That close up on the meteor with Himmel looking on always gets me. 😢 I've seen it a couple times now, and I can't help but think how the meteor is like Himmel with his human life span. It burns out so quickly but while it lasts, it's so brilliant and beautiful. And the music, omg. So sad 😭
And then every time anyone remembers him, he becomes even more likeable EVERY FREAKING TIME! Himmel is eternal, undefeated, and complete. He is THE TRUE GOAT!
@@B3RyL That's what's absolutely baffling. The fact that every flashback manages to make him somehow even more likeable and endearing than the last is nothing short of incredible. This is such solid character writing, I don't know how to even express the pure awe it inspires in me
"I'm probably doing it for myself" is probably my favorite line in episode 2. It reminds me of a recurring phrase from one of my favorite webcomics: "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for me, because of you." Yeah, it's partly for Himmel, but more than anything else it's her way of trying to understand her own feelings.
I have said this in a few people's reactions, but heiter was a long lived human even for our time, he lived to be 104. He was able to walk in his hundreds, which is astounding. Himmel lived to be around 70, and Eisens age is undetermined.
I guess Himmel was at least around 80. Assuming he didn´t start the heros journey as a little kid, he must have been maybe 30 after the ten years travelling. Add 50 years more until he dies, it makes 80 then. But I´m just guessing, nothing more :-)
There is speculation that as a Priest, who deals with holy magic and are the only ones that are well versed in blessings, dispelling curses and healing, they are also granted longer lives.
Thematically, Himmel aged like he did partly so he would look more drastically different, to keep his younger self pristine in memory. For an in-setting reason, yeah, Heiter was probably the most gifted user of healing magic alive for much of his life.
I mean, to be clear there have been a handful of individuals I can think of that made it to their hundreds and were still mobile. Hell, world war 2 vet iirc was still mowing his lawn at like 102.
My friend who speaks a bit of Japanese told me something interesting. Just like English, Japanese has various expressions for saying goodbye, and one of them, taken literally, means "I'll be leaving first". This is the expression Heiter uses to say goodbye to Frieren as he climbs into the carriage after Himmel's funeral.
@@AliAnimus Anyway, this is a 2-cour anime, so maybe buy two boxes of tissues instead of one. Also, keep all those questions you mentioned at the end in mind (as well as any other questions that come up later), because this show is very good about raising questions and then answering or addressing them later.
These first few episodes are important (for a preface) for the upcoming .. well, many eps lol as they are either within lots of meanings or actions or even gestures. The little callbacks and things you notice as things progress really make me smile when watching this show. It's a treat to watch. I enjoy re-watching episodes really just to enjoy how beautiful everything looks as well rather than locking in on everything else. I saw some people point out how amazing the shadow work is in this show. It's so pretty lol. Anyways, enough of me gushing. Glad you liked and you got me even a bit teary eyed in ep. 2 with the Himmel giving her a flower tiara, only for his statue to get one from her.
This was a great reaction to watch. You pay attention to the dialogue and the little details, your reactions kind of mirror my own - I tend to get pretty emotional about these cute little details. I'm excited to see how you react to everything!
Thank you so much! 🥹 I am a huge softy and many things pull at my heart strings, even music can affect me, this anime has been a gorgeous masterpiece and I’m enjoying everything about it!
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
Frieren keeps telling Fern they are the same, because they like magic not entirely due of itself, but also an external reason: Fern wanted to be able to take care of herself after Heiter passed away, and Frieren collects spells because Himmel complimented hers.
This anime has heart-wrenching drama, very funny comedy, exhilirating adventure, heart-pumping action, and its fight scenes are totally SOLID. Truly perfect!
What makes it is the characters. It's amazing how the storytelling weaves in flashbacks to the timeline. Truly a one of a kind fantasy adventure anime. If not for Apothecary Diaries, this would be my favorite anime to watch each week. Also what I said about the characters is that I mean, I could enjoy an episode of them doing basically anything lol.
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
The heroes party were full of powerful people but the real damage they can cause is the emotional kind. P.S Heiter was such a corrupt priest, the best kind (pours one out)
Side note: They aren’t just any little random spells they’ll all make sense in due time, but that’s another time to discuss! Happy you are starting this Journey!!! Get ready for the tears and amazing scenes/moments 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
i agree with the main posters comment we've already seen her use the 26:50 remove rust from bronze statues spell at 28:30 of your reaction. your in for a great ride!
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
First bottle Frieren poured out on Heiter's headstone was the bottle she brought, the second was the bottle Heiter was holding when he stopped Fern from jumping. The exact moment he quit drinking.
Ayyy nice IY sweatshirt! It's actually my headcanon is that this show is a fantasy IY au, specifically SessKag. Frieren = Sesshoumaru, Himmel = Kagome, Heiter = Miroku, Fern = Rin, Stark = Kohaku. As a SessKag + KohaRin fan it gets me in the feels so much 😭♥
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
Heiter really lived a long life. He's at least 90-something, and that's just assuming his age is similar to Himmel's. I feel that he might be a bit older.
I'm so glad to see that I wasn't the only one sobbing throughout this anime!! ;v;) absolutely love that you're paying attention to the important parts of the anime and you summarizing it pretty much hits the nail on the head before the next scene even happens. Subscribing ✨
You witness one of the best animes if its about fantasy and as topic "time". And im serious. One of the best. Everything, from Music till storytelling is PEAK. You beginning to love the charactere even you see 5 minutes of them. We, actually waited a long time to get finally this kind of Anime. Lifechanging. We need this Anime. i actually cant stop to watch other, watching frieren :D because we need to share the feelings what frieren trigger. Small funfact: few of the best animators in the whole anime industry are working on this animes
Hello there. Just watched your reaction to the next episode, yeah that detail where she learnt a spell uniquely because Eisen likes them was... beautiful.
The names of the people and places are all German. Knowing them is a lot of added value because of symbolism. Frieren - (to feel) Cold/Freezing Himmel - Sky/Heaven Fern - Distant Heiter - Bright/cheerful Eisen - Iron Flamme - Flame / Passion Himmel imagery is very present. Frieren is commonly framed against Himmel, the sky. In this episode an important example of this imagery is that directly after finding the flowers, Frieren is framed against the beautiful sky... Himmel was with her when when she saw them.
There is a German UA-camr, Storieswithstyle, who has a lovely video giving an analysis of the names(character, location, and spell) as they appear in the anime up to episode 16. It is very much worth watching, although wait until at least past episode 10 to watch it, possibly 16, as there are spoilers. (The names in Frieren are almost all German words)
Time is a major player in this show, Humans typically live to about 80, Dwarves typically live to 300 but there are exceptions but Elves are near immortal. Frieren is (I estimate by her mana shown later) to be about 1500 years old at the start of the anime and she is considered to be fairly young as others are several times her age. The perception of the passage time by the characters is often at odds with each other especially when the entire lifespan of someone else would be equivelent to anywhere from days to a few months at most if put in the perspective of a human.
After watching the first episode i knew i was going to love it, (i ended up buying the manga too :D). for me the music sets the scene beautifully, people often over look the OST. i think you are going to absolutely love the rest of the show.
Welcome to the rabbit hole that is Sousou no Frieren. I hope you really enjoy this anime series! Just a few things if no one else has mentioned it; this aniome is really about paying attention to little details, as small things make emotional impacts later in series. You DO learn why Frieren has a habit of collecting spells, and it all starts with her master, who is revealed in Episode 4 and you learn way more about her in the penultimate mid-season episode 10. Every name in Frieren is a German word and they have meaning. There is a school of thought that this whole story is Frieren's reminiscence, since people are named for concepts that encapsulates a memory/impression, rather than normal German names. Frieren - Freezing Himmel - Sky or Heaven - pay attention to the times they show the Sky, as it almost always refers to Himmel or the memory of him Heiter - Jolly - Heiter is shown in future flashbacks as deflecting difficult emotional stress with humour or self-deprecation. Eisen - Iron - a great name for one of the strongest warriors in history Fern - Remote or distant Stark - Strong Flamme - Flame - The founder of Human Magic, Frieren's human Master. Potentially named for the Promethean legend, the giant who taught the gift of fire to humans in Greek mythology, but also for setting Frieren on the path to thawing her heart. Qual - Torment Aura - Aura Lügner - Liar Linie - Line, as in production, watch the way she summons things Draht - Wire Graf Garnat - Count Garnet - the stone that is part of the family amulet is a red garnet. Kraft - Power, Strength Sein - Being or Existence Kanne - Container or pot Lawine - Avalanche Wirbel - Whirl or Vortex Übel - Evil or Villain Denken - Thinking Land - Country Richter - a reference to the founder of hte Richter Scale, the measure of earthquake intensity Laufen - Runner Ehre - Honor or Glory Scharf - Sharp Sense - Scythe Genau - Exactly or Precisely Falsch - Wrong or Mistaken Lernen - Learn Edel - Noble Blei - Lead the metal Dünste - Steamy or hazy Ton - Sound or Tone Länge - Length of time or duration Methode - Method Serie - Series, as in items in a group (a book series, for example) Frieren recently toppled FullMetal Alchemist from the top spot on MyAnimeList (MAL), where it had sat for more than a decade. Both are Shonen manga that have women mangakas, and both start with loss. Both are praised for it's excellent characterization, emotional intensity and touching sentimentalism. Lastly, the series is named "Sousou no Frieren." While this has been translated as "Frieren The Slayer" this is INCORRECT. "Sousou no" is the act "sending off" as in a funeral. Thus the more exact translation is "Frieren the Undertaker." This has more than one meaning, but the two most common interpretations is that we learn that Elves in Frieren are essentially immortal, so Frieren will eventually "send off" all her non-elven friends. The second meaning is to "see someone off" is also a euphemism for killing and is Frieren is first identified by a demon as the titular character.
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
next time you all having fun being all happy and laughing while goin on a vacation thinking “it’s just a week or two”, remember those beloved pets of yours at home it’s probably already 10-20 years for them since you all been gone😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
The answer is yes, you will cry almost every time lol. Seriously though, I love the melancholy beauty of this story and how well they tell it. Definitely my anime of the year last year
The elves in this seem to be like Tolkien's and are properly ageless, the can die but they never age. There isn't even the call to the undying lands like in Middle Earth.
Hi new sub here, have you already done a room/setup tour? You've got a dope arcade mini cabinet and RGB lighting and other stuff behind you. Would be cool to see
Minor suggestion... Episodes 8-10 are best watched in a single session. This isn't universally agreed upon, but I am strongly of this opinion. I would recommend that whenever you reach these episodes that you budget the time so that, should you decide to do such, you can watch all three together.
This anime is second only to the Pixar's "Up" when it comes to fastest tears by the viewer. And to your question about anime food: According to legend, it's because of the most horrific example of poorly drawn food in history. The infamous "Cabbage Sphere" in the anime "Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na" otherwise known as "Cresent Love". Supposedly the cabbage sphere incident was so embarrassing it changed food animation in Japan forever. There is a wikipedia article about it you can look up if you think Im lying.
Fake Hero, Corrupt Priest, Cowardly Warrior, and Lazy Mage. They should have lost, but didn't. Everyone defied the definition in someway. Himmel fail to pull the sword, but inspired everyone he met or who heard of him to do better. Heiter was a constant drunk, but his true faith inspired it in everyone he met. Eisen was afraid of any strong enemy he fought, but never fled and was never defeated. Frieren well, we know Frieren's failings. The more the story goes along though the more we come to understand they all lived up to the rep. Himmel is the Hero. Eisen is the warrior. And Heiter and Frieren's influence extends far beyond what they could have expected.
Apperently food in anime looks so good because of the Delicious in Dungeon manga, as that was so successful that everything copied it a bit. It's also an anime that just came out.
That close up on the meteor with Himmel looking on always gets me. 😢 I've seen it a couple times now, and I can't help but think how the meteor is like Himmel with his human life span. It burns out so quickly but while it lasts, it's so brilliant and beautiful. And the music, omg. So sad 😭
Oh my gosh! I didn’t even think about it like that. 😭 emotional damageeeee
@@AliAnimus did you catch on that the fade to black was his eyes closing in his last moment, why the next scene was him being burried.
@@AliAnimus‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything.
NO beyond journey end 🤮🤮.
@@Misaki_Mei504 I guess English isn’t ur first language?
- Appears for like 10 mins tops
- Somehow, manages to win everyone's hearts
- Refuese to elaborate
Himmel, ladies and gentlemen
And then every time anyone remembers him, he becomes even more likeable EVERY FREAKING TIME! Himmel is eternal, undefeated, and complete. He is THE TRUE GOAT!
he's HIMmel after all
@@chemreal You have earned all of my hate for making me laugh at that. It scared my cat. How dare you
@@godqueensadie i can take this either as a compliment or an insult
@@B3RyL That's what's absolutely baffling. The fact that every flashback manages to make him somehow even more likeable and endearing than the last is nothing short of incredible. This is such solid character writing, I don't know how to even express the pure awe it inspires in me
"I'm probably doing it for myself" is probably my favorite line in episode 2. It reminds me of a recurring phrase from one of my favorite webcomics: "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for me, because of you." Yeah, it's partly for Himmel, but more than anything else it's her way of trying to understand her own feelings.
You were making me tear up again even having seen these scenes so many times! You seem like a wonderful person! 🙂
Awee haha, thank you for the kind comment! 🥹
I like that you pay attention to the conversation where alot of reactors tend to miss important details. New Sub. ❤
Appreciate it! 💗
@@AliAnimus‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything.
.NO beyond journey end 🤮🤮.
@@Misaki_Mei504 thank you
@@AliAnimusthey are a troll who spams this on various Frieren reaction videos. I hope you don't let them get to you.
I have said this in a few people's reactions, but heiter was a long lived human even for our time, he lived to be 104. He was able to walk in his hundreds, which is astounding. Himmel lived to be around 70, and Eisens age is undetermined.
Drwafts can live average 200-300 years
I guess Himmel was at least around 80. Assuming he didn´t start the heros journey as a little kid, he must have been maybe 30 after the ten years travelling. Add 50 years more until he dies, it makes 80 then. But I´m just guessing, nothing more :-)
There is speculation that as a Priest, who deals with holy magic and are the only ones that are well versed in blessings, dispelling curses and healing, they are also granted longer lives.
Thematically, Himmel aged like he did partly so he would look more drastically different, to keep his younger self pristine in memory. For an in-setting reason, yeah, Heiter was probably the most gifted user of healing magic alive for much of his life.
I mean, to be clear there have been a handful of individuals I can think of that made it to their hundreds and were still mobile. Hell, world war 2 vet iirc was still mowing his lawn at like 102.
My friend who speaks a bit of Japanese told me something interesting. Just like English, Japanese has various expressions for saying goodbye, and one of them, taken literally, means "I'll be leaving first". This is the expression Heiter uses to say goodbye to Frieren as he climbs into the carriage after Himmel's funeral.
Oh my 🥹🥲
@@AliAnimus Anyway, this is a 2-cour anime, so maybe buy two boxes of tissues instead of one. Also, keep all those questions you mentioned at the end in mind (as well as any other questions that come up later), because this show is very good about raising questions and then answering or addressing them later.
The tip of the iceberg is an understatement with this anime
These first few episodes are important (for a preface) for the upcoming .. well, many eps lol as they are either within lots of meanings or actions or even gestures. The little callbacks and things you notice as things progress really make me smile when watching this show. It's a treat to watch. I enjoy re-watching episodes really just to enjoy how beautiful everything looks as well rather than locking in on everything else. I saw some people point out how amazing the shadow work is in this show. It's so pretty lol.
Anyways, enough of me gushing. Glad you liked and you got me even a bit teary eyed in ep. 2 with the Himmel giving her a flower tiara, only for his statue to get one from her.
outro plays "are you alright?"
This was a great reaction to watch. You pay attention to the dialogue and the little details, your reactions kind of mirror my own - I tend to get pretty emotional about these cute little details. I'm excited to see how you react to everything!
Thank you so much! 🥹 I am a huge softy and many things pull at my heart strings, even music can affect me, this anime has been a gorgeous masterpiece and I’m enjoying everything about it!
Thank you for sharing 😊. You were quite observant and made excellent deductions.
I appreciate it! I try to always focus on small details, helps me remember things.
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
"I'm gonna cry every episode"
Welcome to Frieren. I cry at almost nothing and this show got me consistently.
Frieren keeps telling Fern they are the same, because they like magic not entirely due of itself, but also an external reason: Fern wanted to be able to take care of herself after Heiter passed away, and Frieren collects spells because Himmel complimented hers.
"They haven't aged as much as Himmel" probably shouldn't sleep with a cursed item in the cupboard next to your bed... But I'm no surgeon
This anime has heart-wrenching drama, very funny comedy, exhilirating adventure, heart-pumping action, and its fight scenes are totally SOLID. Truly perfect!
What makes it is the characters. It's amazing how the storytelling weaves in flashbacks to the timeline. Truly a one of a kind fantasy adventure anime. If not for Apothecary Diaries, this would be my favorite anime to watch each week.
Also what I said about the characters is that I mean, I could enjoy an episode of them doing basically anything lol.
Pretty much the only thing this anime doesn't put almost every other animation to shame in is total number of episodes.
Episodes 1 & 2 of Frieren are brutal on the heart.
You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, I've never cried so much during an anime as I did during this one, and I've been through 3000 Anime
Ohwow! I'm excited and anxious lol
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
@@Misaki_Mei504to sell the premise of the show?
To compensate for the future upcoming pun on the original title?
The heroes party were full of powerful people but the real damage they can cause is the emotional kind.
P.S Heiter was such a corrupt priest, the best kind (pours one out)
'didn't age as much' well, one is a dwarf and one did not grow up with a demonic horn in his living room. :)
Side note: They aren’t just any little random spells they’ll all make sense in due time, but that’s another time to discuss! Happy you are starting this Journey!!! Get ready for the tears and amazing scenes/moments 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Noted! Thank you so much. 😊 I’ll make sure to have my Kleenex box ready lol
i agree with the main posters comment we've already seen her use the 26:50 remove rust from bronze statues spell at 28:30 of your reaction. your in for a great ride!
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
I can't wait for your reactions to the next episodes! The show only gets better and better!
Will be posted ASAP 😊❤
.NO beyond journey end 🤢👎👎.
First bottle Frieren poured out on Heiter's headstone was the bottle she brought, the second was the bottle Heiter was holding when he stopped Fern from jumping. The exact moment he quit drinking.
Ayyy nice IY sweatshirt! It's actually my headcanon is that this show is a fantasy IY au, specifically SessKag. Frieren = Sesshoumaru, Himmel = Kagome, Heiter = Miroku, Fern = Rin, Stark = Kohaku. As a SessKag + KohaRin fan it gets me in the feels so much 😭♥
You're in for a real treat with this show, can't wait for the next video
my girlfriend has never been an anime enjoyer but she ended upnreally liking this show.
I can't blame her! This anime is amazing.
@@AliAnimus‼️‼️Everyone locates the series faster with their original names‼️‼️ I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that‼️‼️
I appreciate these reactions ❤
This is such a beautiful show! And your reaction shows extreme emotional intelligence! You seem like such a sweetheart 😇
Heiter really lived a long life. He's at least 90-something, and that's just assuming his age is similar to Himmel's. I feel that he might be a bit older.
I'm so glad to see that I wasn't the only one sobbing throughout this anime!! ;v;)
absolutely love that you're paying attention to the important parts of the anime and you summarizing it pretty much hits the nail on the head before the next scene even happens. Subscribing ✨
Haha, empath Unite! 🥲💗
Thank you so much! Hope you continue enjoying my content.
I love your reactions, you're so invested. Looking forward to watching more 😊
Thank you so much!!
This show sets up Frieren's unusual perspective of the world so well. The world just moves in a blur around her.
Welcome to the anime that will change your whole life's view 😢😮😮. LOVED THIS ANIME!
27:04 "Those are kind of useless" It's a good joke at the time and a great bit of lore a little bit later
A lot of small things have callbacks that matter later, so it's good you notice details like that!
"Obviously elves live for friggen ever compared to humans."
Oh... Oh boy. You have *no* idea.
You witness one of the best animes if its about fantasy and as topic "time". And im serious. One of the best. Everything, from Music till storytelling is PEAK. You beginning to love the charactere even you see 5 minutes of them. We, actually waited a long time to get finally this kind of Anime. Lifechanging. We need this Anime. i actually cant stop to watch other, watching frieren :D because we need to share the feelings what frieren trigger.
Small funfact: few of the best animators in the whole anime industry are working on this animes
Guys playing in flower fields is NOT gross, thank you very much.
With opening episodes like these, there's no such thing as "too early to cry" or "I'm trying not to cry. Just... cry
Hello there. Just watched your reaction to the next episode, yeah that detail where she learnt a spell uniquely because Eisen likes them was... beautiful.
Hello! And yes… She’s so precious. 🥹
Yow, just ffind out u had frieren's reaction 👌👌 this anime was peak 😊
The names of the people and places are all German. Knowing them is a lot of added value because of symbolism.
Frieren - (to feel) Cold/Freezing
Himmel - Sky/Heaven
Fern - Distant
Heiter - Bright/cheerful
Eisen - Iron
Flamme - Flame / Passion
Himmel imagery is very present. Frieren is commonly framed against Himmel, the sky. In this episode an important example of this imagery is that directly after finding the flowers, Frieren is framed against the beautiful sky... Himmel was with her when when she saw them.
There is a German UA-camr, Storieswithstyle, who has a lovely video giving an analysis of the names(character, location, and spell) as they appear in the anime up to episode 16. It is very much worth watching, although wait until at least past episode 10 to watch it, possibly 16, as there are spoilers. (The names in Frieren are almost all German words)
Time is a major player in this show, Humans typically live to about 80, Dwarves typically live to 300 but there are exceptions but Elves are near immortal. Frieren is (I estimate by her mana shown later) to be about 1500 years old at the start of the anime and she is considered to be fairly young as others are several times her age. The perception of the passage time by the characters is often at odds with each other especially when the entire lifespan of someone else would be equivelent to anywhere from days to a few months at most if put in the perspective of a human.
After watching the first episode i knew i was going to love it, (i ended up buying the manga too :D).
for me the music sets the scene beautifully, people often over look the OST.
i think you are going to absolutely love the rest of the show.
Welcome to the rabbit hole that is Sousou no Frieren. I hope you really enjoy this anime series!
Just a few things if no one else has mentioned it; this aniome is really about paying attention to little details, as small things make emotional impacts later in series. You DO learn why Frieren has a habit of collecting spells, and it all starts with her master, who is revealed in Episode 4 and you learn way more about her in the penultimate mid-season episode 10.
Every name in Frieren is a German word and they have meaning. There is a school of thought that this whole story is Frieren's reminiscence, since people are named for concepts that encapsulates a memory/impression, rather than normal German names.
Frieren - Freezing
Himmel - Sky or Heaven - pay attention to the times they show the Sky, as it almost always refers to Himmel or the memory of him
Heiter - Jolly - Heiter is shown in future flashbacks as deflecting difficult emotional stress with humour or self-deprecation.
Eisen - Iron - a great name for one of the strongest warriors in history
Fern - Remote or distant
Stark - Strong
Flamme - Flame - The founder of Human Magic, Frieren's human Master. Potentially named for the Promethean legend, the giant who taught the gift of fire to humans in Greek mythology, but also for setting Frieren on the path to thawing her heart.
Qual - Torment
Aura - Aura
Lügner - Liar
Linie - Line, as in production, watch the way she summons things
Draht - Wire
Graf Garnat - Count Garnet - the stone that is part of the family amulet is a red garnet.
Kraft - Power, Strength
Sein - Being or Existence
Kanne - Container or pot
Lawine - Avalanche
Wirbel - Whirl or Vortex
Übel - Evil or Villain
Denken - Thinking
Land - Country
Richter - a reference to the founder of hte Richter Scale, the measure of earthquake intensity
Laufen - Runner
Ehre - Honor or Glory
Scharf - Sharp
Sense - Scythe
Genau - Exactly or Precisely
Falsch - Wrong or Mistaken
Lernen - Learn
Edel - Noble
Blei - Lead the metal
Dünste - Steamy or hazy
Ton - Sound or Tone
Länge - Length of time or duration
Methode - Method
Serie - Series, as in items in a group (a book series, for example)
Frieren recently toppled FullMetal Alchemist from the top spot on MyAnimeList (MAL), where it had sat for more than a decade. Both are Shonen manga that have women mangakas, and both start with loss. Both are praised for it's excellent characterization, emotional intensity and touching sentimentalism.
Lastly, the series is named "Sousou no Frieren." While this has been translated as "Frieren The Slayer" this is INCORRECT. "Sousou no" is the act "sending off" as in a funeral. Thus the more exact translation is "Frieren the Undertaker." This has more than one meaning, but the two most common interpretations is that we learn that Elves in Frieren are essentially immortal, so Frieren will eventually "send off" all her non-elven friends. The second meaning is to "see someone off" is also a euphemism for killing and is Frieren is first identified by a demon as the titular character.
Wow! Thank you so much for all this information! Thank goodness I try to pay attention to small details, this show is so beautiful.
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
Cute Lil elf ears ❤❤❤
Thank you!!
@@AliAnimus Yours look like those of a half-elf compared to Frieren's. If she learned to control her ear muscles, she could fly with those.
.NO beyond journey end 👎👎.
Cute little town - kingdom's capital
No spoilers, it's a long time. Your going to truly enjoy this anime
Time is told in the story as years after Himmel died since that's the perspective that Frieren would have.
New series!! Let’s go!!❤
try not to cry challenge failed yet again =( beautiful reaction can't wait for more - subbed for sure
I tried so hard 😭 aha, thank you!
@@AliAnimusEveryone locates the series faster with their original names, I don't know why they have the bad habit of translating everything, seriously what is the need to do that
next time you all having fun being all happy and laughing while goin on a vacation thinking “it’s just a week or two”, remember those beloved pets of yours at home it’s probably already 10-20 years for them since you all been gone😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
The answer is yes, you will cry almost every time lol. Seriously though, I love the melancholy beauty of this story and how well they tell it. Definitely my anime of the year last year
Dwarves also live a bit longer than Humans. Not as long as Elves, but Eisen will be around for a bit.
The elves in this seem to be like Tolkien's and are properly ageless, the can die but they never age. There isn't even the call to the undying lands like in Middle Earth.
If you pay close attention and they make a second season, you will eventually learn why Frieren wanted to learn each of those spells.
10 years is a long time'' for a human, simple.
Hi new sub here, have you already done a room/setup tour? You've got a dope arcade mini cabinet and RGB lighting and other stuff behind you. Would be cool to see
Hi there, I have not! I’ve shown my stream room on Twitch, but never an actual video. I can make one though. ☺️
I'm guessing Amazon Lord of the Rings would not want to see how to make elves relatable and in their own way caring
ur reaction is hilarious😂😂
Beware, more tears ahead. 😢
subbed for Frieren!
Minor suggestion... Episodes 8-10 are best watched in a single session. This isn't universally agreed upon, but I am strongly of this opinion. I would recommend that whenever you reach these episodes that you budget the time so that, should you decide to do such, you can watch all three together.
Thank you for this, luckily for me I already did that! I'm currently on ep 10 and I happened to watch them all together.
@@Misaki_Mei504ah, the troll is here too.
This anime is second only to the Pixar's "Up" when it comes to fastest tears by the viewer.
And to your question about anime food:
According to legend, it's because of the most horrific example of poorly drawn food in history. The infamous "Cabbage Sphere" in the anime "Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na" otherwise known as "Cresent Love". Supposedly the cabbage sphere incident was so embarrassing it changed food animation in Japan forever.
There is a wikipedia article about it you can look up if you think Im lying.
Maybe but I like the slow burn in this anime
Welcome to Frieren.
Prepare your tissues for next episodes, i cry during almost every episode 😅
Oh dang I've seen this show is getting popular recently.🎉
Fake Hero, Corrupt Priest, Cowardly Warrior, and Lazy Mage.
They should have lost, but didn't. Everyone defied the definition in someway. Himmel fail to pull the sword, but inspired everyone he met or who heard of him to do better. Heiter was a constant drunk, but his true faith inspired it in everyone he met. Eisen was afraid of any strong enemy he fought, but never fled and was never defeated. Frieren well, we know Frieren's failings.
The more the story goes along though the more we come to understand they all lived up to the rep. Himmel is the Hero. Eisen is the warrior. And Heiter and Frieren's influence extends far beyond what they could have expected.
"Is this gonna be how every episode is?" Maybe... 😏
EmOTiOnAl DaMagEe
how did they make us cry over someone we met ~9 minutes ago
#AliAnimus, I have just subscribed to your channel, so this is my first time commenting on your videos.
Thank you 💕
Hahaha yes that’s Otis, he likes to join my videos quite often. 😅
You would think even a troll would appreciate a comment about the cat showing up on screen, what with that Power user icon and all.
you are beautiful and love your reaction, looking forward to another episodes, thank you
Thank you so much 🙏💖
@@AliAnimus I admire you that you did not binge watch it :D
@@Gusttafa I’m currently on episode 10! Those will be uploaded soon. ✨
Her: i don't know anything about this series
Also her: *put's on an elf ears*
Haha, only thing I knew going into it , perfect opportunity to wear them! 🥰
.NO beyond journey end 👎👎.
Where can I find it?
The anime? Crunchyroll!
@@AliAnimus okay thank you so much
At least the show is nice enough to ask if you're alright after every episode.
Only for the first half 😢
Apperently food in anime looks so good because of the Delicious in Dungeon manga, as that was so successful that everything copied it a bit. It's also an anime that just came out.
You should probably get several tissue boxes
Alright, who's doing the obligatory translating the names from German? Also, elves can live for nearly an eternity.
Oooh and great reaction good job
Her heart on 14 ep can do it?😂😂
I'm a disaster 😭
Himmel is dead,it’s too late
ure an elf??
You look like you eat dungeon food hehe
I dont know if it’s intentional but halfway there to a great cosplay 😂
I need to find someone like you to watch anime with lol
You single? We about the same age lol
ю чикен!
You are a fun of Kleenex then I m happy.