Crazy how good you are at explaining what your doing is a simple way while also give good gameplay. Most unranked to gm is more about them rolling and occasionally dropping hits that are common knowledge and not going really in depth. Also your voice is just soothing as well🤣
Really nice to see actual educational UR2GM content. There are tons of "Educational" UR2GM where the players is straight up just egoing on lower elo players. Really good explanation, despite the fact he's mid-match and it's certainly helping me understand better certain concepts of playing Tracer, specially timing.
He literally got banned doing the last tracer Un2GM because his "educational" content is to just one clip with top 500 mechanical skill in gold. 100% guarantee no one who watches this will actually climb more than 1 rank with this.
@@Htiy You tell that to literally every player below diamond and they'll die trying to even get that pick. And no. Just like his previous un2gm, he's easily demolishing the enemies with little more than raw mechanical skill. I can confidently say that being in the same rank as his main.
No joke I won 27-0 playing a comp game as Tracer last night after watching this. I was on a really bad lose streak and getting bullied before that. This 27-0 game was the slowest I have ever played but yet its the most impact I've ever had. For context I actually have about 200 hours on Tracer and have actually been playing OW for quite a while. I think this goes to show how important it is to have strong fundamentals. I have pretty good aim but my positioning and timing have really been struggling. The more games I'd lose the more reckless and agressive I would become. Thank A10, I think you explain this game better than anyone out there.
@@soaringthrough315 gatekeeping, hard words. i mean if you just loose on smurfs, then you would win most of youre games, which means you would rank up or im wrong ? ps: I thought that too for a while, i was 2 seasons in bronze 5-3 but then i ranked up in 1 season to gold, then to plat and 2 seasons later im dia 3 now, mindset does alot ( i mean im kinda onetricking genji )
I watched for 50min. My tracer went from throwing games to carrying games. No joke. I had 48-6. I'm usually 6-48 😅 (I have 2 kids. I dont play that much)
@@tomaslove2398 u can suffer in silence pls ? (For real everybody have game like this, but if u continue to master-gm, u will have good allies so the problem will be done. ^^)
I always become exceptionally good at my favorite video games & the “Good mechanics really is good decision-making” part resonated 100% with me. I’ve had that exact thought before and I’m quite happy to see someone else share it.
This is probably the most I’ve ever benefited from a video, honestly I see the game so differently now. I’m playing so much better and went from losing 11 games in a row to winning 4 in a row, now queuing for my 5th
Good stuff as usual, love the analysis of certain play processes. Understanding Tracey as not being a rolling kill shot character but rather meant for collecting damage over time is quite elementary that many players don't know about. Keep up the good work!
Y'know I knew I was doing something wrong but I just couldn't figure it out. I was playing way too aggressively because most of the heroes I play have aggressive playstyles. This video helped me out thank you!
Ah man this reminds me of the good old days when you got banned from your tracer bronze to GM series. Thanks again for the educational content A10, cheers!
Dude i love this video, amazing content!! Really calming and entertaining and imformative. I learned so much thank you !! 😆 im a ash main and trying to improve so this helped
Just played a game after watching an hour of this. I popped off tbh. Just this one hour helped tremendously with how and when to engage the enemy as Tracer. It was one of the most fun games I've ever had with her. I'm still only mid gold, but I really want to improve
What I’ve learned when flanking as tracer is it is so important not to throw your life away and die. The enemy team worrying about you behind them is so powerful, that fear is gone the moment you’re dead. Especially with Moira too, you can semi engage with her every 5 seconds, you don’t have to 1v1 her. Although, when the supports learn to just ignore you, you can capitalize off of that and start pushing in much more. And if your team is smart, they can capitalize off of the supports not being able to heal from the pressure you create on their back line. Every support can be vulnerable to do this except maybe a very smart mercy who can avoid you. Obviously though, no mercy is so smart that they can avoid you the whole game. At some point she will make a mistake. Again though, tracers other weakness can be a smart enemy team that learns to focus you. But again, if you have a smart team they can learn to push in from that too. Tracer is so powerful of a character it’s not even funny. The reason you should always focus supports is because of how much more impact a support not being in a team fight is than you.
I used to play tracer all of the time before I switched to maining Mercy. She was always so fun to play so I’m glad I watched this! It’s very amazing seeing how you can make so many different plays with her. I’m probably gonna start trying to get back into playing her more :)
It really annoys me when you see players like Tom! (@2:14:32) go "Hanbin should reconsider coaches" People like that never peaked higher than Gold 1 yet talk shit because they happen to have luck on their side with team synergy (which doesn't exist in Gold, only by chance at times) while your team just walks back constantly No one can 1v5 consistently, not even top500s. There's been enough "5 bronzes vs 1 beefed up hero" videos from other top500 players that show that even 5 bronzes, which practically speaking are the "worst" at Overwatch, can beat a top500 because it's impossible to do something if multiple people are shooting at you, especially as Tracer who can get 1 or 2 shot by over 90% of the cast
I mean i love the educational explanation and really going in depth about everything. I’m sure this will make most people better. HOWEVER you can’t educate potato aim😂 I just can’t track even remotely close to this so i regularly lose gunfights i should win, no matter what my positioning is
he mentions it in the video which is insane cause it’s exactly what i do to cheese aim just shoot in the direction their going not at them sure if they strafe really fast it may not work but in most scenarios it’ll allow you to have good enough aim
First high-rank advice that I felt like actually got through to me well enough to work with it. In the past 17 hours or so, on DPS, I have gone 12 wins, 4 defeats, and two draws (leavers on one or both teams). I'm genuinely surprised I found advice that got through to me well enough to internalize it, hopefully. Thanks, A10. Usually I just get irritated and think "if it's so easy why can't you explain it better" with advice videos.
@@idontknow5148 For sure, As a Genji or tracer the most important thing is probably going to be your engagement timings. A really good habit to have is making sure you always have resources to pair with your teammates when they use theirs. This gets the most value when you apply this to ultimates, but this is important down to every resource even if it’s just having ammo to shoot at the same time as them.
@@idontknow5148 This really applies to every hero but I think it’s the most complicated for DPS because you are usually following up on your tank or support utility instead of starting the engagement.
@@coachtheory thanks one of my worst things is timing so do you know how I could time it right (to my knowledge they both try to clean up mid-late fight)
Kinda crazy to me that you have the opinion that Moira is very difficult to duel because in my experience I would say she is the easiest support to duel. I love seeing the enemy team choose Moira when I go tracer
If the tracer is better than the moira by a lot it’s definitely in tracers favor but high ranked moiras know how to save fade, strafe well, and heal orb in tight areas to essentially never die in a 1v1
Low elo Moiras don't really know how to self sustain but at higher level heal orb + right click + good corner peeking you essentially have to one clip her or she can sustain.
if they're playing the corner appropriately then you're pretty fucked. Still, even if you can't kill, you can reliably force her to burn fade / orb and gtfo.
40:39 right here as a masters healer this made me upset because I just said damn this guy is rlly good then you abandoned your team at 99 on point w 90 2 healers and ur the sole dps so only advice I’d say is trust your healers occasionally instead of defaulting to the health pack when in full 5v5 engages
So I’ve only been back for two months (so I’m not as good as most players) but I have to genuinely ask: aren’t you supposed to use your ults more often
It's been a long time since I've seen a video of a10. I was wondering if you had posted and I see that there is a new U2gm on one of my mains since 15 minutes.
I think weapon accuracy is a big factor. My accuracy is 19% or less. Which more than half damage lost compared to A10. That's why I stick to support. Plays are there accuracy isn't
Watching this, I noticed in the chat someone asking "whats support meta rn?" and I feel like that massively misses the point of being here watching A10's videos. The "meta" is to play smart. Also bro, stop when you hurt, you do *NOT* want to experience tendonitis if you haven't already. Then you're really fucked.
He's not doing coaching currently is he? I have really good mechanical skill for my rank but lack game sense so I'm hoping with coaching id be able to climb to where my mechanics are.
I think it's amazing how these runs are smooth and it seems they never run into a really bad feeder tank that there is no way to win. I am actually using this video to try to climb to plat, I got up to gold 2 which is my edge. It's amazing how after I reach gold 2, the matches started to get impossible to win. Most of them are because of a real bad tank, literally feeding every team fight. One example I had a tank with 15 Deaths while the highest death in my team was 5. The enemy tank had 3 Deaths. Also I haven't seen 1 annoying torb with good turret placement forcing the switch from tracer. I wonder if this is because these runs use brand new accounts and not old existing accounts that are stuck in one elo.
I haven't seen the entire video but he is more so staying on the basics and playing off his team, which is pretty much how you consistently win. Of course, if your team insta-dies each fight then this strategy doesn't work and what you need to do is actually use Tracer's movement to lead the enemy on a goose chase. If your tank keeps dying, try to minimise the amount of people shooting at your tank as much as you can. You can also do this by just killing the enemies as they are killing your tank, but it relies primarily on mechanics. This actually accomplishes the same thing. If your tank sucks, do whatever it is you can to make sure that your tank wins, shoot who they are shooting at and babysit them. It can be frustrating to see that your teammates don't know how to play the game, but they are still trying o win and eliminating whatever is stopping them is how you win in those situations Edit: an easy way to win with a tank diff is to hard focus their supports. If their tank doesn't get healed then hopefully your tank will win. I'm still learning all of this, too, so I hope it helps
Sorry bro, you’re stuck because youre a gold player. I was low bronze, and slowly climbed bronze silver gold plat diamond and now I’m stuck because of me not teammates, its never the game its your skill
There is no sorry here, I never said I am a great player to begin with, I know exactly my limitations. I am a plat tank and plat healer steadly climbing diamond, actually using Zarya's tutorial from A10. As a tank I can easily direct my team towards the direction I want to engage the enemy team, and most of the time I get it right. As a tank I know exactly what I did wrong and why I lost the team fight. Now if you are an amazing dps, yes it does not matter what tank or healer you have, you just carry everybody. Well I am not an amazing dps, so I rely on having a decent team to be able to compete. As I am playing tracer (and I like playing her) I don't rely much on healers but health packs, so for me a bad healer is not a problem. But when you have a bad tank which doesn't engage, don't check the kill feed, goes alone to the point and doesn't regroup, then you get a tracer go in the backline and sit there annoying the healers forever while your team is giving up space after each team fight. I don't go about blaming my team, not only because it doesn't make sense, it's a game, but because that also disrupts gameplay, they get angry and everything becomes a s. show. But the fact is, many matches I lose with tracer and a bad tank, could've been won with a torb XD. So I still have options, I am just pointing out some facts from my own experience.
@@t.7124 Going after the enemy healer is what I always do, but guess what? I 've seen so many times, I engage one healer and the other healers comes to save him, so I keep the pressure to see if I get a kill, that would last what? 10 seconds? 20 seconds maybe? well by this time my entire team dies to the the tank and 2 dps. I have seen this happening so many times. So then yes in cases like this I try to engage with team to see if I can help them. What happens often is, yes I do a goose chase with tracer in the backline I attract 2 dps or, 2 healers (normally 2 people comes after me) and then I keep making them chase me for I don't know up to 30 seconds or so? Until it happens I die and realize all this time the tank did not push. Also I see us getting 1 or 2 picks and the tank standing there "tanking" the choke or whatever not even realizing we have the up hand on the team fight.
@@joselitoloki yeah I cant blame you for what you’re saying here then. Bad tanks always exist, its pretty crappy. But always remember 90% of games are winnable
I can't help but always feel bad for the people getting stomped in the first few games. I hate it when people smurf in my games... unless they are in my team of course.
I understand at the pro level or maybe even GM you want to wait for team to engage, but isnt it easier to carry if you can distract enemies/early pick to help team engage more easilly
whoever told you you should work out while having a repetetive stress injury needs to sit down. I got tendonitis from my old job and got a doctor's note to be off work for six weeks. If you don't let this heal out properly, it will likely become chronic.
Crazy how good you are at explaining what your doing is a simple way while also give good gameplay. Most unranked to gm is more about them rolling and occasionally dropping hits that are common knowledge and not going really in depth. Also your voice is just soothing as well🤣
Agreed. Ml7 is prob one of the only other ones that actually explains/drops knowledge during plays and whatnot
Facts ML7 also does one of the best jobs with making sure to get the gameplay while adding the education aspect to it
Last sentence was cringe
llkkkkkkkko😢pbulwa qw😢w l😢auolll😊
Yeah Awkward does that nonsense, even completely going way off topic often.
Really nice to see actual educational UR2GM content. There are tons of "Educational" UR2GM where the players is straight up just egoing on lower elo players. Really good explanation, despite the fact he's mid-match and it's certainly helping me understand better certain concepts of playing Tracer, specially timing.
He literally got banned doing the last tracer Un2GM because his "educational" content is to just one clip with top 500 mechanical skill in gold. 100% guarantee no one who watches this will actually climb more than 1 rank with this.
@@Ghreyl eh he gets out of gold elo very quickly and yeah it doesnt directly make better but it does show you how you should be playing tracer
@@Ghreyl 90% of his one clips are enemies walking in obvious directions out of spawn. You dont need to be GM to do that
@@Htiy You tell that to literally every player below diamond and they'll die trying to even get that pick. And no. Just like his previous un2gm, he's easily demolishing the enemies with little more than raw mechanical skill. I can confidently say that being in the same rank as his main.
Thanks man. Your "Bronze to Banned" video made me improve my Tracer so much, and I was waiting for a sequel.
imagine sweating ur balls of as a bastion trying to squeeze out a dub and then A10 just says “aw that’s so cute, i feel bad”
Sweating ur balls off is wild when it’s somebody walking into a wall for a second and then shooting the floor for .5 seconds
No joke I won 27-0 playing a comp game as Tracer last night after watching this. I was on a really bad lose streak and getting bullied before that. This 27-0 game was the slowest I have ever played but yet its the most impact I've ever had.
For context I actually have about 200 hours on Tracer and have actually been playing OW for quite a while. I think this goes to show how important it is to have strong fundamentals. I have pretty good aim but my positioning and timing have really been struggling. The more games I'd lose the more reckless and agressive I would become.
Thank A10, I think you explain this game better than anyone out there.
I love how you do Unranked to GMs with so many different heroes. Makes them all really easy to learn how to play at a higher level.
Its just a 4 hour video of him smurfing. Not much to learn until the last half hour.
@@Cyto91 didnt ask
@@Cyto91you are gold, you wouldn’t understand.
@@eyrietracerhes not wrong tho lol hes a reason why matchmaking is ass if hes just gatekeeping peoples ranks
@@soaringthrough315 gatekeeping, hard words. i mean if you just loose on smurfs, then you would win most of youre games, which means you would rank up or im wrong ?
ps: I thought that too for a while, i was 2 seasons in bronze 5-3 but then i ranked up in 1 season to gold, then to plat and 2 seasons later im dia 3 now, mindset does alot ( i mean im kinda onetricking genji )
I watched for 50min. My tracer went from throwing games to carrying games. No joke. I had 48-6. I'm usually 6-48 😅 (I have 2 kids. I dont play that much)
LOL sounds good man. I’m surprised you have time to play at all
after watching this I got the worst teammates ever and deranked from diamond 4 to plat 3
@@tomaslove2398 okay bro cry
@@tomaslove2398 u can suffer in silence pls ? (For real everybody have game like this, but if u continue to master-gm, u will have good allies so the problem will be done. ^^)
I’m agree this got my tracer up just from the first hour
I always become exceptionally good at my favorite video games & the “Good mechanics really is good decision-making” part resonated 100% with me. I’ve had that exact thought before and I’m quite happy to see someone else share it.
This is probably the most I’ve ever benefited from a video, honestly I see the game so differently now. I’m playing so much better and went from losing 11 games in a row to winning 4 in a row, now queuing for my 5th
how did it go bro?
@@chickenbob562I'm guessing not well lmao
Good stuff as usual, love the analysis of certain play processes. Understanding Tracey as not being a rolling kill shot character but rather meant for collecting damage over time is quite elementary that many players don't know about. Keep up the good work!
never realised how important positioning and choosing targets was on tracer. ive went from gold to masters in the last few weeks thanks to this
i need you
Y'know I knew I was doing something wrong but I just couldn't figure it out. I was playing way too aggressively because most of the heroes I play have aggressive playstyles. This video helped me out thank you!
way better and more concise than other unranked to gms for sure stopping at the gm elo is the play
Ah man this reminds me of the good old days when you got banned from your tracer bronze to GM series. Thanks again for the educational content A10, cheers!
i really enjoyed your dva unranked to gm and expected the next one to be zarya, so this is a surprise
Well he already did zarya in ow2, check his channel
@@SqiddoGD i just checked, idk how i missed it lmao, almost 11 hours of it too
thanks for letting me know
Dude i love this video, amazing content!! Really calming and entertaining and imformative. I learned so much thank you !! 😆 im a ash main and trying to improve so this helped
Just played a game after watching an hour of this. I popped off tbh. Just this one hour helped tremendously with how and when to engage the enemy as Tracer. It was one of the most fun games I've ever had with her. I'm still only mid gold, but I really want to improve
The turn-based mindset of managing your resources/engagement is so helpful to internalize despite the game being a real-time FPS. Thank you!!
Watching this to get better at tracer and next thing you know I see myself on the enemy team lmao. Earned a sub from me
Crazy I was just thinking I wanted to brush up on Tracer and watch an unr2gm and see you posted this 50min ago, hell yes let's goo!
What I’ve learned when flanking as tracer is it is so important not to throw your life away and die. The enemy team worrying about you behind them is so powerful, that fear is gone the moment you’re dead. Especially with Moira too, you can semi engage with her every 5 seconds, you don’t have to 1v1 her. Although, when the supports learn to just ignore you, you can capitalize off of that and start pushing in much more. And if your team is smart, they can capitalize off of the supports not being able to heal from the pressure you create on their back line. Every support can be vulnerable to do this except maybe a very smart mercy who can avoid you. Obviously though, no mercy is so smart that they can avoid you the whole game. At some point she will make a mistake. Again though, tracers other weakness can be a smart enemy team that learns to focus you. But again, if you have a smart team they can learn to push in from that too. Tracer is so powerful of a character it’s not even funny. The reason you should always focus supports is because of how much more impact a support not being in a team fight is than you.
I used to play tracer all of the time before I switched to maining Mercy. She was always so fun to play so I’m glad I watched this! It’s very amazing seeing how you can make so many different plays with her. I’m probably gonna start trying to get back into playing her more :)
FINALLY, been waiting on this one for a while 🤠😮pog
“Ferb i know what we’re doing for the next 4 hours” but fr this is such a good guide/ unranked to gm W video by a10 as usaul
My tracer needs sooo much work haha, for some reason I find tracer harder than any other character to get value on. But this helps immensely :)
definitely respect someone who edits their video
"my team can't even kill a tracer"
the tracer:
I laughed at the first game: "Main rank Tracer?" *doesn't respond* "Guess you got too many insecurity issues to tell us." Lmao, talk about projection.
It really annoys me when you see players like Tom! (@2:14:32) go "Hanbin should reconsider coaches"
People like that never peaked higher than Gold 1 yet talk shit because they happen to have luck on their side with team synergy (which doesn't exist in Gold, only by chance at times) while your team just walks back constantly
No one can 1v5 consistently, not even top500s. There's been enough "5 bronzes vs 1 beefed up hero" videos from other top500 players that show that even 5 bronzes, which practically speaking are the "worst" at Overwatch, can beat a top500 because it's impossible to do something if multiple people are shooting at you, especially as Tracer who can get 1 or 2 shot by over 90% of the cast
I’m so glad I was able to find this video, I’ve been wanting to play tracer better for a while now.
Very Very educational video, thank you so much, i look forward to learning from your experience even more.
Been waiting so long for this one❤
Was a hard stuck gold in ow1 now im peaking masters 4. Ty
Rank inflation
I mean i love the educational explanation and really going in depth about everything. I’m sure this will make most people better. HOWEVER you can’t educate potato aim😂 I just can’t track even remotely close to this so i regularly lose gunfights i should win, no matter what my positioning is
Try a slow mouse sens
he mentions it in the video which is insane cause it’s exactly what i do to cheese aim just shoot in the direction their going not at them sure if they strafe really fast it may not work but in most scenarios it’ll allow you to have good enough aim
Your voice is super relaxing to listen to love the vid keep it up!
After 50 mins I got really good I had 34 kills and just 2 deaths.I had a 30 player kill streak.THANK U
First high-rank advice that I felt like actually got through to me well enough to work with it. In the past 17 hours or so, on DPS, I have gone 12 wins, 4 defeats, and two draws (leavers on one or both teams).
I'm genuinely surprised I found advice that got through to me well enough to internalize it, hopefully. Thanks, A10. Usually I just get irritated and think "if it's so easy why can't you explain it better" with advice videos.
i just clicked to random part of the video and it was a10 selling hello to me in the twitch chat LMAO
13:54 how can you expect people to be happy and nice about a GM smurf ruining their game lol. They didn’t sign up for this to be fair.
This man is the only person who is allowed to call his u2gm's "educational"
You just got a new subscriber, love the way you explain.
10:16 this is actually good advice for fighting games (mk11)
I was able to climb from high gold to low Diamond, thank you!!!
been waiting for this ! thx
He taught me how to play tracer. Didn’t play her before this video. 🙏
Finally someone has tracer content again
yesss i’m so happy you made one for tracer
i hope u make an ana one one day
@@insecticaa checkout 'awkward ana unranked to gm' its mindboggling how good he is
@@ZSonnenblick alr i’ll check it out thanks!
you usually think a dps is better playing aggressively but it’s kinda crazy how much better they can be when you play more defensively
This Video is so good i love it i watched 50min now and i learned so much ty A10!
Really great info I started watching you at the end of ow1 and have now made it to gm in all roles thanks to many of your ideas.
Got any advice for genji/tracer main (or just general info)
@@idontknow5148 For sure, As a Genji or tracer the most important thing is probably going to be your engagement timings. A really good habit to have is making sure you always have resources to pair with your teammates when they use theirs. This gets the most value when you apply this to ultimates, but this is important down to every resource even if it’s just having ammo to shoot at the same time as them.
@@idontknow5148 This really applies to every hero but I think it’s the most complicated for DPS because you are usually following up on your tank or support utility instead of starting the engagement.
@@coachtheory thanks one of my worst things is timing so do you know how I could time it right (to my knowledge they both try to clean up mid-late fight)
@@coachtheory I try this but there are some games where the tanks kind of just stand still, what do you do then
2:38:14 You're insane xD Great video tho coach, thanks!
"You can hear that, right?" ... dead silence... I think I need new headphones lol
Stretch your wrist by pulling your fingers back with the opposite hand, and then stretch the wrist in the same motion. Really helps.
So, thats complete trip to GM, instead of Bronze to Banned 2, KEK
Kinda crazy to me that you have the opinion that Moira is very difficult to duel because in my experience I would say she is the easiest support to duel. I love seeing the enemy team choose Moira when I go tracer
If the tracer is better than the moira by a lot it’s definitely in tracers favor but high ranked moiras know how to save fade, strafe well, and heal orb in tight areas to essentially never die in a 1v1
Low elo Moiras don't really know how to self sustain but at higher level heal orb + right click + good corner peeking you essentially have to one clip her or she can sustain.
if they're playing the corner appropriately then you're pretty fucked. Still, even if you can't kill, you can reliably force her to burn fade / orb and gtfo.
whats rlly funny is the people tilting in chat while you're casually explaining the most complicated character in the game
I love these vids, would love to see one on Pharah, or an easier to play mechanical hero in the dps role like Torb
Place turret in annoying spot, like behind your support or on high ground and hit your shots 🤷♀️
40:39 right here as a masters healer this made me upset because I just said damn this guy is rlly good then you abandoned your team at 99 on point w 90 2 healers and ur the sole dps so only advice I’d say is trust your healers occasionally instead of defaulting to the health pack when in full 5v5 engages
No way you’re trying to give a10 advice as a masters player
I love these videos!!
So I’ve only been back for two months (so I’m not as good as most players) but I have to genuinely ask: aren’t you supposed to use your ults more often
can you do a ana unranked to gm to show that it’s not all about mechanics bc it will be a character you don’t specialize in
tfw i heard your voice not knowing which video i was watchung and gasped becuase i realised it was you
Bro those keybinds are crazy anyways great video
It's been a long time since I've seen a video of a10. I was wondering if you had posted and I see that there is a new U2gm on one of my mains since 15 minutes.
the reason you're losing your bronze games: youtuber making a how-to play video lol
You should do a ram or horse unranked to gm next? But you should just play characters you have fun playing
he did orisa
love the video, but i have a question, please forgive my ignorance, but what the hck is with the weird crouch walk you are always doin?
Allows you to be quiet while being faster than h24 crouch
In first game, u kept ur pulse for like 3 minutes, but I have a question : why ?
How do i always end up here when i put my phone on autoplay and go to sleep lol
this is exactly what i was waiting for
why does your game look so different from mine when it’s only 10 days old
Seeing that someone who is GM can still lose games at lower ranks makes me feel a little less bad haha
“Plat 2 still not possible, I think it’s Plat 2 as well” *Gold 1*
That aim tip is golden
I think weapon accuracy is a big factor. My accuracy is 19% or less. Which more than half damage lost compared to A10. That's why I stick to support. Plays are there accuracy isn't
Tracer is god tier rn
Watching this, I noticed in the chat someone asking "whats support meta rn?" and I feel like that massively misses the point of being here watching A10's videos. The "meta" is to play smart. Also bro, stop when you hurt, you do *NOT* want to experience tendonitis if you haven't already. Then you're really fucked.
Need that Ana unranked to GM from him
Awkward made a really good Ana unranked to GM.
@@bigimportantman1544 Will check it out thankso7
He's not doing coaching currently is he? I have really good mechanical skill for my rank but lack game sense so I'm hoping with coaching id be able to climb to where my mechanics are.
I think it's amazing how these runs are smooth and it seems they never run into a really bad feeder tank that there is no way to win. I am actually using this video to try to climb to plat, I got up to gold 2 which is my edge. It's amazing how after I reach gold 2, the matches started to get impossible to win. Most of them are because of a real bad tank, literally feeding every team fight. One example I had a tank with 15 Deaths while the highest death in my team was 5. The enemy tank had 3 Deaths. Also I haven't seen 1 annoying torb with good turret placement forcing the switch from tracer.
I wonder if this is because these runs use brand new accounts and not old existing accounts that are stuck in one elo.
I haven't seen the entire video but he is more so staying on the basics and playing off his team, which is pretty much how you consistently win. Of course, if your team insta-dies each fight then this strategy doesn't work and what you need to do is actually use Tracer's movement to lead the enemy on a goose chase. If your tank keeps dying, try to minimise the amount of people shooting at your tank as much as you can. You can also do this by just killing the enemies as they are killing your tank, but it relies primarily on mechanics.
This actually accomplishes the same thing. If your tank sucks, do whatever it is you can to make sure that your tank wins, shoot who they are shooting at and babysit them. It can be frustrating to see that your teammates don't know how to play the game, but they are still trying o win and eliminating whatever is stopping them is how you win in those situations
Edit: an easy way to win with a tank diff is to hard focus their supports. If their tank doesn't get healed then hopefully your tank will win. I'm still learning all of this, too, so I hope it helps
Sorry bro, you’re stuck because youre a gold player. I was low bronze, and slowly climbed bronze silver gold plat diamond and now I’m stuck because of me not teammates, its never the game its your skill
There is no sorry here, I never said I am a great player to begin with, I know exactly my limitations. I am a plat tank and plat healer steadly climbing diamond, actually using Zarya's tutorial from A10. As a tank I can easily direct my team towards the direction I want to engage the enemy team, and most of the time I get it right. As a tank I know exactly what I did wrong and why I lost the team fight.
Now if you are an amazing dps, yes it does not matter what tank or healer you have, you just carry everybody. Well I am not an amazing dps, so I rely on having a decent team to be able to compete. As I am playing tracer (and I like playing her) I don't rely much on healers but health packs, so for me a bad healer is not a problem.
But when you have a bad tank which doesn't engage, don't check the kill feed, goes alone to the point and doesn't regroup, then you get a tracer go in the backline and sit there annoying the healers forever while your team is giving up space after each team fight.
I don't go about blaming my team, not only because it doesn't make sense, it's a game, but because that also disrupts gameplay, they get angry and everything becomes a s. show.
But the fact is, many matches I lose with tracer and a bad tank, could've been won with a torb XD. So I still have options, I am just pointing out some facts from my own experience.
@@t.7124 Going after the enemy healer is what I always do, but guess what? I 've seen so many times, I engage one healer and the other healers comes to save him, so I keep the pressure to see if I get a kill, that would last what? 10 seconds? 20 seconds maybe? well by this time my entire team dies to the the tank and 2 dps. I have seen this happening so many times. So then yes in cases like this I try to engage with team to see if I can help them.
What happens often is, yes I do a goose chase with tracer in the backline I attract 2 dps or, 2 healers (normally 2 people comes after me) and then I keep making them chase me for I don't know up to 30 seconds or so? Until it happens I die and realize all this time the tank did not push.
Also I see us getting 1 or 2 picks and the tank standing there "tanking" the choke or whatever not even realizing we have the up hand on the team fight.
@@joselitoloki yeah I cant blame you for what you’re saying here then. Bad tanks always exist, its pretty crappy. But always remember 90% of games are winnable
I liked this U2GM without pulse. Do you think it is also possible without recall?
I can't help but always feel bad for the people getting stomped in the first few games. I hate it when people smurf in my games... unless they are in my team of course.
Best unranked to GM on yt! This but genji would hit diff, other ‘educational’ content just isn’t up to par with yours👏
isn't the video stopped at the middle? it's stopped so suddenly and he is still in Master 4? or did he stopped the unrakned to gm?
Came here to have some background noise, but ended up learning a lot and low-key falling in love. Men who explain things so well are so attractive 😭😫
Weird question... do you think the "2" in Overwatch 2 hurts SEO? I've been curious about that lately for some reason lol
(TEAM KILL) What time is it? STREAK TIME!!
I understand at the pro level or maybe even GM you want to wait for team to engage, but isnt it easier to carry if you can distract enemies/early pick to help team engage more easilly
If being 20 - 4 with 7,600 in 1 round is "struggling" than I have a LONG way to go
whoever told you you should work out while having a repetetive stress injury needs to sit down. I got tendonitis from my old job and got a doctor's note to be off work for six weeks. If you don't let this heal out properly, it will likely become chronic.
As tracer how do you deal with a team consisting on orisa, mei, reaper, moira and kiriko, who do you use ult on?
Wait till fades are used, ice block has been used or cleanse and swiftstep have been used
I think I'd wait for someone to be isolated or for them to push and use cooldowns in order to use bomb properly
Non overwatch related question. Do you actually watch too hot to handle?😂 also amazing vid as always.
What is the aim training theories and experiments by sdk?
wait what? ive NEVER played ram on route66, that map just never popped during s3 in my case
How on earth are you playing with your reload set to U???
With everything that one shots tracer and the healer buffs for season 3, its just impossible to climb with tracer tbh.
You should rewatch
@@sonderbain lmao...u responded to an obsolete video on a game nobody cares about anymore 🤣
nah u just suck at video games
Can you do a doomfist and or ball guide?