Mage played as if he purchased a level 60 mage. It was quite egregious. He didn't eat food or drink, all he did was spam poly and run. Multiple times he could've counterspelled you to keep you in combat, or just hit you with rank 1 frostbolt and max rank fire blast over and over until you lost, but for some reason he thought he forgot he had damage abilities.
Gg yo. Worst mage ever, took 3.5 min to cast any dmg holy.
Maybe it was his first time using a computer.
Mage played as if he purchased a level 60 mage. It was quite egregious. He didn't eat food or drink, all he did was spam poly and run. Multiple times he could've counterspelled you to keep you in combat, or just hit you with rank 1 frostbolt and max rank fire blast over and over until you lost, but for some reason he thought he forgot he had damage abilities.
he eat and drink, watch it again.