Algerian here feels the same way u do , I never understand why our gov is still meddling in this situation , we are all the same Barber , I wish we all unite and put aside our differences .
@@sandmandzkhalil3618 We have been divided since a long time, like thousands of years haha😅 Even Levant (Syria, Palestine, Leb) have more interconnectedness and history shared..
@@sebtaomilla2961 nobody is asking you to kiss Morocco's feet, keep your mouth and opinion to youself, and despite your nose, north Africa will reunite, your divide and conquer strategy will expire as new generations with objectif opinions are growing
@@BallondorakIf you really wonder, find other resources and try to make your own mind about it. While staying open to change, as long as this conflict doesn't concern you directly, try to stay open minded and no too invested.
Countries such as Algeria and Mauritania will never accept Morocco's position on abiding by the true historical borders, simply because they have none and would stick to the borders inherited from colonialism.. colonialism is the reason why there are so many new born countries in Africa
You do realize that those "true historical borders" were also founded on the basis of colonialism or conquest? It's not like there was a point in time when suddenly a bunch of states popped up into existence with their borders. History started with the formation of city states which then consolidated into proper states which then expanded as well, whether that be through war or other means. All these squabbles about borders based on history is completely idiotic. UN borders should be followed and with potential changes only happening peacefully. World history has brought us to the current existing borders of the world, there is no good objective reason to start conflicts to change them.
@@anonymous1582 How far are you willing to take that logic? Is Morocco not allowed to take back the lands taken from it illegally? Did colonial powers hold a referendum before deviding up the empire? As long as the sharifian crown exists Morocco will always try to retrieve its former territories, trust me.
@@csx3180 the moroccan claim over west sahara is as ridiculous as the israeli on Palestinian lands both claim are only reliant on some ancient boundaries over an ancient kingdom that existed hundreds of years ago without paying an ounce of attention over what do the people that actually live there want. Thousands of kingdoms rose and fell over the course of time do these kingdoms also have a claim now? Like do lebanon have claim over Tunisia and parts of italy since both were a part of the phoenician emipre some thousands of years ago? do egypt have a claim over north sudan that was a part of the Egyptian empire? Does Turkey still still have a claim over the majority of the middle east? What about iran iraq syria all have claims over each other too the assyrian persian and islamic empires? What about india and Bangladesh india and Pakistan india and nepal india and china china and Taiwan china and Vietnam Vietnam and laos and more and more should they all have the right to attack and colonise each other because an empire that rose hundred of years ago on their land did the same thing?
@@anonymous1582 Exactly , they think that theres no international law and they try to be like israel so bad but they fail lol , i dare them to try to do the same to Algeria , they attacked the Sahrawis only cuz theyre nomads and they wanted to occupy Mauritania too but they didint do it cuz Mauritania established good relationships with France
@@samael4759 Unlike Israel Moroccans didn't leave western sahara for 3000 years then came back to ask for it now, it was literally a part of morocco when spain colonized it, it's not like morocco is asking for territories that were under the moroccan crown a millenea ago, which includ the southern half of spain and portugal + algeria, tunisia, and if morocco asked for that then THAT would be ridiculous, but asking for territories that were stolen from you just a coupla generations ago isn't.
NOP, this video is very questionably wrong !!! 13:39 It was the Algerian Polizario who closed the road threatening anyone who passes, they burnt old cars to block the road, and ruined the infrastructure, UN then intervened alongside Morocco, because the situation has transformed into an alarming terrorist behavior towards people using the road. So you are wrong !! 15:00 the truckers killed were not Algerians, they were Polizario members going into the Mauritanian land trying to be a constant nuisance to both Mauritania and Morocco's security 14:22 Spain apologized for the mistake of letting in Ghali illegally into the country, since he is considered a wanted criminal, so Spain was in a mess with the UN and Morocco for a while. 16:37 Wrong use of the word refugees. There are no refugees in Tindouf. Tindouf is an Algerian city, and since it's close to the borders with sub-Saharan countries, it is composed of a population of multiple nationalities living in inhumane conditions as the UN states, although Algeria gets hundreds of millions of dollars from aid.
@@ygr4943 13:39 I'm not disagreeing just providing an alternative viewpoint but the Sahrawi would say that the building of the road broke the previous treaty so they had cause to intervene.
nonsense, 788 AD is the date of establishing the idrisid dynasty which ended in 974,it has nothing to do with today's dynasty all countries has Old kingdom that collapsed or got succesed by other dynasties
@@soheibkidouche4745 So the UK was established in 1901? Because that's when the current dynasty rose to power? Morocco had 12 centuries of continuous dynastic rule, after the idrissids in the late 10th century the country fell into civil war till the almoravid dynasty rose to power in the early 11th century, the almohad dynasty in the 12th, the marinids in the 14th followed by the idrissids again for a short interlude period, then the saadians in the 16th and the current alaouites in the 17th...same system of government, same system of rule, same country, same name, just look at the list of moroccan ambassadors to the UK, some ambassadors didn't even change when the dynasty changed, because it's the same country. 788 ad is the date historians agree on for the creation of the Moroccan state.
@@soheibkidouche4745 "The Idrisids,(are) the founder dynasty of Fas and, ideally at least, of the modern Moroccan state" - Leonard R. Koos et al, Journal of North african studies "The nucleus of the Moroccan nation was established in the 8th century AD" -"Morocco" page n16, by Anne M. Findlay, university of sterling, published by Oxford 'Nuff said.
Great video, although I disagree with some points, mainly : - A not so great part of the population fled to Tindouf, some who came back stated that they've been forced to go there, and that a sizeable part of the "refugees" aren't even from the Sahara, a proof of that is the constant refusal for a census of the population of Tindouf refugee camps. That 173k figure was never proven by a third party. - in 2020, Moroccan forces intervened to restore civilian movement that has been blocked for nearly two months by Polisario Militias. - the algerians truckers killed in 2022 have never been identified (to my knowledge), no proof of them being inside Mauretanian territory has been provided, so, mystery truckers carrying mystery loads inside a contested zone have been shot down by mystery drones... All said, great video and great effort, thanks for everything.
Also, you’re not a refugee if you’re welcome to return as a full citizen at any point in time, they are hostages, because Morocco allows anyone to safely return and even gives them housing and financial support to start a new life.
Great video! (as always!). I've always found this conflict and region to be intriguing, and you don't see this being commonly talked about this in depth!
This video is very questionably wrong !!! 13:39 It was the Algerian Polizario who closed the road threatening anyone who passes, they burnt old cars to block the road, and ruined the infrastructure, UN then intervened alongside Morocco, because the situation has transformed into an alarming terrorist behavior towards people using the road. So you are wrong !! 15:00 the truckers killed were not Algerians, they were Polizario members going into the Mauritanian land trying to be a constant nuisance to both Mauritania and Morocco's security 14:22 Spain apologized for the mistake of letting in Ghali illegally into the country, since he is considered a wanted criminal, so Spain was in a mess with the UN and Morocco for a while. 16:37 Wrong use of the word refugees. There are no refugees in Tindouf. Tindouf is an Algerian city, and since it's close to the borders with sub-Saharan countries, it is composed of a population of multiple nationalities living in inhumane conditions as the UN states, although Algeria gets hundreds of millions of dollars from aid. Just where did you get your information from ? I can go on and on about the inaccurate lies you have told in this video.
It seems that the author of the documentary had a good vacation in Marrakesh haha 🙄 Knowing that there are 3 Algerian, Moroccan and Mauritanian novels, and 3 historical maps for each country. Regarding support and betrayal, it is enough for you to go back a little to see who is the greatest traitor and how the Sultan of Fez allied with the French. Militarily, after he was threatened by the French to fight and chase Prince Abdul Qadir and his force on the western border, to use pincers on him, knowing that there is a close relationship between them.
ركز على شيئين : - مساعدة المغرب للجزائر لنيل الاستقلال . - خيانة الجزائر للمغرب و التنكر للإتفاق الموقع بينهما بعد الاستقلال. هنا مكمن الصراع و مربط الفرس 😊
@@carrillotony4872 لم أفهم سؤالك ، هل تقصد كم من مغربي استشهد دفاعا عن الجزائر و استقلالها ؟ هناك العديد من المغاربة و التونسيين استشهدوا دفاعا عن الجزائر و يمكنك التأكد من ذلك اذا زرت مقام الشهيد . تحياتي
أولا : محمد الخامس رحمه الله ساعد الجزائر. ثانيا : هناك خيانة مروكية للأمير عبد القادر و أخرى إبان الثورة. ثالثا : المروك و تونس نالتا إستقلالهما بفضل الجزائر. 👌 رابعا : الجزائر نالت إستقلالها عن طريق مليون و نصف مليون من الشهداء. خامسا : أعطيني وثيقة واحدة تبدل على أنه كان هناك إتفاق مرسوم لتقسيم الحدود بين البلدين أو أن الجزائر ستتنازل عن شبر من صحراءه التي استعادتها بدماء الشهداء و ليس هدية من فرنسا مثل المروك و تونس. سادسا : تاريخيا مدينة وجدة و بركان و الشمال الشرقي للمروك حتى نهر ملوية جزائري. سابعا : المروك هو المتسبب في حرب الرمال و ذلك باستلاءه على أراضي جزائرية ظنا منه أن الجزائر في حالة ضعف بسبب خروجها من الحرب و حداثة إستقلالها. و هذا غدر لكن هيهات فالجزاءر المحروسة ردت الصاع صاعين و لم تفرط في شبر واحد بل و تغلغلت في العمق المروكي بشهادة المقبور الحسن الثاني لولا تدخل العقلاء.
@@MohamedBechairia اولا : محمد الخامس ساعد الجزائر غصبا عنك لن تستطيع انكار هذا . ثانيا : كيف للمغرب أن يخون شخصا هو نفسه خادم لفرنسا و الذليل عشرات الاوسمة الفرنسية التي قلدته بها . ثالثا : كلامك حول استقلال المغرب و تونس وفضل الجزائر عليهما كلام مضحك 😁 الجزائر آخر بلد خرجت منه فرنسا .. رابعا : شعارات فارغة أكل عليها الدهر و شرب ، فرنسا خرجت من الجزائر بعد استفتاء شعبي و بعد أن ضمنت ان تكون الحكومة الجزائري تخدم مصالح فرنسا ( استمع لخطاب شارل دي كول حول الجزائر ) لحد الساعة الجزائر لم تستطع انتزاع وثيقة الاستقلال من الأمم المتحدة . خامسا : ليست قضية وثائق هنا بل هي قضية شرف ، محمد الخامس لم يقبل عرض فرنسا كما جاء في الفيديو وقال أن مسألة الصحراء الشرقية مسألة بين اخوين سوف تحل فور خروج فرنسا من الجزائر . سادسا : في حرب الرمال استعنتم بجميع الأجناس وأكلتم ما أكل الطبل في يوم عرس ، حتى قال بوخروبة هواري منار اقصد هواري بومدين ماعنديش الرجال و قوله حكرونا المغاربة حكرونا ، و ثم أسر حسني مبارك الرئيس المصري السابق ....ولولا تدخل الحكماء كما قلت ما كنا لنسمع لكم حس...
@@elsamir8060 كل التفاهات التي قلتها لن أتطرق لها ... فقط أريد التعقيب على نقطة واحدة في قولك أن بومدين قال ماعنديش رجال هههه أعطني دليل وثيقة أو فيديو واحد فقط و سأرفع لك القبعة . أما بخصوص قوله حكرونا المغاربة فأولا أنت كاذب لأن من قالها هو بن بلة و ليس بومدين و هذا دليل على كذبك و تحب نجيبلك الفيديو كاين و ثانيا ماقالش حكرونا المغاربة قال حكرونا إخواني و ثالثا قوله حكرونا أي معناها ظلمونا أو غدرونا عندنا ما فهمتش كيفاش فهمتها نتا و هذا صحيح لأننا كنا حديثي العهد بالإستقلال و كنا نرتب صفوفنا و نبني جيشنا و إنتم غدرتم بنا لكن مع ذلك استرجعنا أراضينا منكم خلال ساعات و قتلنا العشرات و تغلغلنا وسط أراضيكم ... و لو أخذت شبرا واحدا تقدر تقول انك منتصر. و إذا كنتم رجال حقا استرجعو مدينتي سبتة و مليلية و عشرات الجزر التي هي في أرضكم بل و في قارة أخرى حتى ... يا سيدي استرجعو فقط الروشي ههههه 👌🇩🇿🇪🇭🇵🇸✊
It is very sad for me that almost none of this is taught in the Spanish educational system. None of our recent history is explained to the young population and will be impacting the future of so many people.
@@ab-fi6ks The inhabitants of the Moroccan Sahara are Mus*lims, while you hate Mus*lims and at the same time defend the Sahra*wis. What is this contradiction? Go to the nearest mental hospital. It seems to me that you suffer from schizophrenia
As an algerian I really do wich that my country did not interfere in this conflict at all, i also think that this conflict would not have even been a thing if the algerian government just focused on protecting our boarders and let Morocco solve the problem by itself
Would you like The international community to not interfere in the great liberation war of Algeria? The algerian position is clear the application of international law. And the refugee camp are in Tindouf only bc Algeria is the only country that did not attack Western Sahara. So when did we interfere?
@@nazimm4475 There is nothing in common between 'Liberation' and blatant cutting of other peoples' lands. The video itself clearly explains that Morocco helped Algeria gain independance from France as part of a deal for Morocco to reclaim parts of its historical self, only for Algeria to fail to uphold its end of the deal to return the lands to Morocco. That's what we call theft.
@nazimm4475 Moroccan 40 millions population will never accept to give half of its territory to 200 thousand angry people.. Their ancestors were always Moroccans, and yes our government did not treat them well in the last century, but that doesn't give them legitimate right to get the land separated from motherland.
@@richlisola1 There are thousands of peoples in Africa let's ask all of them then you only care for the ones who get made up by colonialism. there is no ethnicity or tribe called western Saharan, that term was made up by Spain
I just watched a clip about the countries with bitter enemy neighbors and I got curious about Morocco. I did not expect them to have a conflict with Algeria. I got curious but the clip did not dig dive into it. And then I saw that this video was set to premiere. What a coincidence!
Since Isreal is the cancer of the world, The moroccan-israel ties created big problems for the moroccan government and it's neighbors and it's almost unforgivable
as someone who currently live in the "disputed territory" , i always feel sad , when all the trouble was caused by some european politician drawing random lines in berlin . we are all the same people really .
It's not europeans' fault though, it only comes to show that Africa is more divided than one thinks, as in africans who fought for the territory wanted to do so, the saharan arab dr want to fight for the land because they don't see themselves as Algerian or morrocan....
Bit nitpicky but Italy is shown in yellow on the map key, but on the map it's green. You can still see what's going on, just thought it worth mentioning. 2:22-2:40
I`m Algerian and I think it should be Moroccan. Although I believe the Sahrawi people have a legitimate case for self determination, nonetheless, think we need to give it to Morocco so we can have peace with them. The Moroccans are our brothers and we need peace with them and this issue shouldn't divide us. As soon as this military regime in Algeria falls and we have a true democracy, we will kick the Polisario ( La3raia) out of Algeria and force them to make peace with Morocco. Ps: to all of you replaying and Saying that I'm not Algerian but I'm Moroccan pretending to be Algerian, You are wrong! I was born and raised in Algiers. I just don't care about La3raia N'ta3 Polisario. Long live Moroccan Sahara
Exactly we fight for nothing while other countries make alliances and blocks ! We need a union like the EU in the Maghreb where people and goods can travel freely . If we want to survive that's our only hope , if we keep fighting we will all be crushed by the west and china .
Very good video to introduce people to this rather unknown conflict. However, I note a few flaws, some quite important to understand the context : 1) The reason Morocco refused the referendum in 1974 is because Spain refused to take into account the sahrawis fighters (and their family) that fought for Morocco in the Ifni War of 1958, and that have fled to northern Morocco during the Moroccan retreat. To this day, the question of "who should be allowed to vote" is the reason the referendum doesn't take place, because none of the parties can come to an understanding. 2) In the 2020 crisis of Guerguerat, it was the Polisario Front that violated the 1991 cease fire agreement. They blocked the road between Morocco and Mauritania with armed fighters, and it is forbidden for both Moroccan and Polisario soldiers to be armed within 5 kilometers of the sand wall. Morocco actually waited for 3 weeks for UN authorization to kick out the Polisario forces, so it is just wrong to blame this one one Morocco. Otherwise, very interesting video for those who wish to introduce themselves to this conflict.
But you did not mention that morocco insulted and killed a lot of innocent civilians women and children and morocco still do the same thing till now in laayoune dakhla etc tell the truth from all points of view not only the moroccan pov
Show me a shred of evidence of this ? During the war, bombings may have resulted in a few casualties (way less than other wars), but there is absolutely no basis for your claims. @@omarramox40
@@lordvoldemort5533 Old maps what ? The colonisation of arabs alawis of the region ? By international law the moroccan living in western Sahara are considered settlers .
@@everythingsfine1395you are ignorant Spanish😂😂😂 the Arabs from Yemen (bno hilal, bnu suleiman) are the ones who tried to make an Arab republic on Amazigh (Moroccan land) D Spanish and i can’t wait until we..
My whole family is from here, from my great great grand father@@everythingsfine1395 All the indigenous tribes in here recognize that the sahara is Moroccan and always has been. The ones claiming it's not, aren't even Moroccan and live in Algeria coming from sub-saharan countries (the irony).
Algeria, Iran, China and Russia support the Western Sahara, Algeria wants to be connected to the ocean, China, Iran and Russia are also looking for a base that is near Gibraltar.
for you the story begins in 1975. well before the arrival of the colonialists, the borders of Morocco went as far as Senegal. But France and Spain decided otherwise and cut the map of the region. Consequently, Morocco finds itself deprived of several regions annexed today to Algeria and Mauritania.
@@Acampandoconfrikis Ask him why it’s called Mauritania and what year he arrived, ask him if he’s a new immigrant from Yemen or Black country which hates it’s original identity.
why don't you challenge gis original point, if the french took their land why did,'t they fight for it? but they were quick to fight Algeria as soon as it gained independance@@screamskilos3951
Objective??.. dude turns Moroccans into colonisators, everything is turned backwards.. claim attacked Guergarat is just a lie, international court has ruled against Morocco another lie, Polisario being Sahrawis while they have mercenary elements mainly Algerians and acting as algeria Proxy not even mentioned
Algeria is fighting for the right of the sahrawis, which Morocco doesn’t have a right over. Algeria is on the correct standpoint by defending the right of self determination for the people while Morocco is the oppressors. Maybe YOU are against your country fighting for what is right, but that shows how selfish you are
@@zianid2701 what does that have to do with anything? If I’m not Palestinian can I not take a stance against Israel? Yes free Western Sahara from the oppressors/morocco
@@ajaj2647Oppressors ? The sahara was always Moroccan, under Moroccan control since ages,before the Spanish came..even since the Moroccan empire appeared. What are you guys talking about 😂, the Moroccan Sahrawus that you want them free ( for no reason ) are happily living in the Moroccan Sahara and do not want to leave an ancient kingdom to live in tents under the control of some women rapists and crazy bunch of men..Did polisario or an independent nation called western saraha ever existed before ? No, so why it should exist now ? As far as I know, only a nation that was independent before but now is controlled by foreign people should be called oppressed. Easy.
This conflict is caused by Spain 🇪🇸 Morocco 🇲🇦 have the right to regain its lands before Spanish colonization - Western Sahara is historically part of Moroccan Cherifian Allaouite empire ( actually Allaouite dinasty ) , Moroccan Saadi dinasty , Almoravid Dinasty , Almohades caliphates.
@@khakhakhtata1008and Morocco claim is supported by Israel the most evil "country" that is now committing genocide openly by bombing children, hospitals, mosques, churches and refugee comps... The Morocco king sold his soul to the devil by recognizing them
The territory is Moroccan, and should not be difficult to see, Algeria supports the insurgency in the area because they've no access to the Atlantic ocean. Morocco's claim is legit.
@@dkgamers1385 Those are mostly people that are brainwashed by the polisario, there are many pro-moroccon sahrouis, just go there and see for yourself.
The truth is that the Sahrawi people live in Tindouf, which is located in Algeria, and their flag is raised only in Algeria. This means that their real country is Algeria, but in the Moroccan Sahara there is nothing but the Moroccan flag and the Moroccan people!
@@MohMoh-ii8qu اوا الله ينزل عليك غضب الله، قول ليا واش كانت شي دويلة قبل الاستعمار او حتى بعده بسنوات اسمها الجمهورية الصحراوية ؟ الصحراء كانت منتمية للمغرب منذ قرون، و الصحراويين مغاربة و كايحملو الراية و ماباغيينش الانفصال، علاش ينفاصلو و هما من ديما كانو كاينتاميو للمملكة ؟ البوليخاريو هي اللي خاص تتقارنها باسرائيل و ليس العكس، لان جمهورية الخيام هي اللي نشأت منذ سنوات و تريد احتلال صحراء المغرب للاستفادة من خيراتها و من خيرات المحيط الاطلسي. منافقين تعترفون بشناعة اخرائيل و تتعاطفون مع اشباه رجال البوليخاريو الذين اغتصبوا ا النساء الاسيرات في الخيام. واخا قول ليا حاجة، بصفتك جزائري، هل كانت القبايل منتمية لدولة اسمها الخسائر قبل الاستعمار حتى تنتمي لها الان ؟ هنا الفرق. القبايل هدية من الاستعمار، اصلا الجزائر كدولة مستقلة اسسها الاستعمار، و بالاضافة للقبايل، اهدى لها تلمسان و مغنية المغربيتين من الغرب و اهدى ليها مدن كانت من قبل تابعة للجمهورية التونسية مثل عنابة و قسنطينة و جالسين كاتهضرو على الصحراء هههههه، عاشت جمهورية القبايل حرة، على عكس الصحراويين المغاربة، فالقبايليين اغلبهم يريدون الانفصال و لديهم عسكر خاص بهم، موارد المنطقة ككل من مجهودات سكانها فقط و لديهم قائد يريد الانفصال كذلك، يعني هي اولى بالاستقلال !!!! بل حتى ان رئيسهم طلب العون و الدعم من المغرب، لكن المملكة المغربية ترفض فكرة التدخل في شؤون الدول الاخرى عكس دولة الخسائر جارة السوء، الله لا يسامحكم.😊
@@JiJihane-pv5jp شعب الصحراء الغربية لم يكن ينتمي إلى المغرب ابدا المغرب كانت له منطقتان هما فاس ومراكش تتبعهم المدن المجاورة لهم فقط لكن الحسن الثاني كان له اطماع في تلك الارض بعدما اتفق مع الاسبان وقامو باعطائه تلك الارض في الحقيقة الصحراء الغربية تاريخيا وثقافيا تنتمي إلى موريتانيا لانهم يملكون نفس اللهجة ونفس الثقافة ثقافتهم مختلفة تماما عن ثقافة المغرب ، المغرب محتل واخد حق الشعب الصحراوي ظلما ، اطماع المغرب التوسعية كانت مقززة لانه بعد خروج الاستعمار الفرنسي من الجزائر بعدها بأشهر قليلة جاء المغرب ليأخد غرب الجزائر الارض التي ضحى من اجلها ملايين الجزائريين عندما كان الجزائريون يحاربون الاستعمار المغاربة كانو يشاهدون ولم يقاومو ابدا من اجل تلك الارض وعندما نجحت الجزائر في طرد المستعمر تقولون انها أرضنا يا له من طمع نفس الشيئ في الصحراء الغربية اخدتم ارض الشعب الصحراوي الذي هو شعب مختلف عنكم تماما يا لها من سرقة
Good job. The broader historical context at the beginning was good too showing the ancient traders, Spain, and the other empires. That was a major improvement from the Vietnam Video. You always have great visuals and concise (but not too short) explanations. I have so many ideas for future videos if you are interested. Just to name a few, Alexander the Great, History of China (2 videos: Early Dynastic to 1912 and 1912 to present), Holy Roman Empire, and so many more! Thank you for all that you do! I appreciate all your videos and rewatch often.
@@Macristo I am Catalan, my parents are Catalans, my grandparents were also Catalans, and we are Catalans without the need to march from another place to "pacifically" invade Catalonia, even my surname is from here, so I think im kinda certified to say that the people that revolted and made the ilegal referendum do not represent how the average catalan thinks or feels toward Spain.
@@Macristo I don't know to wich point morrocan propaganda works, but here in Catalonia the response the Spanish state and the Catalonian autonomy gave was sending riot police and nothing more.
@@Macristo And the morrocan propaganda machine strikes again! The protestors have not surpassed the 10,000 and most of them are Spanish radicals. What people is mad about is that how the president approved the amnesty resemblance more how a country like morroco (dictatorship-like) would do it.
@@lanfran8145 did you watch the video? What do you think the sharifian empire is? The full name is the shetifian empire of MOROCCO, it's even ruled by the same dynasty.
@@csx3180bro don't underestimate the supply of idiots is damn near infinite. You put something in front of their face and they'll still deny it, either out of spite or by sheer stupidity.
@@lanfran8145 Algeria stole Moroccan land, stole Moroccan culture, but at the end. The world knows Morocco but only knows Algeria as the country next to Morocco.
@@yvngclaudebro i know ur algirian But U sad cry , cry about what ? About restored haha , right know we are in our land if U have ability come to take it from us 😅
5:15 was a mistake because there was no Mauritania independist movement yet. The fight in the sahara and mauritania was by the moroccan liberation army. 7:01 the UN did not just adapt resolutions to end colonization. Morocco was behind those resolutions. 13:32 in 2020 the polisario did block the road with an army which oppose the size fire agreement that was operating since 2000. The road is important for trade between west africa and europe. So morocco was forced to intervene. 16:40 about the refuges number, we don't know the real numbers because algeria is refusing the UN count theme. Also the camps are in bad conditions and the movement of refuges is restricted by algeria and the polisario with the outside and even between the camps. This is why Morocco calls them detainees.
The information cited in the video is generally accurate, except for one very important detail: at the minute 13:30, big thing happend, "In late October 2020, truck drivers and truckers complained that activists from the Polisario Front were blocking the border between Morocco and Mauritania, obstructing traffic and prohibiting the passage of any vehicle with Moroccan registration or displaying a Moroccan flag. It should be noted that this was also in violation of international regulations (videos are still available on UA-cam). As a result, the Moroccan military launched a military operation in the buffer zone of Guerguerat, citing "Polisario provocations" in order to restore traffic. The following day, the government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic announced the end of the ceasefire and declared war on Morocco."
walakin majkch lmghrib wla agressif bzaf bsbab sahra, hadchi yqdr ydkhlna f chi harb li magadinch 3liha w bach tnormalisi mea israel brojola tay7na niveau bzaf
@@anaso5693 lahila 3ndk ss7 db l9adiya 7madt ha Palestine hal pmc dyal lbichan hal 9ati3a ha l idrabat o fo9 hadchi Mol l video original lli howa français howa lli jab had lfday7 ll English channel llah ykon fl l3awn o sf
@@anaso5693 اش كتخور حنا ماضلمنا حد ومكيسالنا حد تاشيحاجا وعندا شلة مشاكل ملي كان الاندلس كيطيح المغاربة بوحدهم لي كانو شادين الصف بنادم حمق باغي المغرب اللي معندو علاقة هو اللي يجر الرويدة بوحدو وهي فيها العصا
no this video does not do justice to the cause even the way he handled the spanish and frensh occupation as though it was just peaceful and no blood shed and continues to call the sahara the spanish sahara as if they have any rights to it
@@dtttmr964 .... واه ؟ حنا كامل علابانا بلي هادي لمدة قصيرة كانت تابعة للمروك لكنها كانت نوع من احتلال و ليست ارض مروكية و حتى أجزاء من للمروك كانت تابعة الجزائر هادا هو التاريخ ولوكان تولي غادي تلقى بلي لزوج كانو تابعين للرومان تما هادي اراضي رومانية ؟ حنايا فالثورة حاربنا كامل الارض ندوا كامل الارض الي حاربنا على جالها
My grandfather is one of the 365,000 Moroccans who did the Green march to free our western Sahara from Spanish colonization. Morocco succeeded in kicking out Spain from our Moroccan Sahara. And if we're gonna talk historically, the Sahara has always been part of Morocco. The Polisario was only created by Algeria because they wanted to take that land and get the Atlantic ocean resources.
@@m00tjeehadd56 Yall cant even defeat Israel🤣 and you waste your life fighting over worthless land like gaza and western sahara while europe got north america, south america, africa, india, australia, new zealand, phillipines, and we took greece, turkey and jerusalem back. You think we give a f*** about western sahara?😂 this is why the world laughs at you. Spain still have land from Morocco and you’re to weak to take it back
I don't get why Morocco doesn't just continue to build walls further and further into the territory until they reach the borders of Mauritania. The walls seem to be doing a good job in keeping the SADR out of the territory they control.
They want to stick to lawful resolutions instead of forcing it and breaking up a war, Morocco has build so much, it doesn’t want to lose it by being impatient. The conflict will be over, the end of this nonsense is near.
They are very expensive and at this point drones are doing a much better job… Maybe not mentioned in the map, but the blue territory is actually is no man land as it was designed
Building those walls weren't so easy as to simply "building walls" those territories had to be cleared and fought for first, and the conflict has moved far beyond armed battles, it turned diplomatic, which is in Morocco's favor
It will cause war, that what the generals want... Morocco relies on services, agriculture and industry, we need to attract more foreign investors, we can't provide such a safe environment while having a war with a country next door.
First of all, how can a people originally from the Arabian Peninsula want to establish an Arab state in the land of the Amazighs with any right, in the old days you came as our guests and now they want to exclude us Amazighs, the indigenous people of North Africa. Whoever wants to separate from the Kingdom of Morocco must return to the Arabian Peninsula with his head down.
If if wasn't for this conflict, this region would be soooo advanced and developed, we have everything to share between us, from petrol to gas to phosphate to iron to food and water supply and tourism attraction to renewable energy to military power... Bro! imagine!
Clear explanation bro ive been watching all your videos again im huge fan u give extremely accurate videos thanks for the detailed video i didnt know this much about the conflict pls try to make videos often
The first event to weaken Morocco after its division between France and Spain was the annexation of Moroccan lands to Algeria in 1938, as indicated in the video. Algeria reneged on its agreements with Morocco in 1961. The Polisario was formed by Spain before its departure in 1973, and the goal is clear: to leave An exhausted Morocco without resources and preoccupied with conflicts. Otherwise, it will be a strong Morocco and a competitor to Europe, which is what the Western powers do not want.
When you agreed to their independence and protection from France, why did you not request those lands in your independence document?Algeria resisted for 7 years to take these lands and sacrificed millions of martyrs. It is our land and no one’s.
Morocco rejected France’s offer to take the Sahara in exchange for conducting nuclear tests there, sharing its underground resources, and using it as a French base to plunder Africa, which is what Algeria agreed to in the Evian Agreement, after seven years of Moroccan-Tunisian support for the Algerian resistance. Without this support, Algeria would not have gained independence.
What a lame joke. Morocco, a competition to Europe? How is that? Your economy is based on prostitution, weed, and catering to Westerners. I am not sure what you will compete with.
Correction : at 13:31 Polizario militants bloked the road for several days and stopped trucks carring goods from crossing to Mauritania. After Morocco had tried in vain all diplomatic efforts to open the crossing, its forces had to intervene to kick out the militans and secure the safe corissing of people and goods.
Thank you ! But it was not my own VO, Rahul was the first to make the english translation of the original channel in french. But he had to stop due to a lack of time. If you want to know, my own VO, it is in the french channel.
They say there is a conflict but I see no conflict. When I go to the "western sahara" it is all calm and peaceful and built and administered just like the rest of Morocco.
Just like when I visit Tel Aviv, it is absolutely beautifully administered by Israel and not its original settlers which have been cornered up and segregated by a long and militarized wall.
You just admitted that this video is wrong and for supporting the Moroccans story about the land This is crazy how 80% in comment are Moroccans commenting about the video
As a Moroccan thank you for this detailed informative video. Non partial just facts. The truth is colonization ruined how our maps/borders would actually of been in Africa & Middle East. The king Hassan 2nd famously said Morocco was unlucky because it had more than one colonizer had we been fully colonized by 1 country or none we might of had the greater Morocco. Just like Algeria never was as big before but because France seized it & added other lands to its Algeria province.
@@Macristo did we watch the same video? Morocco invaded. Morocco killed thousands and displaced even more. Morocco is not allowing the natives the right to vote for their future. Morocco is a coloniser.
@@Desco51 I'll tell you what is wild, being cumbersome about justifying the terror actions by some camping militia by saying they have the right to exist that's f-ing wild since we already gave the people the right to auto-reign themselves and they agreed to be Moroccan that's what it is
@@HD_555 You absolutely did not let the Saharauis decide their future, instead you sent colonists and your army towards the zone and now claim that people there want to be morrocan and by so there will be no referendum.
@@Desco51 and I'm not sure if this alleged thing was transferred to you by the media or something else but as a Moroccan we know each other and we helped them growth because they knew who to follow and please I have my opinion you have yours others have theirs so this is why the message won't arrive
Very detailed and interesting material. Thank you. That's really interesting since Western Sahara is our closest neighbour (I write from Canary Islands) and I think the Western Sahara finally must be an autonomy and an integral part of Morocco.
Great video compared to most vidéos made on the subject. A few bugs and omissions though I could spot on some important details : In 1956 Spain promise to grant Morocco independance and to respect its territorial integrity. It was not franquoist Spain which that gather all western sahara territories under one organisation but the Spanish Republic. It gathered the whole thing under the high commission of Spain in Morocco : a good indicator on who the territory belonged to before this whole story began.
Morocco is a beautiful country and its people are super nice and always smiley. I hope they are always safe and secure, as I'm again planning to go there many times. Sadly, the state of the Arab countries, is that there is always a foreign entity that destabilize the peace in between neighbors. Makes one wonder why is that.
Great work for the video. Your videos are exciting and everyone can learn a thing or two about history. I hope one day you will do a video about the evolution of Greece from ancient times to today. Lots of love
As a Spanish, I feel we abandoned Western Sahara, and we should resolve this conflict. I feel Western Saharan people should decide their own future. 🇪🇭
@@Mauri7782 Galica and Catalonia and Basque are proud Spanish, I literally live in basque and only a few comunists want independence. And no it wasn’t former moroccans who invaded us it was a kingdom federation type, and we can’t embrace it cause it’s Muslim we are Christian’s also u guys were literally colonies so yeah some respect to ur former colonisers And yeah learn some history u salty Moroccan, free Sahara! 🇺🇳❤️🇪🇭
it was all good until 13:30 the road of gargarat which represents the link between morocco and muritania was cutted by Polisario forces then Moroccan military came in but instead you stated it like if morocco wasn't linked with muritania before
If you traveled back in time a few centuries, you would discover that this entire land was once united under the Moroccan Empire, whose rulers were the Almoravids or Almohads, and Alauite the ancestors of today's monarch
@@whtfl Your understanding of this region's history is incomplete. Only nomadic groups who pledged loyalty to Moroccan sultans had control over it, the western sahara is a part of Moroccan land ""Until God claims the earth and all its inhabitants." just to know i'm sending this message feom western sahara ✌
Yeah, almost all of Africa is like that. For example, the modern-day Borno State in Nigeria used to be a mighty empire that was cut up. Yet, we don't see Nigerians claiming the land Borno emcompassed. Sokoto State, also in Nigeria was once an Islamic Caliphate. Yet, Sokoto doesn't claim all those areas. Morocco isn't a special instance and thus they shouldn't be treated as such and should let Sahrawis breathe.
@@Yunky_Yes, the same with Ethiopia and their territories. Just because there was once an empire that ruled over numerous tribes doesn’t mean in modern times they have a right to absorb those tribes lands back into their country against their will. It is greedy, selfish and disgusting behaviour.
@user-rh9he5cv3e Moroccans and Algerians should stop fighting. This was the goal of the french and Europeans all along to divide muslims and they got what they wanted.
Western Sahara is Moroccan historically and it will always remain Moroccan. If you go to any city in Western Sahara, you will see that it's fully developed by our government and everyone in the Sahara is happy about that.
I am Moroccan and I know the history of this conflict. For years, we have tried to explain the conflict from a historical point, and that land has always been part of Morocco. The conflict is still here, unfortunately, because Algeria has entered into a war of attrition against us. I love Algeria and all Algerians and consider them our brothers. Please wake up, this conflict will not improve or strengthen Algeria. It is just a waste. For money and political effort and each year our contries are losing bilions because of that ... let's help each other
If the Europeans gave Morocco its independence then why doesn't Morocco also give the Saharawi its freedom. If Mauritania let go its claim, why doesn't Morocco let go too? We don't want any more imperialism in Africa.
@@samito3354Which freedom are u talking about? Go to Sahara. people have their rights there and even more rights than people in the north, the prices and taxes are more lower than the north, and people happy in there
The real reason for the tension is Morocco's expansionist ambitions, which were behind it by France and America to geostrategically blockade Algeria, an ally of the Soviet Union. but let me tell you something, just like Moroccan regime let go of Tindouf in 1963, and Mauritania in 1972, and Ceuta and Melila in 2022, they will go of Western Sahara sooner or later.
and to understand the conflict morocco a kingdom with long history and major non-NATO ally for usa , algeria new republic was created by frannce they have cuba russia as allies
😂😂😂😂 stupid bousbirian ... algeria was created 222 B.C by massinisa .. at this time there no such a morocco thing you never existed .... and we have more lands to take from bousbir until the river of moulaya 🇮🇱🇨🇵🇪🇦🇪🇦🇵🇹🇲🇦🇪🇭🇦🇪🇧🇭
Great video thank you I want to see Unity and Strength in Africa !!! I am Algerian 🇩🇿 and I want Africa to Unite and cease to be dictated and influenced by the west !!! African people are United. Governments gave to follow through !!!
@@nesrine8571 منين تساليو من هذا التخربيق دصحرا وتعرفوه ممسلككمش دوزو لريف وقولو راه بوحدو وأسطوانة تقرير المصير تاعكم لي متساليش. عطيو غير حق تقرير المصير لشعب القبايلي موراها نديرو بحالكم الصحرا.ويسالي هذشي وديك ساعة نشوفو صحرا الشرقية ديالنا
Great video, but you missed an important detail, in 2020 when Moroccan forces crossed into guerguerrat that was because polisario militias were blocking the road between morocco and mauritania, just the short blockade they enforced made some food prices in Mauritania sky rocket as they rely on Morocco for a lot of agricultural products, so a paramilitary branch of the Moroccan army was sent there to drive the polisario militias away and secure the trade route, its not like the army just went in there unprovoked and broke an agreement
As a Moroccan, I feel sad that I may not live to see the north african countries deeply united, it's ridiculously stupid that we aren't!
If they kiss Morocco’s feet and apologize
Algerian here feels the same way u do , I never understand why our gov is still meddling in this situation , we are all the same Barber , I wish we all unite and put aside our differences .
We have been divided since a long time, like thousands of years haha😅
Even Levant (Syria, Palestine, Leb) have more interconnectedness and history shared..
@@sebtaomilla2961 nobody is asking you to kiss Morocco's feet, keep your mouth and opinion to youself, and despite your nose, north Africa will reunite, your divide and conquer strategy will expire as new generations with objectif opinions are growing
@@SerenityWithin101 I’m Moroccan. And yes, they must kiss our feet for this disgusting betrayal.
Wow, perfectly compacted video. Glad to be able to understand that part of the world a lot more in just 15 minutes. Extraordinary work!
Thank you !
@@GeoHistory what do you say , the sahara it's independent or a moroccan territory ??
@@BallondorakIf you really wonder, find other resources and try to make your own mind about it. While staying open to change, as long as this conflict doesn't concern you directly, try to stay open minded and no too invested.
Western Sahara is in South west of Algeria.
Sahar is Moroccan. I live here, whoever says otherwise come for a visit.
@@Ballondorak Moroccan, I live here, come see the flags
Countries such as Algeria and Mauritania will never accept Morocco's position on abiding by the true historical borders, simply because they have none and would stick to the borders inherited from colonialism.. colonialism is the reason why there are so many new born countries in Africa
You do realize that those "true historical borders" were also founded on the basis of colonialism or conquest? It's not like there was a point in time when suddenly a bunch of states popped up into existence with their borders. History started with the formation of city states which then consolidated into proper states which then expanded as well, whether that be through war or other means. All these squabbles about borders based on history is completely idiotic. UN borders should be followed and with potential changes only happening peacefully. World history has brought us to the current existing borders of the world, there is no good objective reason to start conflicts to change them.
@@anonymous1582 How far are you willing to take that logic? Is Morocco not allowed to take back the lands taken from it illegally? Did colonial powers hold a referendum before deviding up the empire? As long as the sharifian crown exists Morocco will always try to retrieve its former territories, trust me.
@@csx3180 the moroccan claim over west sahara is as ridiculous as the israeli on Palestinian lands both claim are only reliant on some ancient boundaries over an ancient kingdom that existed hundreds of years ago without paying an ounce of attention over what do the people that actually live there want. Thousands of kingdoms rose and fell over the course of time do these kingdoms also have a claim now? Like do lebanon have claim over Tunisia and parts of italy since both were a part of the phoenician emipre some thousands of years ago? do egypt have a claim over north sudan that was a part of the Egyptian empire? Does Turkey still still have a claim over the majority of the middle east? What about iran iraq syria all have claims over each other too the assyrian persian and islamic empires? What about india and Bangladesh india and Pakistan india and nepal india and china china and Taiwan china and Vietnam Vietnam and laos and more and more should they all have the right to attack and colonise each other because an empire that rose hundred of years ago on their land did the same thing?
@@anonymous1582 Exactly , they think that theres no international law and they try to be like israel so bad but they fail lol , i dare them to try to do the same to Algeria , they attacked the Sahrawis only cuz theyre nomads and they wanted to occupy Mauritania too but they didint do it cuz Mauritania established good relationships with France
Unlike Israel Moroccans didn't leave western sahara for 3000 years then came back to ask for it now, it was literally a part of morocco when spain colonized it, it's not like morocco is asking for territories that were under the moroccan crown a millenea ago, which includ the southern half of spain and portugal + algeria, tunisia, and if morocco asked for that then THAT would be ridiculous, but asking for territories that were stolen from you just a coupla generations ago isn't.
This is the best video on this topic. Period.
Thanks for the effort
NOP, this video is very questionably wrong !!!
13:39 It was the Algerian Polizario who closed the road threatening anyone who passes, they burnt old cars to block the road, and ruined the infrastructure, UN then intervened alongside Morocco, because the situation has transformed into an alarming terrorist behavior towards people using the road. So you are wrong !!
15:00 the truckers killed were not Algerians, they were Polizario members going into the Mauritanian land trying to be a constant nuisance to both Mauritania and Morocco's security
14:22 Spain apologized for the mistake of letting in Ghali illegally into the country, since he is considered a wanted criminal, so Spain was in a mess with the UN and Morocco for a while.
16:37 Wrong use of the word refugees. There are no refugees in Tindouf. Tindouf is an Algerian city, and since it's close to the borders with sub-Saharan countries, it is composed of a population of multiple nationalities living in inhumane conditions as the UN states, although Algeria gets hundreds of millions of dollars from aid.
@@ygr4943 13:39 I'm not disagreeing just providing an alternative viewpoint but the Sahrawi would say that the building of the road broke the previous treaty so they had cause to intervene.
Thank you Geo History. Western Saharan full history is largely sidelined despite being an unusually large territory for a region with unclear status.
Western Sahara is in South west of Algeria.
Sahar is Moroccan. I live here, whoever says otherwise come for a visit.
its very clear we are here
Sahara is not Arab, Spanish or Black
@incogb6696 What about Moroccan Amazigh who named all the cities in their language ?.? You are not from the region please just watch
الصحراء مغربية وافتخر واللي بغا يموت يموت يهنينا منو 🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦
Trivia: Morocco is both the world's 2nd oldest Monarchy (founded 788 AD) and 2nd oldest dynasty (the alaouites/alawi) , the 1st is japan
And then ?
@@Xijigames it's just a fun fact, you're welcome
nonsense, 788 AD is the date of establishing the idrisid dynasty which ended in 974,it has nothing to do with today's dynasty
all countries has Old kingdom that collapsed or got succesed by other dynasties
@@soheibkidouche4745 So the UK was established in 1901? Because that's when the current dynasty rose to power? Morocco had 12 centuries of continuous dynastic rule, after the idrissids in the late 10th century the country fell into civil war till the almoravid dynasty rose to power in the early 11th century, the almohad dynasty in the 12th, the marinids in the 14th followed by the idrissids again for a short interlude period, then the saadians in the 16th and the current alaouites in the 17th...same system of government, same system of rule, same country, same name, just look at the list of moroccan ambassadors to the UK, some ambassadors didn't even change when the dynasty changed, because it's the same country.
788 ad is the date historians agree on for the creation of the Moroccan state.
"The Idrisids,(are) the founder dynasty of Fas and, ideally at least, of the modern Moroccan state" - Leonard R. Koos et al, Journal of North african studies
"The nucleus of the Moroccan nation was established in the 8th century AD" -"Morocco" page n16, by Anne M. Findlay, university of sterling, published by Oxford
'Nuff said.
Great video, although I disagree with some points, mainly :
- A not so great part of the population fled to Tindouf, some who came back stated that they've been forced to go there, and that a sizeable part of the "refugees" aren't even from the Sahara, a proof of that is the constant refusal for a census of the population of Tindouf refugee camps. That 173k figure was never proven by a third party.
- in 2020, Moroccan forces intervened to restore civilian movement that has been blocked for nearly two months by Polisario Militias.
- the algerians truckers killed in 2022 have never been identified (to my knowledge), no proof of them being inside Mauretanian territory has been provided, so, mystery truckers carrying mystery loads inside a contested zone have been shot down by mystery drones...
All said, great video and great effort, thanks for everything.
it was proven by the U.N brother
@@yvngclaude you must support ur claim by sources... brother
@@yvngclaude as I said, to my knowledge, please do elaborate.
@@yvngclaude claims without source are useless
Also, you’re not a refugee if you’re welcome to return as a full citizen at any point in time, they are hostages, because Morocco allows anyone to safely return and even gives them housing and financial support to start a new life.
Great video! (as always!). I've always found this conflict and region to be intriguing, and you don't see this being commonly talked about this in depth!
This video is very questionably wrong !!!
13:39 It was the Algerian Polizario who closed the road threatening anyone who passes, they burnt old cars to block the road, and ruined the infrastructure, UN then intervened alongside Morocco, because the situation has transformed into an alarming terrorist behavior towards people using the road. So you are wrong !!
15:00 the truckers killed were not Algerians, they were Polizario members going into the Mauritanian land trying to be a constant nuisance to both Mauritania and Morocco's security
14:22 Spain apologized for the mistake of letting in Ghali illegally into the country, since he is considered a wanted criminal, so Spain was in a mess with the UN and Morocco for a while.
16:37 Wrong use of the word refugees. There are no refugees in Tindouf. Tindouf is an Algerian city, and since it's close to the borders with sub-Saharan countries, it is composed of a population of multiple nationalities living in inhumane conditions as the UN states, although Algeria gets hundreds of millions of dollars from aid.
Just where did you get your information from ?
I can go on and on about the inaccurate lies you have told in this video.
@@ygr4943 thanks for the insight! Personally im not sure where he got the information from, but thanks again!
Look up Guanche gen0cide.
@@ygr4943could u put those information as a comment cause a lot of ppl took false information from the video
It seems that the author of the documentary had a good vacation in Marrakesh haha 🙄 Knowing that there are 3 Algerian, Moroccan and Mauritanian novels, and 3 historical maps for each country. Regarding support and betrayal, it is enough for you to go back a little to see who is the greatest traitor and how the Sultan of Fez allied with the French. Militarily, after he was threatened by the French to fight and chase Prince Abdul Qadir and his force on the western border, to use pincers on him, knowing that there is a close relationship between them.
Simple animation, with a lot of value. I'm moroccan myself and I discovered a lot of information in this video. Great job!
Sáhara Libre Hola hermano Musulman salam aleikum
En tus sueños 😂@@NosePeroquenose
ركز على شيئين :
- مساعدة المغرب للجزائر لنيل الاستقلال .
- خيانة الجزائر للمغرب و التنكر للإتفاق الموقع بينهما بعد الاستقلال.
هنا مكمن الصراع و مربط الفرس 😊
كم من مغربي مات من اجل تندوف؟
@@carrillotony4872 لم أفهم سؤالك ، هل تقصد كم من مغربي استشهد دفاعا عن الجزائر و استقلالها ؟ هناك العديد من المغاربة و التونسيين استشهدوا دفاعا عن الجزائر و يمكنك التأكد من ذلك اذا زرت مقام الشهيد .
أولا : محمد الخامس رحمه الله ساعد الجزائر.
ثانيا : هناك خيانة مروكية للأمير عبد القادر و أخرى إبان الثورة.
ثالثا : المروك و تونس نالتا إستقلالهما بفضل الجزائر. 👌
رابعا : الجزائر نالت إستقلالها عن طريق مليون و نصف مليون من الشهداء.
خامسا : أعطيني وثيقة واحدة تبدل على أنه كان هناك إتفاق مرسوم لتقسيم الحدود بين البلدين أو أن الجزائر ستتنازل عن شبر من صحراءه التي استعادتها بدماء الشهداء و ليس هدية من فرنسا مثل المروك و تونس.
سادسا : تاريخيا مدينة وجدة و بركان و الشمال الشرقي للمروك حتى نهر ملوية جزائري.
سابعا : المروك هو المتسبب في حرب الرمال و ذلك باستلاءه على أراضي جزائرية ظنا منه أن الجزائر في حالة ضعف بسبب خروجها من الحرب و حداثة إستقلالها. و هذا غدر لكن هيهات فالجزاءر المحروسة ردت الصاع صاعين و لم تفرط في شبر واحد بل و تغلغلت في العمق المروكي بشهادة المقبور الحسن الثاني لولا تدخل العقلاء.
@@MohamedBechairia اولا : محمد الخامس ساعد الجزائر غصبا عنك لن تستطيع انكار هذا .
ثانيا : كيف للمغرب أن يخون شخصا هو نفسه خادم لفرنسا و الذليل عشرات الاوسمة الفرنسية التي قلدته بها .
ثالثا : كلامك حول استقلال المغرب و تونس وفضل الجزائر عليهما كلام مضحك 😁
الجزائر آخر بلد خرجت منه فرنسا ..
رابعا : شعارات فارغة أكل عليها الدهر و شرب ، فرنسا خرجت من الجزائر بعد استفتاء شعبي و بعد أن ضمنت ان تكون الحكومة الجزائري تخدم مصالح فرنسا ( استمع لخطاب شارل دي كول حول الجزائر ) لحد الساعة الجزائر لم تستطع انتزاع وثيقة الاستقلال من الأمم المتحدة .
خامسا : ليست قضية وثائق هنا بل هي قضية شرف ، محمد الخامس لم يقبل عرض فرنسا كما جاء في الفيديو وقال أن مسألة الصحراء الشرقية مسألة بين اخوين سوف تحل فور خروج فرنسا من الجزائر .
سادسا : في حرب الرمال استعنتم بجميع الأجناس وأكلتم ما أكل الطبل في يوم عرس ، حتى قال بوخروبة هواري منار اقصد هواري بومدين ماعنديش الرجال و قوله حكرونا المغاربة حكرونا ، و ثم أسر حسني مبارك الرئيس المصري السابق ....ولولا تدخل الحكماء كما قلت ما كنا لنسمع لكم حس...
كل التفاهات التي قلتها لن أتطرق لها ... فقط أريد التعقيب على نقطة واحدة في قولك أن بومدين قال ماعنديش رجال هههه أعطني دليل وثيقة أو فيديو واحد فقط و سأرفع لك القبعة . أما بخصوص قوله حكرونا المغاربة فأولا أنت كاذب لأن من قالها هو بن بلة و ليس بومدين و هذا دليل على كذبك و تحب نجيبلك الفيديو كاين و ثانيا ماقالش حكرونا المغاربة قال حكرونا إخواني و ثالثا قوله حكرونا أي معناها ظلمونا أو غدرونا عندنا ما فهمتش كيفاش فهمتها نتا و هذا صحيح لأننا كنا حديثي العهد بالإستقلال و كنا نرتب صفوفنا و نبني جيشنا و إنتم غدرتم بنا لكن مع ذلك استرجعنا أراضينا منكم خلال ساعات و قتلنا العشرات و تغلغلنا وسط أراضيكم ... و لو أخذت شبرا واحدا تقدر تقول انك منتصر.
و إذا كنتم رجال حقا استرجعو مدينتي سبتة و مليلية و عشرات الجزر التي هي في أرضكم بل و في قارة أخرى حتى ... يا سيدي استرجعو فقط الروشي ههههه 👌🇩🇿🇪🇭🇵🇸✊
It is very sad for me that almost none of this is taught in the Spanish educational system. None of our recent history is explained to the young population and will be impacting the future of so many people.
You know how many war crimes you didi in morocco ?
@@blast1XHIm pretty sure he didn't commit any.
@@blast1XHlong live Spain
@@Zhou_Yu China number 1
@@ab-fi6ks The inhabitants of the Moroccan Sahara are Mus*lims, while you hate Mus*lims and at the same time defend the Sahra*wis. What is this contradiction? Go to the nearest mental hospital. It seems to me that you suffer from schizophrenia
As an algerian
I really do wich that my country did not interfere in this conflict at all, i also think that this conflict would not have even been a thing if the algerian government just focused on protecting our boarders and let Morocco solve the problem by itself
Would you like The international community to not interfere in the great liberation war of Algeria? The algerian position is clear the application of international law. And the refugee camp are in Tindouf only bc Algeria is the only country that did not attack Western Sahara. So when did we interfere?
@@nazimm4475 There is nothing in common between 'Liberation' and blatant cutting of other peoples' lands. The video itself clearly explains that Morocco helped Algeria gain independance from France as part of a deal for Morocco to reclaim parts of its historical self, only for Algeria to fail to uphold its end of the deal to return the lands to Morocco. That's what we call theft.
@nazimm4475 Moroccan 40 millions population will never accept to give half of its territory to 200 thousand angry people..
Their ancestors were always Moroccans, and yes our government did not treat them well in the last century, but that doesn't give them legitimate right to get the land separated from motherland.
Honey we stand with liberation movements at any place and any time it us our policy. Morocco is an expansionist entity the land never belonged to them
Plus they are allies with the zionists this is itself is dangerous
Europeans: Every wierd shape we draw on the African map becomes a nation.
Morocco: How about NO?
Did the Moroccans ask the Western Saharans what they wanted?
Replacing a Spanish overlord with an Arab one isn’t anti-imperialist.
There are thousands of peoples in Africa
let's ask all of them then
you only care for the ones who get made up by colonialism.
there is no ethnicity or tribe called western Saharan, that term was made up by Spain
@@richlisola1 I agree
@@richlisola1my guy go there and talk to the people also if you like polisario visit them they for sure will be nice to you!
@@richlisola1as an sahrawi my grandfathers fought against the spaniards. We are part of the moroccan history!
Love Morocco! 🇺🇸❤️🇲🇦
@@Macristo But then when americans go as tourists your "noble" people tries to buy their wifes and female kids in exchange for some sheeps.
@@Desco51In exchance for 3 USD*. It happens in Marrakesh and only in Marrakesh every single day. 😢
Morocco hates you. You bombed our muslim brothers in Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan...
@@Macristo Did you just say the people who fund Israel and the killing of Palestinians?
god bless america !!!!!🇺🇸🦅
I just watched a clip about the countries with bitter enemy neighbors and I got curious about Morocco. I did not expect them to have a conflict with Algeria. I got curious but the clip did not dig dive into it. And then I saw that this video was set to premiere. What a coincidence!
it's called the UA-cam algorithm not a coincidence.
@@azouitinesaad3856 I watched the clip on Facebook though.
Since Isreal is the cancer of the world, The moroccan-israel ties created big problems for the moroccan government and it's neighbors and it's almost unforgivable
This video is wrong you can see they're supporting the Moroccans side
الجزائر دائما الاقوى
as someone who currently live in the "disputed territory" , i always feel sad , when all the trouble was caused by some european politician drawing random lines in berlin . we are all the same people really .
It's not europeans' fault though, it only comes to show that Africa is more divided than one thinks, as in africans who fought for the territory wanted to do so, the saharan arab dr want to fight for the land because they don't see themselves as Algerian or morrocan....
This is literally remnants of genocide of gunanche and European (Spanish) manipulation.
Bit nitpicky but Italy is shown in yellow on the map key, but on the map it's green. You can still see what's going on, just thought it worth mentioning. 2:22-2:40
Well spotted
Italy was part of the Sharifan Empire 😂
@@colonelcorn9500 sharifian empire of Morocco and kingdom of Italy switched places for some reason 😅
I`m Algerian and I think it should be Moroccan. Although I believe the Sahrawi people have a legitimate case for self determination, nonetheless, think we need to give it to Morocco so we can have peace with them. The Moroccans are our brothers and we need peace with them and this issue shouldn't divide us. As soon as this military regime in Algeria falls and we have a true democracy, we will kick the Polisario ( La3raia) out of Algeria and force them to make peace with Morocco.
Ps: to all of you replaying and Saying that I'm not Algerian but I'm Moroccan pretending to be Algerian, You are wrong! I was born and raised in Algiers. I just don't care about La3raia N'ta3 Polisario. Long live Moroccan Sahara
I once read somewhere that there was a proposition of autonomy which is kind of middle ground.
Also, doesn't argelia have elections?
Exactly we fight for nothing while other countries make alliances and blocks ! We need a union like the EU in the Maghreb where people and goods can travel freely .
If we want to survive that's our only hope , if we keep fighting we will all be crushed by the west and china .
@@puraLusa We have "elections" yes. The army pick a president first and then then we have elections and the results are always fake.
Western sachara should be free!!! Moroco=israel
Western sahara=palestine!!!!
@@polandball122pl yeah u need to learn to spell - sahara. Everything else - ur opinion
U should join a marxist group fast - u'll fit right in.
Very good video to introduce people to this rather unknown conflict. However, I note a few flaws, some quite important to understand the context :
1) The reason Morocco refused the referendum in 1974 is because Spain refused to take into account the sahrawis fighters (and their family) that fought for Morocco in the Ifni War of 1958, and that have fled to northern Morocco during the Moroccan retreat. To this day, the question of "who should be allowed to vote" is the reason the referendum doesn't take place, because none of the parties can come to an understanding.
2) In the 2020 crisis of Guerguerat, it was the Polisario Front that violated the 1991 cease fire agreement. They blocked the road between Morocco and Mauritania with armed fighters, and it is forbidden for both Moroccan and Polisario soldiers to be armed within 5 kilometers of the sand wall. Morocco actually waited for 3 weeks for UN authorization to kick out the Polisario forces, so it is just wrong to blame this one one Morocco.
Otherwise, very interesting video for those who wish to introduce themselves to this conflict.
But you did not mention that morocco insulted and killed a lot of innocent civilians women and children and morocco still do the same thing till now in laayoune dakhla etc tell the truth from all points of view not only the moroccan pov
@@omarramox40 not true at all
Show me a shred of evidence of this ? During the war, bombings may have resulted in a few casualties (way less than other wars), but there is absolutely no basis for your claims. @@omarramox40
Do you have any proof or source for these accusations?
Western Sahara is in South west of Algeria.
Sahar is Moroccan. I live here, whoever says otherwise come for a visit.
You settled there dude
@@everythingsfine1395old maps prove otherwise
Old maps what ? The colonisation of arabs alawis of the region ? By international law the moroccan living in western Sahara are considered settlers .
@@everythingsfine1395you are ignorant Spanish😂😂😂
the Arabs from Yemen (bno hilal, bnu suleiman) are the ones who tried to make an Arab republic on Amazigh (Moroccan land)
D Spanish and i can’t wait until we..
My whole family is from here, from my great great grand father@@everythingsfine1395
All the indigenous tribes in here recognize that the sahara is Moroccan and always has been.
The ones claiming it's not, aren't even Moroccan and live in Algeria coming from sub-saharan countries (the irony).
Algeria, Iran, China and Russia support the Western Sahara, Algeria wants to be connected to the ocean, China, Iran and Russia are also looking for a base that is near Gibraltar.
the weird one is north Korea
Lol ,many countries already have bases in morroco and western sahara
@@mablc5915 That's blatantly wrong
The most incorrect comment I ever read lmao.
Not true at all neither china or russia support western sahara,iran does tho
for you the story begins in 1975. well before the arrival of the colonialists, the borders of Morocco went as far as Senegal. But France and Spain decided otherwise and cut the map of the region. Consequently, Morocco finds itself deprived of several regions annexed today to Algeria and Mauritania.
so basically morroco is demanding their land just like israel is doing based on a 4000k years ago right?
Ask a Mauritanian if he´d like to be a province of Morocco
Ask him why it’s called Mauritania and what year he arrived, ask him if he’s a new immigrant from Yemen or Black country which hates it’s original identity.
Great answer
Yes, France removed half of Morocco's territory and distributed it to Mauritania, Mali and Algeria
😂😂😂😂😂 if its the case wich not .. why you didnr fight against france !!! Hhhhh because you are a french creation 🇨🇵🇮🇱🇪🇦🇵🇹🇲🇦🇪🇭🇦🇪🇧🇭
@@zianid2701you're gonna call morocco a French invention AS AN ALGERIAN? That's got to be the funniest most hypocritical shit you could've typed.
why don't you challenge gis original point, if the french took their land why did,'t they fight for it? but they were quick to fight Algeria as soon as it gained independance@@screamskilos3951
@@zianid2701 calling morocco a french creation while u are algerian is crazy lmao💀💀💀
No way an Algerian of all people is calling Morocco a french creation 💀@@zianid2701
the first time I see a good objectif Western analyse, nice job.
Moroccan sahara.
Objective??.. dude turns Moroccans into colonisators, everything is turned backwards.. claim attacked Guergarat is just a lie, international court has ruled against Morocco another lie, Polisario being Sahrawis while they have mercenary elements mainly Algerians and acting as algeria Proxy not even mentioned
Because its wrong ☠️ all the information were founded to support the Moroccans story about the land ☠️
@@second.-.person-5198Hospital 😅
@@second.-.person-5198 Nah he just says the truth your separatist ahh brain just prevents you from seeing it
As Algerian I believe the sahara is moroccan and it so obvious to us but we just fight for land who it not ours and focus on our country is better
Algeria is fighting for the right of the sahrawis, which Morocco doesn’t have a right over. Algeria is on the correct standpoint by defending the right of self determination for the people while Morocco is the oppressors. Maybe YOU are against your country fighting for what is right, but that shows how selfish you are
You are not algerian .... free western sahara
@@zianid2701 what does that have to do with anything? If I’m not Palestinian can I not take a stance against Israel? Yes free Western Sahara from the oppressors/morocco
@@ajaj2647Oppressors ? The sahara was always Moroccan, under Moroccan control since ages,before the Spanish came..even since the Moroccan empire appeared. What are you guys talking about 😂, the Moroccan Sahrawus that you want them free ( for no reason ) are happily living in the Moroccan Sahara and do not want to leave an ancient kingdom to live in tents under the control of some women rapists and crazy bunch of men..Did polisario or an independent nation called western saraha ever existed before ? No, so why it should exist now ?
As far as I know, only a nation that was independent before but now is controlled by foreign people should be called oppressed. Easy.
This conflict is caused by Spain 🇪🇸
Morocco 🇲🇦 have the right to regain its lands before Spanish colonization
- Western Sahara is historically part of Moroccan Cherifian Allaouite empire ( actually Allaouite dinasty ) , Moroccan Saadi dinasty , Almoravid Dinasty , Almohades caliphates.
But, does that mean that Spain own the cities of Ceuta and Melilla?
@@YoheYamatai as some from the louisiana territory Spain as our new king
@@notagoodname602Louisiana, you mean the American state there ?
@@YoheYamatai no Missouri but it’s was part of the Louisiana territory and the Spanish empire owned the land between 1763 to 1803.
Yes, Spain occupies the Moroccan cities of Ceuta and Melilla until now
16:12 well you know a lot about a military organization if North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela support it.
Edit : and Syria
Edit 2 : and Yemen
No way, the whold squad of evil lol
and the mighty guatemala
@@khakhakhtata1008and Morocco claim is supported by Israel the most evil "country" that is now committing genocide openly by bombing children, hospitals, mosques, churches and refugee comps...
The Morocco king sold his soul to the devil by recognizing them
The territory is Moroccan, and should not be difficult to see, Algeria supports the insurgency in the area because they've no access to the Atlantic ocean. Morocco's claim is legit.
well said they wanted to get access to the atlantic ocean
Well said ! 👏
No it isn't and it will never legitimately be since the people there don't want the Moroccan government and you have to respect that .
Those are mostly people that are brainwashed by the polisario, there are many pro-moroccon sahrouis, just go there and see for yourself.
@@dkgamers1385 says how people of Moroccan Sahara lives in Morocco Sahara and polisario lives in Tindouf algeria
wow, correct information. The first time i see someone gethered good correct info.
The truth is that the Sahrawi people live in Tindouf, which is located in Algeria, and their flag is raised only in Algeria. This means that their real country is Algeria, but in the Moroccan Sahara there is nothing but the Moroccan flag and the Moroccan people!
انتم قمتم باحتلال ارضهم كما فعلت إسرائيل مع فلسطين
that's called colonisation, no wonder why you recognise and work with Israel.
@@omar107oold Moroccan maps prove otherwise. We don’t recognize the map split into 2 by actual colonizers like every other colonized country.
@@MohMoh-ii8qu اوا الله ينزل عليك غضب الله، قول ليا واش كانت شي دويلة قبل الاستعمار او حتى بعده بسنوات اسمها الجمهورية الصحراوية ؟ الصحراء كانت منتمية للمغرب منذ قرون، و الصحراويين مغاربة و كايحملو الراية و ماباغيينش الانفصال، علاش ينفاصلو و هما من ديما كانو كاينتاميو للمملكة ؟
البوليخاريو هي اللي خاص تتقارنها باسرائيل و ليس العكس، لان جمهورية الخيام هي اللي نشأت منذ سنوات و تريد احتلال صحراء المغرب للاستفادة من خيراتها و من خيرات المحيط الاطلسي. منافقين تعترفون بشناعة اخرائيل و تتعاطفون مع اشباه رجال البوليخاريو الذين اغتصبوا ا النساء الاسيرات في الخيام.
واخا قول ليا حاجة، بصفتك جزائري، هل كانت القبايل منتمية لدولة اسمها الخسائر قبل الاستعمار حتى تنتمي لها الان ؟ هنا الفرق.
القبايل هدية من الاستعمار، اصلا الجزائر كدولة مستقلة اسسها الاستعمار، و بالاضافة للقبايل، اهدى لها تلمسان و مغنية المغربيتين من الغرب و اهدى ليها مدن كانت من قبل تابعة للجمهورية التونسية مثل عنابة و قسنطينة و جالسين كاتهضرو على الصحراء هههههه، عاشت جمهورية القبايل حرة، على عكس الصحراويين المغاربة، فالقبايليين اغلبهم يريدون الانفصال و لديهم عسكر خاص بهم، موارد المنطقة ككل من مجهودات سكانها فقط و لديهم قائد يريد الانفصال كذلك، يعني هي اولى بالاستقلال !!!! بل حتى ان رئيسهم طلب العون و الدعم من المغرب، لكن المملكة المغربية ترفض فكرة التدخل في شؤون الدول الاخرى عكس دولة الخسائر جارة السوء، الله لا يسامحكم.😊
شعب الصحراء الغربية لم يكن ينتمي إلى المغرب ابدا المغرب كانت له منطقتان هما فاس ومراكش تتبعهم المدن المجاورة لهم فقط لكن الحسن الثاني كان له اطماع في تلك الارض بعدما اتفق مع الاسبان وقامو باعطائه تلك الارض في الحقيقة الصحراء الغربية تاريخيا وثقافيا تنتمي إلى موريتانيا لانهم يملكون نفس اللهجة ونفس الثقافة ثقافتهم مختلفة تماما عن ثقافة المغرب ، المغرب محتل واخد حق الشعب الصحراوي ظلما ، اطماع المغرب التوسعية كانت مقززة لانه بعد خروج الاستعمار الفرنسي من الجزائر بعدها بأشهر قليلة جاء المغرب ليأخد غرب الجزائر الارض التي ضحى من اجلها ملايين الجزائريين عندما كان الجزائريون يحاربون الاستعمار المغاربة كانو يشاهدون ولم يقاومو ابدا من اجل تلك الارض وعندما نجحت الجزائر في طرد المستعمر تقولون انها أرضنا يا له من طمع نفس الشيئ في الصحراء الغربية اخدتم ارض الشعب الصحراوي الذي هو شعب مختلف عنكم تماما يا لها من سرقة
Good job. The broader historical context at the beginning was good too showing the ancient traders, Spain, and the other empires. That was a major improvement from the Vietnam Video. You always have great visuals and concise (but not too short) explanations. I have so many ideas for future videos if you are interested. Just to name a few, Alexander the Great, History of China (2 videos: Early Dynastic to 1912 and 1912 to present), Holy Roman Empire, and so many more! Thank you for all that you do! I appreciate all your videos and rewatch often.
Another great video!
Glad that I am an American who supports our brothers in Morocco! You have our support!
Thank you my friend, god bless America
You are not our bro. 😂
Thank you brother .
Long live usa and morocco and may our friendship last forever
Its Moroccan from historical point of view
It isn't from what the really locals (not morrocan colonizers) want.
@@Macristo I am Catalan, my parents are Catalans, my grandparents were also Catalans, and we are Catalans without the need to march from another place to "pacifically" invade Catalonia, even my surname is from here, so I think im kinda certified to say that the people that revolted and made the ilegal referendum do not represent how the average catalan thinks or feels toward Spain.
@@Macristo I don't know to wich point morrocan propaganda works, but here in Catalonia the response the Spanish state and the Catalonian autonomy gave was sending riot police and nothing more.
@@Macristo I guess its pretty good for you morrocans to not rise up against the tyranny you live in.
@@Macristo And the morrocan propaganda machine strikes again!
The protestors have not surpassed the 10,000 and most of them are Spanish radicals. What people is mad about is that how the president approved the amnesty resemblance more how a country like morroco (dictatorship-like) would do it.
You must say That territory Was moroccan before colonisation in 1881
No it wasn't lol
@@lanfran8145source: please trust me
@@lanfran8145 did you watch the video? What do you think the sharifian empire is? The full name is the shetifian empire of MOROCCO, it's even ruled by the same dynasty.
@@csx3180bro don't underestimate the supply of idiots is damn near infinite. You put something in front of their face and they'll still deny it, either out of spite or by sheer stupidity.
@@lanfran8145 Algeria stole Moroccan land, stole Moroccan culture, but at the end. The world knows Morocco but only knows Algeria as the country next to Morocco.
Thank you for this good video
In the end Morocco restored its land ❤🇲🇦
Cry about it
@@yvngclaude cry about restoring its own land? lmao cope and seeth
@@yvngclaudeyou're a clown 😂 Morocco rules it and will rule it
@@yvngclaudebro i know ur algirian
But U sad cry , cry about what ? About restored haha , right know we are in our land if U have ability come to take it from us 😅
@@aminezegani5574😅😅😅😅 you dont deserve our attention bousbirian
Omg this is the real first youtuber that shows the real story
As Sahraoui, I support Moroccan plan of autonomy
Which tribe ?
@@yvngclaude Rgibat
@@yvngclaudehe don't know cuz he is not sahraoui
@@yvngclaudeaytoussa 💪
You’re being brainwashed lol sabr rouhek
5:15 was a mistake because there was no Mauritania independist movement yet. The fight in the sahara and mauritania was by the moroccan liberation army.
7:01 the UN did not just adapt resolutions to end colonization. Morocco was behind those resolutions.
13:32 in 2020 the polisario did block the road with an army which oppose the size fire agreement that was operating since 2000. The road is important for trade between west africa and europe. So morocco was forced to intervene.
16:40 about the refuges number, we don't know the real numbers because algeria is refusing the UN count theme. Also the camps are in bad conditions and the movement of refuges is restricted by algeria and the polisario with the outside and even between the camps. This is why Morocco calls them detainees.
Bro is a morrocan bot 💀
@@achour.falestine no way 😱😱
@@Macristo iam algerian yes :)
@@achour.falestine Man you're really obssessed with Morocco and cant get over the fact that we are indeed on the right side of History
@@alikj3322 the land is Algerian it's now Algerian it will always be Algerian like it is now and you can't do shit about it :)
✔ Je suis un sahraoui de Sahara occidental. Je dis Sahara est marocain. Vive le roi et vive le maroc ♥️🇲🇦
Lmao 😂 shut up Free Western Sahara
Iyachiii 😂boss yadiin
T es un chameau qui a trouvé un telephone dans le sable
@@buddydidy850 🍼
Tu penses que le roi de maroc est un bon homme?
The information cited in the video is generally accurate, except for one very important detail: at the minute 13:30, big thing happend, "In late October 2020, truck drivers and truckers complained that activists from the Polisario Front were blocking the border between Morocco and Mauritania, obstructing traffic and prohibiting the passage of any vehicle with Moroccan registration or displaying a Moroccan flag. It should be noted that this was also in violation of international regulations (videos are still available on UA-cam). As a result, the Moroccan military launched a military operation in the buffer zone of Guerguerat, citing "Polisario provocations" in order to restore traffic. The following day, the government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic announced the end of the ceasefire and declared war on Morocco."
4:36 hey at least we know that my country was victim of such divisions and that Sahara was Moroccan in all aspects 🇲🇦
walakin majkch lmghrib wla agressif bzaf bsbab sahra, hadchi yqdr ydkhlna f chi harb li magadinch 3liha w bach tnormalisi mea israel brojola tay7na niveau bzaf
@@anaso5693 lahila 3ndk ss7 db l9adiya 7madt ha Palestine hal pmc dyal lbichan hal 9ati3a ha l idrabat o fo9 hadchi Mol l video original lli howa français howa lli jab had lfday7 ll English channel llah ykon fl l3awn o sf
@@anaso5693 اش كتخور حنا ماضلمنا حد ومكيسالنا حد تاشيحاجا وعندا شلة مشاكل
ملي كان الاندلس كيطيح المغاربة بوحدهم لي كانو شادين الصف بنادم حمق باغي المغرب اللي معندو علاقة هو اللي يجر الرويدة بوحدو وهي فيها العصا
@@kurslash howa rah magal walo rah mol l video lli nwwd 3ad l m3ma3a o kolchi aslann ddna wakha madrna walo rah tawa7d maghaytssnt
tariq Ibn Ziyad was Algerian lol@@kurslash
As a Moroccan, I'm pretty impressed on how accurate this video is.
No there were a few mistakes, some of them are even flagrant tbh..
no this video does not do justice to the cause even the way he handled the spanish and frensh occupation as though it was just peaceful and no blood shed and continues to call the sahara the spanish sahara as if they have any rights to it
In comparison to what I've seen, yea, it's pretty damn accurate.
Iam algerian and iam expecting a good video
Edit : wow this gotta be the best summary of this situation out there
Great job 👏
Your face is funny
@@Egg.335 I know 😂
راك فرحان ؟ السيد داير بلي تندوف و بشار كانت جزء م المروك ..راه مد التاريخ من الجانب المروكي ماشي المحايد
@@dtttmr964شنو كيقول التاريخ المحايد فديك البارتي لي كذب فيها السيد؟
@@dtttmr964 .... واه ؟
حنا كامل علابانا بلي هادي لمدة قصيرة كانت تابعة للمروك لكنها كانت نوع من احتلال و ليست ارض مروكية و حتى أجزاء من للمروك كانت تابعة الجزائر
هادا هو التاريخ ولوكان تولي غادي تلقى بلي لزوج كانو تابعين للرومان تما هادي اراضي رومانية ؟
حنايا فالثورة حاربنا كامل الارض ندوا كامل الارض الي حاربنا على جالها
It's such a sad thing how the maghreb has so many similiarities yet internal/external problems are tearing that brotherhood apart.
corruption and westren powers wanting the rest of the world to stay in conflict
نعم ولكن الصحراء مغربية وافتخر 🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥🇲🇦❤️🔥
My grandfather is one of the 365,000 Moroccans who did the Green march to free our western Sahara from Spanish colonization. Morocco succeeded in kicking out Spain from our Moroccan Sahara. And if we're gonna talk historically, the Sahara has always been part of Morocco. The Polisario was only created by Algeria because they wanted to take that land and get the Atlantic ocean resources.
My father also marched in 1975; he was only 13 years old at the time.
@@n00brishbecause we want sahara first
@@n00brish we took it back from spain not from west sahara😅
@@n00brish spain left the sahara AFTER the moroccan green march not before.
@@m00tjeehadd56 Yall cant even defeat Israel🤣 and you waste your life fighting over worthless land like gaza and western sahara while europe got north america, south america, africa, india, australia, new zealand, phillipines, and we took greece, turkey and jerusalem back. You think we give a f*** about western sahara?😂 this is why the world laughs at you. Spain still have land from Morocco and you’re to weak to take it back
For me as a Moroccan 🇲🇦 I love Algeria 🇩🇿 I Love Mauritanië 🇲🇷 I love Libya 🇱🇾 and I love Tunesië 🇹🇳 We are Family
Yes we are 🇲🇦🇩🇿❤️
I don't get why Morocco doesn't just continue to build walls further and further into the territory until they reach the borders of Mauritania. The walls seem to be doing a good job in keeping the SADR out of the territory they control.
They want to stick to lawful resolutions instead of forcing it and breaking up a war, Morocco has build so much, it doesn’t want to lose it by being impatient.
The conflict will be over, the end of this nonsense is near.
They are very expensive and at this point drones are doing a much better job… Maybe not mentioned in the map, but the blue territory is actually is no man land as it was designed
Yes even tindouf and bechar
Building those walls weren't so easy as to simply "building walls" those territories had to be cleared and fought for first, and the conflict has moved far beyond armed battles, it turned diplomatic, which is in Morocco's favor
It will cause war, that what the generals want... Morocco relies on services, agriculture and industry, we need to attract more foreign investors, we can't provide such a safe environment while having a war with a country next door.
This is such an Awesome Video I ever seen!
You were Great about the History of international Conflicts!
This is not a national conflict, it is an international conflict
@@Younsse-1 Oh, Right. International Conflicts. Oops.
😊😊😊 happy
tomorrow is Vietnam' s teacher day 20/11
I'm in Vietnam. Nice to meet you😊😊🥰
amazing video!!
the background is also fire hahaha
Great quality content, well researched.
First of all, how can a people originally from the Arabian Peninsula want to establish an Arab state in the land of the Amazighs with any right, in the old days you came as our guests and now they want to exclude us Amazighs, the indigenous people of North Africa. Whoever wants to separate from the Kingdom of Morocco must return to the Arabian Peninsula with his head down.
Tell me you did not know what your talking about without telling me i don't know what im talking about
@@brof_ckoff928You don’t
Pls do one on the Spanish civil war
If if wasn't for this conflict, this region would be soooo advanced and developed, we have everything to share between us, from petrol to gas to phosphate to iron to food and water supply and tourism attraction to renewable energy to military power... Bro! imagine!
That’s why they created algeria .
W9 bhal chi cancer
@@KHALED-NEZARWlad l... 79rb
قتاطعو اراضي من المغرب تونس ليبيا اجي سماوها الجزائر و باقيين مزاحمينا فتاريخ كلشي رضوه ديالهم 😂
@@Thatdude829 فرنسا هي أساس هذه المشكلة هي من صنعت دويلة الجزائر
bhal she cancer😂 wallah😅
I LOVE YOU 💜🩷🤍💙🧡💚❤️💛❤
Morocco will not forget those lands and will be restored and Moroccan men paid their blood for it.
Moroccans only pay their blood in Dubai
I have been wondering why my map shows this this weird border for so long. Thank you for covering this!
@Geo history, are you making a series about national conflicts?
Yes exactly
@GeoHistory Nice! So are you gonna do one on the Troubles of Northern Ireland?
To be honnest it is not in my plan (yet)
So on which conflict(s) you are working on
The next one will be about the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). For the others I prefer not to tell them since I havn't work on it yet.
Clear explanation bro ive been watching all your videos again im huge fan u give extremely accurate videos thanks for the detailed video i didnt know this much about the conflict pls try to make videos often
The first event to weaken Morocco after its division between France and Spain was the annexation of Moroccan lands to Algeria in 1938, as indicated in the video. Algeria reneged on its agreements with Morocco in 1961. The Polisario was formed by Spain before its departure in 1973, and the goal is clear: to leave An exhausted Morocco without resources and preoccupied with conflicts. Otherwise, it will be a strong Morocco and a competitor to Europe, which is what the Western powers do not want.
When you agreed to their independence and protection from France, why did you not request those lands in your independence document?Algeria resisted for 7 years to take these lands and sacrificed millions of martyrs. It is our land and no one’s.
@@laouniaouni8428Funny joke
Morocco rejected France’s offer to take the Sahara in exchange for conducting nuclear tests there, sharing its underground resources, and using it as a French base to plunder Africa, which is what Algeria agreed to in the Evian Agreement, after seven years of Moroccan-Tunisian support for the Algerian resistance. Without this support, Algeria would not have gained independence.
What a lame joke. Morocco, a competition to Europe? How is that? Your economy is based on prostitution, weed, and catering to Westerners. I am not sure what you will compete with.
PERFECT VIDEO im moroccan and sahara is morocan 100% tnx ❤
If it was a former colony it has the right to independence.
Correction : at 13:31 Polizario militants bloked the road for several days and stopped trucks carring goods from crossing to Mauritania. After Morocco had tried in vain all diplomatic efforts to open the crossing, its forces had to intervene to kick out the militans and secure the safe corissing of people and goods.
Great video as always. But I have to say, I REALLY REALLY miss the days when you did your own VO. It was so much better.
Thank you ! But it was not my own VO, Rahul was the first to make the english translation of the original channel in french. But he had to stop due to a lack of time. If you want to know, my own VO, it is in the french channel.
As a moroccan, I'm so sad to see conflicts in my own coutnry in it'w own lands
They say there is a conflict but I see no conflict. When I go to the "western sahara" it is all calm and peaceful and built and administered just like the rest of Morocco.
Just like when I visit Tel Aviv, it is absolutely beautifully administered by Israel and not its original settlers which have been cornered up and segregated by a long and militarized wall.
@@alfrreddjust like when i visit kabil administered by algeria
@@alfrreddur an idiot
@@alfrredd Ok go librate it then
@@alfrredd well, from a historical point of view the majority of the territory was Moroccan for a very long time.
Thank you, it's very clear tbh i was shocked of someone not moroccan even not african can explain the situation with such details thankuuu
You just admitted that this video is wrong and for supporting the Moroccans story about the land
This is crazy how 80% in comment are Moroccans commenting about the video
As a Moroccan thank you for this detailed informative video. Non partial just facts. The truth is colonization ruined how our maps/borders would actually of been in Africa & Middle East. The king Hassan 2nd famously said Morocco was unlucky because it had more than one colonizer had we been fully colonized by 1 country or none we might of had the greater Morocco. Just like Algeria never was as big before but because France seized it & added other lands to its Algeria province.
Crying for being colonized while dreaming how your own country could have been a better colonizer. Wild.
@@Macristo did we watch the same video? Morocco invaded. Morocco killed thousands and displaced even more. Morocco is not allowing the natives the right to vote for their future. Morocco is a coloniser.
@@Desco51 I'll tell you what is wild, being cumbersome about justifying the terror actions by some camping militia by saying they have the right to exist that's f-ing wild since we already gave the people the right to auto-reign themselves and they agreed to be Moroccan that's what it is
@@HD_555 You absolutely did not let the Saharauis decide their future, instead you sent colonists and your army towards the zone and now claim that people there want to be morrocan and by so there will be no referendum.
@@Desco51 and I'm not sure if this alleged thing was transferred to you by the media or something else but as a Moroccan we know each other and we helped them growth because they knew who to follow and please I have my opinion you have yours others have theirs so this is why the message won't arrive
will love to see a detailed video on Kashmir issue as well with map.
Babe, wake up! A new GeoHistory video just dropped.
I love videos about fictional countries
Like the morrocan dinastíes 😂
Very detailed and interesting material. Thank you. That's really interesting since Western Sahara is our closest neighbour (I write from Canary Islands) and I think the Western Sahara finally must be an autonomy and an integral part of Morocco.
Great video compared to most vidéos made on the subject. A few bugs and omissions though I could spot on some important details :
In 1956 Spain promise to grant Morocco independance and to respect its territorial integrity.
It was not franquoist Spain which that gather all western sahara territories under one organisation but the Spanish Republic. It gathered the whole thing under the high commission of Spain in Morocco : a good indicator on who the territory belonged to before this whole story began.
Morocco is a beautiful country and its people are super nice and always smiley.
I hope they are always safe and secure, as I'm again planning to go there many times.
Sadly, the state of the Arab countries, is that there is always a foreign entity that destabilize the peace in between neighbors. Makes one wonder why is that.
There is only one solution to close the sahara case which is come back the mother land Morocco .
Thanks for the video bro❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! Now I know why that part of Africa is always gray 👍🏼
Great work for the video. Your videos are exciting and everyone can learn a thing or two about history. I hope one day you will do a video about the evolution of Greece from ancient times to today. Lots of love
As a Spanish, I feel we abandoned Western Sahara, and we should resolve this conflict. I feel Western Saharan people should decide their own future. 🇪🇭
Catalonia galicia basque are not spain and should be independent.
Even your father is Moroccan embrace your roots
@@Mauri7782 Galica and Catalonia and Basque are proud Spanish, I literally live in basque and only a few comunists want independence.
And no it wasn’t former moroccans who invaded us it was a kingdom federation type, and we can’t embrace it cause it’s Muslim we are Christian’s also u guys were literally colonies so yeah some respect to ur former colonisers
And yeah learn some history u salty Moroccan, free Sahara! 🇺🇳❤️🇪🇭
What initially led to the appearance of this entire mess?
French and Spanish colonisation and the establishment of borders.
What opposes african countries from drawing better borders?
This mess wouldn't exist if morroco didn't invade the Western Sahara
@@Desco51You are out here replying to every comment man why are you so pressed about Morocco ? 💀 You make yourself look stupid.
@@Desco51this mess wouldn't exist if Spain didn't invade morocco from the south
@@MarinidEdits I don't see how Cape Juby has anything to do with this honestly.
it was all good until 13:30 the road of gargarat which represents the link between morocco and muritania was cutted by Polisario forces then Moroccan military came in but instead you stated it like if morocco wasn't linked with muritania before
Man, you spit historical FIRE on this rap beat! Really though, good video, just weird choice of music lol.
If you traveled back in time a few centuries, you would discover that this entire land was once united under the Moroccan Empire, whose rulers were the Almoravids or Almohads, and Alauite the ancestors of today's monarch
@@whtfl Your understanding of this region's history is incomplete. Only nomadic groups who pledged loyalty to Moroccan sultans had control over it, the western sahara is a part of Moroccan land ""Until God claims the earth and all its inhabitants." just to know i'm sending this message feom western sahara ✌
@@whtflArabs never stepped in the Sahara 🤦🏻♂️
@@adamgq7625Most Moroccans don’t realize who the people creating problems in the Moroccan Sahara 😂
They are Arabs (Yemni, saudi in 🇲🇷)
Yeah, almost all of Africa is like that. For example, the modern-day Borno State in Nigeria used to be a mighty empire that was cut up. Yet, we don't see Nigerians claiming the land Borno emcompassed. Sokoto State, also in Nigeria was once an Islamic Caliphate. Yet, Sokoto doesn't claim all those areas. Morocco isn't a special instance and thus they shouldn't be treated as such and should let Sahrawis breathe.
@@Yunky_Yes, the same with Ethiopia and their territories. Just because there was once an empire that ruled over numerous tribes doesn’t mean in modern times they have a right to absorb those tribes lands back into their country against their will. It is greedy, selfish and disgusting behaviour.
Very good video!
Thank you channel for sharing interesting and interesting historical information
Whole 17 minutes of data on the Western Sahara very impressive.
As an Algerian, I know that when this video is dubbed into Arabic, it will cause controversy on social media platforms.
as a Moroccan i really want it to go viral in our countries lol i'm so curious about the reactions
@@anaso5693 Yes, but I don't want to see insults and insults between us
@user-rh9he5cv3e Moroccans and Algerians should stop fighting. This was the goal of the french and Europeans all along to divide muslims and they got what they wanted.
@@SlaveOfAllah1000Yes, we must merge into only one country
As a Saudi im just watching all this with confusion
Western Sahara is Moroccan historically and it will always remain Moroccan. If you go to any city in Western Sahara, you will see that it's fully developed by our government and everyone in the Sahara is happy about that.
Talk about the kbayle in the next video they have a gouvernement in France they’re more than 12million
Free palestine
@@copainspammeur404 from the river to the sea
@@KHALED-NEZAR free Palestine from zionists like you and BHL
I am Moroccan and I know the history of this conflict. For years, we have tried to explain the conflict from a historical point, and that land has always been part of Morocco. The conflict is still here, unfortunately, because Algeria has entered into a war of attrition against us. I love Algeria and all Algerians and consider them our brothers. Please wake up, this conflict will not improve or strengthen Algeria. It is just a waste. For money and political effort and each year our contries are losing bilions because of that ... let's help each other
If the Europeans gave Morocco its independence then why doesn't Morocco also give the Saharawi its freedom. If Mauritania let go its claim, why doesn't Morocco let go too? We don't want any more imperialism in Africa.
@@samito3354Which freedom are u talking about? Go to Sahara. people have their rights there and even more rights than people in the north, the prices and taxes are more lower than the north, and people happy in there
@@samito3354you have no clue what you are talking about, it’s a moroccan territory our land and we are ready to die for it.
The real reason for the tension is Morocco's expansionist ambitions, which were behind it by France and America to geostrategically blockade Algeria, an ally of the Soviet Union.
but let me tell you something, just like Moroccan regime let go of Tindouf in 1963, and Mauritania in 1972, and Ceuta and Melila in 2022, they will go of Western Sahara sooner or later.
thank you for your efforts
and to understand the conflict morocco a kingdom with long history and major non-NATO ally for usa , algeria new republic was created by frannce they have cuba russia as allies
😂😂😂😂 stupid bousbirian ... algeria was created 222 B.C by massinisa .. at this time there no such a morocco thing you never existed .... and we have more lands to take from bousbir until the river of moulaya 🇮🇱🇨🇵🇪🇦🇪🇦🇵🇹🇲🇦🇪🇭🇦🇪🇧🇭
Moroccan Sahara 🇲🇦❤️
Great video thank you
I want to see Unity and Strength in Africa !!! I am Algerian 🇩🇿 and I want Africa to Unite and cease to be dictated and influenced by the west !!! African people are United. Governments gave to follow through !!!
Sad to see less people even knowing about this place
هذه المنطقة حق أصيل للمغرب
I am Algerian and I stand with Western sahara 🇪🇭
@ روح تخدم ع روحك قاعد تكتب لي ف كومونتار فارغ الشغل
@@nesrine8571 روح قوي بلادك نتا تخسر فلوسك على جماعة تحلم بزاف
@ مشي ربي . المشكل لو نبدأ نطيح لك تندم نهار كامل 😂😂 مسكين صبر روحك ي العياشي ههههههههههه
@@nesrine8571 منين تساليو من هذا التخربيق دصحرا وتعرفوه ممسلككمش دوزو لريف وقولو راه بوحدو وأسطوانة تقرير المصير تاعكم لي متساليش. عطيو غير حق تقرير المصير لشعب القبايلي موراها نديرو بحالكم الصحرا.ويسالي هذشي وديك ساعة نشوفو صحرا الشرقية ديالنا
Great video, but you missed an important detail, in 2020 when Moroccan forces crossed into guerguerrat that was because polisario militias were blocking the road between morocco and mauritania, just the short blockade they enforced made some food prices in Mauritania sky rocket as they rely on Morocco for a lot of agricultural products, so a paramilitary branch of the Moroccan army was sent there to drive the polisario militias away and secure the trade route, its not like the army just went in there unprovoked and broke an agreement
So i understand that Morocco took the sahara and Algeria as french annexe in north Africa took polisario 😂
Thanks for finally explaining why tf that part is always displayed in grey colour in atlas/maps.🙏
So, Morocco was even much bigger than now before the Spanish colonization.