Well this makes his rant look totally invalid lmao but even his personal reasons are valid branching out in that industry is necessary congratulations to him
Yeah, but some of the actors still appeared in the next season. He never even made a cameo appearance like Daphny did. It feels like something happened behind the scenes that we just arent privy to. I wonder if he made Shonda mad and she gave him the axe. 😆
He chose not to return. This video isn’t factual. They were all going to making appearances here and there. Nothing was guaranteed which is probably the real reason he stepped away. He has a plethora of things going on. They’ve strayed away from the books. They’re in Shandaland now.
@@leafydiva Or, he never made a cameo because his (contractually obligated) filming schedule and that of season 2 conflicted and wouldn't allow for him to. That said, it's perfectly all right for an actor to feel like acting is a job. And once you completed a role - even a "break out role - that job is over and so you keep moving/looking forward and not back. How many of us would go back to a job/company that we've moved on from?
It would have made "series" sense for him to have been in S2 to interact a little and help his long standing best friend who was looking for a wife. The banter between the two of them would have been super and so on point, like the male version of what Daphne did.
If you read the book series you know that it was never meant to solely focus on him and daphne, it’s meant to run through different members of the family
His breakout role was in the 2016 remake of “ROOTS” - where he portrayed “Chicken George”, a huge role that led to the - 2018-2019 TV series “For The People” (CANCELLED after 2 seasons) and then - 2020 “Bridgerton”, another breakout role, but NOT his first. He didn’t want to tie himself down to another TV role, as he felt he paid his dues and preferred going from project to project, as movie stardom was what he was seeking and is currently achieving in “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves” (2023)
Thank you for the information on him. I didn't read the books on Bridgerton as Many viewers haven't but Marvel his performance in this series all the same. I well search for his performance in what you informed.
I still wish he would return for a few cameos. He was magic that first season. Honestly, I have not seen a lot of him on the screen since. What has he been doing? No disrespect. Perhaps I have just missed him.
Hopefully, Page knows not to despise the day of small things. Sure, he told his part of the story but an occasional cameo would demonstrate his appreciation of the break that he was given. Humility goes a long way if he wants to be respected.
He doesn't despise anything from what he conveys. He has been nothing but gracious and tactful so don't create a false narrative. Plus his character was not in the next book
@Happy Clappy Clearly, you missed my point & are clueless about where this phrase 'the day of small things' orriginates. Shonda Rhimes has total creative license for her work. Whether it adheres strictly to each book is HER prerogative. With the character of Daphne reappearing from time to time with their children, it's not at all without imagination to briefly see the Duke. It's not creating a 'false narrative' that in appreciation for what this professional opportunity gave Page, he'd be thrilled to do a cameo if asked to. This is what a tactful, gracious, and respectful actor does in honoring his humble beginnings.
I thought it strange in Bridgerton season two that as Anthony contemplated marriage that his best friend the Duke of Hasting was not by his side. Nor his friend the barkeep was missing his friend the Duke as well.
Strange or not, his character is not really part of Anthony's story in the books either. If I remember correctly, he makes a brief cameo in Eloise's story when she runs away to the country and ends up at Daphne's for a while.
In an interview after season one. He said he'd only signed on for one season to begin with. He had no intention of returning. He felt he'd "stuck the landing" with season one. He sure did.
Hum, while his statements are logical. I think they will be a professional misstep. You're only as good as your last role. And D&D was a box office flop, and Regé-Jean Page was barely in it! I don't see any upcoming roles on IMDB. Yes, moving to different projects avoids type cast, but staying in one role long enough to solidify your name is also important. Doing one season of a show and then running off to do other things can come off as disloyal. Add the fact Hollywood is focused on franchises casting agent might wonder will this guy stay around. Who cares if the character isn't featured in the books anymore, if they want you and will write for you the smart move would be to stay. Regé-Jean Page and Henry Cavill might regret walking away from Netflix in the end.
I think Page and Cavill are in two completely different boats. Also, Cavill already has multiple movies in various stage of production and acquired the rights to Warhammer, a passion project. Page doesn't seem to have anything lined up post-D&D. However, realistically, there wasn't anything for him to do beyond a glorified cameo in S2 - basically, set dressing like Daphne was in a hanful of scenes. At the same time, committing to participate could have significantly impinged on accepting other roles if the production schedules clashed. Now, if they were to do another "Bridgerton Stories" like they did with Queen Charlotte and he could have a good role, I could see him reconsidering, especially if he doesn't get cast in other roles in the near future.
Bridgerton is an entirely different TV show compare to other shows. The story moves on and focus on other characters, rather than all the main characters. Look what happen so Simone and Jonathan, they absence for almost half of the season three. Nobody cares it Simon would appear now and then. Rege is doing well himself with endorsements in Hollywood. It better than him stick around the show just for cameo.
Agree he cannot commit he's mentioned many time 1 tv usually never follows the books after a while they go off on there own being in a small role u can make a huge statement
I will miss the character's Simon & Daphne!!! BRAVO to those 2 actors ❤❤❤. No other romance can come close to their performances!!!❤❤❤. I wish them the Best!
It's possible that his future career ambitions are for movies and not series. He may also not want to be associated with romcoms, which studios aren't making a lot of these days. Plus, his Bridgerton fame focused a lot on his looks, which he may not want as he moves on. I'm sure he's aware that the limelight can be short lived and he is not in a position to take even a few weeks off to go in a direction that's not aligned with his future goals. People may have loved him in the role, but maybe this wasn't HIS dream job. Surely we can't begrudge someone following what he believes is best for him
I think it was unfair that he kind of left them in the lurch with his wife having to explain that he’s off somewhere else. Is that what she’s going to have to say constantly or are they replacing him? Even if he only had small roles in the rest of the series couldn’t he fit the other acting projects in as well considering he wasn’t featured much? It is a series ,he’s supposed to be part of a family that’s featured in it. Hello it is called Bridgerton which everyone knows is the family! We didn’t see Daphne disappear because she’s no longer featured in it!
Well now they're gonna have to explain both Simon and Daphne not being around because the actress playing Daphne won't be coming back. At least for season 3. Last I heard she said she may appear later one but not season 3. She was supposed to and it had been confirmed she would but then something changed,I don't know what,and now she won't be.
I think the season was never meant to go past 1 for their story. Apparently. With the books, every season is supposed to be a new romance. The writers should have let the fans know that. They can’t keep up with rewriting a completely new story for the characters that continues AND follows along with the other love stories.
Well, I’m glad I finally saw this. It puts some stuff into perspective. I’m going to miss him in Bridgerton spinoff Queen Charlotte really gives me hope.
It just would be so nice to see a cameo of him each season after the first but he's my pick for Bond, for sure. I really like him. He has an air about him that is so attractive, and I'm 71!!
Season 2 was not good. The female lead was unbearable for most of it and I actually liked the sister much better. So far, season 3 is not measuring up either. So far only Bridgerton 1 and Queen Charlotte have been exceptional.
They replaced Francesca’s actor with another. So they could easily find another similar looking actor to replace him, & play Simon as the now husband & father… in short-stint returning roles. It’s surprising that he never wants to return even for short-stints… because the rest of the cast seem to have an absolute BALL when they’re together, between scenes 🎬… they have a LOT of affection & camaraderie for each other! And get PAID to do so. Many of them with great acting resumes, & for some tremendous careers & followings. If Rege is rumoured to be playing James Bond, I haven’t seen or heard anything of substance since Season 1 days.
His recent jobs - The Gray Man and D&D were so disappointing. So far, his best role has been Bridgerton. That role stretched his acting ability - he was great. Will always miss him.
Page was such a beautiful actor and I enjoyed every aspect of his character from promising his horrid father on his death bed that he would never marry or produce an heir to realizing that he could never live without Daphne and that he was hers. They may not be a "REAL LIFE" couple but their on screen chemistry was so palpable! I couldn't stop watching season 1. I'm sad that Page won't be returning for the rest of the series but I'm honored that I was able to watch him in the first season.
In all fairness, when they are signed up it’s always with an option for another season, they obviously didn’t offer that to him when he first signed up
More often than not, actors leave the spotlight completely instead, when they choose to leave a show too soon. I've watched actors do this over three decades, and it's logical sure, but most don't ever get a role that is even close. In rare cases, the actor might even show up in the series again, later on, because of lack of better job opportunities... The cases where they immediately get another big role after being in a show for only an 8-episode season is very very very rare :/ When they stay, the audience actually gets to know the actor's work more, and if they are truly good enough (not only a once in a lifetime perfect role for them), they move on to star in new shows or even in movies with just as much success. The actor was given other jobs and decided to leave, which is fair anyway. But it's usually rushed... Or they were not very attached to that particular work and fandom in the first place. He could have stayed another season to solidify his image in people's minds (like the actress that plays Daphne did), or at least one episode of the next season. If he's talented, people immediately enjoy his performance again (like the actors that play Anthony and Kate). My point is... I don't think he made a smart choice from what history shows. He of course got immediate job offers because his face alone will attract audiences to a new show/movie, and productions want that regardless of talent. His talent as an actor takes longer than that to solidify. Bridgerton in particular is a very short series. But it was a chance for an actor to gain more visibility and popularity, and even showcase his talent. Personal opinion: having watched only after season 3 came out, in comparison season 1 is probably the least relevant so far to me, both because it was done longer ago, and because the actors are simply not part of the picture now. Of course he couldn't predict that the next seasons would be as good or better, but it is what it is now....
There isn’t really a logical reason on why he left and he doesn’t have the explain it either. Without a reason on why he decided to leave, he has thought it trough and already made up his mind. I think it’s an awesome decision, because even tho it doesn’t make sense it feels like a good decision for him.
Even though we were given these explanations l was still holding out for a brief surprize appearance in season 2. Still holding out for that brief appearance for season 3.
I love him in this role. It kept me watching. However, I do understand what he means. What happened at the end with him and Daphne seemed accomplished. I asked what was next for them. I am his true fan. Where ever he goes I’m following and what ever role he plays I’m so there! Love him!!!
While I would have loved to see him again ,I understand his reasoning for leaving. They would have had to develop his character more since the main conflict highlighted was dealt with, which was his relationship with his father.
Truly outrageous click bait title. The entire piece was contrived, had nothing to do wiry his dissatisfaction, and could have run much shorter with how little content it actually contained. Not at all well done.
Actually, I desperately download season 2 hoping to see him in action but was highly disappointed but now I know better, I won't bother downloading season 3 if it ever comes out... season 2 was a big turn off me... Eloise actually consoled me with her exceptional acting skills tho.
I think this is good because instead of only ever seeing him in Bridgerton people now have the opportunity to search for whatever other project he’s in and follow his career
He did right. Why l stay? The role would of been very small because each season is about another Brigerton not Daphne anymore. 3rd season Queen Charlotte! The best so its smart to work on other projects while the fire is hot!
Usually for new Tv shows the main actors signed for a 3 seasons contract and at the end of the third season they can renegociate their contract. I guess the production probably gave him a crapy 1 year contract re-negociable after the first season and because the season 1 had a huge success he probably asked for a better pay, which probably was dined by the production. The production want the black guy for cheap always underpay black actors. He was right to leave, slavery is over.
I know each book moves on to the next family member romance. But it would be a nice treat to the fans to have them in a few scenes in the following seasons. Because in reality when people get married they don’t just disappear from everyone life
No. He's said time and time again he's not coming back and that if they wanted to recast his role that's up to them. The actress playing Daphne said she won't be in season 3 either.
This is crap. It’s the way the books are written. The focus is on the next story. Had he stayed he wouldn’t get the a lot of air time. Way to stretch a false story.
Daphne and Simon's story was told in Season 1 . He's sooo handsome and sexy. Just like Anthony's in season2 and Colin's in Season 3. Therefore it just makes sense that he won't appear again. I do enjoy the Bridgertons very much, thank you.
I can definitely appreciate him any hot blooded woman would dear god he's more than eye candy he's actually so perfect for the role be still my beating heart ❤️❤️
Ok let's talk about it he could have stayed for two seasons or more because of the cameo opportunities never bite what feeds you now that he is flopping people did him dirty
I was one of the fans that appreciated him but also upset that he left Bridgerton. He could have done both the show and new opportunities. Jumping ship so early after breakthrough is not a show of good character. By " character " i don't mean a role but rather, a quality of Being. OK... point taken. No questions and we will move on! Yes we are happy for him and wish him more profound and impactful roles going forward. In his confusion and emotional awkwardness before all the nudity, this man was already captivating in his role as a radom and ended up being the "salt" of the whole show that everything is bland after him....tsk tak 😅
OK everyone wiht READ THE BOOKS- this is a series, and as such needs to works visually- who never see's a FAMILY MEMBER AGAIN in a happy family? They could at least pay the dude to show up in BACKGROUND with his wife Daphne. It works in books as you image them off page. But visually its' WEIRD to never see them, a happy couple you rooted for just VANISHES...I find it weird.
Really, what would be the point of his returning….a little scene here, a little scene there…..he did a fantastic job in season one….every character will get their season….his is done and done very well………next!!!
If you read the Bridgerton Books you’d know they move on to the next romance. He wasn’t meant to be in the next season
Well this makes his rant look totally invalid lmao but even his personal reasons are valid branching out in that industry is necessary congratulations to him
Yeah, but some of the actors still appeared in the next season. He never even made a cameo appearance like Daphny did. It feels like something happened behind the scenes that we just arent privy to. I wonder if he made Shonda mad and she gave him the axe. 😆
He chose not to return. This video isn’t factual. They were all going to making appearances here and there. Nothing was guaranteed which is probably the real reason he stepped away. He has a plethora of things going on. They’ve strayed away from the books. They’re in Shandaland now.
@@leafydiva Or, he never made a cameo because his (contractually obligated) filming schedule and that of season 2 conflicted and wouldn't allow for him to.
That said, it's perfectly all right for an actor to feel like acting is a job. And once you completed a role - even a "break out role - that job is over and so you keep moving/looking forward and not back. How many of us would go back to a job/company that we've moved on from?
Women were going crazy over him they’d have been willing to keep him.
Logical, we understand not wanted to be stuck in just one role but it's sooooooo sad that we won't ever see the duke again. You will be missed Simon.
I too share ur sentiment
He was very good in that role....kept the chambermaids on their toes with all that squirting around.
It would have made "series" sense for him to have been in S2 to interact a little and help his long standing best friend who was looking for a wife. The banter between the two of them would have been super and so on point, like the male version of what Daphne did.
I think his character would have stolen the spotlight though.
Totally agree, cameos for each couple as they shift to background. Otherwise it's odd- her husband is basically missing.
Bridgerton will never be the same without him and Daphne...
So far it's my favorite ...
If you read the book series you know that it was never meant to solely focus on him and daphne, it’s meant to run through different members of the family
Me too
I know
I agree
He was my #1 favorite male character on the show too. I MISS HIM LIKE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
His breakout role was in the 2016 remake of “ROOTS”
- where he portrayed “Chicken George”, a huge role that led to the
- 2018-2019 TV series “For The People” (CANCELLED after 2 seasons) and then
- 2020 “Bridgerton”, another breakout role, but NOT his first. He didn’t want to tie himself down to another TV role, as he felt he paid his dues and preferred going from project to project, as movie stardom was what he was seeking and is currently achieving in “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves” (2023)
Thank you for the information on him.
I didn't read the books on Bridgerton as Many viewers haven't but Marvel his performance in this series all the same.
I well search for his performance in what you informed.
He was outstanding in Roots!!! That's what even made me want to watch Bridgerton!!
He also appeared in the Peter Jackson Mortal Engines movie as well.
I still wish he would return for a few cameos. He was magic that first season. Honestly, I have not seen a lot of him on the screen since. What has he been doing? No disrespect. Perhaps I have just missed him.
You are correct.He really hasn't done much since.
One commercial.
It’s fair & its a wise decision for his career & every book is a new story 😅
Hopefully, Page knows not to despise the day of small things. Sure, he told his part of the story but an occasional cameo would demonstrate his appreciation of the break that he was given. Humility goes a long way if he wants to be respected.
He doesn't despise anything from what he conveys. He has been nothing but gracious and tactful so don't create a false narrative. Plus his character was not in the next book
@Happy Clappy Clearly, you missed my point & are clueless about where this phrase 'the day of small things' orriginates. Shonda Rhimes has total creative license for her work. Whether it adheres strictly to each book is HER prerogative. With the character of Daphne reappearing from time to time with their children, it's not at all without imagination to briefly see the Duke. It's not creating a 'false narrative' that in appreciation for what this professional opportunity gave Page, he'd be thrilled to do a cameo if asked to. This is what a tactful, gracious, and respectful actor does in honoring his humble beginnings.
Lmao I feel like nobody gets why he wont even make a cameo - its because he has has a jealous wife now that he keeps in secret but we know
😂🤣😅 Bet she's got no objection to all his 💰💰💰.
The Duke doesn't feature in any of the other books... So it makes sense.
I thought it strange in Bridgerton season two that as Anthony contemplated marriage that his best friend the Duke of Hasting was not by his side. Nor his friend the barkeep was missing his friend the Duke as well.
Strange or not, his character is not really part of Anthony's story in the books either. If I remember correctly, he makes a brief cameo in Eloise's story when she runs away to the country and ends up at Daphne's for a while.
You really spent 8 minutes rephrasing one statement…
Same thing I thought 😂
You just saved me 6 minutes
In an interview after season one. He said he'd only signed on for one season to begin with. He had no intention of returning. He felt he'd "stuck the landing" with season one. He sure did.
Hum, while his statements are logical. I think they will be a professional misstep. You're only as good as your last role. And D&D was a box office flop, and Regé-Jean Page was barely in it! I don't see any upcoming roles on IMDB. Yes, moving to different projects avoids type cast, but staying in one role long enough to solidify your name is also important. Doing one season of a show and then running off to do other things can come off as disloyal. Add the fact Hollywood is focused on franchises casting agent might wonder will this guy stay around. Who cares if the character isn't featured in the books anymore, if they want you and will write for you the smart move would be to stay. Regé-Jean Page and Henry Cavill might regret walking away from Netflix in the end.
I think Page and Cavill are in two completely different boats. Also, Cavill already has multiple movies in various stage of production and acquired the rights to Warhammer, a passion project. Page doesn't seem to have anything lined up post-D&D. However, realistically, there wasn't anything for him to do beyond a glorified cameo in S2 - basically, set dressing like Daphne was in a hanful of scenes. At the same time, committing to participate could have significantly impinged on accepting other roles if the production schedules clashed. Now, if they were to do another "Bridgerton Stories" like they did with Queen Charlotte and he could have a good role, I could see him reconsidering, especially if he doesn't get cast in other roles in the near future.
He's being featured in Butch & Sundance next.
Bridgerton is an entirely different TV show compare to other shows. The story moves on and focus on other characters, rather than all the main characters. Look what happen so Simone and Jonathan, they absence for almost half of the season three. Nobody cares it Simon would appear now and then. Rege is doing well himself with endorsements in Hollywood. It better than him stick around the show just for cameo.
My only thought is that he didn’t get along with the Director
Agree he cannot commit he's mentioned many time 1 tv usually never follows the books after a while they go off on there own being in a small role u can make a huge statement
I will miss the character's Simon & Daphne!!! BRAVO to those 2 actors ❤❤❤.
No other romance can come close to their performances!!!❤❤❤. I wish them the Best!
It's possible that his future career ambitions are for movies and not series. He may also not want to be associated with romcoms, which studios aren't making a lot of these days. Plus, his Bridgerton fame focused a lot on his looks, which he may not want as he moves on. I'm sure he's aware that the limelight can be short lived and he is not in a position to take even a few weeks off to go in a direction that's not aligned with his future goals. People may have loved him in the role, but maybe this wasn't HIS dream job. Surely we can't begrudge someone following what he believes is best for him
This man is all kinds of Gorgeous ❤
Right and I never say that about a man, LOL 😂
Well he did a great job in Dungeons and Dragons I'm going to watch it again now
DON’T LIE. If you read the books you know he wasn’t needed moving forward with future seasons.
I need him❤
He shouldn't be in subsequent seasons. Each book is about a different sibling. The Duke just happened to be the first book.
The dukes my favorite. Im so bummed
I think it was unfair that he kind of left them in the lurch with his wife having to explain that he’s off somewhere else. Is that what she’s going to have to say constantly or are they replacing him? Even if he only had small roles in the rest of the series couldn’t he fit the other acting projects in as well considering he wasn’t featured much? It is a series ,he’s supposed to be part of a family that’s featured in it. Hello it is called Bridgerton which everyone knows is the family! We didn’t see Daphne disappear because she’s no longer featured in it!
Well now they're gonna have to explain both Simon and Daphne not being around because the actress playing Daphne won't be coming back. At least for season 3. Last I heard she said she may appear later one but not season 3. She was supposed to and it had been confirmed she would but then something changed,I don't know what,and now she won't be.
I think the season was never meant to go past 1 for their story. Apparently. With the books, every season is supposed to be a new romance. The writers should have let the fans know that. They can’t keep up with rewriting a completely new story for the characters that continues AND follows along with the other love stories.
Well, I’m glad I finally saw this. It puts some stuff into perspective. I’m going to miss him in Bridgerton spinoff Queen Charlotte really gives me hope.
It just would be so nice to see a cameo of him each season after the first but he's my pick for Bond, for sure. I really like him. He has an air about him that is so attractive, and I'm 71!!
Season 1 was like a large screen feature film. Season 2 was like a made for tv series.
Season 2 was not good. The female lead was unbearable for most of it and I actually liked the sister much better. So far, season 3 is not measuring up either. So far only Bridgerton 1 and Queen Charlotte have been exceptional.
I liked bridgerton
He definitely made it better
We all knew after the 1st season, that HE WASNT COMING BACK! This isn’t new.
They replaced Francesca’s actor with another.
So they could easily find another similar looking actor to replace him, & play Simon as the now husband & father… in short-stint returning roles.
It’s surprising that he never wants to return even for short-stints… because the rest of the cast seem to have an absolute BALL when they’re together, between scenes 🎬… they have a LOT of affection & camaraderie for each other! And get PAID to do so. Many of them with great acting resumes, & for some tremendous careers & followings.
If Rege is rumoured to be playing James Bond, I haven’t seen or heard anything of substance since Season 1 days.
He would be an excellent Bond!
He would have a long successful run as James Bond!
I just started watching this show last night. He play this role so well. I hope to see him again. His character made the show.
His recent jobs - The Gray Man and D&D were so disappointing. So far, his best role has been Bridgerton. That role stretched his acting ability - he was great. Will always miss him.
I remember him on the show “for the people!” Excellent show…..but it lasted 1 season
Page was such a beautiful actor and I enjoyed every aspect of his character from promising his horrid father on his death bed that he would never marry or produce an heir to realizing that he could never live without Daphne and that he was hers. They may not be a "REAL LIFE" couple but their on screen chemistry was so palpable!
I couldn't stop watching season 1.
I'm sad that Page won't be returning for the rest of the series but I'm honored that I was able to watch him in the first season.
I love u!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
In all fairness, when they are signed up it’s always with an option for another season, they obviously didn’t offer that to him when he first signed up
I do not believe that. I believe he was offered more. The producers are not stupid.
More often than not, actors leave the spotlight completely instead, when they choose to leave a show too soon. I've watched actors do this over three decades, and it's logical sure, but most don't ever get a role that is even close. In rare cases, the actor might even show up in the series again, later on, because of lack of better job opportunities... The cases where they immediately get another big role after being in a show for only an 8-episode season is very very very rare :/ When they stay, the audience actually gets to know the actor's work more, and if they are truly good enough (not only a once in a lifetime perfect role for them), they move on to star in new shows or even in movies with just as much success.
The actor was given other jobs and decided to leave, which is fair anyway. But it's usually rushed... Or they were not very attached to that particular work and fandom in the first place. He could have stayed another season to solidify his image in people's minds (like the actress that plays Daphne did), or at least one episode of the next season. If he's talented, people immediately enjoy his performance again (like the actors that play Anthony and Kate).
My point is... I don't think he made a smart choice from what history shows. He of course got immediate job offers because his face alone will attract audiences to a new show/movie, and productions want that regardless of talent. His talent as an actor takes longer than that to solidify. Bridgerton in particular is a very short series. But it was a chance for an actor to gain more visibility and popularity, and even showcase his talent.
Personal opinion: having watched only after season 3 came out, in comparison season 1 is probably the least relevant so far to me, both because it was done longer ago, and because the actors are simply not part of the picture now. Of course he couldn't predict that the next seasons would be as good or better, but it is what it is now....
He can always model! He is FINE!!!
He is very clever to have taken this decision. A lot of actors are stucked into a role. I would love seeing him as James Bond.
Season one was best of all 3 seasons so far
Brilliant Actor!! Bridgerton will not be the same without him. I will not watch it anymore.
Love the Dukes and Miss Bridgerton
They should make him the new Bond, James Bond right now already!
There isn’t really a logical reason on why he left and he doesn’t have the explain it either. Without a reason on why he decided to leave, he has thought it trough and already made up his mind. I think it’s an awesome decision, because even tho it doesn’t make sense it feels like a good decision for him.
Even though we were given these explanations l was still holding out for a brief surprize appearance in season 2. Still holding out for that brief appearance for season 3.
Noooooooooooooooooo! I so wanted to see him again! 😢
Smart Move👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
They could create a show like queen Charlotte for the duke and Daphne
I love him in this role. It kept me watching. However, I do understand what he means. What happened at the end with him and Daphne seemed accomplished. I asked what was next for them. I am his true fan. Where ever he goes I’m following and what ever role he plays I’m so there! Love him!!!
If you follow the series you would understand , moving on to a new Love…,
While I would have loved to see him again ,I understand his reasoning for leaving. They would have had to develop his character more since the main conflict highlighted was dealt with, which was his relationship with his father.
Maybe Shonda can write him in for a small cameo with Daphne.
He understandably had a contract for one season. Andnin the books he's barely there of course daphne would sometimes be therd but not the duke
But he was in the second book. Fans would be excited to see him here and there
@@Rizegirl "barely there"
He only signed a contract for 1 season. That's one reason why he took the role to begin with. Stop making things up.
He left at the right time, he was at the top of his game .. so far, and he won’t become typecast.
Felicidades Regi, eres una persona genial
He would make an incredible James Bond
Great actor, he should go on to do well..👍❤️👍
Truly outrageous click bait title. The entire piece was contrived, had nothing to do wiry his dissatisfaction, and could have run much shorter with how little content it actually contained. Not at all well done.
His time there was the only reason I watched it & since he left I left!!….his character was phenomenal!!!😢😢😢
Actually, I desperately download season 2 hoping to see him in action but was highly disappointed but now I know better, I won't bother downloading season 3 if it ever comes out... season 2 was a big turn off me... Eloise actually consoled me with her exceptional acting skills tho.
He was in For the People before he was in Bridgerton.
I’m still going to watch it
He seemed like he had an attitude problem. I didn’t want to watch the show because his interviews seemed arrogant to me.
un actor que quiere su privacidad y ha echo un trabajo impecable en los Bridgetown.
Gotta love the mic drop and split!
Good call
He was also filming for the new D&D movie during the filming for Bridgerton S2.
I just saw him in Dungeons and Dragons.
Makes sense
that's what I thought who wouldn't want to be type casted
I think this is good because instead of only ever seeing him in Bridgerton people now have the opportunity to search for whatever other project he’s in and follow his career
He did right. Why l stay? The role would of been very small because each season is about another Brigerton not Daphne anymore. 3rd season Queen Charlotte! The best so its smart to work on other projects while the fire is hot!
Jeez I understand why he didn’t return but my dude, at least cameos for pall mall!
The title of this video is clickbait not nice I thought they say something interesting , bridgeton fans already knew he left on his own accord
Oh no 😰I guess it’s time for me to move on too 😭. #EyeCandy
This was my favorite season and he looked so handsome the perfect looking couple.
Usually for new Tv shows the main actors signed for a 3 seasons contract and at the end of the third season they can renegociate their contract. I guess the production probably gave him a crapy 1 year contract re-negociable after the first season and because the season 1 had a huge success he probably asked for a better pay, which probably was dined by the production. The production want the black guy for cheap always underpay black actors. He was right to leave, slavery is over.
I know each book moves on to the next family member romance. But it would be a nice treat to the fans to have them in a few scenes in the following seasons. Because in reality when people get married they don’t just disappear from everyone life
His character “had his happy ending” hahaha
He only sign a contract for one year.
What.... Shanda could've added him in somewhere and him still have other roles
Your whole post is exactly what Rege had been telling everyone 2 years ago.
Loved him in Roots 2016.
Didn't he confirm that he'll be coming back for the thrid one though???
No. He's said time and time again he's not coming back and that if they wanted to recast his role that's up to them. The actress playing Daphne said she won't be in season 3 either.
This is crap. It’s the way the books are written. The focus is on the next story. Had he stayed he wouldn’t get the a lot of air time. Way to stretch a false story.
The series does need reappearances from him or someone else who is similar. His charisma hasn't been matched in any of the other series.
Good choice.
Daphne and Simon's story was told in Season 1 . He's sooo handsome and sexy. Just like Anthony's in season2 and Colin's in Season 3. Therefore it just makes sense that he won't appear again. I do enjoy the Bridgertons very much, thank you.
I can definitely appreciate him any hot blooded woman would dear god he's more than eye candy he's actually so perfect for the role be still my beating heart ❤️❤️
Ok let's talk about it he could have stayed for two seasons or more because of the cameo opportunities never bite what feeds you now that he is flopping people did him dirty
I named my dog Dukie, after the Duke of Hastings 🤭😍
I have liked him since We The People
However it would have made sense for him to do a cameo when his best friend got married.
It’s not like other series’s he’d not be in more than a scene or two in the other seasons
He would make an incredible James Bond or a villain in a James Bond like movie
This is an incorrect narrative!
I was one of the fans that appreciated him but also upset that he left Bridgerton. He could have done both the show and new opportunities. Jumping ship so early after breakthrough is not a show of good character.
By " character " i don't mean a role but rather, a quality of Being.
OK... point taken.
No questions and we will move on! Yes we are happy for him and wish him more profound and impactful roles going forward. In his confusion and emotional awkwardness before all the nudity, this man was already captivating in his role as a radom and ended up being the "salt" of the whole show that everything is bland after him....tsk tak 😅
OK everyone wiht READ THE BOOKS- this is a series, and as such needs to works visually- who never see's a FAMILY MEMBER AGAIN in a happy family? They could at least pay the dude to show up in BACKGROUND with his wife Daphne. It works in books as you image them off page. But visually its' WEIRD to never see them, a happy couple you rooted for just VANISHES...I find it weird.
Como fan de tantos famosos jamás he molestado a ninguno si fotos ni firmas, creo que hacen su trabajo y ya esta . Es un error molestarlos.
As of yesterday he ran on time😅
Where is the new info on him. You repeated and repeated the same thing.
Really, what would be the point of his returning….a little scene here, a little scene there…..he did a fantastic job in season one….every character will get their season….his is done and done very well………next!!!