A Christian Pastor in a Buddhist Temple - Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Before coming to Thailand, everyone and their mom told us that we needed to go check out all of the beautiful Buddhist temples. That sentiment sat a little weird with me, being a Christian Pastor.
    So, what is it like visiting a Buddhist Temple as a Christian Pastor? What is the same, what is different? How do we handle the spiritual dynamics of walking into a temple?


  • @narougdetyodthongdee3420
    @narougdetyodthongdee3420 2 роки тому +8

    สนุกและมีความสุขครับ ยินดีต้อนรับ

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you for your hospitality!

  • @brett_dev
    @brett_dev 2 роки тому +14

    On the surface it may look weird that Thai people offer money when they go to the temples.
    However, the temples in Thailand provide free food and accommodation to anyone in need.
    In a way, they act as Thailand’s social welfare system.
    There is a lot to Buddhism in Thailand and it’ll be interesting to see your perspective on it as you learn more.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I have noticed that temples do a lot for the poor, and I have yet to meet a monk that isn’t an incredibly kind person.
      The biggest difference I see is the luck and good fortune that are baked into Buddhism. I’ve loved getting to experience it first hand and learn from everyone I’m meeting. Thanks for the input!

  • @sawnayhtoo8086
    @sawnayhtoo8086 2 роки тому +5

    GOD bless you guys..I am a Christian living in a Bhuddhist county, Myanmar...Since birth, I saw so so many of the culture and religious matters..they are so beautiful..we choose our belief right ??..As long as we know love, compassion..It's a beautiful life...I don't mock other religions ..I found the true GOD..and He tells me to love and respect every human beings ..no matter their beliefs, culture...Love and understanding is all that's matter..

    • @soontorn2489
      @soontorn2489 2 роки тому

      no god every where

    • @majorkade
      @majorkade 2 роки тому

      You're no different than a lot of people who say they know the True God. Faith.

  • @bonniefoster4235
    @bonniefoster4235 2 роки тому +3

    Also praise God for His amazing grace to send His Son to live the perfect life we couldn't live, die the death and be raised to life. His finished work on the Cross ended our need to work for our salvation. Praise God for that spiritual rest. God did that for all the people in Thailand too. His heart is that none w would perish. I can't imagine not knowing if I was doing enough to merit anything eternally significant that would please a god or appease his wrath!

  • @norrisbethke7770
    @norrisbethke7770 2 роки тому +1

    Feel like the apostle Paul in Athens where his spirit was troubled by all the idols when visiting the temples ..they are beautifully constructed but empty of the spirit of the living God..always praying for the Thais, as Jesus said, do good to all people but especially to those in the faith 🙏🏻🌹🕊

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому

      Yes! It’s just like that.

  • @USSSfr33d0m
    @USSSfr33d0m 2 роки тому +1

    Just like when I visited Canterbury Cathedral in UK. Even though I'm not Christian, I do feel Angelic presents.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, there are many churches like that with a deep feeling of history of Godliness. The biggest difference for me between Christianity and other religions is that there are so many religious places for Buddhism, Hinduism, and New Age religions where you feel darkness, anxiety, or just a strange feeling you can’t quite describe. Only in healthy churches do you feel lighter, comforted, and peaceful. If I were you, I would look into Christianity a bit more :)

  • @นามะสกุละ
    @นามะสกุละ 2 роки тому +2

    ดีมาก ทำคลิปแนวท่องเที่ยวต่อไปนะ

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому

      Thanks! We’ve got a bunch more videos like this one coming, so make sure you subscribe to the channel to see them when they come out.

  • @sawnayhtoo8086
    @sawnayhtoo8086 2 роки тому +2

    The difference between them and us is that...they believe good works is the main issues that as a merit that brings a better outcomes for their well-being..while we believe that doing good things not for our benefits but as a way of gratefulness JESUS has done for us..a way of thankfulness what HE want us to help others..FAITH without WORK is lie a musical instrument that makes sound but without tunes..right ??

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому

      Love this! So true :)

    • @สมหญิงรักเล่น
      @สมหญิงรักเล่น Рік тому +1

      As a Bhuddhist I suggest you shouldn't say anything about other religion. From your comment It seem that you really don't know about Buddhism at all.

  • @mstu5624
    @mstu5624 2 роки тому +6

    I think this couple was a little judgmental towards a religion that differs from their own and that they do not understand. Try learning about another religion before making assumptions about that religion. The comments like..."the people who are here worshipping these gods ". There are no gods in Buddhism. And they are not worshipping...they are showing respect for the person and the teachings of the founder, Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
      Actually, Thai Buddhism has a lot more overlap with Hinduism than many other sects of Buddhism around the world. There are many gods that are directly worshipped here, and there are even Buddhist temples for the Hindu gods Vishnu, Garuda, and Brahma in Thailand.
      The biggest take away is that Buddhism here is works-based, meaning that what you do matters infinitely more than who you know. In Christianity, knowing Jesus and accepting his gift of salvation is all you need.
      We actually have more videos coming out soon unpacking more of this. Stay tuned!

    • @majorkade
      @majorkade 2 роки тому

      @@YaleWall Heard all this before. Keep traveling.

    • @mstu5624
      @mstu5624 2 роки тому +1

      @@YaleWall Yes, in some quarters there is overlap of Hinduism...and also animism. But in strict Buddhism, there is no god or gods that are worshipped. The actual people may do otherwise out of traditions or error. Think of Catholics that may incorrectly worship Mary. Buddhism makes no statement or belief about any God. The religion is about you, your life, the dissatisfactions in your life, and how to free oneself from the treadmill of dissatisfaction, so that one can avoid reincarnation and move into the next plane of existence. This is done by emulating the Buddha, following the teaching, and contributing to Buddhist society. Speak and learn from Buddhist monks....they do not try to convert. Listen to your heart. Good luck in your spiritual journey!

    • @RetiredInThailand
      @RetiredInThailand 2 роки тому

      @@YaleWall I was brought up Christian, I'm now living in Chiang Mai, and to be truthful I prefer Thai Buddhism, as the belief is more about Karma (not that I believe in that either) but I just feel the whole system is more 'productive' for the people involved.
      For example, there's the Thai traditions of 'receiving merit' and 'making merit', two beautiful acts that while based on 'earning Karma' are only accomplished by doing something for others (people, creatures, or nature.)
      Receiving merit is bring food and drink to the temple for the monk's meal ... you bring the food, and then the monk will do a small ceremony consisting of a chant which offers 'merit' to you and anyone you ask them to give merit to (for example, I ask for to include my late parents and my late wife.) during the performing of the merit they use water to sprinkle you with, and in my understanding the water captures the 'merit' from the monk which some of it gets sprinkled on you .. then the rest of the water you take outside the temple and pour the onto the roots of a tree or some plant, spreading the merit into nature to be received generally by everyone, but more specifically by the people targeted in the chant!
      Giving merit is the practice of going to the market and buying some live animals (usually live fish or birds) and taking them back to a river and releasing them. Again while releasing them you ask them to bring good fortune on you and anyone you want to specifically mention in your silent mediation.
      Now, as someone being brought up Christian I do appreciate the ceremony of the Church, almost all my morality comes from the Gospel readings (as I child we had an awesome priest who was the best I ever knew at making the stories make sense for how to act in daily life ... my late wife was Thai and she wanted to convert to Christianity so we went to church most Sundays (she was baptised a few years before she passed) and since it was a small church in the big city I got to hear a lot of different priests do the reading and give the sermon, but none of them had the same knack for relating it to daily life ... so I guess what I'm saying I don't for a second disrespect your faith, nor would I try to tell you that Buddhism is better than Christianity (other than say it is better for me personally,) but I will say that as someone who was brought up a strong Christian, then an Atheist (for lack of a better term,) now a more-or-less practicing Buddhist, I find that I can relate better to the religion of 'acts' better than I can the religion of 'a personal God!
      Anyway, you're one up on me in that you walked up those stairs ;-) I usually take the 'lift' to the top then walk down!!
      Enjoy Thailand, it is a very interesting culture ... if you wanted to find a culture that was more different than any western culture, then Thailand is as good a place to start as any ... especially if you stay off the beaten tourist path where they try to keep the 'culture shock' to a minimum!!

    • @brendangoodbrand2597
      @brendangoodbrand2597 Рік тому

      Who Budda received enlightenment under a tree from a serpent aka satan himself

  • @tavilyeedyaw6910
    @tavilyeedyaw6910 2 роки тому +9

    ขอให้คุณ และเด็กๆมีแต่ความสุข

  • @wall4him
    @wall4him 2 роки тому +6

    I’m more ready for this than any movie out in the theaters 👍🏼

  • @Mccbrianna
    @Mccbrianna 2 роки тому +9

    Wow, the nature and artwork there is soooo pretty - so green and shiny! I love that even standing strong in your beliefs you are willing to experience their culture and visiting the temples. Love what you said Autumn about being respectful of their beliefs too. There will always be people who believe differently than us, but learning about their beliefs and showing them we care and respect them is such a great first step to creating relationships and having life changing conversations which you guys do SO well. During a college assignment I had to go somewhere new, where I would "never go myself" and I visited a Buddhist Temple in Indy for it. It was so different than anything I had ever experienced but watching this video made me tear up, especially hearing Yale talk about the offerings.. We Miss you guys! Praying for you guys

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому

      Yes :). People don’t care what you know until they know that you care. It’s been a good experience for us too.

  • @kathleenjanosik6228
    @kathleenjanosik6228 2 роки тому +2

    1. I almost skipped through the first minute of the video because I thought it was an ad for Toyota 😅
    2. Dragons are cool.
    3. It’s just makes me all the more appreciative that the one true God has no expectations for us, except for our “yes”.
    4. I think we need our art team to create a giant gold dragon.

  • @topgammar3763
    @topgammar3763 2 роки тому +10

    You are on the right track. Respecting others is key to personal peace. Buddhist people are very secure and never try to convert people with a different belief. They respect everyone regardless the person is Christian, Islamic, Jewish, or even Atheistic.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      I agree that every conversation I’ve had with anyone who was Buddhist was very respectful, and we have been respectful as well. At the end of the day, we might disagree on some things, but my family has felt very honored to get to experience a little bit of Thai culture over the last couple of months. We very much love Thailand and the Buddhists we have met.

    • @LilLighT_
      @LilLighT_ Рік тому +2

      ​@@YaleWallBuddha didn't rise from the dead . Demons weren't casted out , signs and wonders , none of it , only in Christ ✝️

  • @juliewall6128
    @juliewall6128 2 роки тому +8

    This was really cool! I love getting to watch you guys experience this and getting to experience a fraction of it with you through the videos. Praying alongside you guys as well!

  • @ericly7185
    @ericly7185 2 роки тому +5

    Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. Your faith is good to you, the same their faith is good to them. Open mind open heart.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for the input!

  • @jj1825
    @jj1825 23 дні тому

    It is great that you and your family are experiencing different cultures and traditions. When I was in college, a guest pastor visited our church who spent time in Saudi and visited Mosques. Very educational experience.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  16 днів тому

      Yeah, I think it’s good to learn about people all over the world, and how/what they worship. It gives us a better picture of how people respond to God.

  • @rambodiehardwarrior749
    @rambodiehardwarrior749 2 місяці тому

    Now this is my scond VDO of yours that I watch and I've subscribed to follow and I'll definitely watch all of them whenver I have free times. There's nothing offended for a Christian pastor to enter into any Buddhist temple or for Buddhist monks to enter a Christian church simply in order to visit or to learn about each other's culture. What is the most important is the attitude of have towards your counterparts. Some religions authorities may have rather negative attitudes seeing Buddhist monks visitting their religious places, but for us Buddhists, everyone from any different religion is most welcome. God had made you a Christian and my own Karma had made me a Buddhist but we're human beings that should look at each other with loving eyes, with kindness.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 місяці тому

      I agree, that we love having people from other cultures visit our church, and hope that they experience God!

  • @Thor-zh7ve
    @Thor-zh7ve Рік тому

    I've visited this temple and have friends from Chang Mai. They see it as a tourist trap and doubt the authenticity of the monks. Buddhism, typically, isn't about gold statues and money exchange.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Yeah, I've heard that as well. While I disagree with a few beliefs in Buddhism, all of the Thai monks that I have talked with personally have been very kind. My hope is just that they would meet Jesus :)

  • @thaweesakthitimetharoch9885
    @thaweesakthitimetharoch9885 2 роки тому +4

    The flower set is represented for respecting to good things in our life, including good fate and fortune.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks for explaining that. I’m loving learning all about your culture!

    • @thaweesakthitimetharoch9885
      @thaweesakthitimetharoch9885 2 роки тому +2

      @@YaleWall Let's thank for every good things surround our life.

  • @abbymarie8510
    @abbymarie8510 2 роки тому +2

    Wow so cool! Reminded me of our time in New York but on a WAYYY larger scale! So true that we can respect their ritual even though we don’t want to take part in it. I love the slow mo shot of Ellie and she was strong through her bee sting. Also kays got henna! I’m sure she loved that!

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, the crazy thing here is that there’s a big temple at least every 2-3 blocks EVERYWHERE you go.

  • @Master_Blackthorne
    @Master_Blackthorne 9 місяців тому

    The Buddha said that one should respect other religions and not teach or preach unless asked to.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  9 місяців тому +1

      Ok. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I would be a pretty terrible person to not tell everyone about the one true way to find peace :)

  • @KatchAFlick96
    @KatchAFlick96 Рік тому

    Hi! Thanks for posting this video. Wat Doi Suthep is one of the most beautiful Buddhist monasteries in Thailand.
    It seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what Buddhism, specifically Theravada Buddhism, is. I’d love to the opportunity to open a discourse with you to help you understand our spiritual practice.
    I was raised as a Buddhist in the US but being Thai American kid who got a Christian education, much of what I knew as a kid about my practice sounded exactly as you described it.
    Now being an adult and a devout follower of the Blessed One, I have a greater understanding of the training. I’d love to help you understand our practice in the context of someone who understands Christian dogma. I spent my childhood studying and being fascinated by Christianity, so I’d love to return the favor and help you better understand the Blessed One’s teachings. Please let me know if you’re interested!

  • @onestepcroser6509
    @onestepcroser6509 Рік тому

    Dharma is nature

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Personally, I don’t believe that a central nature of everything like Dharma rules the universe, I believe that the God of the Bible created all of us, so He is the central rule of good in the world.
      Thanks for sharing. How do you believe that we interact with Dharma?

  • @StephanieStanfield-r2p
    @StephanieStanfield-r2p Рік тому

    I'm looking pastor Davara

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      I’m sorry, I’m not sure what or who Davara is.

  • @sittichaitipsom8955
    @sittichaitipsom8955 Рік тому


    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Thank you for watching!

  • @kaydenewilliams2187
    @kaydenewilliams2187 Рік тому

    I am happy to see this video. I am a Christian and Im currently in Bangkok Thailand for the first time. I was trying to decide whether or not to visit one if the Buddhist Temple. However, seeing you being a Pastor visit the temple despite your beliefs made me think I can visit too inorder to have a first hand experience and understanding of the culture here.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      That’s great! It’s important not to be flippant about what you walk into spiritually, but I found going into it while closely connected with God in prayer, that He’ll break your heart for the people there. Praying it goes well for you!

  • @Nord66lys
    @Nord66lys Рік тому

    “A man loves roses so much that every time he sees another flower, he has to explain why roses are the most beautiful flower.
    Pity person. Why he does not can enjoy all flowers. Each flower has its own beauty and teaches us something … even his favorite flowers are roses?!”

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      I prefer to see it more as, "A man finds a rose, and so many other men have no idea the rose even exists. How can he not share it with all of them?"
      Thanks for your comment!

  • @eujunwong4300
    @eujunwong4300 Рік тому

    I'm impressed and amazed by your tolerance and respectful nature towards Buddhism. Being a Buddhist myself who comes from the "Theravada" (the orthodox) school of thought, I've come to realize that Buddhism practiced in Thailand is very different from the rest of the world. Having been to Sri Lanka as well, I notice that there is more emphasis on spiritual worship than the actual Dharma teachings of the Buddha himself.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Thanks for saying that. I have a lot of respect for all people everywhere because I believe we are all made in the image of God, and he loves them very much. I loved getting to learn about Buddhism, but for me, the main thing missing is a personal connection that is like a father and a best friend. That’s what I get with Jesus.
      Yes, you are right. Thai Buddhism seems to be quite a bit different from Buddhism in the rest of the world. More than anything, people all over the world are just trying to find peace though. I pray that you find that as well :)
      Thanks for watching!

  • @happyhappy3165
    @happyhappy3165 2 роки тому +1

    💫W😯W💫💫 Good Video👏👍

  • @jitpinanlimprasert8803
    @jitpinanlimprasert8803 2 роки тому

    Welcome to thailand I hope you enjoy with the mountain, beautiful waterfalls and seas in Thailand. Don't forget to eat Thai food. It's very delicious.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you. We have LOVED getting Thai food each day. Thai has been our favorite for years, and it completely lives up to the hype being here too.
      We actually took a great Thai cooking class while here too, and will post that video in a few weeks. We can’t wait to start making it at home!

  • @holahunter7326
    @holahunter7326 Рік тому

    Temple in Thailand has 2 type. First is Royal Temple as you describe, and another temples are ordinary temple around Thailand

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Yes, we learned the difference after traveling around. Both are very beautiful, and we were honored to get to experience them. Thank you!

  • @annahutcheson8960
    @annahutcheson8960 2 роки тому +2

    Definitely praying along side you guys for the people of Thailand to long for a relationship with their Creator. The God who cares about each of them individually and will meet them in their brokenness! Love and miss y’all! I’m grateful you are experiencing lots of cool new and different things!
    How has going to church and being a Christian in a predominantly Buddhist country been?

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  2 роки тому +1

      It’s been a really interesting, but really cool experience. The church we’re going to is an international church that speaks English, so it’s people from all over the world. It’s actually FULL of full time missionaries who are each doing their own ministry in Thailand, and basically every surrounding country.

    • @annahutcheson8960
      @annahutcheson8960 2 роки тому +1

      @@YaleWall that’s awesome! I pray they can pour into you guys and encourage your family during your sabbatical!

  • @Michelle.Harris
    @Michelle.Harris 7 місяців тому

    This is a great video. Thank you for tackling this issue.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for watching :)

  • @PTP-t8f
    @PTP-t8f Рік тому

    สวัสดีค่ะ ครอบครัวคุณน่ารัก 🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      ขอบคุณมาก! ขอบคุณที่รับชมและเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการผจญภัยของเรา!

  • @วิสิทธิ์วานิชกมลนันท์

    God Bless You and family. I hope your family enjoy in Thailand.

    • @YaleWall
      @YaleWall  Рік тому

      Thanks so much! God bless you as well!
      Glad to have you joining us on our adventure :)

  • @bonniefoster4235
    @bonniefoster4235 2 роки тому +1

    Watch it Yale! Your inner pastor was hanging out 😆!
    This is incredible. These temples remind me of the high places that were places of pagan worship.
    Also I thought of you all walking around as living Temples of a holy majestic God, spreading the fragrant aroma of Christ like the incense that maybe is being burned. Wow