I'll make that comment: thank you! I've been looking for this for a long time. It's not replayed enough on BBC Radio 4 Extra as often as I would like. This BBC adaption feels so powerful. It was so sad the first time I heard it, almost crying myself to sleep (I listen to audio dramas going to sleep). I was disappointed when I finally saw the movie, comparing it back to this audio adaption. The movie didn't have the emotional power when compared to the audio adaption.
I remember the original broadcast too, and have vivid memories of it being broadcast late at night (after midnight I think). There is something particularly special about a really good reading heard in the middle of the night like that... I have similar feelings about BBC7s reading of Shambleau and listening to that in the dark late at night...
Sensitively narrated by Rachel Shelley. The truth of the situation is at first only hinted at and the disturbing reality only revealed near the end. Aside: I'm increasingly encountering stories read, not by humans, but by AI 'robots'. AI can never replicate the emotional human sensitivity needed to relate a story such as this - their reading is flat and, well, 'robotic'.
Thank you so much for uploading this, one of my favorite books.
Truly horrific story. A damning indictment of humanity; uncomfortably close to the knuckle. Beautifully read and written.
I'll make that comment: thank you! I've been looking for this for a long time. It's not replayed enough on BBC Radio 4 Extra as often as I would like. This BBC adaption feels so powerful. It was so sad the first time I heard it, almost crying myself to sleep (I listen to audio dramas going to sleep). I was disappointed when I finally saw the movie, comparing it back to this audio adaption. The movie didn't have the emotional power when compared to the audio adaption.
I remember the original broadcast too, and have vivid memories of it being broadcast late at night (after midnight I think). There is something particularly special about a really good reading heard in the middle of the night like that... I have similar feelings about BBC7s reading of Shambleau and listening to that in the dark late at night...
thank you so much
Sensitively narrated by Rachel Shelley. The truth of the situation is at first only hinted at and the disturbing reality only revealed near the end.
Aside: I'm increasingly encountering stories read, not by humans, but by AI 'robots'. AI can never replicate the emotional human sensitivity needed to relate a story such as this - their reading is flat and, well, 'robotic'.
where's the rest?
Thanks a lot
It was wonderful
You have lovely voice ❤❤
Thank you
A really unique story.Very disturbing ,but thank you.
Ch 7: 41:25
Ch 8:
Ch 9: 54:32
Ch 10: 1:07:50
Ch 1: 1:21:05
Beautiful but painful.
Thank you for the upload. Can someone tell me if this is a full audio or abridged? Thanks
I think it’s abridged
It is abridged
It is definitely abridged I’m trying to follow along with my book but I cannot 😭😭
Is this the full audiobook?
Yes but she did cut up some parts
Description and what not
cut out a lot! they should mention it's abridged in the description.
This is a radio drama based on it.
Someone went (to[‘) to a Cedu?
20:55 Ch3 33
Ch6 로 점프하는듯
ch 9 54:10