[Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea] I wish someone would bury me

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • Ігри


  • @boi853
    @boi853 18 днів тому +4

    And at last, Fish on a stick has survived the shit tier writting on Ken Levine of Bioshock Infinite and its 2 DLCs, the ladder were a desperate attempt to try to retcon Bioshock 2 out of the canon but he forgot about important details and shit, and in doing so it destroyed the story of the other games by making Elizabeth the catalyst for everything, the same one that saw the only Comstock trying to live a normal life and decided to hunt it down bc why not and in doing so, it cause the civil war on rapture and torture a little sister ... Y A Y.
    Thanks for enduring this shit for us Fish, hoping to see the vid coming up to put in perspective how bad the game was.

    • @DaMaster012
      @DaMaster012 5 днів тому +1

      I find it sardonically amusing that Ken Levine with almost offensive obviousness was attempting to retcon BioShock 2 out of the franchise, either out of spite, envy, insecurity, jealously, or because BioShock 2 is a more fair, accurate, and damning criticism of his blue pill Boston far left politics than all his fallacious, straw man arguments against Ayn Rand were, whatever... Except not only did Ken steal pretty much the entire structure of the plot from BioShock 2 for Infinite, but the Rapture in Burial at Sea is objectively NOT the Rapture in BioShock (1 & 2), so it doesn't even connect to his own work. Furthermore, the mechanics of his game's own multiverse theory dictate that BioShock 2 has to be canon in at least one universe, which therefore means it's canon in an infinite number of universes. Levine's attempt to Orwellian edit out BioShock 2 not only failed, it backfired... _infinitely._

  • @DaMaster012
    @DaMaster012 5 днів тому +1

    Might be a bit late to comment on this, but having suffered through this contemptible game and its DLC a decade ago, I was as giddy as Internet Historian's viewers were when they realized he didn't know the ending of The Last of Us 2 as he streamed it (a game so bad it made him break character). It's as astounding as it is flabbergasting how almost unfathomably awful the writing in this wretched game is, but watching someone else play it for the first time is like witnessing the inaugural experience of a friend watching a Neil Breen movie, and I was wheezing with laughter at some points, especially the one-two punch of discovering B@S2 letting you pick locks and carry med packs. This abominable game almost has to be witnessed just for the experience of understanding just how irreparably broken a story's rules can be, and how much of a not just corner, but abyss an incompetent author can write themselves into. BioShock Infinite should be used as an example in schools of writing and game design for everything NOT to do when writing a story. Just as far as adhering to its own mechanics, BioShock Infinite has to be the worst writing I have ever seen, and likely will ever see, in my entire life: it's worse than Battlefield Earth, Final Fantasy XIII, Ultima IX, Avengers: Endgame, Loki, Doctor Strange vs The Baby Rabies Witch, anything. The damage this story does to itself, and its setting, is literally *Infinite.*

  • @garbotoxin_enthusiast
    @garbotoxin_enthusiast 18 днів тому +10

    Never before has a dlc been able to not just ruin the base game but retroactively ruin every game before it.

    • @Momo-qj7yz
      @Momo-qj7yz 18 днів тому +1

      Care to explain tbh I really liked burial at sea cause it lowkey brought it to an end / cycle that’s closing

    • @syntax2679
      @syntax2679 18 днів тому

      ​@@Momo-qj7yzpeople be hatin

    • @mohammadwaled409
      @mohammadwaled409 18 днів тому +1

      ​@@Momo-qj7yz The daisy Fitzroy retcon made me so mad, they chickened out of the one interesting element of the story.

    • @garbotoxin_enthusiast
      @garbotoxin_enthusiast 18 днів тому +4

      @@Momo-qj7yz they made Elizabeth the reason the rapture civil war happened, she was the first to get a big daddy to imprint on a little sister (so bioshock 2 is no longer canon), and she gave atlus the “would you kindly activation code”. It also made the shit with daisy Fitzroy more annoying by removing her agency.

    • @DaMaster012
      @DaMaster012 10 днів тому +1

      @@Momo-qj7yz They cycle can't have been and cannot be closed. The ending of Infinite supposedly has you go back to a single point in the multiverse where Comstock was created (disregarding the point that there would be an infinite number of Bookers getting an infinite number of baptisms and thus creating an infinite number of Comstocks, but don't think about that, says Ken) and erase every single one of them from the multiverse (and therefore every single universe spawned by all the possibilities related to Comstock himself, erasing an infinite number of universes and infinite number people from existence, but Ken Levine *desperately* doesn't want you to think about that) which means the entire point of BioShock Infinite is that it ends with you causing a grandfather paradox and accomplishing nothing but getting stuck eternally in an infinite time loop. That's the significance of the post-credits ending where Booker walks into Anna's room; it's a meta concept that you, the player, starting the game again, is going on another cycle in that loop, and that cycle will never be unbroken, because it's coded into the disc. (BioShock Infinite: the only winning move is not to play.)
      That's the hand Infinite dealt Burial at Sea, and then Ken just cheats and says, "lol, no, that doesn't apply now." Ep 2 tries to say that the Booker/Comstock in Ep 1 was the last Comstock in the entire multiverse. That cannot be the case, since every universe Comstock inhabits is splitting off into a different universe for every single possibility that can occur at any given nanosecond within that entire universe (and then those universes split, and then those universes, and then those, ad infinitum), which means by the game's own rules, which the game itself set up, there has to be an infinite number of remaining Comstocks, and therefore an infinite number of Comstocks who survive in universes because the Big Daddy offs Elizabeth first. And don't spout that 'ConStAnTs aNd vArIaBlEs" BS, because Elizabeth -- omniscient, omnipotent Elizabeth, who can "see all the doors" -- still died to the Big Daddy in the universe the DLC is set in, because she just forgot how she killed Songbird with nothing more than a thought, I guess. Heck, there has to be an infinite number of universes where Comstock won Elizabeth back over, like how Prophet Comstock was doing to Elizabeth before Booker drowned him.
      And all this, which completely unravels the events of both Infinite and Burial at Sea E1, happens within the first five minutes of B@S E2. Then the entire rest of E2, every single plot point, damages both Infinite and OG BioShock. No joke, as far as stakes go, this is the worst writing I have ever seen in my entire life, because the amount of things it screws up, doesn't account for, and/or contradicts, is literally infinite.

  • @mohammadwaled409
    @mohammadwaled409 18 днів тому

    Looks great, plays fine, shame about the story.

  • @giovannimorelli4592
    @giovannimorelli4592 18 днів тому

    I like bioshock infinite because it has a good story, but it has a mundane gameplay that ruins it for me. Burial at sea has a shit story that ruins the other games. Part 1 is complete dogshit, part 2 at least has the stealth gameplay that is okey, but for the rest of things is dogshit.

    • @DaMaster012
      @DaMaster012 10 днів тому +1

      Infinite doesn't have a good story, though. In fact, the stories in Burial at Sea are so bad because they have Infinite to build off of (excluding the parts that Ken just ignores entirely because he wrote himself into a corner and had no way out but to pull a Ruin Johnson with Looper; slam his fist on the table and yell "THAT DOESN'T MATTER!")