There are 5 types of comments when you sort by new: Normal people talking about the song and language Hungarians trolling Romanians trolling Serbians and Slovakians making actual arguments Poles sending support to Hungary
Other countries' patriotic songs: (dedicated to how beautiful and proud their country is) Hungarian songs: *W E W O N'T L E A V E O N E V I L L A G E F O R T H E M*
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 the joke is that Romanian nationalists and Hungarian nationalists don't get along well, and will most likely argue in this comment section, which is going to be fun for us to watch
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 whenever theres something about Romania or Hungary the other team will drop literal atomic bombs in the comments. This is the way
Be me >polish >vacation in budapest >sing this song >young people look at me weird >old people crack a big smile >the one slovak kid loved this song so much he breaks the window on the tram im on >polak i wegier, dwa bratanki, i od szabla az do szklanki >God I love Hungary
@@phartbay327I think if he sings something like that, then it is ok for him to claim that some of Ukrainian territories are "Polish", like Hungarians claim that Romanian and Slovak territories are "Hungarian"
My ex was Romanian who lived in a small village near Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania. She was very nationalistic to the point she hated everything that was even remotely Hungarian. So much so that, now, I wonder how I could have ever fallen for such a vile and deceitful woman. Anyway, three days after our breakup, she tried to contact me again, saying we could talk things out. I sent her this as reply and she was not happy. I found it hilarious though. This is a beautiful song, my Hungarian friends! Greetings from little Belgium!
All jokes aside, I also met a few people from Belgium that deeply hate Germans. I am not here to say what is right and what is wrong, but I am absolutely sure that you can find good people (as well as not so good people) in any part of the Earth!
"Borrowed". I don't think Hungarians "borrowed" Transylvania to Romanians. Also how could they think they were the first ones in Transylvania if the Dacian Tribes were there long before the Roman Empire was a thing. And the Hungarians were somewhere in the mountains of Siberia and Mongolia. I honestly can't understand this. Is this a joke? They've been in Transylvania for few hundred years and due to some assimilations of wallachians in Szekely space they claim it to be theirs. "Modern" days have been very harsh to Romanian ethnicity in Transylvania, and their culture keeps decreasing in the region but that doesn't mean Transylvania has become Hungarian. I'm just speaking off historical facts, not some nationalist sentiments or brainwash.
@@liviu_dragnea_psd Regardless whether the daco-roman ethno-genesis is true or false (most likely false, note the Dacians themselves were not Romanians yet, even if you'd argue for the daco-roman admixture hypothesis), the fact is that Transylvania was incorporated into the Hungarian state way sooner than any political Romanian entity coalesced, and it basically stayed so until 1918. Ethnic Romanians only begun to grow in number in T, after the mongol devastation, landlords needing more workers, immigration - it was around the same time your "descalecats" (founding of Wallachia and Moldavia) happened after 1300 - by that time Hungary was 400 years old. Romanians only reached majority numbers in Transylvania after the 17th century due to even further immigration and living in isolated mountainous regions, barely devastated by ongoing wars. Romans came into Dacia around 100 and left the region already between 271 and 275. Barely enough time for Romanians to evolve from admixture in that region. After the Romans left, Goths, then Gepids, then Huns, then Avars, then Bulgars held the territory until the Hungarian invasion. That place was not a peaceful area for national genesis.
@@Hy-jg8ow Az elméleted ott vérzik, hogy az oltások felfedezését megelőző időkben ponthogy a fejlettebb társadalmak emberei szaporodtak jobban és migráltak a náluk kevésbé fejlett területekre. Lásd németek folyamatos bevándorlása. Ez alól a "demográfiai szabály" alól kivételt képeznek a muzulmánok, akik a többnejűség intézménye révén kevésbé voltak kitéve a háborúk okozta szaporodás-megtorpanásnak.
@@boglarkaszoradi4504 Bocs az ekezetek hianya miatt, de nincs megfelelo billentyuzetem. Nem az en elmeletem ez, hanem a legtobb, nem roman nacnalista tortnesz egyontetu kovetkeztetese. Azokban az idokben az oltasok hianyaban egyforman szenvedtek mindehol. Sot, a nagyobb centrumoktol tavolabb, hegyi elszigeteltsegben elo nepcsoportok hatvanyozottan vedettebbek voltak a ragalyos betegsegekkel szemben, mig a nagyobb varosok lakoi kozott a pestis tizedelt. Egyforman vedettebbek voltak a "transzhumancaban" elo hegyi pasztorok ugy a pestis mint a haboruk okozta ver-vesztessegel szemben. Csupan a mongol dulast kovetoen konszenzus van a tortenszek kozott (beleertve nyugati torteneszeket is), hogy Mo. lakossaganak majdnem fele elpusztult. Ebbe a demografiai urbe koltoztek be kesobb a romanok tomegei. Kiemelem: a mongol pusztitaskor meg sem Havasalfold sem Moldva nem letezett politikailag, az elobbi Kunok altal kontrollalt volt. A zona tortnelmi sajatossagai specialis korulmenyeket hoztak letre, amelyek nem tukrozik a meg nyugatabbra tapasztalhato demografiai trendeket. De ettol fuggetlenul sem meggyozo az erved. Erdelyt mar a 900-as evekben magyar torzsek foglaltak el es ellenallas nelkul letsitettek ezernyi telepulest es a korabeli kronikak es helyseg-nevek csupan egy gyeresen letzo slav populaciot emelnek ki es az avarok maradvanyait, valamint a bolgarokat akik de facto a honfoglalaskor politikailag Erdelyt is kontrollaltak. Anonymus mesebeli vlahjait senki mas nem jegyezte fel. A te elmeleted - meg ha helyes is - csak a szaporodasi ratat veszi figyelembe es telljesen figyelmen kivul hagyja az egyedi tortenelmi csapasokat mint a tatarjaras es a pestis amely elsosorban a fejlettebb zonakat erintette katasztrofalisan. Kivancsi vagyok, miert pont egy masik magyarral szemben (a neved annak tunik) kell vedekeznem. Bar csodalkozni, nem csodalkozok.
@@Hy-jg8ow Ennyi baromságot ne haragudj. Csak 1 példa: A tatárok nem csak a magyarok közt dúltak. Nézz már utána a tatárjárásnak jobban, hogy helyileg milyen területeket és népeket érintett! (A történészek pedig ma már úgy tartják, hogy korántsem volt annyira nagy a tatárjárás miatti népességcsökkenés mint ahogy azt korábban gondolták) Járványok: ne fárasszál már, a járványok a magyarokat semmivel nem ritkították jobban mint más embereket. Azt mondod a városi embert jobban ritkította? És akkor ki van? Ebből mit akarsz levezetni? Vidéken nem voltak magyarok, csak a városokban? Ezzel elismered, hogy a korábbi időkben - az urban legenddel ellentétben - még kevesebb magyar volt mint ma? A pestis pedig ponthogy a fejletleneket érintette jobban, hiszen a fejlettséggel a higiéniai viszonyok is arányosan jobbak voltak mindigis.
@Roffin Both Romania and Hungary commited massacres I only disagree with the looting part of the statement
@@kuvirakuvira Remember the massacre in Alba County committed by Avram Iancu. When they massacred women and children while the men were away fighting the Austrians.
@Attila The HUNgarian say that to the 20% of our vocabulary being uralic, compared to the less than 9% turkic, which we borrowed only in the middle ages, and all the grammatical similarities between these two languages. you can always show your argument, im hungarian btw. if you come up with apples and pockets i will consider you a loser, be warned.
Maybe it should be described as an irredentist or revisionist song. But this is fine too, I'm glad that you uploading hungarian related things. Allow me to recommend you the soldier song called "Szél viszi messze a fellegeket"
At the treaty of trianon they intentionally drew the new borders in the middle of Europe to sow seeds of discontent and hostility among the nations affected. Their goal was to make sure the region remains weak, because of constant in-fighting. It was entirely possible to draw the borders in such a way the almost everyone could live in the country of their ethnicity (Romanians, Slovaks, Serbs, Ukrainians, Croats, Slovenes all included). The British and the French have never shown any sympathy towards foreign nations, they always looked at what they could gain, and never cared for the pain they caused.
I agree with this notion it also doesn’t help that Hungarian government at the time of Trianon was communist and France was trying to set up the little éntente with Romania as the lynch pin between Yugoslavia and Poland
@@giggoty4926 My Romanian friend I literally said it was possible so that almost all Romanians could live in Romania and Hungarians in Hungary. That's all we wanted isn't it? I've worked in Romania as a Hungarian and I've only met friendly and polite people who were nothing but great to me. This Romania vs Hungary thing is only promoted by politicians trying to gain some votes. We fought together against the Turks, we fought together against the mongols, we've been friends, I dare say brothers for hundreds of years until some foreigners turned us against each other. And yes we learn in Hungary about how the Austro-Hungarian empire opressed Romanians in their native lands. We learn that it was wrong and cruel. We also learn how Romanians killed a bunch of Hungarians in retaliation. Should we continue this recent animosity? Or should we return to the brotherhood we had before that? I think the answer is obvious.
@@edisonteslowki5524 Yes, it is sad but we could probably understand Hungarian more if the ancestors of Hungary had settled closer to us, where the influence of Balkan people and Turkish people would have been much lesser.
Gyönyörű! A lengyelek akik kiállnak melletünk..... Lengyel,Magyar két jó barát, együtt harcol s issza borát, vitéz s bátor mindkettője, áldás szálljon mindkettőre ❤
@@tamasviktornobisz258 Nem tudom,hogy mégis hogyan lehet egy ilyen remek komment alá ikszdézni. Tényleg felháborító. Sokat gondolkodtam, hogy hívnom kéne a rendőrséget, csak az a baj, hogy a mocskos amicsi libsi gyurcsányék nagyon befojásolják a mai rendőröket. Teljesmértékben egyettudok érteni veled bár nem tudom, hogy a kicsi xd mit jelent én csak a nagyot ismerem (XD). Ha egy kicsit jobban utánanézunk akkor megtudhatjuk, hogy mit jelent az xD (xD 2011. 02. 08. Az msn kommunikációban mit jelent pontosan a mondat végére írt xD hangulatjel? Az értelmezés/jelentés alapos leírása kéne,hivatkozási alapnak. Köszönöm! Az XD emotikonfajta, azaz érzelem- és/vagy hangulatkifejező ikonikus jel. Ikonikus, tehát hasonlóságon alapul: 90 fokkal elforgatva emberi arcot ábrázol. Az X az emberi szemet, a D pedig a szájat jelképezi. Összeszorított szemmel való nevetést, nagy kacagást jelent, ám azt is jelölheti, hogy a jel előtti információt, közlést nem kell komolyan venni. A válasz az 1984 és 2015 között érvényes 11. helyesírási szabályzat alapján készült. ) Rengeteg kutatás és szelektálás után megtaláltam a nagy xd kifejezés jelentését is (XD) Jelentés XD Mit jelent a XD ? Itt megtalálhatja a XD szó 11 jelentését. Ön is adhat további jelentéseket a XD szóhoz. 1 253 27 XD hatalmas röhögés (hunyorogva nevető arc) Forrás: 2 177 28 XD A hangos nevetés hangulatjele. Forrás: 3 147 32 XD Ez egy emolyi vagy egy nevetés jel Xd ha elforditod a telefont akkor láthatod hogy milyen alak jön ki belőle Pápa Dominik - 2020. május 19. 0:00:00 GMT 4 121 30 XD Egyfajta smiley avagy mosolyka. Chaten, msnen használatos, amikor valamit _tényleg_nagyon_nagyon_ viccesnek találunk. Egy görcsösen összehúzott szempárból ( X ) és egy hatalmas nevető teles [..] Forrás: 5 81 20 XD Röhögő fej. Az “X” a két szem a “D” pedig a nevető száj ami nyitva van Panna - 2020. július 7. 0:00:00 GMT 6 44 26 XD Igen is jelentheti vicces igent Amikor. Valakinek mondunk valami vicceset de igennel kell váladzolnia anonim - 2020. július 7. 0:00:00 GMT 7 15 4 XD Nevetés egy formája, már álltalános iskolában felső tagozatban használják: falra írják stb... KontrolSzótár - 2021. február 2. 0:00:00 GMT 8 41 40 XD Az XD nem jelent semmit, akkor használatos mikor az emberek nem tudnak semmit írni valamihez és csak azt írják hogy XD... De vannak olyanok akik mindig használják mert nemtom miért. Amúgy én is mindig használom ígzdédé.... Pap Táziii - 2020. október 5. 0:00:00 GMT 9 23 50 XD Az xd szó jelentése nyomik által használt nevetési kifejezés anonim - 2020. október 22. 0:00:00 GMT 10 40 71 XD Az xD-Picture Card-ot a Fuji és az Olympus a SmartMedia kártya felváltására fejlesztette ki. Az SM kártyák kapacitását 128 MB fölé emelni csak a szabvány módosításával lehetett volna, [..] Forrás: 11 20 71 XD csúnyát jelent nagyon nagyon csúnyát nem szabad írogatni mert nagyon rossz jelentése van jános - 2020. október 31. 0:00:00 GMT ) Bár ahogy láthatjuk a nagy XD-ről a tudományos világ nézetei is eléggé megosztóak, összességében úgy gondoljui, hogy az XD a nagyon sok nevetést vagy röhögőgörcsöt jelenthet. Remélem sikerült neked nagyjából összefoglalnom az xd jelentését. Látszik, hogy ilyet csak egy mocskos liberó írhat ide, aki nem szeretné, hogy 100 év után Erdély visszakerüljön a magyarokhoz. Lehet, hogy minden értelmes ember elengedte ezt a témát és nem "lovagolnak" rajta, mert leszrják, hogy 100 évvel ezelött mi történt és mint az eu tagjai nagyjából ugyanolyan szabályozások vonatkoznank ránk (kiv. a szerbekre és ukránokra) és a határok is hála schengennek technikailag megszűntek. Továbbá az EU-n belüli telekommunikáció is rendkívül olcsó ezért nem értem, hogy mi a faszért sírnak a kibaszott fogyatékos degenerált nacionalista, revízionista nyomorék magyarok, hogy JAJ ERDÉLYN ROMÁNIA AZ ÉLET IGAZSÁGTALAN KHDHEZ IDIOTAAAKKKK. xd De ez az xd tényleg nem illet ide. :c
Beautiful song. Love to our best friends in Hungary, from POLAND! Lengyel, magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát. Good match with u in Budapest.
Drogi obywatelu Polski, ta piosenka jest anty-słowacka, pokazuje jak naród węgierski jest pełny nienawiści do narodu słowackiego. Słowacy podczas zaborów byli separowani przez Węgrów, i dla tego nie lubię tego imperialistycznego narodu, wolę o wiele bardzie słowaków niż węgrów.
@@Jan_Wielki A dziwisz się skoro do dziś mieszkają nie z własnej woli na Słowacji czy też w Rumunii, na Ukrainie czy też w Serbii? Ja osobiście uważam, że rewizja granic na rzecz Węgier w 1938 i 1941 roku była jak najbardziej sprawiedliwa i szkoda, że nie zachowała tych ziem po 1945 roku, bo przynajmniej wszyscy Węgrzy (lub większość) byłaby na Węgrzech. Éljen a Magyarország! 🇵🇱❤️🇭🇺
En kulfoldi allamporgar vagyok ne agya isten ha tamadas erne Magyarorszagot elso onkentes lennek segitenek a Magyar nepnek hisz kotelesegem hiszen 14 Magyarorszagi testverem van akik a Horvatorszagi es a Boszniai haboruba vellem voltak az elettemet adnam oda ertuk anyira becsulom es szeretem oket a kulfoldi onkentesek kozul a legjobak voltak a kulonleges eroknel voltunk Szeretem a MAGYAR nepet ELJEN NAGY MAGYARORSZAG 💚👍
we Hungarians And Finnish people are NOT related. Its just a false information based on false researches. The Hungarian language is part of the altaji languages.
@@tudoralex4983 No it isn't, the only beautiful part which is in de facto rumania is Transylvania and that is only because the Hungarians built it. That's why most of the tourist go there and not the outside of the Carpathians, shitholes. Also Hungary has far more tourists than you. Sorry your statement is not true, Hungary is far more beautiful because the Hungarian culture is superior and richer than your primitive gypsy culture. That's why the Hungarian culture is more famous as well as it's history and far more acknowledged by foreigners because it is relevant to human values. Yours is shamfully inferior and primitive and dispansable.
Thanx a lot. But in the eighties and nineties the Hungarian language all but disappeared and became corrupted into the "HUNGLISH" spoken now! As a bilingual dual citizen I find specially ironic for anglosaxons to hear this /otherwise very good!/ song: "LESS, LESS, LESS " Hungary...What a coincidence!
I can already see the very funny jokes with the name, a bunch of romanian nationalists doing their thing and, with luck, I can find a turk talking about Greece for some reason
@@furikvon1111 Miért kell háborúkat és fasizmust és kommunizmust emlegetni egyből ha egy tengelyhatalmi ország jókívánságokat küld? Ő is biztos ismeri a történelmet, mellesleg ha már háborúk. Előtte ellenségek voltunk a Nagy Háborúban, Ez az ellenségeskedés a déd nagyapám lábába került meg másfél millió osztrák és magyar katona életébe. A két konfliktus között alig van 20 év, az mi? Semmi, a barátságot nem szabad hogy befolyásolja a politika.
@ଚନ୍ଦନ ନାୟକ ପ୍ରାରାଥମ କରୁଛି Initially it's just made up bullshit like Hungarians are doing this against x people or x people do that against Hungarians and vice versa (all the while the Habsburgs were pulling the strings behind some of the atrocities like the Màdèfalva massacre for instance).It became real fucking bad with WW1 when Hungary lost 70% of it's territory and people with most of it's vital infrastructure after the Treaty of Trianon. You might ask well what about ethnically homogeonous nations on it's place? Pffff no way National self-determination? Nahh About 6 -7 million Hungarians were forcefully taken from their mother country,even in places where you could have clearly distinghuised the ethnic boundaries. Regardless i don't hate our neighbours for it.I don't think it leads to a solution.I do however hate the people who ratified it but that's also a salty approach i have to admit. That's the way it is i guess.
Lyrics in Spanish bc yes. Letra: Sera!, sera!, sera!, de nuevo lo sera! En la montaña, en el valle habra un boda. ¡Sera toda una fiesta! Sera!, sera!, sera!, de nuevo lo sera! ¡Tendremos de vuelta, Košice, Bratislava, Presov! No importa cuanto lo argumenten, griten o se jacten. Esto es lo que el coraje húngaro, Hace, hace, hace! Sera!, sera!, sera!, de nuevo lo sera! ¡Este país volverá a ser solo nuestro! Sera!, sera!, sera!, de nuevo lo sera! ¡Cluj-Napoca volverá a ser una ciudad húngara! Sera!, sera!, sera!, de nuevo lo sera! ¡Subotica volvera tener un escudo de armas húngaro! Lo tuvimos por mil años; No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos! El credo de todo húngaro es, esto, esto, esto! Entonces, será!, será!, será!, nuestro volvera a ser! Hungría volverá a ser grande y feliz. Fue nuestro por mil años; No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos! El credo de todo húngaro es, esto, esto, esto! Sera!, sera!, sera!, nuestro volvera a ser! Hungría volvera a ser grande y feliz. Lo tuvimos por mil años; No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos! El credo de todo húngaro es esto, esto, esto! Entonces, será!, será!, será!, nuestro volvera a ser! ¡Hungría volverá a ser grande y feliz!.
I was watching this just for history reason then my Hungarian friend Nadya barges in my room and sings and gives me a whole presentation about this song and what happened
I mean it's just not Indo-Europo language in fact a bunch languages like those existed even 120 years ago before the Nazi and Soviets attacked and murded all of those in the Baltics and near (Livonians and whatnot). Though to be fair no language like Hungarian existed and the comparison I made is the same as saying that a Danish, could understand Sanskrit, or Hindi. So yeah no language like Hungarian exists. Have a nice day :)
Im from Finland And I admire EVERY culture in the world And I also like hungarian music because is sometimes armonious and sometimes nationalistic Awesome!
My family left Hungary over one hundred years ago , but they didn't want to go ..trianon happened..thousands of families torn apart, thousands of transylvanian Hungarians killed ,imprisoned and enslaved ,they kicked us out of our own country which belonged to us for over one thousand years ,and yet they still have the audacity to claim that is theirs and deny everything that happend ..this things saddens me and I wouldn't be so angry if they would acknowledge it ,thus making me act more nationalistic and filling me with more anger towards the olah ,making myself to wait for my country to call me at arms
@@hdhdhdhhddhd6044 I actually live close to a castle that fell into ruin and its last owner was a hungarian noble who helped his compatriots slaughter romanian villages in the 40's. I bet his family didn't mention that when telling the sob story of how they were kicked out lmao
@@alvinx8999 i like hungary. I dont like you. Slovakia a beautiful country. It has almost only hills and karst prisms and karst castles and castles. FELVIÉK IS SLOVAKIA
Magyars are Turks, so they are your brothers, they have nothing to do with Attila, the Huns were Mongols. On the crown of Hungary is written Bela I, the king of the Turks. That's why they agreed to be 150 years old Turkish Pashalic, only the skill of the Austrians brought Hungary back to Europe.
@@predacorneliu Huns are the ancestors of both Turks and Mongols (and the Hungarians). Turks and Mongols were once the same people and have separated into two different ethnic groups after the Huns.
@@berkayuyar2161 You are correctly from the same family, but the Huns are blood relatives of the Tatars, and the Magyars are blood relatives of the Turks, but we are talking about different branches. Magyars claim to be related to the Huns, but they are in fact related to the Turks.
Dacians have nothing to do with Romania. Just because they lived in the same area a thousand years before you it doesn't mean that Romanians are them. Then you could say everyone is Celtic because they were living all over Europe.
Dacians wasnt the first there. Also there is zero connection between dacians and romanians. Even romanian historians csnt prove the connection. Also with that logic Hungarians are also Romans because on our territory there was Pannonia. Hungarians were the first in transylvania. The first ever written book was Hungarian. The cities, the buildings, churches. Everything was made by Hungarians. Thats why only now romanians building orthodox churches in transylvania because there was zero.
My Slovak Romanian neighbors loved this so much they smashed my window so that they can hear this more loudly
@@tommyangello8848 Slovakia= northern hungary😂😂😂 romania is eastern hungary and northern bulgaria😂😂😂
@@felixhopp8344 *upper Hungary.
@@felixhopp8344 HAHAHAHAHA Yes.
@@felixhopp8344 Congrats,You are Now mostly romanian
@@kampfkartoffel8994 nah
There are 5 types of comments when you sort by new:
Normal people talking about the song and language
Hungarians trolling
Romanians trolling
Serbians and Slovakians making actual arguments
Poles sending support to Hungary
-Turks lurking in the background
And there is also poles sending support to Romania
The word "poles" hits really hard 😂😂😂
Im Romanian and I love Hungary
@@maxmango4305 well thats rare
Other countries' patriotic songs: (dedicated to how beautiful and proud their country is)
Hungarian songs: *W E W O N'T L E A V E O N E V I L L A G E F O R T H E M*
French marching songs: hehe onion
Hungarian marching songs: if I'm mortally wounded, comrade, shoot me in the head
"Esik az esö"
This is about stolen property...Not intent to steal. Just for the facts!
I mean...
*We did have it for a thousand years. . .*
Pff, in the Polish patriotic song "rota" there is a verse saying that we will not give up any threshold
"Twierdzą nam będzie każdy próg"
@@azadi9935 “Esik az eső” is not a march, it is a soldier song. A typical hungarian march is the “Föl, föl vitézek!”.
"Romanian kids are bullying me at school"
Mom: Tell your teacher
Dad: Stand up for yourself
The teacher would favor the bullyists.
Wow finally something original
@@laertiadesodysseus9827Yeah because the teacher is romanian. I hate those who hate hungary
@@GreatHungariandon't force us invade your country again and steal whatever riches you've been left with... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"just for spite" they are bullying... :))))))
Comments are gonna be fun
Is this sarcasm? And if yes why ? Pls tell me I am an idiot
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 yes it's sarcasm, because it wouldn't be fun. Hungaria claimed territory are always controversial.
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 the joke is that Romanian nationalists and Hungarian nationalists don't get along well, and will most likely argue in this comment section, which is going to be fun for us to watch
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 whenever theres something about Romania or Hungary the other team will drop literal atomic bombs in the comments. This is the way
Remember me?
Be me
>vacation in budapest
>sing this song
>young people look at me weird
>old people crack a big smile
>the one slovak kid loved this song so much he breaks the window on the tram im on
>polak i wegier, dwa bratanki, i od szabla az do szklanki
>God I love Hungary
Do you also want Lviv back?
Relatable xd spiewam stary hymn narodowy a mlodzi ludzie wyglądaja dziwnie
same buddy but Austro-Hungary und Deutcheland
@@phartbay327I think if he sings something like that, then it is ok for him to claim that some of Ukrainian territories are "Polish", like Hungarians claim that Romanian and Slovak territories are "Hungarian"
@@phartbay327Łwow to Poland, Erdély to Hungary, sounds based asf
My ex was Romanian who lived in a small village near Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania. She was very nationalistic to the point she hated everything that was even remotely Hungarian. So much so that, now, I wonder how I could have ever fallen for such a vile and deceitful woman. Anyway, three days after our breakup, she tried to contact me again, saying we could talk things out. I sent her this as reply and she was not happy. I found it hilarious though.
This is a beautiful song, my Hungarian friends! Greetings from little Belgium!
You gaved her the biggest middle finger. I wish you a fast recovery.
Most based dm.
From now on i respect Belgian people
All jokes aside, I also met a few people from Belgium that deeply hate Germans. I am not here to say what is right and what is wrong, but I am absolutely sure that you can find good people (as well as not so good people) in any part of the Earth!
I wonder how anyone could have fallen for a belg*an
Teachers: Removed vending machine
Students: A miénk volt ezer évig
Always has been
When the Romanian kid didn’t give back the pencil you let him borrow.
"Borrowed". I don't think Hungarians "borrowed" Transylvania to Romanians. Also how could they think they were the first ones in Transylvania if the Dacian Tribes were there long before the Roman Empire was a thing. And the Hungarians were somewhere in the mountains of Siberia and Mongolia. I honestly can't understand this. Is this a joke? They've been in Transylvania for few hundred years and due to some assimilations of wallachians in Szekely space they claim it to be theirs. "Modern" days have been very harsh to Romanian ethnicity in Transylvania, and their culture keeps decreasing in the region but that doesn't mean Transylvania has become Hungarian. I'm just speaking off historical facts, not some nationalist sentiments or brainwash.
@@liviu_dragnea_psd Regardless whether the daco-roman ethno-genesis is true or false (most likely false, note the Dacians themselves were not Romanians yet, even if you'd argue for the daco-roman admixture hypothesis), the fact is that Transylvania was incorporated into the Hungarian state way sooner than any political Romanian entity coalesced, and it basically stayed so until 1918. Ethnic Romanians only begun to grow in number in T, after the mongol devastation, landlords needing more workers, immigration - it was around the same time your "descalecats" (founding of Wallachia and Moldavia) happened after 1300 - by that time Hungary was 400 years old. Romanians only reached majority numbers in Transylvania after the 17th century due to even further immigration and living in isolated mountainous regions, barely devastated by ongoing wars. Romans came into Dacia around 100 and left the region already between 271 and 275. Barely enough time for Romanians to evolve from admixture in that region. After the Romans left, Goths, then Gepids, then Huns, then Avars, then Bulgars held the territory until the Hungarian invasion. That place was not a peaceful area for national genesis.
@@Hy-jg8ow Az elméleted ott vérzik, hogy az oltások felfedezését megelőző időkben ponthogy a fejlettebb társadalmak emberei szaporodtak jobban és migráltak a náluk kevésbé fejlett területekre. Lásd németek folyamatos bevándorlása. Ez alól a "demográfiai szabály" alól kivételt képeznek a muzulmánok, akik a többnejűség intézménye révén kevésbé voltak kitéve a háborúk okozta szaporodás-megtorpanásnak.
Bocs az ekezetek hianya miatt, de nincs megfelelo billentyuzetem.
Nem az en elmeletem ez, hanem a legtobb, nem roman nacnalista tortnesz egyontetu kovetkeztetese.
Azokban az idokben az oltasok hianyaban egyforman szenvedtek mindehol. Sot, a nagyobb centrumoktol tavolabb, hegyi elszigeteltsegben elo nepcsoportok hatvanyozottan vedettebbek voltak a ragalyos betegsegekkel szemben, mig a nagyobb varosok lakoi kozott a pestis tizedelt. Egyforman vedettebbek voltak a "transzhumancaban" elo hegyi pasztorok ugy a pestis mint a haboruk okozta ver-vesztessegel szemben.
Csupan a mongol dulast kovetoen konszenzus van a tortenszek kozott (beleertve nyugati torteneszeket is), hogy Mo. lakossaganak majdnem fele elpusztult. Ebbe a demografiai urbe koltoztek be kesobb a romanok tomegei. Kiemelem: a mongol pusztitaskor meg sem Havasalfold sem Moldva nem letezett politikailag, az elobbi Kunok altal kontrollalt volt. A zona tortnelmi sajatossagai specialis korulmenyeket hoztak letre, amelyek nem tukrozik a meg nyugatabbra tapasztalhato demografiai trendeket.
De ettol fuggetlenul sem meggyozo az erved. Erdelyt mar a 900-as evekben magyar torzsek foglaltak el es ellenallas nelkul letsitettek ezernyi telepulest es a korabeli kronikak es helyseg-nevek csupan egy gyeresen letzo slav populaciot emelnek ki es az avarok maradvanyait, valamint a bolgarokat akik de facto a honfoglalaskor politikailag Erdelyt is kontrollaltak. Anonymus mesebeli vlahjait senki mas nem jegyezte fel. A te elmeleted - meg ha helyes is - csak a szaporodasi ratat veszi figyelembe es telljesen figyelmen kivul hagyja az egyedi tortenelmi csapasokat mint a tatarjaras es a pestis amely elsosorban a fejlettebb zonakat erintette katasztrofalisan.
Kivancsi vagyok, miert pont egy masik magyarral szemben (a neved annak tunik) kell vedekeznem. Bar csodalkozni, nem csodalkozok.
@@Hy-jg8ow Ennyi baromságot ne haragudj. Csak 1 példa: A tatárok nem csak a magyarok közt dúltak. Nézz már utána a tatárjárásnak jobban, hogy helyileg milyen területeket és népeket érintett! (A történészek pedig ma már úgy tartják, hogy korántsem volt annyira nagy a tatárjárás miatti népességcsökkenés mint ahogy azt korábban gondolták)
Járványok: ne fárasszál már, a járványok a magyarokat semmivel nem ritkították jobban mint más embereket. Azt mondod a városi embert jobban ritkította? És akkor ki van? Ebből mit akarsz levezetni? Vidéken nem voltak magyarok, csak a városokban? Ezzel elismered, hogy a korábbi időkben - az urban legenddel ellentétben - még kevesebb magyar volt mint ma?
A pestis pedig ponthogy a fejletleneket érintette jobban, hiszen a fejlettséggel a higiéniai viszonyok is arányosan jobbak voltak mindigis.
everybody: Let me guess, your home?
Hungarians: IT WAS, AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
Why guess?
@@kuvirakuvira lol
@Roffin If it would be true then no
@Roffin Both Romania and Hungary commited massacres I only disagree with the looting part of the statement
@@kuvirakuvira Remember the massacre in Alba County committed by Avram Iancu. When they massacred women and children while the men were away fighting the Austrians.
The title: hungarian
Poles: So you chosen likes
Please do Erdély induló (Transivania march) or Szél viszi messze a fellegeket.
@@novoid5761 stop ffs
@@novoid5761 LMAO
@@dankmemer2542 stop stealing my purse!!!!! >:(
I'm a simple Finn. I see Hungary, I click
@Attila The HUNgarian say that to the 20% of our vocabulary being uralic, compared to the less than 9% turkic, which we borrowed only in the middle ages, and all the grammatical similarities between these two languages. you can always show your argument, im hungarian btw. if you come up with apples and pockets i will consider you a loser, be warned.
@Attila The HUNgarian Mi a bajod a finnekkel? Mellesleg de, igenis az a nyelvi csoport.
@Attila The HUNgarian Rendben, ranezek majd.
Your comment is cringe
Maybe it should be described as an irredentist or revisionist song. But this is fine too, I'm glad that you uploading hungarian related things.
Allow me to recommend you the soldier song called "Szél viszi messze a fellegeket"
Or Erdély induló, Transivania march. Szerkeszd bele szerintem azt is a kommentbe, mert az is fasza.
At the treaty of trianon they intentionally drew the new borders in the middle of Europe to sow seeds of discontent and hostility among the nations affected. Their goal was to make sure the region remains weak, because of constant in-fighting.
It was entirely possible to draw the borders in such a way the almost everyone could live in the country of their ethnicity (Romanians, Slovaks, Serbs, Ukrainians, Croats, Slovenes all included). The British and the French have never shown any sympathy towards foreign nations, they always looked at what they could gain, and never cared for the pain they caused.
I agree with this notion it also doesn’t help that Hungarian government at the time of Trianon was communist and France was trying to set up the little éntente with Romania as the lynch pin between Yugoslavia and Poland
@@giggoty4926 My Romanian friend I literally said it was possible so that almost all Romanians could live in Romania and Hungarians in Hungary. That's all we wanted isn't it? I've worked in Romania as a Hungarian and I've only met friendly and polite people who were nothing but great to me. This Romania vs Hungary thing is only promoted by politicians trying to gain some votes. We fought together against the Turks, we fought together against the mongols, we've been friends, I dare say brothers for hundreds of years until some foreigners turned us against each other. And yes we learn in Hungary about how the Austro-Hungarian empire opressed Romanians in their native lands. We learn that it was wrong and cruel. We also learn how Romanians killed a bunch of Hungarians in retaliation. Should we continue this recent animosity? Or should we return to the brotherhood we had before that? I think the answer is obvious.
@@neemnoa303 finally a good answer. Greetings from Serbia! 🇷🇸 🤝🇭🇺 🤝🇷🇴
@@neemnoa303 Very well said brother
@@neemnoa303 finally a smart guy that isn't just "grr hate you" you're smart and you made a great comment
I bang this out when my Romanian neighbour starts banging doors, makes her go even more mental
As an Estonian, it sounds like I could understand it but still I can't understand it.
I bet it's a sad and helpless feeling when languages from your tongue group sound smilar but are impossible to understand for you ;/
@@edisonteslowki5524 Yes, it is sad but we could probably understand Hungarian more if the ancestors of Hungary had settled closer to us, where the influence of Balkan people and Turkish people would have been much lesser.
Estonian language roots came from finnish and hungarian so you definitely you can.
@@alancosta4760 If you think that is true, I suppose by your profile that you can speak Italian, Spanish, Corsican and Romanian too.
@@marktheufoman6645 not really. hungarian was on a seperate branch of uralic (Ugric) even before we settled in europe.
Gyönyörű! A lengyelek akik kiállnak melletünk..... Lengyel,Magyar két jó barát, együtt harcol s issza borát, vitéz s bátor mindkettője, áldás szálljon mindkettőre ❤
Great Hungary nice from Bulgaria 🇧🇬🇭🇺🇧🇬🇭🇺🇧🇬🇭🇺
Thank you bro! 🇧🇬🇭🇺
Bulgarian rock
i'm like bulgaria, from hungary:))
Yo, we both have empires to restore, let's go!
@@justsavage3163 lets fuck romania up
Pole, Hungarian, two brothers
Greetings from 🇵🇱
*Romania Wants To Know Your Location*
*USSR Reborn Wants To Know Your Location*
Lengyel-magyar barát együtt harcol, S issza borát!
@Stuka Obergruppentruppenstuppensturm Glory to Trianon 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
“A miénk volt ezer évig
Egy falut sem hagyunk nékik”
✊🏻😔 Deep as fuck bro
Máshogy ütött
Sajnos tenyleg az xd
Mi ebbe az Xd?
@@tamasviktornobisz258 Nem tudom,hogy mégis hogyan lehet egy ilyen remek komment alá ikszdézni. Tényleg felháborító. Sokat gondolkodtam, hogy hívnom kéne a rendőrséget, csak az a baj, hogy a mocskos amicsi libsi gyurcsányék nagyon befojásolják a mai rendőröket. Teljesmértékben egyettudok érteni veled bár nem tudom, hogy a kicsi xd mit jelent én csak a nagyot ismerem (XD). Ha egy kicsit jobban utánanézunk akkor megtudhatjuk, hogy mit jelent az xD
2011. 02. 08.
Az msn kommunikációban mit jelent pontosan a mondat végére írt xD hangulatjel? Az értelmezés/jelentés alapos leírása kéne,hivatkozási alapnak.
Az XD emotikonfajta, azaz érzelem- és/vagy hangulatkifejező ikonikus jel. Ikonikus, tehát hasonlóságon alapul: 90 fokkal elforgatva emberi arcot ábrázol. Az X az emberi szemet, a D pedig a szájat jelképezi. Összeszorított szemmel való nevetést, nagy kacagást jelent, ám azt is jelölheti, hogy a jel előtti információt, közlést nem kell komolyan venni.
A válasz az 1984 és 2015 között érvényes 11. helyesírási szabályzat alapján készült.
Rengeteg kutatás és szelektálás után megtaláltam a nagy xd kifejezés jelentését is (XD)
Jelentés XD
Mit jelent a XD ? Itt megtalálhatja a XD szó 11 jelentését. Ön is adhat további jelentéseket a XD szóhoz.
1 253 27 XD
hatalmas röhögés (hunyorogva nevető arc)
2 177 28 XD
A hangos nevetés hangulatjele.
3 147 32 XD
Ez egy emolyi vagy egy nevetés jel Xd ha elforditod a telefont akkor láthatod hogy milyen alak jön ki belőle
Pápa Dominik - 2020. május 19. 0:00:00 GMT
4 121 30 XD
Egyfajta smiley avagy mosolyka. Chaten, msnen használatos, amikor valamit _tényleg_nagyon_nagyon_ viccesnek találunk. Egy görcsösen összehúzott szempárból ( X ) és egy hatalmas nevető teles [..]
5 81 20 XD
Röhögő fej. Az “X” a két szem a “D” pedig a nevető száj ami nyitva van
Panna - 2020. július 7. 0:00:00 GMT
6 44 26 XD
Igen is jelentheti vicces igent Amikor. Valakinek mondunk valami vicceset de igennel kell váladzolnia
anonim - 2020. július 7. 0:00:00 GMT
7 15 4 XD
Nevetés egy formája, már álltalános iskolában felső tagozatban használják: falra írják stb...
KontrolSzótár - 2021. február 2. 0:00:00 GMT
8 41 40 XD
Az XD nem jelent semmit, akkor használatos mikor az emberek nem tudnak semmit írni valamihez és csak azt írják hogy XD... De vannak olyanok akik mindig használják mert nemtom miért. Amúgy én is mindig használom ígzdédé....
Pap Táziii - 2020. október 5. 0:00:00 GMT
9 23 50 XD
Az xd szó jelentése nyomik által használt nevetési kifejezés
anonim - 2020. október 22. 0:00:00 GMT
10 40 71 XD
Az xD-Picture Card-ot a Fuji és az Olympus a SmartMedia kártya felváltására fejlesztette ki. Az SM kártyák kapacitását 128 MB fölé emelni csak a szabvány módosításával lehetett volna, [..]
11 20 71 XD
csúnyát jelent nagyon nagyon csúnyát nem szabad írogatni mert nagyon rossz jelentése van
jános - 2020. október 31. 0:00:00 GMT
Bár ahogy láthatjuk a nagy XD-ről a tudományos világ nézetei is eléggé megosztóak, összességében úgy gondoljui, hogy az XD a nagyon sok nevetést vagy röhögőgörcsöt jelenthet.
Remélem sikerült neked nagyjából összefoglalnom az xd jelentését. Látszik, hogy ilyet csak egy mocskos liberó írhat ide, aki nem szeretné, hogy 100 év után Erdély visszakerüljön a magyarokhoz. Lehet, hogy minden értelmes ember elengedte ezt a témát és nem "lovagolnak" rajta, mert leszrják, hogy 100 évvel ezelött mi történt és mint az eu tagjai nagyjából ugyanolyan szabályozások vonatkoznank ránk (kiv. a szerbekre és ukránokra) és a határok is hála schengennek technikailag megszűntek. Továbbá az EU-n belüli telekommunikáció is rendkívül olcsó ezért nem értem, hogy mi a faszért sírnak a kibaszott fogyatékos degenerált nacionalista, revízionista nyomorék magyarok, hogy JAJ ERDÉLYN ROMÁNIA AZ ÉLET IGAZSÁGTALAN KHDHEZ IDIOTAAAKKKK. xd De ez az xd tényleg nem illet ide. :c
Szilagymegye soha
Greetings from Poland!
Józef Bem, polish hero of Hungary
hello polish brother :)
@@odi4121 😉🇵🇱❤🇭🇺
🇭🇺🇵🇱❤ from węgry
@@b3vhre_962 Polak Wegier dwa bratanki :))
Tensions between Romania and Hungary have automatically increased with this video being released
Yes! Long Live Trianon, Long Live Romania! 💙💛❤
@@novoid5761 You should not say this in an revisionist group like those :D
@@novoid5761 Yes indeed!Traiasca Romania!But maybe choose your words more wisely brother.
*Hungary claims Transylvania
@@mr_flacohernandez3196 really pathetic yeah, they have been deported from the rest.
Beautiful song. Love to our best friends in Hungary, from POLAND! Lengyel, magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát. Good match with u in Budapest.
Polak wegier dwa bratanki i do szabli i do szklanki
Drogi obywatelu Polski, ta piosenka jest anty-słowacka, pokazuje jak naród węgierski jest pełny nienawiści do narodu słowackiego. Słowacy podczas zaborów byli separowani przez Węgrów, i dla tego nie lubię tego imperialistycznego narodu, wolę o wiele bardzie słowaków niż węgrów.
@@Jan_Wielki A dziwisz się skoro do dziś mieszkają nie z własnej woli na Słowacji czy też w Rumunii, na Ukrainie czy też w Serbii? Ja osobiście uważam, że rewizja granic na rzecz Węgier w 1938 i 1941 roku była jak najbardziej sprawiedliwa i szkoda, że nie zachowała tych ziem po 1945 roku, bo przynajmniej wszyscy Węgrzy (lub większość) byłaby na Węgrzech.
Éljen a Magyarország! 🇵🇱❤️🇭🇺
@@Jan_Wielki Węgrzy odzyskiwali tereny tak samo jak Polska Zaolzie korzystając z rozpadającej się Czechosłowacji
Kérdés: Mi a hosszabb? A szlovák történelemkönyv, vagy a román becsületkódex?
Akkor te nem tudod hogy mit jelent az hogy Magyar!
Nálad a sötétség gyorsabban terjed mint a fény
És szerinted mi a nagyobb, a jelenlegi Magyarország, vagy az egód?
@@jozsefnovakovics6649 :( most nagyon szomoru letem
@@Hungeryan Hát nem tom sztem a te kukid a leghatalmasabb :DDDDDDDDD (csakis magyarország után természetesen)
Pls wear anti radiation suit.
Distribution will begin immediately, do not panic.
This is not a drill.
Here Before 100
*Also I Don't Think That's Enough We Need To Go To Swiss Anti-Nuclear Shelter&
@@empireofitalypsstimfromano5025 Yes, apparently we need a lot of means of transportation, otherwise they will be caught on radiation.
That will really be the icing on the "cake".
The best
When the romanian is sus
@Space Hamburger yeah among us is really overrated.
@Space Hamburger Go translate "hush" to Turkish, it's funny, I promise.
@@BeryAb what does it say
@@pablogomesoliveira2677 Put it in Google Translate...
Unique as always, lots of love from Poland, brothers ❤
En kulfoldi allamporgar vagyok ne agya isten ha tamadas erne Magyarorszagot elso onkentes lennek segitenek a Magyar nepnek hisz kotelesegem hiszen 14 Magyarorszagi testverem van akik a Horvatorszagi es a Boszniai haboruba vellem voltak az elettemet adnam oda ertuk anyira becsulom es szeretem oket a kulfoldi onkentesek kozul a legjobak voltak a kulonleges eroknel voltunk Szeretem a MAGYAR nepet ELJEN NAGY MAGYARORSZAG 💚👍
Éljen Eduardo Rózsa Flores!
@@laertiadesodysseus9827Eljen sajnos mar nincs vellunk 🙏🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
Im finnish and Ive heard that hungarian is related to finnish but before this song I never saw the similarity. But somehow this sounds familiar.
Song sounds similar to winter-war song njet molotoff
I think yall are related because the Finns and Hungarians both are decended from Uralic steppe-folk. Or at least I'm pretty sure they are.
Hi Mongol
we Hungarians And Finnish people are NOT related. Its just a false information based on false researches. The Hungarian language is part of the altaji languages.
@@BoshiNagare Sorry Mongol
Ria,Ria Hungaria! Lengyel, magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát
polak wegier dwa bratanki i do szabli i do szklanki
Dziękuję Polski bratanki.
magyarország, lengyelország> egész Európa
If we ever start a war to get everything back, I hope there will be a *THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED* moment
Congratulations for your national holiday on 15th March Hungary from your friends in Germany
Kraut, I'm coming for you i'm gonna beat you, you opressed the hungarian nation for too long.
Be that as it may,the 1954 final in Bern will never be forgiven,Sven!
Romania is more beautiful than Hungary. ❤️🇹🇩🇹🇩🇹🇩🇹🇩
@@tudoralex4983 No it isn't, the only beautiful part which is in de facto rumania is Transylvania and that is only because the Hungarians built it. That's why most of the tourist go there and not the outside of the Carpathians, shitholes. Also Hungary has far more tourists than you. Sorry your statement is not true, Hungary is far more beautiful because the Hungarian culture is superior and richer than your primitive gypsy culture. That's why the Hungarian culture is more famous as well as it's history and far more acknowledged by foreigners because it is relevant to human values. Yours is shamfully inferior and primitive and dispansable.
My croatian neighbors loved this so much they threw a rock through my window so they could hear
We wish Hungary prosperity! Love from Scotland 🏴🤝🇭🇺
We wish you independence my scottish lads!
@@Grabenkult7734 Thanks, my hungarian brothers!
@@FinlaviaMapping good luck for independence
Get stuffed.
Thanx a lot. But in the eighties and nineties the Hungarian language all but disappeared and became corrupted into the "HUNGLISH" spoken now! As a bilingual dual citizen I find specially ironic for anglosaxons to hear this /otherwise very good!/ song: "LESS, LESS, LESS " Hungary...What a coincidence!
I played this in the middle of Cluj-Napoca. Now I'm in a hospital, wish me safe recovery.
I can already see the very funny jokes with the name, a bunch of romanian nationalists doing their thing and, with luck, I can find a turk talking about Greece for some reason
That's just how it goes these days.
You cannot not find turks and greeks argue.
greece do you mean West Turkey?
@@peternagy6067 you mean Anatolia?
Does any Turk want to fight with me?
Ahh yes amother turkisch - grece war
Polak Węgier dwa bratanki!
Tylko że w tej piosence jest dużo szowinizmu
@@majstter7420 ha nem tetszik, akkor hallgassa a hrzda együttes zenéjét. És ne jöjjön ide gyalázkodni. Hiába ír lengyelül, attól nem lesz népszerűbb.
Noo Poland and hungary are not friends they are enemies
Romanians and Hungaryans can agree on exacly 1 thing:
-Kurtos colac/Kürtöskalács is the desert to rule them all.
@Stuka Obergruppentruppenstuppensturm
thanks. I am happy we can agree on this.
Have a plesant day.
And eating mici/miccs without mustard and beer is a sin 🍻
I am Romanian.
I like Kurtos but It is way too sticky because of all the sugar.
Czech Republic's trdelník is better
Thank you for doing so much hungarian songs. Its a very great chanel. I think you should do Szél viszi messze a fellegeket or Erdély induló.
love Hungary from Italy 🇮🇹❤🇭🇺
Love from gulash to pizza xD
We helped you Italian bro the WWII.
The Germans and Hungarians went helped to Italy, this is a beautiful friend.
Love from Hungary! 🇮🇹🇭🇺
@@furikvon1111 Miért kell háborúkat és fasizmust és kommunizmust emlegetni egyből ha egy tengelyhatalmi ország jókívánságokat küld? Ő is biztos ismeri a történelmet, mellesleg ha már háborúk. Előtte ellenségek voltunk a Nagy Háborúban, Ez az ellenségeskedés a déd nagyapám lábába került meg másfél millió osztrák és magyar katona életébe. A két konfliktus között alig van 20 év, az mi? Semmi, a barátságot nem szabad hogy befolyásolja a politika.
Greatings from Poland to my brothers and sisters from Hungary Stay safe
thanks brother! to you too brother!
The little entente left the chat
Beautiful song, beautiful voice, beautiful language for a beautiful country that I will visit soon or later!
Love Hungary from Greece! 🇬🇷🇭🇺
We love Greece! A very beautiful country! Much love from Hungary! 🇭🇺🇬🇷
Thank"s brother!! 👍
@ଚନ୍ଦନ ନାୟକ ପ୍ରାରାଥମ କରୁଛି Initially it's just made up bullshit like Hungarians are doing this against x people or x people do that against Hungarians and vice versa (all the while the Habsburgs were pulling the strings behind some of the atrocities like the Màdèfalva massacre for instance).It became real fucking bad with WW1 when Hungary lost 70% of it's territory and people with most of it's vital infrastructure after the Treaty of Trianon.
You might ask well what about ethnically homogeonous nations on it's place? Pffff no way
National self-determination? Nahh
About 6 -7 million Hungarians were forcefully taken from their mother country,even in places where you could have clearly distinghuised the ethnic boundaries.
Regardless i don't hate our neighbours for it.I don't think it leads to a solution.I do however hate the people who ratified it but that's also a salty approach i have to admit.
That's the way it is i guess.
Someone who knows...
How many kilometers is the distance between Budapest and Balaton lake?
Lyrics in Spanish bc yes.
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
de nuevo lo sera!
En la montaña, en el valle habra un boda.
¡Sera toda una fiesta!
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
de nuevo lo sera!
¡Tendremos de vuelta, Košice, Bratislava,
No importa cuanto lo argumenten,
griten o se jacten.
Esto es lo que el coraje húngaro,
Hace, hace, hace!
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
de nuevo lo sera!
¡Este país volverá a ser solo nuestro!
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
de nuevo lo sera!
¡Cluj-Napoca volverá a ser una ciudad húngara!
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
de nuevo lo sera!
¡Subotica volvera tener un escudo de armas húngaro!
Lo tuvimos por mil años;
No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos!
El credo de todo húngaro es, esto, esto, esto!
Entonces, será!, será!, será!,
nuestro volvera a ser!
Hungría volverá a ser grande y feliz.
Fue nuestro por mil años;
No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos!
El credo de todo húngaro es, esto, esto, esto!
Sera!, sera!, sera!,
nuestro volvera a ser!
Hungría volvera a ser grande y feliz.
Lo tuvimos por mil años;
No dejaremos ni un solo pueblo para ellos!
El credo de todo húngaro es esto, esto, esto!
Entonces, será!, será!, será!,
nuestro volvera a ser!
¡Hungría volverá a ser grande y feliz!.
Se parece al euskara
Love Hungary 🇭🇺 from Poland 🇵🇱
Yeeeesssssssss Polish brother :))
Other patriotic songs: *normal songs about the nation*
Hungarian patriotic songs: J U S T F O R S P I T E I T S H A L L B E !
it actually translates to it will be (im hungarian so i can fix the lyrics)
@@cigarettediet1185 im also hungarian and i agree
I may not be hungarian but this song is very beautiful, wish the best to the hungarian people from bolivia. 🇧🇴🤝🇭🇺
mucho grasias.
Совпадение или нет? Как у Боливии так и у Венгрии нет выхода к морю
I was watching this just for history reason then my Hungarian friend Nadya barges in my room and sings and gives me a whole presentation about this song and what happened
lmao 😭
Glory to Hungary! and greetings from the Bohemian lands!
Bros boutta partition slovakia with Hungary over here
Prepare for enternal war in comment section
Péter Nagy can’t wait for the angry comments
@Drink Water The great stupid war or the great war of stupidity
Imre nagy
@@morisco56 *Imre Nagy
@@takashi.mizuiro Gay
Sounds so very Finnish even. Hungary stronk bröther! Respekt to Magyarország.
Finland, Hungary They Are Very Good Friends And Culture 👍
Greetings from Polska 🇵🇱
It actually sound very similar because they both are Finno-Ugric based
@@houdinimagician1794 Yeah mate it's true. I love u too Suomi and Połska friends.
Thänk yöü finnö ügrik bröther
@@almos-bendeguzarany9274 Nö pröblëm män.
Ez az én kedvenc zeném "Translate: This is my faviourte song"
>Fall asleep on keyboard
>Hungarians agree with me
Love and support for Hungary from your Austrian neighbors! Maybe we could get back together, no? 😉 🇦🇹🇭🇺
I love my Hungarian brothers from Croatia, allied for 800 years but speerated by Chauvinism of the West.
we love you too brother, we will unite again in a beautiful day!
Zivjela Hrvatska
It was a nice union while it lasted
Anyways I'm planning to visit croatia soon
@Bawiix Ne hebi po tavanu, majstore! Nemoj ih navlačiti, vidiš kako su puni deluzija. Nama je to zahebancija, ali njima se stvarno vrti u glavi...
Bueteful melody 🇭🇺💖
Greetings from Silesia
Love Hungary from Poland ♥️
Horthy Miklos: We make Hungarian greast again.
miklos horthy, great leader. make hungary good, destroy romania, get vojvodina long live miklos horthy
Horthy Miklos: I am the gayest person that ever existed
@@odi4121 Ferdinant I, great leader. make Romania great, destroy hungary, get Transylvania. Long Live Greater Romania
@@novoid5761 No one ever: Romanians are intelligent people.
"Lesz! Lesz! Lesz! Csakazért is lesz! MAGYARORSZÁG ÚJRA NAGY és BOLDOG lesz!" 🥰ÁMEN!🙏
A Magyar patriot on 4th of November 1956: make Magyarország great again
A soviet tank driver: *say no more, barátom*
@@nonameuserua hehe
Grettings from Poland lovely Brothers ❤
Im simple Pole, I see a Hungarian patriotic song - i listen
same when i see a pole patriot song
Hungary: It shall be! It shall be! It shall be!
romania: confused hairy feet noises
Kis szőröstalpúak
@@Reeceficek Az te vagy
Idk why this giving me njet molotoff vibes...
Yeah true
Same language family
@@axorom8324 Its not about language its about vibe
@@peternagy6067 but the language gives the vibe too
The replies on my comment are just a bunch of people who don't have a space bar and their cat is walking on their keyboard.
@MC King horrific Magyar language
@MC King This ought to be megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért?
@MC King Amazing
I mean it's just not Indo-Europo language in fact a bunch languages like those existed even 120 years ago before the Nazi and Soviets attacked and murded all of those in the Baltics and near (Livonians and whatnot).
Though to be fair no language like Hungarian existed and the comparison I made is the same as saying that a Danish, could understand Sanskrit, or Hindi. So yeah no language like Hungarian exists.
Have a nice day :)
Brawo Węgrzy wspieramy was
~ Polacy
I like the record sound. It adds an interesting partially mystical effect to it
Hungary is Less Less Less
(its a joke, dont take it seriously)
Love from Croatia, 🇭🇷🇭🇺
Oof that hurt lol
i love you
@@qualivar1079 I love you too
Catholic Serbia
I am Hungarian-American. I love your humor. 💖 Not bad at all.
Love Hungary from Greece!
thanks! we love you too!
@@novoid5761 yes and if you type no you are gae
@@novoid5761 Romanians in the comment section crying their eyes out over a mere song, what a pathetic people.
@@novoid5761 ,,how to be stupid?" tutorial for beginners.
Im from Finland
And I admire EVERY culture in the world
And I also like hungarian music because is sometimes armonious and sometimes nationalistic
Uralic stronk💪
Very nice song. Greetings from Poland.
My family left Hungary over one hundred years ago , but they didn't want to go ..trianon happened..thousands of families torn apart, thousands of transylvanian Hungarians killed ,imprisoned and enslaved ,they kicked us out of our own country which belonged to us for over one thousand years ,and yet they still have the audacity to claim that is theirs and deny everything that happend ..this things saddens me and I wouldn't be so angry if they would acknowledge it ,thus making me act more nationalistic and filling me with more anger towards the olah ,making myself to wait for my country to call me at arms
As a romanian living in Transilvania, we would do it again lmao
@@iaminpain58 As a Slovak, I can confirm
Oh yeah, let's not talk about romanian villagers brutally killed by hungarian army in 1940 and 1944.
@@hdhdhdhhddhd6044 I actually live close to a castle that fell into ruin and its last owner was a hungarian noble who helped his compatriots slaughter romanian villages in the 40's. I bet his family didn't mention that when telling the sob story of how they were kicked out lmao
@@iaminpain58 Exatly lol
Love Hungary so much from Spain.
Catholic brothers.
Love to hear that lad! Love spain from hungary 💪🏼🇭🇺 💪🏼🇪🇦
Love spain from Hungary they were the only ones who tried to help during the 1956 revolution 🇪🇦 ❤ 🇭🇺
Greetings from Croatia to Hungary.
Ustasha to arrowed cross party
Catholic Serbia
Thank"s croatian brother! 👍
@@hunszkita1 How you mean Parthians. Are you mean cause iranian origin of Croats or
I love your videos! Miénk volt ezer évig, egy falut se hagyunk nékik!
“Hungary will be big and happy again”
That one hit different
it sal be
Shows their obsession that only with lands that aren't theirs they can be happy
imádom ezt a számot, szebb jövőt !
The physics lessons can wait
yes, hungary more important any class
Respect from 🇹🇷🇦🇿
Hungary must be bigger.
no... felvidek is slovakia
@@teosedliacek5823 Slovakia is not country.
@@alvinx8999 i like hungary. I dont like you. Slovakia a beautiful country. It has almost only hills and karst prisms and karst castles and castles. FELVIÉK IS SLOVAKIA
@@teosedliacek5823 i prefer Czechoslovakia
Long live Hungary!!!
Lengyel, Magyar ket jo barat!!! 🇵🇱❤🇭🇺
Can't believe I'm a Hungarian patriot as a half Slovak half Serb
"Kolozsvár" is such a cool name
0:32 Ah yes! The Natural hungarian border
I agree
i am simple pole, i see hungarian i click
Thank you
Brawo Węgry, wspieramy was 🙌🙌
thank you guys! wait what am i doing? do i sound like a representative of hungary? i might become a politician
Lesz! Lesz! Lesz! Csak azért is lesz! Ez az ország újra csak a miénk lesz! 🇭🇺
Little Mongolia 🇭🇺
@@novoid5761 Roma-mania
@@novoid5761 Justice for Hungary! Send them back to their petty mountains in Siberia and Mongolia
@Mariana Gavrilă least self hating romanian
@@liviu_dragnea_psd takarodj te is
Weird to listen this as a Finn, I think that Hungarian language sounds like Finnish to a non-Finn
Adjon isten szebb Magyar jövőt!
We're make the big money As Well
With Victor Orgasm
I'm did not mean Say Orgasm, It Said that on It Own
Victor Orban
Beautiful song. Support from Czechia.
Lesz, lesz lesz!
szia :) magyarorszag💪💪💪💪
Csák azért is lesz!
Wonderful, greetings from Poland. I love my hungarian brother.
Respects from Turkey. We love Hungarian,sons of Attila
Long live Turkey 🇹🇷 and Hungary 🇭🇺 ❤️
Mindannyian Attila unokai vaygunk❤❤
Magyars are Turks, so they are your brothers, they have nothing to do with Attila, the Huns were Mongols. On the crown of Hungary is written Bela I, the king of the Turks.
That's why they agreed to be 150 years old Turkish Pashalic, only the skill of the Austrians brought Hungary back to Europe.
@@predacorneliu Huns are the ancestors of both Turks and Mongols (and the Hungarians). Turks and Mongols were once the same people and have separated into two different ethnic groups after the Huns.
@@berkayuyar2161 You are correctly from the same family, but the Huns are blood relatives of the Tatars, and the Magyars are blood relatives of the Turks, but we are talking about different branches. Magyars claim to be related to the Huns, but they are in fact related to the Turks.
Best nation at stopping illegal immigration.
I love Greece! From Hungary! 🇭🇺❤️🇬🇷
Best country at summer holidays, beautiful places and sunny weather!
if I see Hungary, I click. love from poland 🇵🇱 🇭🇺
Cluj-Napocan hungarian here
Itt meg egy nagyváradi
Go now at Cluj Napoca or Oradea and tell at people that their city are part of Hungary..... :))))))
@@calin-ionutispas5265 probabil o sa l traga in teapa cum au facut is ei cu Closca Horea si Crisan doar ca pe ei i au omorat pe roata
@@b.g.d.4thewin12 Nu știu sigur,dar prea bine nu vor fi văzuți....
Isten áldjon 🙏🇭🇺🙏
I love this song sooo much!!!! Greetings for Hungarian brothers from Poland ❤❤❤
what relationship do Hungary and Poland have with each other?
@@jaych7378 They're the best allies since 1300s when they were best political friends and this friendship is to nowadays.
you like song where is singing we have košice bratisava and other ? you like song when hungarians oppression slovaks ?
@@pyrogorila6802 Did I say that I love lyrics of this song? Lyrics may be bad, but song is good
A personal favorite of mine, thank you.
Слава на Унгария от братска българия , политиците са ни кенеф но ние знаем общитв ни древни корени, здраве и щастие за унгарския народн❤ 🇧🇬🇭🇺
Love from a Bosnian-Croat!
We love bosnia and croatia
@@Daniel-ok6zg :D
Long live the Kingdom of Hungary!
Long live greater Hungary!
better no..
Better yes
Long Live the Kingdom of Romania!
Long Live Greater Romania!
@@novoid5761 Bessarabia and bucovina romanian!
Heil Kaiser dir!
Her: what kind of music do you listen to?
Me: -it’s complicated- interwar Hungarian irredentist war songs
Her: 🥰
1:31 nah, we fought for 10 years to get it back, and first of all, Dacians were there before you, so stop
@@benjaminoravecz4686 brothers were teared apart. At least make a song for that. Its the bare minimum
@@benjaminoravecz4686 Shame on you
Dacians have nothing to do with Romania. Just because they lived in the same area a thousand years before you it doesn't mean that Romanians are them. Then you could say everyone is Celtic because they were living all over Europe.
Dacians wasnt the first there. Also there is zero connection between dacians and romanians. Even romanian historians csnt prove the connection. Also with that logic Hungarians are also Romans because on our territory there was Pannonia.
Hungarians were the first in transylvania. The first ever written book was Hungarian. The cities, the buildings, churches. Everything was made by Hungarians. Thats why only now romanians building orthodox churches in transylvania because there was zero.