finally accepted her impending death as a result of visits from the deceased. She's quite elderly and has been in slow decline, and didn't look forward to reunion with her late husband or other friends and family, simply because of her fear of dying. I've known other dying people who saw the deceased, too. My stepdad saw a constant parade of them. I have to laugh at the memory of my grumpy stepdad turn into a gleeful First Grade child as he sat in pain on the edge of his deathbed. His pain forgotten, he became joyful when he saw his beloved teacher. He said, "It's my schoolteacher! And she's with her mother. She used to take me to her mother's to eat pancakes. Those were the _best_ pancakes! Her mother says she's going to make me pancakes!" He was so excited! He wiggled like a little boy and clapped his hands. Then he stopped, looked at my Mom, and asked, "Will I be able to eat pancakes in heaven?" Mom told him yes, and he got all excited again. I ask anyone who reads this to pray for his soul. He was raised Baptist, and rejected religion. He only returned to faith when he asked to have the implanted heart defibrillator turned off after more than a decade of suffering heart attacks. The attacks were more frequent, and he was tired. He talked to his nephew-in-law who is a Baptist minister, and reconciled with God. So I know he was saved in the end. But I didn't ask if he was baptized, and I had the urge to ask him on his deathbed if he wanted to be baptized. But I chickened out in fear of what the others would say. Not even the Catholic family members believe baptism is necessary, and they mock religiosity. It's to my shame that I cared more about human respect than seeing to his well-being in eternity. If he's denied the presence of God because of my fault, even though he's saved from hell, and in a place or state of natural eternal happiness, eating pancakes to his heart's content, I ask that the consequences fall on me for my failure, and that he be admitted into the new and eternal Jerusalem, permitted to worship at the throne of God.

    • @JimmyAkin
      @JimmyAkin  5 місяців тому +20

      You should not have any concern. The overwhelming majority of adult Baptists are baptized, and even if he wasn't, he *desired* to do what Jesus wanted him to do by the end, which included baptism. He would thus have had what's known as "baptism of desire"--the same as catechumens who die before baptism--and thus he would be able to go to the full glory of heaven . . . and eat pancakes! God bless you!

    • @nightyew2160
      @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому

      May God bless and console you. May He welcome your stepdad into paradise.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 5 місяців тому


  • @Vickie167
    @Vickie167 5 місяців тому +5

    I enjoyed the story about the boy with down syndrome. I worked as a paraprofessional in a multiple disabilities class room. i look forward to seeing all those kiddos in heaven fully restored. There is one boy that had down syndrome when he was 5 to 6. He passed away at the age of 23. That's why I said had, down syndrome.

  • @michelleheltz6116
    @michelleheltz6116 5 місяців тому +7

    My mom died and I was left alone. I dreamt about her every night for a year. It was very comforting! I met my future husband soon after and the dreams stopped. I just loved those dreams!

  • @StutzKustom
    @StutzKustom 5 місяців тому +13

    Also, the viewers are incredibly grateful for your and Dom’s efforts on these videos. God Bless

  • @2amgaming388
    @2amgaming388 5 місяців тому +5

    Wife had a sleep state ADC that was rather peculiar. A man came to her that she'd never met before. He didn't speak.
    She has a background in ASL and could tell from his body language that he was frustrated. He was pacing with his arms crossed and had a scowl on his face.
    As soon as she had the thought about a friend of hers who'd lost her dad shortly before they met, he communicated, still without saying a word, that she was in the right track. She got a sense that he wanted to tell the friend something, but was being blocked somehow (his frustration) and that he needed to pass on a message to her that "it was alright."
    She phoned her friend the next day and told her about her dream and described the man and have her the message. Her friend started crying. She was hesitant about getting married and wondered what her dad would have thought about her husband, a man who many of her close friends were speaking badly about.
    She confirmed the physical details of my wife's account and his mannerisms.
    She decided to accept the message for what it was and got married. They have been very happy together since, and have a beautiful young son in their life.

  • @bethriffel9151
    @bethriffel9151 5 місяців тому +7

    When I was in college, I had a dream that my grandma (maternal) had died. Later that morning I got a message to call home. Dad told me that Grandma Rose died at 1am. I told him I woke up at 2 am from the dream. He told Mom, and she wasn't the least bit surprised. These things seem to run in the family on Mom's side. After Mom passed away, I would find dimes in stressful or otherwise pivotal moments. Mom loved playing cards and always kept a box of dimes for us and the grandkids to play cards with her😊. 16 years after her passing I still find the occasional dime right when I need it. #Godmoments

  • @flameofthewest6196
    @flameofthewest6196 5 місяців тому +9

    About 3 months after I lost my mother to cancer, I was woken up at 3:00am hearing a windup music box playing down the hall, one that my mother loved. There was no way it could have been wound up without immediately playing back. I sat up in bed, then slowly walked down the hall and it was still playing. When I turned to look at it, it stopped. I wasn't scared as I knew it was my mom checking up on me. Before she passed, I had asked her if she would help me, and she said "always!❤".

  • @aglenrios
    @aglenrios 5 місяців тому +6

    It was listening to this video that I realized I had had an ADC.

  • @dawnrock4675
    @dawnrock4675 5 місяців тому +12

    I lost my 81 year old mother to cancer a few weeks ago. It is devastating. I hope God allows me to receive a message.
    I asked Him directly to avoid trouble from demons.

    • @JimmyAkin
      @JimmyAkin  5 місяців тому +14

      Praying for the consolation of you and all she left behind!

    • @HeavnzMiHome
      @HeavnzMiHome 5 місяців тому +1

      An object jumped off a shelf. To his widow this made her associate this with her deceased husband. She told me about this event. About a year later, I was a witness to a similar object fly out of a place in the same room. We both thought that there was a reason why I was witnessing this.

    • @kevinkelly2162
      @kevinkelly2162 5 місяців тому

      Post mortem hallucinations are really very common and probably explain Peter seeing Jesus. Ironic that their descendants are still selling the same old stories.

    • @nightyew2160
      @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому +1

      May God bless and console you. May He welcome your mother into paradise.

  • @HeavnzMiHome
    @HeavnzMiHome 5 місяців тому +4

    The sentient experience with Jesus in the Eucharist is pretty common I think. I had about three dramatic experiences of this before I began to look into the Catholic faith. Years later, I came into the faith. Those sentient experiences continue from time to time.

  • @allenthompson4714
    @allenthompson4714 5 місяців тому +5

    ADC easy as 123....I'll let myself out.

  • @eileenwittwer8300
    @eileenwittwer8300 5 місяців тому +5

    In 1956, when I was 16, I was staying with my grandmother at home while the rosary was taking place for her son, my uncle, was taking place at his church. Grandma was sick, and I was worried. My uncle spoke to me to tell me he was taking care of his mother and not to worry. I was immediately calmed down. Years later, I told my mother about the experience . She assured me that I wasn't crazy. It has happened to others.

  • @nightyew2160
    @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому +2

    My grandfather was a fan of taking pictures. He had a tripod and one of those cameras that had a timer on it so the photographer could jump into the picture which he would subject the family to every time we got together. Shortly before his death, I was late but the home pregnancy tests had come back negative. On the way to his memorial service, I threw up on the plane but maybe that was just airsickness. One night I had a dream that he was standing on a porch of a large mansionlike building photographing me while I pushed a baby around in a stroller below. This was before the pregnancy test at the doctor's office came back positive. Although my experience seemed like an ordinary dream to me in quality and my subconcious could simply have been considering the signs that I was pregnant in spite of the OTC tests, I like to think that maybe my grandfather got to find out I was pregnant before I did.

  • @pixelprincess9
    @pixelprincess9 5 місяців тому +5

    My grandfather died when I was in my early 20s and within a week I had a dream about him where I was assured that he is happy where he is now.

  • @allenthompson4714
    @allenthompson4714 5 місяців тому +6

    Looking forward to this one.

  • @Mercysam33
    @Mercysam33 5 місяців тому +4

    Hi Jimmy. I had a theory about the creation of the Beatles song “Let It Be”. From what I’ve read McCartney got the song from a dream where his mom consoles him and tells him “Let it be”. I heard that people from purgatory will speak to people in dreams and, since his mom was a devout Catholic, she could have been consoling him from purgatory by using the dream.
    It’s just a theory, as it could have been that he remembers her “speaking words of wisdom” and his conscience made him think what his mother would tell him.
    But what are your thoughts?

  • @shellbackbeau7021
    @shellbackbeau7021 5 місяців тому +2

    In August 1944, my grandmother, who was a little girl at the time, was visited by her US Navy Sailor Uncle, he was soaking wet with salt water, he appeared at the foot of her bed, and told her his ship had been sunk. The family discovered a puddle of salt water at the foot of her bed the next morning. This is the story as related to me from my dad.

  • @jennya5105
    @jennya5105 5 місяців тому +4

    I can’t wait till next week’s show. Thank you so much for including this in your library. It is much appreciated.

  • @M_T_Gr8
    @M_T_Gr8 5 місяців тому +3

    Love that you’re talking about this! Have had many experiences myself and so glad to know I’m not alone in this.

  • @brookekennel2636
    @brookekennel2636 5 місяців тому +2

    Ever since I was a small girl, I have worried about my grandfather’s salvation. He abandoned his faith long before I was born, I think partly in reaction to his overbearing father. And it was impossible to talk to him about it-he was a very gruff man and the few times I broached the subject he became very closed off. But I loved him so much. At his best, he had a heart of gold.
    In the last years of his life, he struggled with a mental health crisis, probably prompted by a minor stroke. He attempted suicide unsuccessfully in 2017 and I renewed my prayers for him. Then, one night in 2018, I lay awake in my bed thinking about what would happen if he died unsaved. I had a brief moment of thinking, “It would be okay.” I’m not sure exactly what I meant by that statement, but I THINK I meant that God would still be sovereign and loving even in that situation. But the next morning I got a call from my sister. Papaw had committed suicide during the night. I can’t help but wonder if it happened right around that time that I was laying awake in bed, thinking about him.
    Since then, I’ve prayed regularly for his soul and desperately desire some sign that he is okay, that there is hope for him. I thought I had received it about 8 months later in a dream, but I’m not sure.
    The dream interrupted another, less memorable one. I was in some sort of bookstore or library when my grandfather showed up. I don’t remember what we talked about at first, but at some point our position shifted and suddenly he was standing between two large shelves, looking at me as if he were about to leave. There was darkness behind him and I knew he was going back into it. I was standing a few feet from him in a center aisle, and there was a young woman sitting in a wooden chair to my left. She had brown hair and a skirt. I mentally thought of her as “the librarian,” and felt as if she was somehow mediating or arranging the meeting between me and Papaw. I didn’t know who she was, but she seemed kind and disarming. I told my grandpa that I would continue to pray for him. He gave a small smile and said, “Okay.”
    And that was the end of my dream. It was so vivid that I wrote it all down the next morning, determined to record everything. Whenever I think of that, I feel like it must have been a real meeting, even if it was a dream. But in other times, I get doubts. My grandfather had such a lack of faith during his life and ended it in the worst way possible. Maybe my subconscious was just so desperate for hope that it manifested in a perfectly ordinary, if vivid, dream. But I try to live as though was real and continue to pray for him every night before I fall asleep. I am resolved to continue doing so for the rest of my own life.

    • @nightyew2160
      @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому +4

      May God bless your grandfather and welcome him into paradise. May He bless and console you as you continue to pray for him.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 5 місяців тому +2

      Certainly the mentally ill cannot be held accountable for self harm. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for him. I'll remember him when I pray it. Jesus said He would defend as His own honor before the Judgment Seat of God the dying for whom the Chaplet is prayed. Since God is outside of Time, He can apply your prayers now to your grandfather before he passed.

  • @carolinafine8050
    @carolinafine8050 5 місяців тому +2

    Whoever is doing those readings is doing a phenomenal job incredible emotion

  • @deborahrodriguez8506
    @deborahrodriguez8506 5 місяців тому +2

    Thank again Jimmy and Dom. Good video. I learn a lot from your videos. It reenforces what I already knew and confirms what my late mom and I use to discuss about the God, faith and just everything.

  • @markiangooley
    @markiangooley 5 місяців тому +3

    “Bosco, I am saved!”
    Not expecting a mention of that one, but we’ll see.

  • @allyjohnston3151
    @allyjohnston3151 5 місяців тому +2

    A while after my brother died and just before my kids father died, I had a very strange dream. In my dream I was in a log type of structure, and in it was a large wooden pillar, and my brother and my ex were talking around the pillar, and I came closer and said what are you doing? He gave me a half smile and shrugged and continued and from what I could see the pillar was filled with little embedded nails and they were pulling them out. I always wondered about that dream, if they were in (or to be in) purgatory. Still pondering...they was a light illuminating what they were doing.

  • @BetterCatholicPreaching
    @BetterCatholicPreaching 5 місяців тому +2

    Jimmy is compassionate, faithful, and full of generosity.

  • @raymk
    @raymk 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm starting to think Jimmy's mysterious world is actually our real world.

    • @JimmyAkin
      @JimmyAkin  4 місяці тому

      That's part of the goal of the show! To (hopefully) find mysterious things in the real world and discuss them.

  • @cryptkeeper1361
    @cryptkeeper1361 5 місяців тому

    Hi Jimmy! Great episode. Highly recommend Jimmy’s Classes at Rhine - HIGHLY! ( Terrie - Rhine Student 😉)

  • @mmedeuxchevaux
    @mmedeuxchevaux Місяць тому

    Why do some of us get zero signs from our loved ones? I've asked, I've begged, I've waited for gentle signs, I've seen mediums, I've prayed, I've meditated... nothing. I'd love it if you could do an episode or spend some time on the reasons why loved ones may not want to come through, or may not be able or is it some of us who can't receive them?

  • @Ralphshade2024
    @Ralphshade2024 Місяць тому

    It was going good till you said there are no houses flowers etc.. in the spirit world how can you say that when u don’t know your not an expert on the afterlife I’ve been researching this topic for years and imo there is a world much like this one only better ,, can’t you just say in my opinion or I believe. 🤷‍♂️

  • @mandydale8036
    @mandydale8036 5 місяців тому

    Once I had a brilliant, memorable short dream despite rarely recalling dreams. It was not about the death of a loved one but the "death" of my marriage. I was on the alter of the church (which I had only been in twice because of a fire at our original location). The details were stunning. The church's patron saint, St. Michael, had a message for me, did not say a word but I immediately understood. It brought great comfort and all fits what Jimmy described despite the subject being different. Thank you for this excellent episode.

  • @erincarter1469
    @erincarter1469 5 місяців тому

    I often have ADC with my mom , passed from cancer, and other deceased family. This includes pets. I don't always know which are real or imagination. My living family take comfort in it.

  • @dencollie
    @dencollie 5 місяців тому

    I’ve had so called ‘dreams ‘ of purgatory and seeing deceased friends…..I just knew they were thanking me for my 🙏🏻s or needed 🙏🏻s

  • @dencollie
    @dencollie 5 місяців тому

    Had an audible ADC about 4-6 months after my father in law died . I was at his bedside when he passed on praying the Divine Mercy chaplet . One night I awoke to him calling my name . I got a feeling he was ask8ng for my prayers and masses

  • @Rosary-Crusader
    @Rosary-Crusader 5 місяців тому

    Jimmy, worth checking out St Alphonsus Liguori s book Glories of Mary that has accounts of souls visiting after death.

  • @auntiesister7405
    @auntiesister7405 5 місяців тому +2

    So where can i listen to this in audio only, since ya'll are doing videos now on Spotify? I'm sure I'm not the only one that has to be mindful of data usage.

    • @JimmyAkin
      @JimmyAkin  5 місяців тому +5

      There's probably an audio-only option on Spotify (I assume!), but the audio can also be accessed on Apple Podcasts, Alexa ("Alexa, play Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World podcast"), Stitcher, and via Hope this helps!

    • @auntiesister7405
      @auntiesister7405 5 місяців тому

      @@JimmyAkin Thanks!!

  • @mkultra9896
    @mkultra9896 5 місяців тому

    I’ve experienced this gift a couple times. Both were found to be important to future events.
    Can’t prove but I pray for more folks to experience these as proof to afterlife and folks living on 😊

  • @cheese9879
    @cheese9879 5 місяців тому

    I saw my dad in the kitchen after he died. I was walking down the hallway of my house and I heard this familiar voice, a voice that has no origin it's just a voice that I have heard several times in my life. I think it's my guardian angel, anyway, I was thinking about my dad, and the voice said he's right here. I looked in the kitchen and he was sitting at the kitchen table. I wasn't scared, I looked at him and said, Dad! I miss you, he said I know but I'm okay, I said to him we're okay too, and he said I know you are, I have to go and he left. It was wonderful I know he's okay God let him tell me that.

  • @trad-lite
    @trad-lite 5 місяців тому +1

    I’m not crying, you’re crying

  • @sonyasunpuff
    @sonyasunpuff 5 місяців тому

    1:33:27 I had a classmate in my masters program who claimed to be visited by people upon their death. They would show up confused and it would happen frequently enough that she would be very annoyed by the visits and would advise them to ‘go to the Light’ they were acquaintances usually… and a couple of days later would see their obituaries or find out from others that the visitor had passed away.

  • @antoniopioavallone1137
    @antoniopioavallone1137 4 місяці тому

    I had one some months later since my grandfather's death in a dream; it was spontanaeus since I wasn't thinking about that from some time, so I wasn't still in the grieving phase. In the dream he said to me that ''he was in heaven now thanks to my prayers''. I don't know if it is of supernarueal origin, but I like to think it was.

  • @carolinafine8050
    @carolinafine8050 5 місяців тому

    Even skeptic Michael Shermer wrote an article about how he and his wife had one.

  • @dencollie
    @dencollie 5 місяців тому

    After my mother passed ( within a yr) I was sleeping alone in bed one night and had my arm hanging over the side of the bed , I felt an electric touch on my hand and just knew it was my mom. A few weeks later I had another experience where I felt the foot of bed go down like someone sat on end of bed and felt my mom again.🌹♥️

  • @mattbernacki9282
    @mattbernacki9282 5 місяців тому

    Really interesting episode! I'm wondering if the examples of people who had the experiences of the Blessed Mother were Catholic or if there are people who had these experiences outside of a Catholic context?

  • @Ralphshade2024
    @Ralphshade2024 Місяць тому

    I’m out thanks preaching your beliefs and religion on here !

  • @victorolson5663
    @victorolson5663 3 місяці тому

    They are real. They visit me in dreams, though very seldom. The dreams are indeed very real, and not like what some would call ordinary dreams.

  • @StringofPearls55
    @StringofPearls55 5 місяців тому +1

    Fantastic as always! Thank you.

  • @kazgonciarz7231
    @kazgonciarz7231 5 місяців тому

    What happens with the listener feedback; you used to play some of it at the end of each episode.

  • @deborahanne9793
    @deborahanne9793 5 місяців тому +1

    Were all the people who communicated after death Christian? Looking forward to 2nd episode.

    • @nightyew2160
      @nightyew2160 5 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, since some of the ADCs involved Jesus, Mary, or requests for prayers, I was wondering whether the evidence points either towards the ADCs being influenced by the faith of the person involved or towards the ADCs reflecting an objective truth.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 5 місяців тому

      The first 2 were ancient Romans .

  • @aprilblake2784
    @aprilblake2784 5 місяців тому

    I have had many experiences of dreams and signs with deceased family. Several living family members have also told me about dreams and experiences.

  • @wms72
    @wms72 5 місяців тому

    I'm so glad you presented your research in this video. I have had 2 unsolicited, direct ADCs with my son and 3 with my boyfriend. The first one with my boyfriend, I was kneeling before the Tabernacle right after confession. I asked Jesus to let Uri come back. I didn't know he was dead. I didn't realize he was dead until 42 years later. I thought he must have left the country. After 42 years, I had 2 other ADCs from him and 1 answered prayer. I'm glad others have had these experiences.

  • @Matrix-tx5ff
    @Matrix-tx5ff 5 місяців тому

    Parapsychology is my all time favorite Jimmy topic! I haven’t even fished the video yet, but I’m sure I don’t speak too hastily when I say great work and good stuff!

  • @edwardbreau
    @edwardbreau Місяць тому

    Interesting topic.

  • @MaryNYC1
    @MaryNYC1 5 місяців тому

    Great timing because today's NY Times Podcast (April 7, 2024) called "The Daily" did their entire podcast on the topic (and I'm quoting here): "The Sunday Read: What Deathbed Visions Teach Us About Living." It was very interesting and gave a lot of testimony of family members and health care professional experiences as they observed and spoke with people on their deathbed, and what they observed, and what those who were about to pass away told them. It was fascinating and a good complement to Jimmy's podcast about after death.

  • @RebeccaLynne2046
    @RebeccaLynne2046 5 місяців тому

    I loved this episode! I've had a lot of experiences like this and find it so interesting to hear other's perspectives. About suicide, I've read that your suffering in this life, no matter how terrible, is still much lighter than the suffering you will have in Purgatory if you choose suicide, and that you still have to suffer all that you would have on Earth. You can ask Jesus to let you suffer your Purgatory on Earth. A warning, though, it's not for the faint of heart.

  • @zebedeepetway5911
    @zebedeepetway5911 5 місяців тому

    After watching a segment on That's Incredible about people receiving phone calls from deceased loved ones, 9 year old me was afraid to answer the phone for quite a while. lol

  • @dynaspinner64
    @dynaspinner64 5 місяців тому

    In the previous year, I had a dream where I saw my dead cat. However he looked like how I last remembered before he isolated himself and died somewhere unknown. His face and rear was covered in mud and his tail was wet. I don't remember anything else other than that.

  • @DanielAluni-v2t
    @DanielAluni-v2t 5 місяців тому

    We can have a 🎶 lot of fun before the sun goes down... Ahhh ahhh afternoon delight 🎶

  • @StutzKustom
    @StutzKustom 5 місяців тому +1


  • @anthonymarchetta8796
    @anthonymarchetta8796 5 місяців тому

    EDIT: Question answered, all is good.

  • @TheBurningWarrior
    @TheBurningWarrior 5 місяців тому

    I look forward to part II

  • @MrMarcodarko
    @MrMarcodarko 5 місяців тому

    jimmy is a heretiiic

    • @katehaven9374
      @katehaven9374 5 місяців тому +2

      Columns and slander are serious sins

    • @MrMarcodarko
      @MrMarcodarko 5 місяців тому

      @@katehaven9374 not slander if it is true bro lol so stfu

    • @trevorcronk935
      @trevorcronk935 5 місяців тому +3

      I notice you don't even try to justify your slander with an explanation of what makes him allegedly a heretic. I wonder if you were afraid he would respond if you were specific and trounce you in debate.

    • @MrMarcodarko
      @MrMarcodarko 5 місяців тому

      @@trevorcronk935 bro you his bf? stfu

    • @Ruudes1483
      @Ruudes1483 5 місяців тому

      What is your profile picture?