Girma kit for kazanchis was 12 birr, most expensive. Urgoye 6-kilo was 3 birr wit extra kibe, regular restaurant 2.50 to 3. I think Total was 9 birr. This is the 80s 90s. Today's price is incomparable. Wow.
1700 Ethiopian Birr? My Goodness.! The price is unbelievable. Early 1982_ 1985 E.,c this amount food at hotle was from 3 to 4 Ethiopian Birr. For example, when I was at high school in this year, I paid 4 Ethiopian birr for one lunch. This is looks like a joke but it was real real my life experience. It was very very golden time which we were used it
Because they do not cleared up it . That is why it is smelling bad like you said. They used animals skins on the chair. So it has smells and I knew it very well. Because I grew up in the Rular areas. When I was a kides , we were sleeping on the Animals dried skin which is known as ". Kuribat". So they can clean it by using some cleaning agents . Because cleaning is the most important at restaurants, Hotels and at our homes.
ኦዶት ክትሮ ቤት ባለቤት በጣም ደሰ ይላል አገላለፁ በራሰ መተማመኑ በእጅ መከተፍና በማሸን ያለውን ልዩነት ሰለነገርከን እናመሰግናለን ልደታ የተወለድኩበት ሰፈር ነው ሀገሬ ሰመጣ መጥቼ ክትሮ እሞክራለሁ 😘
Thank you for sharing this Ethiopian culture food . We are watching it from forgin countries on sit.
Girma kit for kazanchis was 12 birr, most expensive. Urgoye 6-kilo was 3 birr wit extra kibe, regular restaurant 2.50 to 3. I think Total was 9 birr. This is the 80s 90s. Today's price is incomparable. Wow.
Très beau reportage même si je n'ai rien compris !❤
My mouths watered when I saw this culture food.
ጎበዝ❤ በርቺ ስነስርአትሽ ደስ ይላል
ቤቱ ደስ ሲል i will visit you
አሪፍ ነው
ጥራት የሚባል ነገር እንኳን ድሮ ቀረ ምን እንደሚገባበት እንዴት እንደሚመረት አይታወቅም ስለዚህ ጥንቃቄ ያስፈልጋል ንፁሁ ቅቤ የጠፋበት ጊዜ ጣዕሙ ቅቤ ሁለተኛ መብላት አያስመኝም ሰላም በሌለበት ዓለም ጥራት ያለዉ ምግብ የለም ልጅቷለመብላት ቸኩላለች በስመአብ ብለሽ ጀምሪ
ከ2 ወር በፊት ኢትዮጲያ ሄጄ ነበረ የታዘብኩት ካንተ በተቃራኒ ነው ካፌዎች እና ሬስቶራንቶች ድሮ ከማውቀው በጣም በተለየ ጥራታቸው ጨምሮብኛል ከቤታቸው ዲዛይን ጀምሮ እስከሚያቀርቡት ምግብ በግልፅ የሚታይ ለውጥ ነው የታዘብኩት
1700 Ethiopian Birr? My Goodness.! The price is unbelievable. Early 1982_ 1985 E.,c this amount food at hotle was from 3 to 4 Ethiopian Birr. For example, when I was at high school in this year, I paid 4 Ethiopian birr for one lunch. This is looks like a joke but it was real real my life experience.
It was very very golden time which we were used it
Yeah, but now how much is the price of a kilo of quibe and a kilo of raw meat(lean meat)?
ለኢትዮጵያ ሀብታሞች ርካሽ ነው
ወይ ጊዜ! ለቅሶ ቤትም ክትፎ የሚበላበት!!!!
Bravo numero uno bravo grande fratello bellissimo Dessì biloggnal imetaloo Gigi Gino zaritu ambissa ghimbi wollega Roma Italy
🙇🙇💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙. 😊
የኢትዮጵያ ቅቤ አስቸጋር ነው
ለፍንታ ፍንቶ 1,730 ብር 😳
ማን እንደ አገር
ኮቾ ለምን መጥፎ ሽታ አለው?
Because they do not cleared up it . That is why it is smelling bad like you said. They used animals skins on the chair. So it has smells and I knew it very well. Because I grew up in the Rular areas. When I was a kides , we were sleeping on the Animals dried skin which is known as ". Kuribat". So they can clean it by using some cleaning agents . Because cleaning is the most important at restaurants, Hotels and at our homes.
SUBSCRIBE COMMENT AMEN. አቡነ አረጋዊ እንኳን አደረሳችሁ አሜን 🕍🫸🫷🛐 👏 👏👏።
If you came to me you were original.
ያለው ይብላውንጂ