How To Tell If Someone Is Faking Tourettes. | Faking Tics For Clout?

  • Опубліковано 18 кві 2022
  • Hi everyone! In today's video you'll find out how to tell if someone is faking tourettes. Are people faking tics for clout? Why are people faking tourettes? Why did ticsandroses fake tourettes? How do I know if someone has real tourettes? These are all questions that I want to help YOU solve the answers to in this video. Faking tourettes is harmful, but so is fakeclaiming. So let's talk about it!
    As a girl with Tourette's, I would love to spread awareness and education about my disorder, as I feel it is quite misunderstood in today's society. The media has made it out to be a swearing disorder only, which is far from true. I hope this video will educate you on Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders! Life with Tourettes can be difficult, but just know that we're the same as everyone else...except for the fact we tic like clocks! (:
    Thanks for watching!
    Follow me on Instagram! @ticcingclock
    TikTok: @ticcingtogether


  • @fallabeaufaebelle
    @fallabeaufaebelle 2 роки тому +29

    "It's all in your head?" or "You're just faking for attention." are some of the hardest things to hear. And it doesn't help at all. Even if that is the case for someone, saying that isn't going to magically make them realize faking a disorder is wrong and that they should stop. All it does is shake the core of people who do suffer and make them question their own reality. Really, fake-claiming is so similar to gaslighting that it's terrifying because of how deeply callous, apathetic, and manipulative it is. Im glad you made a video on this!

    • @CatyaZamalodchikova1976
      @CatyaZamalodchikova1976 2 роки тому

      How do you mean, apathetic? No h8, I’m genuinely curious as to what you mean. Given the energy it takes to fakeclaim, surely ‘apathetic’ is the LAST thing they are?

    • @fallabeaufaebelle
      @fallabeaufaebelle 2 роки тому +3

      @@CatyaZamalodchikova1976 Sure thing! Happy to explain my perspective. Apathetic as in "lack of concern", specifically, lack of concern for the misinformation and misrepresentation people spread when they fake having serious and real conditions. It's true, often times people who fake conditions, such as Tourette's, do so by over-exaggerating the symptoms in often ways that disregard the legitimate struggles people with those conditions actually have to face in their daily lives. Often when these people are confronted and told to stop pretending, they react flippantly and show a complete disregard and lack of care for the harm they are causing. Furthermore, claiming someone is faking can also be problematic as well, because it can be really difficult to know what the reality of the situation is and often times people who legitimately hav conditions, such as this UA-camr, still are faced with people who are telling them they are faking it. This is also apathetic, as it shows a lack of concern and disregard for this person's struggles. It spreads hate and fear more often than not as well, which leads to the silencing of these communities where people live outside what society determines as "normal" behavior, causing a decrease in awareness. Therefore, both faking disorders and claiming people are faking them leads to a lot of serious problems, and the lack of care given to that issue is that makes those individuals apathetic. So it's less about energy spent by these individuals and more about the context of the word as it pertains to the larger scope of the situation. I hope this clears things up and answers your question :)

    • @marshacase3169
      @marshacase3169 Рік тому

      What if they cussing

    • @JupiMeow
      @JupiMeow 8 днів тому +1

      Exactly!!! People trying to police who is real and who is faking is MORE harmful than the people who are faking.

  • @mightbebatman3659
    @mightbebatman3659 2 роки тому +39

    I think we need to look at all things with an eye of discernment. I love your channel and I have learned so much from you, but I will never just blindly believe someone. The solution for me, when I think someone is faking.... don't subscribe! That's it. There's no need for nastiness. We don't know what other people are going through in their lives. Even if they are faking, that, in and of itself is a genuine and sad problem.

    • @starchild8822
      @starchild8822 2 роки тому +4

      I think this a wonderful approach to the matter

    • @ryangodbey7407
      @ryangodbey7407 2 роки тому

      But whenever you see a video on tik tok and 2 people do pretty much the same thing and say the same stuff 1 of the 2 is faking

  • @holly4554
    @holly4554 2 роки тому +11

    A boy told me when I was ticcing a lot in class that I ‘had rabies’ and no one should come near me…

  • @milla12060
    @milla12060 2 роки тому +74

    I clicked this video praying that it was gonna be clickbait and that it was gonna have a "haha you actually CAN'T tell if someone's faking TS" twist and I was so relieved when that was the case. Fakeclaiming truly is harmful and I'm glad you're adressing it! I love your channel and I love learning everything I can about a condition that impacts my life everyday so I better know how to educate others. I'm only 16, and I've only had tics for a bit over a year (I got diagnosed with tourettes like a month ago), so it's all very recent and it's definitely been a journey to see the way people like me are represented and the way that my tics affect how I'm treated. What I'm trying to say is, thank you for spreading awareness for people who want to educate themselves and for people who want to know how to better educate others.

    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  2 роки тому +8

      Thanks for your sweet comment! 🥰

    • @YurioPlisetski
      @YurioPlisetski 7 місяців тому

      I know you said this a year ago but a 15 year old family friend is claiming she has Tourette’s but only tells curse words towards her mom and only her mom. It only happens when she doesn’t get her way or isn’t get attention at the moment. What do we do?

    • @milla12060
      @milla12060 6 місяців тому

      @@YurioPlisetski dude, if she thinks she has tics what she needs to do is go to a doctor (neurologist). Tic disorders aren't exactly something you can self-diagnose with. I'm no medical professional and I definitely don't know your situation to tell you anything more than that

  • @AKbaby89
    @AKbaby89 2 роки тому +25

    So I'm disabled from Endometriosis & Cyclic vomiting syndrome, but I also have ADHD, PTSD, depression, and social, medical, and generalized anxiety, and I can honestly say there has never been one single instance that *any* of my conditions were even remotely positive. I've been told my entire life (im 32) that I'm different, and that me on medication is better than me without medication(specifically ADHD meds) and that I'm a burden, I'm way harder to deal with than my brothers, I'm not as good as my brothers, etc.
    I cant have children because of my conditions (I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 25, and I can't adopt since I can't take care of myself all the time, and definitely can't afford it since I'm on disability) I'll probably never own a home, I'll never feel "normal" and im constantly reminded that I'm not.
    Someone faking something that is so hard to deal with, idk I'll just never understand it. I'll never understand how someone could possibly sit there and pretend to have something, and then when people who do have whatever it is call them out on it, they'll sit there and deny it. I don't understand how they could possibly know that they are faking it, and still tell people who DO deal with it that they also deal with it, when they literally have no clue what it's like.
    Not only is it just plain insulting and hurtful, but it also spreads misinformation. I just don't get it.

    • @opalwreck
      @opalwreck 2 роки тому

      you have cyclical vomiting too?

    • @m0vem3nt
      @m0vem3nt Рік тому

      I have depression and I don't give a single fuck

  • @wheelie26
    @wheelie26 2 роки тому +14

    You are doing a great job raising awareness and to show what Tourette’s syndrome is like for you. As someone with a physical disability I can never understand why anyone would “fake” a disability or syndrome. Life can be awful living with a disability without then being told we are being told we are faking it and I think everyone at some point has been told we are fake.
    Keep up the good work, you are doing a great job.

    • @CatyaZamalodchikova1976
      @CatyaZamalodchikova1976 2 роки тому +2

      Think about how sad and lacking someone’s life has to be to WANT to fake having something that leads to oppression, victimisation, isolation and ostracising. To feel like that is something to aim for, to aspire to be. These are really empty, malcontented, sad people with insecurities and low self esteem. If they didn’t have those, they’d be secure in who they really are rather than faking anything. That’s why I think they do it.

  • @cherrysodalex
    @cherrysodalex 2 роки тому +5

    i'm so thankful that you brough up the fact that other conditions can cause tics (or movements similar to tics). the amount of times people have fakeclaimed me for "faking tourettes" when I have never even claimed to have tourettes is infuriating me. i was diagnosed with adhd 7 years ago but only went on stimulants for it a few months ago, so my tics are obviously more noticeable now due to my medication. i genuinely love your style of educating :))

  • @GracefullyAutistic
    @GracefullyAutistic 2 роки тому +6

    As an autistic person, I really appreciate that you mentioned autism too. Because I have seen multiple people use the word 'tics' when what they really mean is 'stims' (which are completely different. You cannot control tics at all, but with stims you technically can stop yourself, but it's very uncomfortable for us to do that and overall causes more harm than good), and it kind of drives me crazy because it really does confuse people!
    I also appreciate you bringing up PANDAS as well because that's a pretty rare condition that tends to be mistaken for Tourette's or OCD, and so it also deserves more awareness. I remember many years ago seeing something on the news about a high school somewhere in the US (I think it was the east coast?) where a whole bunch of female high schoolers suddenly started having tics seemingly out of nowhere. I honestly don't think anyone was faking (and this happened long before TikTok was even a thing anyways), but I found it really odd for a large number of teenage girls attending the same school suddenly showing symptoms, so I wondered if maybe it was something like PANDAS. I think even Erin Brockovich was called in to investigate in case it was a biological hazard. But I honestly have no idea, never learned the aftermath of that story.

  • @juliacorn6185
    @juliacorn6185 2 роки тому +3

    I don’t have this disorder I have another disorder but either way when I watch your videos you encourage me to continue on with what I love, and to keep on trying. You give me power!

  • @pianxtremeyt
    @pianxtremeyt 2 роки тому +10

    Thanks for the video idea. I was going to do a rant on how useless pennies are, but I think I'll do this one next XD.

  • @PeacefulAutistic
    @PeacefulAutistic 2 роки тому +5

    As someone with autism who has heard “I’d never know if you didn’t tell me” almost all my life. I would hate to be fakeclaimed. I mean I already hate that “I would never know” stuff. I also hate when people say “we’re all a little autistic” I wouldn’t like for people to be autistic. It’s hard to live with.
    Although that’s not true. I’ve been fakeclaimed only once.
    I have pure-O OCD. Mine is just about intrusive thoughts. On a Facebook group I was in someone who was outed as faking later on they told me I was faking. They didn’t see me be an organization freak and only vent about my thoughts that won’t let me be. So they said “THAT’S NOT OCD! You have a messy room. You’ve shown it on your Instagram before!”

  • @melissakrause7558
    @melissakrause7558 2 роки тому +6

    same as DID etc, just wait for them to expose themselves instead of potentially hurting loads of people by fake claiming them

  • @pykeplayer4007
    @pykeplayer4007 2 роки тому +8

    Your channel is gonna be 100k within the year keep posting this awesome content!! You’re so entertaining to watch and you’re such a great person :) thank you for all of the amazing information

    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  2 роки тому +1

      That would be sooo amazing! I really appreciate your sweet comment 🥰

  • @lauriesmith4575
    @lauriesmith4575 2 роки тому +4

    I don't suffer from Tourettes, but as a schizophrenic, I do have a couple involuntary... and I hesitate to call them tics.... movements, because I only do them when I get really, really stressed or upset or nervous. It took a friend taking a video for me to believe that I actually do what they always claimed. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all the hate, and I hope that eventually the faking eventually stops.

  • @cj030400
    @cj030400 2 роки тому +3

    i have a chronic pain disorder people say im faking my condition all the time. i struggle to walk and i collapse alot due to muscle weakness i sometimes use a wheelchair when its really bad but i was called crazy by doctors for 3 years before i was diagnose and my parents don't believe i have my condition. im told im faking and looking for attention and im always scared to tell people about my condition because its easy to fake which is why i wasn't believed for years .

  • @CatyaZamalodchikova1976
    @CatyaZamalodchikova1976 2 роки тому +2

    I feel sorry for someone who’s got something so lacking in their life that they feel that they have to fake claim. They can’t come from a happy place. Content, secure people don’t do this kind of thing. It’s quite sad.

  • @andreagreife2186
    @andreagreife2186 2 роки тому

    I’m so glad to see you raising awareness. I follow Baylen on TikTok and I never thought she was faking. I have seen comments though saying how can you get your nails done and have Tourette’s? All I can say is that sucks that people aren’t being taken seriously. Nobody should have to live with a disorder and not get a diagnosis. You’re a lovely person for doing this. Keep it up. People are definitely listening!! ❤️

  • @nickarcade6245
    @nickarcade6245 2 роки тому +5

    Hi, wanted to say that I've found your videos incredibly informative and thank you for putting yourself out there and raising awareness on a topic that has been considered taboo throughout most of my lifetime

    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  2 роки тому +3

      Thank you so much, I’m so glad to hear this!! 🥰

  • @mariwarnick1005
    @mariwarnick1005 10 місяців тому

    Carlie, I really appreciate your help on this matter! You are the first person with Touretts that hasn't yelled out cuss words. You must have great control of your words! May God continue to bless you bless !❤

  • @monsterripp1059
    @monsterripp1059 Рік тому +1

    I don't usually comment on YT, but I really want to thank you for making this video. Having being fakeclaimed so many times or called an attention seeker, doubting myself also asking myself if I really do have Tourette's (after 30 years I should know better, but still find myself wondering) And you taking up the point of everyone with Tourette's having different tics because they are different people are really comforting for some reason. Also, I just want to say you seem to be super strong (I'm sorry for making assumptions, but that's the impression I got from this video) The importance of understanding how fakeclaming can utterly destroy someone is really important, and I agree 100% with you, that no one knows what goes in others lives, especially not online. Fighting to break a stigma is an uphill battle, but I'm sure that many people appreciete your efforts and stand by you in this battle. I know I will.

  • @queenofcrows13
    @queenofcrows13 Рік тому +1

    I just barely got diagnosed (late diagnosis) and for so long I’ve been so scared I was faking it because it’s become so popular. I’ve had tics for ages but I just kind of thought that was a universal experience and it turns out that it’s not. Channels like yours providing education have seriously been such a life saver

  • @bencardenas11
    @bencardenas11 2 роки тому +6

    Hi! So, I have PTSD and OCD (Anxiety and Depression, too) and I've had tics my whole life but recently they have become so invasive in my everyday life and I do them as a means to cope with intrusive thoughts that correspond to OCD and PTSD flashbacks. My doctor said this isn't TS, so I'm confused as to what's going on with me. 😭 Thank you so much for your content! 💙

    • @Canadianvoice
      @Canadianvoice 2 роки тому +1

      Sounds like you need mental therapy? Deal with your trauma. Maybe your doctor doesn't have the patience to give you an excuse.

    • @bridgetveralidaine3761
      @bridgetveralidaine3761 2 роки тому +6

      Tics are not exclusive to TS.... And they can be temporary! Especially with OCD and PTSD.
      Trust your doctor on this one. If you can get into a movement class, like dance, pilates, yoga, martial arts, or even long distance hiking, you may find that they help put the tics into a "remission" of sorts. Stress-coping tics, or even obsessive spiraling thoughts, I have found respond really well to redirection and movement. I hope this helps you and good luck on your journey.

    • @kaelynsmith1242
      @kaelynsmith1242 2 роки тому +3

      There are other tic disorders, also other health conditions can have tics as a symptom as well as medication side effects.

    • @bencardenas11
      @bencardenas11 2 роки тому +2

      @@bridgetveralidaine3761 Thank you. I will look into it!

  • @donosky8896
    @donosky8896 7 місяців тому

    The only time I ever laugh at my tics is when my nose twitched like a rabbit and it makes my girls laugh and so I laugh with them. Other tics I have are painful and annoying. I don’t know why people would want to fake a disorder that’s not fun at all. :/ you’re such an amazing woman and I’m so so glad that I follow you and I am subscribed to your channel.

  • @lilylegacy-zierer7397
    @lilylegacy-zierer7397 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve learned so much from your videos but I’ve been struggling the more I learn. I have tics whenever my anxiety/panic disorders take over. I thought they were seizures and my neurologist has said that is a possibility when I’m at my worst but the concept of tics is actually quite new to me. I am in no way trying to take away from those who suffer from Tourette’s or Huntington’s syndromes. I am also on the autistic spectrum and a genetic disorder that affects all my soft tissues and my brain yet I still question if what I’m experiencing are actually tics. I’d be grateful to hear your opinion. It’s obvious you’ve done your research and are dedicated to awareness and empathy. I’m a little nervous writing this message but I ask because I’m a mom and my son is now 12 and showing a lot of signs of things I dealt with when I was young and brushed off as an attention seeker and a liar when the truth was I was just wanted to be invisible. I am trying to make sure he has the support I didn’t but I do suppress tics around him for fear of frightening him.
    Thank you for your channel. I’m a dedicated subscriber. I hope you have a moment to answer. If not, I totally understand.
    Blessings and love

  • @jextatlas8238
    @jextatlas8238 2 роки тому +3

    Hi! I'm a person under 16 and believe that I have tics of some sort (possibly stimming from anxiety), but the fact that I am able to forcefully hide them around my family who tells me to stop doing them and the amount of people who fake tics online makes me wonder if I myself am subconsciously faking? Does this mean I am not? Also, your videos are amazing, thank you so much for spreading positive awareness about tics and tourettes!! It is such a break from the constant fake claiming and negativity towards them 😅

    • @pianxtremeyt
      @pianxtremeyt 2 роки тому +3

      To technically have TS you have to have those stims or tics for at least 1 year, and have to have 1 vocal and 1 motor (physical) tic.
      Don't feel bad if you think you are faking it, that is what a lot of people who get diagnosed with TS feel. I felt that way too. TS tics are not bad ALL the time, and that is what makes it hard for those who are wondering if they themselves have TS. Anxiety tics are more forced than TS tics, which come out naturally. If you have repetitive tics, then that may also be a factor of TS.

    • @sionandjess
      @sionandjess 2 роки тому +1

      Why not try and sort an appointment with your doctor and see what advice and info they can give you. Tell a parent too or close friend who can go with you x

    • @ilikecheetos912
      @ilikecheetos912 Рік тому

      If you can control it, yes you are subconsciously faking and making yourself believe in your own delusion

  • @mijin4620
    @mijin4620 2 роки тому

    Hi I'm glad you're making these videos because I'm an 11 year old girl Which has been told by my best friend that I fake my tics so thank you for supporting others with tics it means a lot 🙂🙂

  • @user-cp4uo8zg3s
    @user-cp4uo8zg3s 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for your kind ways and very informative information. I also have read many comments of others who suffer from a physical disability to bearer understand without any judgment on my part. I prefer your approach of kindness. I have a neighbour woman approximately 70 who does not display any tics that I have read about on the Mayo Clinic website or other medical websites on Tourette Syndrome. This neighbour will say unkind things not as a tic but as an opinion. When she is asked to stop and show kindness she claims to have tourettes. I am educating myself and want to have empathy. But I also need to protect/distance myself from an abuser.

  • @boyar1978
    @boyar1978 Рік тому +1

    if i were going to fake a disability it would not be a mental disorder. Life is much harder if you have tics, schizophrenia, or anxiety as society stigmatizes people with them. If i were going to fake a disability it would something that has to do with pain because people generally have more compassion for people who are in pain. I was diagnosed with Paranoid schizophrenia as a child and I have vocal and motor tics. If it werent for my motor tics I would be able to successfully do the job I trained for which is to be a TEFL teacher. I enjoy teaching things to children overseas in places like Cambodia, China, or Vietnam but when I am on an interview sometimes I will have tics which results in the school not hiring me as they think I am sick. I can honestly state that if i did not have tics I would be very successful in the industry i trained for.

  • @beloved6716
    @beloved6716 Рік тому

    Tik Tok is the reason I subconsciously suppress in school and around my family, I'm so scared of being fake-claimed that I myself think I'm faking. I feel like if I just think really hard, I can just stop. Though that's not the case, I know it's not. When people see me tic, I get embarrassed and cover my face trying to hide. I've had tics since I was 13 (I'm 16 now), and they've gotten to the point where people are noticing. I can't even go to my parents and tell them I think I need to see a doctor because I'm afraid I'm being dramatic and subconsciously faking. Which yes, my family has noticed, but I've always quickly denied. So now they think I'm just a weirdo who makes weird noise once in a while. I also don't wanna be dragged into that "Tik tok gave the kids TS" conspiracy theory, seeing how my dad is already a Tik tok conspiracy theorist.
    Which thinking about I always think why would I faking it? My eyes roll back so much that they give me a headache, and my neck is constantly tired and in pain.

  • @alainaswann9066
    @alainaswann9066 2 роки тому

    I have a cousin with tourettes but only has a couple of facial motor tics, no vocal unless you count throat clearing as vocal. I would have never known he had it if my family hadn't told me because all of his tics are hardly noticeable.
    I don't have tourettes but I have some involuntary things that I've done since I was a kid, but I've never really called them tics. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6, I never would have guessed the things I do could be related to that until you mentioned it! Some of the things I do are easy to describe like wrist and knuckle popping, jaw popping, and hard blinking (if that makes sense), but the other thing is harder to describe. It's like cutting off the airway to my nose with the back of my tongue then opening it and it makes almost like a clicking noise. It's not really clicking but I don't know how to describe it. And these are all things I've done since I was a kid.

  • @harleygunnar5368
    @harleygunnar5368 2 роки тому +3

    Love this video❤️👌you're amazing

  • @Chronically_JBoo
    @Chronically_JBoo 2 роки тому

    I have autism and have one tic n its making suction cup noises (sounds like squiward walking). I doubt I have Tourette's seeing as how I only have a singular tic. Its frustrating, i can't imagine. But I still REALLY love your channel:)

  • @jameswest8280
    @jameswest8280 Рік тому

    My wife is wonderful. We've been married 24 years, and she has never mentioned or reacted to my tics. She's a keeper.

  • @shelly8936
    @shelly8936 Рік тому

    By people I trust and my own research am BPD or MPD (Borderline Personality Disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder.) I am unable to get a doctor/councilors official diagnosis due to family conditions. My family has a line of disorders such as Bipolar. I am 15 and have suffered greatly because of my closest family has this disorder. It has lead me to have saveer anxiety and stress whenever I hear certain sounds such as yelling. When I hear things like this I usually make a sound like a whistle or a pop and jerk around a little. Sometimes I'll not act myself for a little while as if I'm not in my own head. I am fully aware that I'm doing this and I always ask if I did something hurtful. Often I wonder if I have a genioune issue or if I don't. It doesn't take a trigger for me to do this, it feels random each day.
    You are right, it is hurtful to someone if they question themselves especially by fake claiming. One person I know fake-claimed me by telling one of my closest friends who then notified me. I've questioned myself ever since. Around that person I often find myself trying to surpress the strong feeling to whistle, pop, or jerk just so I don't have to hear it again.
    In short, thank you for raising awareness on this topic. To me my comment looks like a scattered mess but it is my hope of someone understanding. You've made me feel a little bit more comfortable about my position and condition. I wish you the best.

  • @user-vo4cm4qm7i
    @user-vo4cm4qm7i Рік тому

    So... my sisters best friend recently started "ticking". I put that in quotes, no because I want to be mean, but because I genuinely can't tell if she does! She only started recently, and although she's around the same age that you said you we diagnosed, it's seems to have gone from literally no ticks to- hitting her legs, swearing (and her family does not like swearing!), making rude hand gestures (but only at herself in the mirror), saying "have a cupcake", but also "I hate you", and only a couple weeks ago she started saying "arson" which she recently became weirdly obsessed with 🤨 All this to say it happened SO suddenly (as in: I've known her since she was about 7 and she hasn't had ANY kind of tick until know when she suddenly has LOADS), she only seems to tick when she's thinking about it, and (i don't mean to be rude here) she already is the kind of person who would do crazy things for attention! I don't want to fake claim or anything, but I would like to know people opinions because I think she might be having a negative affect on my sister! My sisters been really worried and stressed about her friend! So yeah... I'd just like some feedback and maybe a bit of advice. Thanks for explaining ❣

  • @toads8438
    @toads8438 2 роки тому +2


    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  2 роки тому +2

      Happy Birthday! 🥰

    • @toads8438
      @toads8438 2 роки тому

      @@TiccingTogether omg thank you so much

    • @pianxtremeyt
      @pianxtremeyt 2 роки тому


    • @sionandjess
      @sionandjess 2 роки тому +1

      Happy birthday xx

    • @ashleyd6338
      @ashleyd6338 2 роки тому +1

      Happy birthday! Im sorry but im late

  • @matthewowen8676
    @matthewowen8676 Рік тому

    Respect your video so many people are exaggerating this disability and I respect this video you can definitely tell your not faking

  • @interdimensional4288
    @interdimensional4288 2 роки тому +1

    omg thank you for this.

  • @jameswest8280
    @jameswest8280 Рік тому

    With medication, it's a delicate balance between tic suppression, and side effects. It took a long time of trying different meds and different dosages. I'm at a level just below the threshold where I start experiencing side effects. My tics are tolerable and have no side effects.

  • @CatlynLPS_TV
    @CatlynLPS_TV 2 роки тому

    Hello! I know you said not to fake claim. And usually that's what I also do. But I have an ifi situation...
    My best friend was ticcing. Like genuinely ticcing. Her depression and anxiety got worst because of it and stuff. I doubt it was tourette's (even tho it was both motoric and vocal tics) since she doesn't have tics anymore.
    She also has a little sister, Azra (she turns 14 soon), who literally made me her idol. She want dress like, also wants to dye her hair and stuff. Well the thing is, I'm quite outrageous. I have alternative styles, heavy make up, combat boots, chokers, chains, and bright colored hair. And I have been diagnosed with tourette's at the age of 15 (I'm turning 18 soon)
    Btw don't get me wrong I don't want to fake claim Azra. It rather... Everyone else. A while back she started ticcing, but than she stopped. And about 1-2 weeks ago she started it again. Almost everyone says she must be faking, and they all ask me if I think the same. But I don't. Her sister says, that she can't have ts, since nobody else it the family does, but than, why was she ticcing?
    My question is... If I constantly meet someone, us there any signs if they're faking or not?
    I rlly like Azra, and I don't want to affend her, and I don't want anyone else to be mean to her. But if she rlly is just faking, I would like to discuss it with her on why, and why she should stop.
    Thank you for your answer in advance ^^

  • @thomassanchez8537
    @thomassanchez8537 2 роки тому

    i get the neck thing too, i get a feeling that feels uncomfortable and then i twitch immediatley, happens on my left armpit too so i often sleep with things blocking me from unconciously twitching

  • @dantathon9328
    @dantathon9328 2 роки тому +1

    I have this annoying continuous habit of raising my eyebrows at random times and doing a bobbing neck thing, and its kind of embarrassing when I talk to people because of it. My friend asked me if I had scoliosis because of the neck thing, I don’t know what it is, but if someone has an idea, please respond?

  • @blue_jm
    @blue_jm Рік тому

    It always makes me uncomfortable when parents showcase or "spread awareness" of a young child especially with Tourette's. I don't do Tiktok so I don't know what's the situation there but at least on Instagram there are parent run accounts where they post clips of their 7-10 year old child's tics and other symptoms. I have a bad feeling that in some of these the parents at least encourage the tics, even to the point of making the child to act. In some accounts the parents seem to have a some kind of business around the channel. Of course I understand that therapies and medical costs especially in the US are high and they maybe genuinely doing just to get some help with those. But still I think the child should be at least in their teens to decide themselves if they want their tics on the internet. I don't think a child under that age really realise the supposed consent even if the parents ask them if they can post a particular video.
    But in the same vein, I just recently stumbled on an instagram channel where they showed how they change their disabled child's colostomy bag. I don't think that's ok either even if it is in the name of awareness of that spesific disability.

  • @liamodonovan6610
    @liamodonovan6610 2 роки тому

    Faking tourettes is disgusting I know you are not faking tourettes even though I don't don't you personally I fully believe you are not faking tourettes love you so much as you are you are a good sweet person

  • @allisongranger5624
    @allisongranger5624 2 роки тому +1

    Ive only had tics for a month and its scary :(

  • @philippesejean7389
    @philippesejean7389 Рік тому

    So when you are about to say I got rice, you can't feel it coming? Like is there a way to delay it or fight the impulse? Awesome video by the way

    • @vasama3
      @vasama3 Рік тому

      Yeah you can sometimes suppress but it causes discomfort and even painful.

  • @jakehobbs
    @jakehobbs 7 місяців тому

    I started having tics after taking Paxil for anxiety. Thinking about suing.

  • @swish3432
    @swish3432 2 роки тому +1

    That punching tic sounds a little brutal.

  • @rensadu8200
    @rensadu8200 2 роки тому +1

    We should all spread positivity and respect! I agree that fakeclaiming is horrendous. It’s so all -or-nothing. But, nothing in life is like that! Your videos are great, and my SO and I enjoy watching them together. You’ve taught us so much about Tourette’s and your own experiences. Thank you so much for making the content you do! 🤍🫀🤍

  • @LuciferMorningstarlovesducks

    There's a girl at the school I use to go to that fake tourettes and everyone got mad at me for calling her out on it I hope they see this video

  • @justhearmeout3959
    @justhearmeout3959 2 роки тому +1

    I love your thumbnail it made me smile

  • @NxthxngxnSpxce
    @NxthxngxnSpxce Рік тому

    If someone does lives for hours and never has any tics then later on post videos claiming they do and state it's because they smoke weed before the lives and it keeps them from having them is that possible??

  • @jameswest8280
    @jameswest8280 Рік тому +1

    The first tic I can remember was in 2nd grade, I would roll my eyes beck and to the right. while tilting my head back. I was officially diagnosed in 4th or 5th grade, I don't remember exactly when, I'm old AF.

    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  Рік тому +1

      Interesting!! My first tic involved my eyes too!

  • @firstpeter31822
    @firstpeter31822 2 роки тому

    Somebody fake-claimed me on my OSDD. I was so hurt!

  • @thomassanchez8537
    @thomassanchez8537 2 роки тому

    so i when i do certain movements sometimes i cant stop and ill start randomly doing them and i have to try hard not to? do you have any idea what it might be because it feels so uncomfortable not to do the twitch and i have had one twitch for 2 years

    • @thomassanchez8537
      @thomassanchez8537 2 роки тому

      it might be my ADHD but it happens to me constantly and i cant do anything about it

  • @FORMULA1st10
    @FORMULA1st10 10 місяців тому

    I have a classmate and they have never and i mean never had ticks.. I started to notice that they would do this one specific thing which is jerk their head. I didn’t think much about it at first but then it started getting faker as they did the same ONLY 1
    ..i accidentally over heard them in their girlfriend laughing about it and found out that they did it just to attract attention toward themselves. Then they started flicking off people and saying rude things when she didn’t even have ticks. (i understand and i don’t mind if you really have it but it’s kinda weird when u don’t ) (i say they because that’s their pronoun and i wanted to be respectful)

  • @slxghtly_txccy
    @slxghtly_txccy 2 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @Anonymous-UserX9
    @Anonymous-UserX9 2 роки тому +1

    This is not hate just a question
    I saw a girl and she randomly said "f#ck men" and kept saying "round it up" and
    "Black woman are gross" And she claimed they were tics and she didn't mean it, and I just wanna know
    Can you have tics like that? I don't have Tourettes so I'm not sure but those words weren't very nice
    And I just wanna know if she actually can't control saying those things or she was just claiming
    They were tics to get out of trouble. Edit: ALSO she never mentioned to me she had Tourettes
    And we have been friends since kindergarten so we are really close and have known eachother for a while
    So I feel like I would have known I will be asking her mom if she really does have it but I just want your opinion

  • @michellemae1357
    @michellemae1357 2 роки тому

    Look up B with tourette's she sounds very nice she's from a different country I think.. But she definitely has tourette's and she went through brain surgery for her tourettes. Her tourette's were one of the worst. And I also follow trippy hippie too she sounds really nice too but she also has absent seizure like me. I have tics but it is very hard to live with and be around people when they're staring at you while you are ticing. Sorry for bad spelling... Keep up with the videos I enjoy

  • @Leahcutting-ko9nl
    @Leahcutting-ko9nl 4 місяці тому

    I have being punching myself swearing whistling pulling tounge but Mt step mom says I am faking it

  • @rochellesmith9459
    @rochellesmith9459 Рік тому

    its not your fault that ppl cant tell carley im sorry you have this should i feel sorry for you some ppl get mad if someone says that but i do feel so sad you have to live with this i dont think i coud deal with it but i guess just get use to it should i say deal with

  • @thatonecrazymarshmallow4001

    Hello! I have a question about Tourettes. I don’t know much about it and I would like to learn more. One question I have is, do tics happen during certain things like talking and actions, or can they happen at any time? Or is it just different for everyone? Im curious. If you see this and answer this, then thank you. Have a goody day

    • @TiccingTogether
      @TiccingTogether  Рік тому +1

      Tics happen for me at any time - when I’m talking, not talking, walking, laying down - they’re kind of just always there!

  • @awd8779
    @awd8779 2 роки тому +2

    Dose this meen I am the second person to comment ?

  • @cerberusmutt4252
    @cerberusmutt4252 2 роки тому +1

    I get hype every time you drop the "I have rice" tic. Every time I hear it, I'm just like, "Fuck yeah, rice!"

  • @kelly_seastar
    @kelly_seastar 2 роки тому

    11:18 Was that your "ugh" tic or a genuine expression of disgust?

  • @blue_twitch___5371
    @blue_twitch___5371 2 роки тому

    I love your videos

  • @SoCalJellybean
    @SoCalJellybean 2 роки тому +3

    This is also why parents SHOULD NOT be allowing young teenagers to post content on TikTok!
    Whether they’re faking or not, young brains cannot handle negative comments, not to mention the security reasons.

  • @tcort
    @tcort 2 роки тому

    I wonder what it is about Tourettes that makes people want to fake it and what about it that makes people want to fake claim it. Nobody fakes alcoholism and nobody comments that a creator who makes videos about their struggles isn’t a real alcoholic. I guess maybe the fakers just want to be victims and get sympathy and attention. Anyway, I liked the message of kindness in your video.

    • @lauraanderson8785
      @lauraanderson8785 2 роки тому +2

      People wanna fake things that can /seem/ cute or quirky. Like DID, ADHD, or Tourette's. In reality all those can be debilitating, but some idiots think it's cute to fake something 🙄

  • @exlipse3813
    @exlipse3813 2 роки тому +3

    hi! i forgot to ask,, what are your pronouns :<
    i’m assuming it’s she/her but i just wanna make sure :3

  • @austinmanley4602
    @austinmanley4602 8 місяців тому

    Baylen dupree is the whole reason i looked up this vid lmao

  • @Deeznutz1961
    @Deeznutz1961 8 місяців тому

    Doctors cant tell either !!!!!!!

  • @billbombshiggy9254
    @billbombshiggy9254 2 роки тому

    This world. That's where they fake it. It gets them attention and gives them a thing to blame their poor behavior on.
    Example: people who claim to have DiD.
    They bring up their altars, remember their altars, know all about them--
    They act like assholes and it's not their fault. It was an alter. They can't help it.

  • @danalinnan2596
    @danalinnan2596 Рік тому

    Tics are not exclusively tourettes tho

  • @iAmTheOreo69
    @iAmTheOreo69 Рік тому

    Okay so like i’m in the band and there was someone who actually had tics (they’re autistic and the tics mostly derived from this) and so people kinda just conformed to it and they didn’t have it but like now I feel like some of them actually have it in a sort of way, like they convinced themself that they have it

  • @Akikai.2
    @Akikai.2 2 роки тому


  • @reinatrejo9138
    @reinatrejo9138 2 роки тому

    Bro I had to look this up I have a friend who is faking turrets she sounds constipated

  • @awd8779
    @awd8779 2 роки тому


  • @DaliJewel
    @DaliJewel 10 місяців тому

    You need a different doctor. You have a disorder that is making you believe you have Tourette’s but you don’t actually have it. I can recognize authentic tics and I can also detect fake tics pretty easily.
    Yes, some of us *can* detect real vs. fake tics and you do not have Tourette’s you have a psychological issue that needs to be treated though. I do hope you will seek a second or third opinion as I’m pretty sure your doctor is mistaken.
    Real tics are involuntary and quick, slowly patting the back of your head or your chest is not a tic, that is an action you are choosing to make. Your eyes will also reflect an authentic tic, there is a synchronicity. Your eyes are not responding as they would with legitimate tics.
    I’m not saying this to be mean, I’m saying it out of concern. I’m telling you that most of what you are doing are not authentic tics and a doctor who cares about more than writing prescriptions can confirm it.
    Perhaps you have real tics sometimes…but I’m not seeing them in your videos.

  • @rochellesmith9459
    @rochellesmith9459 Рік тому

    well im disappointed thought for a different answer boooo

  • @kashkashat
    @kashkashat Рік тому

    Holy smokes! You're scary

  • @tyronejackson9270
    @tyronejackson9270 Рік тому

    That wired how no one had this until that one girl blow up on TikTok not everyone has it

    • @tyronejackson9270
      @tyronejackson9270 Рік тому

      Bye I believe it a real and I want to learn more about it but I still don't know how to tell if there fakeing I have a friend saying she got it but before all this happened she same find to me so I thought she was losing but it wired to fake something for 2 years now