Nanna Rossen - Defying Gravity/Leve Uden Tyngdekraft (new danish WICKED) @ Årets Reumert 2024

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2025


  • @limelrac
    @limelrac  3 місяці тому +6

    Congratulations to Fredericia Musicalteater with the (critically acclaimed) premiere this week - can't wait to see it in Copenhagen!✨
    Here is the new danish lyrics as well as a direct english translation (use a computer).
    *New danish lyrics (2024):* *Directly translated:*
    No’ed i mig er forandret Something in me has changed
    No’ed føles ik’ som før Something doesn’t feel like before
    Kan ikke læng’re følge Can no longer follow
    regler andre si’r jeg bør rules others say I should
    Kan ikke vende om nu, Can not turn back now
    Bar’ falde i søvn igen Just fall asleep again
    Det’ nu jeg slipper frygten, It’s now I let go of the fear
    Nu jeg ta’r det… spring Now I take that… leap
    Der gør mig fri That makes me free
    af andres tyngdekraft of others’ gravity
    Kan ikke bli’ Can not stay
    i andres tyngdekraft in others’ gravity
    Og aldrig se tilbage And never look back
    Jeg sprænger alle grænser, I break all limits
    Jeg ikke selv har valgt I have not chosen myself
    Hvem ved hvad jeg kan ændre, Who knows what I can change
    Hvis jeg ik’ har prøvet alt? If I haven’t tried everything?
    Var bange for at miste Was scared of losing
    Og hvis det er kærlighed, And if it is love
    Kan kærligheden for min skyld Can love for my sake
    lade mig vær’ i fred leave me alone
    Vil gør' mig fri Will make myself free
    af andres tyngdekraft of others’ gravity
    Kan ikke leve Can not live
    i andres tyngdekraft in others’ gravity
    Og aldrig se tilbage And never look back
    Uendelig Unlimited
    Vor’s fremtid er uendelig Our future is unlimited
    Jeg ved vi kan bli’ I know we can become
    det bedste hold i hele Oz the best team in all of Oz
    Glinda, vi to sprænger rammen Glinda, the two of us breaks the frame (exceeds standards)
    Hvis vi gør det sammen If we do it together
    Ingen vil ku’ undgå os Nobody will be able to avoid us

    Men vi vil mærke But we will feel
    vores tyngdekraft our gravity
    Lad verden mærke Let the world feel
    vores tyngdekraft our gravity
    Vi ser os ik’ tilbage We aren't looking back

    Så se mod vest og find mig! Then look west and find me!
    Det himmelhvælv bli’r mit That firmament will be mine
    Som nogen sagde for nyligt: As someone said recently:
    “Alle har fortjent at flyve frit” ”Everyone has deserved to fly freely”
    Jeg bli’r måske alene I’m perhaps going to be alone
    Der’ værre ting at bli’ There are worse things to be
    De holdt mig nede They kept me down
    I kan hilse dem og si’ You can greet them and say
    Fra nu af lever jeg From now on I am living
    uden tyngdekraft without gravity
    Lad verden se Let the world see
    at ingens tyngdekraft that no one’s gravity
    Kan tøjre den jeg bli’r i dag Can tether who I become today

    Og intet væsen noget sted And no being anywhere
    Ingen troldmand No wizard
    ingen kan regne med no one can count on
    Får lov at holde mig… tilbage! Is allowed to hold me... back!
    Mig tilbage Me back

  • @Protender
    @Protender 3 місяці тому +5

    Just saw this Thursday in Fredericia and it was amazing, they were amazing. I sadly do not forstår meget dansk so could not follow it well but their ability to act, sing and dance to get their characters across was superb.

  • @Luinalda
    @Luinalda 2 місяці тому +3

    Saw the show in Fredericia last week and even though I don't speak or understand Danish (only a couple of words and simple phrases), I loved every second of it! 💚 Amazing cast!!! Loved Nanna and Johanne. 😍 And Diluckshan of course, who I was there for, haha 🥰

  • @Raztiana
    @Raztiana 3 місяці тому +2

    She's amazing!

  • @wickedeveryday8830
    @wickedeveryday8830 6 місяців тому +6

    Love this!

  • @fannicandussi3706
    @fannicandussi3706 Місяць тому +2

    Tak for at uploade denne her. Har du flere fra den danske opsætning af wicked?

    • @limelrac
      @limelrac  Місяць тому +4

      Selv tak :) Der har desværre ikke været flere live optrædener med det nye Wicked-hold (indtil nu), og tvivler på der bliver flere. Har desværre heller ikke kunne finde øvrige optagelser nogen steder. Håber dog meget på et dansk live-album, da der i foyeren på Fredericia Musicalteater blev spillet sangene på dansk. Hvem ved🤞

    • @fannicandussi3706
      @fannicandussi3706 Місяць тому +2

      @ man kan vel håbe🤞🏻 Gad virkelig godt en fuld version af “Popular” Hende Johanne synger så godt🤩

    • @limelrac
      @limelrac  Місяць тому +2

      @@fannicandussi3706 😅

    • @fannicandussi3706
      @fannicandussi3706 Місяць тому +2

      @@limelrachar set den før. Høre den bare på repeat, da jeg jo ikke kan høre hele sangen🥹

    • @ice_wolfie
      @ice_wolfie Місяць тому +1

      jeg har uploadet nogle af sangene!

  • @veraelphie0306
    @veraelphie0306 4 місяці тому +3

    can Danish speakers give their input on the new lyrics? If they're good/bad overall, better/worse compared to the original production?

    • @limelrac
      @limelrac  4 місяці тому +4

      @@veraelphie0306 I actually thought of making a comparison/direct translation like someone did on UA-cam when the first danish production of Wicked ran in Denmark in 2012:
      Meaning this is the second production, furthermore with a brand new translation - lemme know if a video like that would be interesting. Anway: I actually think the translator, Mads Æbelø, did a good job with DG. I like how he in some places reconstructed sentences to help with the flow. For instance; “So if you care to find me, look to the western sky” // “Så se mod vest og find mig, det himmelhvælv bli’r mit” = “Then look towards West and find me, that firmament will be mine".
      Additionally, in the first danish translation there was quite a bit of difficult “e”-vowels on the really high notes…
      The only thing that isn’t very pleasing in my ears is THE word for “gravity” in danish - tyngdekraft. It’s just not as smooth as in english, however as far as I know there’s a lot of other languages with the same translation struggle, haha

    • @Raztiana
      @Raztiana 3 місяці тому +3

      While "tyngdekraft" is not a perfect word to sing, it's FAR better than the first translation, where Elphaba was made to sing about how her wings could carry her. My first thought when I heard that version was: "What idiot translated this? She's flying with a broomstick!". This makes sense, and the essential parts of the text remains.
      I'll never be a fan of translating musicals. Too much literally gets lost in translation. But someone did a good job here.

    • @Luka1180
      @Luka1180 Місяць тому +1

      @@Raztiana "Vinger bærer" is a Danish idiom which is often not used literally in the Danish language.

    • @Raztiana
      @Raztiana Місяць тому

      @@Luka1180, since I'm Danish, AND have studied Danish at the University of Copenhagen, I'm very well aware of this.
      It is however not a good translation, when she's flying with a broom, no matter how symbolic it may be.

    • @SetsuTheYena
      @SetsuTheYena 23 дні тому +1

      Just pitching in here, as I do have a channel, with partly focus on putting subtitles and translation to danish dubbed songs from movies etc. I have just watched the Wicked movie, and it’s interesting how the danish lyrics there are almost the same as this stage version, EXCEPT for the chorus. In this stage version, they for example sing “jeg lever uden tyngdekraft” = I live without gravity. The movie version, she sings for example “siger farvel, til det der tynger mig” = saying goodbye to what is weighing me down. So the stage version chorus uses a more direct translation of gravity from the original, while the movie version rephrases it, to something that is weighing her down. I do feel the movie chorus translates better into singing and the melody, than the new stage version does. Both are better than the old stage adaptation though, in my opinion.